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((I'm not sure if anyone other than the recipient of an ask can do this, but bravelykatie has figured out how to track anons, so if you're being harassed by the greyfaces, you'll be able to track the IP address of whoever's doing it, and you can report them to Tumblr staff.))
Message to the Anons
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Warning: following message has language. Sorry. Also it is long, thus the reason for read more. 
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One Republic - Everybody Loves Me
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((And bringing this over to the roleplayers of Tumblr.))
I’m just curious, and because I’d like to use it, but does anyone have this gif, except larger and in somewhat good quality?
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I’m going to continue looking around, but if any of you do have one, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks! ^_^
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Tony hadn't heard Thor's shout, nor had he seen the crowd of people forming in front of the tower. The terror in Happy's eyes and voice where the first signals that something was definitely wrong. Tony's "Not again" was a near whisper, and he sighed, placing his hand on one of Happy's shoulders, "Okay, Hap, get yourself and Pepper someplace safe. I don't care where you go, just get the hell out of the city. When you do, call me." He watched Happy leave, tires squealing, in the white Audi. Pepper would recognize the car, and she wouldn't worry as much as if Happy had taken the Lamborghini.
Once Happy had left, Tony moved to his wall of suits, selecting the newest model to power up. But the voice of Jarvis, tinged with worry that Tony didn't think he had programmed into the AI. Sir, there's been a development. It's Miss Pavlou. The worry was evident enough to make Tony turn to the monitor that was now on. It showed the cloud that Thor hadn't made, and then it panned down, to show Neva running out of the tower, extending her hands to cast a force field that just made everyone even more terrified. He didn't know if she still had her earpiece in, but he pressed his as the suit formed around him, encasing him in the red and gold armor, shouting, "Neva, there's too many of them! Just hold on, I'm on my way!" Once the suit was around him, he made his way to the landing pad, and took off, shouting a single order to the other inhabitants of the tower, "Avengers! Assemble!"
Thor, having been staring at the cloud with utter fascination, shot Tony a look of great offence as he was accused of creating the thing that seemed to have lots of people rattled. "That is not of my creation, man of Iron!" he explained in a slightly booming voice as Tony left the room, although he couldn't exactly blame him for thinking he'd made such a thing happen. He was still very much working on patching his reputation after what had happened the first time he had visited Midgard. Shaking his head to see that Tony probably hadn't even heard him, he turned back to the window. The streets had begun to fill with worried looking faces as the cloud seemed to be growing in expanse, and it looked as though feelings were getting quite rattled amongst the crowds.
As Tony made his way down to the parking bay where Happy would have ordinarily been waiting in his car to drive him to his meeting, the man in question was quick to intercept him as he stepped from the elevator into the underground. "Boss....I don't think you're going to be making any meeting today. Whatever's going on out there has gotten people rattled. It's like Superbowl season out there....". Happy wasn't usually seen looking quite so nervous, having put great faith in Tony's abilities to at least charm a situation into a lull, but something about the atmosphere outside was different to what he had seen in the past. It reminded him of the attack Loki had launched against the city before. The atmosphere was unbridled, and he didn't like it one bit.
Having made a conscious decision to move away from Bruce after her nerves had garnered an unwanted action in reaching for the man's arm, Neva moved to stand by Natasha and Clint as she watched people flood the streets from their buildings to watch the every growing cloud. She was just about to ask Thor if he knew anybody who would be able to create such an event, but her words were stifled once the first brick flew through the first window, screams of 'apocalypse' filling her head as the tension of the crowd grew so great that she picked up their thoughts like spoken words. She steeled over as she saw a young family huddled by the wall of the neighbouring bank, clearly frightened as the couple sheltered their small children. Wordlessly she moved to leave the kitchen, Clint calling after her as he craned his head to watch her. "Neva! Don't be a hero! You can't handle all this on your own!" he yelled, although she had already left the kitchen and begun to make her way down the stairwell. Clint, throwing the others a concerned look, was quick to follow her.
