adolfusraptor1985 · 14 hours
When she uses both your alterhumanity and kink against you at the same time:
"Aw, aren't you a good puppy for me"
"How 'bout you get on your hands and knees and bark"
"I love how my good boy gets flustered"
"Those little wines are so pretty"
This isn't fair you guys.
She knows all my secrets and uses them to flirt with meeeee. :p
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adolfusraptor1985 · 16 hours
Therian Vs. Trans
I'm therian in the same way I'm trans.
Not that my gender and species are the same, but just that they work the same.
I don't identify as female even though it's my biology. I'm a demiboy.
I don't identify as human even though it's my biology. I'm an animal.
I know I have a "female" body, but that doesn't have anything to do with my identity.
I know I have a "human" body, but that doesn't have anything to do with my identity.
I don't plan to (fully) transition, but I'm still a guy.
I don't plan to transition, but I'm still a fox.
I'm a guy because that's just who I feel I truly am.
I'm a fox because that's just who I feel I truly am.
There. Is. No. Difference. (At least in my case)
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adolfusraptor1985 · 17 hours
For Young Therians -- Please Read
(Tw: venting and swearing. Not mad, just want people to be better.)
I don't think I'm human.
Scratch that, I'm not human.
I'm not human because of my therianthropy.
All of you kids saying "therians don't think they're ACTUALLY animals" or "therians know they are human" can fuck off.
Don't speak for a community you hardly understand.
I don't care if you're trying to make haters understand, you're still spreading misinformation.
Don't even get me started on the "therians identify as animals non-physically, they know they are physically human".
Shut the fuck up and stop reminding me.
That's like saying "trans women know they are physically men"
I'm transmasc. I would never refer to myself as a woman even though it's my biology. The same goes for my therianthropy.
If anything, I'm transspecies.
And that's a perfectly valid type of therianthropy.
We deserve to be included in discussions about therianthropy and in the definition of the label itself.
Don't be a turd.
Stop gatekeeping.
Stop watering down our identities for others.
Googling shit and reading wikis isn't research.
Talk to real people.
Talk to real creatures.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 22 hours
Attention humans/cis-species
Felinekin ≠ catgirl, catboy, warrior cats phase/obsession, cat phase/obsession
Caninekin ≠ doggirl, dogboy, edgy phase, wolf phase/obsession
Avienkin ≠ bird obsession/phase
Dragonkin ≠ wings of fire phase/obsession, dragon phase/obsession
Alterhumanity ≠ invalid, not real, a phase, "just kids being kids", mental illness, "humans who think they are animals(physically)", furries, clinical lycanthropy, dressing up as animals
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adolfusraptor1985 · 22 hours
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Wolverine stimboard with knives and teeth
(None of these gifs are mine)
(Ik you’re not therian or kin but it’s in tags to get more attention)
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This is a post for nonhumans, alterhumans, otherkin, therians, etc. Please read.
A list of shout outs to people who experiences things that are often looked down upon by the community.
Shout out to those with violent urges
Shout out to those who actually hunt/want to
Shout out to those with delusions or other mental illnesses
Shout out to those who want to attack something/someone
Shout out to those who feel more comfortable nude
Shout out to those who want to live in the wild
Shout out to those with kinks/fetishes related to their identity
Shout out to those who want to live/be treated like an animal
Shout out to those with "ugly", "gross", or "nasty" 'types
Shout out to those who want to sh because of their identity
Shout out to those who want raw meat
Shout out to those who like gore
Shout out to any "negative" experiences I've missed
Shout out to those who feel guilty for some/all these things
Shout out to those who don't.
Being alterhuman, nonhuman, etc. isn't just identifying as a cute little creature. When your identity leaves you often outcast by society, it can carry some pretty dark and/or negative traits. It's simply our nature as alter-beings, and we should learn to except ourselves and others for having these experiences.
I understand some of you may be triggered by dark, gorey, or generally morbid things, but that doesn't mean you should look down on or discriminate against those who deal with those experiences. There is a dark side to being alterhuman. Always has been.
My message here is that no matter how gross, violent, or otherwise your experiences may be, you are still loved and valid. Imbrace being a monster if that's what you'd like. As long as you're not hurting anyone you shouldn't hide from these feelings.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 2 days
everyone has got to get normaler about physical alterhumans
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adolfusraptor1985 · 2 days
Physical non/alterhumans just wanted to let you know...
You're valid if you consider your identity a delusion. You're valid if you consider your identity part of your spirituality. You're valid if you consider your identity to be a part of your plurality. You're valid if you consider your identity a coping mechanism. You're valid even if you just consider your identity as physical, without any explanation behind it.
"But what if"- Yes, yes, you are still valid.
