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saintjustienne · 5 months ago
Saw the tomb of Algarotti in Pisa and cried.
In one of his letters to Frederick he wrote "my name will live alongside that of Your Majesty" and in a way that's what actually happened.
This detail never fails to make me emotional.
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lesewut · 7 months ago
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The "Dialectic of Enlightenment", written by Marx Horkheimer (1895 - 1973) and Theodor W. Adorno (1903 - 1969) and first published by Querido in Amsterdam in 1947, is one of the most important texts of 20th century critical theory. Philosophical criticism, an examination of fascism and the results of many years of empirical research in the USA merge here to form a theory of mass culture that is still astonishingly relevant 75 years later. The authors and scholars of the Frankfurt School draw attention to the flipside of technical and social progress: Enlightenment as the rule of reason and the subjugation of nature for human purposes.
"Dialectic of Enlightenment" was written during World War II, a time of immense social and political upheaval. The authors aimed to understand how the Enlightenment, which was supposed to bring about reason, freedom, and progress, had instead led to new forms of domination, totalitarianism, and barbarism.
The central thesis is that the Enlightenment, while aiming to liberate humanity from myth and superstition through reason, has paradoxically resulted in new forms of oppression and unfreedom. This dialectical process means that progress and regression are intertwined. The authors propose that myth and Enlightenment are not opposites but rather interconnected. The Enlightenment's attempt to demystify the world has resulted in a new form of myth, where science and technology are worshipped without critical reflection, leading to a new form of domination.
Horkheimer and Adorno's work is a powerful critique of modernity and a call to rethink the promises and pitfalls of the Enlightenment.
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philoursmars · 8 months ago
Marseille. Dans le palais de la Bourse, un spectacle basé sur "Les Quatre Saisons" de Vivaldi : "Enlightment". (bon, c'est rapide et tronçonné mais le spectacle durait une bonne demi-heure...)
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aadhya-schoolofthoughts · 3 months ago
Breaking toxic cycles
Having the realization that you are worth more than the way you have been treating yourself and you deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and compassion, will help anyone to break free from any illusions and face the reality of a relationship, career, friendship or life in general. You taking back your power and saying ‘I deserve better’ is the ultimate self-love moment, where you finally stand up for yourself, take control of your life and decide to change, as your own internal toxicity is not serving you anymore. Finding the inner strength and courage to walk away from anything that does not serve your highest good anymore, is an act of self-respect.
But before engaging in adding up new healthy ways of thinking, habits and lifestyles, it’s important to go through a cutting away process. Removing the extra weights, which may be toxic people, environments, habits or negative feelings or painful memories or grudges or past trauma and wounds. A deep cleanse must take place, before the restructuring and reprogramming of your system, for the simple reason, if someone is still holding on to old ways of being, manifested reality will be a repetition of old cycles.
Healing is done best by going to the root, identifying the wounds, narratives they generated due to trauma, limiting beliefs, insecurities, doubts, projections and shedding such layers that are not a reflection of your true authentic being.  After a period of healing and inner work it will become easier to engage in activities that contribute to a conscious, intentional and healthy lifestyle and form healthy habits more efficiently.
However, after going through this first stage of healing and self-actualization, you must develop a high-level self-love which is a combination of self-compassion (divine mother energy) and self-respect (divine father energy), in order to maintain balance in your life, so that you will not get lost in being obsessively spiritual or destructive, as both these extremes are deadly and artificial ways of living. Walking on the middle path with awareness, mindfulness, conscious, intentional way of living is considered to be sustainable for human beings.
Walking on this middle path is not only useful to avoid rock bottoms but also helpful to walk on a path of enlightenment and ascend spiritually, while being firmly grounded in the present moment adhering to all human responsibilities, without losing a sense of reality. Just like a tree, roots must reach the deepest parts of the earth so that branches can touch the heavens above. We as humans exist in between, thus must embrace our paradoxical nature, by living an intentional balanced life.
