angelcaakees · 7 months
Hey, reblog this if you’re ok with mutuals messaging you and stuff!
Asking for my sanity :]
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angelcaakees · 8 months
Check it out 😳
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It would seem two new characters have appeared…
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angelcaakees · 8 months
guys he said this idk what ur talking about dont you remember the scene—
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angelcaakees · 8 months
live laugh love jay walker
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angelcaakees · 9 months
Just a small rant, don’t mind me!!
Now, i know we as creators have different platforms and ect to post our creations and stuff on, but how is it that platforms are so geared to set you up for failure,
For example, i posted the mangle drawing i did on twitter ( which before you say, i’m completely aware that the algorithm is demanding, yadda yadda ya—) but it’s actually ridiculous, at this point, that an algorithm, or PLATFORM NONETHELESS, that’s built to share content can only provide 3 views, all of which are just… not interacting. I really find it hard to beleive that out of the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE on your platform, a post can’t circulate around to reach that many people.
Like.. platforms like TikTok, while still fairly bad, do at least a DECENT job of showing posts around to a wide audience of unique viewers with every interaction. I have roughly 100 followers on that platform, and my videos make around 200 views if they’re unpopular. It’s still infuriating nonetheless.
I feel the brunt of this especially since i’ve been on social media for so long, despite having been on different accounts overtime, but here. I’ve been improving my art to a point that I would be happy with it and i don’t even want to sound greedy but.. i get this dreadful feeling of “is this it?” A goal i’ve been looking forward to yet nothing happens, and nothing changed. I’m just another nobody.
it’s always a brisk reminder that we’re the product for these big companies, and i wish they would give people the platform to make the connections they needed.
Especially for me for example because at the age i’m at now, i need money to provide for things my parents won’t bother to spend on, but due to circumstances i can’t get employed or i put my parents job at risk , so advertising for commissions becomes 10 times harder when your socials FAIL to help you make the connections you need…. which just kinda sucks
idk how to really finish this off but JESUS, content based platforms really need to step it up 🙄
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angelcaakees · 9 months
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since it’s the spooky month I drew mangle<333
love em they so silly
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angelcaakees · 9 months
puppettale sans and a pokémon barber
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Trolled Puppettale Sans belongs 2 @angelcaakees
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angelcaakees · 9 months
Prompt ;  “Do you even know what this means?”
Characters ; Cupid ( Divinetale!Sans) , Anteros (Divinetale!Papyrus), Neo ( Cyberweb!Sans )
Notes: So essentially i was minding my business and I ended up writing a fic with some of my OWN au sans characters. Im not very good at it or even really experienced but this got whipped up for Fictober day four (lets go inconsitant posting!!1!!1) Also to my knowladge there is a parktale au that someone made but we will just assume it exists and thats where they`re going.
" Do you even know what this means?"
Sitting on the living room couch, now PREVIOUSLY having been cozy and wrapped in blankets, Cupid was holding up her phone, the excitement palpable on her face as she showed her device to the younger skeleton. Anteros looked at the screen, squinting at the device and quite confused as he stared back at her. " I Do Not Know, But Surely You Could Explain It To Me!"
She leaned over on the couch, quickly scrolling through her phone with a broad grin stretched across her skeletal features. "So, you know how me and Neo have been planning to hang out, and you ALSO know how Neo told me the other day that if he didn't have to broadcast, then we would go to the theme park if he had extra time?" The older skeleton finally landed on something, opening up a post from what seemed to be the familiar dark skeleton apologizing to fans for what seemed to be an ` unknown reason ` . " Guess who's go—ing?"
Anteros blinked, processing the information before sitting up. "Oh! Make Sure You Drink Plenty Of Water And Stay Hydrated! Actually, Actually–!" Anteros stood up and Seemed to walk off to his room rather quickly, coming back downstairs after a few minutes with a small backpack that seemed to have Mad Mew Mew plastered over the front of it… likely a gift from Alphys. 
" I Packed Two Water Bottles, A Small Tissue Pack, An Extra Pair Of Shoes, A Electrolyte Drink, And A Few Other Goodies! Make Sure That You Two Stop And Refresh While You Walk! Call Me If Anything Weird Happens! " The skeleton rambled out different precautions, before finally handing Cupid the bag. 
Examining the bag, Cupid's gaze looked back up at Anteros. It made her realize just how compassionate the other skeleton was. She let out a quiet chuckle.
" You know what? We'll have to have a family trip one day. Just the two of us! "
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angelcaakees · 10 months
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i tried the thingy with two of my ocs :oo
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angelcaakees · 10 months
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Tried those Neka maker for myself and didn't expect it to look this cute omfg 🥺
Here's the link if someone wanna try!
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angelcaakees · 10 months
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oh lord they’re congregating
Amor (silly pink facemarkings) belongs to @toasted2coconut
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angelcaakees · 10 months
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I DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING so take a Neo redesign!!!
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angelcaakees · 10 months
HEY HEY HEY SO LIKE SINCE ME AND MY FRIEND WANTED TO BOTH BE ABLE TO ACCESS ASKS AND STUFF, redirect ur asks to @toastedandangeelaskblog please and thank you 🙏🙏😋
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angelcaakees · 10 months
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Im criminally insane
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angelcaakees · 11 months
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drew with @toasted2coconut on magma last night, felt silly.
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angelcaakees · 11 months
🫵 ask
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never done this type of thing before but yeah, hi. I'll be running this ask blog with my friend, @angelcaakees (foreboding)
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angelcaakees · 11 months
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The sillies 🌚
All of these are my characters, ft
Puppet Sans & Papyrus, Hunter , Chiffon, Cupid, Neo, and my persona >:))
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