#and will use their password and email and stuff
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girl-hobbit · 11 months ago
lost the logins to this account so now i can only use girl-hobbit in chrome and not the app :/
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dentist-brainsurgeon · 1 year ago
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lecliss · 2 years ago
I don't remember how to log into my bank account. So. That's not good.
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subjectsix · 4 months ago
I don't know I'm not done talking about it. It's insane that I can't just uninstall Edge or Copilot. That websites require my phone number to sign up. That people share their contacts to find their friends on social media.
I wouldn't use an adblocker if ads were just banners on the side funding a website I enjoy using and want to support. Ads pop up invasively and fill my whole screen, I misclick and get warped away to another page just for trying to read an article or get a recipe.
Every app shouldn't be like every other app. Instagram didn't need reels and a shop. TikTok doesn't need a store. Instagram doesn't need to be connected to Facebook. I don't want my apps to do everything, I want a hub for a specific thing, and I'll go to that place accordingly.
I love discord, but so much information gets lost to it. I don't want to join to view things. I want to lurk on forums. I want to be a user who can log in and join a conversation by replying to a thread, even if that conversation was two days ago. I know discord has threads, it's not the same. I don't want to have to verify my account with a phone number. I understand safety and digital concerns, but I'm concerned about information like that with leaks everywhere, even with password managers.
I shouldn't have to pay subscriptions to use services and get locked out of old versions. My old disk copy of photoshop should work. I should want to upgrade eventually because I like photoshop and supporting the business. Adobe is a whole other can of worms here.
Streaming is so splintered across everything. Shows release so fast. Things don't get physical releases. I can't stream a movie I own digitally to friends because the share-screen blocks it, even though I own two digital copies, even though I own a physical copy.
I have an iPod, and I had to install a third party OS to easily put my music on it without having to tangle with iTunes. Spotify bricked hardware I purchased because they were unwillingly to upkeep it. They don't pay their artists. iTunes isn't even iTunes anymore and Apple struggles to upkeep it.
My TV shows me ads on the home screen. My dad lost access to eBook he purchased because they were digital and got revoked by the company distributing them. Hitman 1-3 only runs online most of the time. Flash died and is staying alive because people love it and made efforts to keep it up.
I have to click "not now" and can't click "no". I don't just get emails, they want to text me to purchase things online too. My windows start search bar searches online, not just my computer. Everything is blindly called an app now. Everything wants me to upload to the cloud. These are good tools! But why am I forced to use them! Why am I not allowed to own or control them?
No more!!!!! I love my iPod with so much storage and FLAC files. I love having all my fics on my harddrive. I love having USBs and backups. I love running scripts to gut suck stuff out of my Windows computer I don't want that spies on me. I love having forums. I love sending letters. I love neocities and webpages and webrings. I will not be scanning QR codes. Please hand me a physical menu. If I didn't need a smartphone for work I'd get a "dumb" phone so fast. I want things to have buttons. I want to use a mouse. I want replaceable batteries. I want the right to repair. I grew up online and I won't forget how it was!
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nougatbit · 1 year ago
in other related news, i just wrote down my stupid indexed secret for 2 factor authentication for my uni's online services again, because i lost my last copy...
and all this because my phone is too old for yet another stupid fucking app
0 notes
joetastic2739 · 3 months ago
Someone accessed my Gmail 2 days ago, compromising my linked accounts like Twitter and YouTube. Here's how it happened, why I fell for it, and what you can learn to avoid making the same mistake:
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The scam I fell victim to was a cookie hijack. The hacker used malicious software to steal my browser cookies (stuff like autofill, auto sign in, etc), allowing them to sign in to my Gmail and other accounts, completely bypassing my 2FA and other security protocols.
A few days ago, I received a DM from @Rachael_Borrows, who claimed to be a manager at @Duolingo. The account seemed legitimate. It was verified, created in 2019, and had over 1k followers, consistent with other managers I’d seen at the time n I even did a Google search of this person and didnt find anything suspicious.
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She claimed that @Duolingo wanted me to create a promo video, which got me excited and managed to get my guard down. After discussing I was asked to sign a contract and at app(.)fastsigndocu(.)com. If you see this link, ITS A SCAM! Do NOT download ANY files from this site.
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Unfortunately, I downloaded a file from the website, and it downloaded without triggering any firewall or antivirus warnings. Thinking it was just a PDF, I opened it. The moment I did, my console and Google Chrome flashed. That’s when I knew I was in trouble. I immediately did an antivirus scan and these were some of the programs it found that were added to my PC without me knowing:
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The thing about cookie hijacking is that it completely bypasses 2FA which should have been my strongest line of defense. I was immediately signed out of all my accounts and within a minute, they changed everything: passwords, 2FA, phone, recovery emails, backup codes, etc.
I tried all methods but hit dead ends trying to recover them. Thankfully, my Discord wasn’t connected, so I alerted everyone I knew there. I also had an alternate account, @JLCmapping, managed by a friend, which I used to immediately inform @/TeamYouTube about the situation
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Meanwhile, the hackers turned my YouTube channel into a crypto channel and used my Twitter account to spam hundreds of messages, trying to use my image and reputation to scam more victims
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Thankfully, YouTube responded quickly and terminated the channel. Within 48 hours, they locked the hacker out of my Gmail and restored my access. They also helped me recover my channel, which has been renamed to JoetasticOfficial since Joetastic_ was no longer available.
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Since then, I’ve taken several steps to secure my accounts and prevent this from happening again. This has been a wake-up call to me, and now I am more cautious around people online. I hope sharing it helps others avoid falling victim to similar attacks. (End)
(side note) Around this time, people also started to impersonate me on TikTok and YouTube. With my accounts terminated, anyone searching for "Joetastic" would only find the imposter's profiles. I’m unsure whether they are connected or if it’s just an unfortunate coincidence, but it made the situation even more stressful.
