a-poet-named-mitch · 2 months
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Self-inflicted Wound
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Seek thee greatness
Find thee failure
Ambition be thy downfall
Sloth be thy guide
Why do I ask for things
that are not meant for me?
Why am I stubborn enough to live,
but relenting enough to shrug doubt off?
Perhaps my own persistence is
my downfall.
I know better,
I know what is expected from me
And I do not wish to disappoint.
I don’t quite care for pressure
so I am not forced to do this.
I understand what I must do
I know what is right.
And still, my humanity betrays me.
It takes a bite of my soul and sinks itself into it.
Hoping to burrow inside it and feast on it
hoping to erupt from its shell once nurtured.
I want to hollow out my eyes.
So I see not the harm I am doing
To myself.
I regret all my comings of age,
for I did not understand how much I failed them.
Still, this seems to be my punishment,
To realize I’ve basked my youth in stupidity.
I don’t quite blame myself,
but who would be to blame?
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A poem about lament and bitter reminiscences. A poem about regret and agony. About wasted potential and blame.
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a-poet-named-mitch · 6 months
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The Swingin’ Swing
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Swing a swing
Swing a swing
Hand on chain
Hips on the “U”
And position
Go! Go!
Swing up
Swing back
Legs go up
Legs drawn back
I pull with my hands
I push with my hips
And I swing
And I fly
I’m scared of heights
But why not of this?
Maybe because
I fly just high enough
To no be scared
To be there
My mind fades away
And I meditate
I see the world above
The sun setting
My hands start to tire
But I continue
If I don’t think about it
It won’t hurt
I swing
And swing
I swing a bit more and
further swing some
And just as I feel I’m
About to reach nirvana
I feel dizzy
Sick to my stomach…
So I hop off,
Tired of this swing
I stumble to a bench
Hands still hurt after days
I used to be able
to swing for hours
Without getting tired
Guess I’m older now
Reaching 20 already
I’m too old for swings
But not too old
For a good swingin’!
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This poem is about swings and what I feel about them! Went to a new park yesterday and got in the swings. I always try to try out the new swing sets at parks simply because I LOVE swings!! But I discovered I tire easier than I did before… it was a bummer, but it made me reflect despite the dizzying feeling I was in after I hopped off!
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a-poet-named-mitch · 6 months
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Heavy Heart
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It’s always like this
Come along
Stay not long
Move along
I’m scared of it.
It’s not a vice
I will say it twice
Don’t you give me advice
I beg for understanding
And when it arrives
It never thrives
It feels like knives
I gain a friend
And I can’t keep it
My single face; I tweak it
Feel so real; now I speak it
I don’t want your man
Just want his support and comradery
Don’t blame me for your lack of social battery
I did no assault and battery
And y’all have know me for so long
Y’all so fucking ridiculous
‘Cuz if y’all my words gotta be meticulous
Don’t wanna offend with my feelings; ambiguous
Y’all piss me the fuck off
I’m mad as shit
So am I that unfit?
Y’all muhfuckas legit?
I could choose to see myself higher
And I lower myself for y’all
Tired of being this small
I’m free, you muhfuckas enthralled
But I truly care for y’all, you know?
And I know y’all care too
But when debts are due
Trust I’ll remind you the truth
That y’all hurt me
Made me this way
Threw me away
pretended it was ok
And forever left my heart with that weight
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A poem about forgiving but not forgetting. A huge part of female rage. Always how I’ve operated. I believe in second chances, but I also believe in not being seen as a gullible fucking idiot <3
Wrote more how I spoke rather than how write this time. Had to portray that spoke rage!!
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a-poet-named-mitch · 6 months
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The Jester King and his Harlot
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Clowns they balance
Their bodies on the trapeze
Their bells avoiding silence
As they swing away with ease
The King of Clowns
He looks down upon me
He does no frowns
That huge smile I see
“You’re a clown too.”
He’s not wrong, I presume.
“So what do I do?”
I ask, not wanting to assume.
“Oh, I’ve been there millions of times!
What clown doesn’t rhyme?
But every madman has his vice,
so let me give you my advice.
Claim your pick,
Don’t let time tick
You pretty thing
Wanna be my fling?”
