@daisyannewinchester you win the comment award for this thread 🥇 😂 🥰❤️
You’ve been visited by the Halloween moose. May god have mercy on your soul.
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She posted another update! So here I am to update anyone lfollowing this: periodic table 100 baby challenge #26
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Shaebae simmer posted part 4 & 5 of her decades challenge! So good! I can’t believe what’s happening!
Hey everyone! It’s ShaeBae Simmer here back with part 4 of my decades challenge! MAN! Do I have an update for you guys!!! Crazy stuff happened! Lots of stuff happened!
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First off Peter Junior aged up and Miss Astrid caught his eye.
Miss Astrid is a scandal character in our story. Her parents died when she was very young so she’s been homeless and doing what she needs to do to get by, and because of that she ended up having two children out of wedlock, so she is the scandal spinster of the town basically, but Peter noticed her and didn’t care what his family would say and started courting her, then they got engaged, and then they eloped in the backyard behind their pond.
Luckily his family loves her and her children Brigitta (bri-geet-a) and Anders.
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Here is their engagement (above) and their elopement (below). Engagement was not so private, but as for their elopement he took her out back by the lake, they met up with a preacher that he’s close to that condoned their marriage and exchanged their vows. It was quite beautiful 🥰
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Update on Ruth’s family, her a little New Year’s baby Esther aged up into a toddler, her original outfit was atrocious but I fixed it and now she’s adorable and period Appropriate.
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Unfortunately, as I said in part two, Ruth’s husband Clarence was caught flirting with her sister Patricia’s, then later I caught him flirting with her on the front porch, so I decided to make the story a little interesting and carry-on with it, and they ended up trying for a baby out in the cow barn and she ended up getting pregnant. So one of her kids that she has now is one of his as well, it’s a good thing the kid has blonde hair 😅

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Along with the happy couple, Ethel and Brigitta had their birthday (Brigitta is Astrid’s daughter)
In the midst of all this something sad, happy, and sad happened. It’s been a roller coaster 😅😬
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Well The father of our first generation was on his last day so I had him interact with everybody and have a good day before he passed away… And then his WIFE had to go and plead for his life…. And it worked!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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So they decided to have one more good day together, they flirted so much they went and tried for a baby (because that’s what you have to do when you play this game in the early 20th century, you can’t just woo hoo for funsies) and because I have MCCC, and I have it set so that elders have like a 10% chance to have a child… She got pregnant…
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WITH TRIPLETS NO LESS. And I did not use MCCC to make her pregnant or dictate how many she would have or use a lay line house trait. She conceived two boys and one girl all on her own with her own fertility even though she came into this game as an elder 🤦🏻‍♀️😂🤷🏻‍♀️
And then the Poor old guy finally had his official last day and died in front of the cow barn 🥴😬😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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And dear old mom had her triplets, but she was two days away from her death when she got pregnant so she died before the babies even aged up to toddlers, right in front of them as she was in the middle of trying to breast-feed them all.
On another note…
I have a 100 baby challenge that o started right before this one then added this one to go back and forth with so I wouldn’t get bored…. I haven’t touched my 100 baby challenge in 2 weeks lol this one is just tons of fun
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I started a Decades Challenge if y’all want to keep up with it follow @my-sims4-decades-challenge
Hi everyone it’s ShaeBae Simmer here and I recently started a Decades challenge let’s play! I wanted to have a few updates before I started posting and I still didn’t do everything in the right order, 😅
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So this is the house, we did have to take a loan out for it and I added the 10% since you have to treat it like a bank loan (I still need to read all of the rules so I’m also winging it with a slightly basic knowledge of how things go) but there’s a main house and the second house is supposed to be the matriarch/patriarch house (basically the older peoples beds are in here) and the main house is for everyone else and has the kitchen. It’s off the grid and also has a few chickens and a cow.
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Meet the Tomleson’s top: Mary, Peter; Middle: Ruth, Clearance Faucet (husband to Ruth), Ethel; Bottom: Ethel, Alice, and Peter Jr.
Ruth JUST got married to Clearance and they are a happy couple. Ethel loves her animals, she enjoys waking up every morning to milk the family cow, Elizabeth, and feed the chicks and socialize with all the animals, Alice likes keeping to herself, you can usually find her reading a book or playing with her nieces and nephews from her older sister Patricia(not pictured, will later, I’m a bit all over the place with this challenge) peter junior is kind of the mean brother always picking on and resting his younger and older sisters and nephews. Mary and peter love having the family live with them and hope it stays that way for a long time 💗 (not much to them as I just made them so the kids could have parents)
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This is Ruth Tomleson, she is courting with Clearance Faucet and when they get married they will move into his parents manor (I got invested in her future before I realized I should be playing and getting her brother a wife, I may even keep Ruth in her family home 🤷🏻‍♀️ even though that’s probably not in the rules 😅)
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And here is their first date. It was like 9:30pm when the date ended so I had them go home then go on another date the next day for the proposal ❤️‍🔥 💍 on their first date they got their but here is their engagement moments:
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Bottom three are her schmoozing him before popping the question (technically he’s supposed to propose but I wasn’t playing him so we’ll just pretend 😅) the bottom middle is her professing her undying love for him
That’s it for part one! I’ll do a wedding photos post next which will probably be two different parts
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If you guys like this 100 baby challenge you can follow mine @periodictablesimschallenge for my PT100BC it’s been pretty interesting. Especially the part where she woohoos with 2 guys in 1 evening then gets abducted and finds out the next day she’s pregnant, but whose baby is it?
