aetherwontshutup · 2 days
Your first time with the bachelors, MDNI pls
Content warning: sex, I try to keep it all gender neutral so everyone can enjoy! Shane’s and Harvey’s are a bit more female leaning on accident 😅
He’s got experience so even if you don’t he can help you out
Will take it slow for you for your first time together
Always has condoms on hand, we practice safe sex in this house
Pulls you onto his lap for a heavy make out session first, hands roaming over your body while he encourages you to do the same
Always asks before removing any article of clothing from you, consent is sexy
Once your both naked he’ll lay you back on the bed, he’ll do all the work he just wants you to enjoy the ride
Makes sure you cum on his hands and mouth first so your well prepped since he’s a bit big
Lubes himself up after rolling on the condom and starts inching himself inside you, he’ll watch your face the whole time to make sure your not in to much discomfort
Once he’s fully inside you he’ll give you time to adjust if you need it, likes to give you lots of little praises
“Fuck baby, that’s it, your taking me so well” “look at you all stuffed full of my cock like such a good girl/boy/pet”
Once you let him know he’s good to move he does try to take it slow at first, but after a few moments he’ll pick his pace up to a nice quick thrusting
Definitely plays with your nipples or clit while he fucks you, wants to make sure your feeling as good as he is
When he gets close to cumming his thrusts get sloppy and a bit out of rhythm
Leans close to your ear and whispers absolute filth
“Take it, fucking take it” “look at you all drunk on my cock, that’s okay baby I’ll take care of you”
Burrows himself to the hilt with a harsh grip on your hips when he cums
Like I said, not the most experienced but he makes up for it by being eager to learn
Chances are your gonna have to take the ropes at least for the first time
Definitely a whiny subby mess
Loves when you leave hickeys on his chest while his hands grab at anything they can reach
When you slide the condom on his cock and sit on it he’s almost in tears at how good it feels to be inside you, isn’t afraid to let you know
“F-fuck sweetheart, feels so fucking good” “don’t stop please don’t stop”
He will not last long, how could he? Your warm wet walls clamping around him feel like heaven
When he cums he tosses his head back and let’s out the breathiest whine as he grips the sheets until his knuckles are white
If you haven’t cum yet he will use his mouth to make sure you do, he isn’t a selfish lover by any means
He’s got a decent amount of experience under his belt
And so much lube and condoms since he’s the town doctor
He likes to take his time working you up, a gentle body massage with some body safe lavender oil
Scented candles in a dim room
Likes to have you pretty much begging for him to touch you before he actually gets to working his fingers inside you
Once he’s pumping his fingers in and out at a slow steady rhythm, the other hands busy gently pinching your nipples
Wants you to cum on his hands first before he slides into you
Once he has his cock inside you he likes to keep the pace slow and steady, hands still roaming your body he snakes one hand between you both to rub encouraging circles on your clit
Whispers soft praise in your ear the whole time
“Your doing so good for me love” “fuck you look amazing under me” “taking me so well, cum for me again I know you can”
Will make you cum a second time before he even thinks about finishing himself
Moans softly in your ear when he cums
After sex cuddles with him are top notch please tell him he did a good job he has anxiety
Listen, he’s got frustrations and if you’ll let him he’s gonna rough you up in bed
He likes it rough and dirty and he isn’t afraid to be mean in bed (with your consent and discussion before hand of course)
Your safe word is pepper
He’ll work you up with his hands first and mouth first, leaving hickeys and bite marks on whatever exposed skin he can reach while he’s got three fingers pumping in and out of your tight hole at a rough speed
Once your prepped enough he’s manhandling you onto your hands and knees, face shoved in a pillow while he shoves his cock into you
One of his hands has a bruising grip on your hips while the other hand is tucked under you holding a vibrating wand on the highest setting against your clit
He’s pounding into you so hard the beds shaking, you would be worried about breaking it if you could think straight at the moment
Spews absolute filth, he does not shut up
“Fucking take it like a good little slut” “all your good for is taking cock isn’t it? Fucking repeat it” “ah ah don’t try and wiggle away, stay put”
Will absolutely overstimulate you to the point of tears, wants you to sob on his cock
If you want him to he will gently hold your throat but actually choking you beyond a gentle squeeze is something he won’t do
Will spank you
When he cums his grip on your hips tightens as he hissed out a moan
Big on aftercare, will massage any particularly sore spots, run you a hot bath, get you water and a snack, tell you what a good job you did for him and how proud he is of you
He wants you to know he loves you and that it’s just part of a scene when he says your just a little whore and not what he actually thinks of you
Fully flustered mess
Does not know what he’s doing but more then willing to learn
Your probably gonna have to take the lead here as well
Get him all worked up and ready to see him on the verge of tears and begging for you to sit on his cock already
He’s a switch but definitely subby the first time
When you finally seat yourself on his cock he lets out a very shaky moan, dude knows he isn’t going to last long at all but he can’t find it in him to care
He probably lasts like three minutes at most but he’s literally never been inside someone cut him some slack
You do infant cut him slack because it’s the hottest site you’ve ever seen to have this lanky emo man almost crying in overstimulation underneath you
He will use his hands and mouth to make you cum just give him a few moments to recover please
A romantic man
Pulls out literally all the stops
Body safe scented rose oil, candles, dim lights, rose petals on the floor and bed
He’s got a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice on the bedside table
Soft music playing on the radio
He starts by undressing you slowly, leaving a trail of light kisses on each new exposed patch of skin
Leads you to the bed where he lays you down and starts gently massaging you, working his way to your dripping hole where he gently stretches you out with his fingers until your cumming on them
When he finally enters you it’s all slow and sweet, he’s holding your hands, fingers intertwined with yours
Forehead kisses while he whispers in your ear
“Your doing so well for me” “I love you so much” “god you feel amazing around me my love”
Not afraid to moan in your ear, breathy little groans as well
Relishes in all the little sounds you make for him
When he cums he definitely pulls you into a passionate kiss while shoving himself to the hilt inside you
Stays inside you for a little while after while his cock softens so he can feel close to you
Loves after sex snuggles
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aetherwontshutup · 6 days
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aetherwontshutup · 6 days
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aetherwontshutup · 6 days
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blabbering . . . just blabbering . . . just that .
