alien-fanbitch · 2 months
Lol, I thought I did. It turns out the character's name was actually Clare. Whoops 😂😂
Did you name yourself after a fictional character or are you cisgender
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
I saw this and felt like it should be shared here too
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
If we forgot anything or you have multiple put it in the tags, ours is eye contact and loving trains lmao
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Denki! 😂😂😂
Bakusquad  chat
sero: your mom must be hot
yn: .... my moms dead
bakugo,mina: ....wtf
denki: was she hot tho
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Bakugo's is my favourite! "Would give anything to die in those thighs"! Like, wow, damn boy!
IMAGINE- Waking up in your dorm room only wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts, then going down to the common room not even noticing the stares that radiate from your crush.
Like- no, I wasn’t doing this to get your attention… or was I? ;)
“Ahh, g’morning guys!” You yawned, greeting everyone in the common room good morning. As you sat beside Mina on the couch.
“Good morning!” Mina exclaimed, giving you your daily morning hug. “Everyone else is still asleep, huh?” You ask, standing up to go get some water you didn’t realize that Kirishima just got up and was headed straight to the kitchen where you were reaching for a glass at the top shelf.
Now, he was a pretty chill guy, kind and even charming! but seeing you struggling to get a glass from the top shelf had him blushing like crazy.
Your t-shirt was rising nearly over your ass, and he could definitely see the shorts you were wearing. But then you finally got your glass and poured yourself a cup of water.
“Oh! Kiri, you scared me! Couldn’t you have made a sound before coming in here?” You laughed, putting the water jug back into the fridge. Nudging him a bit.
“Y-yeah! Sorry, uhm. I was just zoning out! That’s all” he laughed nervously, hoping that you wouldn’t sense how flustered he was.
“You sure about that? You’re pretty red right now, you okay?” You walked towards him, standing in front of him.
So close
He said mentally, cheeks turning redder than before. You squinted eyes at him, speculating that he wasn’t feeling well, until-
“Whoo! Well, uh- me and Bakubro are actually going out to train! So uhm, see ya’ around!” He quickly padded off out of the kitchen and dragged Bakugou with him outside the dorms.
Now, it was your turn to blush because of how adorable he was.
You just woke up, heading into the common room, greeting everyone a ‘good morning’
As you were yawning though, you had the tendancy to always stretch your arms up high before getting ready for the day.
And nobody else took notice of it, nobody else but observant little Bakugou Katsuki. He was looking at how your oversized shirt lifted just enough to see your abdomen. Even your cute shorts- Bakugou would give anything to die in those thighs.
You finished stretching your body and noticed how Bakugou was just staring at you.
“Well, good morning to you too! Care to not eye fuck me in the morning? I look hideous” you rolled your eyes, smirking a bit when you noticed how red his face was.
“Are you- ARE YOU BLUSHING? OMG WHAT DID YOU- You saw my shorts-“ you mischeviously smirked at him, which caused him to come to his senses and he quickly defended himself.
“Was not! Dumbass, I was zoning out! Get your stupid brain out of the gutter!” He finished with a ‘tch’ and walked outside of the dorms.
He’s definitely whipped for you.
You were hugging your pile of dirty clothes on the way down to the common area and a few of your tops fell out of the pile you were carrying.
“Stupid clothes! Can’t you just stay stacked up together! Why didn’t I bring a basket!” You huffed. Bending down to grab the fallen articles of clothing.
You however, were not aware of WHO was standing right behind you.
Actually, Sero was on his way down too! But he was behind you, taking his time since he saw you carrying a pile of clothes.
He made mental comments though, about how good you looked in that oversized shirt and tiny shorts. You were gorgeous.
And his day couldn’t be any better, he immediately lost his cool when you dropped a few of your clothes onto the floor and bent down to get them.
Mans was red i’m telling you! He respectfully looked at your juicy thighs, and your round butt, but he quickly averted his gaze when your peripheral vision caught sight of him behind you.
“Oh, Sero! You were going down too! I kinda need your help. Could you maybe get me a basket to hold these with?” You pleaded, his face was completely red!
“S-sure thing! Let me go get one right now” he quickly rushed around just to get you a basket, thank goodness you didn’t see him looking at you so intently like that.
You were sitting in the common area, legs crossed with your oversized shirt covering a little bit of your thighs.
Suddenly, Denki greeted everyone a bright good morning. He immediately saw you and thought to sit next to you.
You two were actually pretty close and pretty much best friends with each other.
“Good morning to you too! Kaminari!“ you said, looking to your side, you noticed that he was beside you staring down at your lap.
He honestly couldn’t help it, your thighs were just waiting to be squished. Ugh, he would shove his face in those thighs if he could- if you would allow him to.
He was snapped back into reality when he realized that you’ve greeted him a good morning too.
“H-hey! Yeah, good morning!” He nervously exclaimed, gulping and visibly trying not to look again.
“Denks, if you wanted to look at my thighs, you could’ve just asked to take a photo, that’ll last way longer than just imprinting it in your mind” you laughed jokingly at him, nudging him in the shoulders.
You then stood up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.
He was shocked to even feel how hot and red he was.
“Denki, bro, you got a little uh-“ Kirishima said to him, pointing at his nose.
“O-oh! Uh, I’ll clean this up, no worries! I’m fine” he held a hand up to his nose to stop it from bleeding.
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Oh shit...! That was amazing! The after-care was so sweet too!
The New Employee
DNI if you are not 18+. 
Warnings: A lot of men fucking on one woman, starts out with backstory. Anal, masturbation, oral, fucking, use of slut/toy, after care.
Pro-Heroes: Bakugou, Hanta, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki
@kemakoshume - for you, hope you like.  Sweet loving gang bang LOL
Pulling down your skirt one more time, you smooth the wrinkle that keeps forming across the middle.  Looking at the address, you see the huge complex ahead of you.  What the fuck am I doing here?? has been methodically pounding through your brain since you stepped off the train at the station. Your stomach explodes into a mess of nerves, fear and excitement, you wonder who will be there when you get to his apartment.  Definitely Dynamite, right?  You bite your lip, you hope he’s one of the three.  Taking a deep breath, you cross the street quickly, Mina still hasn’t texted back.  You’re half-tempted to wait for her before going in, your stomach exploding with butterflies again just thinking of going up to the apartment. You can feel the wetness now rubbing between your thighs, you groan, maybe crotchless panties weren't such a good idea. What the fuck am I doing here?? runs through your brain again.  It’s all fucking Mina’s fault, the fucking traitor.  You appreciate her as a friend, she did get you the job at the agency and she’s been introducing you to all of your favorite heroes.  She knows the ones you’ve got pinned on the walls of your apartment, the little minx.  Your first few months had been going great, a few get togethers, drinks, dinners, you’d slowly been getting to know them all.  Bakugou still scared the shit out of you, so making eye contact with him was next to impossible, but when you did, fuck, you could swear there was a glint in those crimson eyes.  Everyone else had been so nice, nothing strange, well, until last night.  “Fucking Mina,” you mutter for the umpteenth time.  What the fuck am I doing here?? You know what happened and why you’re here.  Thinking back, it was right when things were winding down last night, the last beers ordered.
“(y/n), who is your favorite hero at the table?” Mina teased, six pairs of eyes landed on you.
“Oh, um,” your cheeks feel hot, you know your blushing, you jab Mina in the side.
“OW!” She laughs playfully.
“Come on, we know you gotta favorite,” Sero smiles, he takes a swig of his beer, his eyes landing appreciatively on your breasts.
Fixing your shirt, you feel stupid for wearing this button up top, it’s your favorite but you’ve been so freaked out with the new job you’ve been stress eating and everything’s a little bit bigger than usual.  You look down, the adjustment only pulls on the button more, it looks ready to pop.  You hear a chuckle from Bakugou, you look back up shyly, his piercing red eyes look ready to yank the button free.  Reaching blindly behind you, your finger catches the small sweater you brought and you slide it on quickly, trying to pull it over you.  You hear him clicking his tongue.
“Too pretty to hide those,”  he hooks a finger in your sweater pushing it back off your shoulder.  Your freeze, barely able to breath, did he just compliment your breasts?  You decide to do nothing, leaving your sweater half-on, he smirks and goes back to drinking and talking to Todoroki. Grabbing a napkin you wipe your palms off quickly.  You grab the cold bottle of beer and take a swig.
“So Mina told us a little story about you.” Kaminari says casually watching you give up on your sweater, his eyes twinkling.
Beer comes flying out your mouth as you spit on your blouse and the table, “oh shit!”  You grab the napkin you were using a moment ago and wipe at the rapidly growing wet spot on your blouse, your pink bra now visible.  You grab your sweater and pull it over yourself, this time ignoring the noises coming from Bakugou.
“Mina!” You hiss, pinching her.  “What did you tell them!?”  But you know, by the look in his eye, she told them the story. “That was not your story to tell!” You continue to seethe at her.  
“What?!?” Mina grins at you.
“Friendship is something to be cherished,” Izuku says softly.
“You would say that Deku,” Bakugou snipes back rudely, “I don’t think they were cherishing her friendship though.”  He smiles cockily, giving you the once over with his red eyes.
“Look (y/n), I’m sorry,” Mina giggles, “one thing led to another and it came out, what’s the big deal? It was just a foursome.” Mina pulls away from your pinching fingers.
Red blotches shine on your cheeks, you know you’re blushing so hard you want to cry, you cover your eyes.  “Mina, you are saying things you don’t understand.”
“Then help us understand,” Todoroki’s voice is calm, soothing.  You look up, his eyes are beautiful, you could get lost in their depths.  
“Fine,” you look across the table, they’re staring at you expectantly.  “I-I have four best friends,” you glare at Mina, “well three now.” She shrugs at you.  Rolling your eyes, you look back at the group, “it was graduation and I was hanging with my three guy friends.  We knew we were going our different ways and it was sad.” You shrug, “I was going to miss them.  So we were watching a movie and it just happened.”
“Three men just happened?” Kiri whistled softly, “Mina are we best friends? Wanna watch a movie,” he laughed at her.
“Sure Kiri,” she winked, “anytime.”  You smile looking down at your forgotten beer, that wasn’t so bad.  
“So that was it, you never did another one?” Katsuki’s voice was softer, you notice his eyes are different.
“Well yeah, not really a lot of best friend scenarios these days for me, I just got here three months ago.”  
“We’re your friends, aren’t we (y/n)?” Kaminari practically whines.
“Oh sure!” you gasp, “of course you are, sorry I didn’t mean to imply that you aren’t but, but, not like, I mean you’re all Pro-Heroes.” If possible you’re blushing harder  
A quick exchange of glances shoot across the table, your mind starts to back pedal, you need to get out of this conversation quickly.
“So because we’re Pro-Heroes, it’s different?” Midoriya leans forward, his brows arched.
“No, I mean, well, not like you’d be into something like that with me, I mean, not a foursome but just me,” you slap your hand over your mouth, “I’m stopping now, I think I should go home.”
“Wait, wait, wait!” A multitude of voices ring out, Bakugou’s hand shoots out holding you. 
“What if we were interested,” his voice husky, almost a purr.  Chills race down your spine pooling in your stomach, you can feel yourself getting wet just from the tone of his voice.
“If you were?” You’re lost for a moment, a sweet feeling fluttering in your stomach. “I guess,” you look across the table. “I guess.”
And now you’re pushing open the door to an expensive building, of course being a Pro-Hero for almost six years has its benefits.  As you walk to the elevator, the slick between your legs is getting creamier, your thighs are rubbing easily with no friction.  You wonder who will be there.  You'd put your foot down, only three of them, they’d agreed. When you received the text with the address from Todoroki, you figured he was one.  If it was possible you were even wetter now, you hoped he would be in front, sucking him while staring at those eyes, that, you smile, that would be a memory you would relish for a long time.  Pushing the elevator button you enter in the password he’d sent.  The car moves so quickly you lose your stomach for a moment, your head feels dizzy, it slows to a stop, the doors sliding open.  Stepping out to a small landing you freeze, six pairs of eyes are staring at you.
“Oh,” you turn as the doors close, you realize it took you directly into his apartment.  Todoroki jumps to his feet and gives you his hand guiding you into the living room.  The place is amazing, spacious with huge picture windows, you’re sure you’d appreciate it if there weren’t six men staring at you so lasciviously.  “Um,” turning you look back into a large kitchen, “where’s Mina and why are there six of you?”
“Not sure on Mina,” Todoroki offers you a seat on the couch, tugging your skirt down as far as it will go you sit, realizing too late that you’re dripping wet with crotchless panties on, you close your eyes, you can never move again, you’re sure you’ve ruined his couch.
“Are you okay?” Kirishima puts his arm around your shoulder, “you look scared baby.” He rubs your back gently.
“Well, there are six of you here and we agreed on just three.”  An icy fear grips you that three are here to watch.
“We couldn’t decide,” Sero shrugged, “it started to get heated so we decided to let you choose.”  Your jaw drops, you shake your head.
“No, no no, I can’t do that, I, I like all of you.”
“Well not that much, you only want three, so you need to decide,” Katsuki crosses his arms glaring at the others, he was clearly not in a good mood.
“I really can’t.”
“I know it’s not me,” Kaminari hops up, “I’m not usually on the list, so I’ll head out.”
“No wait!” You grab his hand as he walks by, of all of them he’d been the first one you’d loved, maybe not your favorite, but the first one that had touched your heart. “That - that time you took down shredder, the villain in that small town, your shirt was torn.” You blush smiling at him, “your chest was - was bare, you have, the pinkest nipples, are they really like that?”  Your words tumble out of your mouth.  
He’s transfixed, he can’t move, the look on your face.  “(y/n) do you really remember that?”
“I do and all of you, I - I admit I have my favorites but all of you are in my ‘if I met them’ book.”
“What’s that?” Midoriya slides closer to you on the couch.
“Idiot, if I met them I would fuck them.” Katsuki stands, “so does that mean we’re all in on this?”
You gulp, swallowing the no that is rising in your throat, “yes.” You croak out.
“Last question then,” Midoriya's green eyes are now sparkling, “who goes when?”
Eyes darting around the room you spy a bowl of colored glass on the coffee table in front of you. “Here,” you pick it up and hand it to Todoroki, “everyone pick one out, take a picture with your phone, then I’ll choose them blindly.”  They begin pulling out a stone one by one. “Rules,” you quickly look at all of them.
“Rules?” Sero chirps.
“Let her fucking talk asshole.” Katsuki nods to you. Taking a breath you begin.
“Rules, no phones or cameras, put them away, I see a phone or camera, it stops and I mean stops.” Feeling more confident, you stand, forgetting the small wet slick now on the couch.  “Safety word is,” you pick up one of the colored glass pieces, “glass, if I say glass-”
“What if you can’t talk?” Todoroki tips his head.
“Right, okay, if I tap you in any way three times, foot, elbow, finger, you have to call out to the others glass for me.”  Heads nod in agreement.
“Anything else, something you don’t like?”
“No, I’m good with everything.” 
“Everything?” Katsuki repeats pointedly.
