stay gold fuckers
7 posts
ash | he/they | 80's 😩 | mlm or nblm | hippity hoppity get off my property
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
I’m just going to say it. Don’t attack me.
If you put “Character x Reader” it should be gender neutral..because non binary, gender fluid and male people probably go to read it think “oh, it’s probably for everyone” and then they read it and it says female so they probably feel upset, angry or any other emotion
If the story is for a FEMALE it should say “Character x Female reader” so it doesn’t confuse non female readers.....
ALSO: not all “x male reader” needs to be smut it’s just why, like my question is just why... like fluff and angst are also thing..
(And if you sexualize real minors I hope you die)
Reminder: Lady’s I’m not trying attack you or anything. Trust me it just sucks when I go to read fan fiction about my favorite character. Then I see the ‘she/her’ it makes me dyphoric. Again it’s not your fault just I ask you as a non female reader could you please tag or say in the title that’s it’s a female reader. Thank you from the non female reader community! ^^ 💚
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to say that your dallas winston x male!cade!reader was amazing,I found it  entertaining and I hope you have a amazing day<3
aww thank youu! i might write a small one shot/fic for it aswell :) i hope you have an amazing day too <33
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
no one in the outsiders was straight, no i will not be taking constructive critism
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
cigarette daydreams | d. winston hcs
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hiii! i came up with this idea when re-watching the outsiders :) reader does look something like johnny in this, so you have brown eyes and dark hair like johnny.
 | - dallas winston x male!cade!reader  | - headcanons  | - smoking, and mentions of a few injuries but mostly fluff
so, you’re johnny’s older brother
dally didn’t actually see much of you until johnny’s run in with the socs
you were like darry, mostly working your ass off, protecting your little brother or (barely) sleeping.
johnny talked about you A LOT though
dallas was kind of already in love with the way johnny talks about you
he talks about how much of an amazing brother you are, how you take care of him, protecting him from your parents, making sure he was okay and had enough stuff to get by.
after johnny’s encounter with the socs though, OH BOY
you were very protective over him, with you or someone you trust at all times.
this is when dally first saw you
dis boi
johnny wanted to go to the drive in with dal, you agreed if you could come and johnny was fine with that.
you sat in between dallas and johnny
accidentally, you bumped dallas’ knee, looking at him and apologising quietly before looking back at the movie.
at that moment, dallas knew he was going to make you his.
you got to know dallas really well, since your brother looked up to him so much, and you somehow found yourself falling for the reckless boy.
eventually, you and dally ended up hanging out without johnny or the rest of the gang.
you were a bit more daring compared with johnny, so you and dallas would mess about together and you busted him out of the cooler a couple of times.
it was kind of easy to tell dallas cared about you, just like he cared about johnny. he was more careful with you.
this is because dal is very scared of losing you, poor boy.
you’re one of the only things he’s every loved, and he’s honestly addicted to all the feelings you give him.
surpisingly, dallas would be pining for a long time.
your not like anyone else he’s seemed to like before.
and whatever he does it also impacts his relationship with johnny so-
dallas ended up talking to johnny about it
he was very supportive, saying he only wanted you to be happy and giving dally a bunch of pointers and things you like
then he’d go tell pony about dallas winston of all people having a crush on his brother
dallas confided in johnny about his feelings for you a few more times before he confessed
dallas kicked a rock around absentmindedly as he walked. he knew where you’d be. johnny was asleep in the curtis house, and you weren’t with him, so that only left one place for dally to look. the lot. when he arrived, he kicked the rock into the path of a nearby car. “ hey, m/n? you around? if your asleep wake your ass up. “ dal called out as he leaned against a street light.
you grumbled, not appreciating dally disturbing your light slumber. you stood up groggily before scanning around a finding dallas’ figure.
“ ugh.. yeah dal what do you want? “ you asked, an irritated edge to your voice. slowly walking over to dallas, you shoved your hands in your pockets.
“ nothing, just wanted to check you’re okay. “ you eyed him suspiciously and he caved. “fine, fine, i wanted to see you, really, i wanted to talk. “ you sensed a hint of anxiousness in his voice, but just brushed it off. “ i mean, alright, whats up? “ your annoyance dissipated, being replaced by curiosity. dallas slid down the street light until he was sitting, back rested on the pole and a casual posture. you sat down next to him, trying to ignore how good he looked. “ well, have you every thought about-uh.. -dating? “ he started fiddling with his lighter and you stared at the way his hands moved.