No greater dynamic than the farmer consequentially wedged between the two close friends in Pelican town, Sebastian and Sam. Like, people around town would’ve readily expected that those two are the one confidently showing the ropes to the farmer, merely acting as example for what is expected and what there is to do. As if the farmer isn’t the one who holds all the control, has ‘em amusingly wrapped around his finger cuz’ yeah — sure, both men may seem far more experienced in the sexual domain, but truthfully, you’re the one unveiling a whole new world to them. Specially, if it’s directed towards Sebastian for his inevitably dull attitude on first meet. He’s so fucking indifferent when faced with anything that you sometimes just wanna, y’know, ruin him a bit? Have him noticeably show more of himself underneath that collective act he puts on.
Even crueller if you get a taste of him first before Sam does, simply getting caught in the act while you’re balls deep in the fucker like, oh— hey, Sam. Sammy, buddy. Truth is, you’ve got to cum first inside though doesn’t mean little blondie here, can’t join in on the fun here, huh? After all, he’s much nicer than the bratty fuck who lazily drawls around in his spacious room all day, all seasons even. If anything, they should be both grateful for your ‘well-intentioned’ guidance over them. See, how apologetic you are for secretly defiling Sebastian without his old friend Sam to show for it? Palms precisely pressed along Sam’s hips, carefully guiding his movements as he pumps himself in and out of Sebastian’s tight, fucking hole. Here, look at how his eyes stupidly roll to the back of his skull whenever you hit that one, measly spot with utter precision there, huh? Flatly pushing onto the visible bulge buried deep within his pale tummy. Would y’a look at that— needy slut is just asking for more, isn’t he? God, Sam— Aren’t ya doing so good in thoroughly fucking your best friend till he’s rendered dumb and cock drunk on two men’s fat cocks for his greedy pleasure? Ain’t this what he’s due?
You’re just being generous here, stupid, dumb, little face all cross-eyed and drooling. Yeah, it’s better this way— better when you’re the one withholding all the authority, a meek sob of Sebby over there when he’s pathetically begging for Sammy here, not to cum inside. What’s that? No? Gaze deftly shifted onto yours as you give a subtle nod in turn. Think you’ve got a sayin’ in any of this, baby boy? Nah. It’s what he’s made for. Busting a fat load of sticky cum right in his reddened, sore ass, relishing in the overstimulated squirm of his once it’s your turn to go again. Not done yet, and neither is Sam by the dazed look of his. Warm, slippery holes made to be fucked deep into and messily cum in as well. Sam and you are merely taking your fill each. (Sam’s ass is not fucking safe in this one, either.)
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aetherwontshutup · 6 days
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After His Show
After seeing the band play a gig in the city, you ride back to town on Seb’s motorcycle. But, you get a little distracted along the way…
Sebastian xF!Reader, Sebastian xAFAB!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tw: nsfw, mdni, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, mentions of cigarettes, pet names, semi-public sex, oral male receiving
AN: This fic can be read as a follow up to Under His Desk or as a stand alone. I have been on the motorcycle thirst trap side of the internet lately and I thought that perfectly aligned with a fic idea. I have never ridden a motorcycle so if my descriptions are inaccurate, I’m sorry :)
Wc: 4400
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It was another fall day and you had just finished a harvest which meant one thing - it was time to pop into Pierre’s for some more seeds. You head down the road that leads into town trying to decide if you want to focus on artichokes or if you have enough time left in the season to plant some fairy roses. You’re so lost doing the mental calculations that you would’ve run into Sam if he hadn’t grabbed you by the arms.
“Look where you’re going, farmer! You could’ve made a dent in me,” he jokes, squeezing your biceps. “No, but for real you’re strong right?” 
“Uh yeah, I guess I am?” you shrug.
“Well, we could use an extra roadie for the Goblin Destroyer show tomorrow night if you’re free,” he says. “I know Seb would be really happy if you were there.” Sam winks at you.
You flush, forgetting that Sam knows you and Seb have been fooling around since he almost walked in on the two of you. If you’d only grabbed your bra before hiding under Seb’s desk this embarrassment could’ve been avoided.
“Yeah, sure I don’t have any plans for tomorrow,” you say. “It would be cool to see y’all at a real gig and not just rehearsals.”
“Sweet! Okay, we’re meeting at the bus stop at 4, see you there,” Sam calls as he heads for home.
The next day you finish your chores around the farm as quickly as you can. You may be a roadie tonight, but you’re a groupie at heart and you want to look the part. When you’re satisfied that you look somewhere between halfway decent and slightly hot, you head for the bus stop. 
As you approach, you see Seb leaving. You try to catch his eye but it’s clear his head is elsewhere. When you get to the bus stop, Abigail whistles at you.
“Damn girl, you clean up nice,” she exclaims. You hadn’t really had a chance to dress up for a night out since you moved to Pelican Town a few months ago.
“Thanks,” you laugh. “You look great too, very punk rock.”
“Dude I wear this outfit literally all the time, but thanks,” she laughs.
You help load the rest of the equipment, looking around every now and then hoping to see Seb. By the time all of the gear is loaded, Sebastian still hasn’t appeared. You see Sam lingering by the doors to the bus.
