"mmmh." Draws on a piece of paper and hand it to you." How about heart drawings?"
"Why don't we just cut the formalities and cut your chest open instead?!"
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Do you not like hearts?
"...I prefer it when they're more than mere 'paper hearts', thank you."
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" Their hearts silly." Watches from a far.
"...What the hell am I going to do with 'hearts'?"
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"What the shit is this?"
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any links for any fanfic tor mikado? i mean, like those on your wall
Mun is very confused by your inquiry, dear anon. But I saw this ask via email and would feel horrible if I didn't respond.
Unfortunately, no. I do not have any links to fanfics written specifically for Mikado (whether it's for cannibal!mikado or canon!mikado). None written by me, and none that I've seen written by others that I've taken a liking to.
Sorry, grey-face.
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Casually places the url to my new muse here.
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"Mun didn't do shit today."
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Credit: 午
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Credit: a33
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Credit: ぷいこ
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"You're all going to die tonight."
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{Account Hopping}
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{Going back to Shizuo like I said I would bye.}
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The benches were blanketed in snow, practically invisible to anyone passing by. The child laying on them no better. A ghost. That's all he was. A dirty little ghost without anyone in this large city to care enough about some teenager needing a place to stay for a while. He'd have to search the trash for some old pieces of paper again by the time the sun rose. Maybe he'll just use the backs of an old school advertisement he's found hanging off of a few brick buildings.
But, as he hummed to himself to get his mind off the blistering cold and piles of snow on top of him, he wondered if it was even worth the trouble anymore.
No one bothered to call. No one ever bothered to give him a blanket, some shelter, some food (not that it'd matter, he couldn't eat it either way). He found that the more hopeful he was, the more upset he got by the end of the day when he found no messages on his phone.
Humanity was ugly, and Mikado wasn't in the mood to change his opinion on that matter.
He heard the small hum of his phone coming from his pocket, his body too numb to actually feel the damned thing. He knew better than to get excited. It was probably just a telemarketer or some bizarre message from the Dollars or Izaya-san. He wasn't able to lead them since becoming homeless, so eventually someone seemed to hack into the system and send gang-wide messages to each member including himself.
...He had a feeling Izaya-san had something to do with it.
By the fifth hum, Mikado became too curious to just let it ring. He reached into his pocket with his frost bitten fingers and flipped his cell open. "Hello?" he answered meekly, his laying position unchanged from earlier.
❝This kid has one hell of an appetite ❞
He was glad to have returned home when he did, because not a moment later did the weather outside begin to worsen to the point that it was clear a snow filled blizzard was soon to take place, ‘Man, that kid’s probably out there somewhere.’ He thought to himself as he shrugged off his jacket and turned the dial in the hallway so that the central heating roared to life and heated the small apartment. Before throwing down his jacket onto the back of the couch in the fairly bare living room he had, he fished around in one of the pockets until his fingers caught a hold of that crumpled flyer he had picked up earlier. He also had to fish around a little in the opposite pocket to retrieve his phone, which was horribly cold to the touch and gave him a solid reminder of just how deathly cold it was to be outside at such a late hour - if anyone were to stay out there without shelter for too long, there would be an extremely high chance that they could possibly die.
Not bothering to take a seat, he turned his back to the couch and leaned against the piece of furniture as he studied the number for a few moments - he wasn’t quite sure if this was something he could trust entirely, it looked fairly shady what with being hand written in marker pen, but it was probably the best thing a high school kid could do without the resources to produce a proper flyer. And so without any further hesitation, he tapped out the phone number into his phone because pressing the call button in the hopes that the kid on the receiving end would pick up.
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Mikado nodded, happy to see an old familiar face still running around these parts. "Yeah, things have been...well, interesting to say the least." Let's just say if he didn't had to go into hiding for a while, he probably wouldn't have. "What have you been up to since I've been gone?"
Harry snickered watching his friend remove the blood. “Right back at you, the two of us have been rather busy haven’t we?” He said, taking a seat casually. “I hope everything’s been alright with you.”
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"Aw, not even for a little bit? You sure as hell have a funny way of showing courtesy to your guests..." Mikado chuckled, stepping towards the robot instead of leaving like he was asked to. The teenager was bored, so he thought he'd bug someone new. And this someone...
Well, he looked an awful lot like Izaya-san.
"Nice to meet you," he crossed his arms behind his back, rocking back and forth on his toes with a smile on his face. "I'm Mikado Ryugamine."
♫   actualcannibalmikadoryugamine
♫   the-beauty-of-ikebukuro
The android winced at the sudden exposure to light in his abode, turning his head towards the intruders as his eyes glowed. He was used to living in abandoned, and utterly secluded areas—so why is it that lately, he had been seeing more people?
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“I have no time for you, please leave.”
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Does anyone have links to good doujinshi I can look at online featuring Mikado?
No? No.
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