scorpio ass bitch
181 posts
scorpio sun ◇ scorpio moon ◇ leo rising
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4thsun · 4 years ago
how do you emotionally move forward when life is so stagnant rn ?? we cant go anywhere or see anyone and it’s cold outside .. the only kind of character development or emotional growth rn probably comes from lots of introspection which kinda makes u think in circles alot of the time?? and go crazy?? i make a lot of drawings to deal with it and it helps but idk .. i guess theres no real answer to this im just thinking
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4thsun · 4 years ago
yeah geminis, cancers and scorpios are moody. but have y'all ever met an aquarius? those mfs take being moody and changing what they want drastically to a whole other level
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4thsun · 4 years ago
february is the month for restoration, healthy selfishness and unconditional love
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4thsun · 4 years ago
🌙 New Moon in Aquarius
✧ 11th February 2021 ✧
New moons bring us new beginnings. You can use the new moon’s powers to manifest a fresh start into your life or to beginning something new.
This month’s new moon is in Aquarius and it’s ruler - Uranus - the most unpredictable planet and the lord of anything unconventional and innovative, is currently in Taurus, which talks about stability, pleasure and sensuality.
Which brings me to the theme I see here - love, money and stability.
At the same time of the new moon, we will also be experiencing Venus conjunct Jupiter. One of the luckiest and most positive aspects, Venus conjunct Jupiter blesses us with good luck in love, money, beauty and our assets. 
Like I mentioned before, whenever there’s Uranus involved, we can expect the unexpected. The best thing you can do is be as flexible and open-minded as possible. So yes, we can set our intentions and work on love, stability and finances, but at the same time we need to stay open. Your wishes might not manifest exactly the way you planned but that is okay. Welcome any changes which come in. They are meant to transform your life for the better, even if it seems impossible at first.
Funny how all of this is just a few days before Valentine’s Day, but nothing is really coincidence, right? So go do your manifesting and maybe set your intentions on how you’d ideally like your Valentine’s Day to go :)
Set intentions for:
inviting love and success into your life
stability when it comes to your finances and relationships
self-love and confidence
fresh start in your life
self-improvement, becoming a better person
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4thsun · 4 years ago
“tell me your moon sign without telling me your moon sign”
aries moon: “i will knock you the hell out in a fit of rage and then cry myself to sleep. also my emotions peak really hard and fast then change an hour later when i inevitably get over it and realize it wasn’t that serious”
taurus moon: “my hobby is sleeping and i love romance but hate people and expressing affection. i’ve had the same friend group since fourth grade and they’re probably the only people i trust”
gemini moon: “my brain never shuts off ever so sometimes i lag like a 2005 dell desktop. my constant state is overthinking infused with stress and anxiety is my middle name. i change my personality four times a day”
cancer moon: “it would be easier to list the things that don’t upset me than the things that do, i take everything personally and i will not hesitate to stab you. i go through eight different moods a minute”
leo moon: “i am every single persons’ therapist for free and all my emotions are amplified x100. i can work while having a mental breakdown because the grind never stops. my middle name is overspending″
virgo moon: “if i’ve so much as looked at you, i have psychoanalyzed and picked apart both your and my entire existences and i’m very disappointed in both of us. also i’m nervous. about what? yes. feelings are very frustrating to me”
libra moon: “i can promise you that at any given moment i am in my alternative daydream universe. i need validation from everyone and the only thing that makes me cry is sad romantic movies. i am the overlord of productive procrastination, and i’ve probably never showed up on time to anything”
scorpio moon: “i know what you’re feeling before you know what you’re feeling and i also am still stuck in my emo phase. i have never answered a phone call in my life. the block button is my best friend and i have frequent shower cry sessions”
sagittarius moon: “if you look inside my head it’s actually just a hamster hyped up on redbull + express shots running in a wheel. everything is in fact That Deep™ to me. i have never once been wrong ever and i will die with this mindset”
capricorn moon: “if i’m not being productive i want to die and my constant state of existence is mental exhaustion. people frustrate me and i like to view everything logically and pick apart all my emotions instead of feeling and dealing with them. spending money and being more successful than u is my passion”
aquarius moon: “katy perry wrote hot n cold about me. i probably don’t like you but if i do you’re never getting rid of me. i like to pretend i do not have emotions because i feel way too much but am not equipped to deal with it so i repress and ignore<3”
pisces moon: “my concept of reality is minimal and music is the only thing that keeps me grounded. i live mostly in my intricate NCU [neptunian cinematic universe]. i feel your emotions than you do so i would appreciate if you calmed the hell down and worked through your shit. i prefer to be alone and vibing in my room but i need my two close friends to function”
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4thsun · 4 years ago
Short 5$ commissions?
