acmemorylane · 7 years
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Wishing Everyone on this Tumblr a
 Health and Happy 2017.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
Main Trailer
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acmemorylane · 8 years
Wide release trailer
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Summer 1957
All seats reserved for this blockbuster
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acmemorylane · 8 years
Enjoy the opening credits.
In 1959 this movie played the entire summer at the Roxy Theater on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, NJ.
It is a movie about having high hopes, something that we all felt living the Atlantic City in the 50′s to the 70′s.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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1959 Roxy Theater
All summer shown Frank Capra’s Classic “A Hole in the Head”.
A dram about having high hopes, something that we all felt living the the Atlantic City of the 50′s to the 70′s.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Living or visiting Atlantic City usually involved fishing at one time or another.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Louis Artist Village
Atlantic City bathers would call, “Hey, little boy, do our family portrait right here.” In just a few minutes, young Louis Levine, painting directly on the beach, would bring forth amazing renditions.
The happy recipients would marvel at his magic and hand him a penny, maybe even a nickel. But the vivid painting would soon disappear—much as our memory of the great artist Louis Levine has.
Louis Levine would eventually graduate from the Philadelphia Art Institute, become admired by gifted American painters like Ben Stahl, and establish himself as the world’s Fastest Sketch Artist. But when he painted in the sand as a boy, he did so because he needed those pennies and nickels.
Born in 1915 in Philadelphia, Louis was the beloved son of a very poor Russian immigrant family. They had barely enough to eat. His younger sister was mentally ill. His mother was forever grieved by her past in pogrom-infested Russia.
Yet Levine had gifts: a huge personality, a handsome face, and a phenomenal talent for making sketches of anything at hand. Over time, Levine moved up from the beach (directly below the boardwalk) to the famous Atlantic City boardwalk. People were amazed by the young man’s prowess with the pencil, brush, or pastels. Prices for sketches moving steadily higher—10 to 20 cents a sketch now for paintings that did not disappear!
He became an attraction in Atlantic City, in that quasi-carnival setting with its share of curiosity seekers and con artists. The Levine family had now found roots and support. Thanks to Eric Shumsky for this info.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Planters Souvenirs
From toothpicks to glow in the dark banks to mugs, Planters became a small part of every home in Atlantic City.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Mr. Peanut
The iconic figure of our youth in Atlantic City of the 50′s to 70′s.
Almost everyone shook hands with Mr. Peanut.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Planters Spoons
In their effort to promote their product, Planters sold spoons that were to be used to serve their peanuts.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Mr. Peanut
In 1916, Planters Nut and Chocolate Company ran a contest for a trademark. Antonio Gentile, a resident of Suffolk, Virginia, the peanut-growing capital of the state, began sketching possible entries for the contest. He drew a friendly, humanized peanut tumbling, serving nuts, and walking with a dignified cane.
One of his sketches won the contest; Gentile earned $5, and became forever known as the young boy who created Mr. Peanut. Mr. Peanut himself got a little polish from a graphic artist and went on to a long career as the classy, and until recently, silent spokes-character for their product.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Planters Peanut Store on the Boardwalk
Through the years from when there were still windows on the second floor , with a variety of different failed restaurant neighbors and finally the sad end in a small location.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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The Beatles first held a press conference before their show in Atlantic City.
Then they met with a fan.
Then enjoyed a giant White House Sub.
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acmemorylane · 8 years
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Atlantic City Beach Patrol
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acmemorylane · 8 years
Steel Pier Water Circus
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