Oh look. Apollo finally made a blog for her writing! Feel free to yell at me to continue a story! I also will take prompts from you guys! (Though I am slow so please keep that in mind and be patient if you send me a request!) Main blog Stories
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Me: I'll write ten 'videos' for this work and then the chapter is basically done
Also me: Loses motivation pretty much instantly which is strange because angst is my 'speciality' is angst
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I still love the fact that DreamXD, the fucking GOD of the DreamSMP fucking simps for George. A GOD simps for a guy who's almost always asleep. Boy could snap his fingers and XD would burn the world for him.
Let's face it. George is currently the most dangerous person on the server.
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DreamSMP members as quotes my friends and I said while playing Little Nightmares as well as the DLC
Dream: Rodger our beloved.
George: No. Don't start this.
Sapnap: Rodger hallowed be your name.
Purpled: See folks? This is what happens when you overeat. You get a creepy little girl coming to suck your soul out.
Karl, seeing the masked woman without her mask: Don't worry sweety! There's plenty of anti-aging face creams out there! Don't be upset!
Techno: Fuck yeah, gonna kill these shadow children.
Drista: Why the fuck are there so many shoes? Does someone have a shoe fetish?
George: I don't know what's more disgusting. The fact these guys want to eat me or the fact they refuse to use cutlery...
Sapnap, getting killed by one of the guests: Shit. I just got vored. God damn it.
Quackity: Look. I totally didn't spend five minutes in a room not knowing that I was actually meant actually to be doing something.
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Go read on AO3 here!
Chapter 1
(Spoilers for the latest Inbetween episode! It also mentions some of the characters from past videos.)
Karl couldn't help but gag as he collapsed in the rain, head ricocheting off the ground under him as he tried to catch his breath. Whenever he moved through a portal to leave the Overworld or Nether, he always held a fuzzy feeling in his head for a few minutes but nothing resembled how he felt right now.
Granted, he had just fled from a land that concluded it'd be enjoyable to try and keep him imprisoned before throwing a massive tantrum.
Karl didn't even know that a place could do that. Then again, the Inbetween wasn't a normal place. It was a land created by the Sky Gods as far as Karl could guess. How else would it appear?
With a sigh, Karl shoved himself to his feet, clutching his head as his vision floated as he swayed side to side. God, he felt like he was stoned and he had only smoked once. He still didn't know why he let Quackity persuade him but then again he had been stressed and it had eased him.
He sighed, vision finally clearing, allowing him to look around. He had to acknowledge it. The popping of lava and crackling of bright flames trapped in small cages while rain lightly fell was comforting in a way Karl couldn't understand.
It wasn't like The Inbetween's rain, where it felt like bullets, trying to rip him apart as punishment for listening to someone else, straying from a fated path.
No, this rain held comfort, flooding him with recollections of slow dancing under a moonlit sky, laughter gently echoing around the small clearing he and his lover had found themselves within.
He recalled late nights on a worn couch, sipping hot chocolate as he read aloud, a hand dancing in another's dark hair.
It reminded him of things that The Inbetween threatened to rob him of.
A soft smile graced his face as he started studying the encompassing scenery, hand tracing the warm stone plates extending away from the flame lit brazier. The small engravings almost seemed to hum to him, whispering words of safety. This place wasn't going to keep Karl permanently. It had rescued him from the fate of joining other lost souls, scurrying around quartz passages.
Yet...He felt like there were souls here as well. They weren't threatening, at least that's what Karl's own soul was perceiving. No. These were harmless ones. Souls of those he had met previously.
No longer did they yell in his head frantically. This time, it was gentle murmurs of approval, letting him know that he was finally safe. He could finally achieve his mission of saving the SMP from the hell it had become, one story at a time.
Slowly, he turned away from the brazier, gazing up at the arched plants which cast shadows over the already darkened ground, nether wart budding peacefully at their bases.
He couldn't help but let out a tired chuckle as he observed the black squares that covered the ground, inviting him to explore the area. It was elegant even if the only light sources were flickering flames and poping lava. It gave everything an uncanny glow but it was endearing in a way. It seemed more... Natural in a way when he compared it to the brightness that The Inbetween previously held before he acted out.
You did it, Karl. We knew you could.
His smile broadened. Sure he may not be able to see them but those he had met were there. Part of him wanted to apologize for failing them. For the harm, he had brought from bullying gladiators who had waited in the wings to killing the bandits, even if his hands had brought only one of them down, his mind had brought down all three. He desired to apologize to Robin and the rest of the innocent villagers for not stepping in and putting a halt to everything. For being too cowardly to come out of his hiding place to reveal who the true criminals were.
You have nothing to apologize for. What's done is done and you had no choice in the matter. We don't blame you.
He wanted to reveal to Ranbob what his idol truly was like but knew that would crush the hybrid who had killed in the green man's name.
He wanted to tell those who harmed him that it was okay. That he knew the risks that came with slipping into their lives to walk among them.
He had fallen multiple times but that was okay for that was his role.
We still hurt you. How can you be so forgiving?
"Because it's not your fault that it happened." Sure, Karl felt a bit ridiculous for conversing with no one but heat and rain as his audience but he still wished to open his mouth.
"It's like how you stated. What's done is done. It was your fate and mine but with your help, I can take the reins of my destiny. So thank you." He spread his arms, gazing up at the sky with a small giggle. "I keep you with me every second of the day and you all know that. Every lifetime, you're all there and I find comfort in that. So again." He hummed, smiling as he held his hands over his heart, shutting his eyes. "Thank you."
You're such an adorable sap Jacobs...No wonder we fall for you each lifetime.
Even if you did shoot me but you did the right thing.
A giggle escaped him yet again at the new voice. When he had first heard Mason's voice in this new land, he feared he'd be angry but he knew there was no bad blood between them. Well, that's what he was concluding based on the affectionate tone in the bandit's voice. "Sorry about that."
Eh. I did shoot a kid 'nd karma's a bitch or whatever.
Can we move on from this?
Yeah yeah, arrow boy. You still lost to a drunk.
God, was this what Technoblade felt like? Voices friendly bickering in his mind, communicating to him directly whenever they felt like it? Granted, Techno's voices lusted for blood and spammed memes along with telling him who to worry about while Karl's were voices of those he knew.
Shaking his head with a smile, he began to walk again, entertaining himself with the excited chatter of Robin, Jackie and the fishermen as the others bickered and made fun of each other.
Where was Ash? Karl had expected to hear him as well yet he wasn't there. He could hear Zachary telling him to enter the castle before him but where was the second one?
No answer came to his brief reflection. All he could hear were different conversations, including Sapnap's counterparts squabble over who was better.
Humming softly, he decided to listen to Zachary's request, letting the discussions wash over him. He wondered if the voices would follow him back home.
The castle was dark, lit up with torches but this dark was welcoming. Idly, he looked around, pausing as he recognised a familiar glimmer.
This one is safe Karl. Trust me.
At least Zachary was speaking to him and not arguing with the others. It was easier to focus on the hoodie-clad teen's voice if he was speaking to him directly instead of being in a group.
With a sigh, he decided to trust him. After all, what motive did he have not to give the teen some of his trust?
Wandering up the stairs, he did his best to focus on the excited mumblings of the architecture to settle his nerves. Even if Sir Billiam was acting somewhat like a snob.
"Alright. Can you all shut up for a second? I need to read the damn book." Despite the order, Karl couldn't help but beam at the replies, flushing ever so lightly as Rash complimented him before shutting up.
Welcome to The Other Side
You're home now.
Let's explore more soon.
"The Other Side?"
What like hell or something?
Well...We are dead...I think?
Not all of us dipshit.
"Alright alright. Some of you are dead, others are not. As for the name, I dunno if this is The Other Side as in death or something else..." With a sigh, Karl closed the book, setting it back down before picking up the flower that had been overseeing it.
He smiled softly as he descended the staircase again, free hand tracing the bannister. "I for one, think this is a better place than The Inbetween...It feels safer."
Allowing his senses to guide him, he idly considered the room. Even without understanding the land, he understood where he was going. After all, his instincts never abandoned him when it came to returning home.
Soft light appeared in his vision, prompting a lazy grin to spread across his features. A few more steps and he'd be in his library, ready to record everything down before he could go to bed.
Halting in front of the green and purple portal that swirled near him, he let out a hum. "Dunno if I'll be able to hear you all once I cross through this but if not, goodbye for now."
Idly tuning out the other's acknowledgments, he glanced down at the flower in his hand before tucking it behind his ear, pure white standing out proudly next to brunette curls.
A white tulip. Forgiveness, respect, purity and honour.
Maybe I should do some gardening when I get the chance.
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Read on AO3 here!
Chapter 2
In beauty lay danger and that's what The Inbetween was. An uncertainty shrouded in sheets of elegance, beckoning to him like a siren, yearning to have him within its clutch. As much as he desired to unwind, to allow his muscles to untense and obey the wishes of the land encompassing him, he couldn't.
Karl needed to escape and needed to escape fast.
(Spoilers for the latest Inbetween episode! It also mentions some of the characters from past videos.
Note: The reason Quackity is not mentioned and only Sapnap is referred to as Karl's fiancé is because Quackity isn't comfortable with fanfiction involving him being shipped and I want to respect his wishes.)
The moment he woke up, Karl could recognise something was off. Granted, something always seemed off in The Inbetween but ever since he had discovered that secondary set of books, everything had gotten worse. Colours had seemed slightly off, the other Karls' movements seemed almost robotic, the manner enhanced whenever he toured the white complicated pathways.
In beauty lay danger and that's what The Inbetween was. An uncertainty shrouded in sheets of elegance, beckoning to him like a siren, yearning to have him within its clutch. As much as he desired to unwind, to allow his muscles to untense and obey the wishes of the land encompassing him, he couldn't. Not while the memories from former visits were playing through his subconscious. What was the ' it' the books had been speaking of? Was it even safe to uncover the enigma that was its identity?
Sighing, he forced the thoughts to the side as he reached down for the latest book, already feeling trepidation at the thought of what had been inked onto the pages.
The first page was the same as always. A simple greeting, along with a note that there was still more he had yet to learn about himself. Still, something made Karl feel unnerved and he knew whatever the second page held wouldn't be as friendly as it seemed.
I'm so glad to finally see you again! :]
I see you have accidentally strayed from the path recently and I must remind you, don't stray from the path! :]
Unable to help himself, a shudder ran down the young time traveller's spine. That smile. It seemed innocent yet it screamed danger. The path...The one which as far as his failing memory could inform him, had never been fully set out. What was the path? Was it just following the halls? Was it avoiding the hidden books? Why did that smile remind him of something? No. Not something. Some one . But who?
Carefully, he set the book down, wishing not to upset the author by damaging their book. They were watching him. They were always watching. Every move in the castle was watched. Karl was sure of it. Surely someone had to be. Surely one of the authors was lurking in the background, watching where his feet took him.
Karl just wasn't sure if whoever was watching him had the best wishes for him. All he could tell was that eyes were on him. He was nothing but prey to whatever controlled this beautiful land.
With a sigh, he left the courtyard behind him, wandering instead to a tree which had once possessed a warning. The warning of the threats the palace he walked so often held. The warning of a pair of eyes. A plea to ignore the angelic atmosphere and find a way to a prohibited room.
A plea to stray from the path.
The water looked so inviting as he approached, though the flicker of a darker copy of the area made him take pause, a feeling of paranoia briefly chaining itself around his heart. It was nothing but his imagination. Surely that was all it was.
Making up his mind to disregard the event, he allowed water to engulf him. Allowed it to pull him down gently until he rested in front of a door one that lead to a place where he could gather his thoughts without being watched.
Well, in the past that's what it used to be. The instant he stepped through that door, he was filled with the urge to escape the darkened room. To find a way out of The Inbetween forever. Yet, he was attracted to the book resting before him, water pooling at his feet. All he had to do was read...So why was he shaking? Why were his eyes shooting around, scanning for threats? What was that smell coming from above him? Surely it wasn't what he thought it was...
Swallowing, he promptly reached out, scooping up the text before he could stop himself for if he didn't, he wouldn't pick it up at all.
Go up the ladder, it has a surprise waiting for you.
Eleven words and a wink yet that was enough to cause Karl's body to tense up, blood turning to ice as the smell wafting down from the small room above him seemed to almost become stronger, slowly wrapping around him, almost like a hug. A cruel yet gentle hug.
He couldn't discern when his body started moving again. He couldn't feel the creaking timber under his shivering fingers, unseeing to the wall drifting gently past his eyes.
It was only when he heard a cry that he was jarred back into his body, mouth slamming shut as wavering sight snapped back to focus. He hadn't even noticed he had collapsed to his knees, the sight of blood splattered everywhere overwhelming him.
Stick to the path :]
How'd The Inbetween expect him to trust it now when it did...Whatever this was?
Quickly, the time traveller stumbled back to the ladder, doing his best to overlook the sensation of half-dried blood sticking to his shoes. At least some of it washed off as he desperately clawed his way out of the water, almost slamming into the white tiles as he launched himself off the tree.