Your stomach clenches hard, biting your cheek you turn, lifting your skirt. Red lace crotchless panties hugging your plush curves, you reach behind and opening your butt cheeks you tap on a small butt plug.  Turning quickly you lower your skirt again.  “I’m prepped for everything.”  The room is silent.  Looking up you see Katsuki is leaning forward, jaw slightly open, a laugh escapes.
“Not a lot surprises me sweetie,” he stands up and cups your chin, kissing you, “but you just did.”
“Is that - that good or bad?”
“Very fucking good.”
“Hang on Bakugou, we’re fucking picking stones remember.”
“Fuck you, ever heard of foreplay idiot?”
You take a deep breath, it’s really happening.  Your stomach explodes with anticipation, you feel the slick pooling now, a small drip escaping down your leg, you quickly press your soft thighs together to catch it before it travels much further.  “Okay, I’ll pick a rock, here we go.”  
“Wait,” Todoroki walks to a desk and pulls out a small scarf, “we don’t want you to cheat.”
“Cheat?” You huff, stopping as you realize he’s about to blindfold you.  “Ah, oh, okay,” he gently puts the scarf around your eyes, tying the back.  You feel his lips press into your shoulder, kissing you.  Reaching in again you pull out the first rock.
“YES!” Twisting around blindly you recognize Kirishima’s voice.  A hand palms your ass, “I know what I want,” his breath hot in your ear as he comes up alongside you.  His hand slides down between your thighs, feeling the expanding slick, his fingers glide over your folds. “I’ve been smelling that sweet tang of your pussy since you walked in here, I want this little hot wet cunt in my face to start. I wanna taste you.”  Your breathing is shallow now, you can barely think, the thought of his tongue deep inside of you making your heart race.  
“Next one,” your voice squeaks as you pull another piece of glass, silence. Suddenly full lips cover yours, sucking hard, his tongue slicing through your mouth, hand squeezing your cheeks almost painfully.  
“I want my cock buried deep in her as soon as you’re done.” Katsuki ‘s gruff voice rumbles into your mouth.  Your knees feel weak, another gush from your pussy, you clamp your thighs together stopping the flow. 
“Don’t,” his hand squeezes your cheeks tighter, shoving his leg between your thighs, “I wanna see that fucking cum dripping down your legs.”  
“O-Okay.” Relaxing your thighs, you can feel the pooling drip tickling your skin.  “Fuck, you’re such a good girl,” he purrs in your ear, his voice causing a riot in your body.  His thick fingers slide up your thighs capturing the drip, you hear as he sucks on them slowly, slurping.  “You may have picked the second best spot, Shitty Hair, she tastes really good.”
Hand shaking you grab another rock, lifting it in the air.  A hand slides up your skirt tapping your butt plug.  You whirl your head looking for the source of the light touch.  “I want this right here,” Midoriya’s soft voice comes up behind you, his hands on your bare ass.  “This is magical back here, I’m gonna play with this a little bit first.”  His mouth tickles your neck as he twists the plug in your hole.
Gasping you lean back into him, his hands slide around you holding you up, “need help steadying yourself?”  Izuku’s leg now moving in behind you pressing against your wet pussy. “You feel ready for us baby doll, can you feel how ready I am for you?” He rubs his hard cock into your back.
“Yes,” you whimper at the pressure against your clit.
“Pick more rocks (y/n),” Katsuki starts squeezing your nipples beneath your thin bra.  Nodding you grab another rock, body trembling waiting for another one to approach you.  His fingers are icy, immediately you know, it's Todoroki.  His thumb presses into your mouth, fingers cupping your chin.  He pushes down on your tongue firmly, saliva pooling in your mouth, you can feel it start to gather at the corner of your lips.
“I want this sweet mouth on my cock,” he watches as your saliva slips down your chin.  “I think our sweet little girl has a nice throat where I can nestle my dick.” You feel the warmth of his lips on your cheek. “Pick between the last two rocks,” he whispers in your ear.  You feel the two rocks and grab one. You hear laughing, Sero, a finger suddenly pushes into your pussy.
“Oh shit,” you jump, you turn towards his voice, “that scared me.”
“Kiri, man, wanna eat her out together?”
“Hell ya,” you can hear them thumping each other’s back.  You groan loudly at the thought of two tongues.
“Looks like I’m last,” you can hear the disappointment in Kaminari’s voice.
“Kaminari,” your voice is shaking.
“Denki, (y/n), call me Denki,” you can feel him next to you, kissing your neck.
“Mmm, that's nice Denki,” Reaching out you can feel him, his thigh under your hand, walking your fingers up his leg you can feel his swollen cock straining against his pants.  “I’m really good with my hands Denki,” you whisper, splaying your fingers against him, rubbing along the outline of his shaft.  
“(y/n) baby,” he breathes against your skin, “I think I love you,” he sighs, you can feel him unbuttoning his pants. 
“It’s time (y/n), time to be our own sweet little toy, you ready?” Katsuki’s voice in your other ear, hot tongue licking at your lobe. “I’m so fucking hard, I’m gonna burst just looking at you.” 
“Mmm,” you nod, thoughts fleeting, the anticipation rippling through your body, you can’t take it, every nerve is alive waiting for them.
You’re not sure who is touching you but hands are tugging your shirt over your head, a hot mouth on your breast, sucking your nipple through your bra. You jerk at the touch, another hand pulling down your skirt. 
“Appreciate the lingerie (y/n), what a nice touch.” Hands pulling off your bra and underwear as a thick arm wraps around your waist. Your arms being held tightly, you feel as your body is lifted and spun around, suspended, you hear Kirishima chuckle as he sets you down.
“Reach out.”
You hold out your arms feeling a soft blanket, your knees hit the ground. 
“All fours baby girl,” you recognize Katsuki’s gruff voice.  “And spread ‘em for Kiri, he looks like he’s gonna fucking die if he doesn’t get his tongue in you now.”   Steadying yourself, you start to open your legs as hands grab at your soft thighs spreading you wide open forcefully, a thick tongue laps at your sensitive folds sliding all the way back to your butt plug.  He takes the end in his mouth and tugs hard.  You moan as you clench your ass sucking it back into your body.  
“Fuck Midoriya, you gotta a nice surprise here.”  Kiri moves back to your dripping wet cunt, licking slowly he sucks on your clit, causing a whimper to escape from your throat.  His laughter causes vibrations that make your toes curl as he flicks his tongue playfully into your wet warmth.  Another mouth latches onto your clit, sucking, you arch your back  as the sweet familiar ball that pulses against your clit expands in your belly.
“Ung,” you gasp as a hard dick slaps your face, the tip running across your mouth, precum smearing over your lips.  Smiling you know it’s Todoroki, licking your lips, you open wide, hanging out your tongue.
“Sweet fucking toy, what a good girl,” his voice cool as he pushes the tip into your mouth but you can hear the slight tremor under the calm.  Wrapping your lips around the tip, you suck greedily, flattening your tongue rubbing against his sensitive skin.  His fingers dig into your hair, “fuck, (y/n)” Todoroki grits through his teeth.
Rough wet fingers begin pinching your nipples, twisting them, you jerk from the sudden jolt, the intense ball curling tighter until it pops. Your cry muffled around the cock in your mouth, your walls clenching, cum runs into Kiri’s mouth.  You hear him groan as he drinks you into his mouth.
“You cum already?” Katsuki’s voice is husky, tongue sweeping around your ear again, sucking at your earlobe.  “I like how sensitive you are.” Your body shudders as every part of you is under assault, the tremor of your orgasm barely calming as the next one begins to build.  
The tongue in your pussy is so fucking deep now, you have to concentrate to focus on the dick in your throat, swallowing again.  Eijiro’s thick finger joins his tongue, curving into your spongy warmth finding your spot. “E!” you scream around Todoroki’s dick.  Eijiro starts laughing, flicking and thrusting harder.  Sero, still tonguing your clit, uses his teeth to start nibbling gently. The intense feeling shoots up through your body, walls clenching as you can feel your orgasm already peaking.  
“(y/n)” Denki’s voice now close to you, he tugs on your arm.  Balancing yourself you reach out, you feel Denki thrust his dick into your hand, cool lube dripping down your fingers.  Taking his shaft in your hand, you breath in deep, focus (y/n)!  Your mind wants to melt away in the pleasure coursing through your body.  Rubbing your thumb over the tip of his cock,  your fingers slip over the top, letting them all slide firmly down, until the tip hits your palm, you pull back up.  
“(y/n)! That feels so fucking good!” You smile as Denki squeezes your arm, letting you sweetly torture his cock. 
Cold lube begins to drip into your ass, you clench at the feeling.  You’ve been mentally preparing for this, fuck, the cock in your throat sliding deeper, the tongue on your clit, fingers on your nipples, dick in your hand.  You’re ready to explode any moment.  Fingers tug at the plug, pulling gently, just enough that it emerges halfway.  Your groans loud now, salvia slipping down your chin, Izuku slams the plug back in your ass.  Everything comes apart, eyes rolling back,  your walls clenching on the tongue shoved deep, you scream around the cock. Todoroki slams himself into your throat, his hand holding your head. 
“You got it baby girl, take me, I know you can.” He gently strokes your cheek as he pushes deeper. “Take me in your throat.” Obediently you open your throat, you can’t breath, tears soaking the scarf, some now slipping down your cheeks, your walls flutter as another wave rips through you.  The mouth on your pussy latching on, drinking every drop gushing from your body, tongue coaxing you through your orgasm.
“Aaa!” You cry out around Todoroki’s cock, but he grabs your hair and shoves you deeper onto his dick.  Sliding down into your throat you instinctively swallow, his deep growl and clenching fists in your hair make you smile.
“(y/n) do that again,” Shoto’s voice is losing control now, shaking with need.
“It’s fucking time Kiri, get the fuck out of the way, our good little girl needs to be fucked deep.”  You feel Katsuki’s dick on your back, as he bounces it off of you.  “Deku, you can take our little toy in the ass, while I fuck her.”
“Hey I wanna still suck on her,” you hear Sero whine.  
“Go to her other hand Sero, fuck me, she’s got good hands,” Denki’s shivering as your hand now pumps his cock, thumbing the tip.  
Another cock, your lightheaded, another cock in your hand.  You reach down cupping Sero’s balls trying to keep yourself from passing out. Unable to breathe, you suck harder, squeezing Todoroki into your throat.  Pulling back, he gasps spurting hot streams of cum into your mouth.  You suckle him, swallowing every drop.  
“Good girl,” he coos, “that’s right,” yanking your head up by your hair, “show me your mouth,” he commands.  Coughing and sucking in your breath sharply, you open your mouth, tongue hanging out.  He grips your tongue, saliva and cum streaming on the floor. “How do you feel?” His voice is soft, he thumbs your tongue as another pool of saliva drips to the floor.  You nod, sucking on his thumb.  Chuckling he rubs your cheek gently, you feel his lips caress your temple. “I think she’s ready for another cock,” Todoroki calls out.
A body slides under you, lifting your hips high, a rigid cock bumping against your stomach.
“Katsuki? I mean Bakugou?”  A hand reaches up removing your blindfold.  You blink, red eyes staring into yours.
“Katsuki,” he grunts, smiling at you, his hands digging deep into your thighs. “You ready princess?”  You nod, as he thrusts up, his cock plunging into you.  Fingers on your ass pulling out your plug at the same time, a scream erupts from your throat.
“Fuck!”  You feel like you're being split into two, his thick cock stretching your walls painfully. “Bak- Kat-” tears slide down your cheeks.  “Please,” you wail pleadingly.
“I’ll make you feel fucking fantastic (y/n), hold on sweet girl.” Moving his hips, he grinds himself deep inside, moving against your cervix.  A warmth flushes through you as he begins to lift you off his cock, working into your spongy walls, finding the same spot Kiri had been tickling earlier. Your head snaps back, mouth open as he drives your hips down your pussy taking in his thick cock.  His mouth closes around your nipple.  Sero’s cock moves from your hand, you look up as he calls to you.
“Hey (y/n), sweet girl, I’ve got a nice cock for you.” He smooths your hair back, tucking a strand behind your ear.  “You wanna suck me?”
You laugh as you try to focus on his question, the huge cock slamming into your pussy pulling every thought from your head.  Opening your mouth,  he grips your face. 
“Hey baby,” he runs his hand down your jawline, “Our girl,” Sero calls gently. “Ready for me?”
“Y-Yes,” you stammer sticking out your tongue, as another thrust plunges Katsuki’s cock deep in your pussy.  “Ng.”
Izuku kisses your lower back, “I love your ass (y/n), look at you, so fucking good, want me baby girl?” His hands grip your cheeks as thumbs spread you wide, Izuku’s dick pushing into your hole, thrusting slowly, teasing your rim until Katsuki slams you down, causing Izuku’s cock to bury in your ass in one thrust.
“FUCK!” You scream, a shuddering orgasm sweeps through your body, walls clenching down hard on both cocks in your body.  
Sero thrusts his dick into your mouth, grabbing your head, slamming into your throat.  Gulping you suck on the dick in your mouth, your hand gripping Denki, you feel his cock bulging, you rub him as ropes of cum spray across your arm.
“Fuck, fuck, that felt good.” Denki sinks down to his knees. 
Your body explodes, every nerve alive as you shake, jolts of pleasure rock your pussy.
“Look at you fucking gushing on my balls,” Katsuki thrusts up again, loving how tight your wet walls clench on him as you cum.  Reaching down he kneads your clit, “so fucking wet, so damn tight, fuck you feel good.”
“Mmmm,” you hum on the sweet cock in your mouth, wrapping your tongue around Sero’s thick shaft.  He pushes deeper into your mouth, his tip teasing your throat. 
“Can you do it for me? Can my little angel deep throat me?” You nod letting him slide into your throat, the gag comes fast but you swallow hard against it, Sero laughs harshly.  “When you gag it feels fucking fantastic,” he thrusts hard again, causing you to gag.  “Fuck yes,” he pulls out pumping his cock, as his thick cum stripes across your face.  “You look so good like that.”  
You try to answer, try to hear what he’s saying but then Katsuki and Izuku are both thrusting inside of you, their dicks filling you so full your head is swimming.  Your clit is swollen but those rough fingers continue to pull at the growing tension. Both slam into you pulling you down hard, you’re shaking again, walls clamping down on the thick cock in your pussy, you can feel Katsuki double pump into you as hot cum fills you.
“Fuck, fucking tight pussy,” he shoves his dick deep inside, you pant as the last of your orgasm washes over you.  Your ass still full as Izuku reaches around twisting your nipples, he bites your back. 
“Fuck (y/n), your ass is so fucking tight, can I cum inside?” 
“Yes Zuki,” you mewl as he pounds your ass, he can’t hold on, his cock being squeezed as you milk him.  He falls forwards onto your back kissing you gently.  
You feel like collapsing, everything shaking, “I can’t,” the words barely out when someone is kissing you, licking your lips.  “Are you okay sweet girl?”  
“So many,” you laugh looking up, it’s Denki, he’s pumping his cock, now hard.  You smile, “you want my mouth?”
