Alex gently nodded, “Sitting sound be good.” She mumbled, her knees giving out under her. In an attempt to save herself from hitting the ground, she grabbed onto his shirt, “Sorry.”
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“No, no you’re fine.” Aaron smiled reassuringly, “Do you need me to call you an ambulance?’
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“Always,” Wyatt chuckled as he slipped his phone into his pocket. “I used to say the same thing, especially since we had her so young but now I don’t know what I would have done all these years without the brat,” Smiling to himself, he nodded to the other man. “Thanks man. I can’t say I agree but I’ve tried my hardest.”
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“No problem, dude.” Aaron smiled graciously at the man, “I don’t think I caught your name, I’m Aaron.” He stood, to shake the other man’s hand, “I recently started working for the police force. Honestly, it’s the main reason I moved down here. Better job, better people..”
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Brianna thought for a moment until she thought of something, “ Well there’s always that club Tric downtown. It seems to be the place to be at on the weekends.”  She told him, “ And just last week we had a social event here that was pretty fun.”
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“Yeah, I get calls to go down there sometimes. Kids getting drunk and rowdy, always something down there.” He chuckled, “Really? I must have been working or something. What was the event?”
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“Hey,” Aaron grabbed the girl genitally by her shoulder, “Do you need to sit down? You don’t look like you feel so well.” His police radio chimed with codes, but he ignored them, instead focusing on the situation in front of him. “I can take you to the hospital if you need me to.”
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Alex put her head in her hands. The room was spinning. Her super tight and revealing clothing were farthest from her mind. Instead her outfit consisted of a very loose shirt. One at this point she wasn’t even sure if it belonged to her or Chase. “Baby, please calm down for momma.” she whispered, not noticing the person next to her could over hear her.
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“I’ve only lived here a couple of weeks and I’m in the exact same boat as you are.” Brianna told him, knowing all too well on that. But then again she did have fun at the social event that happened her first week here.  “ Uh, back from where I’m from. If someone said that, we ignore them.” She told him with a sweet smile. “ It’s not really that boring…” 
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“If it isn’t that boring..” He smiled, “Then tell me something to do for fun around here. Anything, I’m desperate.”
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Chase: What's that old saying...
Chase: You get what you get and you don't throw a fit, my man. I only wish i could smuggle a shark, or even a big ass surfboard on the plane.
Aaron: You know if I was there I could smuggle a shark
Aaron: But I won't throw a fit, promise lol
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“I think most people have other things to worry about,” Sam quirked an eyebrow, choosing to ignore his last comment. “You know, work, families, all that. Besides, shouldn’t you be able to keep yourself entertained? You are a grown man after all. What are you looking for, bouncy houses and merry-go-rounds?” the girl teased, glancing around as if she was looking for these things herself.
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Aaron pouted his lips, “What if I am looking for a bouncy house or merry-go-round” He joked, “It would be nice to have that option at least. But hey, it’s whatever. As long as I am alive, I guess I can’t complain too much, right?”
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Chase: I'll do you one better
Chase: How about a shark keychain?
Aaron: Lameeeeeeee
Aaron: But that works lol
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“Well, I can’t necessarily agree with the fact that it’s boring, but, in comparison to Chicago it’s definitely different.” Julian shrugged and looking down at the twins, one attached to him in the carrier while the other was in the play saucer he’d drug out of the car just to give them some fresh air at the park. “My whole life is here.” he smiled. “So, I wouldn’t trade my old life for anything. Maybe you just aren’t hanging out with the right people.” he offered the other male a smile and looked back at him. “But seriously. Two years and you still don’t find it remotely interesting?”
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Aaron shrugged, “I guess I don’t really hang out with anyone. It’s work and go home to my dogs and cat.”  He smiled at the twins, “Honestly? Not really. I occasionally take the dogs out to the beach, but that’s only fun for so long, you know? I guess I just miss the danger of Chicago.” He laughed, “It’s almost too safe here.”
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“I used to say the same thing before I left Tree Hill the month after I turned eighteen.” Oliver admitted and looked over at the male as he moved to sit on the bench, the fact that he’d been out until late was obviously written on his face by the tiredness in his eyes. “I ended up hating Minnesota even more than I hate Tree Hill, so, I came home.” he shrugged.
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“I miss home most of the time, but honestly this place is better than any, I guess. At least the crime rate is relatively low.” He chuckled, “I can sit out on this bench, in the middle of the night, and not worry about getting mugged or running into crack heads. But on the other hand, those are the things that kept it interesting back home.”
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“You know, I’ve lived here for two years and I still can’t find anything interesting to do.” Aaron sat on the bench at the park, “Back home, in Chicago, there was always something to do or someone.” He winked playfully, “I’m just kidding, but this town is boring as hell.”
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“Is she giving you a hard time?” Aaron smirked, “I couldn’t do it, you know the parenting thing. I want too much time to myself.” He shrugged, “But you seem like an amazing dad. “
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Wyatt’s daughter continued to talk his ear off, complaining about the most recent thing her mother had done in an attempt to ‘ruin her life’, but the man listened with intent. Rose always had his undivided attention when they spoke, so much that Wyatt wasn’t exactly aware of his current surroundings as he walked through town. “Yeah –.. I know baby. Well, it’s my week next week so just hang in there. And be nice to your mother, would you? Alright, talk to you soon. Bye.”
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“I don’t know, dude.” Aaron shrugged, “That would be a lot on your plate, plus you have your wife and kids to think about.” He offered a half smile to Nathan. “But I think you should do whatever makes you happy.  Life is too short to be miserable.”
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“You know I’ve been thinking about coaching the Ravens…I mean I can’t see why I couldn’t do that and be a sports agent, not if I stayed local which I plan on doing for a while…what do you think?” Nathan asked as he turned to look at the person he was currently sat with at Karen’s. “I don’t know maybe it’s just hopeful thinking.”
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Chase: Alright, the cat's out of the bag. I've fled the country.
Chase: My current location is Australia, if you want me to bring back a souvenir, speak now or forever hold your peace
Chase: And no I'm not bringing back any kangaroos or koala bears
Aaron:I would like a surf board.
Aaron: Or a shark.
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Aaron nodded, “But don’t you think it’s a little weird that you are just standing out here?” He raised his eyebrows. “I mean, I’m out here as well, but I have a pretty good reason.” He chuckled as he pointed to his badge. “Have we met? I’m Aaron.”
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Katie stood outside the gate, watching the people on the inside as they moved around the courtyard of the school. She’d been watching from a distance for awhile now, but today had been the first day she’d ventured this close and she couldn’t help but feel the nerves growing in her stomach as she grew closer. With her hands in her pockets she smiled as she saw the group of children moving inside the building. “Aren’t they cute?” he asked, looking at them as the one child she was watching in particular moved into the building. “It just warms my heart, watching how cute they look going into the building like that. They grow up so fast.” 
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Jake Gyllenhaal at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on May 28, 2017 in Indiana
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Jake Gyllenhaal at a Lakers Vs. Clips Game in LA, 2006
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