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simpee9000 · 8 months ago
Not Just Friends - 2 -
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Prologue : Chapter 1 : Not edited : 3.4k words : M.List
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
-suit colors -can shut my quirk completely off -isn't a piece of shit -password. -others cant turn my shit off either      -katsuki
The note Katsuki left was majority scribbles, clearly written the second he left. You found it right when you were leaving, the crumpled sticky note being placed next to your keys.
Getting the watch set up and made for him would be difficult. Mainly making sure others can't tamper with his quirk. Everything else would be easy. Two weeks tops. Simply needed to take the same material used for his gloves and gauntlets and use it for his watch. The password and personal quirk disabled features would also be easy, just using the same techniques that normal quirk handcuffs use.
When you got to your office you immediately got to work. Drawing up the design and adding in the small details you wanted to add. You went through your email as well, getting the details Izuku sent you about what he wants. Unluckily for him, you would have to order the stuff he needs, everything Katsuki needed was already in the building. His case was personally yours so you saved up any left over materials from his suit. The quirk removing feature would take more time to set up though.
"Hey!" someone shouted, tacking your name to the end.
You just entered Katsuki's hero agency for lunch, talking with the sweet old receptionist. Ignoring the shout, you thanked the lady for buzzing you up. Walking over to the elevators and pushing the button to go up.
"Don't ignore me!" The voice whined. You rolled your eyes stepping into the elevator and frantically clicking the button to close the doors.
The doors almost shut completely, a hand stopping it a second to late and getting crushed.
"Fuckin' christ!" You opened the door as quick as you could, trying to make sure they weren't injured. They were doubled over, holding their hand to their chest. "Are you okay?" You asked, grabbing their shoulder to lift them away, attempting to see the injury.
They started shaking and panic ran through you, before you could yell to the receptionist to call paramedics they started laughing. Standing up straight and smiling, placing their 'injured hand' on your shoulder to support their laughter.
"Oh go fuck yourself," you brushed them off. Pressing the elevator open again.
"I'm sorry it was too easy!" He smiled. Moving to stand next to you again.
You ignored him once again. Stepping into the elevator that he unfortunately joined. Looking at the door that previously crushed his hand. "You broke the door," you pointed out, crossing your arms.
"Holy shit, Bakugo is going to kill me," he paled.
"That's what you get for activating your quirk between metal, Kirishima," you commented.
"Ouch, last name?" he feigned pain, clutching a hand to his heart, "Come on, how was I supposed to know?"
You glanced at him briefly, "You nickname your quirk unbreakable, what did you expect?" You deadpanned.
"Not that!"
"Be serious, I know you're not that dumb," you said, stepping out of the elevator at Katsuki's floor. Beginning the path to his office.
"I just wanted to talk to you," he complained, "but you ignored me completely."
"I wonder why."
"Come on," he pleaded, "I said I was sorry."
"Don't care," you knocked on Katsuki's office.
"Please," he begged.
Just as Kirishima opened his mouth to beg more, Katsuki opened his door. "The fuck are you two bitching about?" Katsuki looked at you for an answer. Which you shrugged and made your way inside. Sitting in his desk chair and sorting through the food he ordered for you two.
Katsuki turned his head to Kirishima, wanting an answer. "She won't talk to me," he pointed at you like a child.
Katsuki turned to you, raising an eyebrow, "Really?"
Before he could start getting to you about acting like a child you pointed back at Kirishima, "He broke your elevator."
He glared at the red head.
"I was just trying to talk to her!"
"And you needed to break my elevator to do that?"
Kirishima paused his comeback, knowing anything he wanted to say would be flawed. You choked back a laugh, cause Katsuki to turn to you.
"Don't act like you're innocent," he pointed, "All ya had to do was to talk him and my door wouldn't be broken."
"Nah, he broke my shit," you shrugged.
"I said I was sorry!"
"Yet now you just broke his shit too," you backed.
"What else did he break?" Katsuki asked.
You pointed towards Kirishima, and his hero outfit, "He broke his shoulder guards, again. I've fixed them five times this month because of the stupid shit he is doing."
"Whatever, out," Katsuki motioned for Kirishima to leave. Which he did, with a pout on his face. Katsuki shut the door and walked over. "Why do you insist on stealing my chair everytime?"
"The other ones aren't comfortable," you answered, handing him his food and opening yours to start eating. "Oh!" You perked up, "I finished the design for your watch, just need everything ordered and I'll start on it."
He took a break from his food, looking up at you, "How long?"
"Shipment should get here in two days, they just had a huge order and have a ton of left overs, so I'm using the stuff they have extras of. Wanna see the design?" You smiled, pulling up a picture on your phone when he nodded.
He looked over the notes you wrote down, zooming in on the smaller details, "looks good."
"Good!" You smiled.
His office door opened, "I forgot, we're having a little get together at Denki's place Saturday," Kirishima smiled before shutting the door again.
"Come on Kats," you begged, trying to meet his eyes.
"Nuh uh," he took a bite of his food, looking up briefly and meeting your eyes.
"Please! We haven't hung out with them in forever!" You pointed out.
"We hung out last night."
"Yeah, with Z', not with your friends."
He glared at you until he felt your hand rest on the top of his, "Please?"
"Fuckin' fine," he brushed off your hand and continued eating.
"This is lot more then a little get together," Katsuki grumbled right after pushing the door open. Disregarding a knock all together and walking straight in, taking a pause in his step.
You took a glance over his shoulder, since he took up the majority of the small hallway that started off the apartment, seeing the solid twenty or more people that crowded Denki's and Sero's apartment. "It's fine, it's not like we are forced to stay long," you pushed his back lightly, getting him to walk in entirely.
