-apollymi- · 7 years
The Wind’s Song
Excerpt: The evening was upon the forest; he sat by the bank of the great lake. The silvery surface held the universe in quiet reverence, the celestial bodies reflected on her skin an infinite vision. Amidst the looking glass to heaven there was not one thing amiss.  He lay serenely soaking in the beauty and stillness, then, out of the darkness broke a falling star. From the heavens it fell, to the icy water it crashed, but not in violence. It was as if the water leapt to greet the silvery light. The glassy expanse undulated outward enveloping the streaking comet, and as it had risen, too then it shrank back its surface aglow with a silvery display. Aghast, his throat seemed to kill a note from freedom. Had it been terror or excitement? For who could say what emotion had just been given birth? Wonder held his heart in a fist as he gazed on. From the invert celestial plane the moon’s light had fled, in its place a void, pure darkness filled it’s form, and from it’s depths rose She.
Patchwork clouds gather overhead, as small gusts of icy wind wined through the forest disturbing the heavy hanging silence. On this night, the silence breaks; this forest full of life in darkness breaks it’s freedom fast and heaves a sigh in freedom filled glee. The forest’s pines rustle in accompaniment to the whistle of the wind. This symphony in nature grows steadily as the moon rises, and with the moon so rise the chorus; melodious howls, followed by soft padded steps, the notes drift restless. They bounce off hill and mountain whispering through foliage till they come to rest in the heartwood where they reside.
Wolves, they are the sole residence in this place; fearsome beasts, so much respected and feared no creature dare disturb their sanctum. The moon hangs high overhead, their goddess of night. Her radiant light shines gently down to caress them with her love and protection. On this night, fortune has been theirs. A prize has been found, fresh flesh; with heart still beating… badum…badum… A strange sound, the beat of this creature’s heart is steady; unlike the usual quarry … it does not fear. Even it’s scent does not have fear’s pungent stench; instead the creature slumbers undisturbed rapped tightly in a strange furless pelt.
Intrigued, Dinanath, leader and protector sniffs at the bundle.
In response to the nose now snuffling at its face, the creature still in slumber suckles at the nearby warmth.
The familiar sensation sends a shock through him, closing his eyes Dinanath’s heart clenches in sorrow for his lost younglings. Taking a breath of crisp air to put aside his pain, Dinanath then looks down at the bundle of flesh before him. Kindred spirits they certainly were in their loss of family. Resolutely he carefully grasps the peculiar pelt in his teeth and proceeds into the night.
Having reached the den, Dinanath lays his bundle in the mouth of the cave and pushes it gently before him down the sloped entrance. Entering behind the creature, he immediately notices the ravenous eyes of his brothers and lays back his ears letting forth a ferocious growl. Staking his claim. Seeing this display the other wolves fall to their backs, tails tucked in surrender. The wolf being satisfied proceeds to sniff the creature, prodding the creature with his nose. This inadvertently tips the creature over, freeing it from the strange pelt and bearing it to his sight. The creature is small and pink with four limbs, and from its scent clearly a female of its species. It had a small light frame, and it looked like no animal he had ever seen before. Though it held a vague resemblance to the two legged creatures, but surely they did not come to the world so small and weak. As he studied the small female, she turned her head and opened her eyes. They shone like the great black she-wolf who lives in the sky. Her eyes were like moonlight shining in the darkness of the cave. She was a prize he had found; one that should have quenched his hunger in her death, but instead she would now become the treasure he would keep. His Anju. (One who lives in the heart.)
Winter Sonata
Panting strongly Anju bounds over the snow and ducks behind a large pine to hide in wait. She can smell his approach, can hear the crunch of pristine snow being crushed beneath large paws. A small exuberant growl tickles her throat in anticipation. Crouching down on her front legs she prepares her ambush. The second she hears a paw step close to her hiding place, she springs forward catching the large black wolf off guard. They crash to the ground, both struggling and rolling neither giving an inch. A deep growl burst from her as she pins the large wolf beneath her, her teeth poised over his throat, the victor. Eyeing the defeated wolf, she looks into his deep black eyes and licks his neck playfully and leaps a few feet away. Panting with a grin and a lolling tongue.
