arinrowan · 16 days
So I hate facetime but have two small nephews who live very far away and wanted them to know who I was. So when second nephew was born, I started sending first nephew (4 years old) a postcard every week.
The content wasn't anything special. I made cookies, I saw this flower, my cats did this. He likes trucks and machinery so I scoured redbubble for anything related to machinery and got a giant batch of machine postcards. Whenever I traveled, I'd hunt down a postcard for him.
My second nephew turned four this year, and I started sending him postcards as well. Both of them like Pokemon now, so mostly it's been double Pokemon postcards every week. I don't hear much from them, or my sister, so I just generally hope they're enjoyed and try to remember to mail them before Sunday.
However. This week my mom informed me second nephew likes the postcards SO MUCH he brings them into daycare to show around. And when I shared that with my sister, she told me not only does he bring them into daycare, he sleeps with them at naptime.
The only higher honor would be for her to tell me he's eating them.
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nats-uvi · 2 months
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The whole tadc fandom right now
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flango87 · 3 months
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sabellart · 11 months
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“I think I understand a whole lot better than you do”
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typewriter-worries · 5 months
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The New York Times did a piece titled 100 Small Acts of Love and these are some of my favorites 💕
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Athena, goddess of wisdom, and all-powerful, being the only person that Annabeth could call on for help; being so cruel that she would be complicit in her daughter's death just out of spite.
Percy, age 12, weak and dying, having told Annabeth they could never be friends; not only sacrifices himself to save Annabeth's life without a minute's thought, but does it without her having to ask for help.
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mydairpercabeth · 6 months
just saw the most heartbreaking annabeth take from ep 3
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mo-mode · 5 months
Percy immediately putting his sword down when he thinks he hurt Luke. Saying “I’m sorry” because he doesn’t want to hurt him. Even if Luke is the traitor. Only for Luke to take advantage of his kindness and draw blood.
THAT is the difference between Luke and Percy.
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willgrahamscock · 2 months
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pls rb with pt.2 it's so worth it
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lemongogo · 16 days
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captainsaltypear · 8 months
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this. this is what happened in that scene right
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peacevine · 1 year
You Are Not Immune To fanart of characters who die in canon that has them alive and well, with scars from the wound that originally killed them
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stargirl230 · 5 months
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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parasitoidism · 4 months
(fandombrained person trying to express their observation that a female character has more than one personality trait) she's like a girlboss but she's also a girlfailure sometimes
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cronchy-baguette · 3 months
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what do you know of loss?
no words for how much I adore these two characters and the ways their journeys parallel one another's... take this as part character study (what if they helped each other heal!) and part ship content (they were made for each other...) anyways. the shadowzel illness never stops
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bashzzey · 2 months
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I bet sour lemons are alien to him in the land of sweets 🍋
Also have silly bonus from aggie :]c
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Max Jax? Max Jax.
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