If I opened up very short description commissions, would anyone be interested in buying them? They’d be in the style of my other descriptions on this blog, very short descriptions of your major placements plus the houses. If you’d be interested in buying a 5$ short description, feel free to DM me :thinking emoji:
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4thsun · 5 years ago
What connects the Square/”incompatible” signs
Aries and Cancer: Both are extremely caring and loyal to a fault. Even if their ways of nurture sometimes clash, each one of them is someone who would kill for their loved ones and wouldn’t hesitate to fight someone for them. Both of them are leaders, albeit in different ways. The Aries is a stereotypical leader, the strong and loud one of the pack, wanting to protect their people from the front while the Cancer prefers to be in the back and be the glue in their friend circle, being there to care and nurture everyone from the shadows and make sure they feel alright. Also, both can tend to be quite immature, especially emotion wise and can sometimes tend to be selfish when upset.
Taurus and Leo: In my experience, these are actually quite similar signs. Stubborn to a fault, extremely caring and kind, but also the capacity to be cruel and vindictive when angered. Usually self-centered, they can overlook other people’s needs, but not on purpose. They can be labeled as attention seekers, but in truth they are just so eager to share things about their lives to anyone willing to listen and want to make them laugh with their stories. Their kindness is like no other and they are the first to take sacrifices for their friends. But if betrayed, their whole demeanor shifts and they can be petty and aggressive, but only because they cared so much and have an undying loyalty towards the ones they love.
Gemini and Virgo: These two signs are both ruled by Mercury and are the intellectual powerhouses of the zodiac. Their minds are constantly working, constantly fixing things, never at a stop. They can relate to each other’s intellectual and calm approach to everything and how they prefer to show love by either giving advice or doing acts of service for them. Both of them talk a lot, their mouths trying to keep up with their minds and likewise they criticize a lot, not out of malice but out of genuine willingness to improve things, although they tend to give unsolicited advice and criticism as well. Also, both of them can become razor sharp when upset or in an argument. Enjoy intellectual stimulation a lot.
Cancer and Libra: The obvious thing that connects these two is that they are both people pleasers. Both of them are preoccupied with other people and how they get perceived by them and so become social chameleons, wanting to gain their favor and fit in. They can lose parts of themselves because they want to be with other people so much. Likewise, they discard their ego to build up the other person, always preferring to be there for them instead of venting out their own problems. Both of these signs are infatuated with romance, friendship and how media portrays those. They want a dream relationship, either platonic or romantic and want someone they can give their all to and sacrifice everything for. However, when angered they tend to become passive-aggressive and childish, thinking they are being non-confrontational and keeping the peace but really just dishing out bitter and snide comments and building up tension.
Leo and Scorpio: These signs are signs of pride and they will make sure you know it. Even if they differ in how they show that pride, it is very gallant and obvious. And in some way, it causes these two to be like predator animals circling each other, wanting to be the dominant one. They can be prone to childish fights and outbursts of anger and can be easily irritated by one another due to their clashing natures and need to be dominant. However, that also means that when they get to know each other and can put their pride away, they accept each other and become the alpha pack together. They can feel unstoppable together, their sense of humor similar and their power and energy when together obvious. Developing a partner in crime relationship, these two are an absolute force to be reckoned with when together and can bond over many things, good and bad, like their intensity, their flair for the dramatic, their energy, etc.
Virgo and Sagittarius: These two share a love for intellectual topics and debate, viewing each other as ideal conversational partners and appreciating someone who can stand on equal grounds with them. Both of them can have a certain god complex, thinking they are better than others and expressing that in passive-aggressive ways. Both of them are confident in their theories and advice and think their plans are always the best. Similarly, both of them can act as martyrs, taking on the pain and suffering of others to make them happy and to please them. This however can cause them to suffer from a victim complex and think they cannot be criticized since they are doing so much, even if those sacrifices aren’t asked for.
Libra and Capricorn: While maybe not obvious at first with the first party, these two are businessmen. These two signs study people and their ins and outs, they know how to exchange emotional labour and compliments for services they desire and they aren’t afraid to get what they want. They know what people want and give it to them, to gain what they themselves are after. Nonetheless, they naturally also use this ability for good, using it to calm down and cheer up people in the exact way they know the other needs it. While they may be selfish in some regards, the people close to them are extremely important to them and they are the best cheerleaders, always knowing how to be there for someone and give them a confidence boost.