Anju had finally pinned her Dinanath, (protector), she was getting stronger, no longer would she be stalked prey. She was different; she lacked of fur and had a misshapen body. Only her Dinanath had taken her in as an abandoned pup.  He protected her as best he could, though her pale hide was still covered in scars from their unwavering lust for her flesh. Their unbridled passion for such would forever be carved on her body as well as her soul. They did not accept her like Dinanath did, she was not of the pack. Whenever her Dinanath was not there to protect her they would attack her and chase her from the cave, to be lost for sometimes days in the woods…alone. But, her Dinanath would always come for her and for that she lived to make him proud. She didn’t blame the others for their treatment though, she hated her horrid appearance as much as they did, if not more. Though the hate only fueled her determination to be the best hunter, a she-wolf to be respected. She was already the swiftest in the pack, only Maari (Rain), her only playmate, could keep up with her. Every day she would run with Maari. Then learn to hunt and fight from her Dinanath. She dreamed of going hunting. Longed to take down a great elk to bring to her Dinanath, to be not only his heart but his pride.
Anju waits crouching in the snow. Shaking snow from his fur, Dinanath rises. Pads over to her and licks her snout pressing his nose to her ear in praise. Elated, Anju presses her nose behind his ear in kind. In the distance a wolf’s howl sweeps through the trees Dinanath’s ears twitch to catch the sound. He then eyes Anju waiting for her to hear, and to understand the message, walking a few feet and stopping. Then looking back at her pricking up his ears, a sign for her to follow him. So with that, they started back to the den.
When they returned from their play in the forest the other wolves had already begun to prepare to go on the hunt. The sun was sinking and the light was fading, the perfect conditions for a hunt. Maari seeing Anju and Dinanath enter standing up and joining them. His glacier blue eyes holding hers for a heart beat before taking his place at Dinanath’s other side. Anju’s heart beat excitedly, she was going to get to join her first hunt! The rest of the pack filled in behind them as they silently disappeared in the night.
           The wolves spread out looking for fresh scents. Anju took off on her own scenting the ground for a trail that would lead her to her first adventure.
All of a sudden a sound behind her catches her attention, cautious she finds a fallen tree and crouches down beneath in wait. As the soft steps approached she holds back a warning growl. To her relief it is only, Maari, feeling playful she quietly extracts herself from her hiding place. She silently stalks him, careful to keep scent and sound from ruining her fun. He sniffs the ground obviously following her scent and then stops, looking around confused. Her scent trail had ended but she was not there. Just before he turned around to head back she attacked him from behind, knocking him down. Quickly she nips his nose and bolts for the bush to her right.
            Stunned, Maari got up as soon as he regained his footing and gave chase. She was fast, but so was he. Amused at her antics he took off after her.
Maari was one of the few wolves that had found her a good playmate as a pup. She was always full of energy and a playful attitude. Maari was never bored with Anju around. She had the moon in her eyes.
           As Anju flew around the forest she scented water near and was thirsty from her running, so she sought it out. As she came closer to the small stream she picked up a strange scent. It seemed oddly familiar…it resembled hers a little, but for the most part completely foreign. She crept silently forward to investigate this intriguing scent.
She spotted the creature as she slid her head under the brush at the edge of a clearing. As she crouched there she studied the creature, it was a large thing. It was tall with only two legs that it stood on. It had a hide similar to hers in places, pale and furless, though most of it was covered in a very lumpy strange looking hide. Although it was strange, Anju proceeded to stalk it as it skirted around a small lake at the center of the clearing. Though it was large she figured it was edible. It smelled eatable, so she continued circling it, studying it, devising the best attack…
           Just as Maari caught up to Anju he caught the scent of a two-leg. His heart accelerated, he realizing Anju had never seen one, two-legs were rare in their realm. As he reached the edge of the clearing he could see she looked set on taking the two-leg down, unknowing of the danger she was in. Maari watched in horror as she circled the creature, he made his way to her as fast as he could but he was to late…
           Anju saw the two-leg crouch down to drink from the stream and she sprung from the tree line landing on the back of the creature and going for his throat. But the strange hide on his back was too thick, springing away, Anju turned back to the creature just as it turned to face her with a large shiny stick in its hand. The stick made a deafening crack just as Maari burst from the trees. Colliding with Anju throwing them both back into the relative cover of the forest.  
           Marut (Wind) was taking a drink from the stream when a blow struck him from behind. Whirling around with his gun in hand he shot blindly at the animal that attacked him. His breath caught when he saw his attacker just as he pulled the trigger. It was a woman. A beautiful snarling woman hit the ground and just before the bullet struck her, a large silver wolf burst into the clearing and knocked her into the trees.
