Antoin Commane
123 posts
Thanks for checking out my blog. I post about entrepreneurship as a force for good and the evolution of consciousness. Find me @AntoinCommane on Twitter and @Antoin on Instagram.
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
The paradigm shift, a new consciousness that will transform planet earth
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We are living in a time of extremes, these extremes are both a reflection of an old consciousness that will not be able to survive here for much longer, and a future consciousness that will transform Gaia planet Earth herself.
The old consciousness is driven by lacking and survival emotions like hatred, violence, prejudice, anger, fear, suffering, competition, and pain – emotions that serve to seduce us into believing we are separated.
Sadly suicide rates are at an all time high. It seems more people than ever, are feeling lonely, are in pain, are feeling worthless and meaningless.
Could greater influences be at play that are effecting mankind’s correlation to this state of being along with violence, war, crime, and terrorism?
The illusion of separation strains and divides individuals, societies, countries and Mother Nature herself. The mindlessness, carelessness, greed, and disrespect of human activity is threatening life as we know it. By pure logic and reason, this type of consciousness cannot sustain itself for much longer.
As everything is moving towards extreme polarities, undeniably many of the current systems – whether political, economic, religious, cultural, educational, medical, or environmental – are being pulled apart as antiquated paradigms collapse. We can see this most prominently in journalism, where we don’t know what to believe anymore, and people think we have a free press when we do not.
However one thing is apparent; in this age of information, everything is not in alignment with the evolution of this emerging new consciousness.
If you aren’t aware that there is an increase in frequency and energy occurring – of this great awakening – at this pivotal time in our history then you might not be paying attention to your own state of being and mankind’s interconnectedness to this energy.
The old must fall away or break down so that something more functional can emerge in its place. This is how people, species, consciousness, and even the planet itself evolves.
If we understand that we are one – connected and united through consciousness – we would understand that to hurt another, or affect another, in any way is to do the same to ourselves. This new paradigm in thinking would be the largest evolutionary leap our species has ever made, causing the need for warring, fighting, competing, fearing, and suffering to become an antiquated concept.
This new consciousness – and it’s the tenant of many religions – is more loving, and forgiving of ourselves and others, thus stopping the wheel of karma. By becoming more service to others and meditating on a daily basis, along with switching to a high vibratory diet, we’ll raise our vibration and the vibration of the planet.
A small percentage of the population applying this new way of thinking would effect change on the collective whole.
As Margaret Mead once said; “Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”
We don’t need any more belief systems. We don’t need any more religions. We need to get off our knees and stop looking for salvation. We need to look inwardly because we’re the ones that we’ve been waiting for.
Antoin Commmane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
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The Chinese dog eating festival has really effected me.
My Facebook feed is full of dogs either being skinned, boiled, or roasted alive, because they believe the enzyme reaction to suffering in death tenderises the meat. I won’t share those videos here the description is vile enough.
Look at this doggie and his friend. All dogs know is love they have no karma.
They were the first animal to be domesticated and would hunt side by side with caveman hunter gatherers.
It is the duty of humans to protect animals, not to cause suffering in any way, especially dogs who are man’s best friend.
The destiny of humanity is to evolve to a new consciousness - to a point of no killing, hatred, pain or suffering, to a 4th density earth. The old consciousness of separation and survival will very soon no longer be welcome here.
All evolution happens through stress the extreme polarities we’re experiencing right now across the planet means we’re close.
Animals suffer every day at the hand of unawakened humans, I truly believe that it will only end by raising the consciousness and vibration of the planet. We need to evolve past this!
Antoin Commane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Doing away with nation states and evolving our consciousness
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Imagine a world where the nation-state no longer exists, could we survive?
Countries are outdated concepts. As are concepts like the EU with central powers controlling the masses.
The concept of nationality has been divisively used against us.
Going to war for your country, being personally offended on the behalf of your country.
In fact national pride is only a new thing, countries and flags have only existed a few hundred years, before that you were under a Lord or a King.