Reaching the street, Neva pushed her way through the crowd to get to the young family, keeping her head bowed until she had reached them. She didn't say anything to them as she turned her back, casting a shield around them to protect them. This was enough to spark the crowds attention as they fell painfully silent, seeming to gather around as they stared with rapt attention. The silence seemed to last an age before being broken by a particularly brave man at the very back of the mob yelled 'It's her! She must be doing this!" before lighting an old rag that he had stuffed into a bottle of vodka, throwing the bottle over the crowd in her direction as others in the crowd began to screaming accusations. She quickly deflected the flaming alcohol bottle as well as other missiles, the crowd beginning to grow unruly again as various people broke away in search of weaponry before returning.
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Tony let Emily squirm out of his arms to stand on, but he made sure to keep a firm hold on her hand, because he didn't want to lose her again. Thor had laughed at the little gesture she made, even while keeping a close eye on her as she spoke to the other children, because he knew Tony could handle himself with this obnoxious woman, and he wanted to hear Emily tell stories of the side of Iron Man that most never got the chance to see. It was a nice change from the awful stories that he heard on the Midgardian news.
When the insults turned to Emily, Tony's brow only furrowed more, the light on his chest growing stronger along with his emotions. "She is a child, not some woman throwing herself at me. Besides, I've got a peeve about sleeping with the same woman more than once. I don't like repetition that much; I'm sure you understand."
Emily knew better than to let the woman's words get to her, merely shaking her head as she looked over at Thor whilst placing her finger against the side of her head and twirling it as if to say 'this lady is crazy'. She giggled as she did so, before struggling in Tony's arms until she managed to get herself down onto the floor. She did much prefer to be able to walk and stand where she so pleased, but the adults around her did have a habit of wishing to restrain her. "Oh, please. You'd love another chance with me. Last I heard you were going through a pretty dry spell....So it isn't surprising that you've lowered yourself to this blonde bimbo beside you". She didn't notice Emily strike up a conversation with one of her children, or she would have pulled her son away and told him off. "What your Daddy do? I not know mine..." one of the boy's piped up to nods of agreement from the others. This saddened Emily. She knew what it was like to not have a father to look after her and make sure she was safe and happy. "He a superhero....He I'an Man" she grinned proudly, the children's eyes popping out on stalks as they practically exclaimed in unison that this was very cool. "I'an Man not why he cool.....He giveses me cuddles when I need them and chases away the monsters in my closet....An' last week when I dropded my Eye Sceem he gave me his....". She didn't think of the man as a superhero because the media had dubbed him so. Her reasons were far more simple than that, and ultimately more important to her.
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Tony didn't hear the joke, and he probably wouldn't have laughed if he had heard it. Once in his room, he made way for his closet, but Jarvis surprised him by picking out the clothes for Tony: his favorite black pinstriped suit, with a plain white collared button down shirt, and a deep red tie with thin stripes that alternated between black and white. "Thanks, J." He took the clothes off of the rack, spreading them out on the comforter of his bed. He quickly undressed down to his boxers and undershirt, sitting down on the end of the bed to pull on his pants, one one leg at a time, then his socks and shoes. The button down shirt went on top of his undershirt, followed by the red silk tie, which he left undone for the moment.
The thunder made him look out the window, and he stood, tugging on the sleeves of his shirt, and buttoning the cuffs, "What in the hell did Thor do this time?" He said to himself, staring at the huge dark cloud and lightning bolts forking off from underneath it. He stared at it for a few minutes, and then shook his head, because he had to leave before Pepper came back to personally murder him. With that, he left his room, deciding to pass by the kitchen for a donut or two before leaving the tower. He didn't catch Neva taking Bruce's arm, or the awkward glance between both of them as he snatched up two powdered donuts "Take it easy, Point Break." He nudged Thor's shoulder, chuckling on his way out.
