L&R fanfics
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The fanfic blog of two lazy ass writers, who are complete SIMPs for two blonde men that REALLY need therapy for their Daddy Issues. / The owners of this crazy ass shit: ~ Lili and Reo ~ / Our fanfics: Cupido Poly (Poly Cupid) [More coming soon...] / P.S.: No, we do not SIMP for Chris. ~Reo and Lili
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lrfanfics · 2 years ago
Poly Cupid (Cupido Poly)
Ladies, gentleman and fellow enbys, we present to y’all the Prologue of our dear fic “Poly Cupid”.
POV Castiel 
The last school day, which is also prom day, has finally arrived. During these last 2 years, in this Hell of a place called school, I've been suppressing my romantic feelings about a certain green eyed, long brown haired girl. Her name is Lili and today it'll be the day I finally declare myself to her. 
Because I'm already mentally prepared? 
Not much. 
Because I heard the son of a bitch that is my worst enemy, telling someone that he would be doing the same thing as me today? 
Yes, obviously!
Of course I would never let Nathaniel win. Besides, I'm sure Lili will accept me! Like, has any of you read a fanfic, or seen a show, where the shy nerd wins against the sexy bad boy? No! Of course not! 
"Ahm… I'm… sorry, but I… already like someone else." I opened my eyes, not being able to believe what I had just heard. 
And there I was, with this shitty leash (a tie) that that blonde asshole is always wearing; next to the school's entrance in front of my crush that was oh so pretty, wearing a beautiful dark green dress that reached her knees; under a fantastic night sky, typical of those super cliché romantic films… being rejected. 
Me!!! The hot bad boy! 
This shit never happens in fanfics! Usually the bad boys are very lucky in this sort of stuff, especially the music ones like me! 
"Who do you like, then? Ah, I know… Kentin, right?" The typical Childhood Friends into Lovers trope." I gotta find out who's the motherfucker that stole my girl. 
Lili simply looked at me and denied my question with her head, sheepishly.
"Lysander?" Mysterious dudes are also a big thing with girls. 
"No." She said while nodding with her head side-to-side again. 
"Don't tell me you have a crush on the surfer dude?" 
"Ewww… of course not!" Lili said, rolling her eyes and making a disgusted expression.
"What? Let me guess, you like Nathaniel, is it?" 
Pfff! What am I even saying? Like something like that could ever happen! Hahaha! Who the fuck likes nerdy, nice guys? 
Lili visibly tensed up. She then started to move her hands in the air, nervously.
"N—No! O—Of course not! Me liking Nath? What are you even saying! Hahaha!"
Shit! Fuck me and this stupid fucking luck of mine! I would prefer it if she said she liked Lysandre, then it wouldn't be as humiliating as this! And who knows… we could've formed a trio. 
"Lili?" The voice of that blonde dipshit interrupted this humiliating moment. 
I saw her look at him, embarrassed, I think she was scared that he'd heard our previous conversation. 
There was a long silence. They're gazes were completely fixated on one another so much that it almost looked like they were fucking each other just through their vision. This is too much of a humiliation! God, do you really hate me this much?!
"I just wanted to know if you'd like to come dance with me for a little bit… as friends, of course!" He stretched his hand towards her and she placed her hand in his. 
"I would. A—As friends, obviously!" She added, a very noticeable nervous smile plastered on her face. 
Hello!? Don't these bitches see me here or something?! 
"Bye, Castiel! I hope I'll never have to see your face again!" Nathaniel said, grinning, while he took Lili, who was waving me goodbye, as they entered the gym where the party was occurring in.
And I just stood there. 
Humiliated by that fucking son of bitch, Nathaniel! 
I think my life can't get worse than this. 
I decided to just walk back home, at least Dragon is gonna be there waiting for me. The streets were completely empty and silent, but there was this one sound that caught my attention and was only getting louder and louder, until it… 
I almost had a fucking heart attack! Fuck! How are these people able to pass their drivers test!? Can't you see the fucking crosswalk on the ground! They must have bribed the fucking instructor, damn. 
"ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND!? CAN'T YOU SEE I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING CROSSWALK, HUH!?" If my reflexes weren't so good I would've been ran over by this retard. Unbelievable! 
The same car that had almost ran me over abruptly stopped, it's already a little late for that, but ok. When the driver's side door opened, a woman with brown hair and blue eyes— NO… not her, please… anything but this whore!
"I should've guessed! This could've only be your doing, you whore!" I barked in the direction of Debrah. Why is this bitch so obsessed with me!? I mean, what idiot wouldn't be obsessed with me, ain't that right?
Oh, right.
When I noticed, the bitch was already a few centimetres away from my face while her gaze was fixated on my crouch.
"Hey! I don't know about you, but when I'm talking with someone I like them to be looking at my face while I do it!" I spit.
Who does this chick think she is to be ignoring me right after almost killing me with her car!? 
I bring my hand up to her head and start poking her with my index finger. 
"Hey stu—" What—!? 
WHAT THE FUCK, MY FUCKING FINGER JUST PASSED THROUGH HER HEAD—!!!? But— The fuck just happened?! I feel like I'm trippin' right now… I knew that I shouldn't have asked that shady looking guy, wearing a leather jacket, for a cigarette!
Suddenly, the world seemed to be spinning around me, making my head hurt, and the beating of my heart accelerate at each breath that I took. Sweat falling down my face. 
I look at Debrah, a disgusting smile plastered on those hoe lips of hers. "Heh. One less cuck… huhm, I better get going before the cops get here." She says, turning her back to me and running away. 
 This hoe really thinks she's that bitch, huh!? 
Huff. I let out a sigh. This is some bullshit… 
While she walked back to her stupid ass car, her last words didn't seem to leave my mind: I better get going before the cops get here. 
Yes, it's true that she almost sent me to a better place, but… I don't feel in pain, or don't seem to have anything broken. She almost aborted my life, ALMOST, but she didn't. So why would she be afraid of the police — besides the fact that they're extremely intimidating — without having committed any sort of crime? Well, none besides being a slut, right?
 . . . 
… . . .
A few minutes ago, when my hand passed through her face, that normally only happens when— No… NO!
I gulp and take a deep breath. If this is really happening right now, it could only mean one thing… I turn my head around, slowly, and it looks like my fears have been confirmed… fuck me. There it was, my beautiful sexy body laid on the ground like dog shit. 
It's so depressing that it's enough to make a manly man, like me, cry. I can't look, I don't want to look… but I do— 
Ah! Wait—! 
T—This can't be real, this has to be some sort of very shitty lucid dream! That would also explain why Lili picked that fucking blonde dumbass over me! Because it's impossible for a bad boy, especially ME, to be rejected! HA! 
Ok… enough is enough! Now is time to wake the fuck up, Castiel— 
"Shut the fuck up and take your ass to the tunnel, already." Said a low and raspy voice. 
Excuse me—!? 
I quickly turn my body in the direction of the voice and find myself face-to-face with a dark skinned… and short… man, with dark brown hair and eyes. Hey, wasn't that the man that gave me tha—
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