The Story of Beautiful Soul
57 posts
Seorang pemimpi yang hanya bisa menuangkan khayalannya dengan goresan tinta. Just call me Aylin ☺☺☺ Love SHINee with all my heart and NCT too. Proud MVP and Moondanse. Lee Jinki 🐰 and Moon Taeil 🌕 LOVE JOHNIL SO MUCH! Welcome to my world!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
4ylincia · 6 months ago
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It is them 💚❤️
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4ylincia · 10 months ago
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he'd begrudgingly agree that he has taste in music
songs referenced: 1, 2, 3, 4
do not repost, reblog only
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4ylincia · 10 months ago
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last panel in EN: Everyone got distracted.
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4ylincia · 10 months ago
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“Vivimi come se fossi il tuo errore migliore.”
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4ylincia · 10 months ago
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Kisses after the battle 🧡💚
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4ylincia · 10 months ago
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“OUR story begins…” i cant do this today chat
credits to @kts.izuuvx0 on tiktok!!
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4ylincia · 11 months ago
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Heights difference
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4ylincia · 11 months ago
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yōkai au for atsuhina week (day 5) on twt! ☁️
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4ylincia · 11 months ago
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Setters & Hinata
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4ylincia · 11 months ago
we do not talk enough about how this is basically a marriage proposal
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
hanseo, upset: i hate all of you guys and i’m never going to talk to a single one of you ever again !!!
[the next day]
hanseo, hugging each one of them: hi vin hyung, cha young noona, mr. nam
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
Ok I did it too//put hanseo ini the box
mr. an: you guys can place whatever cute things you find in this box
cha-young: jang hanseo???
mr. an: not people, just things-
vincenzo: well, can we put hanseo?
mr. an: i sAID-
miri and mr. nam: jang hanseo?
mr. an: NOBODY is putting hanseo in the box
hanseo, already in the box: ???
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
hanseo: can we go get ice cream?
vincenzo: did you ask cha-young?
hanseo: she said no :(
vincenzo: then why are you asking me?
hanseo: because she’s not the boss of you
vincenzo, internally: it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a tr
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
Gummy Bears - Jang Hanseok x Hanseo
One-shot, requested by @swaggy-tea and @taewithalottlesuga, an au where someone isn’t a psycho
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A/N: bolded words are words Hanseok says in English; hope you enjoy reading!
Hanseo doesn’t really enjoy video games. Or board games. Or any sort of game really.
He views it as unnecessary stress, tasks and missions that weren’t worth the small amount of satisfaction one receives in the end. On the other hand however, is Jang Hanseok. That young man- looks will deceive- is purely childish at heart.
Hanseok carries a pack of Haribos everywhere he goes, has Candy Crush downloaded on his phone and a penguin plushie resting in the corner of his office. His personality is so loud, so vibrant, so... annoying.
When Jang Hanseok was announced the new Chairman of Babel, Hanseo did not hesitate one millisecond to pass the position over to him.
If Hanseo didn’t enjoy video games, he most definitely did not enjoy being like a pawn amongst the wealthy elites of the country. Constantly feeling like an NPC to his own body, he might as well kiss Hanseok out of gratitude for taking the position away from him. Although, that man ended up placing Hanseo as Vice Chairman.
Not the best, considering how Hanseo just wanted to fly away and live a life full of secrecy in Malta, but Jang Hanseo will endure it. Like how he always has.
One month ago, a Korean-American man walked up to him and said they were half brothers. Two weeks ago, his new half brother moved in with him, inspecting every crook and cranny his mansion had offered. One week ago, his “hyung” had assimilated the Chairman seat and now was working in the same chair Hanseo had once resided.
If one should say, “ work at Babel is tiring,” that would be a clear understatement in Hanseo’s eyes. Working at Babel meant restless nights, empty coffee cups piling on the floor, dark circles beneath eyes, bleary vision after each all-nighter and so much more.
So Hanseo did not understand why his new hyung had seemed to be in perfect shape.
Jang Hanseok appeared to look healthy, like he got 10 hours of sleep each night and never had reeked of coffee. Maybe it was an American thing, Hanseo pondered, the ability to look completely fine.
He rested his head against his knuckles, his elbow propping his whole arm up against the sleek dark oak desk. The world felt heavy. The air, his own head and eyelids.
Just as he slipped into an abyss of sleep-
Tap! T- Tap! Tap! T- Tap! Tap!
Sharp, rhythmic taps awoke him with a start. His whole body jolted up, and his drowsiness washed away as if someone had dumped ice cold water on him.
