All LoL Builds
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allbuilds · 7 years ago
Declaring closure
Hello guys, Youree Ghostly here, I’m here to tell you guys sad news about the blog, I won’t be continuing the All LoL Builds due several changes that are happening really fast on League, got me really disappointed about the game and plus, nowdays I rarely play and study the game as I used to, due to that disappointment.
Well, to be honest, League of Legends is definitely not the same as it used to be when this blog has happened, I still follow and see news about the game, even play the events with friends sometimes, but League of Legends has turned into something really serious where is really hard to have fun. And recent changes (from few patches and champions) has made not that much of sense to me, and has really spoiled the game as well. 
I won’t be posting new builds in here, besides, if you guys want to post anything in here, send me a message with the build and your lolking profile so I can link you. I also won’t be deleting the blog, a few builds seems to still work, thought it would need some modifications, and so a lot of old items and stuff from the past is here, so I will leave as something like a museum.
See you some other time guys, I won’t be around this blog anymore (as much), so you guys can follow me on anywhere else: @YoureeGhostly on Twitter and Tumblr as well on YouTube
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Current Akali Build [ Top or Mid ]
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     Well, I was looking for some builds to Akali, but then found out most of the pro players has been playing her more on the tank style, they do build damage but they also build a lot of sustain with health and armor / magic resist. Check this out:
Summoner Spells:
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Full Build:
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     I guess the common build also works on the mid lane, but seems that Akali works a lot better on top rather than mid lane. Click on Keep Reading to check out more about the build details, Runes and Masteries also.
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+3 Greater Quints of Ability Power
+9 Greater Marks of Magic Penetration
+9 Greater Seals of Armor
+9 Greater Glyphs of Ability Power
     As Runes you gonna try something more turned to your ability power damage, on the early game you will need it a lot, since it will be your base damage to most of the game if you’re going Tank.
Masteries (12/18/0):
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Keystone on: Thunderlord’s Decree
     You’re going to look towards burst damage, so Thunderlord’s Decree is the best way to it. I don’t think that any other keystone will work as well as Thunderlord’s does.
As Starting Items options, you actually have a bunch of options, since most will work to Akali because of her hybrid damage.
Most used one:
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     The most used one is Dark Seal and Health Potion (x3) or Refillable potion, if you’re feeling confident and it’s pretty much sure you will get kills, this starting items works well. Otherwise you can try other options:
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Long Sword
Health Potion (x3) or Refillable potion
   You can also try Doran’s Shield and Health Potion, Cloth armor and Health Potion (x4), Doran’s Blade and Health Potion. These are the most common, any other is basically not recommended.
Early Game:
   On the early game, focus on building Hextech Gunblade, then go for the Spirit Visage, so your heal is even stronger. Most of the builds follows that path, but there are some situations where you will build more damage (if you’re carrying, for example).
    Example of Full Build [Tank]:
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     This is a build made so Akali can be tankier, this build is basically if you’re having trouble being able to reach the back line, even thought Akali is being the tanky one, she’s still an assassin and need to assassinate the enemies carries. 
Ninja Tabi
Hextech Gunblade *
Sunfire Cape
Spirit Visage *
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter *
Guardian Angel
    Example of Full Build [Damage]:
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     This example was taken from a match of Wings of Death, on ProBuilds (click here and check the full match). On this example, the focus is on damage and then the defensive item (Spirit Visage) is built in the middle of the build instead:
Ninja Tabi *
Hextech Gunblade *
Zhonya’s Hourglass
Spirit Visage *
Rabadon’s Deathcap
Liandry’s Torment
    The defensive boot choose is better build on the early game, as first item even, followed by the Hextech Gunblade. This little armor / magic resist on the early game is really useful.
     I hope this build helps you out, the gameplay doesn’t change so much but, in the mid lane, instead, you probably gonna need more damage, depending on match. 
     So other items are also used on her, even AD items: Hexdrinker, Trinity Force, Sterak’s Gage, [...] and AP items: Abyssal Scepter, Luden’s Echo, Lich Bane, Void Staff, Protoblet [...]. 
note: look for * to main items on builds
See ya!
0 notes
allbuilds · 8 years ago
Patch 7.8 PBE
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     Found out some surprisingly changes on items currently on PBE to the next patch, 7.8. I will be posting some here but note that those are still experimental.
List of items in change currently on PBE:
Abyssal Scepter
Banshee’s Veil
Dead Man’s Plate
Death’s Dance
Doran’s Shield
Executioner’s Calling
Guardian Angel  (Rollbacked)
Infinity Edge
Kircheis Shard
Last Whisper (and Lord Dominik’s Regards, Mortal Reminder)
Phantom Dancer
Randuin’s Omen (Rollbacked) 
Rapid Firecannon
Ravenous Hydra
Runaan’s Hurricane
Spectre’s Cowl
Spirit Visage
Statikk Shiv
Sunfire Cape
Sterak’s Gage
The Black Cleaver
The Bloodthirster
Thornmail  (Rollbacked)
Warmog’s Armor
[new] Adaptive Helm
[new] Gargoyle Stoneplate
     Click on Keep Reading to see the entire list of items changes currently happening on PBE servers to the patch 7.8.
The following items have been changed on PBE somehow:
Abyssal Scepter, currently reworked on PBE
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Total Cost: 2800g
Build Path: Spectre's Cowl + Negatron Cloak + 880g
+300 Health
+65 Magic Resist
+100% Base Health Regeneration
+10% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive: Nearby enemy champions take 10% more magic damage.