Look at France before it unified there were dozens of languages and cultures but people were indoctrinated into one nationality as a form of control over the people within generations people believe their country always existed.
We are born into economic slavery a debt based monetary system. Nation states are corporations, birth certificates are slavery numbers, governments work for the multinationals and banks, not the individual.
Crippling taxes suck half our wealth away sprinkling just a fraction back.
Our governments have too many bureaucrats and politicians, spending our money on useless things such as nuclear weapons and servicing a monetary system that takes away from those creating value (people and companies) and giving money for nothing to the bankers.
We could eliminate debt by abolishing the charging of interest and therefore perpetual national debt.
It has been done before, archeology shows some of our ancestors living in peace for a few thousand years before armed rulers appear on the scene.
Not in caves, but in cities with tens of thousands, enjoying civilisation we would recognise.
It’s time to evolve our consciousness.
Blockchain technology is showing us how decentralisation can liberate centralisation. This could be a new way of governing people, digitalising trust and decision making bringing true power to the people.
If we could do away with the nation state, we could live in a world of cities and villages that are 100% locally self-sustainable but interconnected globally.
Each community could appoint 12 wise elders (based on their consciousness level) on rotation to oversee matters. No politicians, no bureaucrats.
What would life be like without the state?
Poverty would be slashed with half our wealth back in circulation and none wasted on wars and political schemes.
Enterprise and innovation flourish without the regulation that favours large corporations.
In a higher consciousness society we do things voluntarily, never because we are threatened with damage for non-compliance.
It is a climate in which our cooperate and charitable nature can flourish.
When joined up in a free system, we find effective ways to meet our community needs.
We develop systems where cream rises to the top.
Transparency means companies value their reputations.
We could even develop a less rigid justice system with no victimless offences, that benefits in a reduction of crime and fear. Those with negative impulses can be kept away from the public in rehabilitation “consciousness centres”. Jails are so last century.
Civilisation developed through the connection and cooperation of people.
We are more connected now then any time in human history.
We have tools to develop structures that self-govern from the bottom up, evolving as times change.
It’s a choice between endless war, growing poverty, environmental destruction. Or a future where we explore the stars, living in peace and prosperity.
We could survive, and thrive!
Antóin Commane
* When the catholics ruled Europe charging interest on loaned money wasn’t allowed as its prohibited in the bible and for good reason.
** 12 is a divine number there were 12 disciples the perfect number for a council.
*** Consciousness levels of moral truthfulness have been scientifically proven by David R Hawkins using kinesiology muscle testing so the appointed wise elders can easily be callobrated.
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Is life random? Coincidence or synchronicity?
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There seems to be two schools of thought on life.
When you see coincidences happening a neurologist might say its the reticular activation system of the brain that’s why if you buy a red BMW you start seeing red BMWs everywhere. One might say that your life is random and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. That life should be self-centred, that ego and service to self is most important.
Others would say life isn’t random at all, that there are synchronicities that everything happens for a reason, thinking about someone then receiving a message or a call from them, having intuition. That we’re all one through a unified mind. That each life is precious with a divine purpose of experiencing duality. In the spiritual sense that you’ve signed a pre-incarnate soul contract, that in our third density illusion of separation we incarnate with a veil of forgetting what we are and where we’re going. Testing if we choose to be 51% service to others. That this is a computer game, that we’re eternal spiritual beings going up levels of cosmic ascension, attempting to graduate through a school of seven densities returning to source as sparks of the one infinite creator experiencing itself subjectively.
Coincidence or synchronicity? They could be right, they could be wrong.
