ace attorney x reader
7 posts
asks: closed! | underrated character stories: closed! | credit for banner goes to @inmyheadlayouts on twitter!
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
i would post this on my normal blog, but i have a lot more followers here. though i’m praying none of you need this, if you do, then PLEASE stay safe,, if you need someone to talk to, just message my main blog @peachy-keens-blog
hey so protip if you have abusive parents and need to get around the house as quietly as possible, stay close to furniture and other heavy stuff because the floor is settled there and it’s less likely to creak
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
hey hey hey i just found this blog and the aesthetic is nice! how are you, op? hope your day is going well!
oh,, man- i'm sorry about not being active my dudes 😔 school and general lack of motivation's been keeping me from writing-
but anyways, thank you anon!! i appreciate it 🥺💖
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
Headcanons for Miles Edgeworth and Larry Butz (separately) having an artist!s/o :0? Good luck on the new blog!
thanks, anon!! i think i’m doing pretty well with it! and thanks for the ask, so glad that people are giving good ol’ larry more love!
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Character(s)  - Miles Edgeworth, Larry Butz
Prompt - Edgeworth and Larry with artist s/os.
Genre - Fluff
Pronouns - Neutral (They/them)
Warnings - N/A
- - - - - - - - -
- Miles Edgeworth -
Edgeworth absolutely loves your art!
He appreciates your work, and is very encouraging.
He isn’t really in a place to give advice, so he doesn’t do it often.
If you ever draw something for him, he is NOT going to lose it. He’ll treasure it- he’ll probably frame it and hang it up on his office wall-
If people get rude about your art, he’ll definitely defend you, likely just by telling the person off.
Overall, he always loves what you draw, and you and your art are very dear to him.
- Larry Butz -
Larry can and will gush over your art, there is no stopping him.
As an artist himself, he really loves to give you advice.
His advice CAN be good, but definitely not always.
Draw something for him, and he will ALSO treasure it, and will show it to literally everyone he meets.
He doesn’t frame it, but instead he always has it on him- just so he can whip it out when he meets someone and go “look what my s/o drew me >:D”
If people are rude to you about your art, he will fly off the handle, like, majorly. You’ll probably have to hold him back-
He also loves everything you draw! He loves you so much damn it-
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
No specific characters except maybe Edgeworth or Phoenix, so I’ll leave that up to you, but maybe an S/O who has trouble reading social cues especially jokes/sarcasm and sometimes gets mocked for it?
thanks for the ask anon!! i appreciate it 🥺 you’re great- also, because you said no specific characters, i added larry since you can never have too much larry and you can’t change my mind-
also i might remove the genre thing, because most of the time idk what to do with it other than to goof around- and sorry that i sound unsure and if it kinda effects it, and if anyone seems ooc, i’m still trying to figure stuff out and get a grasp on the characters 😔
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Character(s)  - Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Larry Butz
Prompt - Phoenix, Edgeworth, and Larry with an S/O that has stuff like jokes or sarcasm fly over their head easily + how they deal with their S/O being mocked for it
Genre - Fluff, kinda comfort i guess? idk- and p r o t e c c
Pronouns - Neutral (They/them)
Warnings - Bullying (does mocking count as bullying?? eh-)
- - - - - - - - -
- Phoenix Wright -
Phoenix has never really FELT your pain, he’s generally pretty good at catching social cues, as well as dishing them out himself- well, dishing out sarcasm, jokes aren’t his strong suit- but he understands why you have trouble catching them.
He does nOT tolerate people mocking you for it, and would definitely tell them off.
He probably wouldn’t get physical, but he DID slap Lotta that one time when she made a comment about Maya getting accused of murder again (either that, or my memory’s failing me-), so maybe he would?? Maybe depending on how bad the comment was and how bad it affected you, I don’t know-
He would definitely explain the social cue to you and comfort you if you felt embarrassed.
So, overall, it doesn’t matter to him and he loves you anyway!!