“Hey Sam, is Seb… I mean I saw him heading to town when I got here and we’re about to leave,” you trail off.
“Oh yeah, he had to help his mom with something, he said he’ll meet us there,” Sam replies.
Disappointed, you board the bus behind Sam.
The ride to the venue goes by faster than you expected, and you spend the whole time laughing and joking with Sam and Abigail. Upon arrival you jump into your role as a roadie, unloading gear off the bus with the same focus you use to plant or harvest crops. When everything is set up, you head outside for a smoke break. You’ve always smoked off and on, but since hanging around Seb the habit has admittedly gotten a bit worse.
Searching your pockets for a lighter, you come up empty. You wish Seb was there, he always has one on him. As if in answer to your prayers you hear a motorcycle nearing. Looking up, you see Seb riding towards you. You had to focus to keep your mouth from falling open. Sure you’d seen him working on the bike and that was objectively hot, but seeing him ride up on it was another thing entirely. You weren’t sure if it was the confidence he rode with, but even with his face obscured by the helmet he looked sexy.
Seb pulled the bike up right next to you. He was surprised he parked straight because he had been looking only at you since he entered the lot. Seb knew you were going to be there tonight, but damn he didn’t know you were going to look this good all dressed up in black. He knows that it’s the traditional color crew wears, but he hopes you considered his reaction as you picked out your outfit - the thought makes him blush. Those tight black jeans seem to hug every curve and your top is cut just low enough to get his heart racing. 
Sebastian pulls off his helmet and runs a hand through his dark hair. 
“Need a light?” he asks, nodding toward the unlit cig in between your fingers.
“Yeah, your timing is perfect,” you say, as Seb dismounts the motorcycle and pulls a lighter from his pocket. 
You lean forward, breathing in as he lights the tip of your cigarette. 
“Sounds like you were missing me,” he teases, plucking the cig from your fingers to take a drag.
“Missing you or just your lighter, who’s to say,” you retort.
Seb offers the cig back to you, instead of taking it, you lean forward making eye contact as you take a drag while it’s still between his fingers, lips brushing his digits. Seb’s cock twitches at your brazen flirtation and he huffs out a laugh. Damn, you really know how to get him going.
Seb grabs your hand and pulls it up to his mouth. He kisses the inside of your wrist, causing you to draw in a ragged breath.
“Well I missed you, y/n…” he whispers against your wrist. 
You can’t think beyond his admission and his breath dancing across your sensitive skin. It makes your heart race and you’re certain he can feel your pulse quicken under his soft touch.
“Are you sure you haven’t missed me too?” he teases, pulling your body flush with his. Seb’s other hand captures your chin, forcing your gaze to meet his - the cherry of your cig reflected in his blown-out pupils. 
“You can tell me, baby,” he coos. “I know how to keep a secret.”
The back door to the venue opens with a bang.
���Yo Seb, you out here?” Sam’s voice calls. “It’s time for the final soundcheck!”
“Yeah man, I’ll be there in a minute,” Seb shouts back, not taking his eyes from yours.
Without warning, he pushes you back against the wall of the building, lips locking with yours, cigarette dropped forgotten on the pavement.
His hand travels to your waistband, fingers skillfully popping the button of your jeans.
“Seb what are you doing??” you hiss. “Someone will see us!”
“Not if I’m quick,” he promises with a wink.
Undoing your zipper, his long fingers find their way to your underwear. A moan escapes your lips as he brushes over the wet cloth barely covering your pussy. Seb is quick to capture the sound with his mouth.
When you quiet he whispers in your ear, “Can’t believe how wet you are for me already sweetheart.”
Gently he runs a finger through your folds under the fabric. You gasp, struggling to remain silent. Seb plunges the finger deep into your hole, covering your mouth with his other hand to keep you from crying out. 
He pumps his finger into you a few times, just enough to make you ready to beg for more when he removes his digit from you, bringing it to his lips. Watching Seb suck your juice from his finger causes your walls to clench around nothing - you can’t get over how hot and bothered this man makes you.
“Don’t worry baby, I just wanted a taste. Let’s call it a good luck charm,” Seb chuckles. “C’mon, they’ll be wondering where we are.”
As Sebastian heads onstage for sound check you grab a drink from the bar and join the waiting crowd. You’re not in the first row but you don’t mind. Positioning yourself in front of the keyboard, you look around, shocked by the number of unfamiliar faces at the show. The second the lights go down and the band takes the stage, there’s a palpable shift in the energy. Sure you’d been to rehearsals and a couple of local shows, but seeing the guys and Abby on a stage in the city, they look like they belong up there.
Seb had played it cool in front of you, but as he walks onto the stage he can feel his hands begin to shake. Shit, this is the biggest crowd they’ve ever had. He can NOT fuck it up now. Positioning himself behind his keyboards, Seb blinks through the spotlights to the sea of faces. Well maybe not a sea, but it’s a decent-sized lake. As soon as his eyes adjust, he sees you. He’d recognize your smile and bright eyes anywhere. He’s always nervous for shows, but locking eyes with you, he lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. You mouth “you got this” and blow him a kiss. God you’re so cute, he thinks, shaking his head to himself as his heart swells.
Abby starts the count-off with her drumsticks and muscle memory kicks in. Seb loses himself in the music as he always does. Forgetting he’s on a stage in front of a crowd of strangers, his fingers know just where to go. As the first set ends Seb slowly comes out of his daze, guided by Sam’s voice distantly addressing the crowd.
