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genwareligion-blog · 6 years ago
The Dangers of Parasites
One day Ahue was amongst the animals. He was having much fun. He flew down to humanity. He saw a town and hiding his wings and changing his forms he enjoyed himself amongst the people. He noticed the town was unruly. The men were brash and the women silent. However he kept his tongue although this worried him. Working with the people and becoming accustomed there. However he soon noticed something was off. The people spoke of an odd game. The feelings of the humans were brash. Ahue covered his right eye and looked upon the town. There he saw beings in the form of worms, shadows, and jellyfish. They were not of this world. So he appeared to the locals and told them of Genwa in the guise of a priest. Now it is said not to force the word of Genwa upon those unwilling but rather those of an open mind and curiosity. He told the locals that there were spiritual parasites among them. Feeding off the negativity within the town. Causing mayhem and panic. Deluding the children, and the mentally ill. Causing false grandeur, voices, and holding false promises of games these things were how they played with their victims. A town meeting was called and all 7 of the men in council denied him. Saying Genwa was that of fiction. Ahue warned them that even if not a system of Genwa they were to rid the town of such things. The people continued to bash him. 3 of the women within the town came to him that night. They spoke of nightmares, thoughts not of their mind and strange urges they begged Ahue to help them despite not being of his face. Ahue told them within the darkness that he would. Ahue gave them special plants to light ablaze and sacred incantations. Lastly he gave each of them a sigil of Genwa to hang upon their doors. The three women the next day went about the process within their homes in secret. Several weeks later the town abrupted into mayhem and chaos. The people began to murder each other, accuse each other and fight each other many things. The town was in total madness. However the three women who came to Ahue and their families remained unaffected. Amongst the madness Ahue took to the women. He had them and their families grab their things and travel with him through train away. As soon as the family was at a safe distance Ahue took off his disguise. His ears became pointed. His wings outreached. And he flew to the town sinking it within a quake. The town was forgotten and Ahue returned to the women. They thanked him. Ahue gave them the book of Genwa and taught them many things. Ahue said that certain practises can bring about negative energies if precautions aren’t taken. That negative emotions or mere tinkering could bring about an evil entity among you. Ahue’s actions that day are a clear indicator of why we should never go about magick or spirituality without taking proper procedures. And even if you are not of magick that you shouldn't be afraid to rid and protect yourself of such entities.
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genwareligion-blog · 6 years ago
The Mortality of the Gods
Occeair was bored one evening sailing on the shore of the seventh sea. Writing down poetry he called upon the serpent Anli to have a conversation. They talked of many things. One of which was the duality and mortality of the gods. This displeased Occeair. He didn't like to think of things of that nature. He asked the serpent what it's thoughts were on life. The serpent laughed at the question taunting Occeair of the gods mortality. The gods lived long lives. But they were not infallible. They could die. They could be harmed. They could be killed. They are only immortal as long as nobody interferes. This thought paced Occeair’s brain as the crushing weight of what the serpent Anli had told him panicked the boy. He sat down holding his chest. “you know” the serpent hissed. “they say” he paused. “that there's a recipe for immortality.” Anli slithered into Occeairs boat. “I could help you find it”. A tear paced Occeairs cheek. “you could?” “yes” assured the serpent. “I'll take you up on that”. He smiled a wide toothed grin. “can I trust you?” asked the god. “quite” the serpent smiled. Then the serpent laid out instructions for the recipe of immortality. They would gather the tears of the void, the heart of the earth, and the dust of the sun. They would brew this mixture in a fire created from the anger of Coa the thunder god.  This essence would sprout a plant and all who ate from it would live an never-ending life. Occeair wasn't sure about the creation of this mixture so he asked why the ingredients were all divine. Quick with his words golden in voice the serpent responded that the essence needed to be of divine nature for immortality was a divine creation. Satisfied, Occeair adjusted his mass and began to sail his boat into the sky. He sailed into the sun and greeted him and the moon. They greeted him with open arms and asked what they could do for him. Occeair responded with the serpent's request. Uneasy the sun responded that he would do this for him but in exchange he must find 3 of the oceans cattle and bring it back to him. Occeair agreed and went off to the 4th sea. He took fire and whipped the cattle onto the mass of the ship. He flew back up to the sun. The sun was displeased. He had brought four cattle instead of the three requested. He sent the fourth away with Occeair on his journey. The sun then took his long hair and a towel. He rang the towel through his hair brushing off crust. He handed it to Occeair. Occeair showed his gratitude with a bow, and took off. The moon asked before he left to be included in the concoction so that her and the sun might always shine in the sky. Occeair agreed and went back into the sea. Occeair sat in his boat trying to figure out how to reach the sky. When an idea hit him like a flash. He would sail to the outskirts of stars and greet Drena the mother void. Occeair sailed off, and finally reached the stars. There he talked to the sky as she guarded earth. “I would like for you to cry” spoke Occeair. “I cannot do this for you” Replied the void. “Why not?” asked Occeair. “Because I can't do such things on a whim” replied the void. So Occeair in a fit of desperation and impulsivity took out his trusty flaming whip and gift from Koga which he used to tie her fingers to the back of her wrist. Out of her pain tears began to pour and Occeair caught them in a vile. The sky then grew angry and demanded Occeair release her from her pain. However when Occeair tried the whip became stuck on her finger nail. She screamed and pleaded with Occeair to solve the problem.  