Hi,I'm Peony/Aeon and my MC is called Aeon as well. Feel free to ask questions or chat or join my stream! Lets enjoy this fandom together. Please also check out my art blog http://aeonsart.tumblr.com
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
AEON. Since tumblr messenger is a lil bitch I may do a stream at say, 11/12 today (my time)? Just lemme know!
Yes please! Omg i cri i dont get any notifs this sucks! *cri*
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@aeon-hwuhss @zakonestar @astranomics
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Today I shut my cat in the fridge.
Okay, so here’s the deal. Tali loves the fridge. I don’t know why, but every single time we open it, she bolts for it and jumps in. She crawls into the back of the fridge and nestles int the smallest little corner she can. Now naturally, my biggest fear has been that I’ll close the fridge without knowing she’s in there. And of course, today I went to go grab my Brita filter to pour myself some water. I wasn’t really watching the fridge, and I just opened and closed it really quickly to put the Brita back while I was looking somewhere else. And then I looked around and realized that Tali had been in the kitchen, and now she was nowhere in sight. So immediately, I throw open the fridge door, and there is is, hanging out in the back, content as can be.

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signs as hollywood u characters i cant believe im doing this im so sorry
ARIES: lisa valentine
TAURUS: crash yamaguchi
GEMINI: zoe rodrigez
CANCER: addison sinclair
LEO: kip valmont
VIRGO: thomas hunt
LIBRA: ethan blake
SCORPIO: priya singh
SAGITTARIUS: dean ericson
CAPRICORN: holly chang
AQUARIUS: chris winters
PISCES: aria sheridan
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"Hey you feeling ok"?
*eyes filled with tears* I'm fine: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
*Screaming internally* I'm fine: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra,
*Forcing a smile* I'm fine: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries
*Capricorn is already gone*
*Taurus doesn't get asked*
Virgo doesn't even get mentioned
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i am sorry that someone out there made you distrust love. that they walked into your life and broke apart the most beautiful feeling there is. that now you don’t trust family, don’t trust friendship. that you live waiting for people to abandon you, that you leave early so they don’t leave you.
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me, playing a game alone: *perfectly executed shooting, completely undetected sneaking, a+ mission completion, incredible agility*
me, playing a game with someone watching: *runs into a wall repeatedly* sORry hah a,,, im just Rlly *presses Start 50 times in a row* pleas e i just *misses every single shot* !!!!!!!!!! pl
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What fictional character(s) do I remind you of?
Looks: Personality:
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Important Message to Followers
If you are ever
feeling sad
having a bad day
having a wonderful day
looking cute
contemplating life
excited about your favorite show/musician/book/fandom/etc
having boy/girl/friend troubles
excited about something that happened during the day
excited about future plans
worried about future plans
wanting to tell a joke
trying to pretend you’re texting someone when you’re outside alone
confused about math
missing someone you care about
annoyed at someone
wanting to rant about the newest episode of your favorite show/video game/anime
Shoot me a message! My messages and ask box are open to anyone that just needs someone to talk to! I might always say that I’m busy, but don’t worry! You are never bothering me when you message me.
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boy: *is literally 1 year younger than me* boy: *hits on me* me: thanks…… but…. no thanks…. i’m old enough to be your mother……..
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You know what really fucking bothers me about school in general?
It took away my passion.
Before high school I loved to read. I devoured books over and over, stayed up reading with a flashlight when I needed to know what happened next chapter, cherished every book and refused to crack their spines.
Now I can’t remember the last time I read a real book. In English class they would assign us Great Gatsby and Frankenstein and Heart of Darkness and Grapes of Wrath and I couldn’t bring myself to read a single one. Too many things to do, not enough time. Reading became a burden, not an escape.
So I just stopped. I stopped reading every second I had free time. I stopped picking up books in the bookstore. I gave away half my collection. I keep saying “I’ll get back into it soon” but it’s been years.
I stopped reading because I was being forced to read books I wasn’t interested in, and now I’m being forced to read 200 pages a week from textbooks to not fail my classes. I stopped reading because school killed that passion.
#i feel the same way but with work#i wanna pick up reading again soon ;u;#and probably start drawing sonething soon
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“i have so many oc’s trust me”
[has stacks of drawings of only two of them]
“t… trust me.”
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why is it so hard to convince men to wash their faces …..why do they think skincare is for women…..please, your skin cells are suffocating underneath their own dead brethren and you must exfoliate them….free them
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three internet trends i will (regrettably) probably never grow out of:
• typing in a cresCENDO TO EXPRESS EXCITEMENT • …………..unnecessarily……. long……….. ellipsis’ • puttinfh a typo in eveyr other word to shwo u dont really give a fukc but u actually do
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by Renarêve on facebook
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A Guide to Tumblr Fight RPs~
Please reblog this as a link in order to spare people’s dashboards from a huge post!
Alright so it’s been a while since I’ve seen any sort of helpful guide to fight roleplays on Tumblr, and I think it’s desperately needed, especially with the amount of people who are afraid to RP them for fear that something will go wrong! So when it comes to throwing your character into the fray, here’s a list of things to remember and to employ in order to make sure you don’t upset someone else during your character’s rumble.
DISCUSS THE OUTCOME BEFOREHAND IF YOU’RE ABLE TO. It makes things flow a little better when you know who is going to come out the victor (even if it’s going to be a mutual victory!) and you can write your character’s response accordingly. Sometimes you can’t discuss things beforehand, and that’s alright. But it does come in handy to know!
