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angelicheather44 · 8 months ago
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angelicheather44 · 10 months ago
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Embracing your divine design: Living in alignment with your true self!
What is the core self? Who does God say we are? God made man in his image. God says that he knew us before we were born. “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” God knows our emotions and feelings fully. Jesus cried because we cried. Two passages in the Gospels and one in the Epistles (Hebrews 5:7) teach that Jesus wept. In the Gospels our Lord wept as He looked on man’s misery, and both instances demonstrate our Lord’s (loving) human nature, His compassion for people, and the life He offers to those who believe. When Jesus wept, He showed all these things. God is in tune with our hearts, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. God feels what we feel.  He can feel in his own spirit our suffering.  Look at scripture,  Isaiah 53:4 it was certainly our sickness that he carried and our sufferings that he bore, but we thought he afflicted, struck down by compassion, and healed the sick. He knows the heart of a man. What moves you moves him.
We can take this with us. God sees and knows your pain, sorrow, sickness, depression, oppression, despair, fear, anxiety, headaches, and all other. Emotions are a gift from God. Our wise creator embedded emotions in our humanity to serve a useful purpose in our lives. Just as our minds enable us to think and our wills enable us to choose, so our emotions enable us to respond. To appreciate the gift of emotions, imagine what life would be like if you could not feel. So if emotions are a good gift from God, we should embrace our design as feeling creatures, right? Sadly, many of us try to suppress our feelings. We don’t know how to handle our feelings or express them appropriately, so we shove them into a corner of our lives. Maybe you grew up in a family where nobody showed emotion, or maybe you were made fun of for crying in front of others. Maybe you worry that emotion will hinder your career advancement or hurt your image of control. Whatever the reason, suppressing your emotions may seem like the best way to handle them. When we can feel and see other people’s pain we have compassion and we pray for them. So, we know that God knows our cellular level, brain chemistry, hormone level, knows the exact number of hair on our head, collects every tear that we cry, and our memories. God says any emotion should be brought into prayer by doing so allows his peace and guidance to come to us.
God has given us the knowledge and understanding to understand ourselves so that we can be true to self. First, reflect on what you need across your life to make you feel safe, loved, cared for, and fulfilled. Consider both what you are already getting from others or your environment, and what is missing. To be true to yourself means you don’t worry about pleasing other people; living by someone else’s standards or rules. You don’t care what people think of you. You live as your natural self. Without compromise. Starts with knowing who you are and accepting yourself; knowing your strengths, passions, limitations, and purpose in life and then living that way all the time. You come to know yourself only by living life. Finding what works for you. What defines you and makes you whole. Honoring our emotions isn’t about being self-absorbed or arrogant it’s really about being true to ourselves, honest with how we feel, and willing to engage in authentic conversations with other people even, and especially, when we don’t feel or want the same things that they do.
Explore and educate yourself on emotional intimacy, emotional connectivity, emotional humility, emotional body language, and how it affects every feeling, which causes us to think of things that then cause our reactions. Learn how to control your emotions and feelings with emotional intelligence. Our core self is emotions and feelings. Wrote by Heather Climer
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angelicheather44 · 10 months ago
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"ROOTS" Author- Heather Climer
What do you think of when you hear the word roots? Do you ever feel rootless?
This word has many meanings and significance in various contexts. Let's look at a couple of examples. "The root causes" of worldly issues. In spirituality "to root out evil". So, it Let's us know not only about our ancestors but ourselves. Let's look at an example of botanical roots and their significance. Roots are normally the source of nourishment for nature, sourcing our plants and trees while promoting growth as they grow stronger. Roots help trees to communicate with one another, join together with fungal filaments to create a pathway of exchange of nutrients to encourage the other if it's under the weather. We as people need roots to feel mentally and physically nourished. We all would like to rely on a network or group of people when we feel the need to communicate and share.
The roots of this tree triggered a line of thinking that we all need roots. We all have roots. God said people need people like the sunflower needs another sunflower. Roots keep us grounded. People who tend to isolate, who are introverted, natural loner, or who are lonely have times where they want to be seen and heard. The tree can't uproot itself and move, however, we are blessed people who have the ability to take our roots with us wherever we go. Perhaps roots not only keep us grounded, humbled, nourished, but also spiritually bring us together and teach us to not take anyone for granted, give mutual respect, give compassion, and love. We all often want to feel like we have a strong sense of purpose that gives us passions to create something special for humanity.
Raising our self-awareness is the consciousness of our state of being just as the tree amputated its roots is very much aware of its state of being.
Roots mean original, true home, environment, culture, apart of a body of a plant, a similar organ developed from some other plant to fix by or as if by roots, to implant or establish deeply, and through digital technology. Look at idioms about "root". Root and branch, utterly and entirely take root to send out to begin to grow to become established. Look at all the other words for the word "root": base, foundation, beginning, rise, fount, fountainhead, spring, wellspring, derivation, originator, parent, progenitor, ancestors, forebear, forefathers, eradicate, eliminate, wipeout, and obliterate. What a powerful word "root" is.
God can send you people who are like roots of a tree. Thier only job is to hold you up, encourage you, and help you be strong and healthy. When they see you happy it makes them happy. We can use the word "roots" in a metaphor of trees to describe the quality of friendships. I learned that and/or found out that some people I thought were for me fell by the waste side or wasn't who I thought they were and it hasn't been easy to evaluate the role or contribution I personally played in all of it. I love this tree analogy with people in my life. Leaf people are the people who come into your life for a season. You can't depend on leaf people nor count on them because they just give you shade. Branch people are the people who come into your life and you have to be careful with them because even though they can withstand the seasons, however, they can get lost in the storms. Root people come into your life and ground themselves staying low key, quiet, and show you that good people with good intentions still exists, true friends, and they are for you.
"Spiritual roots" For our hearts to grow we need emotional and spiritual nourishment. There are five roots of the heart which are feelings, needs, desire, longings, and hope. To help us identify what is happening in our hearts we can see these feelings as beginnings of the expressions off human emotional experiences. Hurt, lonely, sad, anger, fear, shame, guilt, and joy. Then we take those words and expand to express awe, grief, envy, anxiousness, depression, revenge, delight, and boredom. The more we feel the more we will need and the more we understand what we want and need comes our desires and as we get closer to God he will give you the desires of your heart. He gives us a new heart and mind which gives us new desires. Longings are souls wishes that want fulfillment which seeks hope. In scripture root generally appears indicating source as when the unrighteous are as a root bearing bitter and poisonous fruit or when the money is described as the root of all evil. Sometimes you might hear "become spiritually rooted" which comes from being spiritually nourished each day which intels reading his word, praying, and meditating on God's word so, we can grow in God.
Be rooted in the present means letting go of the past and not waiting on the future. God says to stay focused and live in the moment daily. "Every plant that he didn't plant will be pulled up by its roots, leave them they are blind guides". If a blind man leads a blind man both will fall. "Rooted in present" is to watch your inner-self, watch your thoughts, mental patterns that form your ego, stop analyzing, stop judging, watch instead, observe, accept, and allow to be.
"The root is card-, and it means heart".
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