He wanted to throw up yet found himself unable. No. Instead, he just found himself walking to yet another book, a familiar rose placed lovingly nearby. A wither rose, petals dark as the monster who almost always seemed to drop them.
Noticed you strayed from the path a bit there! Your mind seems to be playing tricks on you :]
Let's not let that happen again!
Go to the room where this all began
How had he strayed from the path though? Had it been by allowing his instincts to lead him below the tree? Judging by the sights that the hidden rooms bore, The Inbetween had wanted him to go down there. Was it speaking of the sudden change of atmosphere that had lasted a few seconds as he approached the water?
The book held no answers. Just more instructions.
Instructions that he knew he had to follow. How bad could it be right? He just had to go to the large empty room and see what it wanted. He could just pretend the whole blood thing never happened! Ignorance is bliss or whatever...Did the same go for pretending to be ignorant?
With a sigh, Karl slowly started walking, ignoring the small water pools forming under him. He was always dry when he woke up back home so why stress about it now? The sooner he read the book, the quicker he could leave. The quicker he could get home...The quicker he could get back to Sapnap. God, he missed him.
Coming to a halt, Karl picked up the room's novel, catching sight of another just beyond the stairs. Whatever that book held, would most likely set off a chain reaction. He could just feel it. But that book would have to wait a moment.
This is where you first joined us in The Inbetween :]
What a joyous time it has been!
I feel you have learned so much about yourself and abilities you possess.
There is still so much to discover here in the inbetween, but I can see you are starting to doubt yourself!
How silly! :]
Karl paused. Silly? How was it silly that he had started to doubt himself? He was losing his memories each time he unwillingly jumped through the timeline. Of course, he'd doubt himself and this place. Who wouldn't?
I can tell you aren't yourself as much lately... Must be having some crazy terrible and skewed imagination! I assure you, this is not a place to provoke harm, but a place to feel at ease.
"That's a honking load of crap..." Slight fear struck through him when he found his voice echoing through the room. Would he be punished for speaking against The Inbetween? It had started to appear more and more like a living being over each trip.
Don't trust the illusions, they are only your mind deteriorating.
Don't trust anything except for the path.
Just stick to the path, and read the books :]
Carefully setting the book down, he walked towards the stairs, steps light yet oh so loud in the empty room. Read the books huh? Well, it didn't outright say the only books he was permitted to read were the ones accompanied with a wither rose.
Quickly, he snatched the second book up, leaning against the wall before he opened it, almost hiding in the corner in hopes of whatever the hell was watching him couldn't read the inked words.
Before he could even close the book, he found himself back in the spacious room he had just retreated from, heaving for air as he lay prone on the floor. Tear glazed eyes watched as a book carelessly slipped off its podium, just begging to be picked up and examined.
Stop straying from the path, Karl.
I know you more than you do.
I know what is right for you.
These visions should not dictate your opinion on The Inbetween. It is safe here.
How was a place that threw him around carelessly like a toy safe? How could he feel protected if reading a mere tome could have him launched into another room?
The urge to escape just grew stronger as each threatening word engraved itself into his terrified mind. Quickly, he stumbled out of the room, all but throwing the book back into its hiding place. Reading that book had caused him to be thrown through space.
The only thing that calmed his racing heart was the portraits hanging on the wall. Each time he returned, a new one would be there, showing a scene of the area he had just visited, with the people he had made connections with...Images holding all of Sapnap's reincarnations, both past and future.
Like always, Karl paused in front of the one holding his Sapnap. He couldn't help but let a small smile grace his features as he looked up at the face of his fiancé. "I'm so gonna cuddle the honk out of you when I get home."
Taking a step back, he mentally slapped himself. Right. He had to find a way out of this place. Sighing he turned on his heel and walked away. He'd be back home soon and the real thing was always better than a still image. Gods, he could practically feel the other's arms wrapped around him.
Movement caught his eye and he paused. Odd. Normally the other Karl's never paid attention to him and instead just walked around by themselves...One had never just... Stared at him before. They never responded to his presence yet here one was. Opening his mouth to voice his confusion, he was stopped by a silent almost unnoticeable tilt of a head before the other walked off.
Obeying the silent order, Karl followed, only to be hit with nausea yet again. The hallway felt like it had tilted as the lighting changed. Where was he? Surely this couldn't be The Inbetween...Or was he just seeing its true form?
The other had paused again, staring before disappearing altogether, a small leaf of paper floating to the ground in his wake.
Immediately, Karl darted forward, wanting to read the other's words before it too was snatched away.
The swings. Do not believe in this place. Do what we could not. Hurry. Please.
Nodding slightly to himself, Karl took off, sprinting down the remainder of the hall, doing his best to remain steady as the floor shook beneath him. The Inbetween was no doubt angry at the brief communication and he silently prayed for the safety of his copy's soul.
Ever so innocently, another book rest tucked against the tree. Darting around the ones roaming the area, Karl grabbed it, almost crashing into the tree as he did so...He had a feeling the time traveller he had just seen had written it or at the very least, knew of its existence yet for some reason, was unable to read it himself.
These versions of yourself have lost themselves.
They have stayed in The Inbetween for far too long and have lost who they are, doomed to traverse this castle forever.
These are not just visions, this is reality.
Go to the portal.
The portal...That's what he needed. That was his ticket out . It had to be.
Of course, getting there wouldn't be simple for The Inbetween was still enraged. The second the book closed, Karl felt himself pulled in multiple directions. One second he was facing the portal he needed, yet before he could reach for it, he found himself in a corridor, walls speeding past.
The scream ripping through his throat only came to a stop once he was in yet another dark room, faced with a book that he had no choice but to open.
Don't go to the portal.
How could he not? He wanted freedom from this hell. He wasn't safe here. He was safe at home.
I will see to it that you will regret it if you do so.
At this point, he was regretting everything. Things were clicking into place. The hidden books, the reason why no matter what he did, another Karl had never interacted with him until now...It even explained the portraits. The Inbetween wanted to keep him here. Wanted to trap him. Wanted to bring despair to those who loved him, never knowing if he'd ever one day return to them.
This is not even a warning.
We will come and make sure you don't stray from the path
"We?" Nervously looking around, Karl couldn't help but whimper. He couldn't see into the darkness. He was exposed here. Vulnerable. The slip of paper seemed to weigh down his pocket. He had to run. No...There was no choice but to run.
Spinning on his heel, he carelessly dropped the book behind him, flinching at a whisper in his ear.
Follow the torches.
The voice was familiar yet that of a stranger. Was it from himself? Another version of himself? A loved one? Now wasn't the time to focus on that.
Instead, he ran, ignoring the way his still damp shoes squeaked on the tiles. He had to get away. The water under the courtyard's tree looked oh so inviting like always but he forced himself to look away.
He couldn't afford to allow himself to be distracted anymore. He needed to get out.
It can't follow you through the portal.
The whisper almost made him take pause. The voice had changed. It was younger...Sweeter. That of a small boy. Tubbo? No...Not him. Tubbo's voice seemed to always hold a mischievous undertone. Yet. It did sound like him in some way. It was connected to him somehow and that's when it hit Karl. Robin. The two times orphaned boy convicted for a murder he had never committed. A boy condemned to burn, the ending of his life controlled by the adults in his life, twisted with paranoia. They had wanted someone to blame and who better than a child with nothing more to lose? A child with no more fight left in his soul?
The thoughts of the past distracted him from the glitching landscape. Distracted him from the way his hands shook as he scaled yet another ladder, almost losing his grip.
You'll be home soon.
Another voice, no longer belonging to Robin but another face of the past. A voice he hadn't heard other than a handful of times, the voice soft yet nervous. It reminded him of eyes moving nervously around under a mask, short sentences always cut off in fear of punishment for going over the few words the speaker had been so 'graciously' allowed. Despite being the one to strike him down. To coldly tell him to return to the egg's home, Karl did not blame the Butler for he had no say. Held under both the cursed Egg's influence and the orders of his master, Sir Billiam III, he had no choice but to obey and leave Karl bleeding on a cold stone floor. He had been able to see regret in the young man's eyes as he plunged the sword into him.
Forcing himself out of a memory soaked in pain and blood, Karl kept running, almost slipping as he clambered to make it to the top of a short staircase. He was so close, he knew it. He was close to escaping.
Keep going! Hurry!
It wasn't hard for Karl to figure out who the soft yet eerie voices belonged to. After all, Zachary and Ash were the only ones he had met that spoke like that. The two had creeped Karl out somewhat over his participation in Schlatt's games. The way they spoke, the way they crept around everywhere, hiding in the background before appearing right next to you.
Two twins clothed in mystery. No one seemed to know much about them, despite Connor saying they were friends. Who was Karl to judge though? The SMP was full of strange characters, after all, some weirder than the twins themselves.
Why did he feel like they were somewhat connected to this place?
For your friends.
John John, the bartender working at a way too young age, forced to deal with bandits day in and day out, unable to make much of a living for himself. What could the bandits have taken anyway? They all knew the small town was struggling. Even Karl knew that the second he had emerged from the mines. There was only a handful of people living there yet the trio expected poor John to have money for the taking.
He had felt close to the poor boy, wanting to protect him. The teen was one of the main reasons Karl proposed a duel in the first place, one he had quickly regretted as the young man was gunned down, eyes once full of hope dimming as he crashed into the wood below him. As much as it had hurt him to shoot Mason, yet another timeline's Sapnap, he knew he had to avenge the soft-spoken bar owner. He had been able to breathe easier again once the sight of Ranboo walking around appeared.
Another room concealed in darkness in which housed small pockets of light greeted him. Pockets of safety for that's what the torches represented.
Protect your stories.
Karl always knew there was something different about Connor. There had always been something slightly off and it was only when he had travelled back to the age of cowboys and gunfights that he had realized why. Connor wasn't meant to be there and judging by the look in the other's eyes when he entered the bar, he knew it as well. They had both learnt each other's major secret in a split second.
The confrontation back at the SMP had been awkward, hushed whispers full of questions and admittances, interwoven with comforts. The two had walked away with promises and locations. Promises of pure secrecy and locations of hidden rooms, each full of their own narratives.
The dark welcomed the terrified young man as he darted past torches and out into the rain that did not register in his mind. It was only when he spotted the portal that he realized he had been soaked yet again.
The Inbetween may have attempted to slow him with the possibility of injury that came with sprinting through rainfall but Karl Jacobs was nothing but stubborn to get out and was not going to let a downpour stop him.
What did make him stop was yet another book, resting oh so innocently in front of the portal, a dark rose swaying side to side, beckoning him closer.
It was the last book he'd ever analyse in here yet he knew it would be the loudest.
You may never remember your friends again if you go into this portal.
Those simple words had his body overrun with fear. Was it a threat? A promise? A warning? All three? Karl couldn't tell but the voices in his head of those he had met were instructing him to keep calm.
Don't be silly, The Inbetween is here to keep you warm, comfortable, and most importantly, it is suppose to keep you in tune with the powers you possess.
"I never asked for these powers though!" A smothered sob escaped him as he collapsed to his knees. "I never requested for any of this..."
All he desired to do was go home. He just craved to be held by his fiancé as he murmured words of comfort, helping him to remember whatever had escaped his mind.
Karl had comprehended that Sapnap was curious and would eventually discover what he was. The other man held a sharp mind so it was only a matter of time before he had discovered the secret library. Sure, it had put a bit of a strain on their relationship for a while. Sapnap inquired why he had never told him and Karl had revealed why he couldn't. Why it had frightened him so much when he had realised that his love had gone through all of his tales. Why he disappeared and why he had clung to him oh so desperately one day, wailing as he reassured himself that he wasn't hallucinating. That his love wasn't dead.
But once the two had calmed down, they had started to work together, building up the trust that had been lost, making it greater than before. It also gave Karl another person to confide in when everything became too overwhelming.
Do not let these visions get to you.
This will not end well.
You will lose everything.
Lose what? He had a book full of reminders back home, waiting to remind him of everything he may have forgotten. He had a friend who knew the hardships that came with writing stories before leaving new friends behind him. He had a fiancé that understood the reasons behind his strange behaviour and poor memory.
Sapnap knew why he'd wake up wailing for a man long dead, for a man who he had once cherished even if he only knew him for a day. He understood the way he'd cry and apologize for killing him.
Don't be silly :]
If being 'silly' was what would get him out of here...Then Karl was ready to gamble. He didn't want to be yet another lost soul, straying the halls of a beautiful hell for the rest of all eternity.
The whispers of friends and enemies, past, present and those yet to come all whispered to him. Urged him to go through the portal. To protect himself from a place in a way so many had failed to do so.
Footsteps echoed behind him, striking fear into him, hand grasping for a weapon that didn't exist.
A well-known face regarded him with a perfect stranger's eyes.
"None of us can accompany you but go. Escape. It is the only way you can remain alive. You're our last hope."