“ hah, yeah ‘course, why though? you got girl trouble? surpising “ you choked out a laugh at the thought of dallas having issues with girls.
“ uh, well “ dallas cleared his throat “ not exactly GIRL trouble. just dating trouble. “ “m/n, have you ever thought about dating a boy? “ you were slightly shocked at dallas’ words for a moment. i mean you’d certainly thought of it. hell, you were thinking of it right now. you’d though about what dating dallas would feel like for as long as you could remember. but, you were always scared of the reprecussions. what would johnny think? how would the gang take it? how long would it last until dallas found someone better?
“ yeah, y-yeah i have. why? there a boy you like? “ you blocked your previous thoughts out of you mind dallas felt his confident surge a bit. he had a chance! feeling better about himself, he put his lighter away and turned to face you properly.
“yeah, there is, and i want to know if he likes me too. “ dal’s ny accent was more pronounced, and he had a flirty tone that you found- very attractive????? like oh my god?? wtf??? how did he have the right to be this hot?? “ well, have you talked to him about liking boys? um.. you could maybe drop some hints or something? “ you could feel your temperature, and your anxiety rising with every second. “ i don’t think i need too, i think you’re all the help i need. “ dallas purred, moving closer to you.
holy shit.
“ o-oh? how would i be able to do that? i’m not good at relationships.. “ you played awkwardly with your dark, fluffy hair.
“ just answer me one question m/n. “ “ do you like me? “
dallas’ face was mere inches away from yours, at this point you figured he already knew your answer, as you hadn’t made any effort to stop is flirting.
so instead, you closed that few inch gap.
your soft lips met dallas’ slightly chapped ones. he jolted for a moment before melting into you. your hand went up to his short, ruffled brown hair. his hand went to your hip, pulling you closer to him. when you seperated you were both smiling. well, dallas more like smirking.
“ wow, i- that.. “ words failed you, so you simply kissed dallas again, quicker and softer this time. at that you earned a laugh from him. he moved you closer to his body and you curled into his chest.
“ yeah, i do like you dal. “
pony and johnny probably saw the whole thing.
your relationship with dallas is great though, despite the gang’s teasing.
you end up going to a lot more ‘hang-outs’ with johnny and dallas. which end in johnny finding an excuse to leave you two alone or you two just end up making out and johnny doesn’t want to deal with that shit.
since neither of you really have a ‘home’ you spend a lot of time at bucks, eventually you get johnny his own room and you share one with dallas.
dallas tries to help you out with work or anything, but lets face it, hes really just a distraction.
dal feels really bad about it though, wanting to help you finacially and so you have more chill time to spend with johnny and himself.
so dally asks soda if he can maybe start working at the DX
soda’s a bit confused but is ultimating like ‘sure if you don’t burn down the place.’
dallas wanted it to be a surprise for you though.
he got through his first week just fine, he ended up buying you and johnny groceries and stuff.
you nearly cried.
you hugged dallas and kissed him all over, all the while he was laughing and johnny was a very confused boi.
you two really just vibed together and helped eachother out.
patching up dallas after rumbles or fights.
if you pull dallas in for a kiss by his necklace he will find that VERY hot.
takes you to all kinds of dates.
one day you’ll be at the drive in, next day you’ll be drunk on the roof of the gas station.
he really loves you though.
drunkenly rants to johnny or buck about you.
dallas is more like an older brother to johnny now than he’s ever been.
he tried not to get into jail so much, but you still had to bust him out a few times.
he’ll fuck up anyone who messes with you or johnny though
caring, overprotective bf.
he really really loves you though. LIKE REALLY LOVES YOU.
he’s never cared about any of his other lovers like this before.
will fight god for you.
sorry this one was kind of bad! im running out of ideas for good scenarios, any requests/ideas would be appreciated <33
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
johnny cade says trans rights or die
rb if u agree
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
head canons | j .cade & p. curtis
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okok ik in my intro i said ill mosty write x reader BUT THESE 2 ARE SO FUCKIN CUTEGHVXGJK anyway i hope its okay <3
i think johnny would be the one to fall inlove first.
his feelings for pony would grow throughout the years, but he was way too scared to say anything, poor bb :(
johnny would be one to fall for the small things.
the way pony smiles, his eyes light up when he’s passionate about something, admiring the sunsets and clouds, looking out for johnny and taking care of him would all push johnny to fall even more inlove with pony.
pony notices a lot of small details, but somehow doesnt notice johnny’s crush??