Banshee’s Veil, currently reworked on PBE
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Total Cost: 2700g
Build Path: Fiendish Codex + Negatron Cloak + Amplifying Tome + 645g
+70 Ability Power
+45 Magic Resist
+10% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive: Grants a spell shield that blocks the next enemy ability. This shield refreshes after no damage is taken from enemy champions for 44-8 seconds based on level.
Cinderhulk (all versions)
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Unique Passive -  Immolate:
Damage changed from [7 (+2 per level)] to [11 (+1 per level)]
Bonus damage to monsters and minions increased from 100% to 200%
Dead Man’s Plate
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Health reduced from 500 to 425
Armor increased from 50 to 60
Now only deal bonus damage on basic attacks when at full stacks
When not at full stacks, basic attacks now reduce stack count by 15 (rather than clearing them)
Maximum stack generation per second increased from 12.5 to 20
Death’s Dance
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Attack damage increased from 75 to 80
Unique Passive - changed from 15% to 30% of damage taken is dealt as a Bleed over 3 seconds instead.
Doran’s Shield, currently reworked on PBE
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Total Cost: 400g (previously: 450g)
+80 Health
Passive: Restores 6 Health every 5 seconds.
Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional 5 physical damage to minions on hit.
Unique Passive: Regain an additional 20 Health over 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.
Guardian Angel, ROLLBACKED ON PBE 
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Total Cost: 2400g
Build Path: Pickaxe + Long Sword + Cloth Armor + 875g (wtf?)
+40 Attack Damage
+30 Armor
Unique Passive: Upon taking lethal damage, restores 50% of base Health and 30% of maximum Mana after 4 seconds of stasis (300 second cooldown).
Kircheis Shard
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Total price increased from 750g to 800g.
Energized strike damage increased from 40 to 50 bonus magic damage.
Last Whisper
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Armor Penetration changed from 45% to 35%
Lord Dominik’s Regards
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Total cost lowered from 2700 to 2600.
Giant Slayer - effect increased from [up to 15%] to [up to  20%]
Armor Penetration changed from 45% to 35%
Mortal Reminder
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Total cost lowered from 2700g to 2600g.
Armor Penetration changed from 45% to 35%
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New Build Path: Thornmail + Giant's Belt + 800g
Cost increased from 2600g to 3000g
Health reduced from 500 to 425
Armor lowered from 60 to 50
Now gives -15% damage taken from critical strikes
Slow duration reduced from 4 to 2
Slow percent increased from 35% to 55%
Unique Passive renamed to Thorns
Unique Passive - Thorns: When basic attacked, deal magic damage to the attacker equal to 15% bonus Armor, doubled for critical strikes.
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Gold cost lowered from 2350g to 1200g
Build path: Cloth Armor + Cloth Armor + 600g  (now builds into Randuin's Omen
Armor lowered from 100 to 30
Unique passive magic damage reflect lowered from 25% to 15%
Rapid Firecannon
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Damage on energized attack changed from [50-160] to [50-120]
[new effect] Attacks become Energized 25% faster.
"Energized is a single effect, so anything that modifies it modifies it for all sources. So Rapid Firecannon + Statikk Shiv gives you 25% faster energized procs which hit extra hard, can crit, deals bonus damage to minions, can damage structures, have extra range, and chain lightning."
Ravenous Hydra
AD increased from 75 to 80
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Runaan’s Hurricane
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Build path changed from [Recurve Bow + Zeal + 300g] to  [Dagger + Zeal + Dagger + 800g]
Bolt damage increased from 25% attack damage to 40% attack damage.
[removed] UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional 15 physical damage on hit.
Spectre’s Cowl
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Magic resist lowered from 30 to 25
Spirit Visage
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Health lowered from 500 to 425
Magic Resist increased from 55 to 60
Unique passive healing increased from 25% to 30%
Statikk Shiv
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Total cost unchanged: Recipe cost adjusted due to Zeal/Shard price changes.
Energized Attacks damage changed from 50-120 to 60-160
Bonus damage to minions lowered from 120% to 65%
Sunfire Cape
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Health reduced from 500 to 425
Armor increased from 50 to 60
Burn Damage reduced from [25 + 1 per level] to [11 + 1 per level]
Bonus damage to minions and monsters increased from 50% to 200%
Sterak’s Gage
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Attack damage increased from 25% to 30%
Shield value increased from [30% of max health] to [75% of bonus health]
Sterak's Fury passive attack damage increased from 25% to 30%
The Black Cleaver
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Unique Passive's armor reduction per stack lowed from 5% to 4%
The Bloodthirster
AD increased from 75 to 80
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Warmog’s Armor
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Now grants Warmog's Heart if you have at least 2750 health, down from 3000 health
Warmog's Heart Regneration increased from 3% per second to 5% per second
Now only goes on a 2 sec cooldown when damaged by minions and monsters (still 8 from champions/turrets)
[new] Adaptive Helm
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Total Cost: 2800g
Sells for: 1960g
Recipe: Spectre's Cowl + Negatron Cloak + 880g
+300 Health
+55 Magic Resist
+100% Base Health Regeneration
+10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive: Taking magic damage from a spell or effect reduces all subsequent magic damage taken from that spell or effect by 15% for 4 seconds.
[new] Gargoyle Stoneplate
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Total Cost: 2500g
Sells for: 1750g
Recipe: Chain Vest + Negatron Cloak + 980g
+40 Armor
+40 Magic Resist
UNIQUE Passive - Stone Skin: If 3+ enemy champions are nearby, grants 40 bonus Armor and Magic Resist.
UNIQUE Active - Metallicize: Increases Health by 40% and increases champion size, but reduces damage dealt by 60% for 4 seconds (90 second cooldown). If Stone Skin is active, the Health increase becomes 100% instead.
