Fandom Fantasies
11 posts
A whole bunch of imagines, head canons, and more for my favorite fandoms aka whatever fandoms I feel like writing for but if you put in a request I might just write something for you.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
33whynot77 · 6 years ago
Hi, I’m deleting this blog because no one reads this crap and I have no inspiration. I’m deleting somewhere within the next week.
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33whynot77 · 6 years ago
You know what’s really disturbing to me? The culture that seems to have sprung up around fanfiction. Writers spend weeks and months working on a story – I think my record is six months on A Place For Us To Dream. And so many times readers expect to just be given a chapter even if they don’t give anything to the writer in return.
I’m going to date myself a bit here, but I’ve been reading/writing fanfiction for ten years. And when I first started it was a wonderful community. There was an unspoken rule – if you read/enjoyed it, you review it. You take thirty seconds to tell an author who probably spent anywhere from three days to a week writing that chapter you just enjoyed to tell them you enjoyed it. Even if it was as simple as “Great chapter, can’t wait to see what happens next!”
Writers spend so much time on stories, and then they post it because they have this thing that they’ve invested so many hours into and they want to share it with the world. They know how they feel about the story, and they want to know how other people feel, what other people think.
And when you read it and don’t review, you know what message you’re sending that author? That they’re not worth your time, or you didn’t enjoy their story. So why should they keep posting it? Yeah they might continue working on it in their own time, for their own enjoyment, but you might never see another chapter again because you couldn’t be bothered to take thirty seconds out of your day to tell them how you feel.
I’ve written stories in eight different fandoms, ranging from very small to very big (I’ll openly admit I wrote Twilight fanfiction once. Once. It was an Alice/Jasper story and haters can hate all they want but I’m still proud of it). I took a break for a few years because I fell out of fandoms during college, and when I came back apparently it’d become the norm to just greedily consume writing without telling writers how you feel. And that is one of the saddest things in the world to me because fanfiction is where I really started getting serious about writing. It’s how I’ve honed by skills and become the writer I am today. And that was largely in part because of all the support I got when I was an itty-bitty thirteen-year-old writing crappy W.I.T.C.H. fanfiction.
Everyone keeps saying “reviews don’t matter, you should just write for yourself.” Well, you’re wrong. Reviews make or break fanfiction. Reviews tell writers whether it’s worth their time to continue posting that story online or whether they should keep it on their hard drives and never share it with the world.
Kill the attitude that reviews don’t matter. Start telling writers you like their stories. And if you don’t, if you all just continue to be invisible readers? Don’t be surprised when that writer disappears.
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33whynot77 · 7 years ago
Bruce Wayne: Did you know about this? Girls being dropped from 20 feet, it’s unbelievable.
Cassandra Cain: I know right. 20 feet, walk it off.
Bruce Wayne: Cass, you do know that normal people just don’t “walk off” a 20 foot fall, right?
Cassandra Cain: So, all those times I pushed criminals off a building, and they were all AAAHHHHHH, they weren’t just being funny?
Jason Todd: I thought it was funny, Cass.
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33whynot77 · 7 years ago
i don’t think people understand that people can ‘love’ you and not actually love you
like my grandmother ‘loved’ me, but she also was always trying to change me.  she tried to take me away from my (catholic bisexual) mother.  she made me wear dresses when i was there.  she always tried to get me to go to church and was always asking me if i was dating a boy yet
i spent years feeling guilty that i wasn’t what she wanted me to be until my mom told me one day “she never bothered to know the real you”
and it’s true.  any time i tried to show her something about myself, even cook for her, it would be dismissed, and a replacement would be offered.  even northern food was somehow a sin.  
she loved me what she thought i should be, she never loved me.  
bc people who love you, they love you for all the stuff that makes you you.  they never consider that it makes you inconvenient.
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33whynot77 · 7 years ago
I will answer them if I get any.
A: Age.
B: Where I’m from.
C: Where I would like to live.
D: Favourite food.
E: Religion.
F: Sexual orientation.
G: Single/taken
H: Favourite book.
I: Eye colour.
J: Favourite movie.
K: Favourite TV show.
L: Favourite band/singer.
M: Random fact about me.
N: Favorite day of the year.
O: Favourite colour.
P: If I have any pets; if so, their names.
Q: What I’m listening to right now.
R: Last movie I’ve watched.
S: What’s my ringtone.
T: Favourite male character from a TV show.
U: Favourite female character from a TV show.
V: What my name means.
W: Favourite superhero.
X: Celebrity crush.
Y: My birthday.
Z: Ever self-harmed?
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33whynot77 · 7 years ago
- [] Lullaby [] - Tim Drake
 A/N Yet again another one-shot/imagine thing based off of the previous headcanons I did involving music and the batboys. This one is for Tim Drake. Once again, Please keep in mind that these are my own opinions based on the limited knowledge I have of each of these characters. All criticism should be constructive, please. I’m still just trying this out and getting used to these characters and such. Please be nice to me, I’m trying. Now please read on and I hope you enjoy.
The song featured in this is Song of the Sea by Nolwenn Leroy.
Description: Based off of my batboy music headcanons found here and here 
Genre: Fluff and only fluff
Warnings: Absolutely none because it’s just fluff
Word Count: 2138
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Tim was hunched over a computer his fingers typing wildly at keys searching and searching, he was desperate and hungry for the knowledge the last piece to yet another puzzle and mystery that had locked itself into his mind and therefore locked him into his room. Not literally, of course, you’d made that rule the second you started dating, if this was to work between the two of you, he was not allowed to lock you out, literally or figuratively. No, he hadn’t left the room in hours but the door to your shared bedroom in the apartment you’d bought for the two of you, well, mainly yourself, because crimefighting kept him away until late into the night, but you knew he needed somewhere else to escape sometimes and that was what you had offered to him when you handed him a key to your apartment, not that he ever uses the key, he prefers the bedroom window which you keep open until he comes home, no matter how many times he warns you that it’s not safe, not after what happened last time.
You followed his advice once and closed the window, but he’d decided to come over that night and promptly swung right into the window, you’d replaced the panes of glass with bulletproof glass that didn’t break under the pressure of his body flying into it, instead he collided harshly with the window sending him flying backward and reeling. That was the last time you’d closed the window before he came over.
Tonight though he had come home before the sun had set and had not left the computer to even go on patrol, whatever this new mystery was it was already holding onto the deepest parts of his brain. You would be lucky to see him go to bed tonight. This worried you as you recalled he had not slept for the past two nights already. He needed sleep, desperately, but nothing would pull him from his screen, he was lost to the blue illumination that brightened his features and strained his eyes. You sorrowed as you stared forward at the boy you loved. You couldn’t bear to watch him tear his life apart and shatter under the extensive stress and lack of sleep. No matter how much he said he didn’t need it, sleep was necessary for all. Even creatures of the night had to sleep sometime and he could not be nocturnal...
You sighed and leaned against the doorframe staring softly at the boy, but no longer were you watching him or sending harsh bolts of worry towards him with your eyes, instead you were plotting and scheming to yourself about what to do. You knew you could not just approach him and ask him to step away, you could not even try to drag him away, when he got like this he was pretty much glued to his seat and screen, and so you were at a loss over what to do. Until suddenly you weren’t. If there was one thing this boy loved other than coffee, and you, it was mysteries. If you gave him something else to wonder about, it could quite possibly pull him away from what he was doing and you had a perfect idea. 
You walked past him humming softly as you slid your hand on the back of his chair and then moved over to your dresser and pulled out a pair of pajamas, which was honestly just a pair of running shorts and one of his button up shirts that you’d stolen. Then you walked over to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed, you hummed every step of the way, except for when you were brushing your teeth, obviously. 