- Miles Edgeworth -
I imagine that Edgeworth has a bit of trouble catching social cues as well, due to his general lack of social skills, so he does actually feel your pain. 
Luckily, no one actually often mocks HIM for it, because of him being generally someone people don’t mess with, so they usually leave you alone as well.
However, when people DO mess with you, he does basically the same thing as Phoenix- tell them off.
He does comfort you if you feel embarrassed, and you two actually try to figure it out together if he didn’t understand it either.
Honestly, him getting physical is straight up out of the question, but I think when he tells the person mocking you off, how cold and harsh he is when he does it depends on your reaction and how bad the comment was.
Again, something this little would never affect your relationship in a bad way- in fact, it makes it a little bit better, with the fact that you share something like that in common!
- Larry Butz -
I can’t help but see Larry having the EXACT same problem as you, maybe worse, not wanting to admit it at first, but then finding out that you have the same problem, and then just going “oh hey me too :D”.
You both probably get mocked for it occasionally, and his reaction is just about the same for both of you, but maybe a bit worse when you get mocked- just absolutely flying off the handle.
You’d probably expect that you would both have to comfort each other, but he would definitely comfort you, even if he’s, uh, maybe a bit bad at it. He’s not really embarrassed about the actual thing, but maybe about his reaction a bit later.
I don’t think he’d get violent, at least not often. I think he’d teeter in the middle of being all bark and no bite and you having to physically hold him back, and it depends probably solely on your reaction.
Again, the two of you would probably bond over your shared problem.
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
Hello Peachy! This is Mimi from aaimagine! I'd like to please request headcanons for Phoenix Wright with a best friend (who hes crushing on) being an older sibling figure to Maya :3c. Thank you and good luck with your blog!
aaaa- hey mimi! i hope i wrote these well 👉👈 i’m super nervous, but i hope you like them anyway!! hopefully i wrote everyone correctly.
- - - - - - - - -
Character(s)  - Phoenix Wright
Prompt - Phoenix having a crush on his best friend, who Maya sees as an older sibling figure + some Larry trying to be a wingman, because why not?
Genre - Fluff, Friends-To-Lovers
Pronouns - Neutral (They/them)
Warnings - N/A
- - - - - - - - -
When Phoenix figured out that he had a crush on you, it was a bit, uh- shocking for him- He became a bit awkward around you for a little bit, but put a stop to that really fast.
Why? Well, because turns out, Maya can sense that stuff from a mile away, and when she does, she’s RUTHLESS about it.
It doesn’t help that you’re almost like a sibling figure to Maya. You two are practically joined at the hip, y'all talk whenever you can, you give her advice, all that stuff.
If she- or, hell, anyone else- finds out that he likes you, HOO BOY, he doesn’t even wanna think about it.
Mostly because you guys are practically best friends, and he didn’t wanna risk losing your friendship if you didn’t reciprocate his feelings. He just had to wait out this stupid little crush...
Of course, even after all his efforts, Larry seemed to sense that something was wrong one day while they were hanging out after work, and asked what was wrong.
Phoenix knew he couldn’t hide it forever, so he told him. Larry was surprisingly chill with it.
He then offered to be his wingman. Phoenix declined, but Larry persisted. So did Phoenix. Eventually, they both just left and went home.
Little did Phoenix know that, not only was Larry STILL planning on being his wingman, but turns out, the next day, when he came into work, you and Maya had planned to hang out at a new burger joint nearby, and guess who was invited? 
Yeah, that could NOT have been at a more inconvenient time.
And of course, he accepted.
After a very long day at work, the three of you walked to the burger joint and ordered your food. 
Phoenix ended up sitting beside you, which couldn’t have been worse. He was just focusing on hiding his face so neither of you could see the blush on it.
Maya asked what was wrong, like, twice, and he just said nothing was wrong. You were a bit worried as well, but didn’t say anything.
