Lumi's Dev blog/AOTG project
119 posts
Hi im Lumi this is my dev blog for the production of Adventures of the Guardians (New post everyday)
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aotgdevblog · 10 months ago
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Day 119 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Missed post yesterday, however, I'm not entirely sure how but I had the most productive day I have had in what feels like, since college. I felt like my old college try hard self. My house is now clean, I watched some syfy's faceoff while hand sewing my cosplay, and I am nearly done upgrading the table of contents which, is looking so professional, i'm so happy how clean and crisp it looks.
Have work early tomorrow so I think im done for tonight
weather update: TAKE THAT DEPRESSION!! >:0
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 10 months ago
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Day 117 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Sorry for going MIA a little there. Finally did something I liked with the guidebook. I want to go back at some point and clean up the illustration, but I think it works good for now as a placeholder for the cover art.
Gonna keep working on it tonight, i'm feeling the new look so hopefully it will keep me inspired to keep working!
(weather update: blue skies, although still a bit chilly)
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 10 months ago
Day 114
Hello everyone!
No post today, trying to reconfigure the guidebook again. Started using a Google sheet to keep track of everything, hopefully that will help.
Gnite everyone <3
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aotgdevblog · 10 months ago
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Day 113 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Made a second page for 'hosting meetings with production manager(for producers)' although I think that I might just make one 'hosting meetings slide' instead since the producer meets with other studio members, for the purpose of updating/adding/removing organizers, you know what, I can have that, and then meeting with managers/directors for handing out assignments. Ok, I like this plan, debating whether to go to bed or not i've been up since 6:30 this morning...ok ill write down what I need to get done tomorrow, i've gotten a good chunk done of my costume, I can dedicate time to just studio stuff. (owo
(weather update: still waiting for summer, gas bill is expensive)
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 10 months ago
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Day 112 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Managed to do something today. Finished 'hosting meetings for production managers', although I think I want to go back when im all finished with producers and redo everything. One of these days i'm just going to work on this for like, 7 hours straight, I wish today was one of those days, my ADHD makes me feel so lazy sometimes like, I was able to do this just a couple days ago, and now I can't do anything. *sigh* I want to work on this, maybe I can bring it to work with me tomorrow idk. I feel like no matter where I try to get work done it never works unless my brain is done being lazy. Someone else would be able to do this job way better than I can...anyway...
(weather update: a bit cold and windy, waiting for the summer)
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 10 months ago
Sorry guys no post today! I’ve been considering maybe taking a break from tumblr posts, at least take a break from posting every single day, that way I don’t have to worry about “oh I need to work on AOTG for the tumblr post” and can work on it when I actually have time to. I’m going to try to get something done for the studio guidebook tomorrow(later today), but we’ll see if I’m able to sit down and work on it, fingers crossed. ( TwT
G’nite everyone! Ttyl <3
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 110 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Did a lot of revising today, want to go back again and update previous slides to make sure everything is consistent and coherent. I think it will be easier once I know each type of job's responsibilities towards a project and towards each other.
Besides that I reworked the producer's responsibilities, the slides highlighted in purple are complete, the ones in yellow still need to be worked on. I also decided to make job expectations for myself/or working executive producer on a project. For AOTG i'm working as executive producer/producer for now. I think I need to try harder to strike a balance between working on studio stuff, and cosplay stuff, because if I go too long without really thinking on this, I forget and have to relearn/reread what I have written, there's so much to keep track of, but i'm doing my best to make it as user friendly as possible.
(Weather update: I was not outside for long but it was pleasant enough!)
G'nite everyone, ttyt <3
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 109 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Kind of a short post today? Kinda expected this slide to be longer, will probably go back and some point and add to it, what is the studio guidebook if not in a constant state of revisions?
(weather update: an attention span, like a raindrop lost at sea, she eluded me (u u )
G'nite everyone! ttyt <3
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 108 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Skipped ahead a little since slide 2 requires too much brain power to write up, anyway, finished 'hosting meetings for production coordinators' today, will do slide 2 tomorrow as well as update the 'signing up for job roles(for production managers)'.