As you walked back past him for the third time, this time to get in your bed, you could faintly recognize that his concentration was split between what he was doing on the computer and trying to figure out what you were humming. You hummed a bit longer as you pulled up the blankets on the bed and laid down, grabbing a book from nearby and beginning to read a little, well, pretending too, really you were just staring at the book and humming the same melody over and over again. Every now and then you turned pages until you caught him glancing over at you. 
“Yes?” You questioned bringing your eyes to meet his and letting your book fall to your lap, guided gently by your hands. 
“What are you doing?” He questioned tilting his head to the side a little like a confused puppy. You had to fight back a giggle at the thought.
“Whatever do you mean?” You responded innocently, pretending to be unaware of what he was wondering over.
“You, my dear, are humming and aren’t actually reading, so either your really distracted, or you’re doing something.” He responded quickly figuring out at least part of the puzzle you’d offered him. 
“I’ve had a song stuck in my head for a while and can’t really focus on anything else.” You lied smoothly, the song often replayed in your head, but it wasn’t distracting enough to keep you from focus or you’d never get anything done. 
“What song is it?” He asked, successfully distracted because he was far too curious about the beautiful melody you’d just been humming. 
“You don’t know it?” You questioned feigning shock and hurt. He chuckled softly at your dramatics and you smiled softly in response, it was good to hear him laugh, he’d been dreadfully silent ever since he got home. It was nice to hear something more than the click of keys from him. “It’s an old lullaby, my parents sang it to me every night before bed.” 
“How does it go?” He questioned, he loved learning more about you, especially your childhood, you, and it, were full of mystery, but he knew he’d never learn everything about you, there would always be things he wouldn’t know, but still he would endeavor to learn all he could about you and what was important to you.
“Shut off the computer for the night and come to bed and I’ll sing it for you.” You responded, your plan finally drawing to its close. You saw a moment of pause and hesitation in his eyes and so you continued “It’s a lullaby Timmy, and don’t you know lullabies have a little bit of magic when sung, you can’t help but fall asleep when you hear one and I’d hate for you to fall asleep on your computer.” You said with a soft smile and when he smiled back at you, you knew you’d won. You watched him stand and get ready for bed, after minimizing the computer windows and sending it to sleep. Whatever curiosity he had about you and the song had won out over the mystery he’d been fighting relentlessly for since six this evening. You knew it was the knowledge that came from the search that intrigued and inspired him and drove him more than anything. He searched not for the search itself but for the answers it would yield and you had offered him an answer. 
It wasn’t long before he was in bed beside you laying gently against the propped up pillows. You beckoned him closer and then bid him lay down on the bed ready to sleep. Once he was ready and laying there you began to sing. 
“Hush now, my Storeen close your eyes and sleep waltzing the waves diving the deep stars are shining bright the wind is on the rise whispering words of long-lost lullabies.” You began singing ushering him softly into the realm of sleep. 
“Oh, won’t you come with me? Where the moon is made of gold and in the morning sun we’ll be sailing Oh, won’t you come with me? Where the ocean meets the sky and as the clouds roll by we’ll sing the song of the sea.” You continued singing and as you did he moved closer to you and gently laid his head on your chest, he was gradually slipping into sleep and was entirely enchanted with your voice.
Your fingers found his hair and began to softly play with it as you continued to sing “I had a dream last night and heard the sweetest sound I saw a great white light and dancers in the round castles in the sand cradles in the trees don’t cry I’ll see you by and by Oh, won’t you come with me? Where the moon is made of gold and in the morning sun we’ll be sailing Oh, won’t you come with me? Where the ocean meets the sky and as the clouds roll by we’ll sing the song of the sea. rolling, rolling rolling, rolling.” He started humming along softly, having heard the melody so many times already and catching the tune as you sang. It was a soft hum lagging with the drowsiness that was now encompassing him.
“You have the voice of an angel.” He murmured softly barely breaking through the grasp of sleep that was pulling him into its velvet darkness as you completed the song softly. You smiled as he succumbed to sleep and it wasn’t long before you joined him in the realm of sleep.
When you woke up the next morning he was still sleeping soundly, the both of you still wrapped gently in each other’s grasp. You smiled softly and kissed the top of his head. He rose from his own sleep only seconds later and rose to kiss you on the cheek. “Thank you, love.” He said softly as he pulled away.
“For what my dear?” You questioned looking over at him, sleep still clinging to his features but a gentle smile on his face nonetheless.
“For making me sleep and singing me to sleep too.” He answered and you smiled gently back towards him.
“Anytime my love, I’d hate to see you wither away from lack of sleep, even the great red robin needs to rest.” You responded softly. 
“I love you,” He muttered staring at you with complete adoration in his eyes. You found yourself floundering at the sudden and soft declaration. This was the first time he’d said I love you and though you’d known for a long time how much you loved him you were ever the coward and had not uttered the words, that carried so much weight, either. No matter how many times love had slipped into pet names between the two of you, neither of you had let these three words slip from your lips.
“I love you too,” You answered after a minute of searching helplessly after being sent reeling from his own declaration. He was smiling at you, chuckling softly at how three words had sent you spiraling.
“I know it’s a long time coming, we’ve kissed hundreds of times, I’ve pretty much moved in with you, but I wanted to make sure that when I said those words it really meant something and that I really meant them and now I know for sure.” He said softly and planted a soft kiss on your lips. You kissed back gently only breaking it when you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face and the chuckle that soon followed it. “What?” He asked as he drew back from you.
“Well, I was just thinking if I’d known singing to you was all it was going to take I would have sung to you a lot sooner, plus you’re adorable, so I couldn’t help but smile.” You replied and he shook his head softly. “More than that though, I love you and it feels wonderful and hearing you say those words even just this one has made me so happy I couldn’t contain it.” You added finally letting out the truth over your smile and chuckle. “You, my dear, are my sunshine.” You said falling back into the bed softly and staring up at the ceiling a bright smile decorating your face. 
“Ooh, will you sing that for me too?” He questioned laying beside you.
“I’ll sing you anything you wish because I love you.” You answered turning your head to face him a wide grin still adorning your face.
“I love you too and I love your singing, because it’s you singing, and no music will ever sound as sweet again.” He said turning to face you as well a grin now adorning his face as well. He was not prepared for just how right that sentiment was...only a few nights later, only a few of those accompanied by your singing he no longer wanted to listen to other music, they just couldn’t compare to your voice as far as his ears were concerned.
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33whynot77 · 8 years ago
New ask game for writers
1. Favorite place to write. 2. Favorite part of writing. 3. Least favorite part of writing. 4. Do you have writing habits or rituals? 5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most. 6. Favorite character you ever created. 7. Favorite author. 8. Favorite trope to write. 9. Least favorite trope to write. 10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. 11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish. 12. How do you deal with self-doubts? 13. How do you deal with writers block? 14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book? 15. Where does your inspiration come from? 16. Where do you take your motivation from? 17. On avarage, how much writing do you get done in a day? 18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like? 19. First line of a WIP you’re working on. 20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on. 21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s. 22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you? 23. Single or multi POV, and why? 24. Poetry or prose, and why? 25. Linear or non-linear, and why? 26. Standalone or series, and why? 27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? 28. And who do you share them with? 29. Who do you write for? 30. Favorite line you’ve ever written. 31. Hardest character to write. 32. Easiest character to write. 33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing? 34. Handwritten notes or typed notes? 35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story ________. 36. A spoiler for story _________. 37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you. 38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it? 39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one. 40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why? 41. How many stories do you work on at one time? 42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc. 43. Are you an avid reader? 44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. 45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. 46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie? 47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story? 48. Favorite genre to write in. 49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end? 50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had. 51. Describe the aesthetic of your story _______ in 5 sentences or words. 52. How did writing change you? 53. What does writing mean to you? 54. Any writing advice you want to share?