"Kacchan! Surprised you came!" Denki smiled once he saw Katsuki leave the hallway, you stepping out from behind him. "Thanks for dragging him here," Denki came up to you, giving you a one armed hug since his other hand was holding a beer.
"What else am I good for," you joked, "Didn't you say this was a small get together?"
"I was just trying to increase the odds of #2 pro hero coming in," he shrugged, Katsuki shooting him a glare and you a look, saying he wished he never came. "Now make yourselves at home, I gotta make sure Mina doesn't eat all the jello shots."
You watched Denki skip to the kitchen, instantly yelling at a stuffed faced Mina. Looking around the room you saw Sero sitting in a chair with two open spots next to it, turning back to Katsuki, he already knew your look, "Go, I'll get you a drink."
Sero saw you heading his way and gave you a wave. He was sitting in a recliner and had a loveseat spaced next to it. You took the loveseat and leaned on the armrest close to him, kicking your feet unto the other half of the couch to prevent someone stealing Kats spot.
"How's work?" Sero asked once you gave him your attention.
"Good, busy as always. But I've been ahead of the game lately, I think I can start branching out more on my own soon," you smiled.
"Exciting," he smiled, " I see you got the grump outside for once," he nodded to Katsuki, who was being badgered by some of Denki's sidekicks/partners.
You laughed, "Yeah, you're not the first to tell me that tonight, but I'm not surpised. He went out with me last night to Z' as well."
"Did you drug him? I won't snitch."
"No, I think his mom yelled at him or something," you pretended to expose. Hiding the truth behind Katsuki's behavior, which was likely the civilian death he had to deal with recently. "But how's your work?"
"Meh, it's hero work," he drank from his cup, "Recently had to deal with a spider villain so it was weird. It was like fighting myself if I had eight legs and eyes."
The two of you continue to talk about work or recent things between friends. Briefly discussing Kirishima and Mina's budding relationship that's been going on for years. Just before Sero could question your own relationship, Katsuki came back.
"Fuckin' nerds wouldn't leave me alone," he grumbled picking up your legs and sitting on the couch with you, handing you a drink.
"You love the attention," you bumped him with your knee, "and careful, might summon them again."
Casual conversation formed once again, banter between you and Katsuki, and annoyance from him to Sero. On the heated topic of old heroes. With Sero caring less, and just wanting to rile him up.
You smiled along with their conversation, more focus on Katsuki. He's rested into the chair despite being annoyed at the conversation. Having a hand rested on your knee and the other rested on the armrest, holding a low carb beer. Which he took a sip of every once in a while before he had to tell Sero he was wrong again. You admired every move of his, from his sharp jaw, to defined cheekbones, and his bright red eyes. Only stopping when Sero called you out.
"Stop eye fucking in front of me," Sero gagged.
"The fuck?" Katsuki question, not ever aware of what you were doing, "We're not."
"You might not be," Sero smirked.
"Oh fuck you, Sero," you rolled your eyes. Ignoring the blush you felt heating your face.
"Don't push your feelings onto me," Sero teased.
"Oh my god," you groaned, " I give up." Sero crackled as he laughed at you. "Shouldn't you be talking about your dumbass celebrity crush in America?"
"Who's that?" Katsuki questioned, willing to change the topic of conversation again.
"He has a crush on an actor, Ryan Reynolds. The one that reenacts the old anti-hero Deadpool," you informed.
"It's normal in America! Every guy loves him, even the straightest!" Sero defends.
"You do know the murders that Deadpool committed right?" Katsuki questioned, wanting to get on the topic of heroes, a topic he knew everything about.
The debate between whether Deadpool committed crimes for good or not was easily started. Giving yourself another chance to look at Katsuki. Not wanting to be caught you looked at the hand rested on your knee. Reaching out your own hand to trace over his. Soft and smooth from his sweat but rough from the work day. He let his hand lose the soft grip on your knee, letting you hold his entire hand freely. You traced over the rough pads of his fingers that you knew would turn soft again in the morning. Rubbing your thumb over his knuckles and the veins that lined the top of his hand. Remembering how a few years ago he would freak out if you tried to do this exact thing. Only this year has he started to let you hold his hand for longer than five minutes.
Yet he still wasn't perfect. Eventually he pulled his hand from your grip and wiped his hands off on his pants. It seemed like he didn't want your touch on him, it stung. You knew that was unlikely, but the thought couldn't leave your mind. you folded up. Crossing your arms slowly and turning your attention back onto Sero. Which caused his eyes to flicker between you and Katsuki, clearly reading your face. Before he could ask anything, he gave him a slight shake of your head.
Eventually Kirishima dragged Katsuki away from the conversation, wanting him as a partner for cup flipping.
"How come you aren't flirting with girls, Sero?" you asked, used to him normally parading the party rooms for someone to flirt with.
"Denki called dibs on everyone here basically," Sero shrugged. He sat up from his slouched sitting, " Now, what the fuck was that?" Sero motioned from you to where Katsuki was now playing games with Kirishima.
Play dumb.
"Whatcha mean?" you took a sip of your drink.
"Don't play that shit with me, He pulled away from you completely," he pointed out.
"I know, he always does that," you pointed out, wanting to stress that this wasn't a big deal.
"Always? You're kidding"
"Nope," you took a sip, "He's actually improved."
"You're saying it used to be worse," His jaw basically dropped.
"It's Katsuki you're talking about right now," you deadplanned, "Speaking of which, we never talked about this. He doesn't know it bugs me and he doesn't need to."
"Yes he does," Sero stressed.
"No he doesn't," you hissed, " I don't want him knowing. It's fine."
"Come on-"
"Sero, stop."
Before he could push forward someone entered your peripheral, standing in front of Katsuki's spot. Turning your head towards him you gave a guarded smile.