Gold changing only items:
Executioner’s Calling - from 800g to 1000g
Infinity Edge - from 3600g to 3400g
Phantom Dancer - 2550g to 2600g
Zeal - 1300g to 1200g
     Hey everyone! Changes on Randuin’s Omen, Thornmail and Guardian Angel got rollbacked on PBE! Might not arrive on the Patch 7.8, but someday they will, they said. 
     Some information was taken from Surrender at 20, updates will be posted here as edit to this post.
See ya!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Kled Build [Top Lane]
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     I was looking for some builds to Kled, it seems his build is a lot like Gnar build, but to Kled in case, you can build Titanic Hydra. Check it out.
Summoner Spells:
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Full Build:
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Full build used in this example:
Titanic Hydra
Ninja Tabi
The Black Cleaver
Guardian Angel
Spirit Visage
Frozen Mallet
     Click on Keep Reading for more examples, runes and masteries. I’m also looking for more columnists to the blog, please IM me if you’re interested! ;)
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+3 Greater Quints of Attack Damage
+9 Greater Marks of Attack Damage
+9 Greater Seals of Armor
+9 Greater Glyphs of Magic Resistance
     You can also run Greater Quints of Attack Speed, or Greater Glyphs of Scaling Cooldown Reduction.
Masteries (18/0/12):
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Keystone on: Fervor of Battle.
     It seems that you can also get Grasp of the Undying and Courage of the Colossus if you be able to proc your Q - Bear Trap on a Rope or his R - Chaaaaaaaarge!!! .
Starting Items:
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Doran’s Shield
Health Potion
     I’ve seen a lot of the time people start with Doran’s Shield or Doran’s Blade, both work well but Doran’s Blade is for a more aggressive style.
Early Items / Main Items
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Black Cleaver
Titanic Hydra
Guardian Angel
     On the early game if you get the Black Cleaver it will be enough to you to get a amazing trade, since it proc in less than 2 seconds with only using the Q - Bear Trap on a Rope and W - Violent Tendencies. The Titanic Hydra will help on farming and plus the amazing health sustain it gives to you, will make you basically immortal if you get Guardian Angel right after.
Full build example:
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     That’s a normal kind of build you will usually see on Kled, those items helps on his sustain and pretty much lane pushing as well. Guardian Angel on the mid game helps a lot if you already have health provided from Titanic Hydra and The Black Cleaver.
Others Items:
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     Most of the variety of ad and tank items would work on Kled, but the ones mentioned above are the most common to be seen, there’s also some others that aren’t mentioned like:
Deadman’s Plate
Zz’Rot Portal
Sunfire Cape
     Hope this build helps you out! Any questions just IM me! More builds coming soon.
See ya!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
New Kennen Build [Top or Bot]
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     One of my fave champs has seen not being built as the usual AP build, which is funny since literally everyone is playing him AD on top now, on mid lane he’s still AP, and the gameplay is different.
Summoner Spells:
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Full Build:
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This build items:
Runaan’s Hurricane
Mercury’s Threads
Blade of The Ruined King
Guinsoo’s Rageblade
Wit’s End
Frozen Mallet
     If you click on Keep Reading you will be able to see runes, masteries, and other build examples for different situations. Remember that this build works both on top and botlane, but bot lane have a bit different items.
Main Items:
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     Your main items will be attack speed ones, such as:
Runaan’s Hurricane
Blade of the ruined King
Guinsoo’s Rageblade
    The main source of damage will be provided by a terribly good attack speed, this build also helps you out on splitpushing a lot better, since in the full ap build, you would only be able to do a lot of damage on turrets with a lot of ap.
     In both cases (top or bot) this is the main items of the build, but if you’re carrying the early game just fine, you can go for Infinity Edge, for both cases even.
Full build Example (Top lane):
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     This is a full build example for Top Lane, with the good attack speed will also proc Frozen Mallet a lot faster and in three different champions, it’s really for chasing and also helps a lot during teamfights, since the health makes your durability on them longer (plus the GA’s).
Full Build Example (Bot lane):
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     This is the build I usually get to Kennen on Bot Lane, as you can see I don’t buy Blade of The Ruined king, but it is also a good option. Within this build, you’re able to trust on your basic attacks to proc Critical Strike chance and lifesteal a lot.
     The last item, Frozen Mallet, can also be replaced by Guardian Angel, or Zhonya’s Hourglass.
     This is an match example from Zven, Challenger I (EUW), Master I (KR) :
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Buying order:
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     You can check the full match stats by clicking here. As you can see he got Ninja Tabi, because he was against a Jayce and Mercurial Scimitar instead, this helps him a lot on the teamfights to be more useful.
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+3 Greater Quints of Attack Speed
+9 Greater Marks of Attack Damage
+9 Greater Seals of Armor
+9 Greater Glyphs of Magic Resistance
     His runes will obviously focused on Attack Speed, I’ve even seen some pros going Greater Marks of AS, but this is just too try hard and focused on the mid / late game xD
Masteries (18/0/12) / (18/12/0):
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Keystone on: Fervor of Battle.
     Keystone always on Fervor of Battle, if you’re going AP then you should check out another build of Kennen, not this one.
     As AD Carry you can also go 18/12/0, Fervor of Battle too but going Savagery, Secret Stash and Merciless. Which is also the tree I use most.
     I hope this build helps you out! If you’re going bot lane don’t worry, the build is basically the same but try to focus on building more damage instead of utility, such as Infinity Edge, for example.
0 notes
allbuilds · 8 years ago
Kha’Zix Current Build [Jungle]
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     I don’t usually post much Jungle builds here, but since recently I’ve been posting some full guides, this one will be a quick one with full build.