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33whynot77 · 8 years ago
~() The Sound of Emotions()~ Jason Todd
A/N This is another one shot/imagine thing based off of the previous headcannons I did involving music and the batboys. This one is for Jason Todd. Once again, Please keep in mind that these are my own opinions based on the limited knowledge I have of each of these characters. All criticism should be constructive please. I’m still just trying this out and getting used to these characters and such. Also it’s just kind of cruel to get to mad at an author for not getting certain things right when they’re just trying their best. Without further ado here’s one of said one shots.
Description: Based off of the batboys headcannons just like Heartbeat (the Dick Grayson one) except you know with Jason Todd aka the Red Hood. The headcannons are here and here. Takes place both before and after his death.
Word count:
Not my artwork btw, but I can’t remember who did it, so credit goes to the original artist. I just think it’s super cute and couldn’t help but put it here. So, yeah, credit to the artist I just love it a lot.
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You’d learned a long time ago that you couldn’t just go through life screaming whenever you felt like you needed to. You also figured out pretty soon after that there was a solution for times like those. For you it was music. Whenever you felt the urge to just scream out loud and let it all go you plugged in your earphones turned the music up loud and let it scream for you. Music for you became your own kind of language, one you thought was unique to you. However, one day you came to realize that there was one other who spoke this language.
His name was Jason Todd and if anyone asked you how long you’d known him for you always answered centuries. Of course there was no way you’d both been alive for centuries but it certainly felt like you two had known each other as long as the world had revolved around the sun, especially once you both realized just how much you were alike, just how much you spoke the same language. You and him were tied by fate and strings tied too tight to ever break and it seemed like the whole world knew it, everyone saw it. Looking back you realized it was probably what made you two the “it” couple back in high school when you’d started dating.
Neither of you had been particularly popular, besides maybe Jason who had a god like status thanks to his adoption by Bruce Wayne and his general bad boy persona. You, however, you lived in the shadows of the school you both attended. You were invisible to just about everyone except for him, your best friend and you were the two most cliche people to ever exist. You had both gone from rags to riches, living on the streets together to both being adopted by super rich families of Gotham, you were childhood best friends who became high school sweethearts, the bad boy falls for the good girl, good girl isn’t the total angel he thought she was and bad boy isn’t the total devil everyone thought he was. The thing is that there was one more tragic cliche that the two of you fell into. You just hadn’t known it when you’d fallen desperately in love with each other. You just knew you felt loved and you felt that someone finally understood each other and that you had someone in a way that was simply your own. Only you and him understood it when the other put down their phone playing a song and then walked away. 
You were eternally thankful for this language when the tragic cliche was over, the tragic cliche of the death of one of you. In this case, him. You had of course known about his nightly activities and so it wasn’t entirely a surprise when Batman and Nightwing showed up on the balcony outside your room. What was a shock was the news that Jason had been taken. Even more of a shock was the news that he had died. At the time you had been convinced that you and him would live forever with each other and life would never really truly end, but right then and there you found yourself just as dead as he was. You could still remember the exact moment when it all became dreadfully real. 
It hadn’t been real when Batman and Nightwing, Bruce and Dick, were there in front of you their heads hung saying sadly that they were sorry and he was gone. You hadn’t even truly believed when you climbed into the batmobile and was whisked away to the batcave. It wasn’t until you got there and saw his dead body laying there that it became real. You remember the tears suddenly springing from your eyes and pouring down your cheeks. You remember the feeling of all air and oxygen and life leaving your body, your hand flying to your mouth. You remember everything suddenly become so unclear and unreasonable. You remember moving forward without any thought, just surging towards him completely and utterly sobbing because there he was laying unmoving never to get up again. How could you ever forget this moment and in the end you never truly did. You never forgot the day when his heart stopped beating and yours went on. The love of your life, your soulmate, your heart and soul, your everything was never going to sit up again. He would never smile and caress your cheek. You’d never have his protective, warm, and caring arms around you ever again. You had lost everything and so you surged forward with such pain and agony that a river of tears came with and flowed behind you.
You found yourself diving onto his cold body and cradling him sobbing and wishing for him to come back because how could you lose him. How could you deal with this? You cradled him in your arms and whispered through the tears and sobs all the things you’d always wanted to say to him, your future plans, all the love you held for him, and you pleaded, beg, and then cried out for him to come back to you even though you knew and remember knowing that he never could. Dick and Bruce and Alfred had to pull you kicking, screaming, and sobbing from him because you weren’t ready to let go and you knew you probably never would be. Your heart had died that day. Every night after that for quite some time you laid awake while the world remained in peaceful slumber. You would get up and walk about your apartment or wherever you were staying that night or sometimes you’d even just lay there in your bed but either way the memories tormented you just as they did every waking hour and every hour at sleep. Remembering him was incredibly easy, but the pain and the heartache that came with it, missing him that was what destroyed you. You found that losing someone, losing him, it didn’t just happen that night. It happened every night since and every morning and every day. It happened when you were stressed and remembered how his hugs made everything seem to disappear. It happened when you picked up or looked at anything that was important to him. His favorite mug, his favorite jacket, his favorite shirt, your reflection in the mirror. It happened all the time and it killed you. You very often found yourself listening to Still Here by Digital Daggers as your attempt of calling out to Jason now that he was gone.
The most surprising of all however, was when he came back. When he arose from the dead to appear in your apartment. You remember being angry with him at first, that he’d come back to life and not come straight to you and not immediately remember the girl who’s heart had been shattered that night when he died. It hadn’t taken too long though for you to forgive him because you needed him and loved him far too much to let something petty and small like that get in the way and so from there you moved in together. You spent day and night together and suddenly everything was better for you just because he was there, but he found himself struggling.
He was struggling so much, he had so many things to say to you and not enough words or ability or anything to say them to you and he’s floundering for words because he needs you to know just how much you mean to him. He needs you to understand so that you don’t give up on him when he’s difficult. So he did the one thing he could think of. He made a playlist and for a while it was just there on his phone reminding him of what he needed to say and then he remembered that you two spoke the same language and so he recreated the playlist on your phone and gave it your nickname and when you saw it you knew so you spent the next few days listening to every song and falling so much more in love with him as sappy romantic and meaningful songs filled your ears every moment your earphones were in. Shortly after that playlists became your major way of communicating with one another, especially since the both of you had taken up the nightly routine and went on patrol and had different day jobs and didn’t always see each other until very late at night or not long enough to say everything that needed to be said and so you communicated it through song. 
People got so confused and were always asking about the state of your relationship because you hadn’t said I love you the whole night or in the entire three weeks they’ve been around you but that didn’t matter because you understood each other and what was happening. Jason ran into trouble with this concept twice around the time of when he proposed to you. The first time was much smaller. You and Jason had gotten into a fight a few days before and Tim, Jason, Dick, and Roy were all gathered together to try and figure out how to fix this between you and him.
“So what exactly happened?” Dick questioned looking intently at Jason. Everyone in the group had become fiercely protective of you and all cared deeply for you so the idea that Jason had pushed you away or done something to hurt you in any way was not a welcome one to any of them. 
“Well, Y/N thinks I’m cheating.” Jason answered and quickly added “But I promise you I’m not. I would never, Y/N means the world to me.” He was not keen on all present teaming up on him.
“Oh, so this is the proposals fault then.” Tim replied and when he was met by blank stares continued. “Well, obviously Y/N realized that Jason was keeping a secret/hiding something so when they confronted him and he didn’t give up what was happening, Y/N assumed cheating when really its that Jason is or at least was going to propose.” They’d gone on and on talking about that until everyone but Jason and Dick had left. 
“I just, I don’t know what to do...” Jason said trailing off before suddenly starting to play a song from his phone (Btw the song he plays is Evermore by Dan Stevens from the new Beauty and the Beast) Dick got really confused and Jason had realized that not everyone understood. 
“Sorry, I forget that Y/N is the only one who really understands that...” Jason had said trailing off and then he’d quickly explained that the song basically described how he felt in the moment about possibly loosing you. 