“I do baby, oh fuck I do, can you lick it first?”
“Yeah Denks,” You smile at him sweetly.  He grips your hair as he pushes into your mouth, you tickle him with the tip of your tongue, pressing it into the slit at the tip.  “Oh fuck (y/n), that feels so good baby.”  You stare into his eyes as you lick and suck down the length of his cock.  Yellow eyes blazing, he watches you.  Katsuki lifts your body as he moves from underneath you, his mouth pressing into your back, his hot tongue tracing a path to your lower back.  You arch at the tickling sensation, you groan and thrust looking for something to fill your emptiness.
“Who’s next?” Katsuki asks gruffly, running his hand appreciatively over your ass.  You turn for a moment catching Kiri’s wicked gleam as he’s pumping his huge cock.  Denki grabs your head and swings you back around.
“Focus on me (y/n), that’s my girl,” he purrs as you begin sucking again on just the tip.  “I like it when you play with me like that.”  You smile and wink as you open your mouth wide, hang your tongue and move your head sliding his sensitive frenulum against your rough skin, saliva pooling on the blanket.  His golden eyes flutter as he watches you.
Another warm body slides under you, rough hands on both sides as someone lifts you up, settling your hot pussy against another thick cock.  Your body trembles instinctively waiting, rubbing his cock against your pink folds, you hear Kiri underneath you.
“Look at these tits, girl, fuck, you have some gorgeous nipples.” His hot mouth suckling on one, you thrust again, the tip of his cock pressing harder, stretching your entrance, hands on your hips stills your thrusts.
“Not yet baby girl, I wanna make you gush on my cock before I fuck this tight pussy.”  Whining softly you wrap your lips around Denki’s cock sucking hard.  You hear Kiri chuckle at your complaint, he teases your nipple more, biting and twisting at the hard nub, sending more jolts of pleasure through your empty pussy.  The cold touch on your ass makes you gasp.  Denki holds you firm on his cock as you try to look, he shakes his head.  Smiling his eyes dart up and back to you.
“Looks like Todoroki’s getting ready to plunge that tight ass of yours.”  You blink as the tip of his cock starts to push against your stretched puckered hole.  You clench at the touch, suddenly a sharp slap on your ass sends needling pain along your skin.  
“Wha?” You mouth around Denki’s cock trying to pull back harder. 
“I don’t think you’re being a good girl back there,”  Denki scolds you.
“Relax (y/n), don’t fight us now” the deep timbre of Katsuki in your ear, you nod continuing to suck on Denki.  The cock against your stretching hole pushes deeper, you sigh now as it slides easily home.  
“There you go, fuck you are one dirty girl, aren’t you.  Our sweet slut, only ours though right?”
“Aaa,” you try to answer but Denki has your head pushed against the base of his cock, holding you firm as he grinds against your face, soft golden pubic hair tickling your nose.
“Suck him hard baby,” Katsuki’s hot tongue licks your ear, biting on the edge, his warm breath joins with Eijiro sucking on your nipple. Fiery chills collide with the tingling warmth from Shoto’s cock sliding into your ass.  “You gonna cum?” Katsuki bites harder, his hand on your neck he squeezes gently. “This help?”  Gasping for breath you taste cum as Denki’s hips slam into your face one last time, his eyes rolling back.  You swallow feeling the thick fingers around your neck. “Fuck, I feel you drinking him, you’re such a fucking good toy aren’t you?  Drink it all up sweet girl.”   His mouth continues down your neck as he nuzzles against your skin.  “Time to cum (y/n)” 
Your head bobs as you try to breath pulling off Denki’s cock you cough, desperately dragging in a lungful of air, wheezing as you struggle past Katsuki’s firm grip on your neck.  Your brain starts to swirl, everything tilting.  “Cum - cumming,” your pussy already clenching, your walls desperate for something inside.  “Please,” you sob, “E! Please!” You try to push down on that tantalizing cock just sitting against your entrance but Shoto thrusts up into your ass, slamming deep, he grinds against your plush cheeks, squeezing them with his hands.   Eijiro sucking on your nipple bites down hard. Your cry turns into a soft howl as your thighs shake so hard you can’t hold on, strength leaving every muscle as you jerk hard with the pleasure coursing through your cunt.  
“There you go,” Kiri hums against your nipple, thrusting he splits your clenching pussy. Your howl turns to a choked scream, as blackness begins to descend for a moment as Katsuki crushes your neck, suspending the pleasure, keeping the high going. The big hand releases perfectly timed, air rushes back into your lungs, your scream catches power as your cry reverberates around the room.  You gulp in air, tears now streaming from your eyes as Katsuki’s lips find yours in a punishing kiss cutting off your cries, his hand buried in your hair, his tongue exploring your mouth.
“You taste like Denki,” he laughs in the kiss.  You can’t think as Eijiro’s huge cock is now plunging into your pussy, angling his hips he buries deep grinding into your cervix, popping white flashes blur your vision as you can feel both dicks now inside your body.  The kiss becomes sloppy and needy, as your next orgasm is already charging hard through your body.  Flinging an arm around the big blonde, you suck on Katsuki’s full lips.  
“Cumming again so soon?” The hand in your hair clenches as he bites your lip hard.  Your eyes roll back as another wave rocks your body, you pant in the kiss trying to keep consciousness.
“Fuck baby, fuck so fucking tight,” Shoto slams into your plush ass.  His hips rocking forward letting his hot cum spray into your depths. “Gonna fill you up,” he clenches his teeth as his muscles spasm the warmth spreading through his body.  Opening his bi-colored eyes he sees Midoriya holding the butt plug, waiting for him.  He smiles at him nodding, pulling out quickly watching as Izuku  plugs up your ass.  “Keep our fucking cum in our toy.”
“I wanna turn our baby over, she’s losing her strength,” Katsuki breaks his kiss and pulls you off of Eijiro, your body suddenly empty as you are flipped on your back.  Kiri follows and quickly pushes back into your empty cunt, pulling your legs around his waist, he slides tantalizingly slow inside you until his cock is buried to the hilt.
“All the way in baby,” he grits through clenched teeth, “fuck you are hot.”  Arching your back you thrust deeper onto his cock, your body still trembling from your last orgasm.  Aftershocks rush through you without regard as a new ball of tension already begins to build with every thrust of E’s big cock.
“(y/n),” you hear their voices, both hands feel cool lube as Sero and Izuku guide your fingers around their stiff erections.  Moving your hands in unison you slide down to their balls pushing against their taints, twisting their balls in your fingers.  Both gasp as you tug, wrapping your hand back around their shafts to pump their silken skin. 
“I’m not done with you yet girl, you ready for more?” Red eyes suddenly above you glittering as Katsuki licks his lips.
“I - I’m ready.” You try to nod but Eijiro angles his hips again this time upwards against your sweet spot, you mewl as the tension grows bigger.  “OH! E!”
Katsuki straddles your face, his huge cock hard and twitching, bumping up against his stomach.  
“You got me so fucking turned on (y/n), I’m gonna face fuck you baby.”  Your eyes cross as he plunges into your mouth. Keeping your mind on your hands is impossible. You pump harder feeling the large cocks bulging under your palms.  You can’t breath, the dick in your mouth jamming into your throat.  Then it hits, Eijiro slams deep inside you, hot spurts of cum filling your pussy again as you rock your head back, arching your neck, giving Katsuki full access to your throat.  He growls as he slides deep, his fingers back around your throat.
“I can feel me in you,” he pants as he thrusts harder.  You can’t nod, you can’t think, your pussy clenching hard as another orgasm pulses deep inside, you try to breath again but there's no air.  The blackness starts on the edges of your vision, hot burning red eyes staring into yours as tears drip down your temples.  Warm spurts of cum dribble down your arms as somewhere in the distance you hear Sero and Izuku grunting against their own pleasure.   Your body melts into the blanket as you hear the roar of Katsuki as his face contorts, pulling out he rubs himself as streams of cum splatter your face.  His smile is the last thing you see as the blackness overwhelms you.
Something warm is rubbing your body, a sigh escapes your lips.  Warm breath on your lips, a gentle kiss.  You smile as you wake up, your skin reveling  in the silkiest sheets you’ve ever felt.  Little tremors float up through your pussy and into your ass, blinking you finally focus.  Izuku is above you, concern in his green eyes.  He sighs deep to see you waking up.
“(y/n)?” He strokes your cheek now smiling.  “There you are, sweet girl, scared us there.”  
“Zuki,” you croak, your throat raw, you swallow coughing. 
“Here,” Katsuki sits on the other side of you and lifts your body giving you pills and some water.  You look questioningly at him.  His red eyes soft he nods, “It’ll help with the pain, Shoto’s getting a throat spray to numb your throat too, if you want.”  
Swallowing the pills and water, you grimace at the effort.  Shaking your head, “okay,” you manage to squeak out.  
“Don’t try to be strong baby,” Eijiro pats your thigh sitting down next to your legs, “we wanna take care of you.” 
“Clean?” You push out through your raw throat.
“Yeah,” Sero blushes as he sits on the other side, “we cleaned you up, Denki washed your hair.”  The golden haired man rubs your foot and smiles at you shyly.  
“Thanks,” you whisper. 
“Here you go,” Shoto walks into the room, handing Katsuki the bottle.
“Open up baby,” obediently you open as he squirts several cooling sprays into the back of your mouth, swallowing you’re relieved to feel the blissful numbness coating your swollen throat.  You nod at him.
“Fuck (y/n), you're amazing” Katsuki murmurs, he kisses you softly.  Red heat stains your cheeks.  He laughs, “now she’s blushing,” he teases you.
“So who gets to keep you?” Sero asks the question, all six sets of eyes land on you.  Startled, you look at each man, all so beautiful it hurts your chest to breathe.
“Keep?” Your throat still croaks although the pain is now gone.
“Baby, we’re all fucking in love with you.” Katsuki kisses your cheek again.  Izuku nods, pushing back the hair that is hanging in your face.
“I - I,” your eyes wide, “can’t choose.” You frown, tears burst from your eyes dripping down your cheeks, you cover your face.
“(y/n), shhh, baby girl,” Shoto coos at you.  Katsuki grips your cheeks and kisses you again.  
“How about we share?” Denki sits at the end of the bed.
“What the fuck share?” Katsuki growls.  
“You fucking shared her today,” Shoto snarls back.
“Kacchan,” Izuku smiles at him.
“Fuck,” he runs his hand through his blonde spikes. “Fine, whatever (y/n) wants.”  A giggle escapes your sore lips as he casts a pouting look your way. “You think this is funny?”  You shake your head behind your hands trying to stop laughing.  “Fine, but I’ll fucking win her over,” he glares at the other Pro-Heroes, “fucking watch me.”
“Not if I make her mine first,” Eijiro slaps at the big blonde’s shoulder.
“You can’t win against me,” Shoto’s beautiful eyes gleam, “I can tell I’m her favorite.”
“You’re all fucking nuts,” Sero grins, “she likes me.”
“Sorry boys, she’s mine.” Izuku grazes your temple softly with his lips.
“But she liked me first,” Denki sighs.
A warmth flushes through your body as you peek between your fingers at each one, your mind whirls, can you really pick just one?
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Yes! Cute yn x Bakugo moments! I was so surprised and happy when he gave us a pancake, though! So sweet!
Bakusquad X Reader [Skin Care]
Romantic or Platonic: Platonic.
Subject: Sleepover/skin care
(a little bakugo X reader, but nothing romantic if that makes sense.)
I did add some of my own things, like the food protocols in the dorms. It has nothing to do with the original story line, it's just something I made up.
Readers pov:
The week had finally finished. It was a long, excruciating week of pain. Aizawa explained we needed to work on our quirks more, you didn't understand at first until he showed the results from today in comparison to the start of the year. It definitely gave us a reality check.
Third person pov:
The class seemed to waddle into the dormitories, everyone's legs almost giving out as soon as they walked through the double doors. The stronger ones, Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki were even struggling. One of your closest friends, Mina face planted at the door, making you trip over her.
"Mina! Seriously?" You exclaim, equally as tired. She groaned an apology from beneath you. You slowly rolled off her, ending up laying right next to her. You look up at the ceiling, seeing little black dots in your vision.
"We have to get up, otherwise we'll sleep." You said.
"Are you two okay?" Kirishima asked, looking down on you two with a slight smile.
"Absolutely...not." You reply, letting your head fall on the floor.
You see Kirishima offers a hand to you. Lazily, you fling your hand into his and he pulls you up. He slightly struggles by how tired he is, but he gets you up none the less.
"What do we do about this...thing." You say, gesturing to Mina. Kirishima places his hands on his hips, thinking to himself.
"We could carry her to the elevator, we should be fine once we reach our floor." He inquires.
Your attention turned to the front door, seeing Kaminari.
"Oh no..."
Kaminari trips over Mina, the same way you did minutes ago. He falls onto Mina, causing her to let out a sound of pain.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?! Get your asses up." Bakugo walked back into your vision, going over to Mina and Kaminari.
"Should we do something..." Kirishima asked you, you shush him as you watch the scene unfold.
Bakugo grabbed both of them by the school collar and picked them up onto their feet.
"Didn't know he was that strong." You say, impressed.
"Hey are you calling us heavy!" Kaminari accused you.
"What- no! I'm just saying he's strong...?"
"If you're exhausted then you're weak!" Bakugo yelled at them, Mina's face scrunched at his voice. You walked over to Mina and held her up.
"We have to get them to bed, otherwise we'll all end up as doormats." You commented, straining to keep yourself up as well. Kirishima came next to you, and helped Kaminari stay upright.
"Alright, let's go. I have this one." You laughed a bit at Kirishima's words and started guiding Mina to the elevator. It seems everyone else was lagging behind, some weren't even in the building yet.
'Midoriya and Todoroki must be in bed already.' You thought as you struggled to hold both yourself and Mina upright.
"Would you hurry the hell up?!" Bakugo shouted from ahead. He was standing at the elevator, but the button was already pressed for the fourth floor.
"We're almost there Bakugo! We don't have stamina like you man." Kirishima replied, holding Kaminari more firmly this time.
"Yeah cut us some slack, would you? Besides, I think Mina's asleep, she went really limp." You added, looking to see if Mina passed out.
"Actually I think he's gone as well." Kirishima said as he glanced at Kaminari.
You rolled your eyes at the two limp friends. Letting out a small breath, you readjusted yourself and Mina. Once in a strong position, you lifted Mina up in a bridal style. The elevator let off a high pitched sound, letting you know the elevators come down to the ground level. The doors open, letting Bakugo walk inside first.
"Bakugo, you'll have to stop yelling now. They need their rest." You inform Bakugo, who rolled his eyes in response. Your legs are slowly getting weaker, a slight shake spreading through your quads.
Kirishima comes through the elevator doors, with a very limp Kaminari in his arms. It's a good thing Kirishima was able to carry him.
The doors slowly closed, leaving most of the Bakusquad tired. You wondered if Sero was even in the building yet, or if he fainted on the pavement outside. Either way, you knew he'd be safe.
