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alessioerioli · 4 years ago
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NEW #Workshop: Constructing Cognition Led by Alessandro Mintrone @alessandromintrone and yours truly 13-14 | 20-21 February 2021 Delivery Mode: Remote (Zoom) . AI & Architecture: apply Reinforcement Learning to Wave Function Collapse assemblages in #Unity3D with #TensorFlow . Registration is now open - see link in bio at . The workshop explores iterative assemblages of parts driven by an implementation of the Wave Function Collapse algorithm, combined with machine learning techniques operating at the decisional level, leading to a cognitive understanding and deployment of emergent qualities in the assemblage. Exploring ways to short-circuit the analysis and the design phases, training an agency that learns from experience and then develops an inherent sensibility. . What you will learn: . develop procedural assemblages in Unity using the Wave Function Collapse algorithm, designing the geometry and connectivity properties of a collection of “tiles”; . integrate Tensorflow in Unity to train a neural network that learns how the assemblage can be steered towards controlled target conditions; . keep track of the training process with Tensorboard; . bespoke visualization techniques in Unity to produce video and still images that showcase the spatial qualities of the outcomes. . Check the registration link for fees and deadlines! Early Bird ends January 17! . #Architecture ; #Computation; #artificialintelliegence ; #MachineLearning; #ReinforcementLearning; #Assemblages; #WaveFunctionCollapse;
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Architectural Machines Workshop Highlights . Projects & participants . Multiscalar Aggregation / Jan Pacit - Alexandre Atamian (Radical) Delirious New York / Saurabh Prasadi - Andrea Cancian Puzzle Valley / Wei Gai Voids / Alya Rapoport - Nora Fankhauser Large Scale Space Station / Alberto Fernandez - Shermin Sherkat . . @gai_wei, @shsheri_, @fegoalbe81, @japanclt, @saurabhprasadi, @andrea.cancian.5, @alexandre.atamian . #architecture #machines #computation #assemblages #automation #digitalfuturesworld #digitalfutures2020 #rhino3d #grasshopper
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Within the upcoming initiative I will teach a workshop called Architectural Machines. . brief What is the nature of architectural space instigated by computation and automation-driven processes? The workshop will investigate assembly/growth processes through iterative algorithmic strategies, starting from elementary spatial building blocks treated as basic units of computation - able to store and compute data due to their topological and spatio-geometric qualities. Growing aggregations of these elementary, generic components, create assemblages/networks whose emergent properties and constraints at intermediate and global scale define novel computational entities and conditions, which in turn fold back with feedback implications on the design of both the component geometry/topology and their rules of engagement. . More information at: (Europe Time Zone) #digitalfutures2020 #computationaldesign #assemblages #rhino3d #grasshopper #assemblages #automation #architecture
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Al-becular pavilion for IASS 2019 - Form and Force - 24 nodes, 39 beams, occupying a 4 x 4 x 4 m volume. With @vittorialakes , Tomaso Trombetti & Giada Gasparini. . More info and project process coming soon (at Crowne Plaza Barcelona - Fira Center)
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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This 1s n0t 4rchitecture - exhibition of projects from a3 course and Master Theses in Architectural Engineering is on and will last until Sept 27. Come visit and tag your insta post with #t1n4 . . The exhibition is part of Bologna Design Week 2019 #bdw #bdw2019 #bologna #bolognadesignweek #bolognadesignweek2019 #architecture #education #design #computationaldesign #exhibition (at Facolt�� di Ingegneria - Università di Bologna)
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Shallow depths
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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“Something is always born of excess: great art was born of great terror, great loneliness, great inhibitions, instabilities, and it always balances them” - Anaïs Nin
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
Serendipitous growth effects
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Happy International Women's Day! I revamped an old sketch to pay homage to a few (there should be many more, I know....) of the influential women who shaped my education and sensibility through the years, and paved the way to remarkable and irreplaceable innovations. Zaha Hadid, Hedy Lamarr, Kazuyo Sejima, Eileen Gray, Denise Scott Brown, Anne Tyng, Ada Lovelace, and the process video for Zaha’s portrait
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Agent based Tectonics - sketch
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Follow up to previous post: strips are recognised and “crested”, preserving topology information. Third image shows strip flow curves as well.
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Nice topology is always satisfying
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Evolution of previous #processing sketch - study for custom interface
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Just some stretching on #processing
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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Selection of works and snippets from my #encodedbodies - Agent-based Tectonics for Architecture workshop within @designbydata Master at Ecole Des Ponts ParisTech in Paris. . . Works by: Ilona Darmon, Pauline Koch, Juliette Truffert Elie Daher, Luc Dubois @mrlucdubois , Thomas Gandolphe, Zaheed Lockhandwala Namita Mundada @namita4 , Bonny Nichol @bonnyn3 , Soraya Bornaz @sorayabz Célia Bugniot @celiabu, Thomas Sicouri, Thomas Soumahoro Mahan Mothamedi @motamedi_mahan , Congzheng Zhou @congzhengzou , Olivier Musset #designbydata #processing #agents #tectonics #architecture (at École des ponts ParisTech)
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alessioerioli · 5 years ago
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InFORMed flexible matter ws - testing robot printing with @arch.a.graziano @laponaldo @ma__pa @digifabturing (at Digifabturing)
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