(weather update: I crave summer, I never thought I would ever say that what is happening)
G'nite everyone! ttyt <3
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 107 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
So, ironically enough I redid what I made yesterday that I was going to share today, but I like what I did today a lot better. It kinda reminds me of coding, very step by step with highly specified instructions. Anyway, today I finished all 4 pages of 'job expectations overview(for producers)'. Did I expect it to be 4 pages long? Not at all! :) But that's good, because that means my adhd meds are working today.
Should I dare tempt the fates? Should I, proclaim, to partake in more slideshow, on the morrow? Mayhaps, me thinketh, mayhaps...
(weather update: I hope that Joe Biden's inbox has 9999 emails calling for a ceasefire 😔)
G'nite everyone, ttyt!
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
I worked on the studio guidebook a little today, but i'm saving that work for tomorrow because @wizardbisan asked us to.
She asked us not to work, in order to put a full stop on the "business as usual" while millions have been murdered over in Gaza.
I know there is not much I can do to change the minds of people that are doing the murdering, and launching the bombs, and perpetuating the genocide, but I can decide to say something today, and tomorrow, and the next day. I might not always say it online, because its a lot, and its frustrating and scary, and doom scrolling can make you sick, just remember that when someone tells you that, you have power over what you say and do, why are we rewarding genocide, and punishing humanity?
Sorry if that was deep, I don't care about your justifications for murdering palestinian's don't talk to me if you feel that way. This studio will always be in support of gaza, and in support of a ceasefire. I hope Iran kicks Israel's whinny bitch ass.
(work will resume tomorrow, 4/16)
please have a good night <3
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 105 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Today, was a pretty good day for studio guidebook!
Got a lot done, completely redid the structure of the job expectation section, re worked definitions, aaaaand started the producer job expectations section! Decided to flip the order so producer is now first, that way its easier to understand the order of who does what first in production, (which honestly could be why I was having so much trouble since I was trying to do it backwards).
Any hoo! Gonna try to do more tomorrow now that I have written notes.
G'nite everyone! ttyt! <3
(weather update: Hey, is anyone out there also trying to start a production/animation studio? Just curious. Leave me a comment if you are I am always always always down to talk shop it is my favorite thing, please do not be shy!)
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 104 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Managed to get a little bit done today. Finished job expectations for Directors, had to go back and add a slide to job expectations for production managers. I added it to the table of contents but still need to write up the slide. I also made the first slide for Director expectations (which I still need to write up). I think I might try to go back and write out definitions on paper again since it helped last time.
(weather update: Pleasant, with light sun showers as I walked home)
G'nite everyone! <3
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
Day 103
Sorry guys no tumblr post today! I’ll try to make up for it tomorrow! 👍(TwT
(Weather update: what is shirt collars and how do they work)
G’nite everyone! Ttyt <3
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 102 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Today I started planning out the contents for 'job expectations for director'. Nice to be done with production manager, and start the next section. Also managed to get more of my costume done!
Might need to take a break from Baldur's gate until I finish (TwT
(so distracting..)
(weather update: a little drizzly, a little windy)
G'nite everyone!
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 101 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
A little busy today! Edited the Jack illustration from yesterday(and signed it).
'Inappropriate/abusive behavior from coworkers/upper management(for production managers)'
'Following rules of conduct(for production managers)'
'Leaving the studio(for production managers)'
(weather update: not as warm as yesterday but still very pleasant!)
G'nite everyone! ttyt <3
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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aotgdevblog · 11 months ago
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Day 100 of production studio guidebook
Hello everyone!
Hey its my 100th post!! Wooooooh!! Thought I would take a break from organizing to make a promo poster!
(ah heck I forgot to sign it)
Tomorrow ill post the signed poster design!
ngl It was really refreshing to do whatever I wanted with colors, i'm honestly kinda surprised how well this turned out. Anyway! Remember kids, always use a reference, and start with a base color tone! I chose blue, for the shadows, and orange for the lighting.
(weather update: gorgeous out, 10/10, went outside to get breakfast then proceeded to play BG3 for the rest of the day...what is wrong with me... oh least I got a W near the end of the day! <3
ttyt everyone! <3
AOTG is a fan series that takes place after the 2012 movie Rise of the Guardians.
Rise of the guardians is the intellectual property of Dreamwork's animation. Lumifox Productions is not affiliated nor contracted by DreamWorks animation to produce the following content. AOTG is not monetized and is a project made by very weird and passionate fans.
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