Your eyelids become heavier as you're fighting to stay awake. If you fall asleep, Mina would drop on the floor. As funny as it would be to witness, you didn't want to hurt her when she's this tired.
Your vision turned to Kirishima, who seemed to have the same problem as you.
"Kirishima are you still awake?" You half-whispered to the tired boy next to you. He opens his eyes and yawns in response.
"I don't think I'll last too long." He commented.
"Do you think we should just crash in someone's dorm? I don't think I can settle Mina down and make it to my room." You asked, secretly wanting to have a sleepover.
"I don't mind, what about you Bakubro?" Kirishima almost muttered.
"I don't care."
The elevator door opened. You looked from the left side of the floor to the right, deciding which room to crash in.
"I can't reach my keys." You said, struggling to reach the back pocket with Mina in your arms.
"Bakugo, can you grab mine? It's in the left front pocket of my pants." Kirishima asked.
"No way am I doing that broomhead." Bakugo replied, probably at how close it was to his nether regions.
"It's either that or you get mine from my ass. Suck it up and get it, Bakugo." You complained. He sent a glare your way and put his hand into Kirishima's pocket.
Kirishima let out a yawn, unbothered by the action. Bakugo unlocked Kirishima's dorm room and held it open for you and Kirishima.
"Wasn't that hard, now was it?" You said to Bakugo as you crab-walked through Kirishima's door. Bakugo wanted to smack you in the head then, but he was too tired to even do so. He closed the door behind you. You saw Kirishima place Kaminari on his bed.
"We should get some sleeping bags, shouldn't we?" Kirishima asked.
"I'll get them Kiri, you go to sleep." You replied, setting Mina down next to Kaminari.
Since all of you have slept together, you figured it would be okay that Mina and Kaminari are on the bed. They've slept on the same bed before in Mina's room, while the rest slept on the floor.
It sort of became a routine.
"Are you sure?" He asked you, getting his sleeping bag out.
"Yeah, I'll get mine and a spare for this idiot." You said, pointing to Bakugo.
"Hey I am not!- an idiot." He said. The last part was quieter as he remembered Mina and Kaminari were sleeping.
"Shut up and follow me already." You replied, opening Kirishima's door.
You and Bakugo made your way across the floor to your room.
'Should I get Mina's pillows for her? It didn't look like Kirishima had enough for himself.'
"Could you go into my room and get the black and purple sleeping bags under my bed? Maybe get some pillows as well? I'm going to get Mina's stuff from her room."
"How the hell are you going to do that? You don't have a key."
"Do you seriously think I didn't take Mina's key for this?" You held up Mina's dorm room keys that you snatched from her shirt when you placed her down on Kirishima's bed. You also took out her phone and purse since it would be uncomfortable to sleep on.
Bakugo merely looked at you, slightly impressed. He didn't show it in his face though.
"Alright fine, but don't accuse me if something's missing from your room."
"I won't because you won't take anything Bakugo."
"I meant don't blame me. I won't touch anything idiot. Did you even listen?"
"Shut up, I'm tired. Hurry up would you?" You say, disappearing into Mina's room. You look around, seeing it slightly messy. Clothes were tossed around the room.
You sigh at the lack of care your friend has for her things. Walking to her bed, you hold the pillows under your arms and throw the blanket around your neck. Seeing as you stripped her bed, you walked out of her room.
You struggled to lock her door in place, when Bakugo comes over and takes it.
"Hey I didn't-" You began, while he clicked Mina's door shut. You look at him, holding your blankets, pillows and sleeping bags.
"Aw you got more than the sleeping bags, thank you." You said with a slight smile.
"Yeah, whatever. Hurry up." He said, already walking away.
"Wait up!"
"That's so cute." You whispered, looking at Kirishima, Kaminari and Mina all in a dog pile on top of Kirishima's bed. It was a double bed, but it looks like Kirishima was too tired to even open his sleeping bag.
You walked over next to Kirishima's bed, slowly opening the sleeping bags that Bakugo brought. He was forced to hold the blankets and pillows while you set them up. You made him look like a coat hanger.
"Okay come over. Just put them down, we'll organise it." He knelt down beside you and casually dropped everything as if he was disgusted in it.
"Should we move Mina?" You whispered to Bakugo.
"No, we'll have less room." He replied.
"Good point. Pass me that blanket."
"Which one." He deadpanned, even though you weren't looking at him.
"Mina's one."
"Which one is it?!" He whisper-shouted. You quietly laughed and pointed at the pink one. He roughly shoves it in your face, causing your head to move with it.
"Childish." You said to him.
"Just say the damn colour next time."
"Why would Mina not have a pink blanket? She's literally pink." You pointed out, setting up all the pillows you had.
"Shut your mouth." He said. The harsh tone he normally has disappeared, making him seem like a civil human.
You heard a quiet knock on Kirishima's door. You sighed, getting up from the fort you and Bakugo just created.
Opening the door, you see Sero with his own blankets and pillows. You smile immediately at the sight and open the door for him. You two didn't say anything as he was too tired to communicate. Shutting the door again, you see Sero setting up his fort in another part of the room and Bakugo laying down on yours and Mina's pillows.
"Move over." You said, sitting down with half of yourself off the blankets. He doesn't say anything and flips you off.
"Bakugo come on, I'm tired. Move."
He moved over about three inches. He smiles slightly, seeing how pissed off your face was.
"I will throw you out of this building." You whispered.
His smirk grew bigger once you said that. Rolling your eyes, you laid exactly where you wanted to be. You sprawled yourself across his torso. You two created a plus sign with your bodies. He glared down at you, while looking at him with slight smugness.
"Fine, get off." He said, shoving you off him and moving onto his side.
"That's what I thought." You said in accomplishment.
"Wow, they're really knocked out." You heard someone say.
"Well we did carry you and Kaminari here."
"Bakugo carried me?!"
"No. I carried you, she carried Mina."
"Aw that's so nice of her."
"Then what was Bakugo doing?" You opened your eyes, trying to fathom that you're alive again.
"He was helping me with the fort." You muttered, still half asleep.
"Oh good morning!" Mina threw herself onto you, causing you to make a weird sound once you lost your breath.
"Morning." You replied with a lower voice than your average one.
"Was Bakugo really helping you set this up? It looks nice." Sero commented.
"Yeah, with my blankets." Mina crossed her arms and looked at your laid down form.
"Hey. I wanted you down here, but Bakugo said there wouldn't be enough room." You explained.
"There's plenty of room babe." Mina replied, gesturing to the fort.
"I'm sorry, I was too tired. Tonight you'll sleep with us okay?"
"Wait what do you mean 'tonight?'" Kirishima asked.
"Are we having another sleepover? Please say yes!" Mina exclaimed, shaking you.
"Shut the hell up!"
"And he's awake." Kaminari sweat dropped, looking at the angry boy.
"Well good morning Bakugo." You said to him, a smile on your face.
He looked at you, then looked above you at your hair. He held back a laugh, making small snorts.
"What the hell is that?!" He laughed.
"Hey! Not my fault you kept on kicking me in your sleep!"
"Not mine that you were on my side!"
"I wasn't on your side!"
"Hey chill out would you? We need to get some breakfast anyway." Kirishima said, walking towards his door. Sero and Kaminari agreed and walked with. Mina proceeded to drag you, trying to get you up.
"Okay okay, I'm up. Bakugo." You called him, as he stood up.
"Might want to brush that." Bakugo ruffled your hair as he walked out behind Mina. You stuck your tongue out at him, even though he already left the room.
In the common room...
"Pleasant morning, L/N! How did you sleep?" Iida greeted you, as you walked to your seat with brushed hair.
"Good thanks. How was yours?"
"I slept great! Breakfast will be served soon." He smiled as you returned one while walking past.
A few months after everyone moved into the dormitories, everyone had a timetable on who would cook that morning. Since there were no stoves in individual rooms, Aizawa decided it would be better for everyone to help cook each other's food.
There was another list on what would be served that day. That was decided by a vote. If someone wanted something other than the list, then they would inform the students cooking and make their own breakfast.
That was very rare though, since it was free food without effort. Everyone favourited Wednesdays because Satou was one of the chefs and he ended up putting a little side dish with the breakfast.
It was Sunday, so it was pancakes if you remember correctly. Damn, did Yaoyorozu make some good pancakes. She often brought her own food to make for us, which everyone gladly appreciated.
"Alright. Iida, Kaminari, Mineta, Aoyama." Jirou, one of the chefs, set some plates down on the first table. She sped walked to the plates that were placed on the counter.
"Tsu, Uraraka, Todoroki and Tokoyami." She said placing them down with a smile.
She kept on placing them down while your table was the last, this is why the Bakusquad tried to make it early. It was in order to get to the first table to get the food quicker. However, that sleepover lasted longer than intended.
After a few minutes, Jirou came over to your table with a grin.
"Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero." Multiple thank yous came from them.
"Sorry I can only carry four without dropping them." Jirou apologised to you and Bakugo.
"You're alright love, take your time." You said to her. She thanked you and rushed back for the last two plates.
"This is so good."
"The maple syrup makes it."
"Did you want a bite? Oh you can't." Mina mocked you for having no food yet. You laughed at her.
"One day that'll come back to you Mina."
"Oh it's so delicious. The flavours are so nice together." She continued.
"Mina." You groaned, your stomach making noises.
"L/N and Bakugo."
"Thank you Jirou, have you had yours yet?" You asked her before she left.
"Oh we have our after we serve everyone. Yaomomo is making them now." She replied.
"Oh okay, just making sure." You waved her as she left for the kitchen again.
Everyone was quiet, eating quickly by how good it was. Before you could get a bite, a fork comes into your vision and steals your pancake.
"Mina! Give it back!" You said, giving her a stern look. She held the pancake in her fork, her mouth opening slightly as the pancake slowly goes into near her mouth.
"Mina...no." You pointed at her, talking to her like a dog with something in its mouth. You two hold eye contact, she smiles as she bites into it. Your face falls.
"That is a crime, Mina. Do you know what happens when you commit crimes?" You asked. She grins even more and aims for another one of your pancakes.
"Mina!" You yelled while laughing. Attention was drawn towards you two fighting over a pancake. Unfortunately, she successfully takes another pancake. You shrink in your seat, glaring right through her.
You notice another fork appears in your vision. Ready to throw hands, you whip yourself to see Bakugo placing one of his pancakes on your plate. It was untouched by him, no bite marks.
Everyone at your table and the neighbouring table noticed this. Multiple 'oos' escaped from the tables.
"Shut your damned mouths! I'll kill you all!" He shouted in protest. You smiled widely at him, thankful for his gesture. Mina's mouth was wide open, shocked by this. She gave you a look, but you were smiling as Bakugo returned to devouring his remaining pancakes.
"I appreciate you." You say, almost crying.
"Shut up."
"Okay." You replied, smiling.
Fast forward to afternoon...
"No that has to be cheating!" Sero yelled in protest to losing Mario Kart. This was the second time he was thrown off the track in this game.
"It's not cheating, you're just bad!" Minas character raced around the corner, a slight drift from the amount of skill she has.
The rest of the Bakusquad were on Mina's bed this time. She had recently bought a television and Xbox that everyone could play on. Aizawa was hesitant at first, but it was her property, so he couldn't say no to something that wasn't a rule in the first place.
Everyone was sprawled on her bed and floor, a new pillow fort on the floor from Kirishima's room. Snacks were all over her bed, but as usual everyone would clean afterwards.
"Yes!!!" Mina screamed. The ending sound erupted from the television. She began to dance and rub it in Seros face that she won...again. There was no denying that she was the queen of Mario Kart.
"What do you think we should do now? It's getting a bit late." Kirishima asked, while Mina and Sero were talking smack in the background about the game.
A smile merged onto your face and Bakugo noticed. He frowned, not knowing what would come of this. Soon after, Kaminari noticed as well and his eyes widened, kind of scared of what would come out of your mouth.
"We should do each other's skin care!" You exclaimed with a bit of a squeal. Mina heard this and backed you up immediately. However, the boys groaned, uninterested by your remark. Kirishima however, thought it was a great idea.
"I think it'll be great, L/N! But I don't think I have anything to actually use..."
"You leave that to me."
"What the hell is this?!" Bakugo yelled in a slightly muffled voice. He had a charcoal mask on his face. You were applying it of course, but he was so shocked that his face started to freeze up by the contact.
"It's a charcoal face mask Bakugo! It's to help with-"
"I don't care what it's for! Why is it so sticky?!"
"Because it's -"
"Why is my face becoming tighter?" You heard Kaminari yell from where Jirou was.
Since most of the boys didn't have any decent supplies (or any for that matter), the girls had to step in. Uraraka, Mina, Yaoyorozu and yourself were applying them to their assigned person.
Mina got Kirishima, as they were near each other and have known each other the longest.
Kaminari got Jirou, because Kaminari wanted her to do his. Jirou didn't want to at first, but he persuaded her somehow.
Sero got Yaoyorozu, since Sero partially wanted to use the expensive products that Yaomomo had. It was quite an experience watching how much he wanted it.
Of course, you got the hot headed one. You two were pretty close, not as close as he and Kirishima were. However, you two have become friends, maybe even close ones. You two would hang out if you were bored and you two wouldn't admit out loud, but you have done his skin care prior to today.
This was a week ago. You got bored in your dorm room, barged into Bakugos, complained that you're bored and eventually you did his skincare. However, it was a lot more peaceful when you two were alone.
"What is that?! A jellyfish?!" Kaminari shouted, getting ready to run.
"No it's an eye mask! Sit down!" Jirou exclaimed, trying to put it on his face.
You laughed at the two of them, other people in the room doing the same.
Bakugo merely watched you spread the face mask on him. It freaked you out, as you were trying to concentrate, but you tried your best to make it perfect. You reminded him to stay as still as he could so you didn't take his eyebrow off.
Needless to say, he likes his eyebrows.
"Okay so this stays on for thirty minutes, it will harden and feel like you're suffocating, but the end result is worth it."
"It feels like that already." He commented.
"Good that means it's working." You smile and grab some other skincare you have, you may as well do yours at the same time.
"Let me do it."
"Excuse me?"
"Let me do your skin care."
"...Do you even know what to do?"
"I've watched you long enough. I think I've got it." He reassured. He told you to turn around so he could put your hair up. Once done you faced him. Grabbing another headband you had, he gently placed it over your head and placed it so that your baby hairs wouldn't get caught.
"Are you sure you don't need help?"
"Shut up. I can do it."
You smile at him as he opens the sheet mask from your skin care kit. He held it the wrong was the first time and you laughed at him. He was about to kill you as he turned it the right way.
By this moment, everyone in the room was looking at you two, in the centre of the room. You felt eyes on you, but you didn't pay any mind to it as you closed your eyes. You feel a mask fall onto your face gently. His fingers tracing the mask to make sure it's on properly.
He traced around your nose, your eyes and on your cheeks. He got rid of any air bubbles as best he could and made sure it was away from your eyebrows.
Which he assumed you liked.