           Anju was a little dazed between the impact of Maari knocking her down and the ground coming up to meet her. She was having trouble breathing and as her vision cleared she saw that Maari was collapsed on top of her, he was bleeding, it was a shallow wound but it still took a moment to pull himself up and off of her. As he got up he nudged her arm, a silent question. She nuzzled his neck to let him know she was ok, and in thanks for his swift protection. She inspected his wound, and he wined impatiently in response. Apparently he was unconcerned with the wound he was more concerned with getting back to the others.  As she licked his wound to clean it, the creature stepped through the trees in pursuit of them. Seeing as Maari was injured Anju stepped in front of him barring her teeth and growling ferociously at the two-legged creature.
           Repentant and concerned, Marut ran after the woman he had almost killed to make sure she was alright. But as he stepped through the trees, she turned on him. Her hair swirled around her naked body like a dark curtain, her moon lit gaze froze him as she snarled crouching protectively in front of the silver wolf. Seeing her protective stance in front of the injured wolf Marut held his hands up in surrender and spoke in soothing tones, “I’m sorry I injured your wolf but I thought you were an animal trying to kill me. If you would let me I could patch him up for you?” She continued to pin him with her glare and growls rumbling in her throat; His words failing to register on her snarling face.  She didn’t seem to understand him. He tried again using hand gestures and a soft voice, “I am called Marut, I do no intend to hurt you. I just want to help you.” As he spoke he took a small step toward her. She snarled louder and he retreated back a step. She obviously did not understand him. At a loss, he studied her closely. She looked wild, her skin was covered in scars that looked like she had been bitten and clawed countless times. Her hands were calloused and she never changed her position, she stayed crouched on the ground. Could she have grown up out here alone? Surely no woman could survive their childhood in these unforgiving woods. Since he had been still so long her growls began to die down. Her eyes began searching for a way to escape while keeping him in her sight. His heart went out to the wild beauty. He had gone out to hike around the base of the mountain for recreation and in his journey somehow he had found himself a forest nymph. Deciding that the first thing in order was to get her near him. After a moment of thought, Marut smiles to himself reaching inside his pocket and finding some dried meat. He tears it into pieces and throws some within her reach. His sudden movement causes her to flinch back her ears and crouch lower. After a few moments she looks down at the offering and sniffs it, but refuses to eat it. Cautious. Tearing off another piece he takes a bite to show her that it was ok to eat.  Sniffing it again she takes it in her teeth and nibbles at it before eating it. Marut tears off another piece and throws it to her only slightly farther away from her but closer to him. She sniffs and tests it again before eating it. This continued on for sometime until she had come almost close enough to touch. Her silver wolf was still wary though growling not so quietly while watching her get closer to the one who had wounded him. When she got within his reach Marut slowly extends his hand to her. She sniffs it.  His fingers must have smelled like the dried meat because she then timidly licks one of his fingers. His heart jumps in reaction, she then starts sniffing the bag he had set to the side. While she is preoccupied by the bag, he strokes her hair gently. Wincing under his touch she retreats a few steps. She was such a mystery, where did she come from? Why was she out here? How was she surviving? As these thoughts went through his mind he heard a chorus of wolves howling. Her head perked up and she looked to the silver wolf. Gingerly the silver wolf climbs to his feet the wild woman leans against him is support they both disappeared. Was she a part of the pack? Was that even possible? There were so many things he longed to learn from his wood nymph. He may never know all the answers but he reveled at the new mystery he had discovered. He was sure she would haut his dreams until he found her again.
 Dissonant Repose
           The evening was upon the forest; he sat by the bank of the great lake. The silvery surface held the universe in quiet reverence, the celestial bodies reflected on her skin an infinite vision. Amidst the looking glass to heaven there was not one thing amiss.  He lay serenely soaking in the beauty and stillness, then, out of the darkness broke a falling star. From the heavens it fell, to the icy water it crashed, but not in violence. It was as if the water leapt to greet the silvery light. The glassy expanse undulated outward enveloping the streaking comet, and as it had risen, too then it shrank back its surface aglow with a silvery display. Aghast, his throat seemed to kill a note from freedom. Had it been terror or excitement? For who could say what emotion had just been given birth? Wonder held his heart in a fist as he gazed on. From the invert celestial plane the moon’s light had fled, in its place a void, pure darkness filled it’s form, and from it’s depths rose She.
