the fire guy
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alrghtevans · 6 months ago
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jily in every other universe <33
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alrghtevans · 2 years ago
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i NEED a jily au about this. if anyone knows something like this pls tag me!!
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alrghtevans · 3 years ago
Language Resources Masterpost
Today I am sharing with you guys my collection of language resources :D They are mostly for Russian and Mandarin, but I have a few Korean resources too. Please note that I have not personally used all of these resources, so I cannot vouch for their quality. If any of the links are broken, please let me know!
A Kaleidoscope of China (advanced)
A New China (intermediate)
All Things Considered (advanced)
Anything Goes (advanced)
Basic Chinese (workbook)
Chinese: A Comprehensive Grammar (grammar)
Chinese: An Essential Grammar (grammar)
Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar (grammar)
Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar (workbook)
Reading to Write: An Advanced Textbook of Chinese (advanced)
Schaum’s Outlines: Chinese Grammar (grammar)
The Routledge Advanced Chinese Multimedia Course (advanced)
The Routledge Course in Chinese Media Literacy (advanced)
Ultimate Russian (advanced)
Using Russian: A Guide to Contemporary Usage
A Comprehensive Russian Grammar (grammar)
A Russian Grammar Workbook (workbook)
Colloquial Russian 2 (intermediate)
Russian Verbal Prefixes (grammar)
Glossika Guide to Russian Pronunciation and Grammar
Intermediate Russian: A Grammar and Workbook (intermediate)
An Advanced Russian Tabloid Reader (advanced)
A Living Russian Grammar (grammar)
Basic Russian: A Grammar and Workbook (beginner)
Russian in Exercises (beginner)
Russian Verbs of Motion
Using Russian Vocabulary (vocab)
The Big Silver Book of Russian Verbs (vocab)
Live From Russia Stage 1 Volume 1 (beginner)
Live From Russia Stage 1 Volume 2 (beginner)
Basic Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (beginner)
Intermediate Korean: A Grammar and Workbook (intermediate)
Korean: A Comprehensive Grammar (grammar)
Korean Grammar in Use (beginner)
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alrghtevans · 3 years ago
i’m afraid of the person i’m gonna be when taylor releases speak now (tv)
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alrghtevans · 4 years ago
Would it kill women to not assume that every single male is a sexual predator?
Yes actually. Yes it can literally kill us to not assume that men around us are sexual predators and take precautions accordingly.
Because it only takes one dangerous predatory guy to traumatize or even kill us and there’s a lot of them and none of you wear signs.
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alrghtevans · 4 years ago
now that it's actually IWD...
Happy International Women's Day to:
women of color, lesbians, ace and aro girls, trans women, bi and pan girls, disabled and neurodivergent women, Jewish and Muslim women, women who fight for equality and their right to be heard, women who are driven, women who are career-oriented, girlbosses, women who want children and women who don't, mothers, women who get called "bossy" and "shrill," polyamorous women, women with multiple partners, young girls who are figuring out their place in the world, women who are sex workers, women who have survived abuse and women who didn't, autistic women, gnc women, women who get talked over, women who are told that their thoughts don't matter, fat girls and skinny girls, women who have had an abortion, women of low-income, women who are homeless, women with big noses, women with acne or a skin condition, women who work in STEM, unconventionally beautiful women, women who have depression or anxiety, women who rely on aids, deaf and blind women, women who have intrusive thoughts, women coping with PTSD, and women with chronic illness.
we are beautiful, and we are strong. but we are stronger together. Happy International Women's Day.
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alrghtevans · 4 years ago
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Please make this go viral.
It is so important I don’t even care if you delete what I write here, just help it be seen. 
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alrghtevans · 4 years ago
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A study into fandom hate of James Potter.
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alrghtevans · 4 years ago
I think the reason I prefer “until the very end” to “always” as a proclamation of love and devotion is not because one phrase is inherently more or less problematic or obsessive than the other, but it’s more of a context thing?
Like, James said “until the very end” to his son as words of comfort when he was scared and needed support and encouragement. Harry was walking willingly to his own death and was asking the ones he loved most to stay with him. Harry was asking for reassurance and love and that’s what he got.