"You're good at this." You comment, impressed by how gentle he was.
"Stop talking you'll ruin it."
"I'm sorry." You laugh a little at him.
"Shut up."
You started giggling while trying to stay still.
"Stop moving you damn idiot! I'll ruin it because you're shaking!"
You burst out laughing as he groaned out of annoyance. Mina, on the other side of the room smiled at you two. She had noticed how close you two have become since the start of the year. It was like you two were the closest in the class.
"They like each other don't they?"
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Bakusquad x Fem!reader Insert
I recently read a great story on Tumblr by @succubisblog
Bakusquad G*ngbang Drabble 18+ - Link to story (also reblogged on my Tumblr account). If you want to read it first.
Love a great GB, but got me thinking about how I could make a sequel with a TWIST! You know I LOVE me some fluffy GngBng!!
STOP! If you are not over 18, please DNI
4 men 1 woman/use of slut/whore/praise/daddy/baby girl. Blowjob, toys, penetration/ references to anal sex
Sitting in the living room, you suck down a coffee while typing on your laptop, you glance at the clock, not much time, you need to finish.
“Hey, (y/n), you’re not streaming yet?”  Looking up you see Mina come out of her bedroom. She stumbles and collapses onto the couch.  “Fuck,” she moans.
“What the hell?”  You move in time as her head almost lands in your lap.
“Sorry,” she spins around looking up, her skin white and sweaty.  Touching her forehead lightly you frown, furrowing your brows.  “Crap,” she touches her face, “that bad?”
“Kinda,” you turn your attention back to the computer. “I heard you went to the frat party last night.  The football players?”  You give her a hard stare.
“They had a live band!” She whines.
Shrugging you laugh, “you know why those guys hire them, right?”
“I know, I know, but-”
“Fuck!”  The door slams as your other roommate storms into the apartment throwing down her grocery bags.
“Whoa! What the hell girl? What’s wrong?”
Looking up she just shakes her head, putting away her food.
You notice Mina covering her face, glancing between the two of them, you watch as food is all but thrown into the fridge. 
“Seriously, what’s wrong?”
“Mina,” she shoves her empty bags into the pantry and stalks to the couch.  “Next time you get drunk at their fucking frat house, you” she points in her face, “are on your own!”  Marching down the hall she disappears into her room, slamming her door.
“What happened to-” you pause seeing the look on Mina’s face.  “No,” you cover your mouth, looking down the hall and back at her, she nods.  “With her?”  She nods again.  “Of all the people, I never thought she’d get pulled into that nonsense.”
“Helllloooo!” Ochako opens the door, her cheeks red from the cool air.  Pulling off her coat, she plops into the chair across from you.  “It feels nice in here, but we should turn the heat up,” she rubs her arms.  You throw a blanket at her.  Laughing she wraps herself up, “what’s wrong with her?”  She nods towards Mina.
“Hungover.” Mina moans loudly as emphasis.
“Crap you didn’t go to the frat party last night did you?” 
“I did but Bakugou called an Uber for me.” You snort loudly grabbing your computer, you begin typing again.  “What?!” Mina looks up at you.  
“Only because,” you cast a look down the hall, “someone else was getting gangbanged, otherwise it would’ve been you Mina.”
“Oh shit!” Ochako leans forward, “did-”
“Yes,” Mina sighed, getting up. “She came to get me last night because I was drunk and I guess she got sweet-talked into playing with them.”
“She hates them!”
“She does,” you agree.
“You can’t trust them,” Mina quips.
“Then why’d you go?” Ochako’s voice is icy, almost snippy.
“They had Wrong Way/One Way playing last night,” Mina pulls the other blanket off the couch and curls around the fuzzy softness.  “You know how much I like them...” her voice trails off as she picks at the edge of the blanket.
“How does anyone get sweet-talked into ‘playing’ with those guys,” you roll your eyes.  “They think they’re god’s gift to sex.”  You look back at the computer keeping your eyes downcast, you don’t want them to see the disappointment in your eyes. “Who was there last night?”  You side-eye Mina.
“I think just Kiri, Bakugou and Denki?” She shakes her head, “I can’t imagine all those cocks at once could be that good,” giggling as she buries her face in the blanket.
“Um,” Ochako coughs slightly blushing, “it’s pretty amazing.”  Looking up, your brows shoot up.  Blushing redder, she looks away.  
“You too?”
“Not all of them, it was just Bakugou and Kirishima,” she jumps up, going into the kitchen, she grabs the kettle.  “Anyone want tea?”
“I do,” Mina looks up, “I can’t believe you fucked them Ochako!”  She bites her lip, “so is it true?”
“What true?” Ochako flips the heat on the kettle and pulls out the tea.
Shrugging she picks more at the blanket, “I heard they can make you orgasm like ten times.”  You peer at her for a moment and look back at Ochako.
“Ten is an exaggeration, but,” she smiles wistfully, “it was close.”
“Seriously?” Mina stands up, her skin growing paler, “oh shit, I shouldn’t move that fast.”  
“Sit down before you puke on the rug,” you push her back.  “So, how many times did they cum?”  Ochako crinkles her forehead.
“Crap, (Y/n),” she laughs, “I can’t remember, maybe two times each?”  
“Anything else?”
“Anything else?” She tilts her head, giving you a quizzical look, “besides cumming?”
“Did they tie you up?  Blindfold you?”  You turn off your computer, it’s time to stream soon.
“Oh!” Ochako blooms another shade of red.  “No, Bakugou controls the whole thing, he told Kiri what to do with me,” a soft smile plays on her lips.  “And he gets pretty verbal, things like ‘be a good whore’ and ‘look only at me’.  He has a daddy kink too.”   She pours hot water over the tea and lifts one for you.
“He does?” standing up you grab the tea cup, “thanks.”
“What are you doing? A research paper on them?”  Ochako laughs nervously as she hands Mina one of the mugs.
“Sort of,” you give her a weak smile as you pick up your stuff and walk down the hall.
“Good luck on your stream,” Mina calls as you head into your room.
Sitting down on your bed, you sigh heavily.  Katsuki Bakugou was someone that had been stuck in your head for a long time. You’d been in a freshman class your first semester with him and his whole crew.  They’d been different then, as nervous as everyone else, well everyone but Bakugou, he’d been cocky from the start.  
Stop it! 
Scolding yourself, you focus on getting ready for class,  Rolling out your yoga mat, you set up the ring light, still trying to shake off those feelings from long ago.  Try as you might though, unwanted memories continue floating through your mind.  Somehow you’d ended up at the same table as them and had been assigned to a project with Bakugou.  It had been a complicated research presentation and you’d had to meet several times.   What you discovered was that he was actually a fairly nice person, not something most knew about him.  While you had hid it well, it was during that time you’d fallen for him, nursing a one-sided crush.  It was right after that project he’d pledged the fraternity with all of his friends and then you rarely saw him, except for tests or presentations.  You found out someone was taking notes for the group and based on the stories you knew they were either on the football field or throwing parties.   Their fraternity parties were getting more wild and word spread about their legendary gangbangs.  You’d steered clear of them at that point and pushed away your feelings for Bakugou.  Well, at least tried, you still listened to the rumors and it was the growing stories of their sexual prowess that had piqued your interest.   Not that you ever planned on getting sucked into their shit, but it was around that time you started your journey into increasing your own sexual abilities.  You weren’t sure why…or did you know?  Smiling, you sit and flip on your stream.  In some way you still feel weirdly connected to him, like a itch that had never been scratched.   You’d been motivated to think you could be his equal or maybe better and deep down you do know why.  “Ten orgasms,” you mutter sarcastically but an intense ache throbs through your clit, sucking in a deep breath, you look up at the ceiling.  The fantasy you nursed was quite simple, you’d dreamed that you could make him so desperate from your sexual abilities that he’d devote himself to you.  Laughing off the wild dream, you see the camera light click red. 
“Alright, we are almost done for tonight everyone,” you sit down on your mat.  The room is softly lit now by candles, your ring light turned down.   “Great job, remember this session is for new people and I know,” you hold up your hands, “in the beginning you don’t think you feel anything.  Trust me, I was there once too.”  Pausing as you read some comments, you laugh at the sarcastic quips, “I promise in a few months your muscles will get stronger and before you know it, you’ll be able to really tell the difference.”  Stretching your arms over your head, you read more in the chat. “Hi Simpplaidgirl,” you laugh to yourself, the user names always make you chuckle.  “I stream twice a week to go over exercises and questions.  I know these seem really basic but,” you sit up tall pointing to your lower abdomen, “we need to increase the strength in our pelvic floor muscles before learning how to isolate our vaginal walls.  The beginning is just doing contractions, but as you advance we will move on to squeezing and learning how to move the right and left sides compared to the front and back of our canal.  In fact, you will be able to lock, twist and pulse your partner’s penis deep inside you.” You wink,  “I can even suck a vibrator completely into my vagina, push it out and pull it back in again,” wiggling your fingers, “with no hands.”  Grinning you see the comments flying through one after the other. “I know, I know but look if I can do it, so can you.  Right now though we need to stretch and then anyone who wants to stay,” you hold up a dildo, “we’ll be going over blowjob techniques.”  You lay back looking into the camera, “now, lift up your right leg and cross it over your left.”
Running as fast as you can down the hall, you see the room number, “finally,” you hiss out and dash into the room.  Stopping you manage to grab the door before it bangs shut behind you.  A few people look up and then back to the professor, who is writing out the lecture notes on the board.  Scanning the room you spy a table with a couple of open chairs and race to it, sitting down quickly, you pull out your laptop.  Taking a moment to breathe you pick up on what the professor is saying.  A small cough to your right gets your attention, looking over you freeze, hands hovering above your keyboard.  It’s him, your heart leaps in your chest, blood pounds almost painfully through your body.  A cocky grin sweeps across his face, winking Katsuki smirks at you.  You finally manage to smile back but realize he’s already focused on the lecture again.  Shaking your head you quickly start copying what is on the board.   After a few moments you cast a quick glance back around the table, your stomach doing a flip, they’re all there.  Eijiro smiles at you briefly as he types into his computer, Kaminari is busy playing on his phone.  Swallowing hard you realize you picked the absolute worst seat in the world, the only one missing is Sero.  The door closes again and someone crosses the room and sits in the empty seat next to you, looking over you almost groan out loud, it’s Sero.  He grins at you as he pulls out his computer.  Focusing on the professor you refuse to smile back, trying to pretend you’re anywhere else.  The lecture isn’t long, you breathe a sigh of relief as the professor wraps up.  
“I have a small project for each table to complete over winter break,” he points to a stack of papers. “This isn’t difficult but it’s an excellent warm up for our final.”  Someone grabs the papers and starts handing them out.  “Let’s not get fancy, whatever table you're with right now is your group.  Please write your names on one of the papers going around so that I know who is at what table.  This should only take you a couple of weeks, so good luck everyone.”
Your mouth falls open as the TA slides the blank sheet of paper onto your table.  Denki writes his name and pushes it to Kiri who slides it over to Sero, grabbing the sheet from him, Bakugou quickly scribbles on it and hands it back to the assistant.
“Uh, wait!”  You reach out towards the TA as he walks away.  “Hey,” you glare at Katsuki, “what about me?”
“What about you?” 
The gleam in his eye makes you pause, “I need to put my name on the list.” You wonder why you’re even arguing.  “I actually have to get a good grade in this class,”  you huff, as much as you hate to work with them, you have to keep up your gpa for your grad school applications.
Packing up his bag, he shrugs, “I put your name down.”
“You - You know who I am?” Your voice slowly rises in disbelief. 
Ignoring you, he picks up a packet, “let’s meet on Thursday to get this done.”  All three men look at him curiously.
“We have two weeks Bakugou,” Sero laughs, “what’s the rush?”
“I want to get it done, what the fuck’s the problem?”  
Peeking at them as you push your computer into the bag you see everyone exchange quick glances, Kiri looks at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Thursday good for you? Um, sorry I don’t know your name.” Kiri asks, still looking at you.
“(Y/N), I’m Mina’s roommate,” Kaminari swings his head to look at you, a lascivious look on his face.  You scowl at him, “other roommate.”  
“You room with Ochako too,” Eijiro closes his computer, his eyes twinkling.
“I do,” your voice clipped, you grab one of the project packs.  “I have a better idea, let’s assign duties and that way we can work online.”
“We have to get to practice,” Bakugou shoves back his chair.  Reaching over he writes a number on your paperwork, “text me to confirm Thursday or we’ll find another day.”  He starts for the door.
Staring at the phone number, your mind is spinning, you need to figure something out quickly.  “Thursday I have something and I’m usually slammed during the week, how about this weekend?” You smile wide, they always have parties or games, weekends would never be good for them.
“We can do Friday,” Kaminari is already looking at his phone, “bye week this week.”
“Oh, what’s a bye week?” You ask lamely, Friday night was definitely worse.
“Means no game,” Kiri throws his bag over his shoulder, “we can meet anytime after 5, just let Bakugou know when you can get together.”  Giving you a long look, he follows the rest of the group.  
“(Y/N)?” You turn to see Ochako at a table across the way. “Where were you?” Standing, she watches them leave, “I saved you a seat.”  
Closing your eyes, you want to cry, “I forgot they changed rooms this week and went to the auditorium.”
“Oh shit. So, who are you working with on the project?” She cocks a brow knowingly.
“No one,”  you groan, grabbing your bag.  “Let’s go.”
Sitting on your bed, you bite your lip, your finger hovering over your phone.   Finally you type in his number.  You’ve already decided that a public place was the only way you’d meet with them.
(Y/n) - Friday is fine, 6 pm at the library
The text sits unread, waiting a few minutes, you breathe out.  “Crap,”  you set down the phone just as it flashes with his response.
(Bakugou) - Library closed early on Friday, meet at our fraternity house - same time.
“What?!”  Opening the campus website you scroll quickly to the information page, there on the top is the announcement of the library closure on Friday through Monday.  “Nooo!” You wail, staring at the screen trying to think of any other place.
(Y/n) - No, a cafe instead
(Bakugou) - You know I don’t like working at places like that, fraternity house or ask the prof for a different group.
You can practically hear the growl behind the text.  “Shit,” clearly he knows who you are and remembers the time you’d spent working on the last project.  He’d never wanted to meet anywhere public and had always insisted on the private dorm study rooms available only to freshmen. Sighing, you debate your choices.  Your phone flashes with another text.
(Bakugou) - Worried?
Snorting you glare at your phone. “Yes,” you mumble.
(Y/N) - No
(Bakugou) - See you Friday then, 6 pm - our house.