* Ref: Dr Rupert Sheldrake’s studies on intuition and morphic resonance. Ian Stevenson and Dr Jim Tucker researched 2500 cases of children recalling past lives. Dr Michael Newton and practitioners of the Newton Institute have brought tens of thousands of people (of different religions and atheists) including yours truly into past life and life-between-life regression and there have been many channellings under scientific conditions from highly evolved cosmic beings notable “the RA material” The Law of One. Not to mention tens of millions of reported near death experiences. 🧐
Antoin Commane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Don’t buy into depopulation
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The overpopulating thing I don’t buy into it. It’s a myth. Scarcity of resources is created to maintain control systems over people. Suppressed technologies exist that could end world poverty, solve the environmental crisis and cure diseases such as cancer. Planet earth has abundance for all if we learn to live respectfully. It’s proven that as you bring the world up in education and health people have smaller families. Keeping developing countries down is counterproductive. Every human life is divine and precious. States and elites do not have a right to force depopulation on people. Don’t buy into the depopulation agenda!
Antoin Commane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
What if I told you that there are cures for cancer.
But they are suppressed since cancer is worth $300 billion a year to big pharma.
There is no profit in curing people.
Above is a 2013 Ted Talk using resonance frequency to destroy cancer cells, saser technology similar to laser but uses targeted sound vibration.
This should be all over the mainstream and research funded but it’s not.
Power to the people! ✊🏼
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
TV “programming” there’s a reason why they’re called TV programs #brainwashing #mainstreammedia #openyourmind
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
‪“I said empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You put water in a cup it becomes the cup. Put water in a bottle it becomes the bottle. Put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow... or it can crash. Be water my friend 😏”
Bruce Lee‬
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Are we living in a simulated holographic reality?
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In a recent lengthy discussion with a friend on this topic I decided to get it down on paper having a read an awful lot of books on these subjects of late.
Secrets of the universe. The first thing, is to look at things with an open mind, without preconceived ideas.
Since birth we’ve been programmed with a certain idea of the world. So much so the truth can be overwhelming and rejected. Even ridiculed. Some people can be so indoctrinated they’ll do everything they can to protect the system. So I ask you to keep an open mind and question everything.
Sadly up to very recently this subject was dismissed in mainstream circles, scientists doing any research were branded as kooks, literally in the last couple of years things have finally been changing.
Science is finally catching up with spirituality.
Mainstream science establishment have dogmas for example that after the Big Bang all laws of physics were fixed, and that the body and mind are a machine and computer disregarding consciousness. Rupert Sheldrake challenges these dogmas in his banned Ted talk, too controversial for mainstream scientists who petitioned angrily to remove it:
We only see visible light less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear less than 1% of the acoustic spectrum, we don’t see X-rays or infrared, or hear a dogs whistle. We don’t see or hear WiFi or the 99% other energetic frequencies in this three dimensional space/time. There could be an entity in another frequency standing in front of you right now but you would’t see it.
Opening the mind past the 5 senses is important.
Then realise that if an atom was the size of a car, then the electron the field around the atom would be the size of a pea and would be 85,000 miles away - that empty space means as humans and in this reality we are only 0.001% matter the rest is energy and frequency or information we can not see. Also the electron field phases in out so that matter only exists as a momentary phenomenon. We are more energy than matter 99.999% so. The matter of the whole earth could fit in a sugar cube.
That empty space around us is actually full of energy that is measurable, in fact dark matter is a cosmic web that connects the universe from one end to the other.
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Spiral of life in celtic Ireland art work pre-dating the pyramids. Spiral of life can be found in ancient art work all around the world.
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In nature everything is replicated in proportionate size there is a uniform intelligent design, the electron going around the atom, planets around a star. Eyes of a storm, black hole, to water down your sink, to the spiral of galaxies. 
There are so many studies now to show scientific proof that our consciousness is non-local, it’s more like our bodies are TV or a mobile with a signal coming from else where.
Einstein said time is an illusion. Quantum Physics tells us that the past, present and future are one. That we are multi-dimensional eternal beings and time is just a fabric of this three dimensional material reality or matrix.