           Marut awoke suddenly, eyes wide, hands braced, and heart tripping through his heaving chest. His eyes though open still held hers, he knew. He had felt those silvery eyes pierce strait through his soul. Her eyes. Marut rolled to his side. His fire had long ago died to mere smoking coals. Wiping cool sweat from his face he shoved his hand through his hair and let loose the breath he’d held trapped. What a strange encounter and what an even stranger dream. Kneeling up Marut took stock of his surroundings. Everything was as usual. He had found a cozy grove of trees butting up against a cliff to make camp. There was no lake, no moon, and certainly no wild she thing to be seen. Shaking his head in mock censure, too much time with nothing but the beauty of nature and his own thoughts as company. Sometimes when he took in the great expanse of a valley or the magnitude of a great mountain range he would find himself taken away by an indescribable feeling. It was like the wonderment inspired by tales told around campfires by wise women, grand, fantastical, and oh so real.  Marut closed his eyes and the icy wind carried to him one such tale, long sense wrapped in childhood’s gauzy memory. Suddenly the woolen wrappings of his mind fell away and he could suddenly smell the fire.
           So, you little ones want to hear how the great lake was born eh? Well as you know, after The Creating the Mother-of-All lay to rest in the heavens. The celestial fabric held her in such comfort she did not stir for generations. Her people would spend years mapping her great mantle, but eventually they would cease to gaze up at the heavens, earthly worries soon cast their eyes down clouding her creation in an impenetrable din. The world with its noise had snuffed out the tales of the Mother-of-All and this was the beginning of The Forgetting. All life was once one and peaceful, but then The Forgetting broke this bond. Understanding was lost, and so, then too the peace between all things fell like snow and melted. Eventually the Keepers, the last of her people with the Knowing, fled to the wild country. They had kept the stories, in the dark months they gathered around the valley to lift up their pleas to the Mother. As their sorrowful voices reached the heavens she stirred and one great eye opened, she turned it on the world below. The discord she found filled her heart with grief. Her creation had fractured and become at odds. From that silvery orb slipped a single tear and from the heavens to the valley below it fell with a glittering tail. Against the earth her mighty sorrow crashed, filling every crevasse with her might.
As the smoke smell faded from his senses Marut ran his hand through his hair again, this time as if he might catch a stray thought before it escaped. There was something important about campfire stories. If only he knew why he felt like he was missing something.
Story By: Liz Long
My first time really sharing any of my writing other than prose or poetry. XD
So if you enjoy please let me know I’m currently debating on if I should keep working on this. <3 
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-apollymi- · 7 years
Insnare Release
Blinded by the light signaling conclusion, a mind is forcibly drug back from the exhilaration of dynamic freedom. 
A familiar awareness slowly settles back around a mind. 
Those places are not here, those events have not been, those feelings are not mine.
A bleak chasm restlessly fixed, where a chest should rest. 
Too soon the mind is again snared, while the heart bereft phantasms weeps and seeps
Insnared so, this body has never felt such depths
To have surfaced one can but gasp greatly and pray to sink
To be not I would to be so free
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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Officially done! 😆🎉
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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Almost done!!! 😆🎉
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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*Update* Almost there will be posting final photos sometime this week!!! 😆🎉
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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The next step is now taking center stage! So, I barely managed to get the mold off the mannequin. 😱 It's probably gonna end up looking a little sub par, but hopefully I will manage to string this next bit together somehow! 😅 Next is sanding, painting, and installing the hand, as well as figuring out how to attach the mask pieces dangling from the fingertips. *fingers crossed*
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-apollymi- · 8 years
I desire
All I’ve ever craved is to be free to feel emotions
To be imperfect 
But then
If the smallest emotion escapes
Or I make a few mistakes
How dare I
I’m a monster they say
How could I act this way
I try
All I’ve ever done is to be free of strong emotions
To be perfect
I fail
I’m scared I’m alone
I guess I’m on my own
I resign
All I’ve ever wanted is to be free
To be
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-apollymi- · 8 years
Friend or Foe?
To believe in me, only after I've achieved, is not belief at all To support me, only to tear me down, never lifts me up when I fall To understand me, only your idea of me, means you never knew me at all...
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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I may be trying a very ambitious piece for a fundraising auction and jury review. Wish me luck!
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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-apollymi- · 8 years
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Making progress finally!!! 😆🎉❤️
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