20 posts
I’m under the control of six cats and have no free will or life.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
anxietyintrusivethoughts · 2 days ago
Fading little one- Daniwritergirl ao3
Draco x Harry x Tom Riddle
Brief relationship- Harry x Ginny
The war has ended and the discrimination against those who fought on the wrong side is blatant. Draco has locked himself in his manor to hide from prosecution while Harry is on a reign of corrupted terror. The thin veil between light and dark has been disrupted, perhaps even changing sides, and what makes a person good and evil is tested to extremes when Tom Riddle comes into the picture. Poor little Draco only wanted three things in life and he fears these two men had taken it all away. To have him, they must make these things right but the question is, can they?
Some of the tags include: Transgender Draco, Foot Fetish, Mention of Pregnancy, Babies
Rating is r18
(Story has a very, very dark and twisted Harry.)
Ch 1 sneak peak:
Harry slowly nodded as he scanned Draco on the sofa. He wasn't very magnificent. Draco was small before but he had lost a bit of weight. Without going outside hos skin was sickly pale and in his solitude he had let his hair grow out to the dip of his back. Currently it was draped across his shoulders over a loose white dress shirt that was tucked into simple black slacks. Draco hadn't even bothered to put loafers on over his ankle high socks. Harry’s eyes settled on Draco’s toes of his folded leg which were pointed out. Draco smirked a bit, flexed them down, watched as Harry’s hands opened a bit before gripped onto the box he held in front of his stomach before him. His lips parted withdrawing a steady breath which he turned into his next question.
"Where have you been Draco?"
Straight to the point as always Potter. Draco bobbed his foot up and down, his eyes were still on it. He was a bit naughtier than before, Draco supposed the world and adult temptations does that to a man though.
"I've been here," he sighed, "I don't exactly have anywhere to go?"
His eyes finally rose. Draco expected him to blush, be cute like he used to be when he'd be caught doing something he shouldn't but instead those eyes were bold and dark as they met Draco’s. He was unbothered or rather had grown in his confidence. Defeating the Dark Lord must grant you that one. Draco turned sideways, he’d get this man to fold yet, might as well make this interesting for himself. It'd been quite a while since he’d had any lot of enjoyment.
"What do you mean no where to go? There's plenty to do."
As Draco reached for a wine decanter on a little round glass table beside him with three legs that had claws holding onto little green glass balls he also let his right hand fall folding limply towards his head. Slipping his slim fingers into his thin hair he pinched a random strand and began twirling it along his finger mindlessly as he picked up the decanter.
He shrugged, boring as ever, his loss. Angling the heavy glass bottle with a dark green skull base that cleared to the top Draco watched as red wine poured into a small studded glass. Switching to pick up the glass he set the thick rim to his lips, felt the cold frosted edge against his skin as he took a sip returning to Potter. His eyes were downward on Draco now, his cheeks flushed.
"Where have you been?" Harry asked again.
Draco growled, Harry always was a prodding git who never believed him. Dropping his legs as he bent forward, Draco glass setting against his inner thighs he snarled at him.
"It may be a happily ever after better world for you Potter but not for everyone. Half of my class is either in jail or dead. I saved Pansy from a similar state. I haven't left because I've been threatened and harassed more than enough myself. It's best here."
Harry just kept staring. He didn't retort Draco, didn't give one of those it will get better pep talks bullshit or tell him the world would piss rainbows be day. In fact, he totally stunned Draco by what he did.
Draco’s wand was slammed into his chest knocking his fragile body back a bit, his wine spilling over his shirt and lap. Shocked, Draco held the wand up and tossed the glass aside onto the floor. That shock quickly turned to anger as he snapped his head up pissed.
"Potter you fre-"
Harry was right in front of his face. Draco could smell smokes on his breath. What an interesting naughty habit you've formed here.
"Isnt it what you've caused for yourself?"
Wh-what we've caused for ourselves? Draco thought he might believe that but to honestly know it... he felt a sharp pain hit him in his chest. It knocked the air right from him, was agonizing but he was never harmed. This was something far worse than something caused by physical harm, it was an emotional wound.
"You think we did this?" Draco whispered.
"You did. You went and fought alongside a horrible man-"
He snatched Draco’s arm right on the mark. Draco grit his teeth, fought from making any sign that it hurt so instead he just kept his eyes down on his chest. Focused on a little silver Ministry button holding his cloak together. Wanted to rip it the fuck off.
