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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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5th day at home. I'm starting to be a little bit silly 🤯😅 But I made some progress on this painting today, see more in my stories 😉🗻 How are you? Are you at home or you're continuing your normal routines? #stayhome #stayhomeandcreate Už som piaty deň doma. A začína mi z toho trošku hrabať😅🤯 Ale aspoň som pokročila s prácou na tomto obraze, ma 50x50cm tak mi to trvá 😉🗻 Ako sa máte vy? Zostávate doma alebo pokračujete vo svojich normálnych dutinách? #zostandoma #somdoma #oilpainting #landscapepainting #landscapepainter #landscapeart #naturepainting #onmyeasel #emergingartist #landscapepaintings #umeni #obrazy #umelec #dnestvorim #dnesmalujem #slovakart #slovakiaart #czechart #flercz #inspirace #inspiracebydleni #interierovydesign #utulnydomov #ceskeumeni #interier #domov #onmyeasel #karantena
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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Passion deep inside - thats how I named this painting, a favourite of mine 💜 30x60cm, oil painting. If you can't keep your eyes off it, it's available 🤗 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tento obraz som odměňovala Vášeň hluboko vnútri 💜 Môj obľúbený 😋 30x60cm, olejomaľba, ak by ste od neho nemohli odtrhnúť oči, je dostupný 🤗 (v místě Bratislava, Slovakia)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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I posted these new paintings on canvas/paper to my website, Etsy and Fler 😍🖼️ I'm so satisfied now. I'm gonna work some more, client emails and invoices and meeting are waiting for me next week. Happy busy 🙏💐 And this way I won't be so overwhelmed with Monday coming 😅🍃 Práve som pridala tieto nové obrazy na papieri alebo na plátne na moju webstránku, Etsy aj Fler 🤗🍂 Tak som spokojná 😋 Ešte vyriešim klientské emaily, faktúry a plánovanie stretnutí na ďalší týždeň... Spokojná a vyťažená 🙏💐 Aspoň nebudem v pondelok tak zahltená všetkom prácou 🍃 (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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Can you see the progress from yesterday? You could see in the stories what I was working on. It looks like this so far... I'll be looking forward to do the front part, that little stream there 😉 Maybe today? Haha if I have some more energy left after the birth support that I did today, I may just finish it😋🤪 Včera som maľovala vrchnú časť tejto krajiny, takto to zatiaľ vyzerá 😉 Teším sa až domaľujem aj tu spodnú. Možno dnes? 🤪 Ak mi zostane energia po doprovode k pôrodu, ktorému som sa celý deň dnes venovala, tak možno ano 😉😋 (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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Beautiful simplicity, original oil painting. I painted these seascape series in hope, that they can provide a quiet moment in a rushed day, a moment to look through the painting into yourself, listen for a while, for that soft voice of intuition and guidance…. I hope this painting will inspire you to look for beauty even in simple things, that are around you and that you can experience every day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 30 x 60 cm 130 €, available, free shipping :) (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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I'm so excited all the time, it's tiring actually 😅😍 I didn't have much the to paint last days, I've been spending all my time in searching for the land to build a house on 🌄 or researching everything connected to buying/building a new home... Anyway, for these upcoming days I'm planning to finish this collection and I'm super curious how these paintings will look together 🤗 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Posledné dni som nemala veľmi čas maľovať, venovala som sa hlavne hľadaniu pozemkov a všetkých informácií, ktoré by sme potrebovali k nájdeniu alebo postaveniu nového bývania 🌄 Ale tieto nasledujúce dni by som chcela dokončiť túto sériu krajiniek. Som veľmi zvedavá ako bude vyzerať 🤗 (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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These paintings are in process... And I'm walking outside, breathing inspiration from autumn nature 💚🍂🍁🍃 My exhibition in Becausebook (Pekařská 41) is open until this Friday, make sure to visit me on Thursday or Friday, I should be there from 11:30 am until 17:00 😉💛 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tyto obrazy jsou zrovna rozmalované... já si beru čas na procházky venku, sytím se inspiraci z podzimní přírody 🍂💚😍🌞 Když je dokončím, budou k prodeji 💚 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Do pátku probíhá má výstava v Brně na Pekařské ulici č.41 Becausebook 😉 Běžte se podívat! Ve čtvrtek i pátek tam budu zhruba od 11:30 a můžu vám obrazy osobně představit, výstava je prodejná, můžete si po pátku obraz odnést i domu 😊 (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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I got to paint today, finally a deer family in my misty (soulscape) landscape 🤗🦌 I also added some more mist, when these deers will be dry I'll add some more and check the colors, So they look more realistic 😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Protože som mohla být dnes doma, okrem inej práce som maľovala túto moju snovú krajinu. Konečne sa jelenia rodinka objavila aj na plátne, a nie je už len v mojej fantázii 🤗🦌 Pridala som hmlu, ešte to trochu bude chcieť pridať, a zladiť farby jeleňov 😋 Vrstva po vrstve, pomaly k dokončenému obrazu. Takto môže jeden obraz trvať aj niekoľko týždňov 😊 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 5 years ago