“Ugh!” Flopping down on your bed, you hug your pillow.  Why, why, why? Why did you wait to take this class with Ochako, you’d be done by now!  Why did you forget the classroom change today?  Sighing you close your eyes, outside of asking for a table switch, which you dreaded, the damn professor had been anything but nice, you’d have to go and work on the project with them.  Picking up your phone you read through the texts again.  He’d remembered you, a small thrill courses through your body.  You’d figured he’d forgotten, but he’d actually remembered your name.  Sitting back up, you touch the screen of your phone, the thrill turning into a deeper ache.  Friday night, hugging your knees, the swirling of nervous energy in your stomach turns into a full storm blowing through your body.   Isn’t this what you’d wanted all along?   “Here’s your chance girl, grab it,” you whisper but you're still trembling.  You’d spent over two years perfecting your skills for one man, you steel yourself, even if he comes with a pack, it was worth everything. It would be a challenge but you wanted him to be the one having ten orgasms.  Laughing, you jump up, opening your closet and begin picking out your clothes carefully.  
Getting out of your car, you smooth your clothes.  You chose a simple black skirt and a soft low cut blouse that showed the swell of your breasts without being blatant.  Underneath you wore black silk thigh highs with your favorite dark pink lingerie set, a butt plug firmly in place.  You’d hydrated, eaten right, cleaned everything and packed your toys, since your past boyfriends always struggled to bring you to orgasm, you’d decided to bring your personal equipment, in case the rumors weren’t true.  Working your way to the large fraternity house, you knew you were more than prepared physically.  Squeezing your pussy walls together in a quick whipping motion you try to make yourself feel confident.  If something did happen and anyone was going to be begging for more tonight, it would be them.  The fantasy you’d nursed for three years was taking shape as you stepped up on the wide porch, gripping the handle of your backpack tightly, you bravely knock on the door.  It swings wide as Denki smiles and waves.
“There you are.”  
Your heart leaps in your chest.  Smiling back your calm face hides the crazed emotions rolling through your mind and body.
“Come in,”  he motions for you to follow him through the large home.  Walking through the expansive hallway, you stare at the multitude of paintings and pictures, the house is really beautiful.  
“How does this place stay so nice?”
“What?” Denki turns to look at you following your gaze. 
“The parties,” you explain.
“Oh, those are held out back,” he waves his hand over his head, “there’s a rec room that way, we try to keep these areas free of all that shit.”
“That's gotta be hard,” you note the wood is in almost perfect condition.  He laughs and bounds up the steps, turning he watches you come up the rest of the stairs not moving as you step on the top step.  
“You’re really pretty,”  Kaminari appraises your body, “what a waste.”
You choke for a moment, “ a waste?” You blink, was he being serious?
“Yeah,” he looks over his shoulder, “we were given strict instructions-” 
“Denki!”  Bakugou shouts, interrupting as he strides out of a wide door across from the stairs, “where the hell is she?”  Poking your head around the smaller blonde’s body you smile.
“Here.”  You see his eyes flare for a moment as he clicks his tongue. 
“We don’t have all day, let’s get this done.”  
Following Denki, you walk into a room that appears to be an oversized library or office, you aren’t sure which.  A large desk sits to one side surrounded by endless shelves of books.  Several large tables fill the room, Sero and Eijiro sit with their computers, both don’t look happy.  You set your bag on the table, “great way to spend Friday night, right?”  You mutter apologetically.  Sero glares over at Bakugou then down at his computer.  
“No one had plans,” Katsuki sits down pointing to an empty chair, “take that seat.”
“I grabbed some more drinks and snacks,” Sero pushes more food onto the table, without glancing up you grab some chips and begin munching.  It’d been three hours and you were exhausted, but true to his word Bakugou had made everyone power through and you were finally done.
“A title page and that’s it,” leaning back you stretch and stand up, bouncing around trying to get the blood back into your legs.
“I’ve got that,” Kirishima finishes typing while watching you jump around.
“That’s it?”  Denki lays on his arm, closing his eyes in relief.  “If this was an easy warm up, man, that final is going to be killer.”
“We could study for it together if you want,” the words are out of your mouth before you realize what you’ve said, you close your mouth.  He lifts his head for a moment then plops back down.
Feeling relief at his non-committal attitude you sit back down.  The whole night had been so normal you really meant what you said.  The group had studied and put together the project, no stares or winks, some smiles and a few glances at your chest, but nothing else.  Your confidence had been growing by leaps and bounds as you’d watched them work together naturally.  Clearly Bakugou was in charge, Kiri and Denki seemed to rely on him the most, both flanking him on either side.  You’d chuckled at how they hung on his words and actions.  Eijiro was sincere and hard working, seeking praise from Bakugou while Kaminari just played around the whole time and only offered a few bits of help when Katsuki snarled at him. Sero seemed to be the only one that would challenge Bakugou at anything.  It was at these times that Katsuki would listen and make his decision, whereas with Denki and Kiri, he usually immediately dismissed them, until Sero agreed with them and then he would soften and contemplate the disagreement.    
“We’re done,” Kirishima looks at his phone, “and it’s still early.”
Glancing at your own phone, it's just after 9, your nerves start to pick back up.  Would they say something now?  “Glad that’s over,” you laugh self-consciously, cleaning up your stuff, you peek up at Bakugou.  He’s focused on his computer.
“I sent everyone the project,” he looks up.  “I don’t think we have to present this one, but if we do, we’ll figure it out later.”  His red eyes land on you, “is that cool?”  He notices a slight hesitation flicker across your face as you nod.  “I guess that’s a night then,” standing he stretches and comes up behind you, reaching for your bag.
“Why in a hurry?” Denki snickers softly, leaning his chin into his hands, he bats his long gold lashes.
“Cut it out,” Katsuki grabs your bag and pulls your chair out, he glares at Kaminari.
“What’s up Bakugou?” Sero tips his head, “don’t want to share her?”
“Share me?”  You step back, colliding into Katsuki’s solid chest.  “S-sorry!”  You jump forward stumbling, his hand catches your arm holding you steady.
“Oi, stop moving around.”  Casting an annoyed look at Sero, his jaw clenches.  “She isn’t someone that could handle this group.”  Tugging on your arm, he softens his tone.  “Get your computer and I’ll walk you to your car.”  
“Can’t handle this group?”  You spin around glaring at him, “I’m not some baby!”  Fiercely grabbing your bag in Katsuki’s hands, you pull it away from him.
“I’ve got it,” Bakugou barks, pulling at the same time.  
“Wait! NO!” You watch in horror as the bag tips upside down, one by one your toys spill out onto the floor.  First your clit vibrator, followed by your vibrating beads, then the bottle of lube lands with a thud, spinning a few times and rolling to a stop at Bakugou’s feet.  
Tilting his head, a cocky grin crosses his face.  “Maybe I judged you wrong (Y/n)?” Leaning over he picks up the items from the floor and sets them on the table, still holding the small vibrator.  He cups your chin running a thumb across your lips.  “Were you hoping for an after-study session?” Lifting the device he pushes the button to start the buzzing. 
You hear chairs scrape back as the others stand.  “Whatcha got there?” Sero picks up the lube, “this is good stuff, what are you planning on doing with this?”  His tone is playful.
For a moment you want to run and hide, to take back all the preparation, maybe you weren’t ready for this group.  Looking down you try to think of what to say, slowly looking up you stare into those molten red eyes, gazing at you openly now, a fire ignites deep inside you.  The surge of desire you’ve been holding back all these past years floods your senses.  Biting his thumb still on your lip, you smile.  “The vibrator,” you reach up and touch the button to turn up the intensity, “is because no can bring me to orgasm without this,” your voice edged with the challenge.  Grinning wickedly, his thumb slides over the device to turn it off.  
“Then I guess we won’t need it,” tossing it back on the table, he flicks a quick look at Sero, “grab the lube.”  Laying a hand on your backside, he squeezes your ass. 
Watching the vibrator bounce on the table, you tilt your head, “you sure about that?“ You tease, looking around at the others, moving around you, their eyes gleaming with desire.  “Are we going to do it here?” you thump the table.  There is a flicker of uncertainty for a brief second in Bakugou’s eyes, you smile inwardly to your toes, you’ve surprised him.  “Not that I mind, but is there somewhere a bit more comfortable?”  You reach out and run a finger along his jawline, “since there’s so many of us.”  Rough hands land on your hips.
“Let’s go to Bakugou’s room,” Eijiro kisses your ear sending a tremor through your body, his fingers kneading your hips. 
Tipping your head back so your lips are as close to his ear as possible, you run your hand through his hair, “what a good boy,” you murmur so softly only he can hear, his face flushes a deep red.  He stares at you, the same look of uncertainty shines in his eyes.  You conceal a triumphant smile.   
Bakugou jerks you suddenly from Kiri’s grip, slamming you into his chest, looping his arm heavily over your shoulders.  “This way,” he leads you abruptly out the door and down the hall, opening his bedroom door.  The others walk quickly behind him.  Stopping he swings you around, his mouth covers yours in a punishing kiss, rough and urgent, you revel in the fierceness, looping your arm around his neck you push into him, demanding even more.   You feel hands sliding up your skirt.
“Wait,” you try to pull back but Katsuki presses you tightly against his body.
“No waiting, (Y/n), you’re ours now,” Denki snickers, closing and locking the door.
Peering around Bakugou’s shoulder you give Denki a smoldering look that freezes him in his tracks, “if you want to play Kaminari, then everyone plays by my rules.” Sweeping a gaze at each man, you lift a brow, “otherwise nothing happens.”  
“Too late-”
“What rules?” Bakugou growls, cutting off Sero, he lays a heavy hand on your face, “go on.”
“No filming,” you peek again at Denki, who is already holding up his phone, his gold eyes darting to Katsuki.  “If I tap someone or call out that I’m in pain, then everyone has to stop so I can get comfortable again, afterall,” you level a sultry gaze at Katsuki who is looming above you, “this is about pleasure, right?”
“Yeah,” he points to Denki, “no camera,” turning back he waits for a moment but you’re quiet, “anything else?”
“One last thing,” taking a deep breath you summon every shred of courage possible.  The fantasy that has played in your mind is now a possibility, you’re going to grab for the brass ring.  “If I can make all of you cum before I do, you all have to be my devoted slaves for one month.”
“Your what?” His brows furrow.
“You heard me,” you smirk at Katsuki’s incredulous look, “if I win then for one month, you and your crew have to do whatever I ask.”  You spread your hands over his chest, “maybe slaves is too harsh a word.”  You look at all of them, “let’s say devoted boyfriends for one month if I can make all of you cum before I do.”  His tongue clicks lightly as he studies you.
“All of us cum first? Shit, I’ll take that bet any day.” Sero laughs. “What do we get?”
You glance at Sero, “If I lose, then I’ll be the devoted slave for whoever doesn’t cum during the next thirty days.”  You pat Sero’s shoulder, “are you in?” You turn to Eijiro whose face is still bright red, “Kirishima?”  
“Well, I, uh,” he’s staring desperately at Katsuki.
“You serve all of us or no deal,” Bakugou snaps, “and we choose who goes when and where.”
Twisting your lips, you nod slightly, “okay, I agree to serve all of you but” you shake your head, “we decide together on who goes when.”  You don’t want Bakugou first, your body is already too fired up from touching him.  You know you need to finish off the others first, if he’s last and  feeling pressured you had a chance with him.
“Worried?” He laughs sarcastically, “or maybe your bark is worse than your bite,” he hooks his thumb into the corner of your mouth, opening your lips you let him press inside, you don’t answer.  “Who goes first then?” He doesn’t take his thumb out of your mouth, you flick a glance at Denki, then to Sero and last to Kirishima.  Chuckling he grins wide.
“Denki, you’ve been underestimated again,” he laughs as your eyes widen.  Digging his thumb deeper, he steps within an inch of your face, “our cameraman has delayed ejaculation, that’s why he mainly films, he takes too long.”
“Why?” You mouth around his thumb.  
“Cause I like a strong grip,” Denki sidles up alongside you, “been masturbating so long, I only cum with a tight fist, no pussy gives me that feeling.”  
Pulling out his thumb, Katsuki sweeps his gaze up your body, “so, I go last? How about you warm up Sero in your mouth while Denki fucks you for the next hour or until your senseless?”  He pulls off his T-shirt. Your eyes go owl wide as you stare at his chest.  Laughing at your expression, Katsuki tosses his shirt to the side, “this is like taking candy from a fucking baby.”
The rest of them take off their shirts, looking around, you realize you’re in the middle of four of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen.  “My turn,” you shake off yourself mentally and slip off your shirt, exposing the lacy bra you’d chosen.  This piece has always been your favorite as it shows your breasts off perfectly.  You hear a soft whistle.
“Damn, (Y/n), you hide those way too well,” Kaminari’s eyes are glued to your chest.  He was definitely a boob man, reaching forward you take his hands and put them on your breasts feeling your nipples harden under his warmth.  Whatever it took to get him excited fast would make it easier to get him to cum.  His hands begin to knead you roughly, pinching your nipples, your body wakes up pushing a soft moan from your lips.
“Don’t make this too easy on us,” Kaminari leans over pushing aside the lace and suckles at your nipple.  Another moan, this one louder erupts from your lungs.  His tongue flicking at your hard nub.  His mouth feels amazing but you know getting yourself to orgasm isn’t easy, something only you’ve been able to do with your toys. You can hear the others begin removing the rest of their clothes, you reach and unclip your skirt letting it pool at your ankles, exposing black thigh highs and your strappy thong with small chains running around your hips.
“Fuck,” you hear Kiri breath out, turning to him, you grab his face and pull him in for a deep kiss, playing with his tongue.  Sero’s mouth closes around your other nipple, you utter a guttural groan in the kiss.  Two at once with different tempos is mind blowing.  
“Since everyone is so busy, let me start back here,” Bakugou walks behind you, slapping your ass appreciatively.  Getting down on his knees, he pulls your thong aside and pauses, tapping your butt plug.  “Looks like we have someone that likes ass play.”  
“What?” Sero snaps his head up, “seriously? Oh shit,” he breathes out.
“No ass for you Sero, you’ll cum just thinking about it, in fact, her fucking ass is off limits for everyone.”   
“Fucking shut it, after she cums Sero, win the damn bet and you can fuck her ass all you want for the next thirty days.”  Pushing his face between your legs, he begins licking up your already drenched folds.  “She’s nice and wet already,” he laughs, reaching deep with his tongue.  
You shiver at the sudden intrusion, heat building into your pussy, you focus back on the kiss with Kiri, pushing away the intense throbbing now pulsing under your clit.
Sero latches back onto your nipple, now nipping, “I’ll fucking make you cum, (Y/n). I want that ass.”
“I think this little slut will cum before one cock splits this pussy,” Bakugou smiles as he feels your walls flutter in reaction to his mouth.  “You like that?”  He runs his hands up your legs enjoying the silky feel of your stockings.
“Mmmm,” you move your hips back to push his mouth against your clit.
“Kinda risky, don’t you think?”  His mouth wraps around your swollen clit as he begins to suck.  You mewl loudly at the sweet feeling of his tongue dragging you into his mouth rhythmically.  
“F-Fuck,” you kiss Eijiro deeper, reacting to the others working on your body.  You’ve never experienced so many sensations at once, you need to get Denki into your body before you give them too much time.  “Lube?” You pull back digging your fingers into Sero’s soft hair, he bites your nipple and looks up, black eyes glittering.  Reaching back, he pulls the bottle off the table.  Snagging it, you pump some in your hand, you grasp Denki’s swollen cock.  Slathering him liberally, you fist his dick tightly and begin to stroke.  His mouth falls open releasing your nipple as he gasps from your grip.  You feel Bakugou pull away from your pussy.
