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305 posts
Dy - He/Him | I draw stuff (#my art) | Currently into: suzerain, marbles racing, barbershop quartet, American psycho, and chess the musical.
Last active 2 hours ago
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act-iv · 8 days ago
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Short gag type comic for my fav comedy duo.
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act-iv · 17 days ago
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A quick sketch after reading @vice-president-galade's fic and once again getting got by the idea of Lucian carrying a lighter for Anton.
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act-iv · 1 month ago
I've been meaning to post this scene because I love it and I don't know if most people have seen it. So if you refuse to investigate Livia, Lucian comes to you later, pretty much begging you to fire her, just in case
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I would love to see that apology. I'm sure it was very sincere and heartfelt.
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You can then agree to do so...
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But what happens if you change your mind right then?
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HE JUST SMILES. Anton, you're gonna get murdered (and you might deserve it).
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act-iv · 2 months ago
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I've been obsessed with this bit of knowledge the entire day. Consort Lucian "Lu Fei" Galade... so true...
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act-iv · 2 months ago
Gay ships from video games and other media that have fanbases full of dudebros and 16-year-old boys that would get pissy about said ships are my bread and butter
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act-iv · 2 months ago
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Another CoC NPC portrait (ignore that this is a totally different style I was feeling adventurous)
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act-iv · 3 months ago
Hello, brother Dy of Suzerain community. I have randomly scrolling through archive of our own when i stumbled upon your fanfiction mixing it with photos, letters and such. I find it fascinating very well, I'm gonna read it. Seems interesting as always, oh and almost forgot. Happy belated christmas and New year to you fellow suzerain fan. May Nur and Saint Dast bless your year with peace, prosperity and happiness. Keep it up, my dude. You're doing awesome. Also i find it hilarious that you draw Lucian Galade to a maid outfit, while Anton Rayne is inspecting it imagine Madam Lileas Graf saw the two of them. She gonna fainting and possibly have her an heart attack. Anyway enough of me ranting.
(cont.) Holy Dast and Nur, you madman. You're a brilliant of a writer. I just finish reading the first and latest chapter of your suzerain fanfiction on archive of our own. I'm deeply amazed and impressed at the same time on how you written it, and how the version of Anton Rayne in your fanfic comes to life. Like, wow this is bloody good mate. I officially become one of your regular reader now Dy, and I'm sure as hell gonna read this until it was finished. I can't wait for more...
Hey there, my fellow sord!
Happy belated New Year to you as well! Hope you have a wonderful 2025 that's filled with happiness and health.
Can't tell you how happy your two messages made me feel :) I'm very glad you are enjoying the art — Lileas will have Anton killed next if she sees him and Lucian fooling around like that, that is if she can survive her heart attack first lol — and the fic — I'm just gonna assume you're referring to Deadwood with the mixed media aspect, in which case: I'm extra honoured that you like what I'm doing with Anton because Dast is he hard to write. Deadwood is one of my proudest projects for this fandom though, and again, I am so happy you are enjoying it my friend.
I'll try my best to get the next chapter out as quickly as possible, so you don't have to wait too long. In the meantime though, have a good one friend <3
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act-iv · 3 months ago
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More pages and excerpts from Suzerain: A Memoir. You can see the overall context and the annotated version on ao3 here.
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act-iv · 3 months ago
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By popular one demand, Lucian "you're too old to be my secretary maid" Galade
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act-iv · 3 months ago
With the economy in shambles and public opinion at rock bottom, Monica Rayne's husband decides to retire to his vineyard. Which is fine with me (except for Kesaro Kibener winning the election, sigh) because the retirement ending is actually my favorite. Not only because of this moment, but a lot because of this moment
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So now that I finished my first run of post-update Suzerain, do I give Rizia a try, or do I stay in my beloved Sordland and figure out how to amend articles 6 and 7? I'm sure Rizia would be fun, but I'm going to miss my Sordish friends.
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act-iv · 3 months ago
Fun fact the franc comic was supposed to be so much more angsty and then I drew Anton's face asking "you know I loved you right?" and asdfhj I just fucking melted.
Anyway here's the inspo for that comic, which actually fits more with my route with franc (send him to the military then start a war lol)
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act-iv · 3 months ago
Hello, fellow brother from the Suzerain community, i found you fan arts and comic about Suzerain to be extremely interesting and fun, including your latest comic about Franc and Anton having an emotional bonding moment, which i dunno embarrassed the father and son? I dunno, but it's wholesome. Especially with Monica and Deana silently watching it unfold, yup cherry on top. Also i found your art on the discord suzerain server. Which makes me happy. So dude, please keep doing it. I love your fanarts and comic my dude. Your so fucking awesome and talented, including your designs of Nia Morgna, Lucian and Soll to be embodiment of Emperor, Magician and Justice. Its so awesome like dude, anyway enough of me rambling... have a good time dude.
Hi fellow sord!
Thank you for the generous compliment :) Really brighten my day to see this in my inbox <3
To elaborate a bit on my suzerain content: the game is so tight with its happening that theres barely any downtime, low-risk scene and not a whole lot of emotional moments either — not a criticism, Suzerain is a political sim first; and trying to do complex emotional stuff is a lot of effort word-count wise — which is probably why the vague slice-of-life element of the comic is so interesting to me. Eg, I know Anton cried at the state funeral, and he was also pissed off that Petr betrayed him, but what else is there yk? Same for the comic with Franc. Like, I wish we can spend more time with him and Deana and Monica, and then maybe I'll care about my family more. So the comics in the future will probably also focus on these inbetween moments, because I care so much for these characters its kinda absurd lol.
(It also helps that Suzerain lends itself to the comic medium really well, somehow. Probably just the lack of ingame visual and sparse description is simply begging for some accompanying art.)
Tl;dr: I love small fluff (not fluff as in "cute, wholesome", more "redundant") moments, hence the comics, and I'm very happy that people like that as well :)
On the other hand, there's not much thought behind the tarot beside it's gonna look cool, so I'm glad you're also liking that! Hanged Man Petr is def the fav thing I've drawn as of recent.
Sry for my own ramble, you have a good one as well my friend. Again, thanks for the generous message!
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act-iv · 3 months ago
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Emotional vulnerability? In my Suzerain? In the 50s? Between father and son? More likely than you think.
Idk man, I just want some fluff to compensate for all the time I send franc to the military then start a war against rumburg.
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act-iv · 3 months ago
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Creon: Why did you to try bury your brother? Antigone: I owed it to him.
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act-iv · 3 months ago
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Creon: Why did you to try bury your brother? Antigone: I owed it to him.
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act-iv · 3 months ago
Sordblr! There was a Reddit thread about how people pronounce the various character/city names in Suzerain, and one that came up was Lucian's last name. The responses were not conclusive. So let's have a poll, I desperately need some closure on this.
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act-iv · 3 months ago
I was happily making my way through the Maroon Palace soap opera section of Suzerain when I noticed this pretty significant dialogue change:
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Please compare to the original:
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Innnnteresting. I have to admit, the way Petr talked about Anton behind his back there has definitely influenced my perception of his character. I wonder why they changed it – probably trying to make Petr more likeable. I prefer the original.
A change I do really like is this one:
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In the original, when you called Evelyn, you only had the option to make excuses for Petr and ask her to take him back, and I always hated having to do that. But the conversation with Evelyn is super important because it establishes that this isn't a one-time thing for Petr, that he has an established history of going after women in vulnerable positions. So I'm really happy that they added this option.
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