pony would fall inlove with johnny a little later
i think when pony was young he didnt really understand the concept of love 
he thought all of his feelings for johnny were normal because they were best friends
but no
when he got older he realised his feeling for johnny were romantic
pony was terrified
probably woke up soda at 2am when he realised and cried while telling him
soda is very supportive <3
he teases pony but its all for fun
these 2 would be pining forEVER
both of them are terrified of ruining their friendship, no matter how much the gang supports them
dally would be johnny’s wingman.
romance coach = dally
johnny confided in him for years before he confessed
their confession would be so fluffy tho <33
johnny sighed, making his way up to the curtis residence. his folks were fighting so he slipped out, not like they’d care anyway. he saw the living room lights still on, and the ones to pony’s bedroom. he climbed over the fence and walked up the to the porch, cautiously opening the door.
ponyboy was at the table, hunched over a book. johnny assumed it was either homework or something he borrowed. he could also see steve’s form passed out on the couch.
johnny stepped inside, closing the door behind him with a small click! causing pony to look up.
“ oh, hey johnny “ pony muttered tiredly, turning his body to face the brunette.
“ hey pony, your house full or you got room for another? “ johnny asked softly, swiping his bangs out of his pretty eyes.
“ uhh, couch is taken, if you can’t tell “ pony glanced over to steve with an exasperated sigh. “ darry and soda are already upstairs, so i think we do have a full house, sorry johnny. “ ponyboy looked away from johnny, guilt bubbling up from turning the boy away.
“ oh, well thats okay, ill just sleep in the lot like usual. “ johnny hummed, turning back to the door. “see ya tomorrow pony. “ he waved a hand and opened the door again, cold air hitting his face and making him flinch.
“ see ya johnny, im really sorry.. “ pony turned back to his homework, his focus broken. pony heard the click of the door again and laid his head against the table with a thud. dammit.
johnny sat down on the rough cement, lighting up a cigarette and watching the smoke fade into the night sky, the whisps looking like small clouds.
that thought reminded him of pony.
johnny smiled, now thinking of the younger boy, he never imagined things like this before pony started pointing out sunsets and clouds to him.
his peace was broken when he heard running footsteps getting closer, his body tensed and he crushed out his cigarette.
“ johnny? you still here? “ pony yelled as he came to a halt in the lot, panting and bending over.
“ pony? whats wrong? “ johnny’s figure appeared and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he caught his breath.
“ you can come stay. “ pony said between pants. “ c’mon, lets head back. “ he gripped johnny’s hand and dragged the brunette back, still not having caught his breath.
pony opened his front door, still holding johnny’s hand and tugged him inside. he fell into the nearest chair, severely out of breath. johnny stood infront of him, trying to clear the blush from his face after holding pony’s hand.
“ so.. “ johnny coughed nervously “ where can i sleep? “
“oh yeah, you comfy sleeping in my room? “ ponyboy looked up at him, more blush crept onto johnny’s cheeks and he pretended to cough to break the tension. “ sure thing pony, but i don’t want to disturb-”
“ quiet. you’re not disturbing me, i’m the one who suggested it. “ pony smiled kindly at johnny’s flustered form. “c’mon.” johnny followed pony to the room he usually shared with sodapop, who johnny expected to be in there aswell. “ where’s soda? “ johnny questioned upon not seeing the boy.
“ he agreed to sleep in his old room for the night so you could stay over. “ johnny felt instantly guilty, but grateful anyway. he’d thank soda in the morning. “ that’s nice, where should i sleep? “ it was pony’s turn to blush and cough. “well, uh, i was hoping you wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with me.. “ ponyboy trailed off at the end, though johnny still heard it. the blush that had left johnnys face only a few minutes ago came flooding back.
“ s-sure, yeah. yeah that’s fine. “ johnny smiled and motioned for pony to get into bed first. he complied and crawled under the covers, nodding for johnny to join him.
johnny awkwardly climbed into the other side of the bed, afraid he would make pony uncomfortable somehow. once he was comfortable, pony turned over and smiled at him. “ night johnnycake. “
“ night pony. “
johnny didn’t know what time it was, but he did know that there was a thunder storm outside.
‘ man im glad im not in the lot tonight ‘ he thought to himself, huddling under the covers further to block out the noise. Though, even after he stopped moving he could hear movement. figuring it was pony he didn’t think anything of it.
until a pair of arms wrapped around his torso and a face was buried in the back of his neck.
johnny internally panicked for a moment.
“ pony?! “ johnny whisper-yelled.
he only got a whimper in response and to be hugged tighter to the boy behind him when the thunder came again.
