Max x Frank.
Okay I can hear people saying what the fuck already but hear me out, hear me out lol
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I feel like Frank is lowkey fond of Max from the first time he saw her!! ‘Cause I’m sure he saw her before the junkyard, she just didn’t see him because she was daydreaming lmao —
He was totally staring at her like 👁 👄👁 through the cardboard on his window while she was writing on it lmao! And he’s like what the fu ck? this girl has some balls!
🐶 📸
He probably watches her wander around campus because let’s face it when you’re in ~photographer mode~ you basically black out. {I’ve walked into a wall before}
At first whenever she trips he just laughs but then he sees fucking Prescott trip her. And Frank kind of reaches his arm out reflexively and gets all pissed that he can’t go over with his little friend the switch blade.
🐶 📸
Max has also definitely mistaken him for a hobo before when he has his hood on. Now she won’t stop leaving him food when she sees him sitting on the beach or something?? She’s really nervous about it and won’t like talk to him or anything because he’s got obvious track marks and a lowkey angry doggo but he’s still pretty charmed.
She will also sometimes leave dog treats. He is VERY CHARMED—
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He likes the way she gets all excited when she sees Pompidou, who by the way is doing his ‘play? Pet? F O O D?’ bark not his ‘you didn’t need this spinal cord, did you?’ bark. One time she also offered to pay to get the handsome doggy fixed when she still thought Frank was homeless tm so that was pretty nice!
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Every time Max walks by the RV she notices that her drawing is still there!?? Gross dude??? Frank does this on purpose lol
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He almost one hundred percent was not going to hurt Chloe or Max in the junkyard, he just wanted them off if his territory. Like he literally JUST PEED ON THAT TREE OVER THERE
No, but seriously! That knife isn’t even really sharp anymore! He uses it to cut up carrots for Pompidou.
{fun fact: carrots can be a great treat for dogs! Just make sure to be careful introducing any new foods into a pet’s diet!! And it can never hurt to consult your vet:)}
If Max shoots... well, tries to shoot — he’s pissed but like, sort of gets it? He wouldn’t want someone to stab Chloe either, he kind of likes that girl. But guns aren’t toys kiddo imma take this lolol
If she doesn’t shoot he’s just happy Chloe hasn’t fucked up Max too much yet lol
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This man is literally so tired and hungover and sad so when Max comes to (obviously) try and get his keys (he’s not blind there’s a window right there there the fu) There’s obviously something going on and it just makes him depressed. Maybe she’ll end up like Rachel. He hopes not. Also now he feels dizzy for some reason?
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He is really upset when he sees his personal junk missing, when he sees that she had the balls to rifle through Rachel’s stuff. He’s upset about that for a while actually...drinking and shooting up and drinking and shooting up and... But then there is this pretty doe outside looking at him, and it calms him down.
He dreams of Max sobbing in the dark that night.
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Gives her the key to his account book. Why not. Fuck Nathen tbh. Can’t stop thinking about her crying. Can’t stop thinking about the dark.
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He’s got her number. This is weird. He doesn’t really know what to do with this. She sends him a smiley emoji and he doesn’t answer.
She won’t stop sending them?? Maybe he should block her
🐶 📸
He invites her to a party. I’ll bring drugs for you and everything, he implies. That’s what you do with people you like right
She doesn’t reply and he’s kind of upset lmao.
he sends her a sad face emoji.
She says she’ll go to a party with him once the find Rachel
🐶 📸
He can’t stop dreaming. Dark dark dark dark dark
That doe is hanging around again.
He can’t breathe. It feels like there’s dirt choking him, and He has his first panic attack in years. He thinks about calling Max but doesn’t.
🐶 📸
Fuck fuck fuck. When the storm comes and bitch slaps the town, for some reason he thinks of fucking max with her fucking camera and stupid emojis and...
And she’s so clumsy. And so sweet and nice.
He calls but she doesn’t pick up.
When she comes to the diner where he is later, he feels a bit of weight float off his shoulders.