"You're the only one with a future. Everyone else has failed. Please. Hurry and modify your timeline. Save them all."
"I will." Looking away from his copy, Karl stepped into the portal, enabling its swirling matter to coil around him. The humming of the gateway grew more powerful, stifling the voices ricocheting within his head.
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Stop calling.
Read on AO3 here!
Pick up the phone you fucking coward.
Wilbur, I'm studying.
Dude, you know this shit. Answer me. I'll come to your house. I know Gogy will let me in.
How do you even know where I am?
I don't but you just confirmed your location. Pick up the phone or I'll come over. Your choice.
(I'm so sorry for whatever the fuck this is. Just...Here.)
Karl wanted to die. Sure, it was dramatic, sue him but finals were coming up and he was doing his best to cram as much knowledge into his mind that he could before his 8 am final the next day.
The words swam in front of his eyes as he lowered his can of Monster. At this point, he had lost track of how much he had drunk over the day but did it matter at this point? He knew he should stop or at least pace himself instead of pulling can after can out of box after box but at this point, who cared?
It also didn't help that his friend wouldn't stop calling him. How many times could one man call in one hour? According to Wilbur, ten phone calls and five Facetime calls was perfect. Correction. Eleven times.
Pick up the phone you fucking coward.
Wilbur, I'm studying.
Dude, you know this shit. Answer me. I'll come to your house. I know Gogy will let me in.
How do you even know where I am?
I don't but you just confirmed your location. Pick up the phone or I'll come over. Your choice.
Karl could help but allow his head to fall onto his textbook with a soft thud, knowing full well that Wilbur would follow through with his threat of coming in and that George would let him in just to get on Karl's nerves. That and they both knew the brit would just climb through the window for the fifth time.
With a sigh, Karl snatched his phone, answering Facetime, holding himself back hanging up instantly, knowing that would bring nothing but pain. "What do you want Soot?"
"Wow, you look like shit." Without looking in the mirror, Karl knew he was right. He hadn't slept or showered at all in the past few days due to his obsessive studying. He was running on his favourite energy drink and the one piece of toast George had forced him to eat.
"Anyway, what would happen if I put Tommy in the washing machine?"
The soft sound of a pen colliding with paper was coupled with a confused look from the digital editing and videography major. "Excuse me?"
"What. Would. Happen. If. I. Put. Tommy. In. The. Washing. Machine?"
"Why would you do that?"
"He's annoying me."
"Don't put your brother in the washing machine."
"But what would happen?"
"He'd get hurt and I'm pretty sure you'd get the honk beaten out of you. Now study."
"But Karl."
"Stop making meme songs and study before you fail your classes nimrod."
"I already know this stuff and you know the stuff for your classes. Stop stressing so much. Pretty sure you have no blood, just pure caffeine. When was the last time you even slept? Or went outside?"
"I'm too busy."
"I can and will kidnap you. Don't try me."
"William Soot. If you try anything, I won't hesitate to defenestration you."
He couldn't help but savour the bewildered look on his friend's face, watching as the musician quickly scrambled to look up the word.
"You'll throw me through a window? I highly doubt you can manage that."
"Ehhh, you're probably right." Looking away from the phone, he went back to scribbling notes, disregarding the annoyed grunt that came from Wilbur. "Dude, I have to study. Go pester someone else with your incessant calling and random questions or actually study."
"But that's boring."
With a sigh, he looked up, just wanting to ignore him. "Wilbur...Did you know there are 20 major arteries in our bodies?"
"How many skipping ropes do you think that'll make and how long do you think it'll take to remove them from your body? It'd also give me plenty of blood to replace eggs in baking. I do only need 65ml after all."
Karl grinned softly, tired eyes sparkling with something Will couldn't place.
"If you do not leave me alone. You'll end up with MORE teeth than you have now. Where will those teeth be? You'll find out if you keep nagging me."
"Wh-...That makes no sense? How did you say that so innocently?"
Waving, he just hung up, knowing that his 'unique' warnings would stop Wilbur for at least two days. With a soft hum, he got back to work.
Sapnap stiffly sat down with George and Dream, wishing he didn't have to pass Karl's room to get to the kitchen.
"What's up?"
"George, your roommate is terrifying."
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So uhh...
Hey guys. Sorry for the massive break…Again.
To those who don’t know, I will sometimes get into these ‘moods’ where I start to ignore certain things (like Discord dms, Discord in general, Tumblr, etc) without warning.
When I tried to come out, I discovered that I had been logged out of my account and I couldn’t reset my password. However, with a few emails back and forth with staff, I’ve managed to get back into my account!
Even worse news to bring to you guys.
I unfortunally am no longer into Newsies as much I used to be. My focus has shifted instead to the DreamSMP fandom.
I understand if you who have remained unfollow because you don’t want to see that type of content.
To those of you who had writing requests, I am so so fucking sorry but I won’t be able to complete them for you.
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So, I’ve been listening to a bunch of songs lately and have been coming up with some story ideas! Here are the songs and the possible characters that I might write, though I’d take any character you want!
1. Run Boy Run by Woodkid. (The Delancey brothers, Snyder and Weasel or Race and Jack (or any other newsies))
2. Neverland by Ruth B. (Finch, Jack, Race or Crutchie)
3. Be Somebody by Thousand Foot Krutch. (Any newsie)
4. Control by Halsey. (The Delanceys)
5. Youth by Daughter. (The Delanceys or newsies)
6. Gasoline by Halsey. (Race)
7. Titanium by David Guetta feat. Sia. (Race, Crutchie or Jack)
8. Battle Scars by Paradise Fears. (Newsies)
9. Warrior by Paradise Fears (Jack, Race or The Delanceys)
10. Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman. (Sprace, Rablert, Javid, Spralbert, Spralmer, Newsbians (Sarah + Kath) or Spromeo)
11. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off. (Delanceys and Snyder or some newsies.)
12. Who You Are by Paradise Fears. (Newsies or Delanceys)
13. Alice of Human Sacrafice, cover by Razzy & Co. (The newsies + Delanceys)
14. Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Lorde (Newsies)
15. Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos. (Newsies)
16. Come Little Children from Hocus Pocus. (Newsies)
17. Come Little Children/Hanging Tree Mashup by Peter Hollens & Bailey Pelkman. (Delanceys and Newsies)
18. Warriors by Imagine Dragons. (Newsies + Kath)
19. Top of the World by Greek Fire. (Jack or Race)
20. Don’t Wait by Joey Graceffa. (Sprace, Ralbert, RedFinch)
21. Colors by Halsey. (Anyone)
22. Ready As I’ll Ever Be Varian solo rewrite by K-Ty, cover by Annapantsu. (The Delancey brothers or any newsie)
23. Raise a Little Hell from Bonnie and Clyde. (Jack)
24. Any song you want! (Any character)
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“Don’t pass out on me! Please! Don’t pass out!”
Fun fact! I didn’t even have to think about a topic for this one for once lol. This is actually based off part of an rp I have with @kakerunotanurse! The two chunks of dialogue in the ‘flashback’ is torn straight from the rp lmao. I played Spot, Hotshot and the twins while he played Race and Splasher. Naturally, I’ve changed a lot to fit the prompt a little more plus I wanted to add more angst lol
Now, a bit of backstory for this (well mainly two of the characters). Viper and Jumper are two of my ocs and they’re asshole twins:
Viper: Older by a few minutes and the most dangerous of the pair. He’s known for manipulating anyone he could and waiting for the right moment to strike, hence his nickname. His favorite target is Jumper, who he’s convinced that he has to listen to/do everything he says because he’s the elder of the two and the only family he has left. He’ll drop Jumper the second he could if it meant he’d get an advantage.
Jumper: The younger of the two and easily manipulated. He doesn’t like what he does but does whatever Viper orders him to. He’s the one who will ‘jump’ into a fight and do the dirty work needed.
The two got kicked out for a range of things including beating up the little kids and trying to overthrow Spot and Hotshot. Due to their behavior and threats, Spot sent runners to the other boroughs to warn them about the pair and each borough decided to blacklist them both. After being kicked out, Viper got super pissed and decided the best thing to do would be to oh you know attempt to fucking kill Spot and overtake Brooklyn like that. After a while, the two started working at the refuge (something else Jumper hated) but Viper got even more pissed after the strike because it got shut down and ignored Jumper’s urges to get a job somewhere else.
Jumper has slightly redeemed himself. He got so tired of everything and decided to stand up for himself. How? He just dragged Viper to a police offer and turned them in so they’re now behind bars!
Anyway, onto the story!
Tw: Attempted murder via gunshot, implied sexual content.
Race shivered slightly as he hugged himself tighter, wondering what he was going to say to Spot. Now that he had time to think about it, he knew he had overreacted this morning during the argument but he hated laying in the bedroom, all alone in the lodging house as everyone else was out selling and having fun...But he could understand why Spot was worried about him. Newsies couldn't afford to be sick and Spot was protective of his boys and that included him.
Shaking his head, he sighed softly, empty pape bag lightly bouncing against his leg, he decided to say whatever popped into his head when he was standing face to face with his boyfriend. Looking up from his feet, he froze, blood running cold as he noticed a small crowd gathered by the pier. Before he even registered it, he found himself shoving his way through the startled crowd, freezing once more when he spotted what was going on, brain both running a thousand miles an hour yet blank and empty at the same time, eyes darting between Spot, looking calm as ever on this makeshift 'throne' at the pier and the set of twins, one with pure rage on his face while the other shifted from foot to foot, fingers clenching and releasing around the handle of the old wooden bat that rested in his hands, his eyes too darting between the Brooklyn leader and his angry twin, eyes pausing when they noticed Race frozen on the other side of the dock.
He swallowed, tearing his eyes away from the blond as Spot spoke voice level and calm as he looked down at the twins, unaware that his boyfriend was in the crowd. "Viper, you need ta clear out. Hotshot 'nd I gave you three chances and you ruined them all. Now take ya brudder get out."
"We ain't fuckin' leaving Conlon! We fucking lost our jobs causea you damn newsies! You blacklisted us from all the fuckin' boroughs!"
The newsie leader sighed and jumped down from his post. "You did it to yaselves. You 'nd Jumper were the ones beatin' on littles and pickin' fights with us older ones. This shit right here is why ya got your asses kicked out. We don't keep toxic assholes around! Same goes for every other groups out there. No one wants some punk coming in and pickin' fights as well as tryin' ta overthrow anyone more powerful than you. So I'ma tell you once more. Get the fuck outta my turf before I throw you out myself."
A soft click of two fingers was the only warning Spot got before Jumper was rushing him, quickly slamming the bat down on his shoulder roughly before stumbling back, pale in the face at the grunt. He knew they shouldn't have come back but his brother was insistent that they needed revenge and Viper was older by a few minutes plus he was the only family he had left so he had to obey whatever he said....right?
"Viper. Put. The. Gun. Down." Spot ignored the pain screaming through his shoulder as he stared down the former newsie in front of him. Part of him felt sorry for Jumper, knowing full well the teen was being manipulated every second of the day, forced to do things he clearly didn't want to but still did in hopes of making his brother proud. "Just turn around 'nd walk away. I ain't changing my mind, nor am I giving up my role as leader and handing it to you of all people."
He knew he shouldn't but Spot took a step closer, not even feeling the pain as five bullets tore into his skin, nor did he hear the startled noises of the onlookers as the twins bolted. No...All that mattered was the blond dumbass that had bolted over and taken a bullet for him. "Race? Ya okay?"
Stumbling over, he did his best to appear strong, keeping the fear out of his voice as he looked at the blond on the ground, blood spreading across the Manhattan's shirt slowly from a small wound located on the side of his stomach. "We gotta get ya back to lodging okay?"
Shaking his head, the blond patted a hand on the ground next to him, a silent urge for him to sit down, one which Spot gladly fulfilled, praying that it would at least relieve some of the pain flowing through his body like a tidal wave. "We can't stay here for long okay? We gotta head back and I'll send one o' the fellas over Jack ta let him know what happened." Carefully, he wrapped an arm around the blond, allowing him to sob and shake against him. Spot would cry later, once he was out of the public eye and safe in his tiny bedroom.
"‘m so sorry spot..I didn’t mean what I said this morning..ya ain’t controllin..i’ll try ta not be so annoyin...an’ I'll keep my mouth shut if ya really want me to.”
"Hey...I know ya didn't mean it. We'se were both frustrated and said stuff we didn't mean. I never meant ta make you feel like you were annoyin' or that you needed ta shut up." He carefully rubbed his arm, matching the soft tone his crying lover was using. "I didn't mean ta go off at you like that."
In the haze of his pain, he remembered the fight from the morning, harsh words thrown back and forth over whether Race should spend one extra day or sell that morning which lead with him storming out and running back to Manhattan.
"I can tell ya holding back coughs n shit! Sides, I'se gonna be telling them all ta sell in pairs n if they'se got a problem wit it, they can take the day off! Ya can wait one more day fa fucks sake so shut up and get back in bed!"