Wow it’s been a while! I went camping last weekend and then I was trying to be responsible yesterday and I just haven’t gotten around to posting again, and when I’ve gotten on tumblr in the last 2 days I get sucked in just reblogging a bunch of stuff or I just start playing and the screenshots pile up 😬😬😬
Anyways here is party 2 of my Periodic Table 100 baby challenge
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We met this hottie, Chaz, at the city community area (I always forget what it’s called)
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We also met this hunk of burning love, Pacific. So she decided to tackle them both for baby #1
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He likes her pretty quickly, started showing off his muscles
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Harvest fest was pretty soon after starting this so she went out and made a bunch of friends and invited them over. She made a nice Turkey dinner and then the PREGNANT caterer came over and she went into labor while here and kept going out to the garbage bins to breath 😂 then she chilled in my bed before making more harvest fest food. I also just won the lottery before this so I gave her some simoleons for catering and for a baby gift. We ended the night singing about harvest fest outside and said goodnight
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Spice festival was fun but everyone she tried talking to her blogs she either was ignored or she was being rejected by them 😓
Chaz: come get your fresh spicy curry!
Hydee: it’s so good to see you! You wanna come back to my place later 😉
Chaz: Uh… no. I gotta go I’m working
Hydee: …… ok…..
Hydee: *tells interesting story about the spice festival*
Pacific: *while ignoring Hydee* So Mirabelle, there’s a spice festival going on across the street, should we go?
Mirabelle: er… yeah, sounds great, c’mon Hydee
Hydee: 🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️ *internally* I better get laid tonight
(She did not)
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After the craze of harvest fest we took down the decorations and got some sleep before our first day at work. Made some nice breakfast before work and had a pretty good day
Hydee: say ah!
Patient: Aaaah
She went to hang out with Chaz at the chalet garden house in windenburg (his choice not mine) and a random townie froze to death
I may or may not have killed him to get him to stop talking to us… I regretted it instantly but then got to flirt with the Grimm reaper instead (she kissed his corpse looking hands and I nearly barfed lol)
Then Chaz got to his senses and we kissed and made up
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Another day another dollar! After work we got a promotion and invited pacific over for dinner and got some action, later I found out he’s married but in 100 baby challenge who cares lol
Also I think some jerky setting in mccc is on because she gains skill levels wicked fast 😬 she went from level 6 cooking to level 10 after 3 or 4 meals 🤷🏻‍♀️
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We went to a strip club!!! I downloaded one from the gallery when I was working on making a better save file. Anyways we went with Chaz and woohooed in one of the beds there and then after that she went to go to the bathroom and ran into Pacific!! So she woohooed with him as well (apparently risky woohoo isn’t a thing cuz I was trying to do it by chance but that didn’t work…)
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Pacific ended up being one of my patients so I took his temperature, took him to x Ray, then swabbed his mouth 😏😉
Then we invited both Chaz and pacific to our house which was a mistake because Pacific kissed me in front of Chaz and he was hard for offended. It took a bit to get him to try for baby with me after we did that with pacific and then on top of that, I got abducted and I have an mccc setting that makes the chance for females to get pregnant higher
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It’s official we are pregnant who could the baby daddy be? Pacific? Chaz? Or an Alien 👽 😬😬😬 this is fine.
Thanks for coming to the really long update 😅
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All of my blogs as of 8/5/21 and how active I am on them ☺️
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Decided to start my own! Follow the blog from the OG post to get updates. I’m going camping this weekend so I probably won’t put anything new out until Monday or Tuesday. You may get something tomorrow if I have time in between packing but that’s unlikely 😅
I made mama hydrogen (or Hydee for short- got the name idea from someone else) her last name is the last name of the dude who discovered her.
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Meet Lady Hydee Lavoisier 😍 she is hot headed, a genius, and a romantic and her aspiration is serial romantic. I chose hot headed because hydrogen is very combustible so I figured hot headed would suit her :) she is my matriarch for my 100 baby/legacy challenge (still don’t know which one I’ll do)
If anyone sees this and wants to make love interests for her (cc free) go ahead and upload them to the gallery with the tag #periodiclovers21. Make sure you comment on this post saying you’ve done so, that way I know to check the hashtag ☺️
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I like making a variety of outfits so I did 3 outfits per category since I’ll be using her quite a bit for a few different occasions. Top is her every day, middle is formal, bottom is active
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Top big and the two next to it at night time clothes, middle 3 are swim attire, and the last 3 are party clothes
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Top two and left middle are cold weather and the others are her hot weather. (I just realized now that I had the order for these backwards but oh well)
Now color choices are based on the fact that when I looked up colors of hydrogen on article said that red green turquoise and grey/colorless were the more popular colors, grey and colorless being most popular with a sort of turquoise looking color second. And since it’s combustible I have some of her looks with red hair and one outfit fire themed, which is also why she’s hot headed.
That’s all for today, happy simming!
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Part 25 of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: molybdenum and technetium
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This was the most recent one posted last week. I’ll post another update soonish either next time I notice an updated post or next time I check to see if I missed one. You can follow her updates on Facebook in the Facebook group “The Sims 4” under the hashtag “mamahydrogen”
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Part 24 of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: niobium
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Part 23 of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: zirconium & yttrium
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Part 22 of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: Rubidium & Strontium
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Mother’s Day in between update 21.5 of the periodic table 10 baby challenge
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Part 21b of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: Bromine and Krypton and we filled another row in the periodic table portrait wall! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
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Part 21a of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: Bromine and Krypton ⚡️ 🦸🏻‍♂️
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Part 20 of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: Arsenic and Selenium
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Part 19b of the periodic table 100 baby challenge:
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Part 19a of the periodic table 100 baby challenge: Gallium and Germanium and mama hydrogen’s new dog!
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