“ My dongsaeng!” The single English word prefixing the sentence was a dead giveaway to letting Hanseo know who it was.
“ Han- Hanseok hyung.” He greeted politely, standing up to give a respectful bow.
The Chairman shook his head, “ Hey, we’re brothers. No need for all that.” He comfortably slung an arm around Hanseo’s shoulder and the younger wondered if all Americans acted like this.
Hanseok then nonchalantly sat on top of his desk, disregarding the fact he was also sitting on a small pile of papers.
He popped a gummy bear into his mouth. “ Are you tired? Your skin doesn’t have that... glow that it normally does.”
Hanseo had no clue what English word was uttered but he nodded. “ Just a lot of paperwork nowadays.” Why was he so nervous? It was like a gut feeling that made him feel afraid of Hanseok. It was odd. He barely knew his brother.
“ Do you want a break?” Hanseok followed up with a very intriguing offer.
Hanseo doesn’t like video games. Or any sort of games. But if he had to choose between playing games or sorting out piles of worksheets, he’d rather pick the first option.
“ Try this!” Hanseok excitedly called him over to a shooting game, the place was adorned with plushies that would be given as prizes.
The arcade his hyung had taken him to was packed, and Hanseo never relished in crowds or public spaces like these.
Hesitant as always, Hanseo gripped the plastic gun and leveled himself to the sight, moving it to align with the water ballon target. A finger on the neon green trigger, he pressed down and the fake bullet missed the balloon by the slightest inch.
“ Oh, that was close!” Hanseok pipped up, walking over to get his turn. His competitive nature seemed to bloom as he added on, “ You should’ve aimed properly.”
Hanseo scoffed, giving his brother space to take his turn.
Hanseok’s face softened as he suddenly asked, “ Which one do you want?”
His younger brother blinked in slow motion. What? “ What?” He voiced his confusion out loud.
“ I said, which one do you want?” He repeated, gesturing to the plushies that were hanging on the ceiling and walls.
He didn’t know why, but he ended up blushing. No one had ever done these kinds of things for him. Hanseo sharply turned away from his hyung, embarrassed at the red that colored his cheeks.
Hanseok suppressed a chuckle, “ Come on~” He whined in English, “ Hurry up and pick!”
“ Uh...” Hanseo faced the prizes and scanned each one of them. All of them looked boring, too vivid and childish-
“ The puppy one.” He mumbled, his eyes set on the golden retriever plushie that was beside a very colorful stuffed unicorn.
His older half brother smiled mischievously. “ Sorry, I couldn’t hear you. Can you say that again?” Causing Hanseo to roll his eyes at the very obvious motive.
He cleared his throat and glanced at the floor. “ The puppy one at the top left.” He repeated clearly, and Hanseok hummed satisfied.
The Chairman raised the toy gun to his eyes, squinting as he aimed. Pulling the trigger, he had hit the first target flawlessly.
“ Woah!” Hanseo said in awe, well aware his brother hadn’t gone to the military yet so this skill was purely cultivated by himself.
Hanseok grinned victoriously, winking at the younger man. “ I’m gonna get it for you.” He clarified, pointing at the puppy plushie.
“ Hyung, you don’t need to-“
“ Oh, but I want to.” He cut the protest off, picking up the toy gun again to hit the second target.
The second water balloon was down, meaning there was only one left. “ One more...” Hanseok muttered under his breath, placing his finger on the trigger.
“ YES!” He cheered, pumping his fist in the air.
Hanseo cracked a genuine smile, seeing his hyung act like that.
Maybe he wasn’t so annoying after all.
“ I did well, didn’t I?” Hanseo piped up. A couple of hours had passed by in the arcade and the two had completely warmed up to each other’s company.
“ Mhm.” Hanseok replied, slinging an arm around his shoulder, gazing down at how adorably Hanseo was clutching the plushie. “ You deserve to be my brother.” He jokingly added on and the other simply scoffed.
“ By the way, you haven’t told me where we’re going yet.” His younger brother said, lips showing the tiniest amount of pouting.
“ We’re almost there,” Hanseok replied, “ See?” He pointed to the store before them, “ An ice cream shop!” He pulled away to make dramatic jazz hands.
Hanseo grinned a cute gummy smile that the older was slowly getting used to. “ Gosh, hyung, you-“
Hanseok immediately placed a single finger on his lips, hushing him. “ Zip it, we’re eating to our hearts content today.” Boldly, Hanseok reached out to his half brother’s unoccupied hand and intertwined their fingers. “ Let’s go!”