“Spot I sell with Rai almost everyday goddammit! if anything I could use bein sick ta sell more damn papes but you won’t let me cause ya gotta be so damn controlling with shit like this! god, Spot! it’s my job to be a damn newsie so let me damn be one for crying out loud! You tryin ta keep me from doin my damn job just cause’a some cold is getting on my damn nerves!”
"We both meant none o' that and you know it, Pretty Boy...We're fine." Spot forced himself not to smile and kiss the blond's forehead when no one was looking at the sight of a watery smile, one much weaker than the ones that he normally got when he called his boyfriend by his favorite pet name.
He sighed, laying down a bit before closing his eyes to take a few deep breaths and calm himself down, knowing that the twins were long gone by now. Viper may be cocky but even he would stick around after shooting someone with so many witnesses.
Closing his eyes was the wrong thing to do in this situation as Race's breathing instantly picked up, thin hands carefully shaking him. "Don’t pass out on me! Please! Don’t pass out! Spot please!"
"M fine." He smiled weakly, opening his eyes again. "Sun just hit me in the eyes is all." He hummed lightly, tuning everything other than Race out. "It's okay. We're okay."
Finally zoning back into the world around them, he noticed Hotshot running towards the two, closely followed by his own boyfriend, Splasher.
"Shit...The hell happened ta you two?"
"The demon twins is what happened. Assholes got their hands on a gun 'nd thought it'd be fun ta come here and act like smartasses. Well, Viper did. Jumper just did the normal shifting thing 'fore followin' orders."
Hotshot just sighed as he watched Splasher carefully pull Race to his feet before he himself leaned down to help his leader up, fighting back a wince at the look in Spot's eyes. "Good fa you nerds, we ain't too far away from lodging." With a nod to his boyfriend, the two started supporting the others back to the lodging house. Well, more like Spasher supported Race while Hotshot was forced to walk normally with Spot being too stubborn to actually accept help despite the fact he looked ready to collapse.
"Honestly ya moron. Just take the help, Sean. Ain't no one gonna judge."
"Alexander. I'se dunno if the assholes are still hangin' round. Can't let them know they'se got ta me so much."
"You are *fucking* hopeless." He shook his head, gently punching his brother's arm after making sure there were no wounds. Falling silent, the two walked, keeping an eye on not only their boyfriends walking ahead. He couldn't help but worry about the short boy next to him who's breathing seemed to be more and more laboured with each step. If he could, he'd scoop him up and bolt to the lodging house to fix him up, knowing full well that the short one would refuse. He couldn't help but let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he saw the lodging house down the street.
Hotshot couldn't help but seed up slightly, urging the injured boy alongside him to match the pace. Without looking, he knew people were staring, well, more like staring at the dark stain spreading across Race and Spot's shirts.
He could tell that Spot was afraid but if it was for himself or Race, he couldn't tell. All he knew was that he had to hurry both of them upstairs so he could carefully pull the bullets out of them and stitch them up. He wasn't as good as their 'medic' but damn it, there wasn't enough time to sprint to the other side of Brooklyn to find the lanky boy and drag him back. No. It was up to him and Splasher right now to save their friends.
Biting his lip, he dragged Spot upstairs as carefully as he could, glad Splasher had already gotten Race into Spots room, the tiny medkit the Brooklyn newsies owned resting on the bed next to the blond.
Hotshot honestly wasn't surprised to see Race stumble to his feet, frantically telling him to work on Spot first, despite the shorter boy's protests that he was okay.
Giving up, Hotshot just gently shoved Spot onto the bed, holding back a wince at how his brother looked. Spot may be a force to be reckoned with, but seeing him lying in bed, pale and shivering while doing his best to appear strong just reminded everyone how young he was...How young all of them were.
Shaking his head roughly he carefully stripped his leader, ignoring all the scars and the hickies on the other, instead focusing on carefully pulling out the bullets from his chest, doing his best not to twitch whenever he slipped the pair of tweezers into each small hole until he felt the bullet, carefully pulling it out before dropping it on the bed, only to go back for another one.
Swallowing after he had pulled out all bullets, he pretended not to hear Race struggle to hold back tears as he watched his boyfriend being worked on, watched as Hotshot's hands shook ever so faintly as he carefully stitched up each tiny hole after cleaning each wound.
"Right Higgins. Lay ya twink ass down on your side so I can take the damn bullet out of you. Don't worry, you'se'll get a small scar so you can still pull off ya bullshit 'look how cool I am, look at the scar fuckers' thing."
"Yeah yeah okay." Casting a worried look at Spot who had shuffled closer to the window to make room for him. Sighing, the blond carefully lay down on his side after pulling his shirt off, unable to hold back a wince as his skin pulled slightly at the small movements. Subtly, he clenched the thin sheet below him as he felt cool metal slowly entering the burning wound on his side. It seemed like forever before the tweezers were removed from his body, a soft clink ringing through the room as the newsie above him allowed the bullet to fall into the pile with the others.
After stitching up Race's side, Hotshot nodded to himself and stood up. "Right. I'll leave you two alone fa now. Pull those stitches and you'll be hearin' from me. You don't want that, trust me." He tossed the two clean shirts. "Put those on 'nd leave the dirty ones to me. Now relax 'nd shit. No dirty stuff either! I don't want ta hear you fucking!"
Spot just chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Like we don't hear you two goin' at it all the time. Fuck off 'nd get outta my room." Gently, he wrapped an arm around Race, carefully pulling him closer. "That was 'nd order Alexander."
"Yeah yeah Sean. Just no sex until everythin' has healed ya morons." With that, he pulled his own boyfriend out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Smiling, Spot kissed Race's cheek, doing his best to calm his tense lover down. "We're alright Tony. I promise."
#newsies#hotshot (newsies)#Race Higgins#Racetrack Higgins#Splasher (newsies)#Spot Conlon#Sprace#sorta lol#friend prompt!#prettyinlimegreenboots
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Id love to see “Run Boy Run” with Race and Jack please!! I love your writing
Ahhh thanks! I’m really fucking sorry that this took so long! I kept losing motivation and stuff like that whoops. I hope you enjoy even though you can probably see the parts I gave up lol. Also, I don’t know why but for some reason, I decided to research about the real lodging house and included that in here because ???? Who the FUCK knows.
TWs: Mentioned abuse and one small scene (Snyder slaps Jack( and attempted drugging (Jack tries to slip Snyder a sleeping drug so he and Race could escape). Briefly mentioned homophobia.
Also, for most of the story, Jack and Race go by ‘Francis and Tony’. In this world, some people are born with powers and because I like to torture myself, I decided to go through about fifty different names to what to call people like that instead of just saying they’re magic????
Also, I threw in some ocs, so yeah.
Francis knew his very existence was hated by people in his town. Well, at least the ones who knew what he was. A small-town mindset like the one he lived in was horrible for someone...Different. For someone who was a Cosma. Someone with powers was an outcast in his town. A monster to some. One of the only people who knew was his step-father and he held his status above his head, always threatening to out him, but he could handle it.
However, he knew the new kid wouldn't be able to handle it. One look at he knew that the boy was like him. A Cosma but he hadn't shown many signs yet. Francis knew the second Snyder caught on to the fact that Tony was a shifter and communicator, the boy's life would become a hell of abuse and experiments. The things that had happened so far were easy to explain as a trick of the light. Different eyeshade? That was the light. Slightly sharper teeth? Nah, your eyes are playing tricks on you, Sir, there's no need to worry.
Francis couldn't help but wonder which of them was more powerful. His new brother with the ability to shapeshift and control horses with his voice, or himself with the power to bring drawings to life. He placed his bets on Tony. The boy was a double after all.
Francis knew they had to get out and after a month of searching, he finally found a way. Someone had agreed to help him travel to a safer place, one where he could be himself. Where others would help him and his brother no matter what
Run boy run! This world is not made for you.
The small town had him trapped. He and his brother didn't belong there, but his contact promised him freedom. Sure, there wasn't much fresh air there like there was here in Santa Fe but New York offered freedom...A place where Tony could grow up without having to hide a major part of himself.
He was scared though. He somehow needed to sneak not only himself but Tony out of the house in the middle of the night and get across town in the middle of the night so the two could cross the town borders and escape for a better life.
It would be worth it though. If it meant Tony was safe, it would all be worth it. He'd lay his life down for his little brother and he knew that his brother wouldn't like it if he found out but it was the truth. Tony meant everything to Francis and he'd give up anything for the younger boy.
But even planning to escape was hard. Francis wasn't a moron. He knew Snyder had placed trackers in all of his clothes, though, that wasn't the most obvious thing. The most obvious tracker was the dog tags each boy wore under strict orders not to take them off at any point.
Tony may find no issue in it but Francis did. He knew it wasn't for their 'safety'. No. It was for Snyder's. Snyder knew that Francis could out him at any time. Multiple bruises and scars weren't easy to explain away when at least one of them was a brand baring Snyder's name, set on the back of his shoulder.
There was no way he could hide the truth if anyone was to ever see that so it was vital he kept tabs on the boys at all times. After all, he didn't want his image of a respected man to be ruined.
But Francis' contact already had a plan for that. Spare clothes would be brought for the boys and their own would be thrown somewhere once they left town, along with the dog tags. He was also bringing a friend who could easily disable things in case Snyder had injected them with a tracker.
Run boy run! They're trying to catch you!
Tonight was the night. Francis had everything planned and all he could do was hope that it would work. It was dangerous, but any plan that had to do with running away was and if he could ruin the man's reputation at the same time, he'd gladly do so.
He knew that the second he stepped out of his 'house', Francis Sullivan and Tony Higgins would be dead and two boys without identities would be born but he was okay with that. The two could find themselves new names and Snyder would never be able to hurt them again. He'd be okay. They both would be okay. Even if Snyder moved to New York which he had mentioned a few times, he wouldn't be able to touch them. He wouldn't be able to know who they were. e
It was surprisingly easy to slip the drugs into Snyder's beer, something that he was terrified of doing. After all, he could be caught doing it but luckily, the man was already drunk and didn't seem to notice a difference. Idly, Francis tapped his fingers on his leg, knowing that the ten minutes would be the longest ten minutes of his life but he had been assured that the man would sleep for hours, giving him and his brother time to run.
Still, he couldn't help but question everything. What if he hadn't put enough in? What if someone walked in before he and Tony could escape and realized something was up? What if they got caught on the edge of town and returned to Snyder's house? What if they got locked up? His brother wouldn't survive in jail and he knew he wouldn't survive Snyder's torture if they were sent back. He wasn't sure if both of them would survive but he knew that Tony wouldn't. As much as he loved him, Francis knew the younger boy was weak and would make for easy prey for the sadistic man who took him in.
His heartbeat raced each time he saw the man shift until he was finally sure he was asleep. Swallowing, he took a few silent steps, only to have a hand roughly grasp his thin wrist. Shit. He forgot Snyder was a master at hiding things. The asshole had never even drunk the beer. He had just pretended to drink it when he wasn't looking.
"How stupid do you think I am boy? You think I haven't caught onto your little plan?" The man stared up at the frightened teen with a blank face. "I'm the reason you're still alive Francis and you're trying to throw it in my face like an ungrateful brat?"
"I know what you're planning. You're trying to leave aren't you?"
"N-no Sir! It's just I know you haven't been sleeping well lately so I thought I c-could help!" Francis could fill the panic building up, wondering how long Snyder had known about his plan. He couldn't help but wonder if he knew all of the plan or only that he wanted to leave and take his brother with him.
Before he could open his mouth again, he found himself laying on the ground, cheek stinging. He hadn't even registered the loud crack that came with the slap. Taking a few seconds to collect himself, he looked up, staring at the man, eyes holding hatred disguised with fear. Snyder was right. If it weren't for him Francis would be dead and so would Tony, but he didn't care. The man may have kept him alive but that didn't mean he had to stay and be grateful. He always seemed five minutes away from killing Francis so there was no way he would be thankful for that.
He was drawn out of his thoughts at a thunk, watching as his so-called 'step-father' fell to the ground. His eyes drifted to the shaking boy standing above the fallen man, thick math book clutched in his small hands.
Quickly, he snatched the shaking boy up and ran, refusing to look back. He hadn't even told Tony what was happening. All the boy knew was that Francis had been thinking about something important. "W-What's going on?"
"Don't worry kid. We're gonna be safe soon." At least, that's what he hoped. They had already been caught once but they were close to the edge of their small town and he could just see a small group of people, each holding the reins to at least one horse. He couldn't but let out a sigh of relief, dodging around small holes in the road, feeling the boy's grip tighten. Tony didn't really like strangers but if Francis trusted them...He could try.
Run boy run! Running is a victory!
"Didn't realize how many people you were bringing Rags."