Summoner Spells:
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Full Build:
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     Click on Keep Reading for more information about items, runes and Masteries. 
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     You will firstly focus on building these two items:
Black Cleaver
Trackers Knife: Warrior
Sweeping Lens » Oracle Alternation
     Don’t forget to change trinkets if you’re going Tracker’s Knife, the Lens will be good to take down enemies wards. The complement of the build can be Situational, but if you are carrying, you can build Duskblade of Draktharr and Guardian Angel or Frozen Mallet, depending on the game.
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     As you can see on this build you are able to have a lot of damage and also be able to resist too, the health provided from The Black Cleaver plus Randuin’s Omen, make Kha’Zix a “fighter” assassin instead of the opposite. Ninja Tabi also helps on it.
Build Order Example:
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     This buy order was taken from a match of Haru, substitute jungler of Samsung Galaxy team. You can see the full match on ProBuilds clicking here.
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+3 Greater Quints of Attack Speed
+9 Greater Marks of Attack Damage
+9 Greater Seals of Armor
+9 Greater Glyphs of Cooldown Reduction
     You can either get Greater Glyphs of Scaling Cooldown Reduction, but in both cases you will have enough CDR to have good plays as Kha’Zix, since you will have the total of -37% CDR, in the other glyphs you will have -40% and will exceed -5%.
Masteries (12/18/0):
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Keystone on: Thunderlord’s Decree
     On the masteries you will go full burst damage, focusing the Keystone on Thunderlord’s Decree, I don’t believe that Kha’Zix on Jungle might work with any other Keystone, to be honest. 
Other Items:
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     The other items you can get are basically any AD item that can give you either lifesteal or cooldown reduction, and Lethality also works as well.      As defensive options you can have any of the mentioned above, Spirit Visage will increase the healing from W - Void Spike, Sterak’s Gage is good to perpetuate the team fight a bit longer.
     I’ve seen they’ve been evolving the E - Leap, Q - Taste Their Fear and R - Void Assault. The W is just for healing and a bit of cc it seems.
     Hope this build helps you out guys, focus on starting from the Blue since you will need that mana regen, if they invade you can start from their blue or your Red, but then the rotation will be different.
See ya! 
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Gangplank Badass Captain [ Top / Mid Build ]
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     The following build works on Gangplank on Lane, on Top Lane or Mid Lane. Build was made with the help of a friend, Guimian, from BR Server, previously Diamond I on S6. Actually Gangplank main, and also took some example from Tobias Fate builds.
Summoner Spells:
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     Click on Keep Reading for the build examples, runes and masteries.
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+3 Greater Quintessences of Attack Damage
+9 Greater Marks of Lethality
+9 Greater Seals of Armor
+9 Greater Glyphs of Cooldown Reduction
     Those Glyphs can also be replaced by Greater Glyphs of Magic Resistance or Greater Glyphs of Scaling Cooldown Reduction.
Masteries (0/18/12):
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Keystone on: Thunderlord’s Decree
     Ive seen some people also going Stormraider’s Surge, and Grasp of The Undying against ranged champions. You can also go 12 points on Ferocity instead, adding on Sorcery, Natural Talent and Double Edged Sword.      You can also go Secret Stash for more mana / health sustain on the early game, if you don’t get Corrupting Potion as potion item.
Starting Items Options:
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   [ Option 1: ]
Doran’s Ring
Health Potion (x2)
     Get this one for mana sustain on the early game, plus the heal provided from W - Remove Scurvy will be increased, making your lane sustain even better
   [ Option 2: ]
Corrupting Potion
     You can get this one if you’re going to be harassing on damage trades, you pop one and start doing as much as damage as you can (plus the damage from his passive applies on the potion). Also good for sustain on mana and health.
   [ Option 3: ]
Sapphire Crystal
Total Biscuit of Rejuvenation [Health Potion] (x3) 
     With this option you will certainly need to get Secret Stash on the masteries, since it will increase the sustain you will be able to have on the early game. They get this item to rush into Sheen, soon to build quicker the Trinity Force.
Other unusual options: Spellthief’s Edge, Cull (mostly got as first back item), Refillable Potion. 
Main Items:
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     You have two different kinds of main items, if you’re going into critical strike hit, your main items will be the ones displayed above on the image:
Trinity Force
Youmuu’s Ghostblade
Infinity Edge
     Now if you’re going into Lethality instead, you can get Duskblade of Draktharr with Youmuu’s Ghostblade, and also get Night’s Veil, Mortal Reminder and then any other boot you desire since you will have free -7.50% CDR thanks to the Glyphs of CDR.
Boots you can get:
Ninja Tabi
Mercury Threads
Boots of Swiftness
Boots of Mobility
     Or if you prefer, even more, you can go into mixing Lethality with Critical strike, sell boots and buy a Phantom Dancer, and sell Duskblade of Draktharr and buy Infinity Edge. (that’s the default build, without Duskblade).
     All your effort on the early game is to buy the Trinity Force since it’s a real expensive item to the early stats.
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     On this build here, if you have the Glyphs of CDR, you can get anything instead of this boot, even a Phantom Dancer will work since GP’s movement speed is really good.
Crit based build:
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     This build is based on critical strike chance, is not the mostly used nowdays but is also fun to play with. Here’s an example of match on ProBuilds from Imaqtpie : link. As you can see he also got two Quits of Lethality, something you can also get to GP.
Other Items:
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   These are some items I found that are in some builds but are not the mostly common items to be built, they’re mostly situational or for some other build option.
