05-lives · 4 years
haters will see you and not wish you a happy penis friday
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05-lives · 4 years
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05-lives · 4 years
“I do know of one preacher who…suggested that the Christian way was one among many ways to God (a wave and not the ocean), because afterward a man came up to her and said, ‘If God isn’t partial to Christianity, what am I doing here?’
…As natural as it may be to want to play on the winning team, the wish to secure divine favoritism strikes me as the worst possible reason to practice any religion. If the man who asked that question could not think of a dozen better reasons to be a Christian than that, then what, indeed, was he doing there?
An old story is told about Rabia of Basra, an eighth-century Sufi mystic who was seen running through the streets of her city one day carrying a torch in one hand and a bucket of water in the other. When someone asked her what she was doing, she said she wanted to burn down the rewards of paradise with the torch and put out the fires of hell with the water, because both blocked the way to God. ‘O, Allah,’ Rabia prayed, ‘if I worship You for fear of Hell, burn me in Hell, and if I worship You in hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise. But if I worship You for Your own sake, grudge me not Your everlasting Beauty.’ 
In Christian tradition this comes under the heading of unconditional love, though it is usually understood as the kind of love God exercises toward humans instead of the other way around. Now, thanks to a Muslim mystic from Iraq, I have a new way of understanding what it means to love God unconditionally. Whenever I am tempted to act from fear of divine punishment or hope of divine reward, Rabia leans over from her religion into mine and empties a bucket of water on my head.”
- Barbara Brown Taylor in Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others
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05-lives · 4 years
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288K notes · View notes
05-lives · 4 years
Straight friend groups: *track runner* *swim team girl* *nerdy guy* *the one with glasses* *athletic girl* *kyle*
Queer friend groups: *bisexual ray of sunshine* *spear-wielding lesbian* *gay androgynous spider pervert* *asexual 1920s-themed demon* *pansexual bartender* *one straight baby the group adopts*
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05-lives · 4 years
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175K notes · View notes
05-lives · 4 years
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121K notes · View notes
05-lives · 4 years
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05-lives · 4 years
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1 February 2020
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05-lives · 4 years
Necromancer that doesn’t know they’re a necromancer and thinks they’re just a really good emt
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05-lives · 4 years
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I hate living in Texas.
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05-lives · 4 years
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47K notes · View notes
05-lives · 4 years
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11K notes · View notes
05-lives · 4 years
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Let's have fun here 🤤❤
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05-lives · 4 years
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05-lives · 4 years
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lovers 🥀
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05-lives · 4 years
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