Occeair was able to go down to Jikau and steal a branch from one of the trees there. Using it’s bark he was able to put a small barrier between her nail and that of the whip. It lasted for some time before snapping and hitting her eyes. Her vision grew clouds and she became furious. Having done this with a clear conscious Occeair ran away to retrieve the fire from Koga. He went down to Jikau bashing his way among the guards until Koga greeted him. Koga having only met his sibling twice before, once at birth and second at a funeral asked what of his presence there. Occeair explained his scenario. Koga became angry at the notion of the serpent giving out this information and fires begun to assimilate. With a sly grin, Occeair quickly captured the fire’s in a vile and ran back to his boat. Having all the ingredients. Occeair went to the stars and there he invited the sun, the sky, the moon, Koga, the earth, and Lise for a show.  “Why have you called us here?” Asked the angry Drena. “Haven’t you caused enough trouble Occeair?” Then Occeair took out a drum with no cover and poured all the ingredients together within it. He added a lid and banged on it four times and out came a golden fluid. The serpent then explained that if put in the ground four trees would grow and bear fruit that if frequently consumed would grant immortal life every 1000 years. One of the trees would cause invisibility. One would heal. One would cause eternal youth and beauty. The last one would grant immortal life. Now pleased with Occeair the gods argued over where to plant such trees. Each god wanting the tree within their own kingdom. Ahue settled the dispute. He never asked for for the tree and mandated order. The gods agreed and by Ahues degree settled on Jikau for it was near the earth’s core and thus the most vibrant for planting. Yena who was one with the earth could also attend to it there for Jikau was close to her heart. Occeair with the serpent then went down to the underworld to plant the mixture. However at the last moment the serpent Anli tried to take it for himself. He quickly grabbed the drum and bit into it trying to consume the mixture. Occeair strangled him until he let go giving Koga his spine. After Occeair stopped him he was only able to keep half of the mixture untainted from the serpent's venom. Instead of four trees only 3 were able to be created.  Devastated at the loss of the trees but satisfied with the one bearing fruit, the god Koga put up 7 regular trees to guard the underworld so that the tree of life and his kingdom which guarded it may not be disturbed by outsiders. After this Anli the Serpent was sentenced to a sea of salt where he may never interfere again. To this day the gods still eat the fruit from the tree of life.
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genwareligion-blog · 6 years ago
Love V.S Sex Genwa Story
One day Lawhue, Lise and Bairtaste were drinking and having fun. The topic of humanity came about. “I have an idea. A gift.” Bairtaste announced. Lawhue was uneasy. “Why don't we let them enjoy the gods wine” Lawhue held his cup. Lise spoke up. “Wine is for the gods and the gods alone. Humans are not allowed such things” Lawhue muttered under his breath. “No. But I'm bored and i think it would be rather interesting.” Lise looked at Bairtaste in the eyes. “All you care about is wine” Bairtaste laughed leaning back. “I wonder why.” Lise was skeptical. “Fine if you are going to give them a gift” she held her necklace. “I too shall give them a gift” Bairtaste laughed. “My gift of wine can outdo anything you could conjure” Lise looked down. “I shall show them love.” Bairtaste smirked. “Okay. I wager you. Whichever gift humanity prefers the loser gets to exploit” they both turned to Lawhue drinking his tea. “Sound fair?” Lise held her tongue. Lawhue was sad. “I wish you wouldn't do this” there was a pause then a presence and then an agreement to continue. Lise and Bairtaste presented themselves among the ancestors. They each held an item. Bairtaste held a grape represenging lust and Lise held a necklace. Each human could only choose one. A third of the people chose the necklace and the rest chose the grape. Soon the town was enjoying themselves. The women were in love and the men were enjoying themselves. Bairtaste was disheartened. “It looks like I won brother.” Bairtaste scoffed and agreed to Lises terms. Lise held a finger and intertwined the rope of the necklace within the juices of the grape. From now on that of the lustful wine was to he a product of love. Bairtaste got upset. He grew angry. He felt people would not appreciate his gift as much. He complained to Lawhue. Lawhue sighed and looked at them both. He held his fists and took the necklace and took the grape and crushed them both. Lises gift was still in affect but no longer the mandate. Humans could now feel love without wine and have wine without love. And some Lawhue reasoned would desire neither of each. Lise sighed and crossed her arms and Bairtaste while unhappy agreed. This is how sex and love came to be. ​
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genwareligion-blog · 6 years ago
The Creation of Humanity according to the Religion of Genwa