About Gangplank’s Ultimate Upgrade:
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   Any of those are good but the thing is when to get, the Raise Morale one is really good if you don’t have very good starters on game, the Fire at Will is good to prolonged teamfights, zoning teamfights on gangplank’s ultimate and dealing extra damage. Death’s Daughter is the best one to instant damage at the start of the temafight. You will see when one is better or not.
Gangplank is not so good against: Pantheon, Fiora, Jax, LeBlanc, Riven, Poppy, Vladimir, Garen, Darius and Wukong.
Gangplank is good against: Renekton, Gnar, Tryndamere, Teemo, Cho’Gath, Veigar, Zed, Kassadin.
     This build works on both Top and Midlane, but of course beware if you’re going to first pick on mid, some champions might beat him hardly such as fizz :x
See ya!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
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I have Andromeda and Saturnz Barz on repeat since it came out!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Full Quinn Guide
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     One of my main and favorite champions! Here is a full guide about her, you can get her on ANY lane you want, but the jungle one have, obviously, a different build. This one works on Top lane, Mid lane and bot lane.
Summoner Spells:
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     Those summoner spells works, any of those on any lane, I would recommend you, even as bot lane Quinn, to use some other summoner spell instead of heal, but you need to watch your team if there’s really good starters. She only works with (on team): Leona, Alistar, Malphite, Shyvana, Hecarim, Maokai, Shen, Nautilus, Zac, Sejuani, Galio, Sion, Amumu. And some others.
     To see the full guide, click on Keep Reading, there’s a lot of build examples you can have, a lot of explanation about early game items and starting items options, match ups, runes and masteries. Check them out! :D
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x3 Greater Quintessences of Attack Speed
x9 Greater Marks of Attack Damage
x9 Greater Seals of Armor
x9 Greater Glyphs of Magic Resistance
     Your runes will definitely be ad carry ones, as attack speed on quints and damage on marks, those will always works. But you can also try Lethality with Damage ones, won’t work so well but it’s still something
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   Masteries (18/12/0) - Keystone on: Fervor of Battle
     As you can see I printed from my own mastery pages, using the legacy client, but the following order is still the same.
     You can also get Thunderlord’s Decree instead for a better burst damage, but fervor of battle is so you can keep up with the damage while you’re stacking it.
     There will be a few examples of builds here, some are usually seen on the high elo, like using BoRK and Statikk, but the other ones are usually seen on any quinn main matches, even on High elo ones.
Starting Items:
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Doran’s Blade
Health Potion
Warding Totem
     This first one is the most recommended one and the best one for trades, and sustain. Long Sword is not so good, even if you want to rush Serrated Dirk, the other one option is Corrupting Potion, but if you want to get it you can get on the first back thought.
Early Game / Main Items:
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Ninja Tabi
Duskblade of Darktarr
Youmuu’s Ghostblade
     Those three are the most common ones as first items, people usually go Youmuu’s Ghostblade or Duskblade of Draktharr as first item, but recently since the Blade of The Ruined King rework, a lot of people has been using it instead.
Example of Builds:
Damage build example (1):
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 First Items: BoRK, Statikk Shiv, The Black Cleaver.
    On this build here you can see it has good attack speed, and critical strike chance. I honestly think that Lethality Quinn is a lot better, Critical Strike chance make you have few hits that does like ~1500 damage, but on Lethality you will always get ~950 damage on every hit. (well, if you get Duskblade of Draktharr, the first one will deal ~1200 dmg)
Damage build example (2):
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First Items: Berserker’s Greaves, Duskblade of Draktharr, Youmuu’s Ghostblade.
     On this build here you can see that Lethality items are built on the early game, Attack Speed is not so much of a deal on this one, since you will get Berserker’s Greaves, it will be the only item necessary to the attack speed need.
     The Black Cleaver and Mortal Reminder complements on the damage, remember that you can proc Black Cleaver with two passive hits, and a normal hit. The Deadman’s Plate is only for the armor and health, since the momentum won’t proc on her, you can get for the movement speed instead, or get Randuin’s Omen instead.
Resist Build Examples:
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     Those mentioned above are the same thing as the previous ones but with different items instead, more sustain ones. 
On the first one: Randuin’s Omen, Maw of Malmortius, Guardian Angel.  On the second one: Frozen Mallet, and Guardian Angel as last item if necessary.
     As you can see, on the lethality option, you can get more defensive items because the damage need will be filled with: Duskblade, Black Cleaver and Malmortius.
Other Items:
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Other Useful Items:
The Bloodthirster : you can get it as 3rd, 4th item. As a damage complement item, instead you could also get: Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Infinity Edge, and some other items:
Mercurial Scimitar : you get this item in case enemies has a lot of crowd control, also as 3rd or 4th item.
Deadman’s Plate : you can get it for more sustain, this won’t proc the momentum passive but it will give you the movement speed anyway, so it’s useful.
Boots of Swiftness : you can get it for a better movement speed, is commended.
Note: on top lane, Quinn can pretty much go well against every champion. She doesn’t go so well against Shyvana, Vladimir, Ryze, Shen, Nasus.
     I hope this guide helps you all out since it’s the one I use and I rarely lose with any of those builds, try it out sometime!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Updated Builds!
     Hello everyone! Just updated most of the builds of the blog, there was some that I couldn’t update since they wouldn’t work, another ones like “Shen Jungle” will be posted as brand new builds, since I’m making some builds to be posted next week that once appeared on the blog.