Dr Joe Dispenza’s scientific workshops (I strongly recommend his latest book Supernatural one of the best books I’ve read in the last decade) uses the latest quantum physics, epigenetic, neurological evidence proving beyond doubt in peer-reviewed scientific format these notions. They have equipment that measure brain waves, heart coherence, electromagnetic energy levels in a room during meditation and around a person (their life force) and their energy centres on the body (similar to the chakras). Proving the link between negative emotion and disease. That the heart has a mind of its own as does the gut, what the ancients taught (including some of the bible stories) are more real than society today accepts.
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Dr Michael Newton has under hypnosis brought over 7000 people from different religions and backgrounds back into their life before birth and they all have the same story which I’ll leave for another discussion because it’s beyond belief.
Jesus taught the kingdom of heaven is within.
Tibetan yogis teach the inner world is the seat of your soul.
There’s a growing body of scientific evidence that now suggests we’re living in a digital simulation.
All modern day simulations (video games to virtual reality to holograms) we create have an external wisdom component, what’s interesting is ancient cultures and religions such as Christianity tell us this life is temporary and that wisdom can be attained through the divine.
Scientists are beginning to take the possibility that we are living in a simulation very seriously.
John Barrow, Oxford University, Physicist
“It has long been recognised that technological advanced civilisations only a little more advanced than ours, will have the capacity to simulate universes in which self-conscious entities can emerge and communicate with one another!”
The reason this is important is because modern science is changing the way we have been taught to think about ourselves and our relationship with the earth. 
Schools have traditionally taught that civilisations are linear, that civilisation just appeared 5000-6000 years ago during the time of ancient Sumeria, it began relatively primitive and accelerated in a linear fashion from the less developed to the more complex, so we are today at the pinnacle of sophistication. We are the highest form of technological advancement that has ever graced the earth.
This is what you and I have been taught.
History is written by the victors” Winston Churchill
On the other hand, there is a growing body of peer-reviewed scientific evidence that is telling us this is not the case.
The evidence no longer supports that view.
Now we know civilisation is not linear.
We’re taught that we begun in a single primitive state and developed in a straight line, in a linear fashion, to the point we’re at today.
Rather, civilisation is cyclic.
The evidence is very clear that civilisation, as we know it, has occurred within cycles that average about 5,000 years apiece. This is reflected in the traditions that we see in the Mesoamerican calendars. For example, the ancient Maya had very, very clear mathematical representations of these 5,000-year cycles, how they begin, how they end, what they mean to us today, as have other civilisations.
The idea that we are the first advanced technological civilisation is no longer supported by the evidence.
John Barrow is saying there is it’s long been recognised that technologically advanced civilisations only a little more advanced than ours will have this tremendous computing capacity.
When we look back into our past we have to ask the question, has there been highly advanced technological civilisations in the past that followed a path similar to ours, and perhaps even more advanced beyond where we are today?
Has it happened here on Earth? Has it happens in other places?
Is it possible that cyclic civilisations that developed 15,000-20,000 years before us, could have developed in ways that we simply have not recognised in our current world, and we’re only now starting to entertain the possibility of recognising?
The evidence is emerging but there is a reluctance and resistance within the mainstream scientific and anthropological and archaeological establishment to sharing new discoveries that challenge the accepted textbook history.
Science is designed to be constantly updated as new information emerges. Science is not static.
In many respects science has been hijacked by corporations, by politics, by religion, by those with an agenda. So the science that we’ve asked to serve us can only serve us if we keep it honest.
And what the science is honestly saying to us is that the world of the past, is very, very different from what we’ve been led to believe.
There have been advanced technological civilisations that had electricity, there are cables and pipes underground, hot and cold running water, stained glass windows, high art, advanced mathematics, knowledge of the solar system that we only had in the 20th century and there are civilisations 10,000 years old that had this knowledge.
Graham Hancock author and archaeologist dates the Egyptian Pyramids (which incidentally were made within the dimensions of the earth with master precision) much older than we thought he says at least 250,000 years old due to the water erosion on the back of the Great Sphinx.