Shortly thereafter the two of you had figured it out and the second time occurred this one far larger. This one occurred during the actual proposal. Jason knew there was no way he’d get a full speech out without stumbling or loosing to his emotions and nerves and instead played a quick like three song playlist all of which at least mentioned the question or phrase marry me. You and Jason had been the only ones who’d realized what was even happening until you started squealing out yeses. 
Now as you stood here in the doorway watching your children argue by playing certain angry sounding songs and the occasional yelling voice and as you scrolled through the music library and added a song to the shared playlist you and Jason now had you were eternally grateful that the two of you and your children could communicate this way.
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A/N Sorry if this is terrible and I’m sorry this took so long. Believe it or not I have a very busy life.
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33whynot77 · 8 years ago
~<3 Heart Beat <3~ Dick Grayson
 A/N So I don’t know how many of you read any of my author’s notes but as I said in at least one of them I’ll be writing a pair of headcannons followed by imagines/one shots based on these headcannons. It will start every time with headcannons that talk only about the boys, followed by one’s that bring in a significant other, then it will end with a one shot for each person involved in the headcannons that connects the two or just kind of is based off of the two previous pieces. Once again, Please keep in mind that these are my own opinions based on the limited knowledge I have of each of these characters. All criticism should be constructive please. I’m still just trying this out and getting used to these characters and such. Also it’s just kind of cruel to get to mad at an author for not getting certain things right when they’re just trying their best. Sorry if that sounds rude or anything I don’t mean to be rude. 
Description: Based off of my Batboys music headcanons found here and here
Genre: Fluff completely and entirely fluff you will drown in how much fluff this is it’s almost cringe worthy how fluffy this is 
Warnings: Literally none it’s straight up fluffy and cute 
Word count: 2531
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You woke up with the sun and before your boyfriend just as you had for the past week. The sun had slowly risen in the sky and as soon as those first rays hit your face you began to wake up. You rolled over a bit and looked at the face of the man next to you. You smiled at him and how peaceful he looked asleep with sunlight gently resting on his face softly illuminating his calm features. You loved seeing him at peace like this, it didn’t happen too often what with him being a vigilante half the time and the eldest adopted son to a billionaire playboy the rest of the time and a caring and devoted boyfriend always. You gently stroked his cheeks with your knuckles and then pushed a bit of his long ebony hair out of his face. Then you kissed his forehead and slid silently out of bed and grabbed your phone from where it lay charging on your nightstand. You walked out of your bedroom and into the kitchen smiling to yourself at the thought that you had just woken up beside your boyfriend. You had just moved in with him a week ago and so you had decided on that first morning that not only did you want to be kind to him for letting you into his life but also start up your usual morning routine here, which included making breakfast while playing some music. You hated silence. You leaned against the counter for a bit as you slid open the lock on your phone and turned on the bluetooth. You connected to the speakers and began to play some music as you began the process of making breakfast. You swayed your hips and sang along to the music as it played and you went about making eggs, bacon, pancakes, and more. The music ranged from far more upbeat songs to more lyrical and smooth songs. Then one certain song began to play and you smiled softly and danced around to it a little more than the others as you cooked. 
Baby I’m yours (Baby I’m yours) And I’ll be yours until the stars fall from the sky, You sang as you listened to the song your hips swaying gently and your feet moving along to the music just as they had a few nights ago when he had asked you to move in with him. Yours, until all the rivers run dry in other words until I die, you continued and you began to set the table for when the food would eventually be ready. 
You smiled as you did it as the song brought back the happy memories of dancing with him and then as soon as the song had ended he’d whispered quiet words into your ear “I know I’m not perfect,” He had begun “Heaven knows how I’ve managed to even survive on my own cause I can’t cook anything, nope sorry that’s a distraction.” he had continued and begun to ramble before catching himself for a moment following that he had buried his head in your neck before continuing again. “Look, I know I can be a mess and frankly I don’t want to mess this up but, I have a quick question. Will you maybe, move in with me?” 
Baby I’m yours (Baby I’m yours) And I’ll be yours until the sun no longer shines, yours until the poets run out of rhyme, in other words until the end of time. A new voice sang but you’d recognize it anywhere. He’d sang it to you as you’d danced to it those few nights ago. You didn’t turn though carefully focused on the awaiting eggs. I'm gonna stay right here by your side, Do my best to keep you satisfied Nothin' in the world could drive me away  'Cause every day, you'll hear me say He continued and walked up to you looping his arms around your waist. Baby I’m yours (Baby I’m yours) And I'll be yours until two and two is three, Yours, until the mountains crumble to the sea In other words, until eternity He sang into your ear once again. 
As the song drew to it’s close he removed everything from your hands and spun you around to face him. He placed his hands on your waist and you placed yours around his neck swaying gently with him. You didn’t see him grab your phone from the counter and hit the repeat song button. You didn’t even know he’d done it until the song started over again. You laughed and rested your head against his chest. “The food is going to burn.” You said quietly not entirely sure how you felt about the idea of your food burning. For the most part you were quite content to stay here in his arms and dance like this forever but the rest of you was going to be very upset that all your hard work had gone down the drain.
“That’s ok.’ He said back his words still a little slurred from sleep. “I don’t mind burnt eggs if it means I get to hold you in my arms a little bit longer.” He said and you blushed at his cheesiness. He spun you a little bit and moved you through the kitchen until the song stopped for real. “I love you.” He said smiling down at you and pressing his forehead to yours. You simply smiled up at him and didn’t say it back for a moment. You knew he knew you loved him. “This is the part where you say it back.” He said prodding you a little bit.
“How about, no?” You joked and slipped away from him with a little smirk. He knew you were just playing and decided to spice it up a bit. 
“Fine, then. No, you know what I can’t keep living in this one way relationship.” He said and made a break for it. He ran out over to the window and out and started climbing down the fire escape dressed in his sweats. You shook your head gently towards the wasted breakfast as you shut off the oven and raced after him and down the fire escape but had already managed to lose him. You thanked your lucky stars that you had remembered to grab your phone from the counter and called him. 
“Where are you, you dork?” You asked as soon as he picked up.
“Reliving the good old days when I could at least believe you loved me back.” He said continuing the joke about you not loving him.
“Are you really going to make me hunt you down?” You asked “Can’t I just say it over the phone?”
“No, we have to have a super dramatic moment in the park.” He explained and so you hung up with a quick fine and jogged to the park and began your search there for your missing boyfriend. As soon as you spotted him you knew what you had to do.
“Dick! Wait, please just wait! Let me explain!” You called out to him and watched as he dramatically turned to face you like a moment in a 70s film where the lead female turns to look at a new development. 
“I don’t want to hear it! You’ve done enough!” He said staring you down as you walked towards him. By now, you were sure that at least half of the attendants of the Bludhaven park were watching your little scene. 
“Please, just let me explain and then you can walk out of my life forever. Listen please just for a few moments and then you can never have anything to do with me again.” You said now standing in front of him. 
“Fine, explain yourself, even though there isn’t much to explain. The message is already clear, you never loved me. You couldn’t even say those three little words.” He said in mock outrage.
“If I could fix everything by just saying those three words I would, but even they aren’t enough any more. You’d think I was lying.” You said and he cut you off  with a solemn “you would be.” You shook your head trying to hide the fact that it was getting hard not to laugh at the utter soap opera feel to this.
“I thought you were just gonna listen?” You spoke causing him to stop. “So instead I’ll tell you the real reason I haven’t said them.” You started and paused to add dramatics. “I’m scared, ok, I’m scared that I’ll get too attached and everything will fall apart and I’ll be left alone and heartbroken once again, but I do, by all the things in the world I do love you. I love you with all my heart and soul and it’s terrifying.” You added in a few fake tears and let your head fall to sell the moment. “I love you so much but I’ll understand if you want nothing to do with me now and still want to walk out. At least I’ll understand why you’re shattering my heart, right?” 