"Interesting that this very needed discussion..." Pepper made sure to put the emphasis on the words he had uttered, performing an impersonation of him as she did so. "be held in a darkened room alone. I'm not making any accusations, but that could be misconstrued" she commented as she followed Tony out of said room and down the hall, searching through the paperwork she needed to give to Tony and have signed before the close of business that day. But it didn't seem as though Tony were in any such mood to sign anything right now. "I'll tell them you're bu-" she began to state as she reached the man's personal room, unable to finish her sentence however as the door closed in her face. "-sy trying on my clothing..." she muttered as she finished her sentence, having hoped to lighten his mood with a joke that appeared to have been wasted as she left to find their usual meeting room.
Having decided that she may as well eat breakfast at the Tower after all now that at least one awkward issue had been addressed, Neva found her way to the kitchen to cook something before she would disappear to her greenhouse for the day. As she stepped inside, a row of curious looking backs faced her as their owners stood transfixed at the window. Bruce, Clint, Thor and Natasha were staring at something she couldn't quite see from her position at the door. Cautiously, still very weary of how Bruce would react to her, she made her way across the room to where the group were gathered. "What are we all... looking at?" she asked once she was beside Bruce, her question trailing off however as she looked upwards. Across the sky were thick, grey clouds emitting an unnatural array of electrical flashes, and she had to look beside her just to check that the man she would have expected to create such an event was standing with her. Thor looked just as perplexed, especially so once they had realised that all forks of lightning seemed to be tapering off at the same spot over the horizon. "I wondered where I'd left my order of mortal terror..." she commented, although the room was devoid of laughter as the cloud gave an almighty quake that seemed to rock the rattle the building they were standing in. She stumbled for a moment before steadying herself, only realising once she had regained her balance that her hand had firmly closed around Bruce's arm as it once would when she was feeling nervous. She quickly pulled her hand away, throwing him an apologetic look as she stepped away from him.
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Sh!t Tony says to Pepper (2/4)
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Firstly: I am an amateur at this whole thing but I figured I’d give it a shot.  Secondly: I am currently in the process of working out all the other forms of posts, but this one only encompasses text posts and the reblogging of text posts. Thirdly: This is ridiculously long so it’s going under a readmore. Be brave. Read it through. Let me know if anything’s missing. Fourthly: I still haven’t figured out how to retrieve archived tags nor have I worked out how Tag Bundle works with this new update. Fifthly: Post used in reblog screencaps belongs to dawnperhaps and is used with permission.
Let’s crack on!!
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Neva didn't have to worry, because Tony's back was to her anyway, while he was so entranced with the plastic fetus on the counter, working his own calculations. The model and posters were as foreign to him as Jarvis would be to a complete stranger. In fact, he actually had his phone out, scanning each of the images to send to Jarvis to have the AI research the information on the posters. He felt that they were most likely inaccurate, made up only to cause fear into the hearts of soon to be parents. From the green tinge of Neva's skin, it was working.
He watched her lift herself up onto the bed, and he actually smiled at the look of terror on her face. "You alright?" He didn't need an answer, he knew she was worried, just as much (if not more) than he was. So, he moved forward, and slowly wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers, "I'm scared, too. I'm absolutely terrified that I'm going to do this all wrong and the kids are going to turn out worse than I did."
"And you're so modest with it, too. Truly a gift..." Neva could be heard to mutter as Tony referred to himself as a genius, although her attention had been taken by a coffee table book that had been placed on the counter alongside the model that had grasped Tony's attention. With a pallor that almost made her appear green, she flicked through the pages of explicit photographs and diagrams, stopping at a particular page with measurements and such placed against diagrams of birth. Performing a few calculations in her head, she positioned her fingers to the width a newborn generally would be, her face growing grim as she slowly brought the fingers down to her midsection until they were level with the gap between her legs. "How the fuck....?" she whispered almost silently to herself, her bottom lip beginning to stick out in a petulant fashion as she failed to come up with a solution to the problem of her not exactly being big enough.