Here is a scientific study by Ukrainian scientists putting the Great Sphinx at 800,000 years old!
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Sumerian depiction of the sun and all the planets of the solar system at a time the earth was meant to be flat, half the planets were not visible from Earth until the second half of the 20th century.
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The Klerksdorp stone spheres appear to be intelligently built, and were found embedded in rock strata that is about 2.8 billion years old. This may be one small archeological clue to support the idea that this civilisation was on or had visited Earth during this same timeframe.
My personal belief is that there’s a self organising intelligence that is energy and the biggest illusion is self. Our consciousness is part of a sentient living intelligent cosmos there is only one mind phasing within all beings. I know this because there is a unified infinite quantum field that each of us can reach in meditation that connects one to all things.
That may sound a bit unscientific, but I ask you to contemplate this thought. After an explosive there is disorder. After the Big Bang allegedly the biggest explosion in history so much order has been created its a masterpiece.
The Total Number of minds in the Universe is One. In Fact, Consciousness is a Singularity phasing within All Beings.” Erwin Schrödinger, Noble Prize Wining Quantum Physicist.
Now we’ve defined the question, is it possible that we are living in a simulated reality?
Applying the laws of physics to what our most ancient spiritual traditions have told us for 6,000 years a new possibility unfolds. When you close your eyes taking that deep breath going within, connecting with yourself, your intuition, what you would call your higher self, what we are actually doing is moving our awareness beyond the simulation itself back into the base reality.
Follow my twitter and instagram for updates.
Thank you for reading,
Antoin Commane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Every wondered how the Pyramids were built… this is a must watch.
For some reason YouTube keep removing this interview with “Fingerprints of the Gods” author and archaeologist Graham Hancock.
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
“Free will is the most important principle in the universe and is being preserved by karma”
Antoin Commane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Proof of life after death?
Most of what you find online on Luiz Gasparetto is in Portuguese he may be familar to the Brazilians but there is very little to be found about him in English. I think it’s one of the most amazing cases for proof of life after death by channeling souls through the universal subconscious where Quantum Physics tells us past/present/future are one.
Luiz Gasparetto paints eyes closed, upside down, side ways, both hands two different artists at the same time, with his feet! With the unique techniques of each artist completing master pieces in under 5 minutes and painting each stroke instantly without thought. 44 artists and he normally paints in the dark. There is no material explanation for this. It is simply to prove life after death through the creative artistic genius of mankind. What Mr Gasparetto does is the impossible.
From my studies on this subject I believe the soul is a collective that’s why he is being channeled by 44 artists. They identify as each individual artist as they are both part of the collective human consciousness and individual at the same time. I believe that by forgetting who we truly are in this life we get to experience and learn anew. While our soul which is part of the creator is eternal and is continually reincarnating in this density until we raise our vibration by taking a more spiritual path of transcending as part of ascension. The big illusion to life is self. We need to realise we are all one and we are coming together. For everything and everyone is connected.
There is so much scientific proof coming out now the latest findings are literately re-writing the mainstream establishment merging the material world with the supernatural. Having thrown myself into this subject in recent months I’ve read over 30 books on ancient civilisations, meditation, spirituality, quantum physics, neuroscience, epigenetics etc and I’ll be writing more about my findings in other articles.
What I say to people when I show them this video is watch not with a preconceived opinion but watch with an open heart.
Part two is equally mind blowing:
And here he is channeling a direct message to the people from the soul of Henri Toulouse Lautrec.
The message really hit home to me as it actually backs up all the conclusions I had already come to in my research, such as we reincarnate with what we achieve in our souls, not with the knowledge in our heads, as we forget all this knowledge when we return to the physical body.
Referring to vibrations of the world moving to a higher level and future consciousness assisted technology. In the future we will complete tasks at the speed of thought we will literally manifest our desires.