"This seat takin?" he somewhat slurred.
"Yeah it-"
"Kidding! I know it's not. No one has sat here for a good 10 minutes from what I've seen," The guy plopped down on the couch, giving you barely enough time to kick your feet off the couch and scoot over the crowd the armrest into order to not touch the guy. You and Sero shared a look. "So, what's a girl like you doing here alone," The guy smiled, slapping a hand down on your thigh to gain your attention back from Sero.
"I'm not alone?" you peeled his hand from your thigh, dropping it back onto his lap, "I was actually just talk to my friend here abo-"
He put his hand back on your thigh, "I was asking why you had no boyfriend here, you're so pretty."
"I do have one-" you tried to cut in.
"I'll be your boyfriend, names Mason," he smiled weirdly.
Once again, you peeled his hand off your leg, "No thanks."
"Is it cause the name? I'm from America, I'm not lying about my name to sound cool," he hurried out, replacing his hand on your thigh.
"Trust me, I know you're not trying to sound cool," you spoke out disgust, "Now could you please not?" Sero and you shared another look, his asking if he should step in, but you shook your head. You could handle this just fine.
He pondered for a moment, "It's cause you don't know me right? Well, I'm from America. Here to learn about the Japanese heroes-"
"Dude," you cut him off, "I could give less of a fuck, please leave me alone."
"Don't play hard to get," he grabbed onto your leg harder.
Just before Sero jumped in-
"I leave for five fucking minutes," Katsuki spits out.
The guy looked over the back of the couch, "Sorry, did you plan to make a move? I swung first sorry dude, better luck next time."
"No, I fuckin' plan to swing first on the dude that's holding onto my fuckin' girlfriend."
You took the opportunity of the guy being distracted to get his hands off you, and to leave the couch.
"Hey, babe don't leave yet, the guys just being an ass, he'll leave soon," the creep called out to you.
Everyone's attention was on the guy now. Staring at him baffled that he called #2 pro hero an ass right in front of him and his girlfriend. You stepped closer to Sero, prepared for what was about to happen.
"That's it," Katsuki grabbed the hair on the back of the guys head and yanked him down. Couch flipping over with the guy. A quick stomp on the dude stomach had him rolling over in enough pain.
"My couch!" Denki yelped.
"Fuck your couch and fuck your party," Katsuki walked up to you, grabbed your hand and pulled you to leave.
"Gimme a second, I want to say bye," you tugged on his hold when he got to the hallway that lead to the front entrance.
He looked at you baffled, "You just got felt up, they could care less if you said bye right now."
"Kats, I'm fine. I would of handled it if you didn't."
"Fine, say bye," he waved you off, crossing his arms and guarding the exit.
You walked up to where Kirishima, Sero, and Denki were standing watching drunk Mina lecture the creep.
"Hey, I'm heading out," you spoke from behind them, getting their attention.
"That's fine girl, Imma kick his ass more for you," Mina slurred as she jumped to hug you, almost knocking you off your feet. She pulled back from the hug and held onto your shoulders, "You okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, getting her out of your hold and pushing her into Kirishima, "Make sure she doesn't do something stupid."
"I will, I'll deal with the guy too. What he did was fucking gross," you flinched, it was rare to hear Kirishima curse.
"I bet you will," laughed off. Hugging Sero and thanking Denki for inviting you, all of them double checking if you were okay. It warmed your heart that they were heroes, it was truly the right career. So after confirming that you were fine, you walked back to Katsuki.
"Yep," you put your shoes back on and left the apartment together.
Once in his car, Katsuki turned to you. "You sure you're okay? I'll go put the guy in fucking jail."
You laughed, "I'm fine, Kirishima has it handled."
"You sure?"
"It's not the worst thing a guy has said to me," you shrugged, "Can we get some fast food?"
"The fuck else has a guy said to you?"
"Nothing important Kats, can we drop it? I'm fine."
He eyed you warily, trying to find the correct way to go about this. He sighed and gave in, "What fast food?"
"I don't know, I want a shake."
The two of you got the food and cozied on your couch, digging in once you had a random Netflix movie playing. With half of your attention on the movie, and half on the situation, you decided to bring it up. "Is it weird that what the guy did doesn't bug me much?"
Katsuki glance your way, "No? Everyone has different reactions to everything."
"The main thing that bugs me is that people can't tell we are dating, like ever," you said honestly. "Like the dude didn't buy I had a boyfriend in general."
He hummed in reply.
"Our own friends forget half the time, like I wish they knew we were together, and took my word for it," you sighed.
"I know how you feel," Katsuki looked down at his hands, that held his half eaten burger.
"Even you feel that way?" you grabbed a couple fries to eat.
He looked at you, "The other night with that Nana girl, just wished it was more obvious."
"We can't blame them though, it's not like we act like a traditional couple," you shrugged and took a sip of your shake.
"Sorry," shame filled his voice.
You turned to him with you're full attention, "Why are you sorry? You haven't done anything?
"That's the issue," he crossed his arms," I don't do anything, I fucking brush you off me," he dropped his arms again. resting them on his knees and putting his face in his hands.
"Hey," you reached for his shoulder. Stopping when he flinched away from you, "Sorry," you mumbled. Forgetting he hates being sneaked up on or touched when he isn't paying attention.
"This is exactly what I'm talking about, I don't do anything but pull away from you. And you're honestly telling me you're fucking happy in this relationship?" Katsuki looked at you. Getting up to pace when you just stared at him, confused by his outburst.
"Are you not?" you asked, watching him pace the room.
He paused, "Why wouldn't I be? You give me everything I need. I don't even fucking acknowledge your primary love language while you hit every goal of mine."
"Kats, what I said to the girls the other night is the truth, I'm okay with it. The things you need are just as important, and if that's to not touch, that's fine."