Neva gave a soft whimper as she turned away from the book, falling completely silent as she moved to the bed and began removing her clothing. There was little point asking Tony to at least turn around for this. She stripped herself free of her clothes before pulling on the gown that was a much less than flattering shade of pink. She folded her clothes and set them down onto a chair by the counter moving to perch on the end of the bed, fighting hard with herself not to ask Tony for a hug. It had suddenly hit her just how very real all of this was. Before now, it had just been an idea. Just something that had been spoken about. But something about all of the exams she was expected to undergo today, as well as seeing their children for the first time, made it very real. And now Neva understood why Tony had flaked when Jarvis announced that they were expecting two babies. Suddenly she was terrified.
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((I just got the new Tumblr, and I really, really don't like it at all. DAVID KARP CHANGE IT BAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK.))
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Manatopia is another blog that has some really cool themes. She's also got pages for you to list either the roleplay blogs you have, or the relationships your character has: x and x. Both wicked-eternity and manatopia are the places I go when I'm looking for a new theme for this blog and my personal.
Okay so
Not that I personally have anything against it, but I did see this post once that said that you’d get more partners if you had a nice theme, particularly not from the Theme Garden. Because we are shallow people. But I’ll admit, sometimes I’ll go to someone’s blog to see if I’ll follow them, and turn right back around. Now I know that it’s someone’s skill, and not the aesthetics, but it really does help. 
But, there’s a lot of people who don’t know how to get the really cool themes that you have to change around the HTML for. Or they don’t want to go through the effort. 
So, there is a solution. Of course, it’s not all of the options, and it’s really worth it to learn how to change it, but there’s this blog (thewicked-eternitythemes). They have those sorts of themes that catch people’s eye, where you can have the sidebar images, your links look cool, and basically just a lot more pleasing than the ones you install. But, the awesome thing is that they also have their themes in the Theme Garden. So all you have to do is click install theme and then change things around like you would normally. There’s a few others that will put it in the garden, but not often.
I’m just sayin, her themes are awesome.
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For the people who are asking me what the new tumblr interface is going to be like.
Basically, tumblr wants to be twitter.
Missing-e and tumblr savior no longer work, period.
You cannot add gifs to reblogs
My friend’s old tags were eradicated
A new tumblr post set-up is on a ‘skin’, and no longer can operate in a separate tab.
Replies are screwed up.
It probably won’t work on my nice new phone.
RP-blogs in particular are screwed over.
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Evolution of Iron Man by Rina Rozsas
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Of course. She was one of the Maxim cover models he had been with, back before the ambush that made him Iron Man. While he and Thor chuckled at Emily's statement, he suddenly remembered the little scheduling conflict with March, something about a trip to France, and the blonde, green eyed twins that graced the December cover. However, Thor's shout of "Have care how you speak!" brought Tony back to the present, and to the woman that caused Thor's sudden anger.
"Easy, point break. I can handle her." Tony placed a hand on Thor's shoulder, stepping forward towards the woman, giving her a smile that didn't reach his eyes, the same smile he gave the media and those that were an annoyance to him. "Oh, I'm always charming. You should remember that, Foxy, it was one of the many things you said you liked about me. I'd list the other things, but we've got children present." He tilted his head towards Emily, "And I don't want to make myself sick."
It was little surprise to the woman that he seemed not to remember her. Tony Stark didn't have a habit of noting every conquest in his diary, after all. She merely gave a demure smirk to the man's attempts at a cutting insult, knowing well enough by now that what the man lacked in basic civility, he made up for in cockyness and self importance. "Charming as always, Tony. I didn't think you'd remember me. Annabelle Fox...Or Miss June as you insisted on calling me in bed." she explained, furrowing her brow as Emily leant a little forwards in Tony's arms and studied her as Tony's friend made his comment. It took the little girl a few moments of careful study before she pulled herself back to a more comfortable position, nodding her head in understanding. "Think there one missing...I thinkded she eated them..." she pointed out in a humourless voice to Thor, the fact that the woman was in no shape to be considered a model any longer not lost on her at all. "Yes! They're mine. I don't make a habit of stealing people's children..." she snapped at Thor, who himself looked perplexed to note that not one of them looked to share a father, as they were entirely different skintones. "Well...The kid is a rude little shit. She really must be your daughter".
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