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started this art about a year ago and planned for it to go with a bigger post about my ideas for angler slimes, but since then a lot of things have changed and will be revised! don't think i'm gonna finish this but it looks nice anyway
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background practice. always liked those pieces where artists would just put lots of details and objects in the rooms they drew and tried for that level of detail here myself. i like how the watercolor and pen go together
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little moonguys doodles i made forever ago but never posted
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did some CD painting with friends and of course i decided to theme mine around Wallsocket by underscores, one of my absolute favorite musical experiences ever. LOVED playing with the CD'S iridescence for that shiny horseshoe effect. the right side is meant to look like those overhead town blueprints which i have never drawn before but i think it looks pretty good. the back is supposed to have like a camo pattern which was a bit less successful but still looks cool
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Here's a comic i made for a fighting-game themed comics tournament featuring my character Tryhard and @asedeiya 's character Rahmad!!!
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my first ever fully digital comic! definitely a different experience than my usual ink-and-take-pictures approach haha. done in about 11 days
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this is a character i made for @mithryl-draws + friends' OCT Smackdown Central, which is fighting game themed!
i knew i wanted to have a bug character for this and when i realized that 八卦掌 had a circle walk thing as an integral part of its structure, the honeybee waggle dance parallels were OBVIOUS to me and it all kind of spiraled out of control from there.
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Some quest art I finished recently for an RP group. Originally planned on finishing this in a month but I uh... was kinda ambitious with the number of things going on and ended up taking 2 haha. didn't exactly come out as I imagined it in my head but i still think it looks nice. featuring characters by @moonlit-mask @hirundine and SEASCARRED!!!
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hangingflies in love // 2023
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more art from the bug positivity art series. with this one i wanted to figure out how to show bugs interacting in a way that could be considered affectionate even by people who aren't experienced with them! referenced a lot of movie scenes where couples have romancy kissing scenes. originally i was gonna do pinkish lighting to fit that but i was pressed for time and went with blue instead which i think ruins the mood a little but i like how it looks with the brown!
other pieces in this series:
paper wasp
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visit from a friend // 2023
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more info below the cut
this is a gouache and ink piece i did for a collection of art pieces exploring how insects could be depicted in a more positive light!
i am a really really big fan of wasps, but wasps are also like. one of the most HATED animals out there (especially yellowjackets). with this painting I wanted to figure out how i could depict a nice scene where a person and a wasp were interacting in a non-confrontational way to go against that expectation of wasps always being aggressive and "out to get you".
to make the wasp the focus of the scene, i made everything else grayscale so that it would pop, and also put it way in the foreground so that the level of detail with both subjects would be similar despite the size difference.
with this piece i also wanted to practice portraiture because i still struggle with that and I took a lot of inspiration and reference material from the way faces are rendered in Arcane! I still struggled a bit but I think it turned out ok.
i picked a german yellowjacket to draw/paint because i'd seen one recently and liked the orangey hue of her abdomen
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artfight attack of @justspillingcoldtea's character felix! he is a vampire so he absorbs red stuff >:))) my favorite detail here is that the blood on his face is black (getting the red sucked out of it) but the bits on his glasses are still red bc they aren't touching him yet
got a bunch of new brushes and had a fun time testing them out for this!! very happy with the lineart on felix (which i used a default brush for haha)
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SICKSOOT // 2024
artfight attack on @pastaanddrakes!! this is of their character, cricket, who is a mech-piloting dragonslayer with an epic fire sword. wanted to experiment with bright and loud colors here and i had a lotta fun with this!!
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artfight attack on @grayocene-art. did the lines on paper with a pen and colored it in digitally. pretty pleased with the layout of this one
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Some quest art I finished recently for an RP group. Originally planned on finishing this in a month but I uh... was kinda ambitious with the number of things going on and ended up taking 2 haha. didn't exactly come out as I imagined it in my head but i still think it looks nice. featuring characters by @moonlit-mask @hirundine and SEASCARRED!!!
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huge project from 2022ish that took over a year to finish!
I was honestly expecting The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe to stay in development hell forever but when it came out I fell in love instantly. the original game was one of the first video games I'd ever heard of/watched a gameplay of online so it felt so so awesome to witness the release of its follow-up and experience it as a player this time!
had to make something to pour out my love for this game and I decided on depicting some of my favorite moments in 3D! never made something like this before so I severely underestimated how long it would take, haha (all of the layers in this were cut out by hand with an x-acto knife).
detail shots below!
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[Image ID: A photo of a traditional illustration. The illustration's subject is a dead hagfish whose coils are draped over a castle made of bright yellow, blue, and red children's building blocks. The hagfish's side is pierced by the tines of a yellow plastic toy sand rake. Blood leaks from the wounds and pools by the hagfish's head, which lies upside-down, mouth open, with two rows of teeth visible on either side of its jaw. A blue-and-yellow watering can is entangled in the upper part of its coils and is dripping blood. The hagfish's skin is colored in shades of orange, pink and grey-blue that are dull compared to the toys it is arranged with. The hagfish and the background elements have been cut out and placed on top of a layer of algae cut out of textured green-grey paper. The entire illustration is on a black background. / end ID]
additional info and rambling below the readmore!
A while ago Felix Colgrave released a short animation called DONKS that I immediately become extremely obsessed with. I loved the use of toys to symbolize pollution and trash, since everyone usually expects trash to look outwardly grimy. Ocean trash especially is usually depicted with "uglier" stuff like six-pack rings and oil spills.