"You let people be tortured, killed, you even were praised by the man Draco. You fought on the wrong side and you want people to forgive you? Your 'friends' are getting what they deserve, what they did to others. It's a process of healing and elimination of the threat."
Draco was moving side to side, no, his head was slowly shaking in disbelief. This wasn't him, this wasn't the boy full of warmth he knew. Harry made him look like a damn saint!
"Potter," he whispered, "what happened to you?"
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 2 days ago
‘Every card must played, every position filled.’
One card short
Main relationship: Tim Drake x Joker
Also has: Tim x Jason and briefly Tim x Bernard
Story sneak peak:
"I love you Tim."
I went rigid. Bernard had never said this. He had never led on to any serious emotions. It was probably because he knew I wasn't capable to deal with them. I knew Bernard felt them, felt love, he had to have if he stayed with me and supported me but I shoved all of Bernard's emotions aside and used this relationship more as something open. Maybe I didn't take it as seriously as Bernard did. But that was entirely bullshit, Bernard was my world, if anything happened to him I'd see the world burn, Id never forgive, Id never love again. If Bernard fell in love with someone else? Id kill. If someone hurt him, touched him? I'd kill.
So why was I unable to find myself feeling it here, telling it back to him. Instead I softly pressed my lips against Bernard's.
"I know," I agreed.
Bernard was too drunk to even remember what he had said with that long of my pause, just pleasantly grinned with the kiss; he began to sway his hips as he held me close. I couldn't look him in the eye so I set my hand on the back of Bernard's head holding it into my collar. As we swayed looking like fools slow dancing to up beat dance music, my eyes locked with HIS.
Those electric excited dangerous blue pits.
They were engulfed by white. White paint over white bleached skin. Flat green hair hugged his face, a few strands loose over his eyes but his long full lashes were black. His lips were full, bright red; perfectly lined with the most intense shade of lipstick that would draw in attention from across the room to him. It used to be smeared but a change had happened to the man. He’d been that symbolism of mayhem and disorder before this instantaneous snap happened in him and his funny chaos turned into a horrifying psychotic dark one. His laughs that used to follow jokes, even would precede them were absent now. Instead he'd leave walls painted with beautiful red flowers, unnerving silence somehow echoing, with devastation and decay trailing behind. No one ever thought Joker could be more terrifying than he was before but boy, he was, and now they dare not even whisper his name.
Now, not even other villains dare look his way.
I may be smart but I considered myself incredibly stupid so I locked myself with those eyes. Bravery was often idiotic, curiosity killed the cat, and me locking eyes with Joker would make me wish I was dead.
Completed 1st ch coming soon on ao3!
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 5 days ago
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My mom just looked in the back yard and she says she saw a turkey. We never have turkeys in our backyard. We’re in the center of a neighborhood. My mom has memory problems so we thought she was seeing shit. I go to look, nothing.
My dad goes to the front door, opens it, and this HuGE ass tom TurkEY is standing right in front of our stairs like he’s selling car insurance.
We’re like.
He’s like-
So I go get my phone, the turkeys ran for the safety behind a car because he evidently has never sold car insurance before and is scared, that or he is really shotty at it. Either way, he’s shy.
and when my dad starts gobbling he gets offended.
Like real offended, ok.
Then it comes. The stare. This turkey gives us the judgmental stare because we just stereotyped a hard working turkey who sucks at his sales job.
I’m not even entirely convinced he was a sales turkey, he might have been a thief snooping like that. We might have caught him in that act.
Either way, never, ever… gobble at a turkey. They know where you live.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 5 days ago
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This, this is why I don’t color. Fucked up a perfectly fine picture is what I did. Look, it’s scared!
I’m not gunna even add tags. Shaming it would just be too cruel.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 6 days ago
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I write a crapola load.
When I’m struggling for creativity, I go to Pinterest and create a collage board and just throw images together that might relate to something I’ve been:
Working on
Interested in
Or just entirely random
and they have created some of my best story plots. This is just one of my basic ones that I made that hasn’t brought anything to fruition so it’s why I’m showing it, but I thought it might help others who get in that writers block. I made it because I had a white rabbit named Alice ironic enough.
To use collage on Pinterest just click the + button and select collage. They even give a little tutorial and it’s fun to experiment with.