"Fucking bullshit-"
"Katsuki," you said his name sharply, "I mean it."
"I don't know how-"
"That doesn't matter, you're worried I'm unhappy and I'm telling you that I am happy. Because I am, now can we please not get into this right now? Tonight already hasn't gone well."
"Fuck, you're right, I'm sorry," he rubbed his hands over his face and went back to his spot of the couch. leaving his food half touched. He opened his arms, "You can lay on me if you want."
"Katsuki, I told you, no physical touch is-"
"That's not what I'm getting at, c'mere," he motioned towards himself. And who were you to refuse, quickly curling up into his side and watching a movie to wash the bad day off you're mind.
-Next Part-
In them m.list of this fic comment if you want to be added into a tag list <3
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haveyoutriedrebootingit · 7 months ago
Friendly neighborhood tech support cryptid here with today's advice:
Do not use your school or work email to sign up for things, unless they are specifically school or work related.
This is not a "they are watching you" thing, although with your work email there's an element of that, it's a "you might not have access to this email later" thing.
Your best bet is to open two gmail (or any other long-standing free email) accounts. One, you use to sign up for stuff. The other you use to talk to people. You may occasionally use the first to talk to companies, but it's going to fill up with spam soooo goddamn fast-- even just from the people you signed up for.
But the point is that this email address will be available if you drop out/quit, get kicked out/fired, or graduate. Yes, I know a lot of colleges give free email for life to alumni. That can change, especially as most of those colleges haven't thought about the server/storage costs of such a promise in perpetuity. If you do have such an email, you'll want to sign into it regularly, if only too see if the school has sent you a notice explaining what you need to do to keep this email, and what date you need to do it by, and how apathetic they're going to be if you didn't read it and lost the email.
You can't reset the password for an email you can't access, so don't provide an email that can be taken away from you with little or no notice. (When I got laid off from my job at a fortune 500 company, I had twenty minutes before they shut off my email.)
I would say 5% of the calls I take are people who desperately need access to an email that no longer exists, because they signed up for something important with it, and now they can't reset their password.
(And don't use your phone number if someone else is paying for the phone. Maaaaybe if it's your parents, and you're really cool with them, and you know they're going to let you take the number if you get your own plan.)
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ms-demeanor · 2 years ago
Hey if you happen to work for a small business and you use Office 365 for anything and you are not required to use 2FA to log in to your 365 account please talk to your tech people at work and see if they have plans for adding that to your security policy.
We're rolling out 2FA for all our clients who have been hesitant about it and some of them are onboard but many are resistant to the change and it's slow going and we've had 3 customers get hit with session hijacking attacks in the last month. I just had the office manager for one of the businesses we work with call me in tears because one of her customers sent $150k to a fraudulent bank account.
And if you are someone who works in accounts payable and you are doing business to business transfers if one of your customers asks you to transfer to a new account number you need to CALL THEM ON THE PHONE to verify that they really want you to use this new account before you send that money. Asking for an email with a past invoice is NOT a good enough defense against fraud if a malicious actor has taken over your vendor's email and has access to everything they've ever sent you.
While I'm at it, here are some things that I thought were very basic security stuff that are apparently getting overlooked.
CALL TO VERIFY CHANGES. This should be part of your normal policy. You should not accept payment changes, address changes, email changes, ownership changes, point-of-contact etc. from your vendors or customers without first getting on the phone and speaking to someone who YOU PERSONALLY have spoken to at the company in the past and confirming those changes.
DO NOT SEND SENSITIVE INFORMATION THROUGH EMAIL. Usernames, Passwords, Credit Card Numbers, Health information, Personally Identifying information, and all Banking information is all information that you shouldn't send even through encrypted email; either you enter that info on a secure portal or you talk to someone on the phone.
Never, ever, ever give your 2FA codes to anyone. No exceptions. If it's anyone who would legitimately need to access your system they have ways of doing it that do not require you to have access to the system.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 year ago
Rival V
Hardersson x Teen!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Gooner to Gunner
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Arsenal coming calling for you a few weeks after your seventeenth birthday. You've been playing professionally for Linköping since you were fifteen, following the under-seventeen Euros, as their second choice goalkeeper.
You always knew, much like your mothers, that you didn't want to stay in Sweden your whole career. It's off the back of completing your final matches as the Under-seventeen team's captain in a round of friendlies that you get the email.
You're mucking around on your laptop, aimlessly typing something out for one of your classes when you switch tabs to your Momma's emails.
It had been terribly easy to crack the password (your and Morsa's birthdays put together) and you made sure that she didn't know you were logged in. It's not like you had been planning anything malicious but it was Momma's email that was connected to the Amazon account and you were just too impatient to wait to see what surprise she had ordered to celebrate your tenure as captain for the youth team.
You had been tracking the package for days now and just so happened to spy this new email at the top of the list.
You frown. It's got your name on it. You're not eighteen yet so all of your professional stuff comes through either Momma and Morsa and-yes, Morsa was cc'ed into the email too.
You click on it. There's nothing wrong with that, you think to yourself, because it's about you anyway. There's no harm in finding out what it was a bit early.
Your eyes skim through the email, your heart stuttering in your chest.
It was a contract proposal.
The same position, second goalkeeper, but for a hell of a lot more money.
At Arsenal.
You glance behind you.
Everywhere you've ever moved, your framed Leah Williamson shirt ends up over your bed.
Even when you gained so many more world class player's jerseys (Tia Tana, Alexia, Keira Walsh, just to name a few), Leah's one always ended up over your bed.
Your door swings open and your hurriedly close the tab, writing more nonsense for your schoolwork.
"Morsa!" You exclaim," Knock!"
Morsa laughs. "Sorry, princesse, I don't realise I was raising such a moody teenager."
"I could have been naked," You scoff.
