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Paid Readings
My paid readings are Open. 
If you want to book a reading, just send me a message. 
if you want a free reading, comment on my page :)
My paid reading list: 1 question deep description and analysis with a picture - free donation, pay as you want :) 2 question - deep description and analysis with a picture €5 5 questions - deep description and analysis €10 10 yes/no questions - €5 5 yes/no questions - €2 10 questions - deep description and analysis with a picture - €15 20 questions - deep description and analysis with a picture €30
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About me :)
Chakras healer Taro reader Angel card reader Pendulum Empath Karmic Cards
I am experienced physic adviser. I been doing readings for more than 5 years. I believe each answer can be found in a card. Universe knows everything and if you believe it will come true. The cards will show you the future, but you can change it.
Pendulum readings - Yes/No questions. Tarot - Whole situation, any situation, future, past, everything. Karmic Card - Karmic cards is very strong it can tell you the result and it can tell you what you should do, the answer will understand only you, it goes by a mental, spiritual and physical way. If you don't like the result we can check how can you change it. Angel cads - tells everything in your spiritual way, the outcome of things, the human personality, challenges and advice's.
I am an empath, it means that I can feel what you feel and read your minds, I can feel your physical and spiritual way, my intuition will tell everything about you. I can help you to cope with issues and pain.
I do understand that sometimes we have so many problems and we are not sure what should we do and the only one thing which we think could help is a reading. I understand that as I am a person too and I do need to get a reading for myself too, to know where I am heading or what should I expect.
So I am here for your service :) I will try to feel your whole situation .  I can send a healing, affirmations. I believe my readings are accurate as I do care about the person. As I understand that there are seeking for guidance like we all are.
For a personal reading please include: Names, as it helps me to connect with person, this way I can guarantee a more accurate reading. I don't need date of birth. Attach a picture please. You can add a brief description, cause it will help me to interpret more acc
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Mahmoud Darwish, from Almond Blossoms and Beyond; “I Sit At Home,”
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My paid reading list: 1 question deep description and analysis with a picture - free donation, pay as you want :) 2 question - deep description and analysis with a picture $5 10 yes/no questions - $5 5 yes/no questions - $2 10 questions - deep description and analysis with a picture - $15 20 questions - deep description and analysis with a picture $30
PM me if you want to book a reading with me.
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🔮How I Write A Spell🔮
What Is The Point Of This Spell?: First, figure out what sort of spell you want to do. What is its purpose? What kind of spell is it? A glamour, for example. Might be the sort of spell you decide on. It may seem obvious, but remember to write this stuff down! I usually write these questions down and keep the whole spell making process recorded in my grimoire.  This is my own personal advice, but something I’ve learned is to consider if there’s another way you can accomplish whatever the purpose of the spell is without magick. I think of spells as last resorts to certain things, or as a booster shot of luck or confidence ect. But that’s just me. The Timing: When will I do this spell? This could be based off of the day of the week/time of day and moon cycle. Astrology stuff if you’re into that. I also like to do big spells on the Sabbats so if you celebrate them, you might try that. How Might I Prepare?: Will this spell have certain crystals, herbs, chants, sigils, what do you need to do and collect? Remember to research any ingredients used. Especially if its a big, or important spell to you. To me, research is just more intent! Here’s a compact list of some things a spell might involve as well, you might go through and decide what works and what doesn’t. This certainly isn’t everything you might put in a spell but it might help you narrow a few things down: - Colors used - Jars/Sachets - Sigils - Crystals - Herbs & Spices - Candles - Incense - Essential oils - Forms of divination, such as tarot, runes, or a pendulum - Knots - Chants - Magick waters, such as moon water What Will The Steps Be?:  if you know you want to do a glamour, once again as the example, and you want to involve candles, think about what that will actually look like. Tips & Reminders: - Cleanse yourself, the space, and anything used. - Ground yourself.  - Cast a circle, if you feel that’s necessary. You don’t have to though! - Set the mood. Do a spell past dark, light some candles, take a nice, long, hot, cleansing bath ahead of time. Drink some tea. Do some self care, or something that makes you feel as witchy as ever.  - If something feels right, using this ingredient over that, a certain time of day, or anything like that. Do it! This is your practice.  - If you’re not sure what to do, or what a spell should even look like, have a look at other similar spells. Before you even start writing your own, you might just substitute a few things because you lack ingredients or prefer something else from spells you’ve found.  - Wards are always a good idea - If sigil burning, or fire of any sort is involved. Be safe! keep some water nearby, do it on a fire safe surface, keep in mind how you’re going to keep this contained if something goes wrong.  Enjoy and have a lovely day 💖
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This month as far as only 4 days have passed, feel overwhelming. 