Although the audience is in denial and shock 😂 
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
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Finally I’ve removed fluoride and microplastics from my drinking water. Now I use glass bottled spring water sourced locally sent every week. Some argue that tap water is disconnecting western society from God/spirituality and perhaps the powers that be are deliberately suppressing our ascension. Look up harmful effects of plastic and fluoride on your intuition and pineal gland third eye — the doorway to all things psychic/ESP; telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, remote viewing and astral projection. It’s in the 💦💧
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
For the first time in history, the people have a real chance at taking power back from the governments. When society chooses crypto over the fiat, the government, the central banking system, the economic slavery that they thrive on, all of that will be over. Governments borrow money from the banks to fund wars then tax the citizens to pay back the banks. We can finally end that cycle and give power back to the people, once and for all. It will topple the banks, and with it, the global elite. Governments will be forced to work for the people for a change. We’re on the brink of a revolution.
Keanu Reeves 👏 100% couldn’t have said it better myself - I believe we are living in times of prophecy, we are on the brink of truth/change/revolution
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Could synthetic meat be the future
The future could be turning towards GROWING animal products instead of RAISING them.
Uma Valeti, the CEO of a clean-meat startup, believes we’re entering the “second domestication”.
With the “first domestication” humans learned to breed plants and animals in order to yield the highest and tastiest returns.
The second domestication will be an attempt to eliminate almost all of the resources necessary to raise livestock. Like water, fertiliser and land. As well as the environmental impact that comes along with it.
According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation raising livestock is a driving contributor to deforestation, water scarcity, land degradation and it produces more greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined.
And livestock now takes up 30% of the earth’s entire land surface.
That’s why I think this could be the future.
The meat is grown by culturing isolated cells from a minuscule biopsy of skeletal muscle, then under conditions that imitate what happens inside the body of an animal, the cells begin dividing and eventually develop into muscle.
Thus creating meat without raising an animal that feels like we do. Plus the meat is clean and healthy without the issues associated with normal meat.
There are also major ethical issues with the current mass production and global demand for meat. Animals bred for our purposes are often kept in very poor conditions and endure extreme cruelty.
In the spiritual sense, consuming the flesh of a being that has suffered transfers the energy of that suffering into the person consuming it. This is why many veggies choose to limit their diet to foods with higher vibrational frequencies.
I look forward to a time when I can eat meat that is not from a once living animal.
Antoin Commane 
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
“‪DNA is just self-correcting programming code, it’s obvious that everything in nature is intelligently designed. The truth is in plain sight.”
Antoin Commane
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antoincommane · 7 years ago
Consciousness has no religion or nationality
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Secrets of the universe. Quantum physics tells us the past, present and future are one. Einstein said time is an illusion.
Did you know that Einstein’s theory of relativity was proven? Scientists tested this with jets and atomic clocks proving the faster you travel time slows down. Time is a fabric in our dimension and it can be bent.
In recent months I have been on a journey of spiritual discovery and recently it all came together for me. Awakening if you will.
I believe we are all one consciousness part of an intelligent living universe or God experiencing itself in this reality a three dimensional space/time matrix. For God is infinite and is not restricted by a beginning and an end.
I don’t like the word God as it’s a very loaded word and implies celebrating an anthropomorphic or distinct persona. I’ve always had issues with religion which is man made. I’ve always had doubts. Each religion or people claiming God “God bless America” and is ultimately a form of control over people. Religion is divisive. However I do value ancient civilisations and their wisdom. I think they were more advanced in some ways especially with spirituality than western society. We’ve forgotten our past and the future our next step of evolution is coming together in higher consciousness.
Through higher consciousness there is every human thought that has ever existed and will exist.
For me everything and everyone is God we’re all made of the same atoms or space dust and everything in nature is intelligently designed. Nothing is random or a coincidence. There is purpose and balance to everything in the universe. Gaia is conscious and we’re her children.
In the cosmic perspective each one of us is precious, in a hundred billion galaxies, you will not find another.
Thank you for reading.
I’ll continue to share revelation here in bite size posts.
Antoin Commane
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