[The First Ghost]
13 posts
Last active 2 hours ago
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1stghost · 2 years ago
I son't really know who to send for the munday game from ny main blog, so perhaps 👹 for Reiyuu from @1stghost.
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Primal Fear is ….. I can’t say from those who saw it says it’s what goes bump in the night. The feeling of unending dread from whats….. behind you?
Primal Fear is ground/ghost
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1stghost · 2 years ago
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>> Belated fanart friday for @1stGhost!
I rreally like Reiyuu's concept!! Honestly exploring this idea's rad, can't wait to see more! This was cool to work on, I haven't messed with my pixel brush in a hot moment. Hope you enjoy!
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1stghost · 2 years ago
Aw man, I feel flattered.
Thank you for your kind words! :D
Seriously, I appreciate it.
💌 (I technically have two askblogs with 1stghost but my main one is blueespeon)
Ohhh I know both of them!! I really like 1stghost!! It’s such a good idea! And your art is so nice and clean!! I really dig your lines! 🥺
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1stghost · 2 years ago
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Reiyuu: Sorry, what exactly do you mean by that? I am a ghost type. I just do not take any particular specific ghost forms such as a gengar due to being underdeveloped. You could say I am a "prototype ghost pokemon".
As for your question, I died so long ago that I literally cannot even remember if I was a man or a woman.
(1stghost) Reiyuu @ Destino
[The ghost seems confused] Wha-? What is with the crown? Are you actually the king here or something? Is this a joke or are you serious?
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“At 22 years old, you’d expect your folks to finally give you what you deserve but apparently they think I’m not “responsible” enough. I’m good-looking enough for it. Our kingdom already loves me. What more do I need to do?”
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“Anyways, should probably get you back into the spirit realm, spectre. You know spirits shouldn’t leave the spirit realm without a ghost type to guide them. Unless you’re freshly dead? Ah whatever. I’ll get Felix on it when I see him.”
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1stghost · 2 years ago
If these "shadow beings" are so dangerous, what's protecting YOU from them? I don't suppose you're putting yourself at risk every day on the off chance you find someone lost here, are you?
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[Reiyuu simply gestured]
Reiyuu: I believe you are mistaken. That being said, let me show you something.
[Reiyuu goes to a nearby shadow infected tree]
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[Reiyuu spells out a weird incantation]
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[The tree seems to return back to normal for a brief while before the tree goes back to purple again]
Reiyuu: What you just saw is me using my essence to force the shadow beings lurking inside this tree out, it only works if you have a gift given to you by a legendary capable of doing so.
If you are worried about me being transformed into a shadow pokemon, I am a human soul, this effectively means I am immune to corruption from a shadow being.
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1stghost · 2 years ago
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Reiyuu: I see, I feel quite bad for Klaus, may you someday be able to get to the roots of his problem.
That being said, it is quite nice to meet you, Celeste. My name is Reiyuu, but you can just call me "Ghost". Reiyuu is just a nickname, after all.
(1stghost) Reiyuu @ Celeste
[The ghost suddenly appears from the ground] Did someone here mention something about a ghost? Are you referring to me, perhaps?
That being said, what are those pokeballs for? Should those not be carried by your trainer instead? I suspect you may have a trainer since you carry those, so correct me if I am wrong.
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Cel suddenly paused, and a nervous look began to show on her face. She seemed to go quiet before talking again.
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She quickly looked back to see if Klaus was paying attention or not. Klaus, however, was still anxiously pacing around giving Cel a lecture she clearly wasn't even listening to...
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Klaus finally stopped pacing, instead choosing to sit down and cover his face as a last effort to ignore everything. He was clearly just tired of everything going on around him but still oblivious to Cel's conversation.
"I've honestly never really seen him as a Zoroark, That's how uncommon this is... Sure, I've seen him quickly shift between the different members of his family but never this. Klaus pretends alot but does have his own dedicated Lucario form he uses when he's not one of his family. It's just more often you see he's one of them."
She paused again before sighing.
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"Buuuuut, Anyyywayyy!! I'm actually really happy! Because guess what? This is the first time since everything happened that he's actually cooperated with me!"
"Even if I can tell he's not very happy about it..."
"He didn't look too excited to see me... But he can't stay out here forever on guard duty, he can't keep ignoring us trying to help him."
Ask them a question here!!
-> Cel's Ask Hints have been (sort of) updated
-> Klaus's Asks Hints have been (sort of) updated
-> Klaus, however, seems... very tired.
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1stghost · 2 years ago
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[ @1stghost ]
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1stghost · 2 years ago
You remembered that you were human but not that you were a man or a woman?
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[Reiyuu just sits silently in embarrassment]
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1stghost · 3 years ago
Since Reiyuu's reference is now unlocked, I can send them for asks.
Expect to see a ghost in your inbox. :D
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1stghost · 3 years ago
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Reiyuu's reference
[The first ghost in existence]
Name: Reiyuu
Gender: Non-binary
Species: Ghost
Description: Is the very first ghost type to come into existence, the ancestor of all ghost types currently inhabiting the world. Not much is known about them as not even they themself know much about themself, they only know that they used to be human and that they are the reason why ghost types are around.
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1stghost · 3 years ago
(@ask-blind-eevee) Amber@??? The strange eevee looked around with her void-like eyes, no light shining through them, while most would find this place terrifying, she found it comforting. As she heard the ghosts warnings, she just grinned, this wasn't her first rodeo, "This reminds me of a place I was once trapped in, I really wanted to escape at first but now I miss it, the darkness was truly something to behold! What is your name anyway? Or do you not have one?"
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Reiyuu: I believe you are mistaken, little one. I am aware that the darkness here may be calming to those familiar to it, but what makes it dangerous is that shadow beings lurk in here.
Shadow beings are those that can posses you and turn you into shadow pokemon, they could also consume you and bring you into their world, neither of those things I would want to risk for no reason if I were you. I am here because I needed to come here, otherwise I would have not ventured here as such.
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Reiyuu: My name is of no importance, I mostly could not even remember who I was, I could not even remember if I was a man or a woman before I became a ghost. The only thing I know of for sure is that I am the first ghost type to exist and the fact that I used to be human, I do not remember much of anything else.
A white espeon who helped me called me Reiyuu as a nickname of sorts, if you want to consider that my name, so be it.
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1stghost · 3 years ago
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[You wonder how you got here, a dangerous place called "the Shadow Forests". You see something dark near one of the shadow trees that looks similar to a shadow being from behind. Whatever it was noticed you before you could even panic!]
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[It turns out that it was not a shadow being! It was a ghost pokemon of sorts.]
???: What are you doing here!? This place is dangerous even for ghost pokemon! The shadow beings can posses or consume any pokemon regardless of types! Please leave this place for your own safety!
??? [The First Ghost] is available for asks!
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1stghost · 3 years ago
Welcome to @1stghost! A spinoff of @blueespeon that takes place in the same universe following the adventures of Reiyuu the ghost.
Unlike the main askblog, this is not plot based so anything and everything can happen as long as it does not interfere with the main plot of the main askblog.
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