antigone314 · 4 months
Dreams and Colors with “Samantha Jean’s Rainbow Dream
Ever wondered what a dream dipped in every hue of the rainbow would look like? Well, AJ Autieri’s got you covered in her vibrant tale, “Samantha Jean’s Rainbow Dream.” This isn’t just any children’s book; it’s a vibrant journey through dreams, challenges, and the magic of perseverance. What’s This Gem About? Picture this: Samantha Jean, a spunky little dreamer with a love for colors, finds…
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antigone314 · 4 months
Get Real About Bravery and Overcoming Life's Curveballs
Ever wonder what it really takes to stand up, speak out, and live unapologetically? Well, Anisa Wesley’s “Please Excuse My Brave” is your new go-to. It’s a raw, real-life rallying cry for anyone who’s tired of playing it safe. What’s the Big Idea? Anisa isn’t just sharing stories; she’s issuing a challenge. “Please Excuse My Brave” explores the essence of what it means to be courageous in a…
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antigone314 · 5 months
Retired Doctor Figures Out How to Make Back Pain Go Bye Bye
Ever feel like your lower back is about to clock out even though your shift’s far from over? Well, Dr. Hélène Bertrand has some news for you that could make your chiropractor weep – most of that gnarly back pain doesn’t even come from your spine. Shocked? Me, too! Turns out we’ve been tackling it all wrong. So, What’s the Scoop? In her book, “Low Back Pain: 3 Steps to Relief in 2 Minutes,” Dr.…
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antigone314 · 5 months
Let’s Talk About Finding Beauty in Your Broken Pieces
So, I just dove into this book called “Beauty in the Broken Pieces” by Freddie Almazan. It’s about turning life’s toughest breaks into badges of honor. As someone who’s more at home with tech glitches than human ones, this book hit different. It’s like when you’re trying to explain cloud storage to your grandma, and suddenly, she gets it — yeah, that kind of revelation. Why I’m All About This…
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antigone314 · 1 year
It’s a Day of ...
Memories? Sadness? Celebration? Anger? Love? Yeah. That one. Love. My brain. It hurts. Everything hurts. Started out this morning. Didn’t sleep for shit last night. So the mood started a bit off, ya know? Then I got some things done. And bumped into … things. And memories. So I put on some music. Didn’t bother to check which Pandora stream was on. It’s almost always on the same…
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antigone314 · 1 year
Growing Up through the Decades
Growing Up through the Decades
Yesterday a neighbor posted, I have a challenge for those of you old enough to have lived thru it. My 25 year old daughter recently asked whether it was better to have been a kid / teen in the 70’s or now. I challenge everyone to tell me which one, and why? I’lI start: The 70’s were better… no elementary school shootings. The closest was Kent State. Your turn. Mike B., NextDoor, May 2023 True…
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antigone314 · 2 years
Preparing to Live Too Long
Yep, that’s what I meant to put in the title. Why? Because there are two types of women in my mother’s family. Those who take care of themselves, want to live forever, and die before hitting 80. And those who party like it’s 1999, don’t get enough sleep or vitamins, get too much sun, and wanna get this over and done with as quickly as possible. Those women live to be at least 95, usually over…
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antigone314 · 2 years
Waking Up with Taz
Note to self: When naming an adorable new puppy, don’t think something like TazMan (for Tasmanian Devil, cuz energy), is “just a joke.” (It’s Morning! Oh My Effing Dog, Wake Up! It’s Morning!!) He’s three years old, coming up on four. From the looks of things, he’ll grow out of this about a month before he’s ready for the Rainbow Bridge. Nowadays he’s TazMonkey, which doesn’t seem to make much…
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antigone314 · 2 years
Book Reviews: Sacrifical Magic and Chasing Magic
Books 4 & 5 in the Downside Ghosts seriesWritten by Stacia KaneRead by Bahni Turpin Sacrificial Magic Sacrificial Magic is the fourth book in the Downside Ghosts series by Stacia Kane, and I think we might finally be a year into the saga? Or pretty close? Most books seem to take place within a few days or up to a week, with several months passing in between each. One of her boy toys graduated…
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antigone314 · 2 years
How to Play Basic Rummy
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antigone314 · 2 years
How Playing Nice Punishes Victims
Last week we covered how being nice to abusers makes them more abusive. This week we’ll go over how being nice turns nice people into victims. How Being Nice Lets Bad People Win, part 3 Let’s move this discussion to a personal level. Let’s say you’re dating this absolutely wonderful person. Everything is sparkly rainbows and Pegasus Unicorns delivering everything to your house. Then one day,…
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antigone314 · 2 years
How I Practice Task-Switching
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antigone314 · 2 years
Movie Review: Violent Night
Movie Review: Violent Night
Yeah, I’m pretty twisted. I thought this movie was pretty freakin’ hilarious. Guess which generation I’m in: As Seen on Twitter on November 25th, 2022 David Harbour almost plays a conflicted guy, except there’s no layers. He plays each scene perfectly for what it is, but doesn’t seem to have the other emotions roiling underneath. Instead, the film relies on cut scenes for the audience to figure…
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antigone314 · 2 years
How Playing Nice Rewards Abusers
Last week we looked into the American culture of being nice. This week, we’ll take a look at what the abuser gets out of both being nice, and taking advantage of nice people. Welcome to How Being Nice Lets Bad People Win, part 2 Probably the easiest and most obvious example of entitled brat behavior is in American politics, particularly the GQP. Kevin McCarthy nicely gave it all away just to be…
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antigone314 · 2 years
Sunday Funday?
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antigone314 · 2 years
Two Weeks with the Apple Watch Ultra
Two Weeks with the Apple Watch Ultra
This seems like a good time to let you folks know how the Watch Ultra is doing after using it almost 24 hours a day for two weeks. The short version is … I love it! The Band The aftermarket band that wasn’t up to holding the Ultra’s added weight is slowly getting worse at it. The Watch slipped off into the laundry this morning. But hey, the band looks f’awesome and was $15, so whattaya expect,…
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antigone314 · 2 years
Philanthropic Billionaires Make Trickle Down Sound OK
Philanthropic Billionaires Make Trickle Down Sound OK (but it's still not)
Follow up to Why Trickledown Economics Doesn’t Work. Now that we have a groundswell of pushback on the 1%, some are giving back. And some f’idiots think this sharing of funds is equivalent to things like, say, paying people a living wage or solving food insecurity. It’s not. Remember why trickle down doesn’t work. The real power of a dollar is in how many times it’s spent. Give it to a poor…
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