“Aw, baby, don’t cry.” He said gently lifting your chin up to look at him. Your eyes met his and you almost wanted to applaud him for the amazing acting he was doing at the moment but suddenly you realized that look in his eyes, that look of love and kindness and gentleness wasn’t an act, it was real. His glittering blue eyes gleamed with the utmost amounts of love, kindness, compassion, and gentleness and it was all for you. He wiped the tears from your cheek and eyes. “You love me and that’s good enough for me.” He said and pulled you into a hug.
“Love is real!” and “Goals!” Was suddenly heard from the background and you both started cracking up a little before another shout came at you as the crowd began to disperse. “Dammit Grayson! I was hoping to just get one day, one solid day without your crazy antics.” 
“Chief! Hey, I didn’t know you’d be here.” Your boyfriend, Dick Grayson, responded to the chief of police at the precinct Dick worked at during the day. “This is my girl/boyfriend (whichever you want it to be), y/n.” 
“Well, y/n you’re certainly something if you’re willing to go along with one of your crazy stories.” The chief said smiling at the two of you. “Hold onto them.” he said quietly with a wink towards Dick.
“I plan to.” Dick said taking your hand and looking down at you with eyes filled with love. Unbeknownst to you it had been the moment just before he lifted your face and stared into your eyes with his full of love and kindness that Dick decided you were right. That you fit him perfectly and that you were more than just his significant other. It was at that moment that you truly became the most important thing to him because you felt absolutely and completely right and he knew that you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. “Come on, let’s go home.” Dick said staring lovingly down at you “It was nice seeing you chief.” He added with a smile and the two of you walked back to your apartment hand in hand. When you got back he paused “I meant what I said back there, about you loving me being enough.” He said suddenly.
“I love you, Dick.” You said pecking him on the lips quickly “Even if you did make a good breakfast go to waste.” 
“Oh, well.” He shrugged. “I love you too.” Then he picked you up bridal style and threw you on the couch and the two of you spent the rest of the day laying there cuddled together watching movies and tv shows and enjoying each others company. 
When night rolled around Dick came up with an excuse unaware that you saw right through it and slipped out of the apartment to go and conduct his nightly business as Nightwing. You acted like you didn’t know but in reality you’d figured it out shortly after you and Dick started dating, you see just after you started dating Dick you began to gain a lot of attention from said vigilante and he acted just like your lovable dork of a boyfriend that you pieced it all together rather quickly. He still doesn’t know you know though. 
You decided to stay up that night and read a book with a cup of your preferred hot beverage music playing in the background and were interrupted a while later by a tap on your window. You looked out of it and smirked a little. You opened and spoke as you did. “You know one of these days my boyfriend will be home when you come over and you’ll have some problems. How’d you even find me again, I just moved in?” 
“A magician never reveals his tricks.” Nightwing said as he sat on your fire escape. “I know what I know, but I highly doubt your boyfriend will ever be around when I am.” 
“And why’s that?” You asked.
“He hasn’t been yet.” Was Nightwing’s only answer as he chuckled to himself as if he knew something you didn’t since he was still believing you to not know it was him behind the mask. “So, how’s the second most attractive person in Bludhaven doing?” 
“Aw, only the second..” you fake whined.
“Well, obviously I’m the first, so...” he answered trailing off. “Hey! Don’t change topics! Answer the question.” 
“Wonderfully, my boyfriend’s great and the first day living here with him was marvelous. So yeah, you still have zero chances of taking me from him.” You answered.
“But I’m way better than your lame boyfriend.” He argued with a little whine.
“Oh, really?” You questioned quirking an eyebrow and still smirking. 
“Yes really. I’m a vigilante and he’s the adoptive son of a billionaire. I think it’s clear to see the right choice.” He added.
“I think I’ll stick with my boyfriend. Now shoo, I want to go to bed” You said “I have a boyfriend to dream about.” A few hours later Dick returned to bed and slid in beside you.
“Goodnight, Dick.” You said as he wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“Goodnight, baby.” He replied. “Sleep well.” Then you slipped off into a deep slumber to the rhythm of his heartbeat and thinking about what a great start this day was and how much you truly loved him. He stayed awake just a bit longer thinking about how much you meant to him and realizing with a start that while he’d been on patrol he hadn’t stopped humming the song you’d been playing when he’d arrived as Nightwing. He came to realize as his eyes slid shut and sleep welcomed him that you had become his heartbeat and that you were more than just his significant other, you were all he needed in life. With that thought in mind he finally drifted into complete sleep perfectly happy with the life he was leading now.
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33whynot77 · 8 years ago
Batboys Headcanons #1.5~Music
A/N So this is the followup to my first post regarding the four male robins of the bat family and music. This one just talks about how music changed for them when they met and as they progressed in their relationship with their significant other. As a followup to this I’ll probably write a one shot for each of the boys that showcases the things in these headcanons and to be honest that’s probably how I’ll do headcanons, start off with just stuff about the boys, then add stuff involving their significant other and end with a one shot x reader. Again, Please keep in mind that these are my own opinions based on the limited knowledge I have of each of these characters. All criticism should be constructive please. I’m still just trying this out and getting used to these characters and such.
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Jason Todd/Red Hood
Jason Todd  had always loved playlists
He had one for everything
He had one for his nightly routine when he wasn’t too tired or drunk and actually had a nightly routine instead of just falling on his bed and passing out, he had one for his morning routine, for driving to work, for bad days, for good days, for working out, for when he was having trouble sleeping, and just about everything else
Then you came along and became his s/o and there was so much he wanted to say to you but he never could
So he made a playlist, he made a playlist of songs that said everything he always wanted to say to you
Now you understand his feelings for music because when it came to music you were exactly like him it was just as important to you as it was to him and that was one of the reasons you loved him
You’d grown up saying the one condition for the man you fell in love with was that he had to love music just as much as you did
You didn’t have a type, you had a belief that music was necessary for survival and that if you were going to love someone they had to love music
So you understood what it meant when you found a new playlist in your music library after returning from patrol having left it behind especially when you read the title of the playlist and it was the nickname he’d given you
You listened to that playlist for the next few days trying to listen to every song and what he was trying to tell you through it
Eventually you made him a playlist too and it started to become your secret language, how you told each other the really important things
You both checked often at the bottom of the playlists you’d made for each other to see if there were any new additions
He was too nervous to actually propose to you so he used the playlist and after you’d listened to the song you had an answer
It made your wedding dance all that more special because you knew that the song was chosen based on what you wanted to say to each other in that moment
You two lived in a world of music and both became less earphone people and more speaker people when around each other
Eventually you both realized your music tastes were rather similar and decided to just get one account for music and combine them both into one
The playlists you’d made for each other became one which changed titles every day or two you named it after him and he’d name it after you and the name change eventually became the signal of when a new song was added and who added it
Sometimes you did both go through hard times and would drown yourselves in music with earphones and the other always knew to just let you do it and then check your listen history to try and figure out what was going on if the other wouldn’t openly share
In the end you kind of just strenghtened his music guilty pleasure because it was yours too and so you two often busted out loudly into songs from musicals that you both loved
When you had kids they started to learn the language of music you two had and it became a sort of family communication method
everyone had a playlist for the other members of the family to talk to and with each other
It made for a lot less yelling and more blasting music at one another
It confused the hell out of the rest of the batfam when ever your family visited and then suddenly music was blasting while one kid glared at another and the other looked guilty or just as mad
His s/o didn’t really change music for him, if anything it became more of a solace for him because now he knew his s/o was always there and understood just as much as the music did and that his s/o understood what he tried to tell them through music
Along the way it also became less about just hearing the music and more about being part of the music
It turned into him and his s/o singing lullabies to one another depending on who couldn’t sleep that night or sometimes taking turns when they both couldn’t sleep
It turned into singing loudly throughout the day whenever they could, wanted to, or even needed to
It turned into piano lessons from youtube and guitar lessons too and then you taught the kids too and sang them to sleep and music became very important in so many different ways that eventually it just became everything
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
His significant other made music important
Sure at first music was just the same for him, just a background until suddenly you weren’t just his s/o
Suddenly you became the most important part of his life and then you moved in with him and that’s when music for him changed
Suddenly he started waking up to music playing and found you in the kitchen making breakfast while dancing to some of your own music because you had more upbeat music and even if you loved this boy you couldn’t just listen to background music and Christmas songs (he had yet to let you in on his fourth category, the music that just feels right)
From then on there was almost always music playing at the apartment and he’d be found humming the most recent song you’d been playing while on patrol
Slowly but surely the section of music that felt right to him expanded and grew and started to include songs that reminded him of you and songs you listened to regularly
He memorized your favorite songs and quickly put them on his phone because now they felt right to him because you felt right to him
You had become the most important thing to him and so everything to do with you felt right especially your music
He finally let you in on his fourth music section one night while you were both at home 
He tried his best to explain it to you and it moved you so much that you had impacted him this much and that you felt right to him
Along with this he also became a headphone person whenever he had to be away from you for a long time and had down time he’d put the earphones in and be reminded of you with almost every song
It was his little special reminder that you were waiting home for him probably playing music right now and maybe even listening to the same song
He could see you dancing around the house cooking for yourself or doing some other random thing or maybe even singing along while reading 
His music guilty pleasure changed too, sure he still loved classical music, but now his guilty pleasure was your favorite songs. In short you became his music guilty pleasure
You became so important to him that everything about you seeped into his daily life and him and that included his music and that meant everything to him and your music brought him the same peace you did whenever he came home and you welcomed him with a bright smile or a hug
Playing music that reminded him of you made him feel so much better whenever he was away because it was like he could take you with him
His s/o changed everything he’d thought about music it became everything to him because you were and are everything to him
It became less background noise and more the soundtrack to his life and the very thing that brought him joy because in music he found you.