Toys are something I'd only associated with, like, innocence and wholesome, nice things, so I was shocked when I realized the whimsical harmless-looking doodads in DONKS were analogous to trash. Even though toys are supposedly for harmless fun, their mass production and subsequent discarding makes them just as harmful a pollutant as any other garbage.
The strong reaction DONKS got out of me stuck for a while, and I was really inspired and wanted to make something that subverted expectations in a similar way. The theme of a lot of other art I was working on at the time had to do with trying to depict animals popularly considered "gross" in a more sympathetic light, so I figured I would try to turn the tables on cliches by making the protagonist of this painting (the hagfish, usually viewed by people as yucky and disgusting) fall victim to unexpected danger from kids' toys (which are all fun and games until they get lost at sea as debris and become plastic waste).
I tried to pose the hagfish in a way that recalled the kind of heroic tragic death poses that show up in old paintings. The hope was that piece'd make people stop and think about who was the real "monster" here and why.
Overall I'm really happy with how it turned out! I like that the papercutting gives it a kind of 3D effect.
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lil portrait i did awhile ago for a secret santa art exchange! i drew this almost entirely in bed while i had covid
tried something different with the lineless style + symmetry tool and it came out pretty nice
[Image ID: A digitally illustrated portrait of a light blue dragon from the shoulders up. The dragon is facing the viewer head-on. She has grey splotches all over her body and a mane of grey spikes sprouting from her neck. A glowing white scar zigzags up from her right shoulder, across her neck and around her right eye, which is also white and glows brightly. A jaggedly scribbled snowflake and an array of blue-gray dark stripes make up the background. / End ID]
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They/them. Token human character. Approximate English pronunciation of their name is "john-PUNG".
Their basic lore in the slimeguy storyline: 
After the main events of the first Slime Rancher, Beatrix decides it's time to move on from the ranch. Motivated partially by a mysterious letter, mostly by wanderlust, she plans to go explore Rainbow Archipelago. Before she leaves, she decides to pass on her old ranch to someone new like Hobson did, and she decides on hosting a raffle so plenty of people can have an opportunity to enter for a chance to buy the property and ticket to The Range. Of course, she doesn't really want someone who isn't passionate to nab the property, so she does have people send in applications (typed out and/or recorded in video messages) to determine who is eligible.
Zhanpeng wins. They say a lot of sappy and cheesy things in the application, but the main thing on their mind is making money. Due to the dangers of ranching on the Range, companies like 7Zee jump at the chance to get fresh meat on the planet, and this is a perfect opportunity to get their name on the list.
They quickly find out that ranching is a LOT harder than expected. Zhanpeng kind of went into getting off-world with the mentality that snagging the property would be the hardest part; once all the paperwork was done and they got there, they'd be able to figure all of the actual ranching logistics out on the way. Easy. Their cockiness ended up backfiring on them, though; Zhanpeng had zero experience in farming, and despite aiming for a career in the production of animal—er… slime—products, they knew jack shit about nature and biology. Due to being a horrible gardener and chicken farmer (all their chickens eventually escaped), they couldn't really even begin to ranch slimes. 
Staunchly refusing to give up, they'd instead just go out and explore the planet every day, picking up plants and chickens along the way to feed any slimes they came across. This work was waaay more grueling and inefficient than they'd expected. Zhanpeng quickly found out that slimes aren't the cuddly critters they were made out to be on TV; many of them were extremely dangerous, and very, very, hungry. Aw, man! They actually had to break out the Slimepedia and do some reading. Apparently you DO have to know your shit before you try to do anything. It was a bit of a reality check for them.
After a couple of kinda terrifying days of free-for-all, Zhanpeng suddenly got a call on the Range Exchange machine on the ranch. Honestly, they didn't really know who they were expecting, but it definitely wasn't MOCHI MILES, CEO of only the MOST successful interstellar tech company in the galaxy.
Mochi was immediately pretty disappointed upon seeing them. Her entire reason for calling was that Beatrix's ranch had suddenly come online again. In this timeline, Beatrix had disappeared from her ranch to Rainbow Island without much warning, and, during her voyage and first few weeks exploring, she had been too busy to contact her other rancher friends. Mochi, being Mochi, was concerned about her crush business partner and wanted to know what happened to her. Since Zhanpeng was currently her only link to Beatrix, she decided it'd be a good idea to keep them in her back pocket if Beatrix ever contacted Zhanpeng again.
Mochi offered them a job—the same one she'd offered Beatrix not so long ago, mostly because it was very mundane, very easily, and had no chance of putting her empire at risk—feeding quicksilver slimes.
Zhanpeng eagerly accepted, relieved to finally have a predictable source of income (and also somewhat afraid that she would smite them if they said no). Running around with quicksilver slimes gave them a chance to get a little knowledge about slime behavior through osmosis, and occasionally Mochi would exasperatedly point them toward ranching resources if they seemed to be having too much trouble on their exploration adventures (they got—and still do get—injured quite a lot). 
Some time passed—during which Zhanpeng finally brought slimes to their ranch, though not in any way they expected—before Mochi suddenly received intel on where Beatrix might be: a new, undiscovered archipelago of islands on the Far, Far Range. Unable to up-and-leave her business, Mochi (toooootally legally) sent Zhanpeng to the island, with a boat and the tools for a makeshift ranch setup, with the ultimatum that she would fire them if they said no.
Currently, they are exploring Rainbow Archipelago with their slime pals, trying very hard not to lose their job.
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