Scorpio and Aquarius: Ride or die, these two are all or nothing with their interpersonal relationships, always seeking out intense affairs that make them feel something, think things over and challenge their mindsets. Additionally, they enjoy being “the odd one out”, the “special” one. These signs love being alternative and edgy and liking and knowing things no one else knows and thinking about things nobody else does. They bond over this similar mindset and can feel like the other is the only one who understands them, the only one who thinks about similar deep and unconventional topics.
Sagittarius and Pisces: Both of these share the same love of philosophical topics and a love for people in general. While they may not like other humans per say, they love humanity and studying it, seeing how they work and function, how they act and how their habits show in little ways. They love seeing those knacks in a person and completely figuring them out. They love probing deep into a person’s mind, even pushing topics that should not be talked about and be the first and only one to completely envelop the person’s mind. Furthermore, they share a passion for similar interests such as religion, humanity, religion, psychology, etc. However, these two also share a tendency towards escapism through media, self-denial, substances etc. and tend to run away from problems instead of facing them.
Capricorn and Aries: Both of these have a very imposing, brooding presence that is felt by everyone around them. Thus, people tend to either hate or love them and never be inbetween. These signs have confidence and aren’t afraid to show it and while their distinct energies may be different, people tend to have be conflicting when met with such a great presence. Likewise, they have a blunt and sometimes even rude way of talking and even if they mean well, their words can be perceived as unnecessarily harsh which can turn people off. In reality however they just want to be straightforward, thinking honesty is above all else and necessary to take the necessary steps towards improvement.
Aquarius and Taurus: When people look at these two signs, they may come off as unapproachable, as on another level somehow. They seem to exist in their own world, somehow standing out even though they aren’t doing anything special. People either admire or loathe these qualities and tend to make up their own image of these signs based on what they see from the outside rather on the inside, seeing a completely different thing when they ultimately step into their world and actually experience their personalities and how warm and kind they can be. Nonetheless, this can also lead to them living their lives in their own bubble, never wanting to shy away from what they know and not face people from the outside, content with never being challenged.
Pisces and Gemini: Quite easy-going, these two signs bond over their their mutual want for peace and a light-hearted, fun relationship. Never taking things too seriously, they share a similar sense of humor and are also able to stimulate each other intellectually and talk about deeper things and humanity as a whole, Gemini is eager to talk and Pisces is eager to listen, likewise both of them are eager to learn, especially from other people. They have an equally curious attitude about everything they see and want to experience new and exciting things, bored of routine and things that are too serious, though this also shows in their shared immaturity and inability to maturely handle criticism, feeling personally attacked when someone expresses dissatisfaction with them or their mindsets and opinions.
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4thsun · 5 years ago
how can the least compatible signs still get along? what connects them?
I think compatibility in general is extremely overrated and glosses over the fact that people are still individuals. You can’t say for sure that for example an Aries won’t get along with a Cancer. You have to look at the chart as a whole and determine it based on every single factor in there, not a select few. I am a Scorpio and I get along great with Leos for example! I have a few fire placements and houses that help me connect to them better and understand their personalities better. On the contrary, someone lacking those will probably not get along with fire signs that well and even then it is not certain. Even someone with lots of water placements can get along great with someone with lots of fire placements, opposites attract and they can admire each others’ different qualities, for example the water sign can admire the fire signs’ confidence and vitality while the fire sign admires the water signs’ caring attitude and loyalty. It all depends on the person, if they express their placements in a healthy or unhealthy way, their past experiences etc.
I’m going to continue this in my next post because my response got waaaay too long lol I’m sorry
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4thsun · 5 years ago
yes Pluto makes it sexy but at what cost
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4thsun · 5 years ago
I don't usually ask astrology questions but I really wonder, why do I always catch myself having conversations in my head? Is it because I'm a virgo? I talk to myself about literally everything and sometimes it's suffocating..
