Alan Ashby Imagines
87 posts
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 10 years ago
Can you make a super fluffy one where you find out your pregnant and Alan is so excited and happy. Then a time skip to the birth and you have a little girl and Alan loves her soo much. Please make it super fluffy :))
/// written by queenrettes
You sat in the bathtub of your bathroom, tears stained your soft face. Never had you thought you’d be in this situation ever.
This morning while getting out of bed, you felt pains in your stomach and last night’s food came back up. You didn’t drink last night and you didn’t think it was a regular illness. Sure enough it wasn’t.
You were pregnant. The little white stick by your toes proved that minutes ago and you had no idea how to react.
Fuck, how would Alan react?
In your four years together the topic of kids never came up that much and if it was brought up, both of shrugged it off.
You had no idea how you were gonna tell Alan, right now he was out buying you a peace tea and potato chips like you asked and he was probably gonna shit bricks.
The front door opening was all you heard and your heart pounded like a drum. Sooner or later he had to find out and it had to be right now.
You clutched the test and stood up to go down stairs, there he was with two bags hanging off his arm and he spoke in a sorrowful tone;
“Hey, the store ran out of tea but I bought you a..” He looked confused at the tears still flooding your cheeks, he dropped the bags and rushed over to hold you. “(Y/n)? What’s wrong?” He brushed his hands through your hair while you looked up at his worried eyes.
You pushed him away softly and took his hand, placing the test in his warm palm. It took him a minute but once he read the tiny words ‘pregnant’ you surprisingly saw his once worried eyes light up.
Alan smiled widely at you.
“(Y/n)? Is this for real?! Are we really..” Alan could barely finish his sentence before he dropped the test and tiny tears spilled from his eyes, he tried wiping them away but they only came back.
These weren’t the same tears as yours, these were joyful and happy tears.
Giving him a slow and approving nod, he held his hands over his mouth and laughed at you.
“Oh my God.. Oh my fucking God we’re gonna have a baby!” He embraced you in a tight warm hug and kissed you on the forehead.
“I was scared..” You mumbled and let go of the breath that you’d been holding.
“I thought you would hate me.” Alan chuckled and spoke in a low voice. “I’d never hate you, I love you and our baby, don’t ever think that I’d walk out on you both. I’m here for you, always.”
((9 months later..))
Alan stood outside the door tapping his foot, walking around in circles and cursing to himself over and over again. His friends; the rest of his band stood up by the wall watching him carefully.
When they arrived at the hospital and you were taken away, Alan wasn’t allowed to come in the room. He couldn’t see you nor could he cut the cord, you had to be followed into a c section right away.
Right now he was shaking and scared.
Would the baby live? Would you live? Would the baby come out okay? Questions ran through his head, he couldn’t breathe.
“Mr. Ashby?” A older woman peaked her head out of the door and he looked up at her.
The woman smiled at him. “It was successful!” Everyone was invited in and there you were; laying in bed drugged, healthy and okay. Aaron gave you a slight frown and you looked up at him, chattering and cold.
“Why’s she shivering?”
“The baby was like a heater for the nine months she was pregnant and now that the babies out, well.. You get the idea.” One of the the doctors said while putting blankets over you.
Alan bit his lip to keep from crying. There was his own little gift of life laying in the arms of the nurse, he watched the baby take their first breath and yawned loudly. Austin gave him a small pat on the shoulder.
“Would you like to hold her?” Her. It was a girl. His little girl.
The nurse handed her over and Alan cradled the baby in his arms. She looked up at her dad with her big brown eyes, her hair bright orange like his.
“What should we name her?” Phil suggested, Alan looked over to you. “Can we name her Alison (y/n)? Please? Almost like Alan?”
You nodded at your boyfriend and he kissed Alison’s forehead. “Alison (y/n) Ashby. Hey that’s cute!” He looked up at his friends then back down at her. “I promise I’ll protect you forever okay? I’ll never let anything or anyone hurt you. I love you.” he nuzzled her nose and she smiled.
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 10 years ago
Ayye I might delete this
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
I would love to have the blog. But your such an amazing writer. You should keep it, you could get some more admins
I’m not going to part with the account, but I just can’t get myself to write anymore. I’d LOVE to keep this blog active, especially because it just keeps gaining followers, but I’m currently relying on submissions. If you’re interested in writing for this blog, just take a look at the requests list and submit! I’ll post it and give you credit (unless you state you want to be anonymous.) Also, I can’t get admins because this isn’t a side blog. I’d have to just give them my log in info, which I’m not totally comfortable with. But please, submit!!!  
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Wait. Are Alan and Maddie broken up, or not?
I have absolutely no clue. I mean, I think Maddie and Alan were a thing like 2 years ago and broke up about a year ago (give or take some). A couple months ago I heard something like they followed each other on twitter again maybe? But I really have no idea and frankly it's none of my business 
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
u taking requests btw UR blog is ❤️❤️
requests are always open but can't promise they'll get written right away 
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
you want Alan to meet your parents who aren’t thrilled of the idea of a ‘rocker’ boyfriend and he’s super nervous
written by theeleventhsammy
 Alan sighed for the fifteenth time in the past ten mintues. You looked over to find him staring out the car window, tapping his fingers against his chin.
