allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
So we gonna pretend like Klaus,Rebekah,Elijah,Kol, and Marcel wouldn't fuck up and take out Lily and this entire weak ass family of hers, like why the fuck hasn't Damon or Stefan Called Klaus and asked him for this favor and promise a date with Caroline as an award.
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
@sweetheart16081: The real question remains : did klaus know from THE BEGINNING that the only way for Hayley to break the curse would be to end her marriage??!!!
klayley shipper (via allthingsoriginals)
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Get you and your negative opinion to fuck away from me!
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
The me and earl and the dying girl movie has broken me!! I was not prepared for that ending 😫😫
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
It is on putlocker🌺
I really wanna watch me and earl and the dying girl but I can’t find a link to watch it online 😕
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Trying to explain how I feel is so hard when nobody takes my anxiety seriously 😣
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
PLL theory
Okay I know Cece was just revealed as being Charles but I'm not convinced she's A. Is think the 'he' is the real A and they have manipulated Cece and Sarah into doing everything without them realising just like Cece manipulated Mona. Also in the doll house Spencer said that he felt familiar and Spencer hardly even knew Cece. Also the person was a lot bigger than spencer and Cece is clearly not bigger then her. We also got told in the season 5 finale the hair colour of A would be revealed but Cece has long blonde hair and we seen short brown/black hair? There is also very little reason for Cece to want to torture the girls so much other than Mona telling her about it and them being glad that Ali was gone, and that's not a very good reason. I understand that she was mad at her family for not accepting her so why did she not torture her family the girls literally did nothing wrong they hadn't even met her until season three. Also why was Sarah Black Veil and Red Coat, why did she need a disguise when no one knew who she was? And could they not have made it two different people, what did they run out of character? I feel like as everyone was speculating that Wren was A and the fact spoilers were released the writers wanted to change their original idea as they wanted it to be someone that no one was expected (like where Ezra and Toby got revealed). But instead all we got was a mediocre episode that has a lot of plot holes and has left us with more questions than anything else. I would have much preferred all the hype to be fake because after watching this show for 5 years I wanted the A reveal to be amazing rather than disappointing!! I hope the next season improves and what ever they are going to do with the 'he' is better than revealing Cece as A and Sarah of all people to be two of the most important characters? Personally I feel cheated and this show is the reason I have trust issues!!
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Ok ok, so let's pretend that Cece being A was the plan from the beginning, it make no sense what so ever for her to torture the girls? She's mad at her family for not accepting her?
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Welcome to the Doll House
Us : fuck you Marlene wtf who even is Charles? Like I am so done with your lies
Game on Charles
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Heyy !
Reblog this post and i’ll check out your blog !! I need more blogs to follow !
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Who A should’ve been * PLL
It still think it should’ve been “Jason” with a background story that the real Jason was kidnapped years ago by Charles en HE is now pretending to be Jason. The real Jason was adopted by another family and came back in the Pretty Little Liars lives as Rhys Matthews knowing of nothing. Charles was put into Radley when he was a little boy because of his mental disorder (his urge to kill/torture). After that Charles was terrorizing everyone because he was mad at his sister Alison for always being loved by everyone, he tried to kill her (the rock on her head) and that’s how Jessica Dilaurentis ended up burying Ali hoping to protect Charles. It was a matter of time before Jessica couldn’t handle the truth anymore and wanted to go to the police which was the reason Charles killed her. It makes sense that Charles is A because pretending to be Jason he had easy access to Ali’s diary (remember season 1?) and so also to the girls deepest secrets which he could use to blackmail  them. Lucas and Mona where part of the former A-team but only Lucas had met Charles face to face, Lucas fell in love with hanna and wanted to quit. Charles threatened him which explains why Lucas hiding and we don’t see him anymore with the girls after season 5. Mona got involved in the A-team when Charles got interested in her because she tried to murder Bethany. Mona thought it was Ali, hit her and ran away. Melissa came by seeing the unconscious Bethany (thinking she was dead) and buried her out of fear that her, at the time drugged, sister Spencer did it. Charles knows about this and blackmails her. That’s the reason she ended up trying to push Aria of the train at the Halloween party. Charles decides Wilden knows to much/is to close to the Dilaurentis family and wants him dead (remember ‘board shorts’(Wilden) on holiday with Ali up in Cape May). So he makes sure Wilden finds out (explains why ‘A’ was sending Wilden packages (remember the gross meat box)) about Melissa’s killing accident, he threatened to get her arrested and Melissa kills him. She followed him into the woods and the perfect moments occurred when he got hit by Ashley’s car. Charles knows about Melissa killing Wilden, out of fear she later moves to England. Back to Mona, after she hit Ali she saw her later again. In total shock she helped her escape Rosewood hoping in that way she would never found out about her failed attempt of killing her (in real; Bethany), and thereby still getting rid of her. After Charles hit the real Ali and Mrs D buries her he felt guilty (remember; “A” has a soul”) and calls Mrs Grünwald (you know, the woman with the freaky blue eyes) to tell her what happened. She used to be his former psychologist at Radley and cared about the then at the time small confused boy. Hearing Charles story she decides to check the grave of Alison and pulls her out when discovering she’s still alive. Ali is still in complete shock and runs out of the car after Mrs Grünwald tries to take her to the hospital, Ali is afraid she’ll be hunted down by the person who first hit her and runs away with help of Mona. A little while later Charles finds several clues that Ali is alive so he drugs Emily to dig up the grave with him and he discovers it is not his sisters body. He still uses it to scare the crap out of everyone including Jason which is actually Charles himself, nice acting there A. He tries to hunt Ali down, to lure her out of the dark, by attacking her friends who are her (I quote) “her rock, without them she’s lost in the woods”. By destroying them, he destroys Ali. He starts to enjoy it and builds the dollhouse for his own pleasure (caused by his mental disorder). Of course he needs a lot of help, he can’t just accomplish this by himself, so he must have minions. Like red coat. Red coat changes all the time during the show. It was Maya who was first with Charles (remember she said to Emily she was dating other guys) but then fell in love with Emily and wanted to quit, therefore she was murdered by Charles. Then is was Shana (who got killed by Aria), Paige (who also fell in love with Emily (nice job Em) and then disappeared), then Cece and eventually Sara. The black widow at Wilden’s funeral was Cece, if you look at the scenes you see blonde hair trough the veil not dark brown!! It can’t be a brunette Sara, just no. The black swan at prom was just Jenna hanging out trying to hide the fact that she could see again. Mona still joined the A-gang the see Charles’ face and get him behind bars to protect her best friend Hanna. There must be more minions that Marlene King could reveal, remember the scene with the girl at the playground and around 12 people with hoodies running around. If they are helping A it’s much more realistic how he accomplished things. Well I hope people now can have a much more satisfying day, still don’t have a theory about all of Emily’s crazy girlfriends but at least most questions are answered with this plot.
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Just to clarify something
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
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Soooooo Cece is Charles? This is clearly not Cece!!
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
Why has it taken me so long to listen to Twenty One Pilots?
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allthebrightbooks-blog ¡ 9 years
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