"Needed someone to help bring the horses 'nd stuff. Plus, they'se the best ta help out. Specs here can disable any trackers the Spider might a put in ya, Albert will help us light fires 'nd shit. Sniper 'nd Finch can keep an eye on the surrounding area. Patches and Bink will help wit' any disguises we need." The older teen gestured to each boy, each member of the ragtag crew ranging in age with Patches and Rags being the oldest though not by many years. "They'se all 'Hattan newsies like I am. Hotshot 'nd Rai are from Brooklyn though."
Tony honestly was surprised at how young Rai was. The boy didn't look a day over eight yet somehow had been brought along for the small mission.
"I didn't want ta bring him but the kid wouldn't stop botherin' me. I guess he could be useful." Despite the words, Hotshot's face held a faint fond smile, hand ruffling the boy's hair. "He's a communicator after all."
"You're all Cosmas?"
"Yeah. That's why they're helping us, Tony. They'll get us somewhere safe. Speaking of wish, we should leave right now. Dunno how long the Spider will be out. Tried drugging him but he caught me so Tony knocked his ugly fat ass out."
Rags nodded towards one of the horses with a grin. "Hope ya know how to ride cause that's how we'se headin' ta New York."
"Not really but we'll figure it out." Francis shrugged, carefully placing his brother in the saddle before pulling himself up, reaching around the boy to grab the reins. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to ride a horse. At least, it seemed calm and with Tony there, he felt that the horse would at least listen to them. That and they had everyone else to guide them.
The two blinked, feeling a small gentle tingle flow through their body. Specs smiled at the two. "It's all disabled but we'll still dump your stuff on the way. Otherwise, the change of clothes we carried here for you guys would be a waste."
Albert smirked, gently tapping his horse's sides with his heels. "Let's ride ya morons!" With that small whoop, the boy raced off, sparks flying from his red hair. Rolling his eyes, Rags chuckled, riding off after him to make sure the reckless boy wouldn't do something stupid.
Sniper looked over at the two boys they were bringing along with them. "Don't worry. She'll follow us so just focus on ya balance and try to relax. She'll be able ta tell if you're all tense 'nd shit. 'Sides, your ass will hurt if you're stiff. Especially considering ya've never ridden before." With a soft click, the boy started the journey home, causing the brothers' horse to follow them, Specs, Finch and Hotshot riding with the two, the Manhattan boys alongside them as Hotshot brought up the rear, watching as his own baby brother raced off.
At first, he never wanted to come and help 'rescue' the two because it meant losing money, but he owed Rags a favour and the older boy had decided to cash it in. Besides, Spot had been acting like an asshole lately and he could do with some time apart from him, even if they were best friends.
Shaking his head, he freed one hand from the reins, only moving it back after adjusting his bag. He couldn't help but wonder what the boys in front of him were like. Rags had given them a short briefing but seeing the angry red mark on the older one's cheek reminded him that there really were fucked up people in the world and by coming here, he was helping to do the right thing.
The fact Specs had confirmed that trackers had been placed in their bodies just worried him even more. At least they were free now. They were safe from the house that they had been trapped in.
Run boy run! Beauty lays behind the hills.
Sure New York wasn't the most glamorous of places but to Rags, it was home and now, Manhattan would house two more newsies. They'd get new names later but for now, they would be nameless. He smiled to himself, looking over his shoulder at the figures riding behind him. He could tell that they would fit in with the rest of his family.
The rest of the Manhattan kids knew that he was bringing home two more kids except for once, they weren't from New York.
Tony sighed, leaning into his brother as he closed his eyes. It felt weird running away and guilt was settling in his stomach from the memory of knocking out the man who took him in. He knew Snyder was cruel but he had never laid a hand on him...Only laying hands-on Francis who couldn't fight back. He had never actually seen it but he had heard it countless times. Had seen the way his brother stumbled into their small bedroom before collapsing on his bed, hiding his face in the pillow in an attempt to hide his tears from the boy who looked up to him so much. But Tony saw them each time. Saw the way his body had shuddered and heard the muffled noises that escaped him. He knew Francis couldn't be strong 24/7, no matter how hard he tried.
But now that they had gotten out of there, maybe Francis wouldn't have to take the hits for him. Maybe now he wouldn't have to curl up in bed, trying his best to hide his shaking. He couldn't help but smile slightly as he closed his eyes, resting a hand on the mare's wither, calmly letting himself connect with her. Sliding his hand up, he gently ran his fingers through her mane, relishing in the feeling of the silky strands running through them.
At least with her, he'd feel safe on the journey that he had never expected to take. He couldn't wait to see what would happen when they reached New York. Despite only being with them for a short time, he found the boys charming in their own way, from Albert's excitement at riding off into the distance to Hotshot's firm yet protective presence behind them. He felt safe with them and that's what mattered to him right now and by the way, his brother had slowly relaxed behind him, he knew he felt the same.
With a soft nudge from his horse, he opened his eyes, taking in the appearance of the land around the group. It was something he had never seen before. Something he never expected to see. He couldn't help but grin, looking down slightly so he could watch the land race beneath her hooves. It was beautiful honestly. Much more beautiful than where he had been trapped mere hours ago.
Run boy run! The sun will be guiding you.
Leaning back, he felt Francis' arms tighten around him for a few seconds. Without even looking, he could tell the older teen was smiling as he too took everything in, awe filling his body.
The two were brought out of their thoughts as the horses slowed down, gently lit by the setting sun. Without Rags opening his mouth, Albert jumped off his horse, quickly gathering up wood, surprisingly serious considering the way he had been so hyper and willing to lead the group before. Carefully flicking his fingers at the pile he had made, the ginger grinned as flames burst up from the middle, quickly engulfing each bit of wood. "Fire's done! Who brought the grub?"
"Al ya always hungry."
"Oh shut up Snipes, I know you'se hungry as well." He grinned, dodging as his friend through his cap at his face. "I'll burn this if ya test me!"
Hotshot rolled his eyes, silently helping Tony off of the horse, setting him down as he watched Francis dismount. Well more like stumble as he slid off, almost falling on his ass. The Brooklyn boy forced himself to hold back a laugh while Albert did no such thing. He was more than happy to laugh at the poor teen despite knowing that he'd never rode a horse, let alone for hours at a time while leaving an abusive house far behind them.
Specs just sighed, shaking his head as he grabbed his pack, having been the one trusted to carry the food for the three-day trip. "Alright alright. We can 'ave dinner now. Calm ya shit DaSilva."
The two brothers looked at each other in confusion before nervously moving towards the fire to sit down with the people who came to save them. The group might be helping them but the two still didn't know how much they could trust them. Francis had been desperate, grasping onto the first offer of salvation. The first offer to drag him out of the mental river he was drowning in, being dragged further under the surface with each hit, each insult, each threat both against him and his brother.
So when a cocky boy from Manhattan had shown up to deliver something to his neighbour and pulled him aside to tell him that he couldn't hide from him. That he knew what he was, Francis, had been terrified but the skinny boy had offered him a free trip to where he'd be welcome, a seed had been planted in his brain, but at the same time, he was full of doubt. Why would this stranger offer to take them to where he lived? How had he known what he was? He had been given two weeks to think about it and by the time Rags returned with his small group of friends, the seed had grown and he had agreed the day the group arrived.
Rags sighed as he sat down, watching as Finch scaled a tree, a bird soon swooping down to join him after the boy let out a soft whistle. "So, have you thought 'bout a name yet?"
Francis shook his head. "Not yet. It's not easy honestly to think of one."
"Eh take ya time. After all, you'll be stuck wit' it." Rai hummed, idly poking the fire with a stick, ignoring the warning look his older brother gave him. "You can keep the one you have now, shorten it, change it or just give yaself a nickname and run with it. If you don't think of one, 'Hattan might just give you one."
Tony looked up at his brother startled. "Names? Are we changing our names?" Finch just grinned from his perch. "I mean, as Rai said, you don't have to but sometimes it's easier to just change it...A lot of us are running from something and it's helpful to change our name. Finch ain't my real name 'nd Specs wasn't called Specs by his birth family. That came from us newsies cause o' his glasses."
Said boy chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "I should admit that it didn't appeal to me at first but it grew on me."
Albert grinned. "Don't bullshit us. The main reason you like it is that Romeo kept calling you it."
"And you take Albie cause that Jojo boy. You're both hopeless idiots." Rai shook his head with a grin. "Manhattan's weird like that. Rai is just short for my name and you're being all gay 'nd shit and that's why you accepted your newsie names."
Tony's eyes widened, surprised that they were speaking so openly about something that Snyder said was wrong. Well, 'said' was the wrong word. The man attempted to force his own ideal into his charges' minds, not wanting them to think for themselves. It's wrong. You'll go to hell for looking at a boy the way you should be looking at a girl Tony.
But these boys didn't seem to be 'cursed' as Snyder said gays were. They seemed...The way everyone else was, just more friendly but not in a strange way. No, they were just joking around like brothers. They were people who were comfortable in their own skin while Francis and Tony weren't. They both had confided in each other that they had each secretly looked at boys the way Snyder and others in their former home condemned people for. These boys may tease each other but it was friendly, it was in an attempt to make each other flustered. That meant they'd be even safer in the Manhattan lodging house.
After a few minutes, Specs handed around the cooked meat, warning the group that it was still hot. "You'll be safe in a few days. As for now, just relax though we need to burn your clothes soon just in case ya know?" He smiled over at the two nervous teens. "Don't worry, we brought you spare clothes. One of the boys back home made them fa ya. That's why Rags asked for ya size."
"Buttons is great...Gonna need him to fix my shirt though." Albert sighed, looking at a rip in his shirt. "Don't even know when I tore it. I swear it wasn't like this when we left!"
"It's called you're a fucking clumsy moron who fell in a river because you thought getting off your horse before walking over a fallen tree was smarter than the bridge."
Tony couldn't help but laugh, knowing he had done something similar before. Sure it got him into trouble because he made a mess when he got home but he had a good time so it didn't matter.
Run boy run! They're dying to stop you! Run boy run! This race is a prophecy! Run boy run! Break out from society!
Yelling brought the small group back into the world of the woken, Tony and Francis instantly freezing. Snyder and his friends had found them and the two knew they'd stop at nothing to get their hands on the two.
"Shit. Get back on the horses. We should have dumped your clothes earlier but I didn't want to stop for a while just in case." Rags quickly jumped back on his horse, watching as his newsies rushed around to pack up their small camp before jumping on their horses. Hotshot had already boosted Rai onto his horse before getting on his own, Albert helping Francis and Tony up onto theirs. The second the red-head was on his own horse, the ground raced off, the newsies pretending that they didn't hear Tony's soft and scared sobs mixed with Francis' soft words of comfort.
They hadn't been planning to move so fast but they had to otherwise they'd all be in trouble. "Finch! Sniper!"
"On it!" The two boys quickly pulled out their slingshots, each loading small sparklers into them, firing them off in different directions in hopes of distracting their pursuers. Despite not being given orders from his leader, Albert set off small flaming balls, sending them away from himself, making sure they were small enough to avoid setting the nearby trees on fire.
Hotshot sighed, raising his voice so the two scared kids in front of him could hear. "Don't worry. The 'Hattan boys know what they're doing, even if they don't seem like it most of the times. We'll keep you safe."
"See Tones? We'll be safe. Promise." Francis tightened his arm around his brother, wondering if his words would prove to be true or if they were would become false. He just hoped that they'd get away and find their way to New York as Rags had promised.
With a single whistle from Rai, animals seemed to flood from every corner of the forest before they rushed towards the sounds of the group chasing them down.
Each second seemed like an eternity to the two brothers, their hearts both frozen still and beating erratically at the same time. While the horses were speeding up by the second, they seemed to be forcing their way through snow with Tony and Francis feeling the chill while no one else did.
Their safety...No, their lives were on the line here and each member of the small party knew it. If one person were to get caught, it'd be over for everyone. They all knew the risks that came with this mission and had accepted the idea that they may be caught but that didn't mean they weren't scared shitless as the idea swirled inside their minds, taunting them with what their future could hold. It was clear that Cosmas' weren't welcome in the town they were fleeing from but right now, they had to shove that thought away, focusing instead of escaping.
The shouts faded behind them but that didn't slow down the group, if anything, it pushed them to go faster just in case the group had decided to fall silent in hopes of catching them off guard. Granted, Francis wasn't sure if Snyder and his pals were smart enough to do that but still, you never know.
They ate lunch on the run, Specs moving to each person to hand them small sandwiches before moving back to his own spot. Sure, the plan had been to eat warm meat with the sandwiches for a snack but plans sometimes change on the fly and newsies were masters at changing things instantly. After all, there were times they had to quickly run from where they were selling to escape the clutches of the police.
The group rode through the night, their way lit by Albert's flames, only pausing for an hour or so by a river to allow their horses a break to drink, each boy quickly shoving food into their mouths, too on edge to take their time.
Specs sighed, looking up at the stars, tracing each constellation with his eyes, remembering all the stories he had been told by an older newsie. "We'll be there in two days. We'll stop by Brooklyn ta return the horses and drop Hotshot and Rai off before headin' across the bridge."