“We are Goblin Destroyers, thanks for coming out tonight!” Sam shouts as the crowd cheers. He introduces the band, and as you hear him say “...and on the keys we have Sebastian!” a huge cheer erupts from the audience. It’s a little too big of a cheer for your liking, and you can see Seb trying to hide his flushed face behind his dark fringe. You feel a sudden surge of jealousy and mentally kick yourself for not having marked Seb’s neck with your lips and teeth before the show. You’ll have to remember that next time. 
The music starts back up and you surrender yourself to the sound. The bass thrums in your chest and your eyes are glued to Sebastian. You love watching him play. It’s as if all his worries melt away leaving just Seb and the music. It’s so hot to see him this way, totally raw - the mask he usually keeps up between himself and the world is replaced by a look of utter calm.
The only other time you’ve seen him like that is when he’s inside of you. Watching his fingers expertly fly across the keys sends a shiver down your spine as you remember where they were just an hour before. You try to keep your lust at bay and enjoy the show, but the only music you want to hear now are the sweet groans from Seb’s lips as he fucks you.
After a few more songs, the show is over and people begin filtering out of the venue. You head backstage to help pack up when a hand grabs your arm and pulls you into a dark corner. Just as you open your mouth to shout, Seb slots his lips between yours for a devastating kiss, full of tongue and teeth and the adrenaline high he still has from the gig. You pull back for breath and punch him in the arm. 
“Ow, what was that for?” he asks rubbing where you struck him.
“For making me think I was getting kidnapped,” you laugh, putting your hands around his neck. Leaning up, you whisper into his ear, “You looked really hot up there,” and you take his lobe between your teeth. Seb lets out a soft groan and cups your ass in his hands. 
“Ahem,” Abigail clears her throat. 
The two of you freeze, debating whether it’s too late to pretend you were doing something, anything more innocent than what she’s seen.
“Oh my god, chill out you two,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes. “I know you’re fucking, Sam called me as soon as he left your little sex pad.”
You burst out laughing and Seb says, “Ew, Abs don’t call my room a ‘sex pad’.”
“Whatever, will y’all just help pack up the gear?”
You turn to leave, but Seb pulls you in for another quick kiss.
“If everyone knows, I might as well show you off,” he says with a wink before walking away.
Packing up is quick work and before you know it everyone is piling into the bus.
“You want the same spot?” Abigail asks. 
“Oh um actually Seb said he’d give me a ride back….” you say. 
“Ah, I get it. You two drive safe and use protection,” She says, closing the last door on the equipment storage.
You flush and stammer, “wha- we won’t uh-”
“Oh my god wear a helmet, dumbass,” Abigail laughs, punching you lightly in the arm as she heads for the bus.
You make a final sweep of the venue to make sure nothing is left behind. Emerging into the parking lot you see Sebastian, leaning against his bike. The lone streetlight above like another spotlight, and he’s putting on a show just for you. Seb’s lips curve into a soft smile as takes a drag from his cigarette. The smoke curls up around him, obscuring all of his features except his gleaming eyes that track you as you approach. All his.
Finally alone, the desire that has built up over the course of the night threatens to overtake you right here in the parking lot. You reach for him as Seb puts an arm around your waist pulling you close. He leans down, kissing up your neck to your ear.
“Did you get all dressed up in black just for me?” he whispers, nipping at the sensitive shell of your ear. You let out a shaky breath. 
“All for you Sebby,” you sigh.
His cock hardens from both the nickname and your admission. He pulls your body flush with his. You gasp as you feel his hard length pressing against you. 
“Let's get you home sweetheart, there’s so much I want to do to you,” Sebastian growls into your ear.
Taking one last drag from his cig, he drops it to the pavement putting it out with a twist of his foot. Seb reaches behind his back and produces two helmets. He hands you the smaller one.
“I thought you only had the one helmet,” you tease. 
“Gotta keep my girl safe,” he says with a wink. 
The two of you put on the helmets, and you watch as Seb straddles the bike. Ugh, he looks so hot, something about the helmet covering his features, only his neck exposed, really gets you turned on. He starts the bike and revs the engine. Seb reaches out a hand to you and you take it, straddling the bike behind him, you wrap your arms around his stomach. He reaches back, running his hand down your thigh, giving you a quick squeeze. And then you’re off.
God, you feel so good nestled behind him. Your arms hold him in a tight hug as your thighs squeeze him. Fuck he loves your legs and with your tits pressing into his back, he’s in heaven. Seb has always loved taking his bike out, he feels so free flying down the quiet highway under the stars.
His heart swells at the trust you place in him, to keep you safe as the two of you speed through the empty streets. He hopes you’re having a good time too when he feels you lean back and let out a whoop into the night air. Seb laughs and does the same. When he’s with you, it’s like gravity’s endless weight is lifted and he can dream again. You must sense this because you squeeze him tighter for a moment. 
Something no one ever told you about riding a motorcycle is that it’s basically one giant vibrating seat. And with your arms around the man you’re planning to fuck the second this ride is over, the sensation is making you extremely horny. You can feel the wetness pooling between your legs and you try to adjust your position to get the vibration right where you want it. Seb must think you’re uncomfortable because the moment you shift his hand reaches back to squeeze your thigh again.
His worry for you makes you determined to let him know just how good you feel. You start to move one hand, running it down his stomach. Seb returns his hand to the handlebar, thinking your touch is to reassure him, but you aren’t done. Your fingers drift downward, searching and finding. His cock stiffens and his hands clench the handles. You give him a rough squeeze through his jeans and he lets out a groan barely audible through the sound of the wind. You tug on his length as you rock your hips on the seat.
Closing your eyes you begin a slow pace of jacking him off over his jeans and grinding your pussy into the vibrations. You’re so lost in seeking your pleasure that you don’t notice Seb has turned off the highway until the motor cuts off. You whine at the lack of vibration, not fully comprehending what’s happening until Seb pulls you off the bike. His helmet is still on but his visor is open. You can see the desire flashing in his eyes. 