Does anyone feel the same? Have been checking my cards million times. lol
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If you were born with the curse of feeling things deeply you were also born with the blessing of knowing what’s truly worth your energy.
Juansen Dizon, Love note to the empath  (via juansendizon)
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An Empath is a person who has the ability to feel and share other people’s feelings and pains. Empaths are very sensitive to their surroundings, what they eat, and who they are around.  Naturally, Empaths are kind, good-hearted, spiritually attuned, and excellent listeners.
Are you an Empath?
You know stuff without being told
Public places, like malls or busy grocery shops, can be overwhelming
You feel others emotions and pains by taking them on as your own
Seeing violence, cruelty, bullying is unbearable.
You know when someone is lying to you
You pick up physical symptoms off of other people such as colds, body aches, headaches, pains, etc.
You have digestive disorders or lower back pains.
You are always looking out for the underdog. Anyone whose suffering, in emotional pain or being bullied draws your attention.
Others will always want to unload problems on you, even strangers.
You are a good listener.
You are constantly tired and drained of energy.
You are drawn to healing, holistic therapies, and all things metaphysical. 
You have a creative streak and a vivid imagination.
You have a love for nature and animals. You find yourself constantly outside connecting with animals and seeking refuge in nature.
You need lots of alone time or you will go crazy.
You get bored or easily distracted if not stimulated.
You find it impossible participate in things you do not enjoy.
You strive for truth and honesty
You are always looking for answer and knowledge. You always are found with you nose in a book.
You like adventure, freedom, and traveling.
You have a messy room, desk, locker, etc.
You constantly and seem to be in your own little world.
You find rules, routine, and control imprisoning.
You find yourself prone to gaining weight without necessarily overeating
You are able to sense the energy of food and often do not eat meat from an animal that was mistreated.
You have been labeled as overly emotional or too sensitive.
Your feelings are hurt easily.
Animals and children take a natural liking to you.
You are fairly quiet especially in crowds.
If you answered yes to all or most of these you are definitely an empath.
Ways to cope with Empathy:
Allow yourself to have lots of quiet time without electronics. Curl up with a book and put on soothing music instead.
Take time out of your day to sit in nature
Pet a dog, cat, horse, rabbit, etc.
If crowds are overwhelming, eat a high-protein meal beforehand (this grounds you) and sit in the far corner, not dead center.
Ground yourself
Cleanse your space, aura, and chakras of negative energy
Practise breathing exercises
Carry or wear protective crystals
Develop a energy shield for your body
Crystals for Empaths:
Rose quartz - Helps push away negativity, provides a bit of extra energy, excellent for grounding.
Black tourmaline - Protects from negative energy.
Amethyst -  Helps to heighten and sharpen an empath’s intuition.
Lepidolite - Eases any anxieties empaths have when around other people. This crystal is well known for its power, peace, and its ability to promote luck, love, and sleep.
Malachite - Removes emotional blockages and helps calm when you are in a stressful situation. Absorbs any negative feeling you might hold inside of you.
Amazonite - Helps balance emotions.