"Alan, are you nervous?" you asked. It was a rhetorical question, but of course he didn’t get that.
"Yes. I’m super nervous."
"You’ll be fine," you told him even though you weren’t too sure of that yourself. You were bringing him to meet your parents, who weren’t happy hearing that you were dating a "rocker".
He sighed yet again and started wiggling his leg. The sighing was getting annoying. Thankfully, you were at your old house. You parked in the driveway and grabbed your things. You grabbed Alan’s hand and rang the doorbell. Right as it opened, you squeezed his hand, reminding him he wasn’t here alone.
The door opened to your mother’s smile.
"Y/N! It’s so nice to have you back home!" she gushed, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug. 
"Hey, mom!"
She pulled away and her smile turned to a grimace as she looked over Alan. He offered her a nervous smile.
"Hi. I’m Y/N’s boyfriend, Alan," he said. She smiled and then turned on her heel to go into the kitchen. Alan looked down at his feet. You quickly kissed him on the cheek and shut the front door.
"Your dad’s making dinner," your mom informed you from the living room. You and Alan went and sat down on the other couch. "So, Alan… tell me about yourself… what exactly do you… do?"
"Mom," you hissed. She glared at you.
"Well," Alan began, clearing his throat. "I play guitar in a successful band."
"And how well does that pay?"
"Mom!" you hissed.
"It pays very well, ma’am. I’m able to support both me and Y/N and more," he explained.
"And how is that?"
You glared daggers at her. Well, sorry he wasn’t a physician, but could Alan really do that in the first place?
"I’ve been signed to a record label for years," he began beforing detailing the process of his job. He’d eased up a bit, but you still clung to his hand, getting angrier and angrier by the minute.
Finally, your dad announced dinner was ready. You made your way out to the dining room. Your dad gave you a quick hug and shook Alan’s hand as you sat down. He’d made your favorite meal.
Your dad lightened the mood which is what he was known for. He seemed only slightly skeptical at first, but by the middle of dinner, him and Alan were in full fledged conversation. Your mother was still reserved, her eyes fixed on his tattoos. You rolled your eyes.
Then, he managed to win her over by bringing up cats. Your mom had recently become obsessed with the cute, furry creatures. He was engaged in two conversations at once and he was incredibly dazed. You giggled and grabbed his hand under the table. He traced circles on your wrist with his thumb.
You stayed there about two hours past what you’d originally had planned, but nobody really seemed to mind except you. You said goodbye and got in the car with Alan.
"Did that go so bad?" you sighed. He chuckled and leaned over to kiss you gently.
"Y/N, I trusted you."
You rolled your eyes as you backed out of the driveway. “Yeah, sure you did.”
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
ah, I see. Okay well great there's a link to them now ^^
I've just started a new imagines/writing blog called writing-and-imagines and requests are open, can you promote it please?! Thank you so much :) x
okay but you don’t have to be anon!
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Do you recommend any other band imagine blogs?
Sorry I'm not sure I haven't been reading any lately but a couple just sent me some asks so you could check them out! 
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
I just scrolled through ALL your imagines and read them, it took like two hours but I DON'T REGRET ANYTHINK OKAY YOUR BLOG IS HEAVEN BLESS UR SOUL
ahh I'm so glad you like it!! Thank you! I don't understand all the attention my blog has been getting even though I don't update it but hey I'm not complaining?? Maybe I'll start writing again since I'm off of school. Also this blog just turned 1 ayye :~)
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
I've just started a new imagines/writing blog called writing-and-imagines and requests are open, can you promote it please?! Thank you so much :) x
okay but you don't have to be anon!
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Can you do an imagine where the girl isn't white?
the whole point of an imagine is the “you” POV. At least when I write them, I don’t really describe the reader because it’s supposed to be you. And I certainly don’t ever remember describing skin color. So read them and imagine them however you want. 
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Hey :) I'm a new imagine blog . I was wondering if you could shout me out :) thank you
follow them^^
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Love your imagines!
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Hi :) I am a new Imagine blog for bands... Could you maybe promote me? thank you :-* The blog is called " make-a-wish-band-imagines"
sure follow them but idk why you'd go on anon to do this??
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
hey wow idk where over 2500 of you came from but thanks!
if any of you want to write something, here's the requests list. please. feel free. and just submit it to me and I'll publish it with credit to you! (or anonymous if you prefer) 
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Request: Do a fan fic where we go on vacation and swim and he sees your cuts and he gets upset and Austin is your brother and he doesn’t know
written by theeleventhsammy
 You grin, covering your eyes. The sun is bright and the air is cool. Your older brother, Austin, and his band decided to take you with them on vacation. Right now, you're squished between Tino and Phil who saw the awesome view right after you.