“My needy girl, couldn’t wait to finish the ride before needing my cock,” he growls. 
“I- I didn’t mean to…” you whimper as Seb pulls off his helmet, and runs his hand through his hair. 
“What am I gonna do with you,” he huffs out a laugh, shaking his head.
Setting down the helmet, Seb circles the bike. You take off your helmet, shaking out your hair. He drinks in the sight of you, the moonlight shining off your hair, the desperate look in your eyes, the way your black clothes cling to you and how he wants to peel them off. He pauses in front of you, hand palming his now aching erection. Your gaze is glued to that hand, taunting you.
Seb undoes his belt buckle, pops the button on his jeans and slowly pulls down the zipper. Watching you squirm with every small movement, he could do this for hours, basking in your hungry gaze knowing that you want him just as much as he wants you. But he won’t keep you waiting. He eases his cock out, hissing as the cool night air trails over his hot length. 
“On your knees baby.” 
You oblige instantly, he chuckles at your obedience. 
“That’s a good girl,” he growls. 
He shudders as you grab him, pressing a light kiss to his tip before you flick your tongue along the slit dripping with precum. And when your warm, wet mouth wraps around his length he has to stop himself from thrusting into the back of your throat. You take your time, sucking with your mouth and pumping with your hand until he can’t take it anymore.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and rocks his hips forward. Forcing his cock to hit the back of your throat. The feeling of your tongue on the underside and the light scrape of your teeth on top force out a groan from deep within his chest. His eyes lock on yours, so full of tears just waiting to spill out. He thrusts a few more times, relishing in the feeling of his balls hitting your chin. When your throat squeezes him as you choke on his cock, he swears if he died right now at least he’d die happy.
And as much as he craves to chase his own pleasure and pump his seed into your waiting mouth, he has to make sure you’re okay. Pulling his dripping length from your lips, Seb crouches down to cup your face in his hands. You cough and take in a few ragged breaths before meeting his gaze. He strokes your cheek, “such a good girl for me” he sighs pulling you in for a searing kiss.
“Up you go,” he says, pushing you up to standing. You lean back against the parked bike, not trusting your legs to hold you. Now it’s your turn to look down at Seb, even though you know you have tear streaks on your face and drool on your chin, his eyes are full of adoration. It’s so cute you don’t know if you want to laugh or to cry.
He rubs his hands soothingly up and down your thighs. Then his fingers catch the hem of your shirt, lifting it just enough for him to press a soft kiss to your stomach. He grabs the waist of your jeans, eagerly undoing the button and zipper he pulls them down to reveal your black panties. This pair has a little bow just below the waistband like you’re a present that’s his to unwrap. He stands slowly, moving his hands from your waist to cup your breasts. 
He kisses you softly then whispers in your, “Turn around for me baby.” 
You do, bracing yourself against the bike. He softly touches your ass. It’s fully on display, framed by the lacy black straps of your thong. He growls, slapping your soft flesh. You let out a moan as the cool night breeze instantly soothes the sting. Seb cups your pussy and chuckles when he feels the hot wet crotch of your panties. 
“If I knew you’d like the bike so much, I would’ve put you on it ages ago,” he teases, pulling the fabric to the side.
He teases your slit with a long finger, dragging it through your folds to lightly flick your clit. You gasp and arch your back. Fuck he loves how responsive you are, every touch eliciting a reaction. He plunges two fingers into you, pumping his cock at the same pace. He gets lost in watching his digits disappear into your warm, wet hole. 
“M-more Seb, please,” you whine, pulling him from his trance. Before you register the loss of his fingers, the tip of his cock is already teasing your folds. You moan, pushing your hips back. 
Seb chuckles. “Is my sweet girl ready for my cock?” he asks under his breath.
He knows the answer is yes, he knows you’ve been ready since before the show, but he likes making you wait. Teasing you until his cock is the only thing that could make you feel better. He notches his length at your entrance and slowly pushes into you. You groan, finally getting what you’ve been craving for days. Your toys at home can’t compare to this feeling. Being filled and fucked by your man. 
He slowly enters you until his entire length is sheathed inside your perfect pussy. Your walls clench around him causing his breathing to turn ragged. His grip on your hips tightens, as he eases out of you until just his tip is inside of you. Then without warning, he shoves all the way back in. You cry out, arching your back and Seb knows he’s hit the spot inside you that makes you see stars. He thrusts into you again and again, fingers leaving bruises on your flesh as he steers you closer and closer to orgasm. Your walls squeeze him tighter and he knows you’re close. 
“That’s it, baby,” he grunts, “Cum for me, you can do it.” 
And you do, expletives and his name string together in a chant that he’s sure could raise him from the dead as you cum around his cock. He follows you over that cliff, pushing as deep as he’s able, sealing his body with yours as tightly as he can. If two souls could join, it must feel like this, he thinks as he empties himself into you.
The two of you stay in this position, you draped over the motorcycle like Seb’s wet dream and Seb still inside you, head hung low, trying to keep his legs from giving out as he decides if he ever wants to move again. And then your pussy flutters around his length and he’s sure if he doesn’t pull out now he’ll die from the overstimulation. Easing his cock from you he watches entranced as his seed drips out of you.
He’s never wanted kids but his mind is suddenly filled with images of your belly swollen as his child grows inside of you. He flushes and his cock twitches painfully at the thought. He pushes that desire down, your relationship (if you can even call it that) is so new, he’ll do anything to keep from scaring you away.
