Agere and Petre Protector Agent
36 posts
Hi! As a member of the age regression comunity I have taken it upon myself to help you all feel safe! If you have any issues or anything you can come to me:D (I don't block any meanies so please use any meanies coming here as a blocklist too!)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
agere-petre-protector · 18 days ago
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Important Internet Safety PSA!
This post is specifically targeted at minors.
Hi kiddos! I'm making this post to remind all regressors on here that they should be extra sure to stay safe online!
For a while now, I've seen minors posting things that are not safe 🙅 but anyone can benefit from following these tips. Especially those who regress, and can be mentally children at times, should be extra cautious online.
Warning! : mentions of potentially triggering topics in relation to online safety, stranger danger, etc. Please only read when big, not regressed!
Read Under The Cut ⬇️
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Things Minors Should Not Share Online:
1) Your Real Name.
Never share your full name online. Your first name is less dangerous, but if you can, I would still go by pseudonym (Ex: Sunny, Lambie, Tiny, Bear, Baby Bat, etc.) or fake name. Your name may feel innocent, but personal information is very important.
2) Your Location.
This one feels obvious, but more people do it than you think! Yes, I mean do not share your address...but I also mean: Do not share what school you attend. Do not share what state you live in. Do not share what city you live in.
3) Your Age.
Do not tell anyone that you are a minor. People online should not know that you are a child. As a child, you are especially vulnerable to being targeted by people online.
Age regressors in general are pretty commonly targeted by p/redators online, but stating you're a minor won't make you more safe from them - it will make those predators more likely to want to message you.
Remember to also not share your birthday! Your exact birth date is personal info. If you wish to share birthday stories, gifts, etc, or tell people of your birthday, be broad. Mention it's your birthday month at the beginning/end of the month :) rather than the exact day.
4) Your Triggers.
People online should not know what specific things trigger you. This information can be used against you. Yes, this includes information in DNIs.
If you must have a DNI, be generic.
"DNI if you post kink, blood, eating disorders, transphobia, these things trigger me." is too much personal information. This is just a list of things that trigger you. People online should NOT know this information. ❌ ❌
❤️ Generic DNI examples:
"DNI if your blog is unsafe for children"
"DNI if you post N/S/F/W content."
"DNI if your blog is k/i/n/k, c/g/l, or NSFW." ❤️
Remember to use your block button liberally, for anyone who makes you uncomfortable.
5) Photos of yourself.
There are multiple reasons why posting photos of yourself, as a minor, may not be a good idea.
First, regression is very stigmatized. Choosing to connect your face to something so stigmatized is a very big decision, one that can be difficult to make at a young age. The internet is forever, and it's very important to consider how you might feel about these photos later in life.
Second, regression is SFW, but p/redators don't care. While the pictures of you with a paci, or you in a diaper may be completely innocent and nonsexual, bad people can still access them. This doesn't mean you can never post photos - but waiting until you're old enough to really understand the risks is a good idea.
In general, photos of your regression can be unsafe can share photos without you in them! Pictures of your snacks, or a toy can be nice to share. Just make sure there's no personal, or identifying info in your pictures :) and then show off your cute drawings or toys.
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Personal information is very precious. Be very careful with who you share it with! If you are an adult, you have the knowledge to make the decision on whether or not you think it's a good idea to share this information. But if you are a child, you're usually not old enough to understand what sharing personal info can mean.
I know a lot of these may feel really restricting. You might think "isn't that a little much?" and yes, they can be a lot to ask. But staying safe is super important.
It's important for you kiddos to remember that most of you are in categories that can make you extra vulnerable. Being minors, being neurodivergent, being queer, having faced past trauma, being an age regressor...are all things that can make you especially vulnerable.
If you decide to share these things anyway, I hope I've encouraged you to try to do so sparingly. Maybe you can share some of these, but decide to make others private.
Stay safe kiddos!
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agere-petre-protector · 19 days ago
Welcome to..