Identify as you want (as long as it's not harmful ofc). In any underground community there's always going to be people that favor the more understandable perspective to people outside the community, while throwing others under the bus. Your identity doesn't have to make sense to others it just has to feel right for you.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 2 days
those who believe they are physically animals/nonhuman are allowed to be considered therians.
you can try to erase us from the community, make us seem like we are "the crazy ones" who should be avoided. like we are the extreme that you fear turning into. so you push us to the far corners of the community.
we are not going away. no matter what reason someone may believe they are actually an animal is really no one else's business and it shouldn't be a reason to be excluded. if this believe is caused by mental illness or delusions, we still deserve respect and space in this community. our voices deserve respect. we deserve to be heard and acknowledged in therian spaces. our experiences are real. we are therians too.
if you exclude anyone from the therian community simply because their experience of being an animal are different from yours or you don't understand the experience, you are close-minded and choosing to be exclusionary. I've seen many others not want to interact with the therian community on certain platforms (or at all) due to how "we don't ACTUALLY believe we are animals!!" is so wide spread in them. this goes for the alterhuman, otherkin, and fictionkin communities too, honestly plenty of places are guilty of this. the shaming of others who truly believe they are that animal/object/concept/character is just dumb and pointless.
inspired by a post from @ lukanthropi, I wanted to share my feelings on this topic as well. I think that the communities on tumblr are a bit better about not excluding physical nonhumans, endels, etc. there is definitely way more of it on other platforms.
I apologize if it's poorly worded, I am burnt out and very tired
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adolfusraptor1985 · 2 days
sometimes, i end up getting therian videos on tiktok, and a lot of the "informational" ones make me feel like shit. heres me sort of debunking stuff that ive seen
"therians know we're human" okay? we're aware of our human body, though some of us really arent human. this one is.. Fine on its own, but i always see it followed by..
"therians dont ACTUALLY think we're animals" im a hare, checkmate
"therians dont identify as animals" that. comes free with being a therian. stop saying this. why is it other therians who say this???
"therians dont act like animals" i saw this one from a quadrobist i think. i shouldnt have to even say anything here
"the therians who act like animals are delusional" nope. acting like an animal is fun. also super common and popular on tiktok which is where i SAW THIS MESSAGE AT. who cares if someone acts like an animal? not everything thats "weird" to you makes someone delusional. grow up.
"identifying physically as an animal is a delusion" it can be! but it isnt always. i could say that identifying as an animal in general is a delusion, and then youd fire back with 'no, no, not all of us' which is true! now apply that same logic to physically identifying nonhumans
"therians have a strong connection to an animal, and relate to it heavily" lets leave this back in 2019 and 2020. like i thought it was already left in. therians identify AS an animal. in other words, since that apparently isnt clear to many people, therians ARE animals.
"you cant really be an animal, we're just human" similar to the first point. therians identify as animals. we are animals. humans are also animals.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 2 days
“my grandpa went to war and he didn’t start identifying as nonhuman due to trauma!!” ok well maybe im just cooler than your grandpa
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adolfusraptor1985 · 3 days
Actual sign I saw
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adolfusraptor1985 · 3 days
Kin and link identities
It's not being in the right body. Or not in the right place. It's not being understood by those close to you, and being called crazy. It is, by not being accepted, not accepting yourself. It's being hated by people you don't even know. It's a fight with yourself to feel better. This is species dysphoria.
But it is also...
The euphoria when you feel good in this body and when you feel YOU. It’s discovering yourself a little more every day. It’s having a different way of thinking. It's drawing hope from this magnificent community that supports you and will always support you. It's having a unique personality in the world, which you have not yet discovered in the smallest details. It's the joy of having discovered your kintype, if you have one. This is what brings you closer to a dragon, a cat, an incarnation of the void, a sunflower, etc., than a human.
It's what's deep in your heart.
What follows you everywhere.
It's you.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 3 days
accepting other queer people with identities that i don't personally understand is an awesome feeling, like i don't have to "get" why you identify the way you do, im just happy you are expressing yourself to me in ways that make sense to you. i don't give a fuck if i don't "get" your identity, i'm not meant to- it's your identity, not mine. maybe some identities are meant to leave you mystified. maybe some people have lessons to teach you. maybe that's part of the beauty of life.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 3 days
im so sick of anytime someone goes "no but i genuinely believe i am my kin/type" you guys immediately jump on them and call them delusional and try and invalidate their experiences
A: alterhumanity for mental reasons exists and is a valid part of the community regardless of what you think. even IF someone was delusional, so what? oh boohoo they have mental health issues and a tumblr acc, how does that affect you? let people express theyselves
B: y'all treat 'delusional' 'mentally ill' and 'clinical lycanthropy/zoothropy' so fucking weirdly. it just reeks of ableism. the moment something sounds 'weird' or 'mentally ill' suddenly identifying as a dog is too far and weird and we need to get them outta the community, are you sure y'all ain't secretly antikin?
'anyone identifying as they kin/type in a genuine way is mentally ill and every1 mentally ill is weird and bad and should just get help /neg' <- how y'all sound
C: yr not their doctor, yr not a professional, you don't know them, stop trying to force mental health terms/''suggestions'' onto people because you think you know someone else you never met b4 and their needs better than they know they do. you trying to armchair diagnose people does fuckall for anyone and instead just causes harm 2 the person yr harassing and the disorders you are spreading stigma about. you aren'r helping anyone by calling random people delusional for being alterhuman.
TLDR: stop being dickheads to people cuz they experience alterhumanity differently. if you can't repsect someone else's existence then maybe log off buddy.
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adolfusraptor1985 · 3 days
I legitimately wish people would treat me how they'd treat an animal
I want the endearment animals get
I'd like to be able to sneeze or yawn or stretch and have people think it's the best thing they've ever seen in their lives
i just want to be somebody's dog, yk? no work. no stress. just sit at the window and watch time move forward
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