acroamaticsoul · 7 years
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
Cessez d'être gentil, soyez vrai!💗✨#realshit #pressupjourney #handstand #yogateacher #yogateacherlife #feeltheyogahigh #devotedyogis #igyogamovement #yogismakebetterlovers #yogisofinstagram #loveclub #igyogafamily #yogapractice
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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Each human beings in this holographic projection are a reflection of our higherself in the state of oneness. This is why we have to stay open-heart to all nature and to all interaction, as we all have an important message to each of us even those who are doing dark things or those who are still lost in the 3d reality, it's time to drop all our spiritual ego and let the unconditional love to expand in our heart, there is nothing to win and to lose or to be more powerful than the others. As in reality the one that you are really competing with, is your higher-self, this is why you will still be trap into your mental illusion in any state of competition. There is no competition in love , gods don't compete with another gods How we are treating the others reveal how we are treating ourself, if we are really being true to ourself as our true nature is love. Each interaction or adversity in our life are just experiences which are uplifting yourself to your higher-realms of you. its can be good or bad, love teach us the acceptance of the whole to oneness as we are learning in the university of the duality. We are multidimension beings We are all powerful beings We are love One tribe One heart Oneness Supreme Love
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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Sometimes I have a way with words- sometimes words have their way with me #spilledwords #rainvibes #yogismakebetterlovers
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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REINCARNATION This word derives from Latin, literally meaning, "entering the flesh again" In a single soft moment, the breath shatter me Not into pieces But into wholeness And it's here I can feel my heart beating again #reincarnation #yogateacher #yogateacherlife #yogainspiration #teekipants #igyogalove #yogavibes #yogajourney #yogisofinstagram #yogaforlife #yoginilife #feeltheyogahigh
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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Distance Its all i want for the longest time- to open my eyes and see you curling next to me To stretch our my hands and touch the soft, yielding warmth of your skin But now, i've learned the secret of distance Now i know, being close to you was never about the proximity #jogjakarta (at Jalan Pakuningratan)
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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– View on Path.
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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The leaves will fall around the flowers and then the snow will cover everything. Both alive and decaying; a sentiment to what we are and were. Neither together nor apart. We are summer and winter at once. The leaves will fall and flowers will bloom. We will not forget what left us broken. #spilledink #shepaintstruth #spilledwords #yogisofinstagram #yogateacher #yogateacherlife #weekendart
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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I am not
a puzzle piece
created to complete
I am 
the finished product
I am my own
piece of art
I am
the fucking gallery #words #spilledink #spilledthoughts #yogateacher #yogateacherlife #yogisofinstagram #getreal #girlspower #igyoga #yogainspiration
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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When my heart is higher than my head..💓 #yogisofinstagram #yogateacher #yogainspiration #igyoga #yogislife #yogisofinstagram #yogateacherlife #devotedyogis #handstandlove #igyogafamily #yogateacherlife #loveandalliscoming #goodvibes
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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You’ll be seen
You cant hide who you are, so you may as well crack open
You may as well speak your truth 
You may as well question everything
You may as well learn; unlearn; re-learn again and again
Getting uncomfortable in life is the greatest source of living in the moment
We are not meant to stay the same
Nothing is constant
The truth is always changing
Because it is now #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogateacherlife #withinreach #yogisofinstagram #loveandalliscoming #goodvibes #igyogalove #yogini #devotedyogis #spilledwords
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acroamaticsoul · 8 years
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Stop trying... I'm really good at bullying life into place I want to figure it all out I want to force results, and I want to have achieve my goals fast But I’ve noticed that the more I try to push, the more slowly things go It’s like getting stuck in quicksand If I try to dig my way out, I only sink in deeper Instead, I have to let myself be pulled out This doesn’t mean I become complacent It means I notice what I have control over and what I don’t And it goes back to calming down When you’re worried about what might go wrong in life and you’re trying to fix an imaginary problem, the connection to your heart is severed But once you let go and become aware that you don’t know where life is going, you can relax and peace can return #spilledwords #yogateacher #yogateacherlife #yogainspiration #yogisofinstagram #loveandalliscoming
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acroamaticsoul · 9 years
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acroamaticsoul · 9 years
Let it go, let it leave, let it happen. Nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you anyway.
Rupi Kaur, All You Own Is Yourself (via larmoyante)
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acroamaticsoul · 9 years
Love is always new. It never becomes old because it is non-accumulative, non-hoarding. It knows no past; it is always fresh, as fresh as the dewdrops. It lives moment to moment, it is atomic. It has no continuity, it knows no tradition. Each moment it dies and each moment it is born again. It is like breath: you breathe in, you breathe out; again you breathe in and you breathe out. You don’t hoard it inside.
Osho (via lazyyogi)
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acroamaticsoul · 9 years
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My doppleganger..
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acroamaticsoul · 9 years
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