Kiki’s Internet Safety Guide!
Todays lesson: Private Messaging
(I don’t know if this will turn into a series or not but!! It’s for the title!)
Do not engage in random, vague private messages. If you’re online and someone suddenly messages you with a vague “hi”, “hello”, etc. I tend to avoid it, as I only want to talk to someone if they actually give an explanation for contacting me right from the get go.
There has been a time where this happened and I immediately felt very uncomfortable talking to said person! Especially since they contacted me shortly after making a post about getting a pacifier.
Pay attention to:
WHEN did they message you? Have you recently posted something that would make privately contacting you actually make sense?
Did they tell you WHY they’ve messaged you?
Check your notifications; do you know WHERE this person found you. What post did they interact with before this? Which posts are they actively interacting with? Did they interact with any of them at all?
And one that may be controversial, but if someone asks you to be their friend and not just a mutual. You need to know their age.
Why? Because knowing how old someone is gravely changes the opinion on how you talk to them, how you SHOULD and SHOULDN’T be talking to them, or if you’ll even want to be friends at all. It also lets YOU know how they should and shouldn’t be talking to YOU! But be careful, people can still lie.
.. at least these are my opinions on the matter! I am not say all be all, these are just the rules I set for myself as someone who’s previously been a victim. Feel free to share your own advice and opinions yourself; what rules do YOU set for your internet experience?
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agere-petre-protector · 20 days ago
Back in my day (damnit am I getting old) we had soo much "Don’t give personal information online" speeches you'd imagine from the phot of your dog someone who know your full goverment name lol
In all seriousness be save little ones
there’s a severe lack of internet safety/minor safety in the agere tumblr-sphere that i think we just dont talk about even close to enough
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agere-petre-protector · 21 days ago
So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom
It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education
602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡
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agere-petre-protector · 2 months ago
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agere-petre-protector · 2 months ago
If you’re against art theft you should absolutely be crediting all photo sources in any kind of edits or moodboards you make!
You wouldn’t crop, edit, generally re-post someone’s drawn artwork you shouldn’t do it with photography either
Please always make sure to credit your photo sources or use photos from free-to-use websites like Unsplash instead!
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agere-petre-protector · 2 months ago
Agere community we need to talk.
[Text ID: Agere community we need to talk. End ID]
I have noticed a huge rise in UNCREDITED and STOLEN works; it being art, edits, collages etc
Specially reposts on Tumblr and Pinterest
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*Original artists that had their work stolen: @regressionworldz and @cutiecorner
This post is a guide about internet etiquette and crediting
[Text ID: This post is a guide about internet etiquette and crediting. End ID]
1. How to NOT steal stuff!
Any work with the tag “Free to use” (also known as “F2U”) means that they are allowed to be reposted, used in collages, edits etc. Just check if credits are needed!
*Important addition (that I can’t believe I had to add):
* “Why does this matter?” “Can’t you just ask where they got it from?”
It’s a question of politeness and fairness, yes, someone can ask where that piece is from but it’s not a guaranteed answer, people can lie and people can forget!
Also, people might see it and take it at face value, think the post belongs to that person when it doesn’t
Adding to that, there’s folks that do not want their work reposted for many reasons!
To top it off, heres the issue of the original creators not getting the attention they deserve, imagine that you spent hours on a piece just for it to be stolen and that post getting more attention then your own original post, that one you worked hours for it to, to be just the way you wanted it to be, that would upset you wouldn’t it?
Overall, crediting and asking to repost is just the polite thing to do
For Artworks:
Your first need to check if the artist allows reposting of their work or the use of them for collages, if they allow, then you link to their original post and state who drew the pics of art
For GIF’s + non-product photos:
Credit to the original post! Or at least as far back as you can find it!
Usually photos of products such as toys, plushies, accessories etc made by big brands are easy to spot and know where they came from (ex: blogs that post PNG’s usually don’t need to credit all their sources), but, small business/hand crafted works should always be credited!