On the other hand, “always” represents to me this kind of love that’s like “I’m gonna be here whether you want me to or not.” Like Lily made it pretty clear during her lifetime that she wanted nothing to do with him, which should have been a sentiment that extended into her death, but now that she isn’t alive to protest his involvement with her, he just…keeps going? Keeps acting in her name and her memory? Keeps using her as a motive for every decision he makes? It’s unsettling to me. That someone can care so much about their own feelings with no regard for the person on the receiving end.
And I think that’s why JKR used “until the very end” for the dedication of Deathly Hallows instead of “always.” We stayed with Harry like James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus did because we were like his supportive loved ones. We encouraged him on his journey. We were invited into his world and our presence was wanted. The same honestly can’t be said of Snape.
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alrghtevans · 4 years ago
it’s funny how y’all forgive snape for everything that he did bc he saved harry and was ‘in love’ with lily, but when james saved him in the whomping willow, y’all say he only did it bc of remus and say that he was a bully, even though it’s basically the same thing that happened with snape but he didn’t grow up and still bullied his students.
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alrghtevans · 5 years ago
Snape’s worst memory is getting pantsed at school in front of people with a spell he created.
James worst memory is being killed by one of the darkest wizards in the world and knowing that his wife and son were next
Remus’ worst memory is NOT getting pantsed at school, despite the fact that it happened several times. His worst memory is turning into a blood thirsty monster once a month and tearing his body apart. His worst memory is dying and knowing he’s left his wife a widow and his son fatherless
Sirius’ worst memory is finding the bodies of his best friends and their mutilated son. His worst memory is spending 12 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. His worst memory is being tortured for those 12 years by his worst memories.
Please do not ever say Snape was a victim. He pretencious. He was cruel. He was pathetic. He was racist. But he was never a victim.
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alrghtevans · 5 years ago
Starkid jokes that make you realize just how silly the Harry Potter books are.
(I love these nerds so much)
If you can think of others leave them in the comments!
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alrghtevans · 5 years ago
Things that really should have been in the Harry Potter films
-Hermione actually having bushy hair and large front teeth
-Ron making the jokes, not being the joke. 
-Hermione having personality flaws
-Sassy Harry (the ‘pincers’ scene was not enough…)
-Rupert Grint being allowed to play Ron how he was in the books (i.e a three-dimensional character, not a comedic sidekick and walking punch-line)
-No-one else but Hermione fancying Gilderoy Lockhart. 
-Ron’s obvious irritation over Hermione’s said crush on Lockhart
-James, Sirius, Remus and Peter being the Marauders, and making the map
-Ron standing up on a broken leg and telling Sirius that if ‘you want to kill Harry, you’ll have to kill us too!’
-Hermione and Ginny not fancying Cedric Diggory (Why was this even put in the films?)
-The actual Quidditch World Cup final
-Ludo Bagman
-Ron being upset with Harry because he thought Harry had done it without him, not just because he was jealous
-Ron not leaving Hermione crying on the staircase at the end of the Yule Ball
-Ron not saying ‘I’ll go easy on you’ to Hermione. (Noticing a pattern here?)
-Charlie Weasley
-Ginny Weasley having a personality (Bonnie Wright, you deserved so much better…)
-Hermione and Ron both being horrible to each-other during the whole ‘Lavender’ debacle.
-Four words- ‘Weasley is our king’. 
-Harry and Ginny having a relationship that didn’t make you wonder whether she slipped him love potion. These scenes were so weird to watch…
-Dumbledore’s funeral
-Ron and Hermione comforting each-other during the funeral
-Both Ron and Hermione saying they would stick with Harry on his quest for the Horcruxes (I don’t care if Rupert Grint was ill with swine flu when they were filming, they could have easily edited him in later!)
-RON DANCING WITH HERMIONE AT BILL AND FLEUR’S WEDDING RECEPTION! This was a massive deal for their relationship development, and the film-makers threw it out the window in exchange for a ‘Ron still can’t ask Hermione to dance’ bit!