    This is the list of updated builds:
Updated Gnar Toplane Updated Tank Maokai Updated Graves Jungle Build (previously Graves Toplane) Updated Bruiser Jarvan IV on Top Lane Updated Offtank Irelia [Top Lane] Updated Carry Annie Updated Malphite Jungle Guide Updated Aatrox Jungle Guide Updated Kayle Jungle Guide Updated Support Alistar (previously Alistar Toplane) Updated Ryze Top
     Other ones like “Alistar Top”, and “Graves Top”, I will try researching for a proper build that would work to them on that way. Other ones might be coming later as well, such as the “Jungle Support Nunu”, “Jungle Shen”, Skarner jungle will be completely updated as fresh new build, so the old one will be deleted soon. 
     Builds like Gangplank toplane build will be done as well, the Gangplank one will receive a special participation of a friend that is main Gangplank, and more will be coming soon.
     Keep your eye on more build soon guys, See ya!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Malzahar Support Guide
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     One of the strongest support, or maybe the strongest support damage champion on the current season, it seems like him and Lulu have been really strong on this season, so I will be soon also posting a Lulu build as well.
Summoner Spells:
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Full build:
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     Click on Keep Reading to masteries, runes, and a full build example. Remember to always set the items according to your current match!
Example of Full build:
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Boots of Mobility
Eye of the Watchers
Locket of the Iron Solari
Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
     On this full build we can see it’s built a lot of supporting and also damage, you have 3 items that will fill the -40% CDR need, and that will give you health, resistance and mana sustain. Also slow overtime provided from Rylai’s + Malzahar E (”Malefic Visions”).
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x3 Greater Quint of Ability Power
x9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
x9 Greater Seal of Armor
x9 Greater Glyph of Ability Power
     You can also carry, instead of ap glyphs, Greater Glyph of Magic resist (x9) or Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist (x9), both will work well, but in fact, the early game AP to Malzahar as a support is insane.
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Masteries (0/18/12): Keystone on: Thunderlord’s Decree
     As Malzahar you can either get 18/12/0, keystone on Deathfire touch or Thunderlord’s Decree. But one is more focused on casting and being annoying, and the other one on burst damage.
Note: Always keep yourself focused on warding objectives, that’s not only for Malzahar support, but for any other support champion. Once you bought your Sighstone, make sure you change the trinket to Sweeping Lens » Oracle Alteration, and remember to always buy a Control Ward, once you’re on bot lane, put on the side of your bush, and once you’re advanced, you can put on the river bush.
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Make Jarvan IV Great Again! Jungle Build
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     Ladies and Gentlemen, finally found good matches and an overall good build to our poor forgotten jungle champion, Jarvan IV.      At least among the pro players, Jarvan IV has not really been a good option to pick, but since recently was announced a new buff to the patch 7.7, people have been playing him more even before it happens, for some reason.
Summoner Spells:
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Full build Example:
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Your main items will be:
Hunter’s Machete Upgrade - Enchantment: Cinderhulk
Tiamat » Titanic Hydra
Deadman’s Plate
     I could say that you can get any Hunter’s Machete upgrade you want, for a better support, get the Tracker’s Knife, then buy a Sweeping Lens to destroy enemy’s wards.      The Deadman’s Plate is for a better chase, items like Trinity Force / The Black Cleaver also helps a lot because of the Rage passive provided from Phage.
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Greater Quintessences of Attack Speed (x3)
Greater Mark of Attack Damage (x9)
Greater Seal of Armor (x9)
Greater Glyphs of Scaling Cooldown Reduction (x9)
     This one also works with Greater Seal of Scaling Health (x9), giving you +216 health at level 18 (+24 health at level 18 each).
Starting Items:
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Hunter’s Machete
Refilable Potion
Warding Totem
     When you first start you will get Warding Totem, but if you get Tracker’s Knife, make sure you get Sweeping Lens or Oracle Alternation.
Buying Order:
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     The main items you will get will be the tanky ones, if you want to get tankier on the early game, try getting Guardian Angel after at least two health items, it will make you a good bruiser to the mid game.
Full build example from IWIllDominate,  Challenger I (NA):
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     You can see that he didn’t even finished Tiamat, but he bought it on the early game, even before finishing the Stalker’s Blade : Cinderhulk.      He followed this buying order:
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Masteries (12/18/0) - Keystone on: Thunderlord’s Decree
     You can actually get many different keystones, the mostly used ones are: Thunderlord’s Decree, Courage of the Colossus.      But the ones that also works: Fervor of Battle; for better bruising, Grasp of the Undying; during team fights it can be good, during ganks, not so much, Stoneborn Pact; to act more like a tank support, for this one you will need to get tanky items on most of the items.
Other Items:
     Those items below are all the items that could work on Jarvan IV, as situational items, normally your 5th or 6th item. A few ones will be commented since they’re not usually bought:
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     Banner of Command: you can get this to splitpush, it also gives you some armor and mr, so it is useful. Zz’s Rot Portal also works for splitpushing.      Redemption: if you really want to go support on jungle, try it out, it works really well, not only on teamfights but also give you a lot of health, so do not hesitate you want to go support, really xD      Ohmwrecker: is not so much seen but you can get it for nice dives, it disables the turret for 3 secs, also gives you armor and health.
         This build was made based on the build made by IWillDominate on Jarvan IV, if you want to check the match click here, it also has every detail I mentioned before.
     And that’s it, let’s make Jarvan IV great again! See ya guys!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Remaking Old Builds
    Edit: Sorry guys, but the post with the redone builds was postponed to Sunday, day 02, there are still a few buils left to be redone, and I have been running out of time to work on the blog :( 
      I will make a post with all of the builds that receivd remake, old builds that are on the blog are being updated to the actual patch, Runes, Masteries, build order and everything. 
     There’s an example of a build that already received a remake, orders was pretty much unchanged, but had to update items icons and stuff.