Reposting moodboards:
Similar to artworks, first ask permission to repost, if allowed link to the original creator!
“But they said “no”!”:
Then don’t do it! Even with credits! Don’t do it! Is as simple as that! Respect others right to say no!
2. How do I identify stolen work?
There are many giveaways of stolen posts, such as:
• Low photo quality
• Watermarks that don’t match
• Lack of information about what was made (for who it was etc)
• Unable to answer simple questions such as what brush they used or long it took
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3. What do i do if my work was stolen?
1. Inform the person that it’s your work and to either remove it or credit them
2. If it’s still not credited or taken down, report their post
3. If the report didn’t go anywhere or if the account is still doing it to yours and others content, please make an awareness post about it. Strength comes in numbers after all!
4. Overall…
Let’s stop with this unpleasant and rude act of stealing others work!
I really hate to see that on our community, please, inform more people about it and report any acc that profits of others uncredited/stolen content!
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agere-petre-protector · 2 months ago
Thank you :D
Thank you for answering my question. This is @agere-petre-protector again with my request.
Can you please make me a DNI banner with some strong cat (like a lion for example) with "Do not interact if you are NSFW" ?
I am not too sure what more information you need but in case you need a color I would prefer either no colored background and/or green like grass.
Thank you in advanced, Agent.
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Like/Reblog if you use! :D
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agere-petre-protector · 3 months ago
Not an ask for anything I just wanted to say thank you, you're helping the agere community on Tumblr become more safer (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و /gen
Thank you so much! 🩷
We like to think that it really is a community effort, because this blocklist wouldn't work the way it does without the submissions of other age and pet regressors. Still, kindness is always appreciated!
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agere-petre-protector · 3 months ago
There is supoused to be a "raid" tomorow or something of the sorth on ask boxes with assumigly gore or NSFW material. Not sure about if it’s true or not but please turn off your asks if you are sensitive.
Allways make sure to:
Have anons off if you are sensitive. People are lot less brave with anon asks off
Don’t panic. Know that people who do this want you to do that. They have nothing else to do and nobody respects them so they like the feeling of being feared
Try to find the facts. Who told me about the raid? Are they credible? Do they have any facts to back up their claim?
I have been incredibly busy due to a fundraiser I am a part of every year this time so I unfortunately can’t give you these facts. But make sure to do your own reaserch when it comes to stuff like planned raids and anon attacks.
Context I did find is here, thank you little one who send me it <3
Kitty for a cheer up
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agere-petre-protector · 3 months ago
Thank you dear little one!
Hello dear!
Sorry for bothering you, but it's important to remind you to turn off your asks for a few days! Bad things are going to happen on Tumblr soon...
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Don t know anything about this but BETTER BE SAFE EVERYBODY!!!!!!
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agere-petre-protector · 3 months ago
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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agere-petre-protector · 4 months ago
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agere-petre-protector · 4 months ago
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agere-petre-protector · 4 months ago
Best spots to aim for in self defence
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agere-petre-protector · 4 months ago
Freedom of information and the ideas of no information control is something I stand for and allways did. Most of my projects out of work are for freedom of speech and availability of information without an attached cost to it.
Freedom of speech and information should be universal, so should freedom of opinion and expression. Doesn’t mean consequences.
Cut those people out of your life if they wronged people like you. Never speak to them. Divorce them. Freedom of speech, freedom of consequences. Don’t stoop to their level but don’t make yourself deal with them.
They think you don’t deserve rights? They don’t deserve your time or energy. You have places to be, things to do. They visibly don’t.
We were born to riot, we were born to survive
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agere-petre-protector · 4 months ago
Angry caregiver flag
A flag for caregivers who have issues with anger or are angry at people who are mean to regressors. Made by me because I relate to it.
NOT mean AT regressors!!!
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@bunnelbaby you reblog a lot of flags so if you'd like this one, feel free to take it too:)
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