I looked up at him,
He was huge and
Despite that, he seemed vim
So I held his hand.
“Good choice, Sheila.”
He kissed me,
his breath tasted like tequila
I loved it, how could this be?
Glass the house of the hypocrite,
Bet you won’t find a bigger hit
Bitter bit
Appeal and bid on it
“Join my circus, be my slut,
I promise you a good cut!
Warn ya, you won’t be my glut
s’long’s there’s pep in that strut!
I like my whores obedient
But I can be lenient
You seem inexperienced
That’s ok, just don’t be deviant.”
I looked at his circus
Trying to find my purpose
And a place to fit
Knowing acceptance meant submit.
“I’ll take it
How else would I make it?”
I’ll just practice my mannerisms
Until I lose my rhythms.
And thus I start!
“Jump, Harlot!
Hop, Harlot!
Swing, Harlot
Spin, Harlot!”
And, being inferior,
I obey him. Superior
I’m fuking tired of being polite
It’s a fruitless plight.
So out of spite,
I’ll be the Jester King’s slut tonight!
He’ll hold my hips
Fuck me over, backwards, and in the splits
Say “Get up and turn around,
Sot fucking hands on the ground.”
And I’ll trick myself into thinking
He loves me by drinking
Greed wants sex
Avaritia Rex
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A poem on the need for attention and fame! I’ve always seen the concept of greed as this huge Clown King! And Jesters are just royal clowns, so a jester king was most definitely the metaphor I was going for.
This poem is mostly about how greed can consume you and lead you to exploiting yourself if you’re not careful. It’s something I’ve been reflecting on lately!
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a-poet-named-mitch · 9 months
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Hot Chips and Corn
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Me and my cousin
We eat hot chips with corn
Corn in a cup, you call it
Dorichasca, we call it
We added 3 different sauces to it
Plus Japanese peanuts
Plus nacho cheese
Plus takis crumbs
We’re eating good tonight!
Our stomach is gonna explode
And our tummy will hurt
But that’s what fun is all about, ain’t it?
Jumping up and down
Like we used to when we were children
Now adults, but still the same ones at heart
We eat and eat and eat snacks!
Snacks like never before
We chomp and scoop
Dip and crunch
On spicy snacks we love to munch
A Dorichasca under the
downtown neon lights
We enjoy like
We did in older times
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My cousin came to visit us from Mexico and we went Downtown to hang out. So we went to POST Market and got ourselves corn in a cup. And it was HUGEEE! And well, it reminded me of the snacks we used to eat as kids.
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a-poet-named-mitch · 9 months
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I always thought of winter blue
Lights and snowy American winters do
Influence the way I see
The season that brought me be
But I wasn’t raised by American winters
I was nurtured in a place that never hinders
My imagination. Where I saw the winter lights
Around the day I was born. Those little delights
I believed spoke of my life’s anniversary that day.
Winter child, winter prey
Winter death, winter birth
Winter malancholy, winter mirth
The illusion of wonderland is gone
The golden cage I’ve entered
And I realized those pretty winters
Are nothing but dead and self-centered
The colors of winter are a farce
They’re man-made and scarce
Winter is nothing but brown and gray worn
Because winter begins the day I was born
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Winter began about a week ago (it starts on the 21st and I will die on that hill, you 22nd believers) and I simply had to post this one! It’s my insight on winter and my relationship with it.
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a-poet-named-mitch · 9 months
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A Peak In
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I accept
The solemn duty to
Never be the
The damn Muse
I’ll take it
The pain
I’ll ball it up
And put it to use.
Care to witness my misery?
As I am cursed
To write without secrecy
Dancing with my petheticism
I must scream
So I’ll carve out
A mouth of my own
Since I’ve none
Because I am
Since I think
The night consumes me
And does the rest
Would you like to
Cut the cranium
And dissect the wrinkled organ
That hates itself?
Tell me,
Would you care to peak in?
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Hi! My name is Mitch! I write poems and also fics (not here tho lol!!). I take requests and stuff!!!
I appreciate the support!!!
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a-poet-named-mitch · 9 months
Moon & Stars Glitter Dividers
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