“Kaminari,”  he stands quickly, grabbing your hand.  “You’ll fucking cum too fast that way,” he growls, “fucking dunce head.”  Pushing him sideways, he grabs your face from Kiri’s mouth, squeezing your cheeks, “on all fours, now.” His hand presses hard on your back.  
Stumbling forward you grab Sero to balance yourself, his hands guide you down. “Thanks,” you mumble, getting yourself comfortable.
“Shove your dick in her mouth,” he nods to Sero.
“I know what the fuck to do Bakugou,” he grins as you look up opening your mouth wide, tongue hanging out.  “What a good fucking slut,” Sero strokes your cheek, “let’s see what you can do with this,” he smiles, shoving his dick into your face.
Playful, he likes playful.  Looping your fingers around his stiff cock, you suck hard, working the tip with your lips and tongue.  Denki’s hands are on your ass, spreading you open, you shudder waiting as he slides his hard dick against you.
“Damn you look so fucking good,” Denki licks his lips, “don’t even need lube, you’re so fucking wet.”  Sliding slowly into your pussy, his eyes close as you grip him tightly.  “Oh fuck yeah, that feels good.”
Bakugou wiggles himself under your body, his mouth latching onto your nipple, he sucks hard.   He reaches down at the same time, fingering your throbbing clit.  “Gonna make you cum fast,” he pinches your clit.
Squeezing your eyes shut you move your hips as his fingers start to pull at the increasing restlessness inside you.  Distract yourself.  Concentrating back on Sero, you tease him as you bounce and suck on his cock, slowly taking him all the way into your mouth.  Finally you plunge his cock against the back of your throat.  Glancing sideways you see Kiri is watching you with a tight expression on his face.  Pumping lube in your hand, you reach out for him.  He catches your fingers and guides you to his stiff cock, its huge, side-eyeing him again, you see it, thick and long.  You shudder again as Denki pushes deeper starting to pump into your pussy, the incredible jolt from his cock and Bakugou’s finger on your clit has you groaning on Sero’s cock.  
“That’s it baby, cum for daddy,” Bakugou times his rhythm on your clit with Denki’s thrusts. 
Clenching your throat around Sero, you’re surprised by the first telltale pops pulling tautly deep inside your body.  You have to finish Denki off and fast.  Fighting the growing orgasm, you lock down on him just as thrusts hard inside you.  He likes it tight. Caught in your vice grip, you feel him try to pull back a few times, his cock stuck in your pussy.
“Hey-”  Your next move rips the words from his brain.
Squeezing his cock with all your strength, you move the walls of your pussy back and forth, stroking him in a fast twisting motion. 
“H-HEY!” Denki squeals, you feel his hands on your ass trying to pull back even harder. His attempts make you almost giggle as you raise your eyes up to Sero and open your mouth around his dick, letting saliva spill down your chin, you smile.
“Good girl,” he murmurs all of his attention on your mouth.
Keeping Denki in an iron grip, you begin to contract your pussy quickly, pulsing along his whole shaft, mimicking a tight hand job.  His cock bulges as you stroke faster.  Grinning, you continue to suckle Sero as you run a thumb over the tip of Kiri’s cock, precum gushes over your fingers.  The masterful finger on your clit is driving you wild but you continue to push it out of your mind concentrating hard on making Denki cum.  
“(Y/n)” Kaminari whimpers as his cock starts twitching, whatever you’re doing feels just like an iron fist squeezing his whole dick. “Don’t - fuck - don’t-“ his balls pull tight as a deep pulsing rips through his muscles.  Digging his fingers into your hips, he screams, “OH HELL!!”  
The finger on your clit stops as you pull Kaminari’s cock deeper into your pussy with another fast contraction, his body shaking as he lets out another loud cry, his hips thrusting unmoving against you as hot cum fills your pussy.  Sighing, you relax your body, pushing your mouth down Sero’s length again. One down.
Feeling your pussy release him, Denki pulls out fast, falling back, he catches himself as he lands on his ass.  Sagging onto the carpet, his body still trembling, he looks up to see Bakugou sit up and stare at him sprawled on the ground.
“Did you fucking cum?” Disbelief on his face.
You see Katsuki out of the corner of your eye move behind you, pulsing your pussy outward, you push Denki’s thick cum out so he can see your first victory.  If your mouth wasn’t filled with Sero’s cock, you’d laugh at his deep growl of frustration.  Opening wider as Sero thrusts, you catch his cock on the ridges of your throat, swallowing rapidly, you squeeze and release the tip of his dick.   His fingers dig into your hair as he starts shaking, yanking your face into his body, he thrusts hard.  Your tongue moves non-stop, coaxing him to orgasm.  A large hand grabs your fingers wrapped around Kiri’s dick.  
“Stop,”  Bakugou unhooks your hand.  
“Fuck!  Bakugou, that felt fucking good.” Kiri catches his breath.
“Yeah? Too fucking good, you wanna be her bitch for a month?”
“No?”  For a moment Eijiro isn’t really sure he cares.
“Sero!” He snaps, but he can see his jaw is slack as he thrusts into your mouth.  His head tips back as he moans loudly.  “Fuck! Sero!”  Too late, Katsuki watches his eyes flutter as he pumps hard, his mouth working open and shut, gritting his teeth at the last moment.
Sucking hard, you’re rewarded as cum fills your mouth, hot and tangy, sliding down your throat and overflowing over your tongue, you grin as you pull back.  Opening your mouth you turn to Katsuki, cum oozing down your lips, eyes twinkling, you hold up two fingers.
“Kaminari,” he yanks him to his feet.  “Go back to the study, get her vibrating thing, it's on the table.”
Sitting up on your knees, you smile, “worried?”  You try to keep a light teasing tone but your stomach clenches, if he uses the vibrator, you’re toast.  Standing slowly you press yourself against him.  “I guess you’re like all the others then?”  Licking the cum from your lips slowly, you frown, “no one can ever get me off without that toy.”  He squints at you, his eyes a fiery red.  Grabbing your throat, he tightens his hand for a moment, you relax under his fingers.  “Daddy,” you whisper hoarsely, “don’t hurt me,” his hand starts to cut off your airflow.
“Don’t fuck with me,” he snarls.
“Not yet,” you croak, winking as you look towards Kiri, “he’s next.”  
“That’s right,” laughing harshly Katsuki releases your throat, “it’s his turn.”  Slapping his friend on the shoulder he smiles.  “Eijiro, time to use that big dick on our girl here and get her so cock drunk, she won’t know which end is fucking up.”  Denki bursts through the door with your toy handing it to him.  Palming the device, he puts it on the bookcase.  “We’ll see how you like Kiri first,” he smirks knowingly. Pushing you roughly down again, his hand lands on your ass with a loud crack.
Pain sings across your skin as you jerk up, pushing you down again, his hand lands on your other ass cheek.  Crying out you close your eyes, sucking in a deep breath.
“Those are fucking hot Bakugou,” Kiri fingers the perfect white hand prints outlined in red on each side of your ass.
“That’s right,” Katsuki settles himself in front of you, grabbing your chin, he forces you to look at him.  “Daddy’s in fucking charge now and our little girl is gonna cum so hard, she’ll paint your dick white Kiri.”  Pointing, he nods at him, “no fucking mercy.”  Grinning wide, Eijiro grabs your hips and pushes himself inside you in one thrust. 
“F-f-f” you stutter as your pussy spreads wide, painfully full.  Thrusting deeper he manages to hit your favorite spot. “N-No,” you stammer as he begins to fuck you hard.
“That’s it,” Bakugou feels your body letting go, your eyes are clouding over. “Look at me,” he locks eyes with you, “Now I know why I've always liked you,” he grins, “you’re such a cocky little slut, would’ve never guessed.”  He laughs as your face begins to melt in pleasure.  “You rattled me by taking two out at once, but Kiri’s gonna drill you now.”   
FOCUS!  Your brain is numb but your body responds, wriggling forwards you try finding Kiri’s rhythm, “so big,” you whisper. 
“Where’re you going?” Kiri wraps his hands around your waist. “You’re not going anywhere slut,” pulling your body backwards, he relishes in the cries coming from you, your head jerking back at his merciless fucking.
“He's deep in there, huh, baby girl?”  Bakugou slides his fingers into your mouth, “suck,” he hisses at you.  
Nodding you wrap your lips around his hand, Kiri’s cock is pushing at building the climax at an unrelenting pace.  Control! Control! your mind chants, your endless training takes over, you clamp hard with all your muscles at once to slow him down. Timing your squeezing with his thrusts, you begin milking his cock.  
“Oh wow,” Kiri’s eyes grow wide, he’s struggling to thrust, stopping he begins to grind in deep instead, he gasps as your pussy begins sliding up and down his cock, starting at the base and moving upwards suckling the tip and back again.  
“What?”  Bakugou sees his pace change, he looks back at you.  “What the fuck’re you doing?”
Tears gather in your eyes, Eijiro’s cock is making you want to forget and just get carried away by the orgasm that’s growing beyond anything you’ve ever felt.  Moving your pussy furiously, you continue milking Kiri, your teeth biting down on Bakugou’s fingers still in your mouth.
Tugging his hand from your mouth, he sees the look on Kiri’s face, “don’t fucking cum!”  He leaps up to grab him.
Your pussy stretches painfully as Kiri’s cock bulges, YES!  Ignoring the pain you move faster, milking with speed now, no more slow strokes.  Closing your eyes you work hard as the telltale twitching begins, his fingers gripping painfully into your hips.  Katsuki yanks his hand from your mouth, but you’ve got him.  Eijiro’s balls, pressed hard against you, start jerking as a loud grunt fills the room.  More hot cum fills your pussy, gushing out, dribbling down your leg.  Panting hard, you drop to your forearms, letting him go as you relax trying to breathe. “Three,” you can barely talk, you're so close to cumming yourself.  You're tired, more than ever, you slide off his spent dick and fall to the floor, swiping at the sweat on your forehead.  Your hips thrusting unconsciously as your body is begging for release.
Seeing the look on Bakugou’s face, Kiri grimaces as he sits back. “I’m - I’m sorry, that,” he puts a hand on your ass gently, “she’s,” he grows quiet.  
“She’s what?”
“Fucking amazing,” Kiri moves back not making eye contact.  
Staring down at you, Katsuki watches as your hips move, you’re close to cumming, closer than you probably think.  Katsuki thinks for a moment, you obviously enjoyed Eijiro but you’d still managed to not orgasm, something has to take you over the edge.  Lifting his head, he points to the door, “everyone get the fuck out.”
“Hell no!” Denki’s lounging in the chair debating if he should still try to video everything, he wants everyone to hurry up so he can feel your pussy again.  “This is better than porn man!”  The look that crosses the big blonde’s face makes him jump up.  Grabbing his clothes he shoots out the door, “let me know if I’ve gotta fuck toy or if I’m the chump,” he laughs as he goes out the door.  Kiri stands unsteadily eyeing Bakugou.
“You sure?”  he picks up his pants and slides them on, “I can help-”
“What about her ass?”  Sero sighs, he squats down running his hand up your back.
Turning you smile up at him laughing, “if he loses then I’ll still let you fuck my ass.” Sero glances up at his glowering friend.  
Leaning closer he smiles conspiratorially, “he loves his balls to be played with, he’ll cum in an instant.”  Jumping up, Sero races out the door.
“Damn idiot!” Katsuki roars.  
You try to call out thanks but you’re too tired.  Instead you turn back and smile at Bakugou, who’s glaring at Sero’s retreating body, “you and I alone?” You're not sure what he’s doing, but the few minutes rest has helped, you’ve caught your breath and managed to tamp down your orgasm as best as possible.  Flipping over you catch sight of Katsuki standing over you, his body is powerfully built, you see bruises across his left thigh, probably from football.  Your eyes drift to his cock, you wince inwardly, it’s stiff and almost as big as Kiri.  “Are you sure you want to be with me by yourself?” You keep your voice confident but you’re worried, Kiri had you at the edge.  Sero’s hint might help but considering how you’re feeling you’ll probably cum first.  His hand extends towards you, taking it hesitantly, he pulls you to your feet and into his arms.  
“You’re the one that slipped away a long time ago,”  he kisses your cheek, moving to your ear.
“Am I?” you practically purr as he runs his tongue along the shell of your ear, teasing you.  
“Mmmm mmm.”
“Why don’t I believe that?”  You tip your head laughing softly.  “Are you trying to seduce me into cumming?”  His chuckle vibrates against your ear, sending a spray of chills down your arms.
His hands wander over your body, touching lightly, he nuzzles your neck feeling your pulse beating wildly.  “I’ve wanted to explore your body for a long time.”
“You have?” Your voice hitches slightly, closing your eyes, his breath is warm as he kisses your neck, his tongue igniting every inch of skin he licks.  You’ve wanted to hear and feel him for so long, his touch is maddening, you have to keep it impersonal.  “Then fuck me,” you wrap your hand around his silky cock.  
Gritting his teeth, he pulls you into a kiss, “not yet,” he sucks at your lips, “I want to check out this body first,” pushing you back on the bed, he hauls you up propping you against the pillows.  His mouth works its way down your neck.  Listening to your gasps and moans, he follows your sounds as he runs his tongue along your collarbone, nipping at your skin, his rough hands massaging your breasts.  Dipping his head, he pulls your nipple into his mouth, biting and sucking.
His hands on your body are too much, you can feel the throbbing tension returning fast, the taut ball tightening under your clit. “No,” you groan, his mouth sucks harder.  Clamping your mouth shut you realize he’s reacting to your moans.  Holding your breath, you try to keep yourself from making any noise.  You try to focus on anything to keep from cumming but it’s just a matter of time, his mouth is stealing every thought from your head.  You need him to hurry and just fuck you but even then you could be out of luck.  
“That’s it,” Katsuki can see you can barely hold back anymore, you're trying to stay quiet but he can see you’re close.  Smiling in his victory, he moves down between your legs, now for the final blow.
“No!” Jerking up, you buck your hips away from him.
“Hold still,” he grabs you tight, his tongue already swiping up your clit.  “You taste like cum.” He lifts his head as you sit up grabbing his blonde spikes, your eyes wide.
“Please daddy,” you beg softly pulling out all the stops now, “just fuck me, isn’t that what this about? It’s me against you.”  You see him contemplating what you’re proposing.  Your exhaustion mixes into your broiling emotions, words start tumbling from your brain.  “I - I never stopped liking you,” red eyes register surprise and something else.  “I’ve been perfecting my technique for you, all of this time,” weaving your fingers into his hair, you tug, continuing your confession.  “I’m really tired and,” you laugh, “close to cumming, so you’re probably gonna win, but let me show off a little bit of what I can do,” your brows raise pleadingly.
Watching you closely Katsuki can tell you’re not bullshitting, sitting up he presses your legs open.  “Don’t worry (Y/n), when you lose you can show me all your little tricks, I plan on using you everyday for the next month.”  