After chowing down on your food- Phoenix lost his appetite, for obvious reasons, and gave his burger to Maya- you guys went back to your apartment/house/whatever you live in
You all decided to binge Steel Samurai- since you and Maya love the show and Phoenix had no other ideas-
Eventually you asked Phoenix to come outside with you, saying you needed to tell him something. He was a bit nervous, but followed you out the door.
‘This is it- they figured it out- i’m finished-’
“Phoenix, I think i’m in love with you.”
“...wait, what-?”
Yep, turns out you liked him back.
He confesses that he’s liked you for a while as well, now back to his usual relaxed self.
Then- suddenly-
“Hey S.O! Hey Nick!”
“(sigh) Hey, Larry...”
Larry proceeded to not-very-discreetly talk to you about how “cool” Phoenix was, until you eventually told him that you and Phoenix already confessed to each other and how he wasn’t even being a GOOD wingman.
He pouted and left, Phoenix being kind of horrified and embarrassed at his friend’s stunt.
You patted him on the back and gave him a peck on the cheek, and promptly regretted it, not because of something Phoenix did, but because you could hear Maya squealing from the doorway, and judging by the fact that the poor guy’s face was red as a tomato, Phoenix probably did as well.
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
welcome, welcome!
hello! my name is peach, you guys can call me peachy, and i've just decided to start a random x reader blog for one of my current favorite fandoms, ace attorney!
i'm a cis girl, pansexual and single! i like joking around, but i can be pretty apologetic at times.
here's some rules-
- i will nOt, under any circumstance, do smut. i'm a minor, and i'm pretty sure it's not legal for me to do so.
- i will do any characters from the first two games (PW:AA and AA:JFA) up to the third chapter of the second game, mostly because of spoilers.
- i was gonna exclude rise from the ashes, but y'know what?? i will do rise from the ashes characters, i'll just look them up-
- keep it platonic for pearl and other characters that are under 18, pleas e-
- i won't do ships, only x readers. i'll probably only do headcanons until i can get some more motivation.
- there currently isn’t a limit on the amount of characters i’ll do per headcanon, but expect them to take longer and for the headcanons per character to be shorter.
- i will not do anything for manfred von karma, because he's stinky 😤 franziska is cool tho- i'll do her
- this isn't really a rule, but goddamnit less popular characters deserve love too- please suggest them more, there's a lot of my favorite characters that i have seen zEro work for- i don't really want a flood of popular characters-
- in fact, speaking of less popular characters, on wednesdays and fridays, i’ll do short stories for more underrated characters! i’ll probably post more about it tomorrow, since tomorrow is wednesday.
- one headcanon per ask!! this is probably obvious, but please send separate asks for separate requests! however, if your choosing multiple characters for one headcanon, please send them in the same ask.
- more will be added as i think of them, so check back often.
edit: alright, it’s wednesday! the rules about the unpopular character stories are under the read more thing, since i know that only some people are interested in that kind of thing!! check them out if you’d like,,
- it’s pretty simple: on wednesdays and fridays, you can request ONE underrated character for me to write a short story for.
- this is mostly so i can figure out my writing style when it comes to writing actual stories, while relishing in my love for underrated characters.
- it’s just like a headcanon request, but you gotta specify that it’s a story request, or i’ll do it in headcanon format.
- if you send a character that is popular, i won’t do it! this is for unpopular characters only!
- you can tell if a character is popular if the internet gushes over them, like any of the lawyers (minus winston). 
- so basically, if you’re unsure if your character is unpopular, look them up. if there's a lot of content for them, they’re not eligible.
- there's a lot of factors that i do go through when i chose the asks, like if i feel like i can write that character, to if i even really feel like writing them- and no, it’s not first come first serve.
- i will take three max per wednesday/friday, and though it’s not first come first serve, your ask WILL eventually be done! it’s going into my inbox, and it’s not going anywhere until it’s done!
- again, more will be added, maybe a list of characters that i won’t do for this/really wanna do for this.
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ace-attorney-x-reader · 4 years ago
alright. here we go.
this may flop. this may not flop. i have never done this before, can some people please give me some tips?
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