Occeair was a god known for his emotions and deeds. Feminine in appearance and often mistaken for female he was the most insecure of the gods. Now it's true that the gods can disguise themselves in mortal form but this was not good enough for Occeair. Wanting a male form he went on a journey of transformation. One day Tano was watching his 2 favorite dogs play. Occeair approached him. Occeair asked Tano since he held knowledge of everything how to go about changing his essence. Tano told Occeair that he must take his own heart and rebirth it in the lake of fire. There his essence would be destroyed and rebuilt in whatever form he liked. Occeair asked where he could find such a lake. Tano responded in Jikau the underworld. Occeair then journeyed down to the seventh garden. The gates to the underworld were hidden within the a rosemary bush guarded there. The bush was protected by 7 tall and sturdy trees. Occeair told the first tree. "it is I Occeair. I command you to let me pass" the first tree bowed it's branches recognizing Occeair's divinity. Then the second tree much more stubborn and easily angered looked upon Occeair in disgust. "Why should I let you pass?" Occeair then plucked an apple growing from the tree and held it towards the wooden face. "Because if you don't I will pick you off just like this apple and then burn your seeds so you may never grow again". And the second tree bowed and moved its branches. The third tree was to shy to speak so Occeair gave it a kiss and it bowed its branches. The fourth tree refused to let Occeair pass. So Occeair cut off one of its branches in an attempt to blind it. Fearing for its vision the fourth tree bowed its branches. The fifth tree said it would let him pass only if he could solve a riddle. "What sort of love creates a universe" Occeair whispered the answer within the trees leaves and he bowed his branches. The sixth tree was friendly with Occeair having been friends before his punishment and let him pass with ease. The seventh tree held his guard so Occeair blinded him and haunted the tree with pain until he bowed his branches. Satisfied Occeair bit his apple and walked into the depths of Jikau. Walking past the desert heat he found himself a small home. Belonging to 3 of the underworld’s souls. Together they ate soup and drank wine. Satisfied with his meal, Occeair gave his signature necklace that of an hourglass to the youngests of the 3 spirits as payment. "Use this well". He then walked towards the kingdom of Jikau. The guards halted him. And asked him of his presence. "I am Occeair of Den and I command you to let me pass." the guards laughed. "and why should we?" Occeair lifted his shirt revealing the lighting scar left by Erip. They quickly allowed him entrance. Occeair then seeked council with Koga. Koga looked upon his old friend with a saddened glance. "I'm afraid I cannot do this for you." outraged by how far he'd come Occeair demanded answers. "You have eaten the porridge of the 3 spirits and drunk their wine have you not?" "yes" replied Occeair. "Then you are now of the Jikau and I cannot offer you any assistance." Outraged Occeair took a knife and held it to Koga's neck. Quick on his feet Koga turned into a wolf to avoid Occeair's wrath but the knife slipped falling on Oceair's heart and ending Occeairs life. Saddened by the loss of her lover, Lise was unable to leave her bed. Unable to cope with the pain of losing Occeair Yena their mother gave him a limited life. Just like each of the seasons come and go so would Occeair in life after life. When one life died he would be reborn which was a gift granted to him by the god of the underworld Koga. Koga felt guilt for the death. This gift carried on to each and every human. Lawhue and Ahue developed a system of reincarnation to sort each life after the next. All of this was done on a condition. Occeair must not recall memories of his divinity while human less he lose his humanity breaking his cycle. For everything given something must be lost of equal value such is the rule of the universe. Sacrifices must always be made and this was the cost to be paid.  Yena agreed and took Oceairs heart and sliced it in two. She placed the pieces on the tree of Jikau known as Ja. Lise cut her hair and gave it to the tree. From the tree birthed an infant girl and an infant boy thus the first humans were born. Occeair's cycle carried to humanity. Each human would have life after the next on a limited cycle like Occeair. However unlike Occeair these lives would eventually end leading them to the realm of Jikau.  They say that Occeair's robin Noco still keeps an eye on every life Occeair leads to this day.
Every 10 reincarnations Occeair is brought back to godhood for a 100 years. Temporarily remembering his life and place  Then when the cycle is over he says goodbye and goes back to humanity. Every life he is knowledgeable of his past but can never remember it. Some say when the gods are forgotten Occeair will remember and permanently end his human cycle then reclaim his divinity forever. He will then stand with the gods and win victory.
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genwareligion-blog · 6 years ago
What is Genwa?
Genwa is a modern day religion founded by Acrians. It focuses on the worship of many gods and seeks to explain the world as we know it. It doesn’t have a hard set of rules or anything of the sort but rather certain gods of the pantheon have laws for their followers to go by. People who practice the religion are known as “Followers” of Genwa. The gods play a key part in the essence of humanity and are responsible for many concepts regarding it. Each god of Genwa can be called up for a specific task or worshiped to benefit the follower in that area. They may even be communicated via the act of scripting. The Gods of Genwa may represent a specific aspect such as the earth (Yena) or be the god of an aspect (Bia) or the god of a place (Koga). Genwa is a fairly new religion that has the ability to speak to everybody and anybody. As a result of this the religion could very easily be considered a work in progress as it is still being interpreted by the followers to this day. New material will always arise.
To see a list of Gods please see this page
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