Carefully, he covers your dripping pussy with the thin strap of fabric that is your thong. You groan and wiggle your hips as he rubs you through the fabric. Seb slaps your bare ass, huffing out a laugh at your little yelp. After tucking his cock away and pulling on his jeans, Seb helps you up and turns you around. Leaning against his bike, he pulls you into his arms kissing the top of your head and breathing in the smell of your hair. You rest your head on his shoulder, kissing his neck.
His heart is so full he fears it might burst. You pull back to see his face, the look in his eyes is so tender, so loving you have to hold back tears. You slide your hands behind his neck and pull him in for a kiss. The kiss is long, full of hope and passion and all the things you are too nervous to say.
Pulling away from the kiss, Seb squeezes your still-exposed ass. “Let’s put this away before you tempt me to go again,” he says pulling up your jeans. You giggle, buttoning your pants. When you look up Seb is back on the bike, his arm extended toward you with helmet in hand. 
“What do you say, baby, let’s keep this adventure going?” he asks, hoping you understand the weight of his words. You know that after tonight, your heart is his whether he knows it yet or not. You take the helmet and climb onto the bike behind him. You whisper into his ear, “Lead the way Sebby,” and set the helmet on your head. He starts up to engine and with a whoop, the two of you speed off into the night. 
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aetherwontshutup · 6 days
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Title: Pretty Boy Rated: Explicit
José had been in dresses in front of him plenty of times, but those times were when Panchito hadn’t had those special kinds of feelings for his friend or hadn't realized them yet. The other times had been when the Caballeros were on stage for a gig or had to keep a low profile, especially from the law, while other things had been on Panchito’s mind, but now he noticed.
His new need, something that stuck in his mind and wouldn’t leave, was to see that beauty in person.
A birthday fic for the lovely @polisena-art! Hope you had a great one!
Go ahead and read it here!
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aetherwontshutup · 8 days
Warm You Up
I was writing another fic but this popped into my head, oops.
Just a small thing on the different ways that cockwarming SDV Sebastian would go, according to my brain. Not super smutty but it is nsfw, it's more fluffy imo.
Not proofread, lmk if there's typos.
Sebastian x GN!Reader
content: fluff, nsfw, cockwarming
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Cockwarming was not something Sebastian saw himself doing. Not that he was opposed to it, but he never really had a partner to suggest the concept to. It seemed like it would be more frustrating than anything anyways. 
But it’s become something of a routine for the two of you these days. It wasn’t really something either of you had planned on either, it just happened. 
He hasn’t officially moved in, but he might as well have, with the amount of time he spends at the farm. He walks over, taking his daily smoke break on the trail to your place instead of by the lake or the train station. If you aren’t home yet, he takes the time to pet your farm animals or sit on the bench outside, admiring the hard work you’ve put into the land. And when you do arrive, the two of you make dinner, passing little questions about each other’s day. The two of you eat over bed trays perched on each lap so you can watch something on your old laptop on your bed, quiet hums and speculations interjecting shows or movies. It’s not exciting, nor is it boring. It’s just...peaceful. Domestic. Something he hasn’t really experienced at home in, maybe ever? Perhaps that’s why he finds himself at your place so often. He’s never been the one for daring, passionate relationships anyways, not that this lacks passion. It’s a just nice warmth that cradles the need he has inside him, and he feels so understood by you, something else that’s severely lacking in his life. 
And when you’re both craving some intimacy beyond a good cuddle, but too tired after craning over a keyboard or from whacking down trees/pulling weeds/monster hunting and whatever else you do, you’re so impressive, he thinks, he’ll pull down his pants so you can slide onto his cock. 
The first time was an accident, he’d pulled an all nighter, and almost didn’t even come over. But he missed you more than anything, and craved your touch, only to fall embarrassingly asleep when you got on top of him. He was mortified, barely looking you in the face when he woke up the next morning and realized what happened, but you just shrugged and said it was okay. You teased him about it after too, of course.
But it happened to be the best sleep he’s gotten in ages, and when he asked to try it again, you just obliged and now it’s just a part of your relationship. 
You fall asleep to kisses and hands roaming your body, curled up around each other in a way that satiates the loneliness he feels in himself. And then in the mornings, when it’s too early, the sun barely up, you coax him out of bed by riding him until he spills inside you with breathy whines. Pleased smiles are shared over breakfast and a kiss on the forehead before he goes back home.
Other times, when it’s raining in the mornings, and he’s already in his head, he wakes you with hard, desperate thrusts, drawing orgasms and moans from you until the dark thoughts go away. Luckily, you take the rainy days easier, allowing the two of you to stay in bed longer. He takes care of you then, apologizing for the way he treated you, not that you ever mind, and it almost always leads to another round. It's sweeter, tender. You whisper reassurances then, cupping his face and he kisses your brow. 
It starts happening outside of the farmhouse too now. On particularly boring days, you’ll visit him as he’s working, and while you take his job seriously, it’s become a habit to slide into his lap, a sly look on your face as you work on loosening his jeans before sinking down on him. You love the way he groans, head falling back and eyes rolling into his skull as he splits you open. His hands always fly up from his keys, gripping your waist until he remembers he has a job to do. And you stay there, peacefully drowsy until it’s finished, and then he bends you over the bed or couch. You stay the night, not leaving his room, sneaking out int he early morning after one too many knowing looks and comments from Robin afterwards. 
Sometimes, it’s when he’s playing games. Curled up in his lap again, back against his chest so he can rest his head on your shoulder to look at the screen. He twitches inside of you whenever the game gets intense, hips fucking into you as if it’s by reflex. It only makes him play worse, because then he’ll get lost in the feeling of your warmth around him. He passes the mouse for you to take over so he can focus on thrusting into your sweet spots, a hand on your hip to keep you stable and the other on your jaw, turning your face to kiss him  before urging you to focus on the game. 