“ AH!” Hanseo yelped from the sudden pull, tightening his grip on the stuffed animal.
The glass doors opened with a chime, and the first thing Jang Hanseo noticed was the emptiness of the place.
“ Hyung...” He began, the realization sinking in, “ Did you-“
“ Reserve this?” Hanseok finished off the question, “ Yeah, I did.” He beamed proudly, “ I kinda forgot at first that you didn’t like crowded areas. Sorry.”
Did Hanseo’s heart skip a beat? He wasn’t sure. But he did know that he felt loved. Appreciated. He felt warm inside, like something bubbling at the pit of his stomach. “ Thank you..” He said, unable to find more suitable words.
“ Nah, don’t thank me.” Hanseok waved it off, “ Come on, let’s take a seat.” He changed the topic with ease, dragging the other along to a circular turquoise table.
One of the staff walked out and headed towards them. After basic greetings, they pulled out a notepad. “ What would you both like?”
Is this a fancy restaurant or something? Why is there a waitress-
“ Hanseo-ah, what do you want?” His brother’s question snapped him out of his thoughts.
“ Uh... I’ll have the double chocolate chip ice cream.” He scrambled to pick one quickly, his social anxiety not wanting to drag the conversation on further.
“ And you, sir?” The waitress turned to Hanseok.
“ Classic vanilla. With gummy bear toppings.” He answered curtly, and the lady quickly wrote it down before scurrying away.
A minute or so passed when the Jang brothers were handed their orders. Hanseo’s mouth watered at the sight of the extra chocolate drizzle that was placed on top of it all for free.
Hanseok smiled, “ I guess you like chocolate a lot?”
Hanseo nodded eagerly as he grabbed his spoon to dig in. After wiping some ice cream off his chin with the back of his hand, he decided to reply. “ And I guess you like gummy bears a lot?”
Hanseok chuckled, “ I love them.” His smile dropped a bit though, but the sparkles in his eyes remained. “ Hey, you got a little stuck beside your lips.” He pointed at Hanseo’s face, and the younger man immediately picked up a napkin and began cleaning the wrong side.
“ No- no,” Hanseok sighed,” Come on, let me do it.” He stood up and reached over the table, taking his thumb and gently wiping the ice cream off Hanseo’s face.
Hanseo immediately tensed under such soft touch, not really knowing why he was expecting something harsh.
“ O- oh, thanks.” He stuttered, focusing on the ice cream before him.
“ Mhm.” Hanseok continued to munch on his gummy bears, before scooping one out with his spoon. “ Wanna try?”
“ No, it’s okay you can have it.” He declined, this brother of his was already giving him way too much affection than what he was used to.
“ Say ‘ahh,’” Hanseok prompted, holding the spoon in front of his dongsaeng’s mouth as if he were a baby.
Hanseo blushed- out of being flustered or embarrassed- he’ll never know. He looked up into the Chairman’s eyes and regretted it right away.
The twenty something year old man was making puppy eyes. It sort of reminded him of the plushie he got today, big and cute. Sighing, Hanseo reluctantly opened his mouth.
“ There you go.” Hanseok grinned, and watched as the younger chewed on the gummy bear.
Hanseo didn’t have the heart to tell him that he actually despised gummy bears with all his being. But then again, Hanseo didn’t really like Hanseok or games at first. Now his point of view had changed.
Maybe he could grow to love gummy bears too.
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
*Everyone is playing a board game together*
Meliodas: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
King: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Ban: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Gowther: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'.
Ban: *flips the board*
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
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“ I know you know that I made those mistakes maybe once or twice, And by once or twice I mean maybe a couple of hundred times, So let me, oh, let me redeem, oh, redeem, oh, myself tonight, ‘Cause I just need one more shot at second chances.”
Justin Bieber - Sorry
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4ylincia · 2 years ago
Black bulls became overprotective for them little brat.
Finral, joking: Asta, you deserve the best and you found it. Yuno? Don't you dare hurt him.
Yuno, with a chuckle: I won't.
Luck: Don't laugh. He means it.
Yuno: I-I won't.
Yami: Seriously. Don't hurt him.
Yuno: Okay, I'm not planning on... hurting him.
Magna: You better not be.
Yuno: I'm not!
Vanessa: Hey, Yuno? You best watch yourself.
Yuno: Why would any of you think I would hurt Asta? You're all my friends, too.
Zora: Eh.
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