carmine's: a place for steaks
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im the real life charlie. this is a sideblog, i follow back from my main @celadondaze. currently posting: what we do in the shadows season 6
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aplaceforsteaks · 1 day ago
youll be able to find books and movies and music that change your life until the day you die. that's pretty good
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aplaceforsteaks · 2 days ago
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aplaceforsteaks · 2 days ago
oh my godddd the people in the notes of that pokemon anti homeless bench are going to kill me. they're so eager to come up with lore explanations or dismissive hand waves instead of looking at it for what it is. anti homeless benches are so unbelievably pervasive that, whether intentional or not, a designer made the benches in a fantasy game mirror the real world in a jarring way. it's an ugly and uncomfortable juxtaposition that really sticks out in a heavily sanitised and safe kids game like pokemon. i don't think this is some grand statement on gamefreak's politics or anything like that, rather a scathing unintentional indictment on the cruelty of a world that intentionally creates public spaces hostile to homeless people leaking into an idyllic fantasy world where humans live in harmony with nature.
maybe the designer is so used to seeing anti homeless benches that they've never thought about it too much, maybe they knew thought it would make it more immersive and get people talking about the inherent cruelty of such a thing, maybe a million other things. the beauty is that we'll never know. the only thing that will remain is the genuinely profound and baffling phrase "lumiose city anti homeless benches" and the dizzying implications that come with it. banksy couldn't eat her shit
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aplaceforsteaks · 5 days ago
[fully aware that making anything at all is an act of tremendous effort and difficulty, to say nothing of the additional challenge of the quality of the thing, all of which are made much worse and thornier by corporate productions] right but why didnt they just make it good instead of bad
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aplaceforsteaks · 5 days ago
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aplaceforsteaks · 6 days ago
[Audio transcript: A collection of audio clips of Cecil from Welcome to Night Vale mispronouncing state names, especially “Michigan” as “Mitchigan.” He also says “Ah-luh-buh-muh” for “Alabama,” “Or-ee-gone” for “Oregon,” “Pennsyl-vah-nia” for “Pennsylvania,” and “Oh-ee-oh” for “Ohio.” “Michigan” is often the worst of the mispronunciations, sometimes barely resembling the word. There’s an exchange where he speaks to an offscreen Kareem and repeatedly fails to pronounce Michigan before concluding he can’t mimic Kareem’s regional accent. He also says “Detroit” with a French accent and “Chai-cago.” End transcript]
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aplaceforsteaks · 7 days ago
I think the biggest thing regarding the concern of the new avatar show potentially bringing in more Korra hate is that - the people who hate her character already hate her and will continue doing so. This show could paint Korra as one of the best Avatars ever seen who passed without leaving any problems behind and people would *still* hate her.
Another important note is that this is just following the pattern and theme we’ve seen with past Avatars. Every Avatar has to clean up the mess of the previous Avatar, and every Avatar leaves the world with some unresolved conflict. We see this with Yang, Kuruk, Kyoshi - hell, Roku’s inaction led to genocide, colonization, and a 100 year war. The same thing happened with Aang leaving behind unresolved conflicts, and now the same will happen with Korra. Korra isn’t the only Avatar who will leave problems behind, and she won’t be the last. This is a pretty important lesson Korra herself learns during LoK, the Avatar can’t fix everything, and at the end of the day they’re still human.
Again, I do understand the frustrations of Korra facing hatred and misogyny, but I am not a fan of this attitude that any future Avatar projects should only show Korra in a positive light with no flaws, and if she faces any more hate from misogynists, it’s the writers fault, this way of thinking is so restrictive and isn’t fair to both Korra as a character, and the writers who enjoy writing complex female characters. We shouldn’t sanitize Korra just to try and please asshole misogynists, and I think it’s unfair to blame writers for fandom discourse and incels.
Anyways! As always I will reserve judgement until more information comes out and the actual show releases, but Bryke and the writers love Korra, and while I understand the anxiety, I am honestly not too worried. This could easily go in a direction where Korra wasn’t 100% responsible for this cataclysm, but something happened that makes the people blame her (just like how there were characters in The Last Airbender who blamed Aang for being gone and for not stopping the 100 year war). We will see! Happy Friday everybody, and happy birthday ATLA!! ❤️❤️
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aplaceforsteaks · 8 days ago
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Here’s the entire photoshoot of that night Rob and Glenn went fishing for crabs and Rob decided it was a good idea to help Glenn pee out of a boat
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aplaceforsteaks · 9 days ago
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Pokemon Flora Posters made by DilliciousArt
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aplaceforsteaks · 9 days ago
lesbians like macdennis because it reminds them of their best friend from high school
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aplaceforsteaks · 9 days ago
AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER premiered 20 years ago today (Feb 21, 2005) on Nickelodeon
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aplaceforsteaks · 13 days ago
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aplaceforsteaks · 15 days ago
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pokemon doodlin
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aplaceforsteaks · 18 days ago
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Mr. Becket... this is Mako Mori. One of our brightest.
PACIFIC RIM (2013) dir. Guillermo del Toro.
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aplaceforsteaks · 18 days ago
many things about the chronicles of Narnia made me irrevocably insane at the small age of six years old but one of the big ones was the bit in prince Caspian where caspian blows susan's horn to try and summon help and it summons the pevensie kids like. that's crazy ok. that's insane. imagine at 12 years old you're given a horn thats purpose is basically summoning divine intervention & then years later someone blows it and summons YOU . I'm crazy !
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aplaceforsteaks · 19 days ago
Things people don’t talk about enough from the Hunger Games:
Many of Katniss’ strongest allies are women that are over looked by others (Madge, Rue, Mags, Wiress)
While Katniss has a strained relationship with her mother, her mother is never demonized. Katniss recognizes the trauma her mother went through and was willing to try to improve their relationship in CF
The rebellion didn’t start with the berries. The rebellion started when Katniss showed compassion towards a dying, black girl that the world had already written off as unimportant
One of the beauty trends in the capitol that Katniss finds odd is the shaving of body hair. When her leg hair grows back in CF, she expresses comfort in it.
Katniss’ character arc throughout the series is her understanding of who the enemy is. It isn’t the rich people in district 12, or the other tributes, or the other districts, or the people in the capitol. It’s the government and it’s Snow.
Katniss never wanted another hunger games with the kids of the capitol. In that meeting she recognizes Coin’s commitment to perpetuating the cycle of violence. She votes in favor of it to cover her plans of killing Coin.
The violence in the books is SUPPOSED to feel random and unfair. Prim being reaped was supposed to be against all odds because in the real world, violence is indiscriminate.
Gale is a victim too and was not solely responsible for the death of Prim. He spent the first two books feeling helpless as he watched people he loved be put in danger and suffer. Coin offered him a way to regain control. At the end of the day, Gale is only 18 and doesn’t realize the depth of the games being played.
Katniss is great with kids and actually enjoys being around them. She says the only reason she doesn’t want them is because she can’t imagine them being put in the hunger games. Her having children in the epilogue is a sign of her healing and finally feeling safe
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aplaceforsteaks · 20 days ago
Annoying dog people but in the pokemon world would be crazy like hey is it okay if I bring my pet steelix to the BBQ oh don't worry she's such a sweetheart! She doesn't bite!
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