YOUR CHARACTER IS NOT JESUS. Unless they are, they really shouldn’t be able to dodge every single attack that’s thrown at them. Nor should they be able to land every hit on the other character (given that the other character is actually making an avid effort to evade/fight back). Along with that…
ATTEMPT EVERYTHING. Regardless if you’re the one hitting or dodging, inferring that your character is making an attempt to do either leaves the outcome open for the other person to bounce off of. But refer to rule two. No character should be able to land every hit or dodge everything. If it’s a part of your character to be “faster” or “stronger” than any other character, you may need to reevaluate just who your character is and whether or not it’s fair to actually expect someone to be able to fight with them. Every character should have flaws.
YOUR CHARACTER’S INJURIES ARE UP TO YOU. Yeah sometimes there’ll be another character that brutally rips off your character’s arms, and while it makes sense and is fair to keep that injury, in the end, it is YOUR character. You don’t have to keep whatever debilitating injury your character adapts. However, this is where rule one comes in handy! If you discuss the outcome beforehand, the other character will know where to stop so you won’t have to retcon injuries. Even sending a quick ask letting the other person know that you don’t want anything too severe to happen is fine! But remember, the appearance of your character is your choice. But…!
TALK BEFORE MAKING QUICK ESCAPES. If your character is backed against a wall and about to be stabbed in the chest, it’s logical to assume that it’s something they wouldn’t be able to avoid it without some sort of Houdini magic. If you’d rather keep your character from getting hurt in that situation, TALK TO THE OTHER PLAYER. If your character suddenly vanishes or just zips out of the way in what would be a non-escapable situation; that is not fair. Keep it realistic. Keep it believable. Make sure the other player knows what’s going on before your character cops out of a situation like that. They can help you make it easier for your character to escape by offering you an out. But make sure if you intend to have your character escape and only escape, you don’t turn around and use the opportunity to launch an attack without letting the player know. That is a serious breach of trust between RPers and can guarantee that no one will ever attempt a fight RP with your character ever again.
EXPLAIN ABILITIES. If your character employs magic or otherwise non-physical abilities like telekinesis or something to that degree, it REALLY helps to have a page somewhere on your blog explaining how they work. It gives the other person a better insight on how to properly react. Or if you don’t have a page, at least do your best to be extremely descriptive when RPing! The more the person knows about how the ability works the better they’ll be able to respond to it. It doesn’t give anyone a “leg-up”. Just gives the player a better understanding. But then that moves onto…
YOUR KNOWLEDGE IS NOT YOUR CHARACTER’S KNOWLEDGE. If there’s information on your opponent somewhere on your blog, like their weaknesses or how to “get around” their abilities, employing that player knowledge in your character’s actions is not fair. Your character needs to discover that knowledge for themselves! Have them mess up a few times before they do! Keep it realistic. (Unless, of course, you have a character whose ability IS to pinpoint weaknesses. In which case, make sure the other player is aware of it before you start!)
KEEP COMMUNICATING OOC. The more you guys are talking to each other (whether in the tags or through asks or Skype) the easier things will flow. You don’t have to give away any of your character’s moves or what they’re about to do, (spoilers!) but making sure that the other person is aware that you’re alright with how things are going is always good! You’ll stay on the same page and everyone will be happy. Problems can be hammered out OOC instead of waiting for something to go wrong and then no one is happy. Just keep talking! Keep things fun and friendly! It makes the RP go that much smoother.
EDITING IS A-OK! If your fight partner sees an issue with something you did, or you’d like to change something, editing is ALWAYS okay! Just make sure the other player knows what you changed if you did it without their prompting.
WEAKNESSES AND FLAWS. Every character should be susceptible to something. And, if they’re a character who is canon-ly overpowered, then keep in mind that people may not want to fight with your character. It’s no fun going up against a character who is going to just lay yours out flat (unless that’s what you want), and the majority of players want a varied experience. They want something more or less realistic and changeable. Your character should have exploitable flaws that the other players can use to create a more realistic encounter. (However, refer to rule seven! It’s important!) Having your character fall because of their weaknesses is also a good way to segue into some character development! They don’t always have to lose because of it, but it helps them recognize their flaws and get stronger because of it. (Mentally or physically!)
DON’T BE A SORE LOSER/ANNOYING WINNER. If you weren’t prepared for your character to lose, you shouldn’t be entering fight threads with other characters. (Stick to fighting NPCs, maybe). By the same token, if your character wins, don’t let it go to your head! Berating another player due to either circumstance is NOT COOL. And will instantly guarantee that no one will want to RP with you because you have shitty post-RP etiquette. And don’t completely ignore another RPer’s request for a rematch, if that’s the case. Claiming victory and then ignoring the other player after that because you want to keep your pride/dignity as a successful winner of a fight RP is stupid and pigheaded. Be polite and kind and talk out issues.
HAVE FUN! The point of RP is to make YOU happy! And if you’re not happy or having fun, then you’re not doing it right. If you’re having a major issue, just stop for a bit, take a few deep breaths, and talk out your problems! Staying quiet about it will solve nothing. Make sure you’re happy with everything that happens or else you’re defeating the purpose of roleplaying.
Don’t know fight terminology? Here’s a few useful links so you know the bare basics!
- Punches
Different Types of Punches
The 5 Types of Jabs
The Four Main Types of Punches
- Kicks
Different Types of Taekwando Kicks
List of Martial Arts Kicks
4 Ways to Kick in Martial Arts
- Wrestling/Grappling
Professional Wrestling Attacks
Professional Wrestling Throws
- Knives, Guns, or Blunt Objects
The Knife Fighting Tactics of the US Marine Corps
Knife Fighting Tips
The C.A.R. System of Gunfighting
How to Combat Ready Yourself With a Pistol
How to Defend Yourself Using Household Items (Video)
How to Turn Every Day Objects Into Weapons
- Poisons
Index of Poisonous Plants
Poisons and Antidotes
Deadly Poisons, Ingested or Inhaled
Happy Fighting!
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How I feel about dating: I don’t want to ruin someone’s life by being in it
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