Tony nodded, curling up next to Encore, the mare nuzzling her young rider. "Is New York really as big as they say? Fat-...Snyder always said that it's big." Despite correcting himself, the fact that he had almost called Snyder his 'Father' filled his stomach with guilt and anxiety.
Albert grinned and nodded. "There's a lot of us newsies from all over New York. We'se the Kings 'nd Queens of the damn place! Sure we ain't the richest but we'se the people who help spread the news. Without us, the damn city will shut down." He chuckled under his breath. "You'll be 'Hattan boys in a few days...We'se the second most important borough in my mind. I would say the most important but that's Brooklyn. They're the real rulers in the Newsie world. They've got the toughest folks there."
Rai snorted and nodded. "Damn right we do! We'se'll soak anyone we need ta. No one messes wit' us if they have a good mind. We'll kick their asses if needed. No one messes wit' us and it's great!"
Hotshot rolled his eyes, setting his small bowl of thin stew aside so he could gently slap his brother on the back of the head, gently chuckling at the boy's mock offended cry. "Don't go boasting 'bout it ya nerd. We're not that bad. We're just tougher than most of than the New York newsies." He looked over at the two new boys, picking up his stew again. "Simply put, don't mess wit' us and we don't mess wit' you...Though that's really any place I guess. We're just respected more than everyone else in our world."
Francis nodded, filing the information away. He knew what it was like to get on someone's bad side and the idea of a whole New York borough after him was frightening to him. The bullies he had faced were one thing but the idea of having stronger people after him was terrified. Hotshot already proved that all of Brooklyn was strong, just by his arms and Francis didn't feel like the idea of throwing hands with him or any of his friends. He was pretty sure Rai could easily break his arm despite being eight.
Blink groaned, speaking up for the first time. "We get it. Ya, all tough 'nd scary now shut up. I'se wanna sleep." He adjusted his eyepatch, not bothering to look over at the group. "You all take to much."
"Aww, ya just a spoilsport Blink. First thing ya say is to tell everyone to shut up?" Albert couldn't do anything but laugh as Blink flipped him off. "Someone's just grumpy he had to leave his boyfriend behind."
"Or maybe I'm sick o' your dumbass voice." Idly, the boy pulled his eyepatch to the side, glaring at his friend with a glazed over eye. "I can fucking destroy you Albert DaSilva. Remember that."
"I'm sooooo scared."
Patches sighed, knowing that it was time he should step in, his soft voice floating above the crackling of the fire. "Both of you stop being morons. We're heading out as soon as we can in the morning. Rags and I'll take the first watch, Blink and Specs will take next than it'll be Hotshot and Al. That's all we'll need really need because it'll be light enough by the time your shift is up and we'll be able to have a quick breakfast before going again. We'll be home very soon. Two days and we'll be done and we can relax and go back to selling and stuff. We'se'll get Tony 'nd Francis set up as soon as we can. We'll probably be back during the day." Noticing Tony's subtle glances towards Blink's eyepatch, he smiled. "Don't bother askin'. He tells a different story each time so no one knows what actually happened ta his eye."
"Oh...Okay. Sorry for staring."
Blink just grinned at him. "Don't worry 'bout it. You'se starin' without hate or disgust or whatever. Ya just interested is all. But yeah. I'm up for taking watch wit' Specs. Now, all o' you zip ya mouths so I can get some shut-eye." With that, he slipped his cap over his face after tucking his eyepatch into his pocket.
Albert chuckled softly but listened, pulling his blanket up over him after gently coaxing the fire to burn a little brighter before eventually falling asleep, his teasing turning into soft breaths that were soon joined by the breathing of others, knowing that his brothers and friends were safe under the watch of his leader and said leader's second.
It took Francis awhile to be comfortable enough to fall asleep, each small noise causing him to subtly flinch, scared that they had been tracked down yet again. It took the comforting presence of his brother who was silently breathing as he held onto his shirt mixing with the fires and the soft chatter of the two boys who were going to be watching over them for a few hours.
Despite his fear, he fell into a deep sleep, only woken by the feeling of Tony gently shaking him. The second the teen was sure the elder was awake, the blond moved to help clear up camp, silently watching slight awe as Albert easily put out the coals with a single wave of his hand, making sure they wouldn't light again.
Francis hummed, feeling his new shirt slip slightly as he stretched. Soon, he would be in a place that accepted who he was, among those who were like him and his brother.
Tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away
It was a new day, one that was bringing the promise of freedom ever closer. Coming out of his thoughts at the feeling of bread being shoved into his hands, a familiar cheeky grin greeting him as he looked down, chuckling at his brother's puffy cheeks. The bread role was small yet for some reason, Tony had felt the need to shove most of it into his mouth at once. Though once he looked at Albert due to the sound of choking, he realized it was most likely a dare or a challenge designed to test the hubris of the two teens, clearly set by a smirking Rai.
He could already tell that moving into the Manhattan lodging house would just increase his brother's not so concealed chaotic tendencies. He sighed, a silent chuckle escaping him as he chewed on his own small role, awkwardly standing still when Rags assured him that he didn't need to do anything to help to pack up camp.
It didn't take them long to start up their journey again, with laughter and friendly taunts filling the air instead of the fear and silent tears that had been their unwelcome comrade the last ride.
Adjusting his cap, Finch grinned and carefully shuffled back slightly before carefully raising to his feet, having slipped off his shoes over an hour ago. Calmly, he pulled out a small stone, biting his lip as he aimed for a familiar head. He couldn't help but let out a whoop as Sniper's head whipped around, the other boy glaring at his fellow shooter. "Finch I swear ta fucking God!"
"Don't swear at me."
"Albert ya ain't God!"
Hotshot just sighed, ignoring the laughter of the other boys, speeding up so he could take matters into his own hands, knowing full well the arguing newsies probably wouldn't listen to their leaders in this situation. In his mind, the Manhattan boys tended to be more chaotic and at times disobedient than the boys who lived with him. Not that it was surprising. Other than being known for being tough, Brooklyn newsies were known to be well-disciplined despite the way a new ruler could come to power by fighting the current one and they listened to each other.
"Alright, you guys. Shut ya traps before I make you." Sure, that caused the two shooters to aim for him for a few seconds but it was easy for him to dodge considering the two were ever so slightly intimidated by him, despite knowing he wouldn't actually do anything to them.
"You're no fun." Despite his annoyed words, Finch carefully moved back to the saddle, sitting down again, not wanting to test the Brooklyn boy too much.
Rags just shook his head with a smile, looking at the sky, narrowing his eyes in an attempt to avoid the sun's rays as he judged the time. He knew by now that they most likely wouldn't be tracked down anymore considering how far away from the tiny town they had come from. His new brothers were safe and that's all that mattered right now. Soon, he'd be back with the rest of his family and he'd be bringing in two new members.
He could tell already that they'd fit in almost instantly though he knew that they'd naturally come to terms with what had happened and that they were safe...That they could grow up properly.
You'll be a man, boy! But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
However, they still had a while to go before they would be racing around the streets of Lower Manhattan, selling papers to random people to pay the six cents needed to pay for a bed and batch at the lodging house. His smile widened slightly as he thought of the meals that a few extra cents would get him. Pork and beans on Monday, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Roast beef on Sunday and beef stew on Tuesdays. Corned beef and cabbage came on Wednesday and fish balls were served on Fridays. If he focused hard enough, he could not only taste the meals he often paid for but also taste the tea and bread that each meal was accompanied with. The newsie could practically smell the soup that was often served with pork and beans. Just the thought of the meals made him feel full and he couldn't wait to return for dinner again.
Sure, breakfast was also served but why pay for it when you could get food off the nuns before rushing to the gates? Though he couldn't lie. There were times he spent money on some cents on some oatmeal in the morning, savouring the small burn that came as he quickly ate it. Some of the boys may tease him for buying both food and getting free coffee from the nuns but he didn't care.
Patches grinned, looking over at his brother who rode with closed eyes, able to picture what the other was thinking about. He too loved meal times at the lodging house, even if everything just repeated with not much change. It was nice to know what to expected and if he wanted a change, he could always save up a little extra and buy something at Jacobi’s or even just ask if he could take some leftovers with him.
He knew everyone, not just the newsies that stayed in the large building looked forward to the nightly meals, shared in a large room, surrounded by friends as they joked about what sort of customers they had dealt with that day, lowering their voices whenever they felt the need to swear, knowing full well it was against the rules.
He sighed softly, looking ahead, wishing he could see the familiar outline of New York on the horizon, yet he saw nothing but the landscape he had seen on the way to pick up the two boys.
Focusing on his companions, he swallowed back a laugh as he heard Rai explaining newsie rules to Francis and Tony while Hotshot corrected him when needed. After all, the life of a newsie was far more complex than the life they had just left behind. The life was full of tricky politics between boroughs where one wrong move could incite a war which would just bring every newsie across the whole damn city involved which was never a clean thing. No war was clean really but newsies were a group of kids who handled their wars with fists while the leaders scrambled to arrange a deal. Though, from the short time he's spent with these two kids, he could tell that they would be respectful, at least of the borders. Not that they would be going anywhere near them for a while. No new kid was ever allowed to sell near the borders for a few weeks just to make sure they learnt the ropes.
Run boy run! This ride is a journey to. Run boy run! The secret inside of you
Francis internally sighed, glad to see his little brother smiling and laughing along with those who had been strangers not too long ago. It was nice to see that the boy wasn't scared of them. He didn't know what he'd do if the boy would be scared of those who they were now living with. No longer would the two have to walk on eggshells to avoid letting anyone know who they really were...What they were. No longer did they have to deal with Snyder, who seemed to always be a hair's breadth away from snapping at them, whether it be just yelling at Tony or hitting Francis across the face, shouting insults down the fallen boy who knew better than to yell back.
Sure, he himself was still a bit hesitant about being with the group but knew that it would be easier to disappear in New York than disappearing from a small town with no aid from an outside force. The smile and laughter coming from his thin brother made his worry worth it though.
He could still faintly hear his mother's final words as she lay on her death bed, finally admitting the abuse she had watched. "You'll escape one day Francis. I know you will. You'll find a way out of this hell hole. I'm sorry I didn't protect you and Tony. I'm so sorry baby."
Forcing himself out of his thoughts, he kissed his brother's head. His mother had been right. He was getting both him and Tony out of an abusive household. He felt like he could finally breathe properly for the first time since his mother had married the cursed man.
Slowly, he allowed his thoughts to be drowned out by the gentle shuffling of the leaves that the wind danced through as they raced through the trees, closer to their new destiny.
Run boy run! This race is a prophecy! Run boy run! And disappear in the trees!
Night settled around them once more, the moon and stars smiling down gently on the group of laughing boys who surrounded a crackling fire. Seeing that the two brothers were still nervous, the group took turns telling stories, ranging from safer ones to ones that had Rags and Patches lecturing their younger brothers on safety, having never heard such things come from the young teens' mouths.
Eventually, the stories died down, though the silence didn't last long, replaced with giggling and annoyed swears as Rai and Sniper attempted to roast marshmallows over Albert's flaming hair, not caring when the melted treat dripped into the red locks of the struggling boy clamped tightly in Blink's arms.
Soon after, the three were stopped, Albert wrestling the two boys as soon as he was free, laughter filling the air yet again even when the three were pulled apart.
Tony smiled as he stared up at the stars, opening his mouth to break the silence that eventually fell over the group, happy to tell them stories of the sky and stars, ones that he had learnt years ago, back when he was still oblivious to the cruelty that his older brother faced daily.
Eventually, the group settled down, knowing that they'd be back home by tomorrow night, able to relax in a proper bed, surrounded by their family once again instead of resting on the hard ground.
Tomorrow is another day, and you won't have to hide away.
The small crew grinned as they once again got settled on their horses, excitement buzzing through their veins, knowing that in a few hours that they would be home. It was as the air could sense it as well, sending a gentle breath to soothe their excitement, helping the group speed through the landscape, the horses gladly pushing themselves even more, already able to taste the treats they would rightfully get for the hard and long journey they had untaken.
Francis and Tony could both feel a small part that would miss riding through the open land, feeling the ache that came with a living creature speeding under them, carrying them where they wished, letting them feel the wind in their faces as they rode closer and closer to safety and a new life.
The newsies happily spoke of what they planned to do when they got home once again, excited to not only see their family and partners again but to invite and accept the two brothers into Manhattan. Albert grinned, already thinking up plans to annoy the Delancey brothers and their uncle at the gates, wondering if how easy it would be to draw Tony into his schemes, already knowing that the other had the sense for mischief that he had in his own soul. Sure, it might get Francis annoyed but he didn't care. He had a new brother and had to bring him into the life of chaos, so it could wrap him in its embrace, filling his mind with plans to commit with the redhead.
