"I'm walking through the clouds, with a circus mind that's running round butterflies and zebras and moonbeams and fairy tales... That's all I ever thinks about riding with the wind"
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2018 Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 16" x 11")
A Tribute to The Handmaid’s Tale
My name is Adriana Antequera. I am fourty-four years old. I have brown hair, I stand 5'5" without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I used to be like. I have one more chance. I am... free!!!
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2018 That Which Shows the Way (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 16" x 12") "The weather was cloudy and stormy... The King looked around and did not see the blue sky... Then the King took the Vegvisir in his hands and saw where the Sun appeared on the stone" The Hrana Hrings Saga
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 Frejya (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 12" x 8") The Lady of Folkvang... Völva the Seird of Magic and Destiny... The Goddess of War, Love, Fertility and Beauty... The Maiden of Death and the Afterlife...
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 Stor Kärlek (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 16" x 11") Stor Kärlek the place in dreams where our old souls are reunited... where our memories and thoughts collide... where the signs of space and time disolve... Stor Kärlek... the place of the winds and the midnight fire... The only place where we can find each other and be ourselves... This great love will last forever... Because I will be with you always in eternity and life...
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 Odin (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 12" x 8") In icy past you once guarded You threw Gungnir, you were a spear in the battle You wandered the nine worlds as a wanderer at night You found Mimir's well again Nine days you hang From Yggrasil's twigs Nine long nights For 16 magical signs Magical sings to invoke death To heal the ill and disturb the enemies To hold flames, to control the swords To catch ghosts and to lower the spears (Hávamál, verse 138, 139, 144)
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 The Sigil of the Herr (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 13" x 8") The Lord of Silver Fountains. The King of Carven Stone. The King Beneath the Mountain, shall come into his own. And the bells shall ring in gladness at the Mountain King’s return. But all shall fade in sadness. And the lake will shine and burn.
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 Lugh (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 12" x 8") The Bright One with the Strong Hand... The Warrior hero, the King and the Savior of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Unstoppable magical fierce man with his sword Fragarach... the human encarnation of the Raven and the magic wolf. I honor and invocate you Champion Lord of the Artistry, Master of Skills and father of the Summer storms... The Sun God of the past, the present and the future...
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 The Sigil of the Heiress (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 13" x 8") The warrior spirit awakes in her soul... like a shining sword rising in the darkness... The fire of bravery justice burns inside the heart of the Heiress...
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography…
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2018 Rhiannon (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 12" x 8")
“Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and
Wouldn't you love to love her?
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and
Who will be her lover?”
Stevie Nicks / Fleetwood Mac
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
#celtic mythology#celticstyle#rhiannon#stevie nicks#fleetwood mac#witch#goddess#paganism#pagan#wiccan#wicca
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2018 Yggdrasil (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 25“ x 16“) Ask veit ek standa, heitir Yggdrasill hár baðmr, ausinn hvíta auri; þaðan koma döggvar þærs í dala falla; stendr æ yfir grœnn Urðar brunni. An ash I know it stands it is named Yggdrasill, high tree, sprinkled with white mud there from come the dews that fall on the dale, it stands always green, above the source of Urdhr. The words are ancient Norse from the "Völuspá" - Prophecy of the Seeress (Stanza 19), one of the major sources for Norse mythology. It tells of the creation of the world, of the wars of the Norse gods, of the creation of humanity and the destruction of the world at Ragnarök (Doom of the Powers).
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
#yggdrasil#vikingstyle#norse mythology#norsepagan#odin#odinism#hugin and munin#fenrir#niohoggr#veorfolnir#ratatoskr#dainn#dvalin#duneyr#durphor#odin'shorse
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2018 Taken by the Sky (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas 11" x 8") All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky In all your dreams unwind when love was a state of mind... I am like the dragonflies and butterflies... Taken by the wind... Taken by the Sky...
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
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2018 Sacred Geometry of Elements (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 12“ x 7“) The elements in their sacred geometry are combined in a kaleidoscope of colors in this Soul-Life… Restoring the life into awareness.… Like Air… Feeling the esthesia of idealism that explodes its creative molecules in the winds of the mind. Like Earth… Being the essence of nature, vital principle of the continuous circle of evolution of the pragmatism of consciousness. Like Fire… Spreading the wings of the Phoenix of dreams upon the infinite universe of the soul. Like Water… Aqueous purification of unconsciousness that smiles with its whispers of hope and transforms the solitude of the shadows in prismatic edges of light. Every moment of infinite wisdom, expands its range of meanings, dreams and pains… transforming the monochromatic sense of light and shadow...that fills with its shades the secret journey of our immortal spirits.
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
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2018 Alchemical Marriage (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 14" x 9") Unus Mundus (One World) The Sacred Union of the Masculine and Feminine, reflecting the energy that flows of the cosmos of consciousness and transcends into the birth of the divine soul
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
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2018 Valhalla Rising (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 15" x 8") Lo there do I see my father, Lo there do I see my mother, my sisters, and my brothers, Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the begining, Lo they do call to me, They bid me to take my place among them In the Halls of Valhalla Where the brave may live forever" Old Viking War Prayer
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
#odin#odinism#valhalla#hugin and munin#viking mythology#norse mythology#norsepagan#thorhammer#ravens#nevermore
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2018 Odin's Horn (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 7" x 7") The three interlocking drinking horns of Odin: Óđrærir, Bođn and Són, tribute to the modern Asatru and they contain the mead of the poetry.
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
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2018 The Dragon Sorcerer and The Gold Dust Woman (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 7" x 11") And when in the middle of a dream the ancient Gold Dust Woman finds the Sorcerer Dragon, the timeless shadow would be shatter on a stars stream, with the illusions of Love of man and woman...
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
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2018 Blessed Be (Acrylic Paintings on Canvas Panel 10" x 8") The Magical and Spiritual act, the power to make ourselves blessed by the Spirit and the Elements... "Blessed be the mind that dreamed the day the blueprint of your life would begin to glow on earth, illuminating all the faces and voices that would arrive to invite your soul to growth" John O'Donohue
Aurora Consurgens Collection based on Nordic and Celtic symbols, alchemy and archetypes iconography...
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