:: to take away
71 posts
under heavy co. Multi-Muse ft. Canon Characters, and Indie Fandomless OCs Multiverse and Multiship | Must Read Rules and About pages before interacting Written by Selene
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
Matt Murdock: *follows Jessica* Matt Murdock: *loses Jessica* Jessica Jones: *follows Matt* Matt Murdock:
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
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that bright blue sky is yours
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
✰ * º ❛   buzzfeed unsolved sentence starters  ( part two )   ❜
        (   part of the youtube starter series   )
‘ in their defense, it was christmas eve.   ’ ‘  oh, so it’s fine if people die on christmas eve.  ’ ‘  i’m not saying i’m condoning them for being seven hours late to a fire that was 2.5 miles away.  ’ ‘  it’s just not– not great.  ’ ‘  alright, i think we’ve solved it! it’s been fun! see you later!  ’ ‘  i will set your house on fire and your children will die.  ’ ‘  seems a little on-the-nose for me.  ’ ‘  agree to agree.  ’ ‘  what are we doing here?  ’ ‘  ehh, there’s a lot of paperwork.  ’ ‘  i think there’s some shady shit going on there, but that’s just my opinion.  ’ ‘  i’m telling you, nobody knows how to do their job in this town.  ’ ‘  so you’re telling me he screamed in your face that he’s gonna murder your family? sounds like a good dude to me. i don’t know what you’re talking about.  ’ ‘  why is the minister telling rumors?  ’ ‘  i think that’s the first time i’ve ever heard of a detective going missing. that’s like a fish drowning.  ’ ‘  what a terrible thing to happen in such a beautiful place.  ’ ‘  that’s a shark, baby. i know. i’ve seen jaws at least six time, that’s a shark.  ’ ‘  heads up, this is about to get pretty brutal here, in this description.  ’ ‘  no, this is bologna. i’m flip-flopping again.  ’ ‘  that’s called not being thorough.  ’ ‘  we’ve been over this before. the bear is the most deadly animal of all time.  ’ ‘  a shark can definitely kill a bear, hands down, if you dropped a bear in the ocean.  ’ ‘  a hippopotamus would kill a bear in a heartbeat.  ’ ‘  did she have anything on under the trench coat? …that’s a weird question. never mind.  ’ ‘  this sounds like a law & order interview.  ’ ‘  yeah, that rings a bell or two. that shakes a tambourine.  ’ ‘  what the fuck? no, shame on him.  ’ ‘  it’s not even a good poem. it’s just weird.  ’ ‘  this sounds like something a drunk man would say as he’s laying on the sidewalk, just babbling.  ’ ‘  the shark is ten times less creepier than you.  ’ ‘  that poem is unforgivable.  ’ ‘  i feel like i need to take a bath in hand sanitizer.  ’ ‘  what in the fuck is that?  ’ ‘  ugh, fuck. i feel awful right now.  ’ ‘  there’s no way in hell i’m gonna go there.  ’ ‘  i’m surprised you’re conscious right now.  ’ ‘  kind of looks like hell.  ’ ‘  hey ghouls, the boys are here!  ’ ‘  this is the place where nightmares are made.  ’ ‘  it looks like one of the conjuring films.  ’ ‘  i got a little spoiler for ya: everything in the building is gonna look like this.  ’ ‘  yeah, yeah, that was a rough time in history.  ’ ‘  i’m glad we’re done with that. that was– just everybody died.  ’ ‘  it’s a ghost butt!  ’ ‘  this is the biggest upset. i did not feel this coming.  ’ ‘  this is like satan’s butthole.  ’ ‘  what if you go fuck yourself. how about that?  ’ ‘  i’m gonna imagine that place is the closest thing to hell.  ’ ‘  how dare they dispose of my body?! they should leave it in the hallway to rot!  ’ ‘  yeah, i got the chills even thinking about it.  ’ ‘  look it up. it’s a thing on the internet.  ’ ‘  they pushed the dog too?!  ’ ‘  am i just freaking myself out again?  ’ ‘  i’m gonna take everything said by a ghost hunter with a grain of salt.  ’ ‘  oh my god, did your brain just explode?  ’ ‘  am i a ghost hunter? i don’t wanna be a ghost hunter. this is all bullshit. oh no. do i have to put that on my business card now? son of a bitch.  ’ ‘  let’s drop some sweet knowledge.  ’ ‘  i’m already fed up with the folders, by the way. it looks too official, considering the nonsense that is within.  ’ ‘  so, the aliens show up, show them pictures of helicopters, and fly away?  ’ ‘  i can’t wait to see a post of the motion picture wedding crashers and, uh, well, some lava lamps.  ’ ‘  wait, a funerary marker from 100 b.c. shows a woman presenting a laptop with usb ports?! how do they charge it? why are there usb ports on it if they don’t have thumbnail drives? what are they looking at on it? there’s no internet. do they have photoshop?  ’ ‘  here’s a picture of you with three butt cheeks.  ’ ‘  i’ve drawn it so it must be real!  ’ ‘  you have nothing to say about any of that?  ’ ‘  i will fight you tooth and nail when it comes to ghoulie ghosts, but aliens are a little more… probable.  ’ ‘  no, you don’t win because i’m sure you have plenty of other stuff on here that’s very dumb.  ’ ‘  i’m good, i’ll just sign up for karate or something.  ’ ‘  wow, have you ‘signs’? ‘signs’, the motion picture that they made back in the day? they found aliens, it was crazy! they ruined a kids birthday party.  ’ ‘  my big takeaway here is that art is not proof.  ’ ‘  you’re telling me those architects used math?! knock me down with a feather.  ’ ‘  can you imagine if you spent your entire life hauling around heavy stones to make the pyramids and someone was like, ‘no, they couldn’t have done it. you know what it must’ve been? space aliens. i seen ‘em.’  ’ ‘  no, they couldn’t have done it. you know what it must’ve been? space aliens. i seen ‘em.  ’ ‘  well, facts don’t matter then.  ’ ‘  if i’m building a giant, mighty, wondrous pyramid, i’m not gonna be like ‘hey, can you do some chiseling of the ramp? we really gotta show off this ramp. it’s a hell of a ramp.’  ’ ‘  are they written in alien language?  ’ ‘  i don’t doubt that they were mathematically adept.  ’ ‘  so, it was aliens?  ’ ‘  so, it was aliens? they showed up, gave ‘em ipads, gave ‘em zune, built the pyramids, left, and that’s it, and they haven’t been back since.  ’ ‘  i think they lied. i have yet to see compelling evidence.  ’ ‘  go fuck yourself, have a nice day.  ’ ‘  irrelevant. you’re irrelevant.  ’ ‘  we don’t care about anyone who died.  ’ ‘  we don’t care if he was famous. we treat everyone the same.  ’ ‘  i think you should just never do that again.  ’ ‘  if you’re saying that someone paid you a million dollars to kill someone, like wouldn’t you– wouldn’t there be some kind of receipt to say that?  ’ ‘  quick thought: is it annoying that i always hold this pen like this?  ’ ‘  i think your douche-meter’s usually at half mass, right now it’s through the roof.  ’ ‘  oh, he ‘discovered’ it alright. just to be fair: fuck christopher columbus.  ’ ‘  you’re saying this ocean’s full of ghosts?  ’ ‘  what, are you taking notes over there? this isn’t a debate.  ’ ‘  the titanic – she was a might one – and now she’s lying at the bottom.  ’ ‘  i don’t know. ships sink, ya’know?  ’ ‘  these don’t do much for me because planes crash, boats sink. a goose probably flew into the propeller and the plane just fucking nose-dived into the ocean!  ’ ‘  so, what are you positing here? that it’s in an alternate dimension?  ’ ‘  i’m gonna need some documentation on this.  ’ ‘  you need some documentation?! look up the stories, i’m just sayin’!  ’ ‘  i can’t believe you think this is not weird.  ’ ‘  i can’t believe you don’t think that boats sink.  ’ ‘  a theory says that those lost in the bermuda triangle are actually now residents of the legendary lost civilization of atlantis.  ’ ‘  no– no th– no, they’re not. nope!  ’ ‘  now all the frustration that i had in the first half of this is now equally composited on top of you.  ’ ‘  are they breathing underwater?!  ’ ‘  i can see your face and it’s just– it’s fuming.  ’ ‘  this is absurd.  ’ ‘  i think if there were a black hole anywhere near our solar system, everything would cease to exist.  ’ ‘  we don’t know anything about black holes.  ’ ‘  yes, we know a fair amount about black holes. black holes aren’t unicorns.  ’ ‘  i think there’s a lot you don’t know.  ’ ‘  oh, jesus christ… okay, tell me about… underwater area 51.  ’ ‘  to be fair, i’m not trying anybody on a carnival cruise.  ’ ‘  what happened to you on a carnival cruise?  ’ ‘  i’ve never been on a carnival cruise and i will never go on one.  ’ ‘  i assume they were drunk or high… probably just out of their minds.  ’ ‘  this is photoshopped to high heaven.  ’ ‘  that is so fake. i mean, look at it.  ’ ‘  that is the shittiest footage i’ve ever seen. that is so fake.  ’ ‘  i’m saying you don’t understand how black holes work.  ’ ‘  i’ve got a better understanding than you do.  ’ ‘  there’s other science we don’t know about.  ’ ‘  that makes me sound like trump.  ’ ‘  oh, you’re presenting alternative facts.  ’ ‘  it’s too sad. let’s just talk about ghosts.  ’
          (   videos:   one,   two,   three,   four,   five   )
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
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Element Aesthetic – Fire
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
I hate when people say “survivor”.
Because “Survivor” means that you made it out
And I dont think all of me did.
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
five times kissed (abdxcere & ryan @ cas)
He’s furious. He’s shaking, flushed, almost speechless as he slams the door behind him. At this point it’s difficult to remember what the tipping point was. It had built slowly – A nightmare, a bad morning, Ryan making an unnecessary comment, the project he had been putting together for weeks falling apart. On a good day he could justify this all with the fact that Ryan was likely trying his best and likely hadn’t been actively trying to sabotage his mood. But this is not a good day. They were few and far between.
“No – Fuck you,” he snarls, forgetting or ignoring for a moment that the man he was yelling at was also the one who signed his paychecks. “You fucking incompetent - ”From there it devolvs into a rapid series of curses in a variety of languages, chiefly Latin. And when Ryan’s mouth opens, when Cas can nearly see the reply forming on his lips, he pushes him against the wall of the office. When Ryan’s hands fly up, he braces himself for the punch he knows is coming, the one that he’d likely been trying to provoke this entire evening – It’s easier, in a way, to know where they stand. Such a relationship as they had wasn’t sustainable, not in Cas’ eyes at least. There had to be an explosion of some sort on the horizon. He wasn’t made to be treated gently. 
When fingers wrap around his lapel, when he is pulled up to Ryan’s height, he has only a moment to register surprise before their lips met, and it’s both a fire and a flood. Oh how it rages. But oh how it heals as well, soothing the fury in him, starting the turbulence in his chest. He had been longing for this. That translates into this kiss, so much more gentle than their argument had been, so much more understanding. This was the language he was most well-versed in, and they speak volumes as they melt into one another, as they both drop barriers neither of them had known were raised. 
He breaks away. Breathing heavily, their eyes meet.      Oh how he wants to trust him.
Keep reading
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
you’re in love with a boy who is a prayer on your lips with no god to go to. he’s bleeding sunlight and you’re trying to patch up the holes in his heart with trembling fingers and the blood keeps spilling. you’re in love with him, here’s the best part: he loves you more than his own life. he’s golden as they come but he’s bleeding out. one day, someone will strike a match on him and he’ll explode. so, here’s the worst part: he loves you so much more than his own life.
sunlit lovers | m.j. (via fairytalesques)
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
tagged by: @cxntseemtomiss
1ST RULE: tag 9 muns you would like to know better: @wolvesbcne @callxtoxarms @iimmcrtalis @allurfavesrgay @childofthxmoon @despxcable
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
hey what’s good tomorrow is Ryan’s birthday shower him in attention please n thank
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
five word prompts
[inspired by this]
“actually… i just miss you.”