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sillymickel · 6 months ago
Breaking through the barrier of perceived reality to see what is really going on - "This is what this book is able to achieve." … Aug 19th thru 23rd, 2024, "The Secret Life of Stones" by Michael Adzema is free
8/19—8/23/2024, *The Secret Life of Stones:  Matter, Divinity, and The Path of Ecstasy *
by Michael Adzema is free
Click link. See $0.00 to buy,
click “Buy now…” It’s yours
Enjoy, with my compliments.
https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Life-Stones-Divinity-Ecstasy-ebook/dp/B01M3TD2YC/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=secret+life+stones&qid=1669765163&sr=8-4 *The Secret Life of Stones: Matter, Divinity, &…
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sspacegodd · 6 months ago
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Attachment is nothing to cling to.
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solarphaze · 4 months ago
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Napoleon 4
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ardent-reflections · 2 years ago
I am trying to wander more. I am trying to breathe more, to love my lostness.
Noor Hindi
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sartre-mi-pana · 8 months ago
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I just found the title "Spinozismus Detectus" very funny :(
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estomia · 2 years ago
Ey aber Johann Peter Uz war doch definitiv gay
Kann mir doch niemand was anderes sagen
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formaesvacio · 2 years ago
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Vagabond Manga by Takehiko Inoue
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saintjustienne · 6 months ago
Just a niche information: apparently Francesco Algarotti kept a small portrait of Fritz in a snuffbox.
[More informations and translations after the cut]
The following passages are from his correspondance with Mauro Tesi [10th tome of his Opere Complete], an italian painter of whom he was a patron and friend and who he affectionately called "Maurino" (he died of tuberculosis too two years after Algarotti).
The letters date back to 1762/63.
[The translation from italian is mine.]
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"[...] I thank you for your care so that Gamma makes the portrait of the king well. I'm sure you will have drawn the oval in beautiful proportions so that it can be put in one of my snuffboxes with a little golden frame. The attached paper is about the size of the inside of the snuffbox. If you could try to copy it with your watercolors I would really like to see the result which will surely be beautiful. I can assure you that it's very much alike."
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"Good job my beloved compare [I chose to mantain the italian term which refers to someone who is the godfather of another one's baby. Apparently Algarotti was the godfather of one of Maurino's daughter and they started to call each other since then]; you couldn't have done better and I congrats Alexander [Frederick] for having found another Apelle [portraitist of Alexander the Great]. I won't say more because anything I could say would be unfair to your beautiful portrait."
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"[...] I have found the portrait of the king of Prussia [a few letters before he wrote Maurino to tell him that he had lost the portrait and he was sad about it] and I will put it in a box where it will stay like in an alcove."
Sadly there is no way (as far as I know) to know what happened to the portrait or the snuffbox after his death (if only there was a list of his possessions). But I thought it was a nice detail.
Despite everything, I think they cared about each other (see the last letter Fritz wrote to Algarotti, not knowing he was already dead, asking him news of his health and hoping he could see him again in Sanssouci. Maybe I will translate that too if someone is interested).
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rainbowsarah12 · 1 year ago
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"Enlightment" Painted in Photoshop.
Statue stock can be found here: artstn.co/m/VG7zA
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philoursmars · 8 months ago
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Marseille. Dans le palais de la Bourse, un spectacle basé sur "Les Quatre Saisons" de Vivaldi : "Enlightment".
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smtemari · 2 years ago
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sillymickel · 6 months ago
Learn how to experience complete belongingness in the Universe. Get your free book now. ... Aug 19th thru 23rd, 2024, "The Secret Life of Stones" by Michael Adzema is free
8/19—8/23/2024, *The Secret Life of Stones:  Matter, Divinity, and The Path of Ecstasy *
by Michael Adzema is free
Click link. See $0.00 to buy,
click “Buy now…” It’s yours Enjoy, with my compliments. https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Life-Stones-Divinity-Ecstasy-ebook/dp/B01M3TD2YC/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=secret+life+stones&qid=1669765163&sr=8-4 *The Secret Life of Stones: Matter, Divinity, &…
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