When he proposed to you he told you all of this and he had your music playing in the background and that night you became we and your music became our music
It was the soundtrack to your wedding and your children grew up hearing it and loving music because music was the love their parents had for each other
If anyone in the batfam truly understood the way Jason and his s/o and their family interacted with music it was Dick, you, and your family
You, Dick, and your family saw the way Jason and his family worked with music and you guys got it
Sure your family didn’t quite fit the extent to which music was important to their family but you were the closest ones to it
Music wasn’t quite everything to you and your family but it was a lot because you and your children understood just what music now meant to Dick, that it had become less of a background noise and more the thing that reminded him of you and that brought him back when everything seemed to be falling apart
So then your children started playing their music and giving him song suggestions because they knew that to him music was now love because he loved you and you were music
You were the melody to his life but that melody had gotten more complicated with children and they hadn’t quite been represented yet they hadn’t quite made it into the library like you had so they all slowly but surely built up their own playlists in his music library and even though they had always been just as important to him as you were now it was shown in his library and now when he was away you weren’t the only one he was reminded of
Music was important to your family yes but only because you and they knew the significance to Dick
The significance that you felt right and that he was so endlessly in love with you and the infinite love he had for his children and that was what music was to him now just because you played music every morning and pretty much all day because for you it had always just been background music to add to your daily life and in the end it did
It added so much to your life because in the end it was what truly gave you Dick, it was what convinced him that you were right and it was what convinced you that he really truly loved you
It added him and then the kids to your life and so for both you and Dick music was the love you had for each other and for your children and music was brightness and hope and everything good
Tim Drake/Red Robin
For Tim music had just been the only thing he’d have going on in the background when he was busy
You, his s/o, both pulled him from music and pushed him head first into it
You taught him how to watch tv while working so that he could have that much more variety in his life
You liked him to be more spontaneous and to have more variety than what he was used to
but like any normal person would be you were concerned about his sleeping habits and so you introduced him to the world of lullabies
You started forcing him to go to bed at slightly more reasonable times and to do this you used lullabies
They put him right out, if you could get him to lay down in bed with you and you gently sang something to him he would be out like a light and everything was wonderful
Yes it had always been a major part of him and his own individual characteristic that he got barely any sleep and lived off of coffee but that lifestyle isn’t healthy and so in the beginning you only forced him into it every once in a while when it was really bad or he was really close to crashing
You slowly brought him into better sleep habits and after a while he stopped wanting to stay up super late he started wanting to go to bed earlier if only to hear your sweet heavenly voice sing him to sleep
You were his angel and your voice only proved that and so you learned more and more lullabies and soft quiet songs to sing to him some even in other languages
Those were his favorite, he loved the ones in different languages for two reasons
One, they were a sign of how much you cared for him that you cared enough for him to learn even a little bit of a different language just for him
Two, he thought they were really pretty
After a while you also started learning his favorite songs so that you could sing those to him during the day if he needed to calm down a little
You sang to him and it made everything better for him
You both ended up loving going to bed because the night time was so gentle and loving and wonderful for both of you
It was cuddling up in the blankets of your bed his head on your chest as you played with his hair and sang him songs
Sometimes it was you with your head on his chest and him playing with your hair but you were always singing and you two were always together and close so impossibly close in more ways than one and nothing else mattered
Night time was your safe time it was when everything was ok
You waited up for him every night just so you could have those moments and he didn’t stay out or up any later than he had to because he just wanted to be with you and lay with you and listen to you
Music became less of a busywork daytime thing and more of a night time wonderful time full of light and bliss and joy
During the day he watched tv while doing the things he normally had music playing during and he sat with you and then at night laying in bed with you and you singing became the only time he really listened to music now besides the classical music he listened to every now and then during the day and the sappy romance movie soundtracks came in every now and then too
Besides that though night time with you was the only time music every really entered his ears anymore because nothing compared to you nothing was good enough anymore when he had you and that was all he needed
Then you had kids and the night became so much more special because now he could stand in the doorway and listen to you sing the kids to sleep before slipping out to be a vigilante and then he could come back and lay in bed with you and get sung to sleep himself
Music became so much less important to him in the sense that he really didn’t listen to it all that much but it really became so much more important to him because it meant the world to him now to be able to come home and have you there 
He loved your voice and the more he got to hear it the better but it was so special to him that it was almost entirely reserved for the night and when he really needed to calm down
It meant everything to you and him to just lay in bed together and for you to sing because in those moments everything was perfect and wonderful
In those moments everything made sense and everything was so absolutely sure that both of you needed nothing more than just those moments and with the addition of kids there were more of those moments
Sure they were slightly different but they were still there and they still felt just as sure, just as wonderful, just as perfect, and just as crystal clear that this was all right
You were all the music he needed in the end because in the end you were all he needed 
You were and always would be his everything and you are all that matters to him 
Well, you and the kids and so you singing to him and the kids every night is the only music he needs and will ever need
Damian Wayne/Robin
His s/o is the one who figured out why he really started liking music and when it started
His s/o is also the reason he stopped trying to hide the fact that he liked music
When all that crap involving Batman being dead went down Dick was at the manor a lot
That meant music was playing a lot
Dick was also the one out of all the bat brothers that he really spectacularly got along with and had a really close relationship with 
Due to the batman being dead crap where Dick took over as Batman and Damian served as his Robin
His s/o didn’t even know he liked music until going over to the manor one day and asking where Damian was 
From there you figured everything out as you slowly learned about all the brother’s individual music tastes and how they listened to music
When you learned that Dick played music over speakers all the time, especially after he met his own s/o, you managed to piece together why Damian had gained a liking towards music
Sure it could’ve just been exposure but Damian wasn’t one to be won over by seemingly frivolous and unimportant ventures simply because he was exposed to it that kind of idea was like giving a kid a dictionary once or twice and expecting them to suddenly like reading dictionaries
No, you realized that Damian had either subconsciously or even consciously attached meaning and importance to music based on this meaning that had been ascribed to it
In short he connected music back to something that was or had become important to him which then made music important to him
You figured out that he had connected music back to family which, despite what it may have seemed like, was very important to him after finally gaining a real one that acted like a family would
After Dick met his s/o though a new meaning was also tacked onto music, happiness and love
Before Dick turned into more of a headphones person or his s/o was around music was almost always playing so Damian started connecting music back to happiness because Dick was always happy when music was playing
You were also the only one Damian ever really opened up to about everything because of what he’d seen regarding relationships and his older brothers he understood that communication was key in a romantic relationship
So when you confronted him about your findings he took it well, especially since he’s always been logically focused and your findings made logical sense