“alright, i’ll leave you alone.”
“and slowly… i was forgotten.”
“and then everything just disappears.”
“and where do i go?”
“anyone could tell from here.”
“are you finishing that or…?”
“are you stupid or stupid?”
“anything, just call me, okay?”
“bitch better have my money.”
“bro… that’s so… not cool…”
“but did you do it?”
“call me now. it’s urgent.”
“can’t you listen to me?”
“cross that. don’t answer that.”
“don’t even think about it.”
“don’t you dare walk away.”
“do it. i dare you.”
“did you think i forgot?”
“eventually… you just move on.”
“even if you still do.”
“everything will fall into place.”
“fight me, you attractive stranger.”
“for once, i need you.”
“for once… i was right.”
“for once… i was wrong.”
“forget i even asked you.”
“forget it. you fucking suck.”
“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
“fuck off. i mean it.”
“give and take. that’s life.”
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.”
“have you lost your mind?”
“hello? it’s me. i was-”
“hey… that wasn’t so nice.”
“here’s a glass of whatever.”
“how about a hug, hm?”
“how about you make me?”
“i haven’t forgot you yet.”
“i can’t be around you.”
“i don’t need you, really.”
“i don’t need this now.”
“is this your first time?”
“it’s just a cut, really.”
“it wasn’t me, i swear!”
“i said i love you.”
“just don’t fuck it up.”
“just… come back alive, okay?”
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
“kick his ass for me.”
“killed him? wait, what, literally?”
“life really sucks. feel better.”
“letting go hurts… a lot.”
“let me live, will you?”
“no, i don’t need you.”
“nothing can hurt me now.”
“nothing matters anymore to me.”
“okay it was me… so?”
“people lie all the time.”
“pipe the fuck down, asshole.”
“please, you can’t die now.”
“please don’t leave me alone.”
“quiet. they can hear us.”
“quick! give me your phone!”
“quicker, you freaking piece of-”
“quit it or i’ll bite.”
“quit staring! they’ll notice us!”
“really? do i look stupid?”
“real smooth, tripping over air.”
“rise and shine, sweet thing.”
“rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
“seriously? give me a break.”
“so… what are we now?”
“so… did you miss me?”
“so… can we go eat?”
“so… when’s the next flight?”
“so… how did everything go?”
“sometimes, i wish you died.”
“so what? you did it.”
“time passes slower without you.”
“then what do you suggest?”
“the fuck? who are you?”
“then you tell me why.”
“this is not working out.”
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“this is all a fucking disaster.”
“when did it all happen?”
“who knew you’d be here?”
“why do i even bother?”
“why do i love you?”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“you’re just… so, so stupid.”
“you can’t be here now.”
“you look like an accident.”
“you really need to go.”
“you know who to call.”
“zero fucks given. next please.”
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
peter parker is a trans boy
peter getting bullied for being trans is 10x more believable than him getting bullied for being a nerd
“penis parker” is actually a transphobic insult. when peter first started packing, it fell out of his pants and flash has never let him live it down.
ned asks him “do you lay eggs?” even though only female spiders lay eggs because ned knows peter is trans
peter is shorter than the entirety of the cast
even though most 15yo boys have tied ties before, aunt may has to teach peter how to do a windsor knot bc this is his first school dance as a boy
honestly the entirety of the “I know what a girl sounds like.” “I’m not a girl! I’m a man! I mean, I’m a male!” scene is good evidence
cis guys can start puberty as early as 9 years old, but peter is just now getting the “your body is flowering” comments at 15 because he recently started T
feel free to add more!!
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
quick tag dump
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abdxcere-blog · 8 years ago
me, quietly: what if i added peter parker to this blog
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