"This early? No chance. I just came up here to say that dinner's ready."
"Dinners ready or it's nearly ready and you're using me to set the table?" You're wise to Morsa's tricks.
"We ordered in. Dinner is actually ready."
By the time that you've washed your hands and made it downstairs, Momma and Morsa have made space for you to slot between them.
You try to keep quiet for a little bit but the email you've just read makes you antsy and anxious.
"So..." You say finally as the show you're watching finishes and your Morsa starts flicking through the channels to find something new. "How was work?"
Momma frowns at you suspiciously. "Good. Why?"
You try to be casual. "No reason. So...no funny email chains? Nothing interesting?"
Momma turns to look at you fully. "What's going on with you? What have you heard?"
You shrug. "Me? Nothing."
She watches you with narrowed eyes. "Magda, what have you told her?"
"Me?" Morsa's got a slice of pizza hanging from her mouth. "Why do you think I've told her something?"
"She's acting suspicious. Just like you do when you know something you shouldn't."
"I haven't told her anything. I've barely seen her all day. She came straight home from training and shacked up in her room to do schoolwork."
Momma is still staring at you as she fishes her phone out of her pocket and flicks through her emails. Like you, it doesn't take her long to find it.
She sighs - long and drawn out and she rubs her temple with her fingers. "I don't know how you found out about this before me but-"
"Please! Please! Please! Please, Momma!" You're kneeling on the ground in front of her, hands clasped together. "I'm nearly out of the contract with Linköping. Please! It'd be such a good opportunity!"
"Whoa, whoa," Morsa says quickly," Slow down. What's going on? Pernille, huh?"
Momma sighs again, turning her phone over to Morsa. "Arsenal is interested in her."
Morsa skims through the email, her eye twitching slightly. She looks at you and says," No. If you want to go to England, we can see if Chelsea will take you."
You sigh just like Momma did. "Morsa, please! I don't even like Not-Wolfsburg! I'll play so good at Arsenal, I promise!"
"First of all," Morsa says," You're seventeen. You have got to stop calling Chelsea Not-Wolfsburg. Second of all, you're seventeen. In what world is moving to England a good idea at the moment?"
"For football!" You exclaim, standing on your feet and grabbing at her hands. You know Momma will support you in anything you want to do, including this. So it's just Morsa (who would probably prefer it if you joined fucking Spurs than Arsenal) that you have to convince. "Morsa, please! I...I'll give it my all! Please! Arsenal's the goal!"
"I thought Wolfsburg was the goal."
"It is!" You say," But that's the long term goal! Wolfsburg will be sure to watch me if I play in the WSL!"
"Wolfsburg was watching your Momma when she was still at Linköping," Morsa points out," Why can't you stay at Linköping?"
"Morsa!" You're getting a bit annoyed now. "Wolfsburg the club I want to retire at! Arsenal for Leah and Aunt Lina and Aunt Stina. Barcelona or Lyon, maybe, for Tia Tana or Daan. And then Wolfsburg!"
That causes a small smile to tug at Morsa's lips. "No Bayern on your list?"
"It's in the maybe category like Barca and Lyon! Don't change the subject! Who knows when an opportunity like this will come up again? The national teams will be sure to watch me properly too, if I'm playing in England!"
Momma laughs. "Magda," She says," Just put her out of her misery, already."
You look between them. "Huh?"
Morsa stands up, drawing you up into a hug. "Of course you can sign for Arsenal, princesse."
You end up back in London for the first time in years within the month.
A picture goes up on social media on the day you come in to officially sign. You shake hands with the manager and pose for the photo, holding onto your new jersey.
It's probably your most prized possession now with your favourite number on the back - you're challenging yourself to clinch the first keeper position within two years.
At Linköping, your last name was on your shirt.
At Arsenal, it's your first name.
Abruptly, you're brought back to a blurry memory of sitting on the floor of your house before the move to Bayern, when you ran your fingers over Alexia's name, when your Momma explained that some of the best had only their first names on their jerseys.
"There she is."
You look up and then back down bashfully.
Leah Williamson walks up to you. She's older now, than when you first met her all those years ago. She's retired from football - just like your mothers - but she still works in the sector, one of the coaches for the women's team.
"You look good in an Arsenal shirt," She says," Even better now that it's not mine."
You don't know why you say it but you do," I still have the first shirt you gave me. Momma and Morsa got it framed for me."
She grins at you, clapping you on the back. "I had you pegged for a Gunner the moment you wandered into our dressing room." She breathes in deeply. "Let me just take a moment. This is a nice full circle moment for me."
You laugh. "Me too."
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shmothman · 1 year ago
Internet Safety
(Casper x reader, 500 words, post-ending 3, T for language)
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“Casper. I need you to listen to me very carefully right now.”
You turn your phone around to face him, and he looks at you confused before reading aloud: “‘Immediate action required for your bank account.’” His brows knit as he looks up at you. “That sounds serious, are you in some kind of trouble?”
“No, no. Look at who it’s sent from.”
He reads the (incredibly phony-sounding) email address back to you, and then looks at you again, still confused.
You point at it. “This is what a scam text looks like.”
Casper narrows his eyes. He looks back at the text, then looks back at you. “But… it says your immediate action is required. Isn’t your bank account very important?”
You sigh. “It’s a lie, babe. They want me to click that link and put in my bank password. They’ll take that password to hack into my actual bank account, and then they’ll steal all my money.”
He still seems unconvinced. “But… what if you’re wrong?”
“You really are a scammer’s wet dream, you know that?”
He bristles slightly. “I do not want to risk not taking immediate action on my bank account.”
That gives you pause. “Wait, do they have banks in the underworld?”
“Yes? How do you think we deal with money?”