-Ron leaving because he was worried about his family, and thought Harry didn’t care, not just because he suspected Hermione was snogging Harry (FYI Kloves, this wouldn’t have been necessary if you had written the golden trio as they were in the books, instead of trying to force your own OTP into the scripts)
-Harry and Hermione being barely able to talk without Ron around. And no out-of-nowhere dancing either!
-Dobby being present in more than one film before he returned to die.
-Hermione finally kissing Ron because she realised how much he had matured as a person (he remembered the house-elves when everyone-else forgot), and realised that she couldn’t go another moment without letting him know how she felt. Not because they both go soaked in the chamber of secrets after destroying Hufflepuff’s cup (that scene made no sense, and was so uncomfortable to watch, and I’m a Romione shipper, for crying out loud!) 
-Voldemort’s body not changing into magic dandruff and disappearing into nothing. This misses the point of his death entirely.
-Harry fixing his own wand with the Elder Wand. If he was going to break it, he could have at least fixed his own first.
-Not sure about this one, but did Ron even get a line in the ‘nineteen years later’ scene in the films? Because if he didn’t get to say his ‘I’m extremely famous’ line, I am throwing up on my laptop in rage.
-Also, Ronald Bilius Weasley getting some freaking RESPECT and NOT being made into a figure of fun for non-Potterheads to laugh at!
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alrghtevans · 5 years ago
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I have shipped Drarry since day one. Hinny just feels too forced and fake and kinda rushed for it to be real to me. Also Harry was 10 times more passionate with Draco. I can’t ship Harry with anyone else but Draco. Any other shipping feels wrong.
Also I do truly believe Godric and Salazar had a relationship.
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alrghtevans · 5 years ago
i’m dying
We don't appreciate Lily Evans in love with James Potter enough
It’s been always the other way around; a James Potter who asks her out, who looks at her all the time, who’s jealous, who’s in love with her.
But what about a Lily Evans crazy in love with him?
Trying to find his presence around the common room, genuinely wondering where he could be because the place was too quiet and boring
cheering happily as he scores goals
gasping when he almost fall off his broom
asking for no one in particular on the bleachers “is he ok? Is he ok?” when he actually falls.
blushing when he gets way too close to read a parchment from her hand. ‘brilliant answer, Evans’
sleeping less, annoyed about her feelings because james is such an idiot sometimes
being actually tough on him in the Potion class when they were doing work together, because she blamed him for those sleepless nights. 'i didn’t do anything wrong!“ 'well you should have done in a different way! You don’t have to be stubborn and simply ignore my instruction, like you don’t even RESPECT the fact that I could be just as right as you are! You don’t even care that I care about this potion! You just do whatever it pleases you because you are an arrogant, prat, a show off, a fucking-’ 'Miss Evans, what a sharp tongue’
and James reaching out to her after that class, looking quite regretful. ’Look, I respect you. I know how much you love Potions, how much you are brilliant on it and I never, EVER, doubt of you and…’ 'james’ ’… If I offended you, I didn’t mean to. I was trying to HELP. That potion was great, the best I have ever done in my life because you were there, and you actually made me have the idea to put the essence in the boiled water because i thought it could help-’ she then just let him talk and talk, having an excuse to look at him and his lips and his hair falling in his eyes and the way he messes up the hair on the back of his head with those long fingers, wondering how would it be to be touched—-
she’s listening to all his thought, with a soft smile just thinking how cute he was
Lily opening a big smile when he walks in the room
Lily actually talking about James to her parents and realising how much she admires him because she could not stop talking about the things he could do
How annoyed and stressed she gets when they fight
How incredibly relaxed she feels in his arms and his kisses
How impatient she gets when he takes an eternity to touch her underneath her clothes because he respect her way too much for her own good
waking up by his side after dreaming he got killed by a death eater and filling him with tiny desperated kisses around his neck, face, shoulders, while his sleepy voice says “i’m ok, i’m here, it was just a nightmare’. and he smiles when felt her arms holding him tight, protecting him.
She’s literally protecting him during Order’s missions.
Almost dying for him countless time. 
When she’s so worried about the pregnancy but relaxing a bit when reminding herself that James is the father.
Watching him playing with Harry and giving him food and just being a father
and when he yelled “it’s him! i’ll hold him off!” ready to die for her and their baby and actually dying…
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