allienhumayooen · 3 years
Lily: If you want to get into a relationship with her, all you really have to do is ask! Most people prefer being asked after a date or some kind of outing, but you could really ask at any point now that you have made your connection physical.
Allie N.: Interesting! Is it really as simple as that? On my planet, courtships had to begin with The Three Gifts of Bexnar, one representing each season of our year, and the recipient has to accept them all for a relationship to begin. You are certain no gifts are required here?
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Lily: You are more than very welcome and congratulations! I am so happy for you and for Betty!
Allie N.: Thanks and thank you! I am already aware that on this planet, mating does not automatically equal courtship, so were I to want to ensure that, what would I have to do?
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Allie N.: Salutations, Friend Lily! I would like to extend the warmest of thank yous for hosting such a sensual and emotional night! Because of you and your perfectly crafted den of romance, I finally engaged in coitus with Betty! It is as if your display of raw violent love making was contagious!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Charlotte: Yes it would since you could literally just drop your location on your phone and I could find you that way. Have you even tasted earth poison, how would you know?
Allie N.: The last time I dropped something onto my phone, the inferior Earthen techology's screen cracked and I had to get a new one. How can one drop the location onto it while not damaging the integrity of the device? I have! I have tasted poison on every planet.
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
what are your feelings on normies?
When I first arrived at this planet, it was the normies that greeted me, not monsters, and while they seemed adorable and squishy, most of them did not believe me when I told them which planet I had come from, and the ones that did were not very welcoming. They were so not welcoming, in fact, that I no longer felt safe around them, and I am very lucky to have found Monster U.
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
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That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed For Me) - Panic! At The Disco
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
what's your weirdest sexual fantasy?
I do not particularly think that any sexual fantasy is “weird”. After all, do they not all come from the imagination and is the imagination not infinitely worth celebrating? That said, I have always wanted to have someone lick my eyes during intimate times. They’re very sensitive and I believe it would feel very very good. 
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Who are you most attracted to at Monster u?
I am very attracted to everybody here but @adoraeros might be one of the most entracing beings I’ve ever met on any planet ever. @bettybeepboops, @karinoelle, @thekimmyho, @blazelong, and @willwhispen also intrigue me.
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
What’s something you wish more people knew about you?
I have been looking for an Aliens and Adventure “squad” for a while now with limited results! I heard you have an Earthen counterpart titled “Dungeons and Dragons”, but A&A is even more fun, beause you and your party travel the universe! I would be the Captain and lead us through the journeys but if you like board games and acting and self-contained stories, I would love to have you join in!
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Where’s your favorite place to visit?
The “movies” equivalent at any planet I go to. On some worlds, it’s nothing more than small bioluminescent bacteria pulsing in time to a song only they know, in others they’ve developed their version of the theatre, in yet others film has been invented in some form or another, and of course, some planets have developed the most incredible virtual reality one could dream of. All of them tell tales of the values of their culture though and that’s why I want to go there first, where I am.
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
What do you like to do ?
I consider myself a documentarian, in Earthen terms; I have been traveling the galaxy far and wide with not much more than a video camera to get a good idea of what life is like on each planet. I hope to one day return to my homeworld with films I’ve shot from everywhere I’ve visited to teach my people about what else is out there, since most of them are too scared to ever leave. I love recording things and following people around to find the best and smallest most Earthern moments to share; I love watching movies made by Earthlings to see how you all see the world; I love eating the snacks dervied here because they’re either incredible or poisonous or both; I love going to clubs and dancing to the overly pulsating music. I love so many things on this planet. Truthfully, I’m loathe to leave it eventually. 
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Is there anything you wish you could unlearn about earth?
Of course not! I love everything that I have learned so far. Even the bad things are not so bad, particularly if I view them as purely educational. It does make me a bit sad to know that there are divides between the sentient beings on this planet though. Back on my planet, our only enemies were those on nearby warmongering planets; here, it appears as though it’s “normies” versus other “normies”, “normies” versus monsters, and even some monsters versus other monsters. For instance, I’ve been told as a “monster of the sky”, I should look down on those sea-faring folk. It’s interesting in a sad way.
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Whats something cool you’ve learned about earth?
There are many cool facts I have learned about Earth. I admire that the sentient species’ on this planet like to make small, plush versions of themselves and other beings. From what I’ve gathered, the plushies offer them no protection and no economic value -- they’re made purely for comfort and not much else, which is utterly fascinating. I’ve also learned some beings use those stuffed animals for masturbation purposes by mounting them and rutting against them, which is also fascinating and makes me wonder where in the humanoid brain the lines between childhood fantasies and adult fantasies cross in that way.
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honesty hour!
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Charlotte: It being a flaming hot cheeto actually makes this thing so much worse. Who wastes hot cheetos, you freak?
Allie N.: It would not be a waste if it led you to a party of "epic" proportions. Also, they taste of poison so it is not as though anyone should be consuming them instead.
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allienhumayooen · 3 years
Adora: Stalking is kind of a NO GO on this planet, Allie N! You can’t just follow people around and record them! It’s creepy!
Allie N.: 😔 I have since been told. But I do not get it still. Plenty of movies have shots of following people around. I am hardly the first.
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