Occasionally, you get impatient faster than he does, unexpectedly moving or adjusting on his lap throughout the game, making him moan straight into the mic. You give him an innocent look while he glares at you, making excuses to the other players. It repeats until you start moving your hips, bouncing up and down until he breaks. He doesn’t even try to win the game, just pushes away the keyboard and mouse so he can take you right on the desk. The fact that all his teammates could catch on turns him, and you, on more than it should. He rams into you, crooning dirty words, teasing hands never helping you finish until you’re crying and begging him for it. He always cums with the loudest, drawn out sounds, hips still moving until he’s too overstimulated to continue. He pulls you back into his lap with a chuckle and another kiss, ready to move to the bed for a cuddle until—
“Goddamnit Seb! You forgot to mute again!” 
He’s gonna have to apologize to Sam tomorrow. 
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Lmk what you guys think/which way is your fav hehe
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aetherwontshutup · 22 days
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♤ can I be deep inside of your love? ♤
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-> after you both climax, he decides to stay buried inside of you. Why?
fem!reader x genshin men / cw: unprotected sex, breeding kink, creampie, cockwarming
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Wants to ensure you're having his babies
ZHONGLI, Ayato, Childe, Gorou
He'll keep himself buried deep inside you even after blowing his load into you because this man is MAKING SURE that you'll be pregnant with his child after this night (with your consent of course). He had already came in you so much that his seed was oozing out of your hole, to his dismay. And of course it would. Because even now, he was still managing to empty the rest of himself out into you as he further buried himself in your core.
As he's basking in your warmth, he's also basking in delight, rubbing small circles at your hip with his thumb as thoughts of you carrying his child run through his head. Imagining you with your belly swollen and round and seeing you with that special glow, gosh, the thought makes him swoon. You'd look so beautiful. It all excites him so, that he plants a tender, loving kiss to your lips, and whispers,
"There's no one else that I'd make the mother of my children other than you, my love...you'll make such a beautiful mommy"
He feels the closest to you like this
KAVEH, Kazuha, Baizhu, Thoma
Just because he's finished blowing his load into you doesn't mean he's done with you. He feels that this next part, where he's simply buried inside you, is just as significant as the previous act of thrusting his love into you.
This unity you both had made: joined together as one, bodies pressed up against one another's, hands intertwined, his lips locked on yours, tongues dancing with each other, and him sheathed deeply inside you. This is where he feels the closest to you, both physically and emotionally, eyes looking into each other's with such vulnerability and love. Relishing in this feeling, he doesn't dare pull away. He views this union as romantic and meaningful as it was a declaration of love for you of an intimate nature, so he'd find it so insensitive to pull out immediately.
He also hopes to leave you with his warmth for as long as he can, just as you have enveloped him and given him warmth. He'd want to hold you like this for the rest of the night.
Loves the feeling
Venti, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya
Similar to the previous category, it simply feels so warm, so cozy, and so comfortable inside of you that he wouldn't want to pull out right away. He also wants to relish the feeling of being inside you, and he'd stay inside you for longer than you'd expect. Won't you let him be selfish a bit? Just feel the way his length was beautifully melded into your core. Wouldn't you want to stay like this too? He desires your touch and your heat for much longer.
He'll embrace you tightly the whole time, and if you begin to squirm, asking if he's done yet, he'll mumble into your neck, "No...just a little bit longer please...You feel too good", and he'll start leaving kisses up and down your neck and jaw to soothe you.
When the time comes that he has to pull out, he'll realize that he should do this more often. Maybe while you two are simply enjoying the time, not doing much, he'll think of pulling you onto his lap and slipping himself inside of you. He'd have a more enjoyable time and would make sure you would too.
Needless to say, cockwarming him would be a frequent thing between you two ;)
He can't
Alhaitham, Albedo, Cyno, Tighnari
Exhausted from his release, he initially tries to pull out of you. Yet, with your legs wrapped tightly around him and with your pussy still squeezing him and sucking him in so good, he just can't. He might have asked you to let up, but he couldn't find himself doing that either. It's not like he really wants to anyway. And with your pussy begging for his cock like that, who was he to resist?
He lets out heavy moans as you overstimulate his cock with each spasm and contraction of your walls tightening around him. The feeling of it all was terribly addictive and made him feel yet another high, an even more intense one at that. It's so intense that he finds himself pouring even more of his essence into you that he didn't know he had left.
A ring of his cum and yours was now formed at the hilt of his cock, the sight of it turning him on again Another round wouldn't hurt, would it? (You two wouldn't go one round; you two would go multiple rounds afterwards, and the cycle would repeat, heh)
Does it out of possessiveness
Scaramouche, Xiao, Diluc, Dainsleif
After releasing, you'd expect him to pull out, but he'd do the opposite. He'll grab you by your thighs and pull you in towards him while thrusting himself further into you, feeling as the mixture of your essence and his gushes out of your hole and stains his cock. More importantly, you'd also notice how desperately he'd cling to you: how he’d tightly hold your thighs at his sides, how his fingernails were digging into your skin, how deeply he was trying to bury himself into you, deepening his kiss to your core so lovingly.
Looking at your flushed face, all tired out, you couldn't look any more beautiful to him even like this; that expression, your touch, your warmth, your moans, your pussy, and most of all, your love was his. The entirety of you was his and his alone.
Under gritted teeth, he'd mutter, "You're mine, you know that?", holding you even closer as he feels you squeeze around him perfectly.
But when you gazed upon his face- oh, that look. It was so vulnerable. The way he looked into your eyes sought reassurance and was pleading, "Please never let me go...I'm yours and no one else's...and I give all of myself to you and only you"
So please tell him tenderly, "I know", and watch as relief washes over him, releasing his grip on your thighs to embrace you protectively. He'll then whisper a delicate, "I love you so much", into your ear, and won't be letting go of you for a while.