But then she tells him about... His ears are buzzing. She doesn’t lie to him.
He grabs her, and she looks scared for a minute before she realizes he’s dry sobbing. Max smells like lotion and old plastic. While she’s being strangled hugged by him, Max notices a tattoo of her drawing on his wrist. The one time I don’t have my camera...
“You should probably get out of here. anywhere but here.” Max says, a little quiet. “Can you help the others too?”
Don’t leave me—
“You’re comin’, right? kid?”
There was a photograph in her hand...
“I’ll be right behind you.”
Somebody please join me in liking these two.
No but seriously please it’s lonely over here I’m starved for content
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A sneak preview of a Tobirama x Sakura x Hashirama reverse harem fic I am writing (flirting with adding Orochimaru and Kabato to the mix for some spice, lemme know)
Sakura was dirtied with blood - old, rust-blood that bled from her wrists,
And colored the handprint around her breast red
and matted the hair between her legs, made it sticky and dirtied.
The woman comforted herself by touching the china - glass skin of the two corpses still asleep in death, in their coffins.
They were starting to look like the souls, now.
The former Hokage.
Orochimaru had informed her that these two trump cards still hidden up his sleeve would waken shortly, but be very weak. Too weak, still, to play with.
they would need to be tended to diligently while Orochimaru tended to his plan.
Sakura knew why he had stolen her that day in the forest, now.
It had been perhaps a month since the second stage of her second attempt at the exams. She’d been one of the older competitors, eighteen.
She had allied with another failure, another brilliant mind: Kabuto.
She should not have done so - she saw that now, of course.
Sakura picked up the hand of the second hokage first, feeling the roughness of the callous' on his palm.
then she took the hand of the first hokage; he had founded her village. He was god, so Sakura prayed to him, and the other one too.
"My name is Sakura he's going to kill my village. Our village," Sakura whispered, and then she whispered the rest of what she knew.
When both men woke from their slumber a sunrise later, they found Sakura’s fingers still entwined with each of their own.
“Did you hear what she said as well, second Hokage?” Hashirama murmured as he ‘woke’, struggling to even lift his head.
Tobirama bared his teeth cruelly in response, but was careful as he stumbled out of his coffin and inspected the pink haired girl collapsed between them; she was half dead, and wounded.
“We are supposed to be dead.”
A breathless whisper,
“Orochimaru has used the forbidden jutsu.”
“Our souls are his now.”
“I’m so sorry.”
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Hairline Cracks - Remus x Hermione x Sirius
When Hermione handed Remus his cup of hot chocolate (the good, strong Italian kind), she took the time to wrap his fingers around the warm mug, and to feed his hunger for touch.
"Does your head still hurt?" - She adjusted the cream knitted blanket draped around his shoulders - the full moon was tomorrow.
Remus pressed his face into her side, inhaling her scent. "Fuck yes." He grinned, his teeth looking a little sharper in the candlelight. Her body shook slightly with laughter.
He hated the moon, hated this day, but he found latching onto Hermione gave him some comfort. There was no thing as pride when it came to such pain, and fear.
Such lust.
Perhaps later I will take her to my bed, /
or join her in the bath.
or I could just fuck her right here, on this couch.
He was just beginning to press himself closer to her body when the phone rang, sending knives through his head.
"I'm sorry!" An oblivious Hermione exclaimed as he curled away from her in pain. "I thought I took it off the hook. I'll be right back."
Remus panted once she was gone, trying to regain control. His wolf was screaming for her. He had to get himself under control.
Footsteps, perfume.
"It's Sirius, he wanted to speak to you. He'd like to go out for drinks, I think."
The phone was pressed to the side of Remus' face, and he took it into his hand while Hermione walked over to tend to the fireplace.
Remus sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sunk into the couch.
"I'm not going, Sirius."
There was the sound of Sirius sighing, probably blowing cigarette smoke from his nose. "Oh, well that is a shame. I was just about to tell you that if you didn't come, I would tell Hermione about that night!"