Citrine - Repels negative energy. Relieves depression and mood swings. Opens the mind to new thoughts, helps with dream recall, and increases self esteem.
Obsidian - Repels negative energy, grounds you, and balances emotions.
Aqua Aura Quartz - Deflects and traps harmful energies.
Essential Oils for Empaths:
Basil - Lifts fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
Frankincense - Has an uplifting effect, prevents people from draining energy, helps your concentration, and clears mind clutter.
Geranium - Uplifting, decreases anxiety and nervous tension.
Jasmine - Mood enhancer, balances emotions, boosts self-esteem and lifts anxiety and depression.
Lavender - Balances emotions, relaxes body and mind, and clears negative energy.
Marjoram - Calms emotional trauma
Rose - Mood enhancer.
Sage - Uplifting, grounding, relaxing, prevents people from draining energy, and good for anxiety.
Vetiver - Calms nerves.
Ylang-Ylang - Relaxes and good for anxiety.
Resources:  Christel Broederlow, drjudithorloff.com, davidwolfe.com, dayinthelifeofanempth.blogspot.ca, theknowing1.wordpress.com, eathanlazzerini.com
Comment if you are an empath and a way you cope as an empath. Let’s see how many empaths are out there!
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Mystics==
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10 Crystals For Empaths
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Crystals have been used for thousands of years to protect and enhance personal vitality. They have the ability to focus energy and generate minute electrical currents that interact with the currents in the human body and environment. Crystals are an amazing way to cleanse, amplify, and protect one’s energy.
As a highly sensitive empath, I absorb energy from everything. Not only am I affected by the emotions and attitudes of other people, but I’m extremely sensitive to things like geopathic stress and electromagnetic stress. This often leads to exhaustion, irritability, and overwhelm. 
Geopathic stress: Stress created by electromagnetic radiation, ley lines, and underground water. It’s also present in “sick building syndrome”. Injurious to health, it can affect the immune system as well as the body’s innate psychic protection and may attract ghosts or hold impressions of previous events.
Electromagnetic stress: Disharmony caused by the subtle emanations of electrical, microwave, computer, phone and radio frequencies, as well as power lines.
The following list features 10 of my favorite crystals that have been the most beneficial in managing sensitivities and raising my vibration:
Known as one of the most protective stones, labradorite creates an interface around the aura that filters out energies that are not beneficial and enhances spiritual connection. It allows one to be aware of other’s feelings and emotions without being overwhelmed by them. Labradorite enhances psychic abilities, aligns physical and subtle bodies, and strengthens the aura.
Tip: If you’re prone to nightmares and restless sleep, try holding a labradorite palm stone at bedtime. I sleep with one every night and it has helped me immensely. Just remember to cleanse it in between uses!  
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: rainbow moonstone, black moonstone, spectrolite
Also known as celestite, this high vibrational stone links one to higher realms and stimulates spiritual insights. It facilitates inner peace, helps to disperse anxieties and calm the emotions while promoting clarity of mind. This beautiful crystal heals the aura, assists in conflict resolution, and helps maintain a harmonious atmosphere in times of stress. 
Tip: Try meditating with one of these stones and record any insights you might have in a journal afterwards. I’ve been amazed at some of the profound breakthroughs I’ve had while spending time with this amazing crystal.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: blue lace agate, angelite, phantom quartz, apophyllite 
Lithium Quartz 
This variety of quartz is a natural antidepressant. Its powerful healing energies gently lift the conditions underlying the depression to the surface, neutralizing ancient anger and grief. It can reach back into past lives to dissolve the roots of emotional dis-ease that is pervading the present life. Lithium quartz is an excellent cleanser for the body’s energy centers and is extremely useful as a healer for plants and animals.
Tip: If feeling lethargic or low on energy, carry a small lithium quartz point with you in your pocket. Lithium quartz can function like an emotional battery for those that are sensitive to its vibration. 