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aetherwontshutup · 22 days
riding genshin men>>
ooooooof i'm down bad oh shit
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tw: MDNI!, riding/girl on top, praise kink, degradation, size kink, squirting, p in v penetration, dummification, dacryphilia, tummy bulge, tell me if i should add more!
don't like, don't read.
they are mean, so mean. but then again, of course. you're their pretty little doll, their obedient little plaything, they can use you however then wanted, no? fuck, the sight of your cute cheeks stained with tear tracks as you babbled how it's too much for you is so pretty. they'd do anything to see you like this any day, everyday. your tummy bulged with his girth, whimpering when he laughed at you. he knew that your thighs were sore from trying to continue, and that this wasn't nearly enough for you to cum the way he can make you. but hey, where's the fun in that? he'd like to see you work for it.
HEIZOU, lyney, KAEYA, BAIZHU, wriothesley, CHILDE, alhaitham, AYATO
you're on top, ey? you think you've got control? nah, you can't be more wrong. gripping your hips with large hands, they are practically slamming you down on his cock, groaning at the way you whined, at the way your cunt sucked him back in, at the way you cried out his name when you squirted all over his lower abdomen and his pelvis. pointy canines grazed your neck as he sucked the supple skin of your neck, strong grip leaving behind angry red crescent shaped marks with his nails, hips rutting up into you. oh, and he won't be stopping anytime soon. but hey - he doesn't forget to praise you for doing so well and taking him.
ITTO, ZHONGLI, diluc, WRIOTHESLEY, TIGHNARI, wanderer, alhaitham, cyno
so...you wanna take control? oh honey, you have all the control over them, you've got them wrapped around your little finger! tie them up, blindfold them, choke them - go ahead, they'll let you do anything. go ahead and use them as you please. they are crying from how good it feels, because you've been going at it for hours, yet you weren't stopping. it's too much, they've cummed so many times it hurts, it hurts! but fuck, it felt so good, please please please don't stop. they can barely form coherent words, archons, they can barely even think from how good it felt. only broken moans left their swollen lips as they cried, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.
NEUVILLETE, GOROU, VENTI, kunikuzushi, albedo, KAVEH, thoma, KAZUHA, XIAO
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aetherwontshutup · 1 month
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"haikaveh hate sex" this and "haikaveh mean sex" that: are we playing the same game? these two are all bark, no bite. they are loser boywives who are absolute sweethearts with each other behind closed doors. they, now, are the epitome of domesticity.
alhaitham is nothing but gentle with kaveh; and kaveh is gentle with him in turn. they are the blueprint for slow, lazy fucks in the morning, for soft lovemaking in the golden hour of the evening; they are quiet mornings in the kitchen, filled with nothing but the bitter scent of coffee and the sweet one of cream, of sweet sex as the sun kisses the dawn sky. their house—their home—has no inch untouched by their tender love, no surface left cold when their hearts are so warm for one another.
their sex may be kinky at times, but it is always with love: always, always. haitham can call kaveh a slut, but he will only do it if he's calling kaveh his slut, his good boy; and kaveh may call haitham annoying, a fungus without empathy—but it's all a play. he knows his haitham—perhaps better than he knows himself—, and he knows that each spank he may beg for will be soothed by haitham's gentle palm.
in short: there is no hatred in the way they touch one another, and i loathe that which implies they do.
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aetherwontshutup · 2 months
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⊹ ‧₊˚ ᰔ cw. teasing + dirty talk // ꒰ᐢ⸝⸝⸝⸝ᐢ꒱ ♡ whiny boothill <3, fem! reader ♡
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"just the tip, please," with boothill but he's lying, "i swear," he whines shamelessly then goes, "really, jus’ the tip, baby," as he slowly lines himself up and rubs circles on your hole before guiding you on his dripping cock.
he could lose himself in you forever, "that's… it, so- so good, ugh," as his hips stutter in an attempt to behave. boothill doesn't think he'll manage to keep himself quiet this time, not when you're making it painfully aware that you want more of it too, more of him— always swaying your hips from left to right so his tip would end up coating your folds with clear pre.
you're teasing— on purpose, making him go through the pain and loss, the want and need of your walls sucking up to his shaft, "one more…" he breathes, "i can feel you get tighter," as he moves one hand down to trail over your clit, "one more inch, then i'll stop, ugh— please, please baby please," he assures, his teeth slowly prancing over the skin on your neck.
boothill loves how you squeeze him, how wet you were and sounded like, it turns him even harder and more desperate, fuck, he wants to cum so fast he can barely take it anymore, "inside.." his brows twist when you gently throb around his shaft, "wanna feel you better so badly,"
as you may have noticed, boothill cannot get enough of you, it's truly in vain, what a pathetic man that drove you absolutely crazy— because, as much as you loved playing this game with him, you can't wait until he buries it all into your addicting cunt.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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aetherwontshutup · 2 months
Sexual trauma is so awful cause like it is in no way my fault I got an ad for the handmaids tale as a little kid. (unregulated internet access) but it's effected my brain in ways I don't like. it just hit me that I as a little kid internalized that fucking ad. I mean I watched it now and it's great but little me shouldn't have seen that
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aetherwontshutup · 3 months
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aetherwontshutup · 3 months
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...ok he's giving me Nier:Automata vibes
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aetherwontshutup · 3 months
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Classy Affair: Loveable Enforcer Blade
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aetherwontshutup · 3 months
new tidal wave of summer single dropped
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aetherwontshutup · 3 months
i like the silly gay robot creature
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