"Sixth year, the evening before the full moon. That abandoned bathroom? You haven't forgotten, have you? I'm hurt! It was my first time with a - "
"What time shall we meet?"
"You are truly lovelier than the stars, Hermione."
The woman was well used to Sirius' flirtations by now, but there was something sincere about the way he spoke to her, and only her.
His words were dripping with milk and not honey, and his gaze stayed locked on her own instead of falling down to her chest. Hermione gave him a smile.
Needless to say, Remus (the wolf) was already not having a good time.
After some time in the awkward silence, Hermione removed herself - "I'm going to go and see if they have have any fresh cream for my tea."
Once Hermione had gone across the room , Sirius waited patiently for Remus to take a drink of his whiskey before resting his cheek on his hand and murmuring,
"So, have you two fucked yet?"
And, right up the nose! Ouch.
"Padfoot!" Remus exclaimed, pressing a napkin to his face in a panic, "I thought we agreed you should never do that with fire whiskey!"
Sirius smirked.
"Mooney...I just wanted to snap you out of it. Your pupils are dilated."
The werewolf's face fell, his hair falling to cover his eyes as he bowed his head. "I... I can't hurt her. Not her."
Sirius took his friend's weathered hands in his own, shaky ones. Scars brushed against scars and the Animagus sighed in a bone deep sort of way.
"When did we become so fucking...old, Remus?"
Remus laughed breathlessly. A tear fell onto the table, then another.
Sirius took his friend's hand and raised it to his mouth, until...
"I'm going to scream if you don't leave me alone."
Remus was out of his seat before Sirius registered the angry , frightened whisper, even with his dog-like ears, followed by a terrible gasp of pain.
By the time he made it over to the dark corner, an upset Hermione was pressed behind a furious Remus, who had a man by his shirt collar.
"Are you alright, love?" Sirius murmured, shoving past the two werewolves (he could smell it on the other man, too) to reach Hermione. "Shit, are you bleeding?"
There was a bloody bite mark on her neck, and now it was Sirius' turn to snarl at the man in Remus' grip...the man whose teeth were stained red.
And his pants were undone.
In more of a growl than English, Remus snarled, "I'm going to kill you...you..." His pupils were so dilated his eyes were practically ink. The predator's hair was already matted with blood from his head being cracked against the wall.
Uh oh.
"Hermione, love," Sirius shrugged off his heavy, wine-colored coat and settled it over Hermione's shoulders like a blanket, "take him home. I'll join you after I beat the rest of the shit out of this bastard."
The Animagus then strong armed his friend and practically tossed him into Hermione's grasp. The two disappeared with a pop soon after.
"Remus, Remus." He was more animal then man now, snarling, blood dripping from his mouth. "It's alright."
He grabbed her roughly.
"You smell...awful," he growled, staring at the oozing wound on her neck.
"It's alright now," she soothed again, feeling a little out of her depth. "Sirius will be here soon. I'll take a bath. Wash that...animal's smell off of me."
His heartbeat was like a hummingbird. Perhaps a panic attack. Lovely.
"I'll join - may I join you? I'll wash your body myself."
Sirius slunk his way into his old home with bloody knuckles. He still hated this place, but he could stomach it now, at least.
"Mooney...? Hermione, love?"
There was a faint call of, "I'm in here," and Sirius barged into the bathroom to find Remus and Hermione in the bathtub together. the werewolf had fallen asleep, and she was holding his head above the water.
"Might as well hop on in." Hermione sighed. "I'm sure sitting in this tiny bathtub with two emotionally unstable old men is much better than sitting with just one."
Sirius laughed.
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I really am surprised there isn’t more yandere Skulduggery content - I do know he’s toeing the line in canon, but come on people! He is perfect for the yandere trope!
(Fuck, now I’m going to have to write/draw things aren’t I...)
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So I’m wondering if anyone likes reading fanfic on tumblr?
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It is 1:00 am, and -
i have found that there are truly no words to describe the emotion of falling asleep while writing OroSaku.
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poor gaara lmao
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