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I'm so excited all the time, it's tiring actually 😅😍 I didn't have much the to paint last days, I've been spending all my time in searching for the land to build a house on 🌄 or researching everything connected to buying/building a new home... Anyway, for these upcoming days I'm planning to finish this collection and I'm super curious how these paintings will look together 🤗 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Posledné dni som nemala veľmi čas maľovať, venovala som sa hlavne hľadaniu pozemkov a všetkých informácií, ktoré by sme potrebovali k nájdeniu alebo postaveniu nového bývania 🌄 Ale tieto nasledujúce dni by som chcela dokončiť túto sériu krajiniek. Som veľmi zvedavá ako bude vyzerať 🤗 (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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Fresh off the easel 😊 Bottom painting finished, on the upper one I'm not happy with the clouds yet so I'll work on them some more...More purple! 😋 Can't wait to get back to them! 😊 . . . #oilpaintingart #oilpaintings #oilpaintingartist #oilpaintinglandscape #oilpaintingsforsale #oilpaintingsoncanvas #oilpainting #artistlife #artstudio #artstudios #ontheeasel#interiordesign #curator #czechdesign #artcollector #myartlife #artcurator #womenartists #artistsoninstagram #artistoninstagram #carveouttimeforart #paintingstudio #studioscenes #zlaskykumeni #dnestvorim #slovakart #umenienaslovensku #slovakiaart #czechart #ipreview via (v místě Rome, Italy)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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I have time to paint mostly in the trains, as we're traveling through Italy 😊 Here I'm painting a fountain from Florence. I'll show you the end result soon, there are flowers missing 🌹🌸🌹🥀 . . . #watercolorsketch #watercolorsketches #watercolorsketching #watercolorsketchbook #watercolor_art #watercolorblog #watercolorillustration #watercolour_gallery #aquarellegallery #watercolor_daily #watercolorpainting #watercolorartist #forahappymoment #travelandlife #traveldiary #traveljournal #theverydayproject #discoveritaly #exploringitaly #italian_places #italiabella #italy_vacations #perfect_italia #artistlife #womenwhopaint #mybeautifulmess #myartlife #womenartists #artistsoninstagram #carveouttimeforart via (v místě Napoli Centrale)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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First painting of my collection 😊 Here it's a full picture. It came on its own, like if the inspiration was whispering to my ears, and I was painting according to it... Can you suggest a name for it? . . . #oilpaintingart #oilpaintings #oilpaintingartist #oilpaintinglandscape #oilpaintingsforsale #oilpaintingsoncanvas #oilpainting #allaprima #buyart #affordableart #artforsale #artforhome #wallart #etsyart #etsyartist #bohodecor #artforsalebyartist #art4sale #emergingart #zlaskykumeni #slovakart #slovakiaart #czechart #artclubseven #artschamber #inboho_gallery #creativearts #artviral #sharepaintings #acrylicblog via (v místě Roma, Italia / Rome, Italy)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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Soft detail of a new piece... I have these 30x60cm canvases and I will make seascapes on all of them 😋 . Today we're traveling to Italy! I'm so excited but didn't sleep since Saturday... I'm curious how I'll manage to stay awake in Milan 😅 . . . #oceanart #skypainting #seaandskypainting #paintinginprogress #beachart #oilpainting #seascapepainting #seascapes #natureart #coastalpainting #coastalart #seascape #oceanart #skyporn #skypainting #zlaskykumeni #dnestvorim #dnesmalujem #slovakart #umenienaslovensku #slovakiaart #czechart #ontheeasel #womenwhopaint #paintingoftheday #womenartists #artistsoninstagram #artistoninstagram #carveouttimeforart #paintingstudio via (v místě Milan, Italy)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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This painting came through a lonhg process to be finished! Started as an abstract acrylic painting 😆 but it called me to do the water, the trees and after that some hills in the background. And now it's a big, oil landscape painting 😊 50x70 cm and will be available for sale. When I get back from the vacations 😊 (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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I'm in a process of creating a new series of seascape paintings.... A little sneak peek here 👩‍🎨😉 I'm on my way to teach prenatal class with my colleague, midwife. We are a duo, doula and a midwife 😉 I'm excited to see new couples! How is your Friday going? (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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Another painting that's finished after some months... I really had to push through that latest stages of painting, when it was almost finished but I was afraid to ruin it 🤦‍♀️😁 Luckily I didn't! At least that's what I think.... . Did you check out my new website? Click the link in Bio and sign up for the newsletter, if you want to get my blog posts and a new painting series 😉 . . . . . . #oceanart #skypainting #seaandskypainting #cloudart #sunsetart #sunsetpainting #seascapepainting #seascapes #artclubseven #artschamber #inboho_gallery #creativearts #artviral #sharepaintings #acrylicblog @ig4art @creative_art_world @art_enlighten @arrtpassion @magicgallery @no_world_without_art @abstactartorg @flaming_abstracts @inbohogallery @artclubseven @artschamber #artistlife #artstudio #artstudios #ontheeasel #artiststudio #womenwhopaint #paintingoftheday #paintingoftheday🎨 #onmyeasel #mybeautifulmess #myartlife #womeninspiringwomen #womenartists #artistsoninstagram #artistoninstagram (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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aiyannadreamsart · 6 years ago
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I'm growing to live these flowers even more in the frame! I had to cut out the mat board myself, couldn't find the right size yet... If you'd have some tips on where to get the mat boards for paintings on paper, I'd be so glad! . Anyway, I was painting yesterday, but that's secret for now 😋 . . . #mywork #originalart #selftaught #myart #creativewomen #ilovepainting #acrylicpainting #obraz #malba #umeni #obrazy #dnesmalujem #slovakart #umenienaslovensku #slovakiaart #abstraktniumeni #czechart #flowerpainting #floralpainting #kvetiny #brno #floralar #floralartist #paintingflowers #flowerpaintings #flowerspainting #flowersart #ihavethisthingwithflowers #forflowerlovers #rosepainting via (v místě Brno, Czech Republic)
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