Dragging his face to yours, you kiss him urgently, “fuck me then right now, please?”  You moan in relief as he lines up to slide into you.  Never have you wanted anyone so badly.  Moving his cock along your pussy, he flicks the tip of his dick against your clit, sending your hips straight off the bed. 
 “Beg me again,” he pulls away from the kiss to watch you.
Looking into those blazing eyes, you realize he’s dancing on the precipice with you, both so fucking turned on you’re ready to explode. Look only at me, remembering his words, you hold his gaze. “Please, I want you, I want your cock in me daddy,” you squirm your hips but he slaps your thigh.
“Hold still then baby girl.”  Sliding his hands under your ass he grabs a pillow and shoves it underneath you.  “Gives me the perfect angle for that right spot,” rearing back, he slams deep into you in one thrust.  Pausing he closes his eyes, your tight, way fucking tighter than he expected, especially after Kiri’s big cock.  Waiting expectantly, he doesn’t feel anything but your soft tight pussy.  Licking his fingers he begins to rub your clit expertly.
His cock is so deep you convulse around him, “sh- fu-“ you stammer, the popping jolts under your clit start exploding, your walls clenching tight.  You try to relax, calm down.  Breathing deep, you use the fluttering of your building orgasm to work to your advantage.  Creating a whip-like motion with every clench, you massage his cock from bottom to top, stopping to contract and suckle the tip buried deep inside.  Licking your hand you reach down and gently clasp his balls at the same time.  A low growl erupts from Katsuki, you feel him bulge inside your pussy.  Your body erupts in a shuddering tremble.  Bucking your hips you push into him harder.   “Kat-”
“What the hell are you doing?”  He cuts you off, voice raspy, he can’t focus, his finger stalls as you grip his cock with another incredible squeeze that slides up, feeling like your pussy is sucking on his dick. Grinding against you, he tries to thrust but the pleasure is overwhelming.
His face, just inches above your own, is tense from holding back.  Using the last of your strength you clamp around him and begin to twist his cock back and forth, continuing to pulse from base to tip.  
“Sh-shit!” His head tips back as he feels the massive pull through his muscles, his balls jerking hard, grabbing your hips he drives hard as thick streams of cum drench your pussy, your cry surprises him as you rear back, body shaking.  Falling to his forearms he watches as you writhe in pleasure, his fingers moving again on your clit, “that’s it baby,” he concedes his loss “cum for me.” 
The orgasm hits so hard you cry out, your body clenching so tight you feel a cramp snake down your calf, then the deep tremors roll through you, one after another, holding Katuski’s body tight, you press into his chest, his arm wraps around you, finger moving on your clit, his voice echoing in your ear.  “Kat?”  You look up dazed, completely drained, you sink back into the pillows.  “Did I? Did I really win?”
“Uh, (y/n)?” Mina steps into your room, eyeing the clothes strewn on the bed.
“Oh hey Mina,” coming out of your bathroom you fasten your earring.  “What’s up, I thought you were going out?”
“I was, but Ochako ended up having an extra spot in her family's cabin in the mountains and invited me up with everyone for the week and,” she pauses and points over her shoulder, “more importantly, why the fuck is half the football team in our living room?”
Giggling you pluck your jacket off the hanger, “it isn’t half the team Mina, just four of them.”
Eyebrows shoot up as she leans out your bedroom door and looks down the hallway.  “Okay, why is Bakugou in our apartment?” She glares at you.
“When do you leave for the cabin?” you change the topic.
Blinking for a moment, she shakes her head, “them first.”
“We’re going out,” you shrug and slip past her.  Grabbing your arm she spins you around.
“You are going out with all of them?”
“I sure am,” you smile, “just having dinner and maybe a movie. Denki wants to see some strange horror film they’re presenting on campus.”
“Why are you talking like this is no big deal?”  She’s whispering loudly.  A small cough in the living room interrupts her. 
Patting her head, you push your finger on her lips, “because it is no big deal.”  Turning around, you smile and walk down the hall as she cautiously follows you. "So," you look at her, "when are you going to the mountains?”
“You’re going somewhere?” Kaminari’s head pops up from looking at his phone.
“I am,” Mina slinks into the room.  “I came to grab my bag and say goodbye.”  She looks at Bakugou lounging on the sofa before eyeing you again, “can I really leave you alone with them?”  
“You can,”  pushing yourself between Sero and Katsuki, you run your hands along both their thighs.  “We’re just hanging out, I promise.”  
Huffing slightly, Mina grabs her suitcase and walks slowly to the front door, “okay, text me if you need anything,” squinting hard at each man, she thins her lips, “I mean anything.”
“See you,” you sigh as she leaves.  
“Are you really alone all week?”  Katsuki runs his finger along your cheek, he grins as you shiver.
“I guess I am, I didn’t realize she was going too,” Sero lifts you up and slides underneath you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I’m hungry but we could just get delivery.”
Sitting down at your feet, Kiri nudges your legs apart, laying his head on one leg.  “The movie doesn’t start for a couple of hours.”
“Wait, are we going to fool around?” Denki jumps up, “I get to go first!”
“Fuck you, you went first last time, I go first,”  Kiri pushes up your skirt, nipping at your tender skin.
“I don’t care when I go, but (Y/n) promise me her ass,” Sero nuzzles your neck.
“Hold up,” Katsuki growls at them, keeping his hand pressed on your cheek, twisting his lips, he smirks slightly,  “what do you want to do (y/n)?”
Laughing, you catch his hand and kiss his palm, “another bet?”
“No,” his red eyes catch fire, “no more bets, tonight, we’re gonna make you cum.”
“Really?” Your eyes widen.
“Really,” Sero chimes in with Katsuki.
Kiri licks your leg, “absolutely.”
“How many times?” Your voice is hesitant.
Coming up behind you on the sofa, Denki kisses the back of your neck, a thrill slides down your spine.  “How many times do you want to cum?”
“Ten,” you blush a deep red, “please, I want to cum ten times.”
“Whatever you say,” pulling you into a deep kiss, Katsuki begins to slide your jacket off your shoulders.
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Awwwh! Poor Lia, with such a cruel mother!
HIIII so this is my first fanfic sooooo please don't be mean! Feel free to ask for anything you'd want me to write!
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Bakugo spent the morning cleaning every surface he could find in hopes to distract himself from thinking about his daughter, who was now with her mother for the weekend.
His heart had already been breaking as he told her he wasn't allowed to visit at all this weekend. It shattered, though, when her big, violet eyes became glassy and she clutched onto him, whispering how she doesn't want to go.
When that didn't work, he shook his head and called his friends over. Kaminari was currently with his boyfriend and his kid, so he wouldn't be able to come, but the rest were free, so they came over.
- "Bro, you have to calm down," Kirishima said, rubbing his back as the two sat on the couch. Sero sat at his other side and Ashido sat on the recliner beside the couch.
-"I don't fucking trust her," he glared up at the redhead, who nodded solemly. "And i can't check on my brat for the next three fucking days-"
He was cut off when his phone started ringing. His heart stopped as he checked it, but he sighed when he saw it was only Kaminari. Maybe he's on his way over or something.
Mina answered anyways and put it on speakerphone. "Hey! Are you on your way over?" She asked, trying to force some cheerfulness into her tone.
-"Get Katsuki to the fucking hospital," they heard Shinso's tired voice a bit more alert as he spoke, making them all sit up and look at the phone nervously.
-"Is it Lia?" Sero asked, wincing as he heard screeching tires and Shinso cussing Kaminari out while Raiden cried in the background. Kaminari must be driving then
-"Denks got a call from her about twenty minutes ago saying her throat felt funny. Just got to the hospital get your asses over here," At that, Katsuki was on his feet and the rest followed, running after the blond, whose chest was already shifting into a red color out of anger.
-"The hell happened, Spark plug," Katsuki growled as soon as he reached the hospital, where only Kaminari was pacing back and forth. Mina and Sero went to sign them in and ask about their niece.
-"H-Hey," sparks of electricity buzzed near his head as he met Katsuki's stare. "Lia said she was hungry and found a muffin like the ones you get her." He reached into his pocket and cringed as he pulled out the loud packaging. "She didn't say much else before she passed out and I brought her here." He held out the crumpled packaging toward Katsuki, who froze.
-"Are Shinso and Raiden okay?" Kirishima asked quietly, watching out of the corner of his eye as the red eyed blond shook and his piercing eyes burned.
-"Y-yeah Toshi went home with Rai a few minutes ago. T-they haven't let me in to see Lia because im not blood related and apparently you're the only one set as an emergency contact since you're also Katsuki's, " he rambled, raking a hand through his hair.
With that, they watched as the ticking time bomb stormed over to one of the nurses and demanded to know about his daughter. While one of them went to get a report on the child, he barked at the other nurse that he needed to update the emergency contacts.
When Katsuki finally saw her, Lia's eyes were opened and she was asking the nurse for her daddy.
The other nurse came in with him and Kaminari and her little face lit up when she saw them, immediately reaching for them and trying to sit up, but the nurse pushed her back down.
The nurse that brought them there grabbed the other by the arm and had to drag her away as her eyes roamed over the two men in front of her hungrily. Once they had left, Katsuki sat on the bed beside his daughter and let her crawl into his arms, carefully helping her so the wires weren't disturbed.
-"Daddy," she mumbled, nuzzling her face into his chest.
-"Hi firecracker, " he responded, rubbing her back gently. His other hand flexed as he held back from clutching the girl as tight as he could and never letting her out of sight again.
She turned her head and smiled up at her uncle with big, glowing eyes. "My throat not icky anymore uncle Nari!" She chirped, making their hearts melt.
-" You're feeling better, baby?" He ruffled his niece's hair gently as she nodded and turned back to her dad eith a pout.
-"Daddy i no wanna go back," she said, her tiny fists tightening on his shirt. "Mama mean."
-" Don't worry baby your daddy wont let that mean woman anywhere near you again, okay?" She nodded and nuzzled back into her father's chest with a yawn.
It took only seconds for her to fall back asleep.
Katsuki looked up at one of his best friends and gripped his arm with his free hand. "Thank you, Denki," he said. The other blond's eyes glistened with tears as he smiled softly.
-" Don't worry about it man. You know I love Lia as if she were my own."
The doctor wanted Lia to stay until morning just in case the allergy flares up again, so the stayed until visiting time was over. It was only when they were all saying goodbye that a police officer showed up in the room and tried to arrest Kaminari and Katsuki, who had been laying with his child curled up on his chest and watching Voltron from his phone.
Sero and Kirishima immediately stood in front of the officer and led him outside to discuss the situation while the rest exchanged glances.
-"Raccoon eyes, stay with Lia. Tell Soy Sauce and Shitty Hair to stay as well until we sort this all out," Katsuki told the female as the voices in the hall grew louder and he knew the two were likely to end up on the same ship. He looked down at his daughter, who was watching the door with wide, terrified eyes. His eyes hardened and he looked back up at his friend, who was about to open the door. "I don't care what they say, you are not letting that bitch see my brat until we finish sorting this shit out. Call Butterfly bastard to stay with Kalon or something but-"
-"I know, Kat. Just do what you gotta do," the pink girl grimaced and met the other blond's eyes.
-"Remember what i promised you firecracker?" He whispered, sitting up, but Lia clung tighter to his chest. "I'll always come back to keep you safe, remember?" He kissed her temple and leaned his forehead on hers, whispering an I love you before turning to his friend.
Lia's eyes widened and tears streamed down her face as she kicked and squirmed, trying to get away from her aunt's hold. She screamed and cried for her daddy to come back desperately as she fought with all her strength, but Katsuki just grabbed Kaminari's arm and left the room.
Kaminari and Katsuki were told they would be staying in a cell until morning for their trial and neither of them said anything.
That is, until they got to their cell. Kaminari sat against a wall and sighed while Katsuki sat on the ground and his eyes finally let the tears flow.
So i was watching a video where two parents fought over custody and the court assigns the mom to have the weekends. Then she goes off to a party, leaving the child alone and she gets hurt and he gets sent to jail for breach of custody contract and yeah.........that was basically the inspiration for this.
Why? I have no clue but protective daddy Bakugo is circling around in my brain. When i should probably be studying for my finals.
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
I remember when "oh no our table" came out on tiktok. There was a huge mashup of all the chaotic, mentally ill audios put together and I desperately need it again because I want to hear it forever, for serotonin! Please!
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
The language of my people! 😂😂
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
Alpha!Bakugou with a daddy kink. Scenario plz
Oops oh well, I DID!(๑ÒωÓ๑)
If you wanna read the smut, it is at the very end so you can skip all the other thangs if you wanna.~! 
It’s set a few years after graduating, characters are in early/middle twenties.
FEMS/O! NSFW! DADDY KINK! ☆*ヾ(-∀・*)*+☆
All I ask is for others not to kink shame the requests I write, thanks!
Bakugou, Katsuki ( Alpha!Bakugou ; Omegaverse )
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alien-fanbitch · 1 year
7 minutes in heaven for Katsuki bakugou???????
This was fun, a little nsfw happened but nothing major but just to be safe I did under the cut because long post ! (*^▽^*)ゞ
Bakugou, Katsuki
You couldn’t believe you were about to play seven minutes in heaven with Bakugou of all the boys in the dorm, he was just so happened to be forced to play that round by Kirishima and of course when it was your turn, you had to land on him. The glare he shot at you before getting up and stomping hurriedly into the closet made your heart sink into your chest, which began to pound loudly wherever it landed. You gulped down the sudden lump in your throat before lifting slowly off the ground, hesitating to move when you realized what would be happening when that door closed. Your red face snapped over to Mina, “d-do I really have to k-ki-i-i—-!?” you couldn’t even speak the words, feeling your whole body flush red now. You gripped onto the bottom of your pajama shorts, ruffling the fabric in your nervous clutch, while you did this everyone giggled at the question, a few of your classmates already went, who stayed quiet, still phased by kissing the other. Without any words from the pink girl, Mina jumped up and began to push you towards the closet.
“I-If I had to kiss Kaminari…… of all the boys in this dorm….. YOU can kiss Bakugou! At least you LIKE him!” Mina’s cheeks were puffed out of annoyance but they were dusted with her own blush. Kaminari was the one to mention the game to the group of bored students who decided to stay up late, Mina was the first to agree and managed to pair up with him on the first round.
Trying to not go into that closet, you tried to use your slippers but the floors were too slippery, “w-wait!”
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alien-fanbitch · 2 years
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rb to jump with me
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alien-fanbitch · 2 years
Autism: If something changes, I will cry.
ADHD: If nothing changes, I will cry.
ADHD/Autism comorbity: I will cry.
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alien-fanbitch · 2 years
You'll be okay, sure, you won't always be happy, in fact you'll have a lot of inner shit to sort out, but you'll be okay.
Also, Zayn left and One Direction isn't a thing anymore. Nah, I wouldn't actually do that, I'm not that mean! But still!
If you met your younger self what would you say to him/her?
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