its called thinking
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4thsun · 6 years ago
astro notes (pt 2)
when your moon falls into another partner’s 8th or 12th, the relationship (whether platonic or romantic) will likely leave you feeling somehow vulnerable as this overlay can make you more emotionally open
saturn, sun, and jupiter are more benefic in day charts. mars, venus, and the moon are more benefic in night charts
planets in peregrine (planets that lack any essential dignity) are said to be in a ‘neutral’ position
the 4th and 10th house both have to do with parents (disregarding the mother=4th and dad=10th narrative)
if you’re born in the night, you likely identify more with your moon sign
angular houses are the strongest (1, 7, 4, 10) and cadent houses are the weakest (3, 6, 9, 12)
11th house saturn natives may struggle with making friendships but once those friendships are made, they last for a long time
people with a lot of 3rd house and/or 6th house energy may sometimes be known as know-it-alls
when looking at lunar/solar returns, transits, it’s important to check if the planet or ruler of the sign in a particular house cusp is aspecting a natal planet or corresponding house ruler, otherwise there won’t be any significant sort of action
5th/1st house synastry can often be/feel short-lived — more of a first-time kinda thing
planets can be accidentally dignified in a chart — kinda like they happen to be in the right place at the right time. e.g. capricorn moon in the 4th
in horary astrology, when an aspect is applying, the particular event is going to happen; when the aspect is separating, the particular event has already happened
traditional planets are used in horary astrology
astrometeorology is a field in astrology where the planets and luminaries are used to determine the weather
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4thsun · 6 years ago
idk which capricorn needs to hear this, but please take the compliment. let people flatter you without rejecting it. let people love you without making self deprecating comments or jokes pls. love you.
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4thsun · 6 years ago
Pluto: the power of gods/the face of the devil
Pluto is transformive and shows you not only irritation/weakness/paranoia/hardship to overcome but also depth, rebirth, strength, skill and even sexual power. Pluto is the madman that will awake you at night, shaking your whole body, screaming, forcing you to wake up and even when tired go on stronger and harder - till you lose yourself, break together and let the unusal dark and magnetic power of the cosmos fix you. 
Pluto in the first house shows us that we are our own enemy and strangely our own savior. It is us who will decide to put on a mask when feeling that our own image is dark, bad and too much for ourselves and others. It will be also us who will put the mask off and reveal the steel like skin of  warrior, our aura can be sensed even in other  rooms, it’s intese, powerful, sexual, mysterious and enchanting - we are a living spell, always changing for our greater good.
Pluto in the second house shows us that we create and destroy our own boundaries - we ultimately realize we look at ourself when we bravely stand in front of the mirror. We will suffer loss and with nothing but ash left in our shaking hands feel pained heartache, greed, we want to skin ourselves - till we realize that underneath all that skin we are gold. Nothing is more golden than our own soul, our own beauty, loss is beauty, winning is beauty. 
Pluto in the third house sews our mouths shut and forces us to rip it open again. It is our mind which is filled with dark thoughts, obsessive, destroying, knowdledge that is power and a life savior but also manipulation and oppression. Being tied to the roots of the truth makes us hungry for more and we will choose to live wisely with our siblings, sitting on the throne of our words, knowing that our mind is the key and the keyhole itself. 
Pluto in the fourth house makes us fear our own house, being afraid to mother ourselves one day and still long for that warm feeling of the family we wished to be, wished we could have had. We will reject our own world, our own emotions, our own being. We will feel like the black sheep and still find ourselves in the role of the savior. It is us who will try to cut our own roots and us who will reattach them, water them, make them grow, healthier than ever. We will hum a hopeful lullaby while holding our own children in our own arms.
Pluto in the fifth makes us want to get lost in long longings of past lovers, rip our mind apart and the petals of daisies. At times we are our own king and queen, our self is as steady as a tank - at times our own catilyst and always wondering if that’s all what life can give us, what we can give ourselves. But it is us who will find beauty in the dark and the ugliness will be our muse, there is so much life, so much joy inside of us, waiting to be freed during dark, dark times.
Pluto in the sixth will make us realize that splitting our body into two won’t do any good - not the mortal, nor immortal world. Our soul and body at the verge of life, we want to shapeshift the world into our own likings, we live to desire perfection and perfection is what we aspire. But it is us, who will lift our aching body when realizing that fate is unstopable, it will be us putting others to rest and letting them rest, summoning courage from within. 
Pluto in the seventh will force us to stay in a room full of mirrors - mirrors without refelctions. We want to rise and want to rule, we will bleed and push others to the limit, poisinous smiles, long, curly lashes, and connecting everyone with red, thin strings. However, it will be us either standing up in front of tyrants or realizing that we need to bow our head, it will be us caressing others and letting ourselves be caressed instead of tying our minds to ruthless nights and shadow figures. 