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: quartz with hematite, elestial quartz, vanadinite, zeolite 
Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline, also known as schorl; protects agains cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, ill wishing, and negative energies of all kinds. Black tourmaline is the most effective block to psychic attack and is extremely efficient at absorbing negative energy. It helps one adopt a positive attitude regardless of the circumstances.
Tip: Black tourmaline is super effective as a gem elixir that can be added to cleansing sprays and used to purify the aura. 
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: shungite, black kyanite, jet, tourmalinated quartz
Rose Quartz
Known as the stone of unconditional love and forgiveness, gentle rose quartz opens the heart and transforms negative emotions into positive ones. It’s an excellent stone to use during crisis or trauma, as it quickly brings peace. It transmutes negative emotional conditioning and supports positive affirmations. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love.
Tip: Wear a rose quartz pendant over your heart to promote self-love, tranquility, and emotional healing. 
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: rhodochrosite, pink danburite, rhodonite, pink petalite, pink kunzite 
A strongly protective stone, especially against electromagnetic and geopathic pollution, as well as psychic attack. Fluorite stabilizes energy and shuts off mental manipulation. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies and assists in dissolving illusions and negative mental patterning. Emotionally, fluorite has a grounding effect. 
Tip: Place a piece of fluorite on a computer or between yourself and the source of electromagnetic fog. 
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: amazonite, green aventurine, bloodstone 
Smoky Quartz
Smoky quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones. It helps alleviate fears, soothes an active mind, and promotes emotional calmness. This protective stone gently neutralizes negative vibrations, absorbs electromagnetic smog, and blocks geopathic stress. Smoky quartz is a powerful antidote to stress and assists in tolerating difficult times while bringing in positive energy. 
Tip: To dispel stress, place a stone in each hand and sit quietly for a few moments. Cleanse the stones thoroughly between uses.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: hematite, smoky elestial quartz, apache tear obsidian 
Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high vibration. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting energy into love. A natural tranquilizer, amethyst blocks against geopathic stress and negative environmental energies. Its serenity enhances higher states of consciousness. Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers, and enhances spiritual awareness. 
Tip: Place a cleansed amethyst point towards you to draw in positive energy, and point one away from you to dispel negative energy. 
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: ametrine, lepidolite, rutilated quartz, lilac kunzite, purple fluorite  
Selenite is a high vibrational stone that is said to occupy the space between light and matter. It’s an excellent crystal for repairing and re-energizing the aura. Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for spiritual work and meditation. Selenite does not allow outside influences to penetrate. A large piece within the house promotes a peaceful atmosphere. 
Tip: Place other crystals, talismans, and pendants on a piece of selenite overnight for cleansing. 
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: dessert rose selenite, peach moonstone, himalayan rock salt
An excellent stone for grounding one in present reality, carnelian is one of the oldest known healing stones. It energizes and restores vitality to the immune system. Carnelian promotes positive life choices and immense motivation, and assists one in trusting perceptions. This is a useful stone for overcoming negative emotional or mental conditioning. It calms anger and assists in banishing emotional negativity, while sharpening concentration. Mentally, carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. 
Tip: Carnelian placed near the front door of a home invokes protection and invites abundance.
Stones with similar vibrational qualities: citrine, tigers eye, golden calcite, orange-brown selenite, amber  
I hope you find these crystals as beneficial as I do. Enjoy!
(( source | source | source )) 
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Have a look at my reviews
For a free readings which are open, please submit a question. 
I will try to answer as soon as I can and as much as I can. 
Love & Light 
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Paid reading List
My paid reading list: 1 question deep description and analysis with a picture - free donation, pay as you want :) 2 question - deep description and analysis with a picture $5 10 yes/no questions - $5 5 yes/no questions - $2 10 questions - deep description and analysis with a picture - $15 20 questions - deep description and analysis with a picture $30
PM me if you want to book a reading with me.
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