4ce-of-2pades-tangled · 10 months
Okay, I’m going to be honest, I created this blog at the very end of my huge Tangled the Series phase, and I probably won’t do anything else with it for at LEAST another year or so. Sorry.
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Varian's Marcy's Theme Song Takeover Takeover
(Link to original) (All the audio and the video clips and stuff belong to Disney, all those disclaimers, etc.)
Annnnnnd it's on YouTube now!
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Draw The Squad: Truth or Dare 
Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the original image.
(This is an excellent place to direct Casino Cups fans to my other page: https://www.tumblr.com/4ce-of-2pades-inkwell)
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Prepare yourself for a barrage of incorrect quotes.
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You're welcome. :)
(That last one is what's known as "character growth.")
(I posted some of these on Pinterest a while ago, in case you saw them and wondered why I'm not giving credit to the creator. It is because the creator is me.)
(Also, I know the first two quotes don't have sources. I tried to find them. I could not. So sue me.)
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So I was thinking. What if "The Alchemist Returns" ended like "The Cask of Amontillado"?
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I realize that this image is kind of absolutely nonsensical unless you're familiar with the story, but for the few people that are familiar... it's fitting, no?
If you don't know "The Cask of Amontillado", I HIGHLY recommend this adaptation: The Masquerade — FICTIONAL
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First of all, this is an excellent crossover, if I do say so myself. (So excellent that I'm certain it's been done before.) Perhaps the best part is that I made this before all that mess with the Core happened. So can you imagine my excitement when I got to draw THIS:
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I T ' S S O P E R F E C T.
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Kind of hoping that some people might recognize this before I explain it... it's that meme from Into the Spiderverse.
It was very fun to draw, until I reached the background, at which time I was reminded of my aversion to drawing scenery. The only reason this ever got done was because it was the last digital art thing I made before I finally switched over to Procreate. I knew I had to finish this completely before I started to use the better app, because once I did, I would never go back. So I guess Sketchbook can be useful sometimes.
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I read The Radium Girls and got inspired. Local young scientist meets a tragic fate. It's dark (which is ironic, considering the glow...)
He's not incautious, he just didn't realize yet what radium (or whatever he names it) can do to a person, and at this point, he's a little too consumed in the glory of his discovery to get the heck away and try to deal with his symptoms. Classic mad-scientist-blinded-to reason-in-the-face-of-a-creation-that-will-be-their-downfall. (He's kind of losing his mind?)
I realize that the radium's effects on him here might not be the most accurate, to either radiation poisoning or to bone placement, but look, the point here is the angst. Zoom in: you can see cracks in the bones (that aren't in the right places probably but whatever).
Yeah. He's fine. This is fine.
(Also, I foolishly made this and the next few pieces on Autodesk Sketchbook, which I now know is woefully subpar in comparison to Procreate. I made it work, but everything took so much longer than it needed to...)
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FIRST I will post some of the fanart I have already made, THEN I will use said fanart as test subjects to figure out how to connect posts via links to other posts (because I prefer that things be easily accessed chronologically), and FINALLY I will probably abandon this blog for a while because all my attention is currently focused on Cuphead fanart, but I will return eventually.
Foolish optimism says I will look here in a maybe a week to find tons of positive comments on my art, overdramatic pessimism insists that the comments will be hateful and tear me to shreds, but the very small rational portion of my brain reassures me that I am new here and have next to no content, so no one will notice me either way--which is somewhat disappointing, but safer, because I am very thin-skinned and more afraid of option two than I am hopeful for option one.
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