“Even in the underworld you have to deal with capitalism?” Honestly, you thought that his society was better than yours at that kind of thing. Though, maybe the whole ‘he was created for one purpose and that purpose is his job’ thing should’ve tipped you off. The billionaires of the mortal realm would love that shit. “Fuck, next you’re gonna tell me there’s capitalism in the afterlife, too.”
He shrugs. “I do not know. It is possible.”
“Please don’t say that to me. Anyway. If you’re gonna live in the mortal world for now, you’re gonna need to be able to tell what a scam looks like.”
“As far as I can tell, I cannot have a bank account here without an ID. Which, as I am not a citizen of this world, I do not have.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m your sugar daddy from here on out. But there’s still plenty of stuff I want to help you not fall for. Like the fucking virus you gave my computer last week.”
He frowns. “It said I had won a prize.”
“Also, what if we have to forge some documents for you and get you an ID and bank account?”
There’s a hint of a smile on his face. “Are you looking to break as many of your world’s rules as I have mine? It will be much harder for us if we both have to go on the run.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose and heave an exaggerated sigh. “Point taken. Just. Please. If you get any texts, emails, or popups like this… come to me before you click anything, okay? The geek squad guys think I’m an idiot.”
“It is not—“
“So I told them that my idiot boyfriend is the one who clicked the link.”
He pouts, and it’s very, very cute. “Very well.”
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zomboivex · 3 months ago
Small morning ramble about Rui.
These are all basically opinions so feel free to disagree but tbh I don’t really wanna hear it
This dude is never breaking his curse.
Nothing in the game hints to that even being an option for him. He, himself, doesn’t really talk about breaking his curse. He seems to have accepted that this will always be his life (and if my thoughts are correct, boy will it be a long life).
The reason Rui is such a fascinating character to me is because he’s coping with the fact that he will always be this way. He’s always going to have this curse and he’s trying to accept and live with that.
In the recent chapter where we actually see his curse go into effect - his reaction isn’t like Lyca’s (who was devastated at the seemingly betrayal of acceptance) but he was very much defeated and numb. He’s seen this reaction before. He’s been treated as a monster before. He wasn’t shocked by the reaction he got for draining a life. He was numb to it. He stood there, seemingly unable to let go as he was called a monster.
But see what I love about Rui is that
He has so carefully crafted himself to be reliable to others. Listening? No problem, he’ll let you talk about all your problems and don’t worry for one second about any of his (serious) issues. Of course, he’ll complain about his captain or Moby. But- that’s normal stuff to complain about. He tries soooo hard to make himself seem like a normal guy by flirting, joking, complaining about normal things. Then he listens to others, will do endless tasks (like gardening, cleaning up the house, running a bar, trying to run a bed and breakfast type situation, taking care of the duties Ed doesn’t or straight up refuses to do), and generally he keeps his own emotions locked deep down.
Hell his fucking stigma is a benefit to others! Even if ‘temporary’. He can still take away your pain and exhaustion??? That’s- pretty fucking helpful. And it sums him up so well as a character.
He does everything for the comfort of others. Even if temporary. Because he knows anything he does will immediately be disregarded the moment someone sees his curse in action.
Despite this, Rui pretends to always be cheerful and positive. Even if deep down he’s hurting so bad. And there’s nothing anyone can really do about it. He wears the mask of someone who’s cheerful and reliable and steady. Because what else is he supposed to do in his situation?
God I seriously love him so much as a character. I’d write a more cohesive thing for him but I want a few more Rui crumbs before I fully commit to writing a character study on this tragic fuck.
Tbh I wish I still had access to my old tumblr but I forgot the email and password I used to set it up lol so I can’t pull my character study of Narancia from over there onto here but shhhh
I struggle with writing Rui as intimate with others not on account of his curse (because there are no-touch ways around that and I wish more people would focus on that aspect ahem me- I’m more people ) but because this guy would never allow himself the chance to be intimate with others on account for what he is. It’s not from fear of touching them (though that poses a problem for fucking sure) but because he doesn’t feel he deserves this.
Okay I’m gonna stop rambling because I have so much to say but also I’m feeling very unwell today LMFAO
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mothman-etd · 3 months ago
hello 👋🏼
first loving the twiyor 😌
second I have a tech question I was hoping you might be able and willing to answer: are the 'we send you a link to your email to log in instead of using your password' actually more secure or are businesses just being mean to me personally?
hope your day is kind 😊
Ok so Authentication (going to call it auth going forward) is a very large topic and there is some baseline info I want to convey before answering you question.
First, auth breaks down into 3 methods. Confirming what someone knows, confirming what someone has, confirming what someone is.
What you know: this is the traditional password method, do you remember your password you made for us? Do you remember your username? great you can get in if you know those. Stealing these creds is very straight forward, you either guess until you are right or you steal them from where someone has them stored/written down. This is why you should NEVER store your password in a browser and use a password manager instead. I would rather see people write passwords on post-it notes then store them in Google Chrome or Edge. Seriously, it is incredibly easy to steal passwords from Chrome.
What you have: have ever been asked to put an MFA pin into a phone app? that's this method, they are putting predictable generated numbers on your phone that you can then turn around and use to prove you are in physical possession of your phone. This is much more difficult to steal and usually requires physically accessing a phone or infecting it in some fashion to steal the generation algorithm. PS: If a site uses a text message instead of an app to send a pin that is less secure because SIM duplicating is easier then both the above methods for theft (i dont know the details on how to sim dup but I know no good security team takes sms pins seriously)
What you are: This is stuff like Apple's face id, windows hello, finger scan. Anything that is unique to your physical body that can be scanned to confirm who you are. This is either incredibly difficult or super easy to break depending on how the program is written. for example Face ID had an issue where it could not differentiate between particular ethnicities, also someone (the police) can just hold your phone up to force the unlock. This is usually a good method to use in conjunction with one of the others to make Auth more difficult.