‘ wait, is pony scared of thunder? ‘ johnny thought, a small smile creeping onto his face. ‘ man that’s cute. ‘
“ pony, can you loosen your grip for a second, i need to turn around. “ johnny said in a soothing voice. after a few seconds the arms loosened and johnny was able to turn, now facing ponyboy.
johnny ran his hand through pony’s hair in a comforting gesture. johnny was unable to see the smile on pony’s face, as it was hidden in johnny’s chest. he put one hand around pony’s body, the other continuing to stroke the scared boy’s hair. after a while, pony seperated from johnny chest to look up at him.
“ thanks johnny, i know its pretty damn stupid that im scared of the thunder, but i just can’t help it. “ pony sighed, slightly ashamed of himself. wow this was embarrassing.
“ hey, calm down about it, we all have our own fears after all. “ johnny replied, hesitantly resting his hand on the side of pony’s face.
pony smiled at the touch and looked back up at johnny, his face illuminated by the moon. he brushed a strand of hair out of johnny’s eyes, causing johnny to blush and look away. luckily pony couldn’t see it in the darkness.
“ will you be alright to sleep? we can stay like this if you want.. “ johnny asked him softly after a few tender moments.
pony hummed and nodded “ yeah, as long as we stay like this. “ johnny could hear the smile in his voice when he said that, laughing quietly.
“ alright, i- uh.. “ johnny looked into pony’s expectant eyes and gulped. fuck why did he do this. “i’m not sure if this’ll make you feel better or mess up your whole night, but- “ johnny pressed a gentle kiss to pony’s forehead and sighed.
“ i like you pony. and i’d do anything for you. “ johnny said meekly.
it was quiet for a few seconds, his anxiety rapidly rising in the silence.
“ i don’t like you johnny. “ johnny flinched at that statement, tears pricking his eyes.
“ i love you. “ pony said as the first tear fell, all johnny could do was stare at him in shock.
pony rolled his eyes playfully at johnny’s expression and pressed a feathery kiss to the brunette’s lips.
“ i- you- what-? “ was all johnny could say. ponyboy laughed, then covered his mouth to muffle the sound. “ you heard me, i love you “ pony hummed as he settled back into johnny’s chest. “ and now you’re stuck with me. “
a smile took over the boy’s face, and he wrapped his arms around pony. “ i wouldn’t have it any other way love. “
after they started dating, johnny spent a lot more time at the curtis household.
sodapop was the first person to know. pony was so ecstatic that it slipped out. it ended with pony being suffocated by a bear hug from soda.
johnny was a bit more nervous to tell dally, but eventually did. dallas slapped him on the back and congratulated him. and then proceeded to tease the shit out of him.
johnny would basically be over whenever he could be. they tried to be more careful around darry, and would pretend like johnny was helping with homework or just staying for the night. but with sodapop, they’d be cuddling and giggling constantly. soda loves it though.
cuddling was a must. they’d cuddle whenever johnny stayed the night. when watching a movie. when just relaxing. ghjfshdbc <333
their relationship is so fluffy
a bunch of compliments and shy ‘hellos’ when they pass eachother.
omg just little passing kisses when no one was looking- aaaa
they make pillow forts and watch horror movies together when soda & darry aren’t home. they both get scared but it’s just an excuse to cuddle.
when they tell the whole gang, it’s like ‘ yeah we knew ‘. ‘ oh ‘.
drive. in. dates.
they leave love notes in books for eachother 
johnny barely spends any time at home (pony doesnt let him lol)
overall their relationship is just very fluffy and sweet and wholesome <33
this was so fun to write! i honestly love these 2 ngl. anyway, have a good day <333
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80sboysluvr · 3 years ago
Welcome to my blog
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About me -  🗒
< : hi ! i’m ash < : my pronouns are he/they :) < : im bisexual ! < : the fandoms im in are : the outsiders, karate kid, cobra kai, fear street and scream  < : i love : watching horror movies, the colour green, frogs, art, music, guitar, old movies, candles <3 < : i kin : johnny cade lol < : im an introvert and i spend most of my time online :) < : i hope you have a good day! whoever you are, i love and appreciate you and im so, so proud of you for still being here <3
Requests ig - ☁️
< : my requests are open!
< : i will write anything apart from smut
< : i will right for the outsiders, cobra kai and karate kid
< : i will write both platonically and romantically!
< : i write nblm and mlm cuz theres not enough 😩 this also includes ftm readers bc im self indulgent lol
< : i might?? write for ships, if im comfy but mainly x readers :)
Okay byeeee~
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