Callum cleared his throat, thinking of his next words carefully. He didn’t want to cause an incident for the man. “Well… if you’d come with me to my lab after you’re done with your drink, I’ll be able to run a series of tests that will determine exactly how we can go about… curing you, so to speak.” Callum didn’t look at him either. He just stared forward, waiting for his response.
“You do realize how sketchy that sounds, right? What sort of euphemism is lab for? The fuck?” He glanced over at the other, wondering if this was some sort of kidnapping case. Alex almost immediately didn’t feel like he trusted him.
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AUGGIE: you know you love me
AUGGIE: where we going?
ALEX: back to the apartment[dorm] is fine with me
ALEX: unless you have another idea
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MACI could sense the bit of discomfort that her question brought him, so she chose not to dig too much deeper into the subject. “ being alive is – well, good. ” she admitted with a gentle laugh. “ besides, you’re a prince – how bad can life be? ”
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He decided not to answer the last question, figuring it would only cause problems. The last thing he wanted was for his parents to find out he had been shitty to another royal. It didn’t look good for his image or something. “So what are you doing in the Capitol? School?”
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Callum walked into the local tavern. This is where the pirate had told him to go. Cal, The Silent Sparrow. It slightly bothered him that their names were so similar, but he didn’t care that much. For a pirate, Cal seemed like a nice guy. And he wanted to see Calisota redeemed, so that was a plus. But Callum never spent much time in bars. He thought they were disgusting and Smokey and… not his cup of tea. That was his preferred drink, actually. He needed to find the man Cal had sent him after. What was his name again? Alex! Callum scanned the room, and saw this well built man at the bar. “Well, here goes nothing,” Callum said as he straightened his lapel. The scientist walked over to Alex and sat down next to him. Cal’s warning about the man’s anger rang through his ears. “Excuse me, sir?” Callum asked hesitantly. “I’ve heard from… someone, that you have a problem with your temper. Now don’t get mad, don’t… get… mad. I’ve actually been sent here to tell you that I may have something that can help control your gift.”
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Originally posted by perfect-storn
Alexandre had been busy downing a small glass of whiskey when the stranger moved to sit beside him. Normally he wouldn’t have cared all that much, except the man talked to him. And it wasn’t even that he was talking to him, it was the fact that he was treating him like a bomb about to go off. Which, in all fairness, was probably a good way to approach him, but that didn’t mean Alex liked it. “Yeah? Some crazy fuck told me the same thing.” He took a sip of his drink, not even bothering to look at the other.
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HEARING his comment about his brother being happy to see her for different reasons, macaria just nodded. “ trust me, i know. ” she hummed with a bit of a smirk glinting on her lips before shrugging. “ i’m good – you? ”
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Alex crinkled his nose a bit as she asked how he was. It wasn’t the fact that she asked him the question, it was just that he didn’t know how to answer. Honestly, since magic had been released back, he’d been pretty shitty. But, she didn’t need to know about his personal issues. “I’m okay,” he said with a simple shrug. “I’m alive.”
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Auggie hated seeing his brother get so riled about the powers. Sure, they both saw it was a curse, but Auggie was becoming more optimistic about it. “I don’t know why I can control myself better, but you’re getting better at it. You’re starting to figure it out, at least I think you are.”
“I mean, it’s not as bad as it was, but that doesn’t mean it’s fucking awesome. I’m still getting angry and shifting.” He sighed and sat down on the grass, laying down with his arms covering his eyes.
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“ hostile much? ” she hummed softly, crossing her arms over her chest. out of the twins, maci was definitely closer to auggie, but she had been known to hang out with andre a time or two in the past. “ what’s wrong andre? not happy to see me like your brother always is? ”
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“That was definitely not hostile. Trust me.” He said with a shrug. Still, he hadn’t gotten a good look at her face before. “Gus is happy to see you for a few different reasons, usually. I’m not usually thrilled to see anyone. But uh... I guess how are you?” His tone had cooled off a bit, though he still wasn’t good at small talk.
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AUGGIE: i... want to watch a wholesome movie
AUGGIE: like marley and me
ALEX: marley and me is just gonna make the both of us cry
ALEX: but whatever; it's between us.
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“Yeesh, no need to get your undies in a twist, baby. I’m just trying to get a coffee. Havin’ a rough day? I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t mean to make it worse…” she asked, batting her eyelashes up at him in an effort to calm him down a little. Last thing she wanted to do was step on anybody’s toes.
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He shook his head and looked back down to his phone. “Whatever.. It’s fine.. I’m fine.” The young man said simply.
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AUGGIE: dont even joke about that
AUGGIE: you die when i say you die
AUGGIE: what movie? bc i'll only say yes if it's a god damn great movie
ALEX: ok; then ill never stop worrying
ALEX: The Room? Pulp Fiction?
ALEX: im in the mood for something just... not serious. so maybe not pulp fiction. idk
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AUGGIE: what will make you stop worrying?
AUGGIE: awwww like a movie date?????
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AUGGIE: bro i don't need you
AUGGIE: i mean i do need you but not right now
AUGGIE: i'm fine stop worrying about me you dolt
ALEX: telling me to stop worrying and it actually working is easier said than done
ALEX: do u want to watch a movie; im bored as fuck and need a distraction
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Vanessa sighed as she emerged from her academic advising session, clearly looking flustered and a touch tired. Re-adjusting her papers as she walked, she stopped the closest person she could find. “I’m so sorry to bother you honey, but could you help a poor girl out? I’m awful exhausted and in need of a good cup of coffee. Where can I find a cup?” She tucked her fiery red locks behind her ears, her eyes and smile soft as a feather.
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Alexandre looked up from his phone with a glare to the woman. He was having a bad day already, and had already shifted once with another one on the horizon. “If you’re looking for a cup, go to the fucking store or something.”
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“Kid? Who you calling kid? I ain’t no kid.” Casper said defending himself, even though he was clearly younger and smaller than the other. He noticed the other glancing to his shoulder, where Blaze sat. “Don’t stare at him. He doesn’t like it.”  Casper retorted, setting a hand over the little ball of light, before snapping his fingers and making the ball of light disappear back into the container around Casper’s neck. “It’s about two thirty in the morning. I think? At least last time I checked the time.” 
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He shrugged at the other’s defense. He was a kid to Alexandre; anyone who looked younger than 18 was a kid. “Him? ...Ok, I guess.” As the light retreated, Alex pulled his attention away from it. “Thanks.” The young man said with a nod.
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Moira dramatically feigned offense. “I would never put poison in someone’s drink.” Then, she winked. “No, but in all honesty, what would be the fun in poisoning your drink, then I wouldn’t be able to see you get completely rat-arsed.” Moira giggled a little as she poured the lad more whiskey. 
“I’d suggest to rethink your night job if you did consider it.” He snorted slightly, a bit more at ease since he wasn’t being fucking attacked. Alex rested his elbow on the bar and sipped at the drink. “I’ll probably need carried out by the time I’m done.”
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AUGGIE: i am fine
AUGGIE: just coming down from an asthma attack high"
ALEX: do u need me or anything?
ALEX: shit man ur going to be ok right?
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AUGGIE: so like
AUGGIE: is the s silent in scent? or is it c?
ALEX: what the fuck gus
ALEX: did someone give you crack tonight
ALEX: r u ok
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