     • Updated Kayle Jungle Guide
     The Old Style of the builds will remain intact, builds like “Gangplank Jungle” will basically left the way it is because of it ‘classicness’, I will feel bad changing that post ;w; . But for example, the way that builds was put on posts, like with the recipe items and anything, I will update them as the way it was.
     Old posts that doesn’t work anymore will be tagged as *Obsolete*,and will be updated, and the ones that already received the updates will be written Updated on the title, like “Updated Aatrox Jungle”, etc, and removed the Obsolete tag, will also be tagged with the current patch of it, like ours actual 7.6.
See you guys, until another post!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Titanic Hydra Nunu
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     There’s a new build on Nunu that pro players are using lately that basically is AD Nunu, with Attack Speed runes, but you will do tank items instead. Seems that the Titanic Hydra helps on his clears really well and on his health sustain.
Summoner Spells:
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Full Build:
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     You can click on Keep Reading for the runes, masteries and more. Seems that Nunu has actually two builds, the support / jungle build, that even builds Redemption and Knight’s Vow, but this one is the most used amongst the pro players. And actually feels like those builds will remain pretty much unchanged to the next patch (7.7), even because Nunu will receive a buff!
     Soon I will be posting about the patch 7.7 and what’s new and important on it.
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R u n e s :
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Greater Quintessences of Attack Speed (x3)
 +14% of Attack Speed (+4.5% of AS Each)
Greater Mark of Attack Damage (x9)  +8.5 Attack Damage (+0.95 AD Each)
Greater Seal of Armor (x9)  +9 Armor (+1 Armor Each)
Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction (x9)   + -15.03% CDR at level 18 (+ 1.67% CDR at level 18 each)
Total Stats:  Attack Speed: +14% of AS  Attack Damage: +8.5 AD Armor: +9.0 Armor  Magic Penetration: + -15% CDR at level 18
     The Scaling Cooldown Reduction glyphs are really necessary on Nunu, since you will need that cdr to the mid / late game, even if you build or not Frozen Heart.
M a s t e r i e s :
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Masteries 12/0/18 - Keystone on: Stoneborn Pact
     Since you will basically work as a support during the game, on ganking and during the team fight, carry the Stoneborn Pact will be a lot more useful, so definitely go to the Resolve tree.
I t e m s :
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Starting items:
     Hunter’s Machete (350g)      Refillable Potion (150g)
     Since you will depend on your basic attacks, and your runes will be AD with attack speed runes, you can start with your Q (”Consume”), and then W (”Blood Boil”) right after.
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Early Items:
     Skirmisher’s Sabre (1000g)      Tiamat (1200g)      Bami’s Cinder (1100g)
     Since you will already have a lot of CC with your E (”Ice Blast”), your base damage will be the one with the need to be increased, with this build you will be able to be more like a damage / tank support when ganking. Go Bami’s Cinder (1100g) to get the Enchantment: Cinderhulk. 
     In case you want to go more support like, you will need to do a completely different build, even runes might change. I will make sure to do another post about it later.
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Late Game Items:
     Skirmisher’s Sabre - Enchantment: Cinderhulk (2625g)      Titanic Hydra (3500g)      Spirit Visage (2800g)      Guardian Angel (2400g)
     Your late game items will all be sustain items, if you’re carrying or some kind of, you can try going Trinity Force (3733g), or Sterak’s Gage (2600g). But always have at least Spirit Visage (2800g), for the healing, health sustain plus magic resistance, and Guardian Angel, it will be really good for your team.
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Other useful Items:
     Deadman’s Plate (2900g)    For a better chace / cc, you can go it or Randuin’s Omen, it can be a replacement to Randuin’s if you prefer.
     Knights Vow (2300g) , Locket of the Iron Solari (2200g)    Those will be support item, you can go those to give some love to your team
     Hextech Protobelt (2500g)    This is basically for a better gap close (since Nunu has none), it will help more on chasing, let’s say you don’t have the range for E (”Ice Blast”) for example, you will use it and then use the skill c:
     Trinity Force (3733g)    This is basically if you are carrying, it will increase your damage and chase persistence, gives you 20% CDR plus the damage from the Spellblade.
     Frozen Heart / Iceborn Gauntlet (2700g)    Get one for more damage and mana, and the other one for more armor and if there’s someone on the enemy team with a lot of attack speed, both will also give you 20% CDR so is really useful.
     Zz’s Rot Portal (2700g)    To the split push, it will help a lot on carrying lanes if you’re ganking somewhere else for example, or if your trying to get the lane you’re ganking actually.
     I got this build example from a match from a known player called IWillDominate, Challenger I on North America server. You can check the full match clicking here.
Full Build on match and Buying Order:
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     Hope it helps you out guys! Check out for the news that will come btw, Nunu will receive a change on his passive on the patch 7.7, I will be saying everything that will have on the next patch as soon as most be confirmed on PBE.      And I will also be posting soon the Nunu Support jungle build, is a bit different than that one, since you will basically act like a Nunu support, as on bot lane, but on jungle xD
See ya!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Starting Items Updated
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     I had a post, from long time ago that I pinned on the Tags section where you could see as generalized, some Starting Items. I just updated them to the current season, following the current meta and usual pickups.
     You can check them out clicking here or manually going to the Tags section. More builds will be coming out soon, doing many things at once!
   See ya!
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Patch 7.6 Details
     Hello everyone and welcome to the patch 7.6, Galio rework has finally arrived, a few changes on champions, no changing on Items at all, and a slight change on Warlord’s Bloodlust, probably because of the “energized” thing, it was already updated on the Current Guide For Masteries .
Galio Rework
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     Soon will be posted a Galio build here on the blog, but already spoiling, nothing much has changed, he has pretty much the same build as before.
