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(image taken from official Warrior Cats website)
Have you ever wanted a core centered around Warrior Cats? Do you ever want to relive your middle school days of clan LARPing at lunch? Do you just really hate cringe culture?
Then join us in our brand new aesthetic!
What is Warriorscore?
Warriorscore is an aesthetic based around the hit book series, Warrior Cats! It's kinda like dirtcore with some crowcore, a dollop of goblincore, and just a dash of scenecore!
As for things considered Warriorscore, here's a quick list!
Nature, especially forests
The moon
Cats, obviously
Cozy little dens
(Optional) Vulture culture
Big rocks/boulders
Natural colors
Uhhh you know when you find a big stick and you just sorta walk around with it? Yeah, that kinda stuff
"Feral" culture and behavior
Of course, it's not just limited to those things! Let's put it this way. If you think it's Warriorscore, it's probably Warriorscore.
Who Can Participate in Warriorscore?
Nearly anyone! This includes Warrior Cats fans, therians, nature lovers, feral creatures, and basically everything in between!
Who CAN'T Participate?
The usual, DDLG/MAPs/transmeds/TERFs/etc. Basically, if you're a gross person, you're probably not allowed to participate in Warriorscore.
Well, that's it! Now go, warriors, and spread the word of Warriorscore!
@cavecrow @cottagehaunt can you guys promo this? Maybe tag a few more popular core blogs? We'd really appreciate it!
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Can Nate like....NOT? First they delete their apology and then posts a video about me. This is absolute mouse dung! They’re meant to stay out of the fandom or something.
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[Commission info] [Etsy]
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Crookedstar and his real mother
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Ship blacklist
Feel free to send an anon on other ones that need to be added!
Tw for the following: incest, pedophilia, toxicity
Hollyleaf x Leafpool | Incest Jayfeather x Breezepelt | Incest Yellowfang x Cinderpaw | Pedophilia Spottedpaw x Thistleclaw | Pedophilia Ashfur x Scourge | Pedophilia and Toxicity Squirrelflight x Ashfur | Toxicity Spottedleaf x Firepaw | Pedophilia Bluestar x Tigerstar | Toxicity Firestar x Hollyleaf | Incest (seriously! I’ve seen this!)
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ace flag with a black cat that says “support aces or i’ll steal your knees” for anon, i hope this is ok!
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Took one of Draikinator’s joke OCs from when they were in the Warrior Cats community and made her better.
Her name is Mistletree and she’s a prophet from RiverClan who died in a brutal battle against ShadowClan. She’s a cis straight girl who is an ally of the LGBT+. 
Seen below are her parents: Yewdust and Fallownight; two permanent queens who are mates with each other. They adopted her after her biological mother died soon after being born. She never met her biological father as he died from greencough the leafbare that passed.
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Send me some wc to draw
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consider this: albino moth flight with spooky eyes
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Give her pats!
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I impulse bought a dollarama ladybug costume that does not fit Pangur and, in fact, made her very sad
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follow me on twitter! :^)
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1: Stormtail 2: Hailear 3: Beechleaf
riverclan name generators!
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v1: mistyfall v2: floodfur v3: i can’t pick between the blues, so either wavenose, puddlenose, or mintnose
i’d love to see what names you get!
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Actually that would make a whole lot of sense because both Brightflower and Brackenfoot are yellow.
Now for the people to make Yellowfang yellow like their parents! 👏
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Warrior cats following spree!
Following back all warrior cats blogs, please like or reblog!
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A drawing I did of my edgy evil medicine cat MapleEye
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1. I was 12 or 13 when I joined. I started reading the books at 13 and still read them to this day. 2. HECK NO!!! You can enjoy anything at any age as long as it doesn’t cause a bad influence on you. Warrior Cats is a wonderful series that anyone of any age can enjoy as it does have a darker mature content suited for preteens, teens and adults. Just grab your first copy of Into The Wild and you’re set! 💖
I do warn that the fandom is pretty dramatic so it’s best to stick to the side that isn’t riddled with negativity.
Hey warriors cats fandom
1: how old where you when you got in the fandom and
2: is me being 18 to old to join?
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