*if these are your pics, lemme know. Idk who they belong to, Pinterest just lets you throw shit together and all in the collage section.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 6 days ago
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I drew this mess back when I was relearning to draw.
I’d had some health problems and stopped drawing for over I’d say at least five, six years now that I think about it, at least.
I just randomly jumped back in back in November /24 and found it was sort of like riding a bike but now I had open fresh eyes to my art. This isn’t a prime example because it’s like the fourth thing I drew, but now I see in drawing people about using depth and all where as I used to keep them so flat and stoic.
Anyways, it’s only been a few months and I’m still getting back into it but I hope to grow again.
I’m just figuring out hair and all which is fun.
I hope to learn to color soon too with copics. I used them at one point but never really to a high skilled level.
If anyone follows me on my art journey, you have my gratitude.🙏
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 19 days ago
I included a villain for each because there’s those people who like the bad guys.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 19 days ago
My favorite character right now if Fizzarolli, but it keeps changing. It was first Alastor, then Stolas.
I’m sure it’ll change again but right now, Fizzie is so baby boy.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 19 days ago
I personally like Helluva. I love Fizzarolli, the comedy is better but I like that dark raunchy stuff but the feels also hit harder to me. But I like both. Hazbin has Alastor and a good plot so, I get it.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 22 days ago
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Taking a winter stroll with their dates.
This’ll be my first comic, here’s a sneak peak. I’m excited for this one.
I have such a dry humor most don’t appreciate so it is sort of relieving that for once I have a fandom I can take off with and run. But I also appreciate the hardships and relationships of the show too. How raw and real their love is, especially for Stolas.
This won’t be that though, all gags.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 24 days ago
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The tops.
I know I said I’d post the link of my story to it but the story isn’t done… so I’ll post it with the full color version of the final art that includes all six characters.
But I wanted to include some of my favorite expressions here so I had to get Blitz.
If you’re wondering what’s going on in the scene, here’s the rough draft:
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 25 days ago
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The bottoms!
I have a story behind this. It’ll be on ao3 soon, will post it on here with the tops when it’s ready.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 25 days ago
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Next draft of Alastor passed the fuck out on Lucifer’s duck beanie bag. This is what happens after a long day with the Rosie, doing his radio show, taking care of his duties at the hotel, annoying Lucifer in some way and avoiding Angels advances all to find out they ran out of his favorite coffee.
He never managed to leave Lucifer’s room when he was annoying him. Now, what shall Lucifer do with him?
Rest of the scene to come!
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 1 month ago
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First drafts for a project I’m working on, thought I’d put them together to give a sneak peak.
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It began with this pic, and it was actually originally Draco Malfoy with his hands on the walls about to get his booty spanked. Idk how it ended up to me looking at it seeing a character on a duck but it did.
It then was Alastor… then it became Lucifer because I wanted it to be Lucifer flaunting his smexy little ass but as I decided hey, if he’s trying to be a little tease, let’s go all out with ears! By then he looked like Alastor so I switched gears. By the time I was all done I’d realized I’d kept the feet and had to fix it, so so po’d.
But the hooves! So cute! They look like bunny’s ears on the left!
My next draft will have the duck pillow head.
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Then I had to do Lucifer. Dude. His hair lying down and relaxed… ik I gotta get it the next draft.
But I want a deer cat body pillow.
Anyways, for a rough draft I don’t think they are bad. Can’t wait to do and show the final. It’ll be fun.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 2 months ago
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I’m obsessed with Alastor cat. Quick doodle.
I literally just started watching and finished this show like two weeks ago? Like I had to finish it so fast but I couldn’t just watch it with my parents because how do you explain a spider porn star to your mom? But I’m obsessed. And I can’t stop, I just can’t. It’s all I think about. I’m already drawing, writing, and spending all my time looking at fan art.
Anyways this was my first quick thing I had to do when I saw Alastors cat form because I loved it immediately.
I’m still learning a lot though about the show so hope you like it!
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 2 months ago
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Drew while my dad had a four hour heart procedure.
Spent a stupid amount of time on it and now that I look at it, it’s not even much.
So yeah.
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anxietyintrusivethoughts · 3 months ago
I haven’t paid any of attention to the new Gladiator movie but it took me a few quick scrolls past three pictures on my feed for me to realize that Eddie Munson was an Emperor.
Apparently if you die in the Upside Down you end up in a Colosseum.
Jk love you Joseph. My interest is officially peaked.
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