Using this you were also able to convince him that liking music wasn’t a bad thing and it wasn’t going to change the perception the others had of him in any negative ways 
You let him know it was ok for change to occur in someone’s life and if that change was something as simple as starting to like music that was just fine
Damian started to open up more about music and actually started putting music on his phone after that
He took suggestions from Dick and you only at first until Tim and Jason found out that he was taking suggestions
Jason jumped right on that, he loves music so much that he was just dying to share with the younger boy even if they didn’t always get along
Tim eventually joined in but it took awhile for him to start suggesting songs
Eventually that became a source of a slightly stronger bond between Tim and Damian it was a little bit of common ground that they both shared
You also introduced him to another aspect of music, being part of it
Like sure he probably plays something already, I’ve seen/heard a few things about him playing violin, so yeah if he plays something like that already but personally I think it would still somehow become new to him
Personally for me there’s a huge difference between just being able to play musical instruments and really being part of music and this is the difference that you, his s/o, his beloved, introduced to him
Sure he’d always liked playing music, if he does play an instrument (still a little confused on this someone help), and he’d always thought it was nice but now you’ve shown him this whole new world to it
He’s a very tense little one and to me really being part of music is pouring yourself into music, it doesn’t have to be everything just giving a little bit of yourself to the music that’s enough to make you truly part of it
Walking away from an instrument or stopping and coming away feeling better, different, more relaxed, less tense, changed that’s being part of the music
Adding emotion and expression and really meaning it that’s the world you opened up to him and he dived right in and loved it
In reality that’s how you mostly got him to open up to the idea of liking music and not hiding it or being ashamed of it because it was a change in who he was who he thought he was at least and it was a change in the image he gave off and he suddenly realized music wasn’t just an external thing it was an internal reality and it was so utterly human and feeling and powerful
Once he realized music could honestly change someone he didn’t find it too odd to really like it
He got more and more comfortable and open about music the more he gave himself to it
At first you had just tried talking it over with him but then one day he caught you playing some musical instrument and was absolutely enchanted both by you and the music you were playing because it was so different and wonderful and somehow so you and he’d never realized this personal expression that could be part of music
You taught him how to play an instrument, or another if he already plays, and you taught him all about music and how it could help people 
You also liked using Dick, Tim, and Jason and their significant others as examples especially since some of their signifcant others were part of the music too like how Tim’s sang
Slowly but surely he opened up about music and only because now he attributed one more meaning to music, you
Just like Dick he found you in the music and combined with the other meanings he attributed to it like other people he cared about, love, and happiness he really truly fell into music and everything he played became this reflection of you, everyone he loved, love, happiness, and it was all completely and utterly him
Music became so much more important to him because it became a representation of the way life should be full of people who are important to you, happiness, love, and most of all the person you want to spend your entire life with and never lose. 
Music became this representation of everything that had suddenly become possible when he started living with Bruce and that became more and more accessible with each passing day
You made it so that Damian would either literally play his own music, via instrument, or he would just turn it on on his own and it changed his life
He became this combination of Dick, Jason, and Tim all rolled up into one and so did your family
Your children all learned how to play music in some way and they all learned how to truly be a part of it and they all dived head and heart first into it like Damian had and how you had when you were younger
You watched as your children grew up and used music to get through things and calm down just like you had when you were younger and just as you had watched Damian do
Your children were put to sleep with music and spent their days surrounded by music and eventually to them, you, and Damian life became like music
Even when music wasn’t playing it felt like it was life was music and music was life for your family because that’s what it was for Damian and music had really strengthened your relationship with Damian
He loved you and this life he had with you and everyone else and so he loved music because that’s what music meant to him now
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33whynot77 · 8 years ago
Batboys Headcannons #1~Music
A/N Hey there everyone. This is my new blog and its just gonna be a lot of random things for a lot of fandoms. This first one is for the boys in the Batfam. It’ll probably start off as just Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. As I grow more comfortable with Bruce I might add him and eventually you might end up getting the whole batfam but for now just the four male robins. Also I’ll probably do a follow up to this one of how their music taste/preferences/anything related to music changed with their significant other. Please keep in mind that these are my own opinions based on the limited knowledge I have of each of these characters. I am in no way an omniscient being that knows everything about these boys. I also have never read the comments and only know what I know about these boys from other fanfictions, TV shows, Movies, and the research I’ve done thus far. If you disagree with something you are free to let me know as long as you do it calmly and as long as it’s constructive criticism. I do not want a whole bunch of people yelling about how much of an idiot I am to think this so please refrain from doing so. Politely tell me I’m wrong, keep it to yourself, or just stop reading what I write. Now without further ado let’s begin.
Quick note if you were one of the original people to view this I have changed it a little bit. Sorry, I just kept getting more ideas and changing ideas and crap and so I’ve made a few alterations.
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Dick Grayson/Nightwing
For him music isn’t that important
Sure it’s nice and he’ll listen to it occasionally but it’s not important
To him it’s just background noise
Something that exists and stays in the background to add to the effect of the present
That being said he loves soundtracks
He’s got a whole playlist devoted to soundtracks and most of his music library is the soundtracks to his favorite movies or even soundtracks to movies he hated but grudgingly accepted had great soundtracks
He likes having it give ambience by playing it in the background while he does other things
He’s not a headphones in kind of person but loves to play it from speakers
There’s a bluetooth speaker in every room in his apartment
The music in his library that isn’t soundtracks falls into three other categories Christmas, songs that go well in the background, and the songs that just kind of feel right to him
It’s always hard for him to explain his music taste to others because of those third and fourth categories
Songs and music that just for some reason or another fit with him, connect with him and songs that he feels make good background songs
It’s never anything flash or big with him because it has to be something that fits well in the background or is a soundtrack song
The only songs that ever get big and flashy and controlling are the Christmas songs on occasion
He just isn’t the type of person who really wants to be out there and completely in the spotlight sure he’s not bad at it but he doesn’t enjoy it
He doesn’t like the loud really full of bass clubbing, dance, and hip-hop songs
He goes for more of a subtle and soft pop, indie, and similar songs
However, he does have quite a few songs about chasing after girls or trying to get the girl
he does oddly enough have a soft spot for certain country songs and absolutely despises electronic songs
Classical music though is his guilty pleasure he adores it because it fits into almost all his categories of music taste (with the exception of Christmas most of the time)
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Jason Todd lives for music
His music taste is all over the place and he’s definitely a headphones in kind of person rather than speakers
Music is his escape
It shuts the world out, calms him down
He’s a total music addict 
He loves to get lost in a song let the whole world disappear and find some peace for a moment
Music makes life and existence just that little bit less painful for him becuase you know he’s tormented as hell and needs something he can count on and go to
He doesn’t always have the oppurtunity to plug into music and disappear but the second he has the chance he’s plugging in for as long as he can
The music calms him down and brings him back to the world while also protecting him from the hells and tortures of the world. 