You'll be a man, boy! But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
Hotshot was relieved to almost be back in Brooklyn where he could just relax with his friends. Maybe take a dip in the river. Hell, he might throw Rai or Spot off the pier for shits and giggles, not caring about their reactions. They both could swim after all and it was normal for the boys to throw each other around sometimes and well, he deserved to have a little fun with his family after such a harsh journey. Sure, he hadn't been too happy to join the 'mission' in the first place but he had found himself enjoying himself. Sure, he lost money doing this but it was nice to escape the chaotic life that happened when you lived in New York while being poor.
No matter how hard and chaotic his life was, he found himself enjoying it. After all, it was better than working in a factory or at the pier, hauling stuff around or sailing on a boat, unsure if he'd ever return.
Yes, he hadn't been happy to come on this trip, nor was he happy for his baby brother to join him but to hear Rai laughing along with Tony as animals joined the ride for a short time before they pulled away, it was worth it. If he could get the young boy out of Brooklyn for a few days so he could get some fresh air and a change of pace, well...He'd do it a million times over. He wished he could take all the littles out for journies like this but alas, he couldn't. He had no reason to leave New York, let alone had the money to do so. Still, being able to take one of them out was an amazing feeling, one he wouldn't forget. Rai had lost too much at a young age yet always kept a grin. He deserved to be able to spend time, free in the land with wild animals rushing by him.
It's what the small child deserved.
Tomorrow is another day, and when the night fades away
Breaking for lunch just made all of them antsy, wanting to hurry up and get back home. Even Specs, a normally calm boy was bouncing on his toes, not bothering to hide his excitement at the idea of seeing everyone he cared about. He quickly scoffed down his sandwich, not caring about taking his time. He was going to be home soon and could take his time savouring all the tastes that came with a homecooked meal while surrounded by those he missed.
While the break only lasted thirty minutes, it felt like a lifetime to the small group. Their hearts started to beat faster with each step their tired horses took towards home.
Time travelled slowly, the stars starting to peak out again when New York's outline started to rise in the distance, an excited whoop escaping Albert as he urged his horse to go even faster, unwilling to wait any longer. He wanted...No needed to be back in that city. He loved fresh air but still, he craved the smog of New York. Couldn't wait for it to fill his lungs as he walked around feeling like a king despite people viewing him as nothing more than a street rat.
With the city in the distance, it was as if someone had pressed fast forward, landing the group at Sheepshead racetrack before they knew it. Hotshot couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of a short boy waiting near the empty stables. "Why am I not surprised you showed up Spot?"
"Wanted ta see the new 'Hattan boys fa myself." In all honestly, Spot had just wanted to see his brothers' safe returns was he wasn't going to say that in public. Besides, he couldn't help but be somewhat curious about the two new boys who would be joining the team just across the bridge. To him, it was easy to get a glimpse of what the boys had lived through. He hadn't been told much about them but judging by the bruise on the older boy's cheek, it was clear that they hadn't come from a nice place. Not that many of the newsies had come from a good place that is.
Considering Hotshot had said they were going to a small town, he could tell that it was a small town that hated people being born with powers, whether that hatred was born from jealously and fear or just out of pure stupidity, the Brooklyn native didn't know and he wasn't sure if he even cared to know.
Right now, he did his best to ignore where they had come from, instead, turning to Rai to talk about his trip, already knowing that the rules and boundaries had been explained. Even if they hadn't, the two looked smart, especially the blond who had decided to ignore everyone so he could focus on thanking his horse. God, were all Manhattan boys dorks? Shaking his head with a sigh, he clapped his hands. "Right. Curfew's comin' up in a bit so you'se best start gettin' back over the bridge."
"Giving orders now are we Conlon?"
"Blue's handlin' stuff in Queens so it's my job ta kick your bum asses out of Brooklyn. Now fuck off."
Rags rolled his eyes but still spat in his hand and held it out to the younger boy, nodding as he returned the gesture. "We'se'll get outta ya hair Conlon. Gotta get these two set up and Al looks ready to die."
"Oh fuck off I do not!" Despite his words, Albert was rocking ever so slightly, having not slept much the night before due to excitement. "Let's just clear out already. I don't wanna miss out on the food!"
Shaking his head, Rags laughed watching as Blink started shoving Albert around. "Yeah yeah. Tell Blue I said hi." He smiled at the two Brooklyn boys who had come along with his small crew. "Thanks you two. We'll be off now." With a single wave, the lanky teen ushered the others out of the racetrack grounds, chuckling internally at the way the two new brothers stuck together, looking around in both awe and suspicious hesitation.
Idly, his eyes scanned the crowd, easily able to notice who was a normal person and who was a newsie who were lurking around after selling, watching them silently to make sure they didn't break any rules, wanting the small group out of their turf, yet also silently relieved that they had returned safely as that meant their own had been returned as well.
Feet gently joined the countless others walking on the bridge, their voices mingling with those of people hurrying to and from Brooklyn. Before they knew it, they were back on their own side. Sensing their neves, Specs smiled over at his new brothers. "Don't worry. You'll get used to this all before you know it. I will warn you though...The lodging house can be loud and a bit overwhelming at times. You'll fit right in though. I already know it."
Francis just nodded before turning back to Patches, mumbling something under his breath, relaxing as the other smiled and nodded, allowing the group to lead him and his younger brother around.
You'll be a man, boy!
It didn't take long for them to find themselves walking down Duane Street, watching a few kids eagerly look up, some running towards them as others rushed off towards a building, no doubt to let them know of the groups return. Subconsciously, Francis took a closer to Tony, watching as Specs, Blink and Albert were almost tackled, each by a different boy, all dressed in the same ratty attire as the group.
Shaking his head, Rags nodded for the two brothers to follow him, leaving the six boys to reunite with their boyfriends. "They'll come along eventually so don't worry about the nerds. Let's just get you set up for now. Everyone's been dyin' ta meet you two, not just us newsies."
Grinning, he threw open the door to the lodging house, chuckling as he was greeted by cheers from a wide variety of kids. Silencing them with a single hand in the air, he grinned at the two new boys, remembering the few words Francis had muttered to him.
"Everyone! I'd like ta introduce you to Jack Kelly 'nd his little brother, Racetrack Higgins!"
But for now, it's time to run, it's time to run!
#Newsies#Jack Kelly#Racetrack Higgins#Albert Dasilva#Finch (newsies)#Specs (newsies)#Kid Blink#Blink (newsies)#Anonymous
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God fucking damn it I HATE Grammarly’s set up.
Getting me all hyped about the length before I remember that Oh yeah! The characters are listed about the words for some reason!
I get all hype whenever I check only to have it crashing down >:(
But yeah. I’m working on all those requests, the stories I already have going and two secret one shots that you don’t know about ;)
Talk to you guys later!~
0 notes
So, I’ve been listening to a bunch of songs lately and have been coming up with some story ideas! Here are the songs and the possible characters that I might write, though I’d take any character you want!
1. Run Boy Run by Woodkid. (The Delancey brothers, Snyder and Weasel or Race and Jack (or any other newsies))
2. Neverland by Ruth B. (Finch, Jack, Race or Crutchie)
3. Be Somebody by Thousand Foot Krutch. (Any newsie)
4. Control by Halsey. (The Delanceys)
5. Youth by Daughter. (The Delanceys or newsies)
6. Gasoline by Halsey. (Race)
7. Titanium by David Guetta feat. Sia. (Race, Crutchie or Jack)
8. Battle Scars by Paradise Fears. (Newsies)
9. Warrior by Paradise Fears (Jack, Race or The Delanceys)
10. Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman. (Sprace, Rablert, Javid, Spralbert, Spralmer, Newsbians (Sarah + Kath) or Spromeo)
11. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off. (Delanceys and Snyder or some newsies.)
12. Who You Are by Paradise Fears. (Newsies or Delanceys)
13. Alice of Human Sacrafice, cover by Razzy & Co. (The newsies + Delanceys)
14. Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Lorde (Newsies)
15. Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos. (Newsies)
16. Come Little Children from Hocus Pocus. (Newsies)
17. Come Little Children/Hanging Tree Mashup by Peter Hollens & Bailey Pelkman. (Delanceys and Newsies)
18. Warriors by Imagine Dragons. (Newsies + Kath)
19. Top of the World by Greek Fire. (Jack or Race)
20. Don’t Wait by Joey Graceffa. (Sprace, Ralbert, RedFinch)
21. Colors by Halsey. (Anyone)
22. Ready As I’ll Ever Be Varian solo rewrite by K-Ty, cover by Annapantsu. (The Delancey brothers or any newsie)
23. Raise a Little Hell from Bonnie and Clyde. (Jack)
24. Any song you want! (Any character)
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Quick dialogue prompts #8
1. “I dread the sound of you turning the oven on.”
2. “Are you annoyed at me?” “Well I’m not happy.”
3. “You couldn’t have done that at a worse time.”
4. “What do you mean, he escaped? He’s a fucking tortoise.”
5. “Quick, hide behind the couch!” “Ok, but why are there so many chocolate bar wrappers behind here?”
6. “Get off of my teddy.”
7. “Ew, throw that in the bin right now.”
8. “How many books do you need?” “More. Always more.”
9. “There’s a surprise for you in the fridge.”
10. “Nice slippers grandma.” “Leave me alone they’re comfy.”
These prompts are free to be used by everyone for anything. If you do use any feel free to tag me or msg me a link as I would love to see what you have created :)
I’m sorry if these aren’t as good as normal; it’s late in the UK and I’m rushing once again so I can do last minute homework lmao.
All requests are open.
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“It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.”
This was actually really fun and like Race, I’m fucking stupid when it comes to telling stories so it was fun to think of some.
Thanks for sending this request in!
“It’s a full moon tonight. That’s when all the weirdos are out.”
"Race...Ya out all the time."
Race huffed, ignoring the littles' giggles as he reached over to slap Albert over the back of the head. "Dumbass, let me talk! I wanna tell a story!"
Jack rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as he sketched the scene from the corner of the room. "These kids better be able ta sleep tanight Higgins. I don't wanna be up all night cause you and your stories."
Race huffed, rolling his eyes. There went his plans for talking about a murderer...Time to rethink.
"Alright. Cause Jackie's a spoilsport, I'll change the story." He chuckled, shaking his head as his younger siblings started to complain. "Sorry kids. Gotta listen to the old man. He makes the rules here."
"I'se only a few years older than you!" Faking insult, Jack balled up his ratty blanket and threw it at Race, chuckling as it hit him in the face. "Get on with the story ya nerd!"
"Jesus fine!" Shaking his head, Race grinned, wrapping the blanket around himself. "Right. So the full moon is a magical time but also a dangerous time. While the moon gives us light on the streets, he also brings out mysterious dangers. It is said that if you stand in his light, your mind will be twisted." He grinned, happy to have everyone's eyes on him. "You'll start to feel new urges and will find yaself wanting to do things ya've never heard of before."
"Like what?"
"Well, my dear Kai, I'm glad you asked. Have you ever heard of the sirens?"
"Well, it's said that if you stand on the bridge with the full moon shining down, you'll hear ghostly singing which will draw you towards the water. You'll find yourself with one of two urges. Some feel the need to jump into the water to investigate while others feel the urge to sing back. Singing back will help you'se keep ya freedom while following the siren's urges will spell your doom. Some say they're always out at night and will still attack, but will only sing on the full moon. Never go near the water at night, especially on the full moon. Sometimes, they'll be heard singing outside your window, in hopes of getting you to go to the water."
"Wait...You've gone across the bridge at night before! Have you heard them?"
"Why yes, I've had. I'se sang right back at them as I covered my ears 'nd ran. As ya know, 'm probably the fastest runner in 'Hattan so I was able to outrun their voices."
"So humble ain't ya?"
"When have ya beaten me in a race Finch?"
"Uh-huh. That's what I thought. Anyway. The sirens ain't the only ones that come out in the night. There are the masks as well."
Crutchie fought back a laugh, knowing exactly where this was going. After all, he and Jack were the ones who told Racetrack the story in the first place when the boy was caught attempting to sneak out on a full moon. The story had been passed down from the leader just before Jack who had used it to stop Jack himself from sneaking out
Race's grin widened at the child's question, planning to add his own twists into the story had been told oh so many years ago. "The masks are creatures that come out on the full moon. They appear to be human yet their faces are not. Their faces are inhuman or if they're strong enough to have a human face, it'll be frozen in one expression no matter what and it'll look fake. It'll appear like it's stuck in time."
"What do they do t-to you?"
"Why if they see you walking the streets, they'll take you away. If the masks getcha, you'll never be seen again until the full moon when you're there ta take people away! What do ya think happened to Dax from Queens? He turned into one of them. Everyone just says that he aged out but I'se has seen him. I looked out the window one-night 'nd BAM! He was right there on the street, starin' up at me wit' a weird ass smile on his face. It was raining 'nd he didn't even blink, just kept on staring. Next second, he was gone. The masks 'ad gotten him."
"You'se just tryin' ta tell us scary stories and not about weirdos!"
"I dunno kid. The masks and sirens are pretty weird 'nd creepy." Race shook his head before letting out a soft insulted shout as Blink shoved him to the side.