"Guys, guys, lay off!" you yell, laughing. They apologize and let you walk past them to Austin.
"Well, Y/N? Didn't I tell you the beach would be fun?" he teases.
"It's alright," you reply, smiling. He laughs.
You and the band head down to the sand and find a spot. Of course, Alan wants to be in the water first.
Suddenly, you get very nervous. You have self harm scars and some pretty recent cuts on your arms and legs. Earlier when you checked them out, they seemed barely visible, but you never know what might happen. Luck is never in your favor with these kinds of things.
"Y/N! Come on! We're waiting on you!" Austin yells from the edge of the water. You smile weakly.
"Yeah, just a minute!" you shout back. Sighing, you pull off your sweatshirt and your Bermuda shorts. You faintly trace one scar in particular that's kind of raised. That wasn't a good day.
You make your way to the water. The guys are already in the water, splashing each other and jumping over waves. Someone tackles you and you go under the water. You push your hair back when you resurface. You're scowling at Alan's smile.
"Alan, what the hell?" you ask. He laughs and splashes you.
"Y/N, why not?" he mocks. You smile.
Then, your worst fears are realized. He looks down and his eyes get wide. You know what he's looking at. It's the thing you absolutely did not want him to look at.
You move your arms behind your back. "Hey, why don't we go see what everyone else is doi-"
He grabs your arm midturn. You wince. You actually thought you were going to get away?
"Tell me those aren't what I think they are," he says quietly. You bite your lip.
"They are... look, Alan, I'm sorry..."
"Y/N. No. Does Austin know?"
Your eyes go wide and panic sets in.
"No! No, no. Alan, do not tell him. He cannot know about this. He would be devastated," you plead. He sighs and pulls you into a tight hug.
"Tell me that you will try your hardest to stop this," he whispers in your ear. You feel tears threatening to spill over in your eyes. You hug him back, holding him close. He cares.
"I... I will. I promise that I will."
You let him hold you for a while, listening to him tell you how beautiful and funny and smart you are. You feel worlds better. You actually feel like someone cares about you.
"Hey, Ashby! Hands off my sister!" you hear Austin yell from somewhere far away.
You let Alan go. He smiles weakly at you. You copy it.
"Thank you," you whisper. He nods, grabs your hand, and swims off with you toward the rest of the boys.
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alanashbyimagines-blog-blog · 11 years ago
Request: you and Alan are married and you had a baby girl and Alan’s on tour and you come surprise him with her
written by theeleventhsammy
 You'd been planning this for about a week, but you didn't know how to do it exactly. Your husband, none other than Alan Ashby, was on tour. He'd left only a week after you gave birth to your daughter, Y/D/N. Now, you wanted to go out and see him with your daughter. Somewhere along the way, Skype calls just weren't enough. You missed him so much.
You decided to call Austin.
"Hey, Austin!"
"Y/N? Hey, what's up?"
"Are you guys going to be in the area anytime soon?"
"Yeah, actually. Our next show is like an hour away from town."
"When's that?"
"Tomorrow. Why?"
"I want to bring Y/D/N and surprise Alan."
Austin laughed. "That's awesome! Be there around 5:30. I'll let security know, okay?"
"Alright. Thanks, Austin. You're a life saver."
"Bye, Y/N."
"Bye, Austin!"
You put your phone in your back pocket and picked up your daughter. She looked just like Alan even though she'd inherited your eyes and hair. You smiled and kissed her forehead.
"We're going to go see daddy tomorrow! Are you excited?"
She smiled.
The next day, you were excited. After three months of touring, you were finally going to see your husband again! The entire day you were jitters, thinking of seeing him smile in person. It's always different in person.
Your phone rang suddenly. Speak of the devil.
"Hey babe."
"Hi Y/N! How's little Y/D/N?"
"Cute. Perfectly fine. How are you?"
"I really miss you two."
"We miss you too, baby. Believe me."
"Listen, I just wanted to call really quick and check in. We have to set some stuff up."
"Alright. I understand." You glanced at the clock. It was 4:00.
"Love you so much, Y/N."
"Love you too, Alan. Bye!"
You tucked your phone in your back pocket and picked up your daughter. Making sure the house was locked up and you had everything, you jumped in your car and drove to the venue. Y/D/N was asleep up until you were at the venue. You greeted security and they escorted you in. Almost right away, you heard the guys laughing. One of the security guys opened up the backstage door. Alan's jaw dropped.
"Hi guys!" you greeted, smiling.
"Y-Y/N!" Alan stammered in disbelief. "Y/D/N!"
You laughed a bit and handed him your daughter. He was so happy. You said hi to the rest of the band and kissed Alan on the cheek.
"Y/N! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!" he asked, cradling your daughter close. She reached up to pull his hair.
"Surprises are always more fun than when things are planned," you explained. He grinned before leaning in to kiss you.
"This was the greatest surprise ever. Thank you, Y/N. I love you so much," he gushed. You smiled. It was a fantastic day.
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