When he can’t go to anyone he goes to music so while his music taste really does seem all over the place it all simplifies down to one or two things
One, it all connects back to him, not in the way Dick connects with music but in a way specific to Jason. For Dick music feels right for Jason it speaks to him and it connects to him and it feels right. 
Jason is really particular in his music in this regard its not at all obvious you’d think he just likes it all but when talking to him about music he hates and finding songs in his music library you’ll see a lot of contradictions. He’ll say things like he hates a certain genre but there’s always a few songs very similar to that genre in his library because those one’s get him
He loves songs with stories so believe it or not he has a lot of country music Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert are some of his favorites because those songs specifically get to him 
Especially songs like Church Bells, Gunpowder and Lead, Two Black Cadillacs and so on because they’re practically everything he stands for a woman gets mistreated and hurt by her husband or boyfriend so she takes it into her own hands and kills him 
He’s all about killing people like the men they talk about
Along with this he’s all for powerful woman vocalists and songs with feminist aspects
Anything out there trying to boost woman morale and spirit is fantastic and artists like Adele are his favorite
Woman artists in general are fantastic but he really loves powerful vocalists like Adele 
Another aspect of his story song list is that if it’s anything about going after girls it’s a no go
He’s hates songs all about chasing girls down for the same reasons he loves feministic songs that boost woman morale
He despises, no hates and loathes, all these songs objectifying women as nothing more than objects of pleasure or things to gain posession of so even if its some of those country songs that eventually turn into like now she’s my wife and we’ve got daughters I’m protecting he hates ‘em.  
Jason really loves songs with stories and so you often find things you wouldn’t expect in his library when you look at him
He loves literature and these songs to him are just musical literature when they’ve got stories so he adores them
Then of course he’s a closet romantic and so he’s got your classic super gushy and mushy and cliche and fluffy love songs but that’s not even his guilty pleasure because he doesn’t care if you go through his music library and find this strange of music it’s right for him so nothing else matters
His music taste seriously ranges from like straight up screamo to the fluffiest disney songs out there and the quick changes from genre to genre when he puts it on shuffle doesn’t even bother him
Not even joking he can go from death metal to like Beauty and the Beast from Beauty and the Beast and keep a straight face becuase damn it he loves this music and no one is going to make him feel bad about it.
Music is the one thing that really is just straight up his and no one can taint for him music gets him and its one of his lifelines so criticism isn’t something he cares about when someone’s going through his library it doesn’t phase him
Music is also his way of silently screaming out and pleading with the world its how he says things without straight up saying them because he often can’t find the right words but music and songs can 
Music is how he tells people about himself when he can’t which is almost always
He’s super closed off and he has every right to be closed off but he really does want someone who will listen to his complaints and the problems he’s going through but none of the people around him really do that so he uses music both to tell them things and to say these things in general even if it’s just his music library that knows.
His music guilty pleasure though is definitely songs from musicals and movie soundtracks because these are the ones that tell the stories the best and he will fight you if you say something bad about musicals or movie soundtracks, especially if he really likes the ones you’re spouting crap about
Tim Drake/Red Robin
He’s the one who’s always got music playing when he’s doing work whether that’s research, detective stuff, or school work
He also listens to it while walking through the halls at school and pretty much all day during school he’s got at least one earbud in unless he’s either not able to or not allowed to
The moment he sits behind a screen or to do some form of work the earphones go in
He however is only an earphones guy when he knows he’ll be sitting down or staying in the same place for a long time or when he can just leave it in his pocket cause earphones and he knows they won’t get caught on things 
The second he knows he’s going to have to move a lot to grab things or something or he’s going lots of places where earphones could get caught on things the earphones are out and he’s using speakers
He just likes having something going on in the background and he prefers music to tv or movies because he doesn’t have to focus on music as much to get it
In this regard he’s a lot like Dick he likes background music
His music taste doesn’t have a whole lot of range but at the same time does because he looks specifically for things that aren’t super distracting but kind of just add a nice atmosphere and so those often jump around to different genres
He listens to a lot of classical music when he’s trying to study for a test even though he’s smart enough that he probably doesn’t really have to study
Listens to more indie and folk songs or just songs on the quieter calmer side of things most of the rest of the time it makes it less distracting and a lot more calming plus he just really likes how they sound
He likes RnB and soul too and really likes jazzy sounding songs or even just straight up jazz
He also likes things that Dick usually likes as background music and music that just subtly adds to the atmosphere and feeling of everything
Any other song tends to have to be acoustic or at least the acoustic mixes of songs
He does find that sometimes he drifts over to songs that also connect with him similar to Dick in a way but less of a feel right and more like how Jason connects to music its not as much him speaking to the world more like speaking to himself
Let’s face it he’s an introvert ok and so he’s a lot into self reflection and he doesn’t want people to listen, he doesn’t want them to hear or pick up on the subtle hints at least not conciously 
Something in his subconcious wants people to pick up on things but he isn’t aware of  this
That’s getting off topic though, music is more of a here’s some things about yourself that you probably already knew but have them anyways
Some artists similar to his music taste or that he straight up enjoys are Christina Perri, Adele, Lana del Rey, Fleurie, Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran, Zella Day, Jason Mraz, Birdy, Charlie Puth, The lumineers, Paradise Fears, Twenty one pilots, and Lenka and then he’s picky about everything else he listens to 
Like sure he listens to some imagine dragons and one republic and such but at that point he gets more picky about what he listens to
The only time he goes for anything other than those options is when he’s working out or training
This is the majority of the speaker time and the only time he listens to more upbeat or on the pop range
He specifically has a playlist for those songs and that’s the only place they exist because he doesn’t want them to be in with the other music he listens to on a regular basis
He finds that his usual music taste doesn’t quite motivate exercise or training
He doesn’t even always play music when exercising or training most of the time music is limited to when he’s doing some form of work
Some days he just kind of needs that extra motivation because he was up way too late the night before
His music guilty pleasure is the movie soundtracks to the really sappy romance movies and really sappy romance songs in general because they’re never too exciting and fit better into his music taste plus it adds to his usual classical music and adds a little variety here and there plus they just sound nice
Damian Wayne/Robin
Damian doesn’t really care for music
During his training as a member of the League of Assassins it was never a thing
To be completely honest he’d heard little to no music until he left the League of Shadows and started to live with Bruce
Living that much of his life without music he didn’t see the use of it
The only music he ever really heard was the certain occasions when Dick was over and playing music on one of the many speakers Alfred left always accessible for Dick and Tim and of course the odd moments when Tim decided he was going to be moving around a lot and needed to play music from the speakers
Damian kind of liked it when the music was playing though but he wouldn’t ever turn it on
Eventually Alfred realized Damian liked it and started putting it on in one of the rooms in the house and sure enough Damian would always pinpoint where it was and could always be found in the room where it was playing
Damian doesn’t really have a specific music taste except for that he really doesn’t like music where someone speaks during any part of it or where it sounds less like music and more like someone speaking quickly or something like that it has to sound like music or he really doesn’t see the point to it
In short he only likes some rapping, hates screamo unless it legitimately sounds like music instead of just screaming and yelling
His guilty pleasure regarding music is just music in general and the only one’s who openly know and do something about it are Dick and Alfred (in Dick’s case leaving little notes of song recommendations that Damian discards and Alfred finds and plays for Damian) Tim and Jason both know but they don’t do or say anything about it
They made an agreement when they watched Alfred walk into a room turn on music and then Damian show up moments later and not leave the room for several hours to not say a word about it because they both agreed it might help the young boy 
They both understood the nature of music and how much it could help someone and they weren’t about to ruin it for the younger boy no matter how much they disliked him
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On another note if anyone wants actual specifics to any of these because you’re confused just ask and I’ll respond with 5-10 songs I listen to regularly that they might listen to and 5-10 songs I don’t really listen to but think they’d like. I've legitimately made playlist and Pandora stations for three of the four boys at this point. This head cannon is taking over my life.
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