Champion Changes:
Aatrox Cho’Gath Fiddlesticks Gnar Miss Fortune Orianna Quinn Varus
Other Changes:
Lux VO Expansion - “We’ve added a bunch of new lines to Lux’s existing voiceover. She’s now got about four times as much to say, including many champion-specific interactions!”
Magic Damage Shield UI - “ Real quick: we’re slightly changing the color health bars use to represent magic damage shields (Morgana, Camille, and now Galio!) “
    They have changed to slightly pink instead of true magenta, nothing much.
     If you click on Keep Reading you will be able to see more about the changes on the champions mentioned before, to see the full commentaries and stuff, click on Patch 7.6 Notes published by Riot Games day 22 march.
Champion Changes:
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     Passive - Blood Well:    - Aatrox’s full Blood Well buff has been renamed to “Hellbent”, previously “Blood Rush”.    - On reviving from his passive, Aatrox now has full Blood Well    - Aatrox no longer loses his third hit from Blood Price / Blood Thirst after reviving.
     Base Stats:    - Health: 537.8 » 580.0 - Health stats buff.
     Q - Dark Flight:    - Cooldown reduced: from 16/15/14/13/12 secs » to 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 secs
     W - Blood Price:    - Base Damage increased: 30/60/90/120/150 » 45/80/115/150/185
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     R - Feast:    - Bonus Health increased: 80/110/140 per stack » 80/120/160 per stack    - Mionion/Small monster cap: 5 stacks » 6 stacks
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     Q - Terrify:    - Cast Range Increased: 525 » 575
     W - Drain:     - NEW: If Drain’s target dies before the channel completes, the remaining duration is applied as cooldown reduction.
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     Base Stats:    - Health Regen (mini) : 2.5 » 4.5 per 5 secs    - Health Regen Grown Stat (mini) : 0.5 » 1.75 health per 5 secs    - Health Regen (mega) : 6.5 » 4.5 health per 5 secs    - Health Regen Growth Stat (mega) : 3 » 1.75 health per 5 secs
     E - Crunch:    - Buff-Fix: Mega Gnar can now queue another spell during the cast time.
Miss Fortune
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     Q - Double Up:    - Damage amplified: 20/35/50/65/80 » 20/40/60/80/100    - Ratio: 0.85 total ad » 1.0 total ad    - NEW: Cast range now adjusts based on MF’s attack range (i.e.: Rapidfire Cannon)
     Briefly pauses after casting Q - Double Up and E - Make It Rain, removed.
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     E - Command: Protect:    - NEW: If an ally dies holding the Ball, now drops in place rather than returning to Orianna.
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     W - Heightened Sense   - Bonus attack speed incresed: 20/25/30/35/40% on Harrier proc » 20/35/50/65/80% on harrier proc
     R - Behind Enemy Lines    - Skystrike Damage: 100% total ad » 40% total ad    - NEW: After putting at least one point in R - Behind Enemy Lines, Quinn will respawns as it has used it after deaths for the rest of the game! (loved it! <3)
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     Q - Piercing Arrow    - Cooldown Refunded on Blight proc: 4 secs, scaling down with CDR » 4 secs.
List of Bugfixes:
Fixed a bug causing Viktor’s R - Chaos Storm to fizzle on death
When Yorick’s Q - Last Rites-empowered basic attack crits, the basic attack portion of the damage is now properly modified, rather than the bonus damage
Knight's Vow’s healing now properly interacts with Forbidden Idol
Illaoi can no longer spam W - Harsh Lesson to ignore the cast time of E - Test of Spirit
LeBlanc’s Mimic’d R - Shadow of the Rose cooldown no longer resets when LeBlanc casts R - Mimic if she died between casting Shadow of the Rose and casting Mimic
Dr. Mundo’s W - Burning Agony VFX no longer stutter when he turns
Anivia’s Q - Flash Frost slow no longer overrides her R - Glacial Storm slow (giving movement speed back to affected enemies)
Attack-moving during Vladimir’s E - Tides of Blood no longer causes it to immediately release
Fixed a bug where Fizz's R - Chum of the Waters wouldn't slow enemies properly when the shark erupted
Fixed some interactions causing abilities to do weird things if cast at the same time a spell shield on the user was popped
Ivern no longer gains vision of both wolf camps on Twisted Treeline when freeing one of them or the other. Too friendly, Ivern.
If a teammate becomes invisible or camouflaged while hidden from you by Nocturne's R - Paranoia, you now still properly gain vision of them if they enter your reduced vision radius before Paranoia ends
Enemies affected by Ahri's E - Charm during a dash are no longer still able to cast spells during the dash
Using W - Riposte while Banshee’s Veil is active no longer causes it to visually go on cooldown in Fiora’s inventory (or to visually fizzle, then instantly reappear)
SKT T1 Alistar no longer slides around during Passive - Triumphant Roar’s animation
SKT T1 Alistar’s recall animation audio is no longer bullishly loud
Blood Moon Jhin no longer uses Base Jhin’s critical strike VFX
Technically not a bugfix: Made colorblind readability improvements to Blood Moon Twisted Fate’s W - Pick A Card
Technically not a bugfix: Arcade Corki’s E - Gatling Gun VFX have been toned down to be less overwhelming
Technically not a bugfix: Arcade Corki’s R - Missile Barrage VFX have been updated to be more recognizable
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allbuilds · 8 years ago
Situational Items Updated
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     Long time ago I had a page called Global Situational Items, I disabled it few months after the creation to update a few items and never finished it. This time I did and also will add more items later.
     If you haven’t seen the page, you can find it on the Tags page or on Global Situational Items, easier xD.
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