"Alright, kids. I'se'll tell ya about the weirdos I've seen at night time."
"How can ya see at night with one eye?"
"Same as I see durin' the day Mike. Anyway, I'se got a few stories." He chuckled, shaking his head. During the time Race was speaking, he had sorted through his own nightly experiences, sorting the stories from each other so he didn't slip up and tell a not so 'kid-friendly' story. He didn't feel like a repeat of last time. As friendly and cheerful he appeared, Crutchie was more than happy to hit someone with his crutch if he felt like someone deserved it. Last time Blink had told a story, the bruise had lasted over a week. Though he had to admit he made a mistake when he decided to tell the kids he had snuck into a bar and managed to steal from a drunk which ended up causing a few of the more daring littles to attempt to go near the bars. Luckily, Jack had expected this and had the more mature kids keep an eye out for anyone wandering towards the bars.
"Once at night on a full moon, I'se was coming home. I had been out a bit late ya know? It was still early enough that 'the masks' hadn't come out yet." The only reason he had mentioned Race's stupid story was that he knew the taller boy would interrupt him in an attempt to draw the attention back onto himself. "And before ya ask, this isn't the same night as the bar incident. Anyway, I was walking home yeah? I think I was only a block away from lodging actually when some really hairy lookin' fella comes stumbling outta the alley. I'm talkin' real hairy. Like hair on 'is hands, neck 'nd stuff like that. He's mumbling ta himself and stuff then he sees me. He starts coming towards me 'nd I think Great here we'se go. but instead o' fightin' me, he throws his arms round me, tells me that God blesses me and starts singin' those song thingys."
"Right that. Thanks, Jojo. So this guy is singin' and holding onto me and all of a sudden just lets me go and walks off. I watch him go and see that he does the same thing to a lamp post. He didn't even smell like liquor which just added ta the confusion. Pretty sure he kissed the lamp post as well before he just sat down, singin' ta himself." He shook his head, grinning at the laughter that followed his story. Even Jojo was laughing which meant that the risk he had taken hadn't insulted the boy who had grown up, raised by nuns.
Over the next few hours, he and the other older kids kept up their storytelling, entertaining the younger ones with tales of strange things they had seen over their short lives, even allowing Race to tell more of his stupid stories.
Finally deciding to be serious with the topic, Race grinned, cutting off Jack's cowboy story. "We'se heard that story a lot Cowboy 'nd I've seen some pretty weird shit up in Brooklyn if you'se wanted to hear."
Considering he was the only non-Brooklyn newsie who could sell there let alone stay the night meant he instantly drew their interest. After all, whenever the newsies came up with a 'strange' story, they made sure to mention Brooklyn.
"So. One night, the fellas and I were in their kitchen when this knock sounds on the door. Laughin', they all send me to go answer it and what do I get? Some stranger tossin' water in ma face! Apparently, once a week, this lady walks up ta different houses 'nd throws water at people fa no reason. Like who does that? So, I'm standing there, soaked ta the bone wit' all the fellas laughing at me so what do I do fa revenge? I go 'nd grab a bowl maself and toss it all over them 'fore rushing off, runnin all the way back here."
"You've thrown water at me!"
"Albie my dear friend...You kept fucking snoring. What was meant to do?" Grinning, he quickly dodged the punch his best friend through at him. "Anyway. There was this other guy who walked around sayin' he was a god. People were naturally avoidin' him considering he was screamin' at the top o' his lungs, dancing buck naked in the streets. The bulls came ta pick him up and he threw something in their faces, I think it was flour and takes off running, screamin' about lemons and shit." He shook his head, remembering the conversation he had with Spot after that confusing day.
Before Race could keep speaking, Jack clapped his hands. "Alright, guys. It's time fa bed. Moon's getting high and we'se got work tomorrow."
"But I wanna hear more stories!"
"Too bad. Ya gotta go to bed Lijah." Grinning, he watched as the older boys started ushering the younger kids upstairs to get ready for bed, happy to see that there was minimal complaining...Right now at least. He knew some kids would take more time to settle down but he was prepared for that.
He stood up, following the group so he could catch up to Race. "The masks 'nd sirens? Really?"
"What? They'se good stories and you know that! Besides, correct me if I’m wrong but if I remember correctly, you and Crutchie were the ones who told me about the masks, I'm just passing on the knowledge."
Without a comeback, Jack just laughed and shook his head, watching the blond run up the stairs. He had to give it to Race, the kid had a massive imagination and if he filed away the stories to draw later, well...No one needed to know.
#newsies#racetrack higgins#race higgins#kid blink#albert dasilva#jack kelly#finch (newsies)#crutchie#apollo's shitty writing#friend request!#prettyinlimegreenboots
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“Damn, damn, damn, double damn!”
Fun fact: This was originally going to be angsty but I decided to save that idea for later. So have some worried Jack who’s stressing about a ‘first date’ with Davey.
I added one of my favourite ideas about a reincarnation au for like a paragraph lol.
Oh yeah before I forget. #LetCrutchieSayFuck
Crutchie grinned as he watched Jack toss around clothes.
"Damn, damn, daMN, DOUBLE DAMN IT!"
He chuckled, watching his brother rush around. "Someone's nervous."
Jack jumped, spinning around, clutching a shirt in his hand, pants in the other. "No shit I'm nervous! I've actually got a date with David!"
"David? Damn you really are nervous." He laughed, shaking his head before entering the room. Despite his teasing, he was willing to help out his older brother considering the other looked five seconds away from breaking down. "Alright...I'll help you pick out ya clothes. Just relax okay? You'll do fine you moron."
"I don't want to stuff up! What if I do something stupid and scare him off?"
"Jack...He's dealt with your bullshit this long and it just so happens he's taking you on a date so fucking chill." Mockingly, he pat his cheek. "I see you need my help. So where are you two even going?"
"The library..."
"Heh, a nerdy date huh?" Crutchie paused as he looked between pants. "Hang on...This is a date right? Not just studying or working on a project?"
"Jackson Kelly-Larkin you fucking moron. You're stressing over going to the library to study and you're acting like it's a date?"
"H-Hey! Normally, it's a group thing and he invited me and me alone! He was blushing when he asked Charlie!"
"What if he was worried about coming off strange?" Crutchie smirked, knowing full well that Davey had asked his brother on a date. Hell, the other had been texting him, freaking out about the fact that Jack had agreed. "Look. Just act normal you moron. You'll do fine. So take deep breaths. Everything will be fine. I promise."
"No buts Jack! Everything will be perfectly okay so just chill out." He slapped him over the back of the head before going back to sorting through the massive pile of clothes, putting the paint-stained ones aside. "Right. Go grab your shoes."
"Which ones?"
"Just grab whatever ones you feel like wearing. As long as it's not covered in paint considering you get that everywhere."
Without protesting, Jack left to grab his shoes, knowing better than to argue with the blond.
As he waited, Crutchie scrolled through his phone, chuckling at the latest message.
Davey's freaking out. How's your moron doing?
Being a fucking moron and throwing clothes around. I sent him to grab his shoes so I can help better.
Davey legit pulled out a formal top earlier. They're just going to the damn library, not some fucking restaurant.
What, like you and Kath?
Oh, fuck off Charlie.
Whatever you say, Sarah.
"Who ya texting?"
"Hmm? Oh, just saw Race did something stupid over in Brooklyn."
"Again? How the fuck does Spot put up with him?"
"Who knows." With a grin, he tucked his phone away before he went back to matching pants to shirts, glad to see that Jack at least was calming down. He had honestly never seen him so nervous for a date and that just confirmed in his mind that Davey was special to Jack. That and he had been putting up with Jack annoying him for a while and somehow hadn't lost his mind.
"What do I do Crutch? He's fucking amazing and I don't want to stuff this up...He's different from everyone else and I mean it this time. I'm actually scared...I don't wanna scare him away but freaking him out..."
"For once, shut up. You won't scare him off. After you two are done at the library, see if he wants to grab a coffee or some shit. Just act normal for god's sake."
"Don't use the lord's name in vain you gremlin!"
"Since when were you the good religious boy of the family? That's meant to be Race."
"Please. That asshole isn't anywhere near being a good Christan boy." Jack snorted, shaking his head as he remembered each time Race didn't follow the bible. He knew that didn't make him any less Christan though. He just enjoyed teasing him but always made sure not to push too far, seeing how it was one of his fondest memories involving his birth parents. "It's like he looked at the bible and said Fuck you. I'm gonna do everything you tell me not to. 'm surprised that cross o' his hasn't burst into flames."
The two looked up at the sound of giggling, shaking their heads at the sight of their younger twin brothers, staring in.
"Jackie's got a date!"
"Jack's wants to kiss Davey!"
"He's gonna get cooties!"
"Yeah and he'll give them to you two if you don't leave!" Crutchie waved his hands towards them, watching as Mike and Ike just giggled and rushed off to do gods knows what.
Jack sighed as they left, shaking his head with a soft smile. "They'se dorks." He couldn't help but wonder how long the two had been watching him worry about what to wear.
"Yeah, and they get that from you and Race. Out of the three of us, I'm the most mature one. Once again, the middle child is the best child."
"Aw shut up." He tossed a pillow at Crutchie, grinning as the other boy laughed and leaned to the side to dodge it.
"You love me. Now put these on." He tossed a shirt and pants at Jack before leaving the room. Jack shook his head, getting changed while listening to the familiar light sound of his brother's crutches tapping the floor as he went to go check on their twin brothers in hopes they weren't making a mess.
Quickly getting changed, he nodded to himself, inspecting every small inch. Once again, Crutchie had pulled through and found an outfit that worked for a date yet seemed causal enough that no one would suspect he had been panicking. Sure, there were some small dots of paint on his jeans but it was basically his brand at this point so it wasn't really a surprise. Taking a few minutes to debate with himself, he quickly scooped up his cap, smiling softly as he looked at it. While some people looked through thrift shops and found caps like his, Jack's had actually been passed down through the years, each owner leaving a small mark. One of them was a carefully stitched name of Jack Kelly. He didn't really know much about that Jack considering they lived hundreds of years apart but he still felt a connection with him.
All he really knew was what had been printed in the papers. He chuckled softly, putting it on. Specs liked to speak of reincarnation, saying he had felt a natural connection to them all and the picture of the newsies on strike just solidified that thought considering all their names were listed in on the front page. Jack couldn't lie...He felt a connection to them all as well but he didn't want to say it out loud for the fear of sounding cheesy, though he suspected some of them knew.
"Thinkin' bout the past are we?"
Jack blinked, looking over at the reappearance of his brother. "Eh, not really. Just wondering if it goes with the outfit...Like a good luck charm you know?"
"Mmmm sure." Grinning, Crutchie shook his head. "I thought you'd want to wear it so I made sure it matches."
"You know me too well Charlie..."
"I also know if you keep staring at yourself in the mirror and freaking yourself out, you'll be late so you better hurry up."
Panicking, Jack checked his phone before swearing. "Fuck you're right. You're fine with watching the kids right?"
"Jack, it's going to be fine. Unlike you, the twins and Smalls actually listen to me most of the time. So, don't worry about us okay? Just go have fun. Everything will be fine."
Brushing off the teasing insult, Jack rushed off after giving his brother a quick hug, shouting a goodbye over his shoulder, only to bolt back inside to grab his car keys, quickly running back outside, ignoring Crutchie's laughter.
Taking deep breaths, he drove himself to the library, doing his best to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. "It's no big deal...We're just studying and I'll see if he wants coffee or something later. It's just studying...That's it...Sweet Jesus give me strength."
Time passed by too quickly and he soon found himself parked next to a familiar car. Adjusting his cap, he slipped out of his car, heading inside, praying to everything out there that he'd get a boyfriend by the end of the day.
#newsies#jack kelly#crutchie newsies#crutchie#charlie morris#davey jacobs#javid#apollo's shitty writing#friend request#prettyinlimegreenboots
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Injury/Illness Prompts
“You didn’t think you should tell me that you were in the hospital?! You thought it was, what? Was it better I just believed you up and left me without a warning?!”
“Where did all these scars come from? There’s so many…”
“You’re bleeding! Just let me take a look.”
“You could have told me you were sick. I wouldn’t have thought less of you..”
“Don’t let them cut it off. I don’t care what happens just… don’t let them cut it off.”
“I can’t feel my legs! Why can’t I feel my legs?!”
“If your fever gets any higher, nothing you say will stop me from taking you to the hospital.”
“You don’t look okay. When is the last time you ate?”
“I think I’m going to faint…”
“It’s punctured your chest. Staying hidden is less important than keeping you alive.”
“How many times have you thrown up? Are you pregnant? Just tell me what’s happening!”
“You’re eyes are… yellow? I don’t think eyes are supposed to look like that.”
“Why haven’t you been at school? The teacher said you were sick but..”
“Don’t pass out on me! Please! Don’t pass out!”
“We’ve lost too many people this month. I’m not losing you too. Deal with it.”
“A fever doesn’t make you a weak person. A fever just makes you a person.”
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