Pluto in the eigth catches our subconciousness like a child a firefly in the night. We want to escape, try to figure out how the mechanism of a higher power works - but eventually will find ourselves deader than ever. It will be us to accept the fate in life: Death is death, life is life. Control is an illusion we won’t keep forever; bonding our souls and yet cutting them off again..that’s the circle of life. 
Pluto in the ninth will let us walk on the devils hands. Not realizing how daring we are, past lives will drag us to long, lost graves and omen will find us wherever our spirits seem to go. Questioning everyone around us we do not hear our own lying, demanding mouths, opening and closing themselves over and over again. It will be us realizing truth is more than a ‘yes’ and ‘my own point of view’, we will drag our foolish, young egos out of the dirt and into the light, it will be us searching for peace. 
Pluto in the tenth makes us eager and greedy for wishes and desire that turned dark. Like a hungry child we want what we think we deserve and at the same time despite the fact that others have it already - what an unfair, cold, cruel world. It will be us breathing in and out the smoke surrounding us and opening our eyes to our own soul path; us realizing that there is more to offer than shallow power can bring us. 
Pluto in the eleventh will sit us on a table and force us to debate with ourselves about the cage we created for our own back then. The peace and freedom we value so much, paired with own ignorance and pushing away of people and drawing them back in minutes later - selling our soul on purpose. It will be us realizing that these chains aren’t chains, teaching ourselves to read through lines and finally be free in the believed grey box we desperately tried to escape from.
Pluto in the twelfth is the hidden boogeyman in our closet. Silently watching us and as we wake up, we don’t know where our socks went missing, why the mirror is broken, how the scratches appeared on our back - lastly, we will realize that our consciousness is limited and that powerlessness doesn’t mean being lost. Seeing through the endless fog of fear, walking the path of nightmares, facing the demons of other world and other lives, putting our own fragile bodies to sleep.  
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4thsun · 6 years ago
water moons (cancer, scorpio, pisces) need to be careful of expending their emotional energy to others. they fall too easy a victim to psychic vampires and absorb other’s emotions too much, to the point where they can’t pinpoint their own. they often drain themselves for others, and it is not healthy. you are not everyone’s free therapist, and you deserve time to heal yourself.
fire moons (aries, leo, sagittarius) need to be careful of faking happiness in order to please others. they have a tendency to always pretend to be fine as they feel an innate need to keep the energy up wherever they go. it is okay to need help and to experience the emotions (sadness, hurt, etc) that you label as “weak”. you are strong regardless of what you think, and it is not your job to keep everyone else happy.
air moons (gemini, libra, aquarius) need to be careful of overanalyzing their own feelings. as much as it may seem illogical, sometimes you just need to feel things without reason. stop beating yourself up for feeling things and know that it is normal to be upset, need help, etc. emotional repression is not healthy, and you are not weak for wanting help. it is okay to talk to someone, it is not embarrassing to have feelings, you are still intelligent, logical, etc.
earth moons (taurus, virgo, capricorn) need to be careful of their overcritical nature. this isn’t their behaviour towards others, but to themselves. they constantly push themselves too hard, too much; and shame themselves when they feel they need help, a break, etc. you should not repress your emotions, you are not unsuccessful for needing a break and needing help. it is okay to feel things, and to embrace those feelings. being emotional does not make you weak, and you are not a bad person for not being strong all the time.
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4thsun · 6 years ago
astrology posts be like:
aries: You CRAZY hot-headed BITCH lmao WILD 🤪
taurus: Ummm stubborn maybe?
gemini: Something about being two-faced/fake/maybe you contain multitudes if the OP is a Gemini sympathizer
cancer: so sensitive......here is the world's smallest violin
leo: You are SUCH a strong personality! Roaring with life! Lions!
virgo: Perfectionist. Detail oriented. Dweeb! 🤓
scorpio: Omg you're so scary 😖 ......but sexy 🥴
libra: .
sagittarius: aries lite™
aquarius: You Will Literally Combust If You Are Like Other Girls
capricorn: you are going to die at 32 from high blood pressure
pisces: you can't even read this post bc you're crying so hard
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4thsun · 6 years ago
Scorpio sun and moon and Leo rising you must be a legend
Lmao it’s messy af tbh but you’re right 👌
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4thsun · 6 years ago
The minute you decide you want better for yourself is the minute the entire universe begins to shift in your favour.
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