So which one is better? Well each one has its pros and cons which means the most secure method is using more then one. This is called Multi Factor Authentication or MFA for short.
So lets go back to your question, is getting a login link more secure then say remembering a password. Well how secure is access to your email? if your email just requires a username and password to get into, then it is the same security level.
If you have your email setup with MFA where you need to password and pin into it then it is probably more secure then some random sites username password pair.
Also we need to ask questions about the links themselves, do you get the same link each time or is a new one created each request? How are they generated? how long until a link expires? is the link email sent via TLS? Which version of TLS? How are they stored or Are they stored? Is link generation predictable, if I had enough info could i just make my own links for any user?
Honestly I think the biggest benefit of this auth method happens on the website side and less the end user side. This requires less development to create, also they do not need to figure out how to store and keep your passwords, and if they get hacked there are no passwords to be stolen since they literally don't use them. Having passwords stolen is when law enforcement needs to get involved (Law enforcement needs to be contacted in the event any Personally Identifiable Information or PII is stolen). So if they do not use passwords that is one less PII they have in their possession.
Overall passwords are shit and anyone trying to make an effort to not use passwords or to not allow just passwords is at least making an effort to have a better security posture. But if it is actually more secure really depends, passwordless is new territory for a lot of people so its going to have growing pains.
hopefully this answers your question! if you want more clarification let me know.
Oh and Spy Family is life
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d0not-disturb · 2 months ago
bro pls, why might you get banned 😭
Okay Yalls deserve to know in case it DOES happen somehow
When i first got tumblr, I used my old school account for the email, not knowing a few months later I would be switching districts. Once i had switched districts however, I had already began to use a new email for everything. The email for my tumblr got terminated, and i had completely forgotten. (Btw i had already had tumblr on my phone and iPad)
Now this had been fine, and It had worked for months! Until just last year, (2024) when I got a new phone and iPad. Now, both my phone and iPad were VERY old, and I barely backed them up because they lacked the storage and updates to do so. Luckily though, when I got my new iPad, everything had been saved, as it was years newer than my phone. My phone though, was a different story. My phone hadn’t been backed up in…years. Like I hadn’t backed it up since 2022. So when I got my new phone, and eventually restored most of my stuff, I quickly noticed that, NONE OF MY PASSWORDS WERE SAVED!!! I genuinely don’t know why.
And recently tumblr was down and I made the STUPID decision to log out cause I thought I remembered my password since I have the same password for everything, but apparently I made my tumblr before I started doing that.
And now I don’t have my tumblr on my phone, and there is. No way to get it back since I can’t ever change or get into my email ever again.
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kageki-kokoro · 5 months ago
I'm doing a giveaway!! one plush commission!! winner to be announced at 6pm CST, October 31.
to enter: be following me, reblog this post, and send 1 email to [email protected] with your blog name and the password below the cut
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some terms, a handful of conditions.
I'm not making anything hateful or that will get me in legal trouble. I do reserve the right to refuse
I'll contact you via the provided email or blog, you'll have 48 hours to respond. if you don't i'll redraw a name and you have my condolences
the intention is to ship to you, so be sure to have somewhere the plush can go!
The Password is DOGWATER, make sure the email contains this somewhere [body or subject line idc but it's gotta use the password]
the plush will be 9 - 15 inches / 22 - 38 cm, and based on a loose budget of $200 USD
customs can take anywhere from 4 - 12 weeks
this is for fun, so let's have fun!
i can't think of anything else. idk. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. yeah that sounds pretty uuuuuuuuh legal
once again that's DOGWATER. i'm putting an email out there i gotta filter stuff out you knoww?
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aspiffygoat · 17 days ago
how would you recommend starting a NSFW account? like, protecting email and privacy and stuff. i’m worried about Big Data, idk
There's A LOT of ground to cover here, so bear with me: I am writing this under the assumption you are an artist who wants to draw gay kink stuff, and you wish to protect this identity from your irl peers and maybe employers. The FIRST major thing to handle is your accounts. Signing up for services require you to give information about yourself, which is something that could easily be leaked #1) have a separate email for your NSFW stuff. all accounts for your NSFW life will use this email. I recommend using Proton Mail or Tuta. (Warning: the free version of proton mail and tuta will auto delete accounts that have remained inactive for more than 6 months) #2) Being an artist on the internet means having 10 billion social media accounts. DO NOT give them all the same password. Ever. Get a password manager. They will generate strong passwords for you, all of which are unique. I recommend Bitwarden, KeepassXC, or Protonpass. #3) Any accounts that handle finances (paypal patreon etc) should be under your irl email. Your government ID and bank will be linked to those. Also taxes. #4) Do not provide your phone number for your nsfw accounts. This will provide a link between your nsfw life and your personal life. Discord and Twitch force you to provide a phone number. Either make a new email, or link your non nsfw email to them. You could spoof a phone number but that comes with risks. Your call. #5) If you can, set up 2 Factor Authentication with your emails. This will also help you log in to them more often, keeping them active. Now that your accounts are secured and compartmentalized the next thing to do is BE MINDFUL WHEN TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF. You dont need to be too mysterious and aloof just don't get too careless when sharing your life with others. maybe strangers dont need to know you have a brother, or where you normally shop. what's left now are dealing with websites tracking your browsing habits. This post is too long so a very quick and easy set up is: -Switch to a privacy respecting browser. I recommend Firefox. -Avoid installing browser extensions. -Except for Ublock Origin. It will block so many ads, trackers, and malware. -Pick a privacy respecting search engine. Duckduck go is a popular choice Theres still a shitload more you can do but this will put you so far ahead of everyone else, without requiring you to spend money, and its not too difficult to set up. anyway i wrote all of this for you so pls be nice to me
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