Aid And Abet
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"People are always dying. It is what they do." Shit I like : Hancock, Solas, Garrus, and Charon. Gimmie.
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amoaliquis · 3 hours ago
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“I am going to need that back, vhenan.”
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amoaliquis · 4 hours ago
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Past and Present
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amoaliquis · 4 hours ago
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love this sight and this moment at all 🙏
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amoaliquis · 17 hours ago
Ugh. He makes me a mess.
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The intro to Garrus in Mass Effect 2 is so slutty
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amoaliquis · 18 hours ago
"Yes, vhenan?"
"I had the most illuminating conversation with Iron Bull. You've got to hear this."
"Tell him I am sick of his poor attempts at warming me towards the qun."
"It is not about that, taren’din!"
Lavellan: *gets in Solas' lap and manages to whisper the most vile, unhinged smutty thing he has heard in the countless millenia of his existence*
Solas: *sweats profusely*
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amoaliquis · 19 hours ago
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I always leave my backgrounds light for the most part so I was like This time it be dark and then I went bonkers with the light. Kinda love it though lol.
I used an oil painting brush that I love but oh man if only I could post the whole like 5000 x 6000 zoom in, I was so proud XD
you can see it real, real big here
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amoaliquis · 19 hours ago
Solas: It took me centuries to build such a bond during my rebellion. And when I joined the Inquisition, I tried to avoid entanglements.
Solas is the one who brings up the Inquisition with Rook, opening the door for Rook to ask about it - which could lead to Rook asking about Lavellan (yes, this is a Solavellan post). I always wondered why he did as it gives Rook a chance to gain a foothold into his emotions and I'm not sure that is something Solas intended to do. I've considered a couple scenarios:
it's an unconscious slip. It feels like Solas is not as detached as he claims to be. Though he tries to position this as a calculated choice, the fact that he brings it up at all suggests that the Inquisition still lingers in his mind (it was the last time he got close to people).
This chat happens after Rook meets the Inquisitor for the second time and with the blood magic link, perhaps Solas suspects that Rook knows something about the Inquisition, so he brings it up to gauge how much Rook might know. Which leads Rook to asking about you know who...
Rook: Except for Inquisitor Lavellan. Solas: I said that I resolved to do so, not that I succeeded. She is a good woman. Growing close to her was selfish of me.
As for Solas' response, he can't reveal too much to Rook - you can't give an edge to a potential adversary. So his response definitely feels measured. He admits just enough - that he failed to keep his distance, but not why. And I appreciate how Solas frames all of this as a failure of discipline, keeping it separate from emotion. He is saying "I should not have gotten close to her" not, "I should not have loved her."
Rook: Do you regret it?
He could just simply tell Rook yes and be done with it. But he doesn't lie. He could just say no, I don't regret it, but that would reveal too much. Instead, because he's Solas, he gives a poetic response, sidestepping it all together.
Solas: I live with countless regrets. Some of them I have grown to cherish more than my victories.
Solas' regrets are abundant and he has lived long enough to collect many of them. But some of his choices, no matter how painful, were worth it. That it mattered so much that having had it at all, and then losing it was more significant than anything he has accomplished. By positioning this as a regret, what he is also telling Rook is that what he had with Lavellan cannot be reclaimed (at least that's the lie he keeps telling himself). But to cherish something is to hold onto it - that his love for Lavellan, no matter how painful it was, is something he will always hold close.
But why even reveal this much to Rook?
What does Solas do best? Omit, obscure and deflect. Maybe his answer will confuse more than clarify which he would prefer. Solas' modus operandi when it comes to concealing truth is not to deny it outright, but to obscure it in ambiguity. By giving this type of answer to Rook perhaps Solas is hoping it cannot be used against him.
Or maybe, Rook did catch Solas off guard after all.
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amoaliquis · 19 hours ago
Snow Light
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I just wanted to play around with some snow and bright light. This seemed as good as any topic to try it out on.
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
Charon: It's pronounced "kair-on" Clara:
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
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Anti-feral drug is the hot new item
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
Currently a hilarious concept for me is that maybe the pantry scene is the first time Spite witnesses Lucanis do all of that. I mean, Rook isn't necessarily Lucanis' first crush, or only one, but they can be the first person Lucanis actually gets close enough with to trust himself to act on it. And maybe Spite, who has spent a year in the brain of a man so serious and doomed is spitting up his drink watching him suddenly turn on a full Casanova mode because what is that. Where. My. Lucanis. And then Lucanis does his Lucanis thing and nearly fucking bows and 'scuse me's himself out of the room and Spite sits back relaxed because yeah. False alarm, still my guy
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
Right?! I have been a proud #ghoulfucker since Charon. Add Hancock, and that's all ya girl wants. Those two.
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How I’ve been welcoming the new Fallout fans:
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
Companions being protective of Lucanis during the Bloodbath
Zara: Such poor manners, interrupting my bath. Whatever shall we do with you? Taash: Shut up! Emmrich: Not a thing! Harding: You're not doing anything! Neve: You won't do a damn thing! Davrin: Better question is what Lucanis will do to you! Bellara: You won't do a thing!
My DAVG Extracted Audio Masterlist
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
You guys liked the other Solavellan headcanons, and I got domestic intimacy on the brain 24/7, so here’s part 2 ✨ (post-Veilguard edition) (but some of these could also apply during Inquisition if you want)
Part 1 is here
Bodies constructed from lyrium do not get sick often. And definitely not in the same way as bodies born of flesh. So when Lavellan gets sick for the first time while she is with Solas, he gets a little too concerned. He knows sickness, he has seen it a million times and even studied its effects, but he can’t help but feel helpless as his heart twists and turns in pain and fever. No matter how many times she tries to assure him that she is okay, he is always there to hold her in his arms when she trembles from the drop of temperature, and wipe her brow when the fever rises again. He makes sure to keep her fed and hydrated, even when her unpleasant mood makes her protest.
During their time in Inquisition, Lavellan did not get to tell Solas that she loved him until it was too late. When they reunite, she makes sure to never let that happen again. She expresses her love for him at any and every chance she gets, and he responds in kind. It reaches a point where they end up telling each other that they love the other in almost every single conversation. It might seem cheesy to others, but they fought hard for the privilege to be cheesy. They do not take this for granted.
Lavellan has always been curious and.. inquisitive (sorry, I had to), which is a trait Solas adores about her. He thought the questions she asked were many during their time in the Inquisition. When they reunite, however, he actually reconsiders the previous magnitude of her questions. She spends hours upon days asking him a million different questions; about the Evanuris, about his nature as a spirit, about the rebellion, about ancient Arlathan, anything she can possibly think of. He is happy to answer. When the conversation gets to more sentimental topics, she holds his hand as he speaks and always gives him the option to change the subject, if he wishes. He has never trusted another person so implicitly, so he bears his heart to her anyway.
A big part of being wise means being observant. Every time Lavellan admires a certain type of flower, she wakes up to bouquets of the same flowers on her beside table. When she changes how she styles her hair or the clothes she likes to wear, Solas is the first to notice and insistently inform her about how beautiful she is. He has not only memorized when she bleeds, but how her mood and appetites fluctuate during the month, and makes sure to accommodate them. When the tone of her voices gets a twist of nostalgia when she brings up her friends, family, or her clan, he sits beside her and asks about her favorite memories. He knows them, but he asks anyway.
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
Holy hell.
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"No one from House Dellamorte kneels" -Dragon Age: The Veilguard
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amoaliquis · 20 hours ago
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